Is Ron Paul too old to run for president?

He will be 77 in the year 2012.

Consider; Charles de Gaulle was president of France at the age of 79. Some say he was the greatest modern leader in French history.

Ditto for Konrad Adenauer, declared by many to be the greatest chancellor of the German Republic in its modern history. Compare him to Helmut Kohl, for example, who presided over the reunification of Germany and was in the process of a Shakespearian moment, with greatness thrust on him, only to self implode in the midst of a tawdry, greedy scandal. Adenauer served Germany with wisdom and class until the age of 87.

Remember, the last “old” president America had was Ronald Reagan, who left office at 78.

Nor is old age the end of creativity. Michelangelo began his monumental work as architect of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome at age 71. By age 89, the year of his death, he was still at it.

This is a concept of biblical power. Moses first saw the vision of freeing the Israeli slaves at age 80. He finally brought them to the Jordan River at the age of 120.

Well, but you say, shouldn’t Ron Paul be able to enjoy his retirement? Doesn’t his wife, who has been ill, deserve to have some time with him, all to herself? And his children? And grandchildren?

That depends on whether they want to have him dead or alive. If he retires, his lifespan will shrink accordingly. If he has a vision, if he seeks the presidency, he will probably live longer. And what a romance, what an adventure, it would be, both as a couple and as a family.

Age is not the problem. Getting the issues right and having the courage to take a stand is the problem. And Ron Paul has proven to be up to both.

Coming Up: How he could pull it off.

How Ron Paul can win in 2012?

Ron Paul on Israel

Ron Paul Girl

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

60 thoughts on “Is Ron Paul too old to run for president?

  1. Ron Paul’s greatest problem is not his age. It is that he has a whiny style of communicating, speaking as though he knows he is going to lose the argument, not because he is wrong, but because competing forces are more powerful. He needs to team with an upbeat, optimistic personality who shares his main values. My choice would be Huckabee.

  2. “That depends on whether they want to have him dead or alive. If he retires, his lifespan will shrink accordingly. If he has a vision, if he seeks the presidency, he will probably live longer. And what a romance, what an adventure, it would be, both as a couple and as a family.”

    I was going to touch on this in my comment on the last post regarding Paul for president 2012. Great point – we’ve all seen men without vision die soon after retirement. As I did say: a good idea is one that overcomes the individual.

  3. Thanks for these words of encouragement, Doug.

    The question to me is –
    “Do the people of this country deserve a great man like
    Dr. Paul as a leader?”

    Quite frankly, I am not sure. But I am certainly ready and deserving.

  4. Minor correction:
    Adenauer was German chancellor, not president. The latter is purely ceremonial there, so no one knows who they are. This has no impact on Doug’s point, which is correct, just wanted to point this out.

    Davide7, you say:

    “Ron Paul (’s) … he has a whiny style of communicating, speaking as though he knows he is going to lose the argument… He needs to team with an upbeat, optimistic personality”

    Sadly, you are probably right heren with respect to Joe Sixpack and his soccer mom wife. But this only shows up the utter simplicity and lack of substance in our current political affairs for our sedated masses. His substance may not come through his style.
    Whereas our current pres. elect has style, but no substance.
    And what wins?
    Personally, I don’t care how someone says something, so long as they say the right thing. But the sheeple just want it to sound nice and eloquent, who cares what is being said.

    And this is actually where the whole age issue comes in: Ron Paul is not too old on a substantive level, but the sheeple will always perceive it that way, because that is what others TELL them.
    Does this say anything bad about Ron Paul? No, just about the average voter.

    BTW, please DO NOT forget, that there were only TWO candidates in this election that were able to FIRE UP the youth vote (college kids, etc). That was Obama (appealing to well-meaning if misguided “progressives”), and Ron Paul. Only those two were able to effectively raise millions via the internet (not Joe Sixpack’s domain) and from large numbers of small donors.
    And look at the energetic crowds of young people they got on college campuses. In comparison, Clinton, McCain, Romney, Giuliani? Nope.

    So, if the problems you mention of delivery / speaking style, and age are so prohibitive, how come Ron Paul did appeal to voters younger than his own grandkids? When did THAT happen the last time?
    It did happen because that voting block is far more willing to think about the issues, and CAPABLE of understanding their substance. They can differentiate between simply Bushisms such as us/them, good/evil, etc.

    “…who shares his main values. My choice would be Huckabee.”

    Mike Huckabee does NOT share Ron Paul’s views.
    Just look at that silly (yet well delivered and effective) comment he made in the Reagan library debate, “rebutting” RP when it comes to pulling out of Iraq.
    That was for the us vs. them believers.

    He supports this type of interventionism, he merely nuanced his position to appeal a tiny bit to those that may have started to feel uncomfortable.
    Further, Mike Huckabee does not believe in LIMITING government or limited spending.
    His support of the Fair Tax is just shifting the same take from one method to another, that is somehow “fairer”. It does not seek to reduce.
    He does not question our monetary system, or the corrupt Federal Reserve.

    Getting Huckabbe would perhaps be an asset with the crowd that only sees the appearance, but for Ron Paul, it would be a sell out of any principle.

  5. Anything for leaving Israel high and dry in the Mid East amid Islamofascist threats and the Jew hating loser mtabor1 is right there leading the charge!

    C’mon, mtabor1, why not supply more of that info about all the bad stuff that comes out of Israel and about Jews in general?

    How about that whopper about how Israel is the leading manufacturer of the drug ecstacy?

    How about a ZOG conspiracy theory for good measure?

    So do have the courage to admit your race?

  6. Anything for leaving Israel high and dry in the Mid East amid Islamofascist threats and the Jew hating loser mtabor1 is right there leading the charge!

    C’mon, mtabor1, why not supply more of that info about all the bad stuff that comes out of Israel and about Jews in general?

    How about that whopper about how Israel is the leading manufacturer of the drug ecstacy?

    How about a ZOG conspiracy theory for good measure?

    So do you have the courage to admit your racial orientation?

  7. cbsure and mtabor1:

    At least my race doesn’t comprise nearly half of all those jailed for violent crimes in the United States.

    My race doesn’t have one out of every four of our males in jail in America, either.

    So what is Ron Paul going to do about the disgusting amount of crime committed by black males in America?

  8. mtabor1: It could be argued that both Barack Obama and Ron Paul appealed to young voters for the same reason that many young people protested the Vietnam War 40 years ago; namely, young people don’t want war!

    Regarding Huckabee, he does believe in balanced budgets and living within our means. You saw how frugally he ran his own campaign. Huckabee also believes that the terrorists are not just people who have been abused by American imperialism, but people who are determined to destroy capitalism and instate their Muslim theocracy everywhere. Thus, we must maintain our military strength. After Mumbai, who could doubt it? Huckabee has a good appearance and manner, but he is also a man of substance.

  9. Top Ten Lessons of American Politics (…I Learned from Ron Paul…)

    10. To understand Politics one must understand Economics, the study of humans allocating limited resources towards our needs & wants. Only then will we truly understand the intentions of our Founding Fathers. Only then will we fully understand the meaning of Capitalism & Socialism…let alone their pros & cons.

    9. The role Government plays in a Free Market Economy is a ‘limited’ one…to keep an orderly society so business can be conducted fairly…to deter blatant stealing, for example. The key word is ‘limited’ because over-regulation is counter-productive because it retards the growth of business. As we strive to allow business to be fair, we must also allow them to fail. Bankruptcy is Capitalism’s own self-regulating mechanism to purge out bad business ideas & leaders & models. We should take comfort in knowing: for every person that gets fired, someone is waiting to get hired…for every asset forsaken, it will be recycled or replaced. The Economy never stops churning…such is the way of Laissez Faire.

    8. A Government limited by our Constitution intends to keep our taxes to a minimum…which is good for Everyone. Good for entrepreneurs at starting businesses. Good for capitalists aiming for high returns. Good for workers saving to raise families. Good for consumers who want more stuff.

    7. Our money was intended to avoid inflation, the over-supply of currency, via the gold standard. Without the protection of being tied to hard assets, money can literally be printed to meet any budget…which de-values our currency & leads to higher prices in products & services. Politicians prefer this way of spending instead of raising taxes because they receive fewer objections by the People, who end up paying for it anyway.

    6. Budget & National Debts are to be avoided. They are indicators that our Government is not living within our means. For every day these debts are not paid back, the pressure builds to either inflate our money or to raise taxes to make ends meet. Let alone, the interests on these loans accrue adding to the burden.

    5. Our National Debt is Foreign-owned…making us vulnerable (politically or otherwise) to our creditors. This eliminates nearly any leverage we may have against Nations that act as the hand that feeds us. To name a few creditors: China, Japan, & Saudi Arabia.

    4. Our Government was intended to be closer to the People. Some state capitals were even relocated to bring them closer to the People living outside of major cities. In regards to Laws affecting the gamut of Life…abortion, budget, business, education, environment, happiness, health, justice, marriage, morals, population, property, punishment, religion, science, security, sex, taxes…you name it: Debates & Influence was meant to remain at the Local level…Not usurped by the Federal Level.

    3. Our Nation was intended to be Peaceful by Prosperity. A nation that fights with none can trade with All. Our Nation was born NOT to mimic the Greatest Military Powers on Earth…but rather one that is left alone to be a Great Economic Power providing Products & Services for the World.

    2. Our very first President warned us about keeping standing armies. Today, we have over 700 military bases in over 130 countries. Number of foreign bases on American soil: Zero. We cannot expect People of other nations to be complacent about our presence when we TOO would be incited to act against foreign military living within our OWN nation. Blowback, the unintended consequences of our government policies abroad, is a real threat to our National Security.

    1. Our Constitution is a Living document that defines our Republic of Liberty. We were intended to be vigiliant & to defend our Rights because adversarial forces against Liberty will evolve as we evolve. Freedom from Oppression may be the surest path to Happiness & Prosperity but it is certainly not the easiest to maintain. A Campaign of Liberty is a Journey of Knowledge…at best…a War of Attrition…at worst.

  10. Doug,

    Great article. I think Ron could easily run in 2012. I’d also love to see William “BJ” Lawson be taken under Ron’s wing as the next person to carry the torch of Liberty and Freedom for this new revolution.

    I envision BJ Lawson as a new Ron Paul in the making.

  11. “So what is Ron Paul going to do about the disgusting amount of crime committed by black males in America?”

    No need to ask, he has already told us. That “disgusting” amount of crime, which you seem to derive from the in-jail stats you cite, would be halved, by rescinding those statutes which punish victimless conduct. Thus, about half the jail population would be freed by getting rid of many of the drug laws on the books. Ron Paul made that point in the debates.

    And DB, because you love topic-jumping, here is an interesting little quote:

    “Basic education in the social sciences was disrupted in the 1930s when a wave of German, refugee intellectuals came into this country, obtained jobs in (and started to take over) the teaching of the social sciences. Many of their theories were not merely errors of knowledge but deliberate lies. For example, the central theory of Karl Marx was that socialism is progressive (the wave of the future). He must have known that was false because his home town had been communist for over a thousand years and only converted to private property 3 years before he was born. It was these German professors who started grade inflation, giving easy As to attract students to their classes. They therefore attracted the laziest, stupidest students and then filled their heads with misinformation. When a university certifies that one of these students has knowledge in history, psychology or economics, they are defrauding the public, and when your local newspaper hires one of them, it is assisting in this fraud.”

    Mr. Strauss was one of these.

  12. A guy named Dexter Yager wrote, “…what ages you fast is when you’re not accomplishing something” and while “you’ve got breath left in you, live it for all it is. Give it all you’ve got.”

    Ron Paul is as young as he feels guys, and he is the most capable and knowledgeable person we’ve got. I say we need him and we’ll probably need him more than ever 4 years from now. Only time will tell whether Obama will help push us out of this hole or dig us deeper into it.

    We must remember, though, that the future of this country doesn’t depend on one person… we are in charge of our own future. We need to unplug from the idiotic media and masses and educate ourselves on what we want for this country and how to get there! Get specific. And know your history, guys. This is big… it’s so painful to watch our “leaders” manipulate people into the same messes that were foreseen by our founding fathers that will surely bring our Republic to an end. We CAN’T let that happen!!! Take a stand for something. What is more important than our future and that of our children??

  13. davide7:
    “It could be argued that both Barack Obama and Ron Paul appealed to young voters for the same reason that many young people protested the Vietnam War 40 years ago; namely, young people don’t want war!”

    That is probably correct, but at least for both supporting blocks, I doubt it was the only issue.
    Let’s hope that I am right, when I said they were more willing and capable to think about this and to really pay attention.

    Then, WHEN (not if)Obama will turn out to be the great disappointment of the anti-war movement, by not really backing out of Iraq, and escalating in Afghanistan, hopefully at least some of his supporters will leave for others to support. Could only be good for RP.
    You need to be right also, that this is indeed a major issue for these young voters.

    Or, if they stick by Obama, despite his failure to convert this anti-war agenda, it will reveal them just as bankrupt and incapable as everyone else.

    Makes one wonder why that perennial hot-bed of anti-war people, San Francisco, supported Nancy Pelosi to the tune of 72%. She hardly supports their thing.

  14. “That “disgusting” amount of crime, which you seem to derive from the in-jail stats you cite, would be halved, by rescinding those statutes which punish victimless conduct. Thus, about half the jail population would be freed by getting rid of many of the drug laws on the books. Ron Paul made that point in the debates.”

    This proves that you people are not conservatives and neither is Ron Paul.

    Real conservatives despise street crime and street criminals.

    Real conservatives are all about conservative social values that reflect a pre-1960s morality.

    Prior to the 1960s, decent society didn’t tolerate freaks and anyone outside the majority mainstream of conduct. The majority mainstream dressed and acted conservatively, kept to themselves, didn’t draw attention to themselves, and despised anyone different that didn’t fit the conservative mold.

    That’s why I grew up around people that despised hippies and other counterculture freaks.

    For those of you that think it’s OK for others to use illegal drugs, i can only hope one of your loved ones becomes a user and an abuser for life, ruining their lives and yours in the process.

    For you jerks who don’t want a death penalty, I can only hope that one or even some of your loved ones are brutally victimized by some serial criminal from the ‘hood who should have been fried when the justice system had the chance. That’s right, some crack addict named Tarquon or Raheem or Malik attacks some loved one of yours just to get a few bucks for another fix.

    That’s exactly how I feel about you people who are too cowardly to get tough with street criminals who clog our criminal justice system.

    I say execute them all. They deserve it, the scum.

    Being a cheap assed have-not loser with populist ideals is not being a conservative.

  15. Real conservatives also ask: why aren’t there more cops on the street busting the heads of Tarquon, Rameel, and Sharone??

    Why aren’t we spending more on military strength? Why aren’t we able to kill more muslim vermin?

    Real conservatives ask why the rest of you are too cowardly to want to fight those who have pledged to kill us and our closest allies?

    But as long as they target israelis, you neo-Nazis in the Ron Paul movement don’t care, do you?

    The problem with you people is that you aren’t nationalists first. You aren’t because you’re too cowardly, just like that wimpy Texas doctor who you hold up as your lord and savior.

  16. Dear DB,

    Real Conservatives want to be left alone & will in return respect other People’s Privacy. Real Conservatives want matters to be done by their own hands & will accept the responsibility of their consequences. Real Conservatives will teach when others are willing to learn. Volunteer when charity calls. Protect when danger is near. When something needs to be done, a Real conservative figures out how to do it with the resources that they have.

    Real Socialists are always whining…why aren’t there more cops? Why hasn’t our soldiers killed all the bad guys yet? Why aren’t the authorities working harder to prevent the next 9/11? Socialists love NOT ONLY to look for someone else to do their dirty work…but ALSO to share the wealth by collecting taxes for their despotic wet dreams. No matter how noble the cause, they don’t want to waste time to persuade & always want to force People to comply. & God forbid they are held responsible for their actions…because after all…isn’t there plenty of blame to go around?

    DB, you were a Conservative when you volunteered to enter the military. When you took up arms to defend for what you believed in. You are still a Conservative when you volunteer your OWN wealth to sponsor others to do what you believe is right.

    War, Security, Freedom, Education…you name it…if you are volunteering your time, effort & money to a cause that you believe in…then you are a Conservative. So what’s the difference? Socialists don’t believe in volunteering. They believe in force & complacency.

    DB, our friendly neighborhood Rip Van Wrinkle, where have you been for the past hundred years? America has been going ‘nationalist’ for at least that long. Starting with our Federal Reserve & 16th amendment. & What do we have to show for it. We entered WWI to create the perfect conditions for WWII which laid the foundations for the Cold War. We had as many Economic booms as we do busts & having one Depression just isn’t enough. We have the Mightest Military in all of History & still we can’t seem to put to rest a few terrorists…just like the British Empire before us trying to stamp out the American ‘terrorists’ way back when.

    Real Conservatives are finally speaking up now…it appears they took up the mantra of being ‘left alone’ a little too literal. & Now they have to pay the Piper…by being Politically active…once more.

    Now we are suffering from a huge national debt. Our dollar economy could very well collapse. Martial Law is in the air.

    & You, DB…are afraid of a few hippies? afraid of a few sex offenders? a few terrorists?
    Whatever happened to the days when you had the body & mind of a Real Conservative. Because this senile game you oh so love to play…’Socialism is the New Conservatism’…

    It’s getting as Old as you are…


  17. cbsure:

    I obviously define nationalism differently, which I connect to imperialism, of which I have no problem with.

    In this world, it’s conquer or be conquered, kill or be killed, and march or die.

    You have to choose which side to align with. You and your pals here have obviously chosen the path to a cowardly submission and eventual death.

    The founding fathers of America were like a lot of college professors I know of … very highly educated but absolutely no idea how to embrace and accept life on its most brutal terms where self-interest, self-preservation, and survival are the only truly important motivations.

    There’s a reason why Machiavelli’s picture figures prominently on my blog. He knew the score in life and what was important.

  18. “Real Conservatives want to be left alone & will in return respect other People’s Privacy.”

    Stop confusing conservatism with Losertarianism. Losertarians love illegal drug usage and criminals that deserve to die. Real conservatives despise illegal drug usage and criminals who deserve the death penalty.

    Losertarians place their interpretations of an outdated contract over maintaining order and discipline among the populace.

  19. Dear DB,

    Ah…Good ol’ Machiavelli (1469 – 1527)… TANTO NOMINI NULLUM PAR ELOGIUM.

    Speaking of ‘outdated’…why am I not surprised you admire someone that predates the Constitution (1787)? Still…I wonder…did you know that your Renaissance hero was part of the intellectual landscape that lead to the birth of this nation?

    Indeed Machiavelli deserves another look…especially when People discover he is the author of NOT ONLY the ‘Prince’ but also of the ‘Discourses on Livy’…where he discusses the benefits of a Republic over say…Monarchy. However, it should be noted that a ‘Republic’ under Machiavelli is different from the American Republic eventually created. That difference is subtle but the difference is REAL.

    Before the birth of America, Politics was Power over People…via Military, Wealth, Erudition, Religion, & Possession of Land. Slavery was accepted as a status of Life. Women belonged at home. & If your daddy’s a blacksmith then so shall you be. There were exceptions to be sure…BUT only after the American Revolution (1776 – present) did the World turn upside-down! The exceptions became the NORM! People no longer Puppets!

    The DIFFERENCE: We are ‘created Equal’!

    For the first time in history, a free market of minds was unleashed to create a Government for the People! Any citizen with a will, like farmer William Findley, can stand up to Representives. Slavery went from ‘acceptable’ to ‘controversial’ to finally ‘immoral’. Woman gained Suffrage. & Power was understood as remaining with the People…Politicians merely Representing our out-spoken interests…instead of telling us how to live.

    DO NOT BLINK: It is a subtle difference indeed! We are as fragile as We are Strong. The only thing keeping this nation a Revolutionary Republic is the very will of the People to remain Free!

    & You DB, associate Liberty with Death? You should take a closer look at the last 100 years…for America has been going ‘Imperial’ since Woodrow Wilson…forcing Democracy around the world…telling People how to live…just the way you like it: Income Tax, Federal Reserve, WWI, Prohibition, Great Depression, New Deal, WWII, Cold War, Berlin Blockade, Israel, Korea, Cuban Crisis, Vietnam, Energy Crisis, Afghanistan, Hostage Crisis, Iran Contra, Gulf War, 9/11, Afghanistan again, Iraq War…& now a 2nd Depression?

    America has proven it can be just like Europe of yesterday…war is rampant & economy in shambles…for everyday we diverge from the intentions of our Constitution…Bill of Rights & all. History has shown that a Republic can be either short-lived (Republic of Florence, 1509 – 1512) or end up as an Empire (Republic of Rome). Even England dabbled with Republicanism (Commonwealth, 1649 – 1660).

    May America…with Liberty…prove otherwise.

  20. “The DIFFERENCE: We are ‘created Equal’!”

    In the mind of an idealist, sure, but in the mind of a realist, it’s a farce.

    The world is all about self-preservation. That’s what Machiavelli was all about.

    People weren’t “created” like objects in a factory or a lab. There are superior people, cultures, beliefs, philosophies, etc, just as there are inferior people, cultures, beliefs, philosophies, etc.

    That’s fact as well. The faster you accept that, the easier your life will be

    Personally, imperialism and spreading the superior American way is part of what makes this country great. It’s better than letting totalitarianism spread and created problems for us and the people it victimizes.

    The intelligentsia has to to tell the knuckle draggers like you how to live, because you don’t have the intellectual capital to lead. People like me are “haves.” My familoy lost a seven figure fund weeks ago and I’m not worried about it.

    Money comes and goes … that’s how a real “have” thinks.

    You’re a whining have-not with access to the internet to whine to the world how terrible it is because it doesn’t abide by your ridiculous Losertarian tenets. it’s not going to be the perfect world you envision, so stop with your infantile idealism. It’s embarrassing that Americans can be so pathetic.

    And I’m here to keep grinding your pathetic hide back into the dirt where you belong.

    Your neediness offends me. You’re not self-reliant at all.

  21. Dear DB,

    Let me get this straight…you want to spread Imperialism by telling ‘knuckle draggers’ how to Live…so We can annihilate Totalitarianism…a form of Government that tells people how to Live?!

    & You must ‘have’ the intellectual capital…& to prove it your show off your portfolio…with a seven-figure LOSS?!

    LOL! You’re as hilarious as South Park!

    I’m mean seriously…a Jew pretending to be Hitler! That’s Hilarious!

    Don’t ever stop being you! Thanks for the laughs my friend!

    I HART U DB!

  22. Kid, my family has made and lost more money than you could ever imagine in that measly middle class existence you lead.

    if you want to talk about capital losses, ask your hero Doug Wead about what’s that’s like.

    Guess what, ALL investors have lost in the last months, even Warren Buffett and George Soros. Donald Trump can’t make his mortgage payment this month

    It’s just part of the game, kid, a game you’ll never fathom.

    “Let me get this straight…you want to spread Imperialism by telling ‘knuckle draggers’ how to Live…so We can annihilate Totalitarianism…a form of Government that tells people how to Live?!”

    Governments still have to rule. It’s the only way to keep rabble like you in line. A democratic free market system is superior to anything anyone else can rule by. It’s designed to allow the best and brightest to prosper and become wealthy. It allows enough freedom to not feel oppressed. I can come and go as I please most anywhere in the world if I so choose.

    What else do I need?

    The rest of you can go screw yourselves if you can’t figure out how to achieve wealth.

    Life is just a game. Some are winners, some are losers.

    You have to decide what you are going to be. I judge a winner by the size of his investment portfolio and bank account.

    How do YOU judge a winner? Some poor schmuck holding on to his “principles”?

    What are “principles” going for on the open market these days? How much can you trade on THAT equity?

    Zilch, pal.

    The joke’s on people like you. Go watch your silly brain dead TV shows like South Park that appeal to the lowest common denominator. That’s the level of existence that suits you best, I’m most sure.

  23. “You have to decide what you are going to be. I judge a winner by the size of his investment portfolio and bank account.”

    An exception to this rule would be someone who had to resort to criminal activity to accumulate their wealth, such as a con man or a televangelist.

    Hmmm … is there any difference?


    Dear DB,

    If you lived as long as you have & don’t see a difference…heh…what a waste of a Life.

    The difference lies in Principles. & Principles are just like any asset. You can ‘get’ them yourself…in which case they are as costly as your means of achieving them. So how much did it take you to learn that our Economic system is on the verge of a Recession? A 7-figure loss & plus the cost of labor? According to the Law…of fair & square…that qualifies as you…as a Loser! CONGRATULATIONS!

    But if that’s only a fraction of your total ‘worth’ then you’re just ‘conning’ yourself if you think you’re still a ‘winner’…you’re just Lucky that it didn’t take you down.

    Well, Lucky for me I don’t have such a hole on my portfolio. Because I’ve been listening to the Free Marketeers…like Peter Schiff. Whose been warning about such an American Crisis since 2007…if not earlier.

    So TOO did Warren Buffet a year earlier (Jan 2006): “The U.S. trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to political turmoil…Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them.” Even though his Berkshire Hathaway is showing losses now…I’m not sure we can say the same about his OWN personal money. I hear he’s been on a shopping-frenzy with US companies! That’s not my strategy…but I’m sure Warren knows what he’s doing.

    Because they understand Principles…of Economics. Without these Principles…People are just investing like they would in a Casino. You can win big for sure…but the odds were always against you.

    So why am I bothering to speak up? Because I think Government should keep the sore Losers in line! This is suppose to be a Free Market Economy. You took a chance…with ‘Blue Chips’ & all…& you blew it. Now get up & try again.

    & You, DB. At first you sound like a Real Conservative by accepting your lumps…but then you turn around to make all these excuses why it’s okay to be Socialist at a time like this…your voice, & W’s voice, & McCains’s voice were in tune with the Democrats…& you’re wondering why Republicans lost? People become Socialist out of ‘fear’…because they don’t know what hit them. So get back in Line! This is America…you’re Free to succeed or fail by your Principles!

    ‘Money comes & goes’…That’s a motto of a Loser!

    ‘There’s a bull market somewhere’…ah…the sound of Money! Ka-ching!

    Don’t believe me? I learned a few Principles by picking up ‘Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse’ by Peter Schiff…published…Feb 2007…

    It cost me a little over $25 bucks…to qualify for the ‘free’ shipping at Amazon.

    Nothing is for ‘Free’ in this World…including Principles…because even your Time…will cost you Money.

  25. As for the “Ludwig Mises Institute” and Peter Schiff, anyone that preaches the cowardly Losertarian line you lap right up like a bag of greasy fast food, right?

    A moron like you just lined some huckster’s pocket with $25 more. Schiff doesn’t know any more than anyone else. So he wrote a book, who the hell cares?

    Obviously, you don’t gamble or have never taken any real risks in your life, have you?

    A middle class schmuck like you living paycheck to paycheck wouldn’t know of how to live the kind of life where you invest and let the chips fall where they may. The safe and conservative way is not the path to wealth.

    You have become a useful idiot, kid. How does it feel to have no mind of your own that only spits out pre-rehearsed responses?

  26. And the most laughable aspect of your schtick is that you would actually post a link for Schiff’s book where no prospect of profit from such an endorsement would be forthcoming.

    Hmm, for a Losertarian, you certainly aren’t too familiar with Ayn Rand, are you?

    Work for no compensation? Hmm, what would Ayn Rand think about that?

  27. Dear DB,

    Anyone that appreciates Ayn Rand is always automatically part of the Collective! So, Welcome aboard, DB! We shall knight you: the 7-digit Losertarian…7DL for short.

    Though admittedly, I don’t particularly worry about what she would think of me…seems like a waste of time…considering that she’s dead. RIP Ms Rand.

    But I wouldn’t hesitate to think she might be laughing with me…considering that I’m hoping my ‘non-profit’ endorsements…will bring AMZN on the Nasdaq a little higher…

    Here’s to you Rand! & God Bless you.

    Love to stay & clown around with you, my fellow 7-digit Losertarian, but We got some Real Work to do…like saving the World!

    Hasta luego, Amigo! Vaya con Dios!

  28. I do fear that time may be against us. But I do hope for the sake of our nation that he does make it to the next election. We have a lot of work to do to get the word out. I wish I could afford to help campaign for him myself.

  29. Obviously you weren’t swift enough to learn this valuable lesson:

    The lumpen proletariat, of which you are a part, doesn’t want to elect old white guys to the White House any longer, especially when a much younger and more vigorous alternative exists.

    It’s a stupid way to think but that’s the reality of the situation.

    Now amount of caterwauling by a freak fringe of hillbillies and rednecks is going to change that.

  30. Welll, I agree, age is not the issue now. Joe Paterno does better than 99 percent of the coaches his junior. Come to think of it. Old Joe ought to run for president.

  31. cbsure, I have alot of respect for you (from C4L). I’m Tim D.

    Having said that, why do you even try with David Black? He’s obviously here, not to be assertive and productive, but to be aggressive and destructive.

    The moderator has my vote to permanently remove him. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yes, but many times those opinions are best kept to oneself.

    David Black likes to hang out on Doug Wead’s blog for one purpose – to sour the grapes. If he could contribute instead assaulting by diatribe, then he may have a place here.

    But that’s not his style.

    Thanks, CB, for your intelligent and patient rebuttals.


  32. What a shame, Tim D., that you prefer posting to blogs free of contention and confrontation. Little do you realize (no big surprise there) that I embody the very principles you clam to uphold.

    You claim to be for freedom yet you want someone banned from a blog because you can’t contend with their words.

    It’s akin to the the stupidity of the Ron Paul “08 website that bans posters who don’t toe the line and offer hosannas to their own chosen messiah. The claim to be for freedom but they censor comments and ban posters who bash Ron Paul.

    Does anybody but me see that as hypocritical?

    You people aren’t for freedom at all, otherwise, you’d welcome my comments for open arms. You’d grow a pair and fight back if you believe in something so strongly.

    Doug Wead is probably the only one among you who practices what he preaches.

    I succeed at what I do because I am far more articulate and sharp with my words. I succeed because I can at least string together a series of sentences that don’t seem as if I only made it to the eighth grade. I maintain a blog that isn’t intended to lead a crusade or curry favor with like minded individuals. I am a conservative but I will bash other conservatives. I am a Republican but I will bash other Republicans.

    You and many other Losertarians and paleo-cons who back this silly dolt from Texas need affirmation of your beliefs, so you visit blogs like this and think it’s going to be like a knitting circle.

    Guess what, it’s anything but. Too bad for you. Grow a pair and get your hands dirty. If you think this guy is the messiah then be prepared to fight to promote that conviction.

    It’s just like that idiot “inamericasince1700” talking about a “revolution.” A REAL revolution requires weaponry and violent action.

    You people are so enamored with the “founding fathers,” who talked about revolution but didn’t get their own hands dirty over it, except for one person, and that’s George Washington, who actually put his life on the line.

    I wonder if any of you faux-insurrectionists are willing to put YOUR lives on the line to recapture whatever it is you believe has disappeared from America.

    I seriously doubt it. You’re nothing more than a band of whining have-nots too stupid to prosper with all the opportunities that America has to offer.

    You’re no different from those pathetic water buffaloes who were wading around in the flood water post-Katrina waiting for someone from the government to solve their problems and improve their lives.

    So I don’t mind “hang(ing) out on Doug Wead’s blog” to rub your collective noses in your own filthy muck, just like a master rubs a puppy’s nose in his own excrement to keep him from soiling the same spot repeatedly.

  33. EDIT: They claim to be for freedom but they censor comments and ban posters who bash Ron Paul.

    EDIT: You people aren’t for freedom at all, otherwise, you’d welcome my comments with open arms.

  34. EDIT: What a shame, Tim D., that you prefer posting to blogs free of contention and confrontation. Little do you realize (no big surprise there) that I embody the very principles you claim to uphold.

  35. The website I referred to in the last post was incorrect.

    It’s something called “the Daily Paul.” They censor or delete comments that don’t agree with, even if there is no foul language used.

    So why is their “freedom and liberty” more important than mine?

  36. Why is Moses even mentioned in this factual article? Why not mention Edward’s actual age on Twilight? Its like an article about someone catching a large fish and saying its one of the largest fish in the world, much like the dinosaurs and the whale that swallowed jonah

  37. Ron Paul seems to be in better physical shape than most of the other candidates. He Certainly had the capacity to address a topic in detail in a very short period of time during the debates. As long as he surrounds himself with good people, like Justin Amash, Gary Johnson, Walter Williams, Doug Weed, Judge Andrew Napolatano for Attorney General etc.

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