What Now? Ron Paul’s path to victory

By Doug Wead

Okay, Rick Santorum is out.  What does it mean for the race to the GOP nomination?  And what choices does the Ron Paul campaign now face?
You can help us decide.  Here are some options.  And you don’t have to chose just one.
1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
4.) Stay in the race but don’t antagonize the GOP leadership.
5.) Seek a deal with Romney while it still matters.
6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.
Here are some factors to keep in mind.
The widely reported Associated Press delegate tabulation is way off and this is driving all of the television commentary.  For example, the vaunted New York Times has made no effort at a delegate count of their own, they rely fully on the AP.  
Keep in mind, the AP reported 40 people at a Ron Paul event in Hudsonville, Michigan when photographs showed two thousand.  They reported 1,000 people at an event in Missouri while their own AP photograph of the event, which captured only part of the audience, numbered 2,500.  And they make no effort to correct any of this.
As of today, the Associated Press awards Romney with 12 delegates in Iowa, 12 in Maine, 14 in Nevada, 9 in Colorado and 30 in Washington.  Don’t they wish. They also awarded him only 7 in North Dakota where he came in third place behind Rick Santorum and Ron Paul but captured even more at the ND State Convention than they had reported.  In fact, even today, the AP chart reads exactly the same, even though the numbers are dramatically different.  Journalism is dead.  
By the way, I have this reoccurring nightmare that some of the state conventions will retroactively award Romney their delegates and the media will end up being right, like a broken clock is right twice a day.  Then they will say, “See, what was all the fuss about?  We were right all along.  We were better than right.  We were prescient.”
Nevertheless, campaigns are not in the national media entertainment business.  And we don’t have executives from holding companies telling our executives what to do and passing the instructions down to our on air anchors and pundits.  Holding companies that depend on billions of dollars of interest free loans from that elitist piggy bank, the Federal Reserve.  And unlike the media, we don’t have major companies who advertise with us and who coincidentally benefit from the same corruption by getting low interest loans from the banks who are getting interest free loans for the FED.
In fact, we are in the business of taking on that very cycle of corruption.
So, we still have to deal with facts.  
Without revealing too much, and keeping in mind that this changes weekly, you would be wise to calculate that Mitt Romney has about 106 delegates less than what the national media is now showing.  Santorum, even before dropping out, had about 16 less.  This includes adding delegates that the media incorrectly withheld from Santorum and then subtracting its false calculations.   Now add 98 delegates to Ron Paul.  And you have the real picture of where it stands today.
There is something else.  Many of the delegates who have already been selected to go to Tampa and are pledged to vote for Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are actually Ron Paul activists who were chosen as delegates because they showed up and got elected as such, not because they committed to any of the candidates. We don’t yet have a complete count on any of this but it is substantial.  We are in the process of taking over the GOP at many precinct and country levels.  And that is translating into power at the state conventions where the delegations are chosen.  The GOP establishment is trying to block this by telling their people not to vote for anyone under thirty years of age or anyone who is Hispanic.  But our people are filling those delegate slots.  Even we can’t keep up with the numbers.
This means that the convention floor in Tampa will be loaded with Ron Paul supporters. And it means if Santorum releases his delegates many of them will vote for us because they were never Rick Santorum supporters in the first place.
Don’t underestimate the power of money to influence this process.  And don’t underestimate the power of money to corrupt this process. 
The presidential campaign of former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is $ 4 million in debt.  So far Romney has declined to make a deal. This stalemate is likely to go all the way to convention.  Why should either side back down?
And keep in mind this number. 15%.  Many of the remaining primary states require a candidate to get 15% of the vote before being awarded any of the delegates.  With Santorum out, it is likely that both Gingrich and Paul will qualify for delegates in most, if not all of these remaining states.  Why is that important?  Won’t it take more than 15% to win the nomination?  It is important because it means that Gingrich, without any money, will still be able to drain off a few anti-Romney, anti-Paul delegates that would have stayed home but will now help keep a Romney victory at bay.
Texas is important.  We will get no breaks from the mainstream media.  So Texas will require television advertising of our own.  And that will require money.  Watch the next moneybomb closely.
Oh, by the way.  For those following the drama in St. Charles, Missouri.  We won last night.  We won ALL the delegates.  And the man they had arrested last month was elected the chairman.  They meant it for evil.  God meant it for good.
Okay, let’s see your vote.  I am for making an all out effort to win it all.
You can join the discussion at   http://www.facebook.com/DougWeadOfficial
Mitt Romney at Ford Field
            Ron Paul speaking in Texas last night.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

763 thoughts on “What Now? Ron Paul’s path to victory

      1. Mitt Romney and the GOP “Establishment” GAME THE SYSTEM at North Dakota GOP State Convention. Delegate Fraud Run Amuck!

      2. Romney and the GOP “Establishment” form “Unity Slates” with Gingrich and Santorum Campaigns in Washington State to BLOCK Ron Paul Supporters from becoming Delegates. Delegate Fraud Run Amuck!

      3. Why Did ABC-TV Post Illinois GOP Primary “Vote Count” 24 Hours Early?! The Media is in on the GOP Election Fraud Run Amuck!

      4. Troll (Internet)
        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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        Page semi-protected
        “Do not feed the trolls” and “DNFTT” redirect here. For the Wikipedia essay, see Wikipedia:Deny recognition.
        The “trollface”, first appearing in 2008, is often used to indicate trolling in contemporary internet culture.[1] Modern usage of the word itself dates from 1980s.

        In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: “That was an excellent troll you posted”.

        While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions and harassment outside of an online context. For example, mass media has used troll to describe “a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families.”[5][6]

      5. Doug isn’t reading this blog anymore. He’s moved on. He didn’t listen to you because you spammed the blog. If you want people to listen to you, think out what you would like to say and post it one time, otherwise your input is lost because your spamming diminishes your meaning.

      1. I say stay the course. Dr. Paul is unflappable, committed, and above all, HONEST. These are precious commodities that America is slowly waking up to the fact that we will eventually perish without. His message is resounding more clearly every day. Only God knows what will happen in the next 7 months, and Dr. Paul is the one of a select few I will trust to interpret the mine fields, no matter what the NWO tries to pull to get Obama OR Romney elected.
        A third party run, AT THIS TIME, would be disastrous, and marginalize all the trust and goodwill Dr. Paul has built over the last 6 months of his stellar campaign. If something catastrophic occurs, it could still be a last-ditch option.
        Who knows; as flip-floppy as Mitt Romney is, and as things get uglier and personal attacks against the Romneys from the minions of the Left increase; no matter how much MITT wants to be President, Mrs. Romney might just show him who REALLY wears the pants in their Family, and make him quit.

      2. Take over the GOP and stay in to Tampa. A third party run is assinine at best.

        You cannot win third party with the current fix in place.

        Ron Paul 2012.

        Money bomb on April 15th. Donate as much as you can afford to!

    1. First of all this is far from over. Second of all Ron Paul himself has said that the deck is stacked against third parties. The GOP needs to be changed and reformed into a liberty party, then there would be no need for a third party anymore, and they can all join the GOP again. This makes the liberty message even stronger by uniting us rather then dividing us. Your suggestion is a recipe for failure.

      1. Ron Paul has always said the deck is stacked but he has never ruled out a 3rd Party bid. It’s the only logical course in 2012. How can anyone seriously believe that a neocon will not be the nominee come Tampa in August 2012. Even with a brokered convention, the powers that be will broker, if it’s not Mitt, a Jeb Bush, a Chris Christie or other war mongerers. Sure, Ron Paul will look heroic and we can beat our chests in the heat of August, but come general election debate time, the Liberty movement will be watching from the sidelines. I’m advocating that a Paul/Johnson 3rd party LP ticket will supplant the GoP ticket this year.

      2. Yep! It’s all over! All over for you Neo-Con filthy scum. Oh and BTW, Mr. Hot shot Neo-Con dried up wannaby warrior…..my great uncles were all Academy graduates, one from the Naval Academy at Annapolis was a Rear Admiral, the other a Captain of the Coast Guard activated to command a frigate supporting our troops taking the islands in WWII in the Pacific, all the while when his brother a Lt. Col. of West Point fought on Bataan earlier and was a POW. He clandestinely sent intelligence information back to the US through his POW letters.(All verifiable from Army Intelligence at West Point where his letters are on deposit from a family donation.) He perished on a Japanese POW “hell ship” in Subic Bay, in the Phillipines. He chose to fight rather than take the easy way out with MacArthur despite his rank and position. It was his own freewill.

        My immediate family, my father was a decorated combat veteran who fought at Anzio with the 45th Infantry Division, 180th Regiment, Co. G. He became a POW, was awarded the Bronze Star and CIB, Purple Heart with clusters.

        My brother was a combat veteran in Vietnam, 9th Infantry who also earned the Purple Heart and CIB.

        My mom’s cousin an immigrant from Germany was a Lt. Col of the Green Berets, who served on numerous tours and was one of the most decorated veterans of the conflict.

        Many of my ancestors and their children fought on both sides of the conflict in the Civil War, and despite the slavery issue, neither side, as far as I know EVER supported slavery of any kind. And their letters and statements survive to prove it. My direct ancestor died in the conflict and is buried in Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma and another direct ancestor survived and is buried in Missouri. One was a member of the 49th Missouri Infantry Volunteers and the other from the 14th Kansas Cavalry.

        Another of my ancestors fought with the Kentucky Rifles as far north as Canada, fought at the battle of Thames in Ontario, helped win the battle, became a POW and escaped during the War of 1812.

        Maybe you watched the movie: The Patriot. The arch villian was based on Colonel Ferguson of the Royal Military. My family, exactly eleven of them filled him full of holes on top of King’s Mountain, SC and then they pursued the Royalists all the way to Yorktown.

        And prior to that, one of my ancestor’s was considered to be a martyr in the cause for Liberty during Bacon’s Rebellion. His name is Thomas Hansford. And to this very day, the Hansford family has the tradition of naming their boys in honor of his sacrifice.

        And if you Mr. Weasel so dare as disparge my heritage, you are indeed a vile scoundrel and an enemy of liberty and our American heritage. And may an eternal curse fall upon you and your progeny. And I sincerely mean every word of what I say.

        I value every human being on this planet who loves Liberty, no matter their ethnic heritage. If they desire to be free, as their Creator made them…then I count them as my friend and I will gladly stand by them in their desire to be free.

        Lastly, I desire PEACE and not WAR, but if war is ever to come, I pray that we have a return to a Republic, where good and honest men and women debate that fearsome choice. I pray that my Good, Just and Honorable God leads, directs and humbles our leadership and myself, but once the desire for hostile action is taken, it shall be made with a “Declaration of War” out of a reason of self defense. And then and only then shall I fight with all that I can give….my life and my blood to defend the freedom that my Creator gave me and all of my fellow mankind.

        Now go and peace and choke on your vomit Mr. Weasel….you and your fellow Neo-Con scum I do not count as my Countrymen.

      3. I think you skipped your meds. I was talking about RIP’s campaign being over, he’s too far behind. LOL

        But since YOU brought it up, have you put YOUR butt on the line like your ancestors did? Do you recognize that even though the Confederate side of YOUR family wasn’t fighting for slavery, those in power were? LOL

    2. Keep doing what we are already doing, it is working. Just because msm does not tell the truth, doesn’t mean we have to change our morals. We are the news and we are spreading the truth to everyone, even the sheep are waking up. I even have faith that Tex 2 is waking up. Ron Paul 2012

      1. I agree, it’s working, go for the win! They literally had to “misplace” ballots in Iowa to foil the Wead plan. We didn’t enjoy front runner status, but we’re learning how deep the rabbit hole goes. If the great maker wants us to see the truth, it does shock! The media is a putrid corpse! The Republican leadership is deep in a hole, and digging fervently! Accept votes from no one under 30! As for tex2, methinks he snipes too much. Where have I seen this before? On the road to Damascus!

    3. THANKS for asking! ONLY from the Paul campaign!

      1-4 for sure.

      3rd party could be a hornets nest. Sure. I’ll still vote for him. Numbers indicate an Obama victory, though. As we continue the downward spiral towards economic collapse, the GOP will blame Obama/Ron Paul. In their ignorance to the scope of the problem(both sides), they actually believe Romney and the status quo are the answer. At that point? If Rand is indeed a chip off the ole block(or someone else)? When we need them most, they’ll be the villains…

      #5. Every zombie I know realizes that RP should, at least, have a huge role in the treasury, and have a leading voice in fiscal policy. That makes the GOP base happier with Robama, but not us. A deal would require massive concessions from Romney.

      Interested in the other realistic 3rd party opinions. Convince me otherwise. I’ll still bring every RP supporter I know to THAT convention, because a show of force is in order.

      1. This Paul running third party ensures Obama’s election is nonsense. Did Paul run in 2008 when McCain was crushed? The GOP should stop running such weak candidates. Romney won’t win no matter what Paul does.

    4. I say 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
      2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
      3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney. and
      6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

      If you can get the nomination, do what it takes. If you fail, the third party run has a better chance. If there’s a new war by the election, and its going badly, or If there’s a new financial crash by the election, he has an excellent chance of winning. Either of those events is quite possible. I wouldn’t make him the favorite in a bet, but I don’t think its unachievable either.

    5. Ron Paul’s MESSAGE is what’s Important. A Third Party run or running as an Independent would assure that Ron Paul would be on the Debate Stage with Romney and Obama for the General Election. However, it will take LOTS of Money. If we truly support Ron Paul and his Message – we need to send his Campaign the Money to get it done!

      Whatever he and his advisers decide to do, Ron Paul gets my vote – even if it’s a Write-In

    6. Ron Paul’s approval rating in the GOP is 42%, only 1% higher than the general population. But many Democrats dismiss him simply because they have an allergic reaction to anything Republican. If he ran as a 3rd-party candidate with Kucinich, who has said he’d be honored to run with him, it would confuse all of the party-voters, and he could get much more of the vote. Plus his monetary reforms couldn’t be ended with a bullet, since Kucinich shares the same platform. That’s a horrible thought, but I think we need to consider it if the GOP selects his VP. Getting Ron Paul elected is half of the solution – the other half is creating a post-partisan society where communities can come to agreements together. That’s up to us, and would be helped by a third-party President. Paul should use the Republican primary as long as possible to get his message out but then run as an independent. There’s never been an election that was better positioned for a third-party win – and I was saying that before I knew about RP. Democrats and Republicans are both disgusted with their choices. The divide-and-crumble method is failing.

      1. Don’t you know ANYTHING? Kucinich is one of the most liberal psychos in the country, and you claim Ron is conservative? Plus, you would have 2 wimpy personas running for the 2 highest offices in the land! They would be laughed out of the race. LOL

      2. Tex2 is calling Ron Paul a wimp? What’s really wimpy is all these people willing to give up their freedoms because the media is able to frighten them so easily with Iran, gays, or drugs. Ron Paul has the biggest balls of all

      3. No, I was calling both of them wimps. LOL

        Just look at them and decide for yourself. LOL

        That’s a good idea, let’s drug the gays and send them to Iran, we’ll kill 3 birds with one stoned. LOL

      4. Troll (Internet)
        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        Jump to: navigation, search
        Page semi-protected
        “Do not feed the trolls” and “DNFTT” redirect here. For the Wikipedia essay, see Wikipedia:Deny recognition.
        The “trollface”, first appearing in 2008, is often used to indicate trolling in contemporary internet culture.[1] Modern usage of the word itself dates from 1980s.

        In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: “That was an excellent troll you posted”.

        While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions and harassment outside of an online context. For example, mass media has used troll to describe “a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families.”[5][6]
        “Do not feed the trolls” and “DNFTT” redirect here. For the Wikipedia essay, see Wikipedia:Deny recognition.
        The “trollface”, first appearing in 2008, is often used to indicate trolling in contemporary internet culture.[1] Modern usage of the word itself dates from 1980s.

        In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: “That was an excellent troll you posted”.

        While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions and harassment outside of an online context. For example, mass media has used troll to describe “a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families.”[5][6]

      5. Troll? I guess that’s what happens when you can’t respond to this:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

  1. I’m with you. All out effort to win it. Paul is the only one who can beat Obama and that’s why a lot of anti-Romney Santorum supporters will switch to him. Texas and California are huge, and if we can drain Santorum supporters in Pennsylvania, we can win there too. Now it is getting more and more exciting. Thanks for all you do for Dr Paul.

    1. Okay, since Romney is the assumed nominee, I need to be consistent with him and change my mind. I now support an all out effort to win it. LOL

      1. Ron, I live in the Bible belt, and unfortunately most of the people I know who voted for Santorum won’t turn to Ron Paul because of his stance on legalizing marijuana,and his foreign policy…For some reason, they don’t want to believe Ron Paul is a Christian because he doesn’t wear his religion on his sleeve! That’s the only reason most people from around here voted for Santorum…He used the pro life anti gay platform to woo the far right who still believe that you have to vote for somebody who’s very religious or the world will go to he’ll in a hand basket!!

      2. Patty, I look at it like God gave us free will, “certian unaleinable rights”. The government saying what is wrong is silly. I mean I think xanax is far worse. Really having 3 kids that might try it one day I’d feel beter knowing it doesnt have drano or poison sprayed on it. Being catholic I worried about Paul stickers on my car because of this but after I read Pauls views on ProLife I hoped people would look Paul up and find the same. Also look at Romneys flip flop video on Ron Paul Flicks on prolife. That guy has no character and cant believe how brain washed people are i am ashamed this is what people have chosen.. It will be up to each state anyway if he does change fed law on pot so in Bilble belt they should be ok. Ron Paul is hummble I like that.
        I never knew Santorum was catholic until I saw him on EWTN. I have always been told to be weary of people that say they are christain …noone should have to say it its just who they are. I mean he is a doctor and its clear respects all life no matter race or religion. Thats my take on Paul.

      3. Patty: Don’t underestimate the Christians! Nobody is more Bible-believing than me and I can tell you Christians are beginning to abandon today’s Pharisees, and they are turning to realize that Ron Paul’s message is like he says: based on our faith. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, who is my neighbor. They are starting to realize that when Jesus said Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s, he didn’t have to say that everything in earth, in heaven and above the heavens is God’s not Caesar’s. And thou shalt not steal.

        And in America, the Constitution is still the Supreme Law of the Land, and even the dictatorial regime pays lip service to this, and that Supreme Law of the Land says that in the USA, that means US! And so all those government functionaries should render unto “We the people of the United States!”

        And Jesus said “Make disciples of all nations”, not “subjects”.

    2. I’m with you too — go all out! And I look forward to voting for Ron Paul when my state — Indiana — finally holds its primary vote.

    3. Sorry, but you simply don’t live ion this panet if you think that Ron paul would go from a PATHETIC 10% or less in his own party to winning to general election. And since you don’t choose to live on this planet, and you can’t live on any other, it is time for you to stop living, It isnt as if your mother hasn’t BEGGED you to do it before.

      1. Please look up President Harding. He entered the convention with only 6%. Then won it.

  2. I see what is happening at the local level. Our county is sending 96 delegates to the WA state convention, 5 are Romney supporters. Most of the rest are Ron Paul supporters, including me. The plan is working and I can see it coming together.

    To addrss the third party option. If Ron Paul supporters can’t take over the GOP, they will never take over the country. Just think of it as practice….and keep working.

      Yes, if we are not ready for the national run, what are we doing? I am more than looking forward to having our say, in Texas, and from there– we should take this handily. BUT, it will not be an “easy win” by any stretch of the imagination.
      We signed up to work for Ron Paul, and this will take work…; I believe most of the Paul delegates know that.
      Again; I say, WHY should we leave the GOP when we are exactly what the GOP says they are? I hate the idea of a third-party run, for that reason, but it may come down to that.
      Still, Paul will take Obama’s (4-yr-old) “base”, as well as the Indy vote, and the RomNOT vote, too. For these reasons, I think we’re in a great position.
      We just need to get working on other Republicans to see this, more-so than we have this past year.

      1. Yes, if we are not ready for the national run, what are we doing? —> You’re fantasizing. LOL

        Most Republicans don’t agree with RP on a variety of issues, so stop LYING about what the GOP is for. LOL

      2. tex2 won’t listen to anything. He has tunnel vision and only wants third party. Don’t listen to him. He is in the out numbered minority.

      3. ralphhornsby won’t listen to anything factual. He has tunnel vision and only wants drugs and freedom at any cost. Don’t listen to him. He is in the outnumbered minority, as RP only gets 10% of the vote. LOL

      4. Well, whatever it is the RP campaign does I think its safe to say whatever Tex2 says, do the opposite.

        Oh, and can’t forget the little girl “LOL” after the post.

        NO ONE BUT PAUL!

      5. tex is clearly drinking the one doing drugs…his maniacal repeating of “LOL”.

      6. Hi, Ralph!
        Ignore the ignoramus, tex-punkin. You and I know what it takes to be a real Texan, and the idiot #2 is all cow-dung, no cattle. Trying to reason with Stupid is stupid.

      7. Not only am I looking forward to our primary, 29 May, but am so looking forward to attending our CONVENTION, 21 April. Add to that, John Stossel will be speaking in Austin, 27 April, and I am a happy camper! One of the funnier (more ironic, I suppose) things about MY invite to attend Stossel’s talk is this: it came from the Travis County GOP HQ, and not the Ron Paul meet-up group.
        Much to the chagrin of certain tools and one particular troll, Texas IS Ron Paul Country. We will not be voting for Mittens, and we will not be staying home. The Grinch has proven his dealings are far too underhanded for US, and that only leaves OUR Winner– of our #155 NATIONAL DELEGATES, as Ron Paul.
        Now, Ron Paul will not be taking all of our delegates simply because he IS a Texan, but because Texas gives a darn about what’s going on in OUR country. Texas is the home of Ft. Hood, which was the first military base to deploy to Iraq. We’ve lost quite a few of our children, there, and we won’t be voting-in another warmonger any time soon. This, again and alone, leaves both Mittens and the Grinch out as winner of anything but the booby-prize.
        Ron Paul and ONLY Ron Paul, as we like to be able to hold our heads up high as state what we DID. A vote for anyone but Paul would be a terrible embarassment.

        (Besides, mark my words; the Grinch will NOT make it through to the Texas primaries! He is, as they say- OUTTA HERE!)

      8. @Tex2. Not one word of your drivel, nonsense, mockery and infantile comments has made a dent in our resolve. You are obviously a trained troll. I’ve seen your work before. Got any connections to Stratfor or your buddies overseas? Your negativity has the inverse effect. And your overuse of LOL is indicative of a sick mind. Your technique of reversing out criticism of you shows how weak you truely are. Please get back on your meds and go back to bed. Or is cocaine your preferred drug as you bounce of the walls. God forbid if you drink coffee and mix it with your drug of choice. You need help and you need it fast. You need to be ignored like a fly at a picnic….but sooner or later someone is going to swat you and your game will be over.

      9. @rmcnnlly. Not one word of your drivel, nonsense, mockery and infantile comments has made a dent in our resolve. —> I know that, you RIP sycophants are hopeless. LOL Did you see the post from the Santorum guy who was approached by the Paulites to make a deal with Santorum? LOL THAT’S my audience, not you, you IDIOT. LOL

        You are obviously a trained troll. —> Self trained, and to an extremely high level. In fact, I gave myself the EIB (Excellence In Blogging) award. LOL

        I’ve seen your work before. —> Where? LOL

        Got any connections to Stratfor or your buddies overseas? —> have LOTS of connections. LOL Do you know how stupid that question is? Do you have connections to your buddies? LOL

        Your negativity has the inverse effect. —> It’s working like a charm. LOL

        And your overuse of LOL is indicative of a sick mind. —> No, it’s indicative of stupidity. LOL

        Your technique of reversing out criticism of you shows how weak you truely are. —> Your technique of being stupid shows how stupid you truly are. LOL

        Please get back on your meds and go back to bed. —> This forum is my meds, laughter is the best medicine, remember? That make me highly medicated. LOL

        Or is cocaine your preferred drug as you bounce of the walls. —> Jut Diet Coke. LOL

        God forbid if you drink coffee and mix it with your drug of choice. —> Yes, it’s quite dangerous to mix Diet Coke and laughing out loud, sometimes it comes out of my nose. LOL

        You need help and you need it fast. —> I just ordered new tissues to mop up my tears of laughter, so don’t be concerned. LOL

        You need to be ignored like a fly at a picnic….but sooner or later someone is going to swat you and your game will be over. —> See if you can answer this fly’s issues with RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul):

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

    2. The problem is most states require delegates to vote with the primary voters on the first ballot, and then it will be all over. LOL

      Sure he can. It worked so well before, remember? LOL

      1. Well, I considered being very polite, but seeing that your purpose is obviously just to antagonize us, I might turn the snark up a little bit.

        First of all, you apparently don’t grasp the concept of “abstain.” A lot of those supposed Romney delegates will be abstaining on the first vote, thus denying him their votes.

        Second of all, I presume you’re referring to taking over the Republican party. Considering that it effectively started in 2008, I think we’re doing extremely well. Or have you failed to observe ANY comparisons of his primary results between ’08 and now?

        Begone, troll!

      2. It’s my understanding the delegates are bound to vote as the voters did in primary states on the first ballot, at least that is how it works in Texas. LOL

        Actually, “it” started in 1998, and although RP has done better, it is more because of the weaknesses in the other candidates than his strength. LOL

      3. Folks, take a look at what is going on here. Tex2 is running his mouth (or fingers) about how he is right and he is in the majority. If this posting war is any indication of who is minority and majority then the status quo looses. It seems like people like Tex2 are really load and obnoxious but their arguments are weak and mean spirited instead of solid and factual. All he does is degrade and attempt to marginalize our efforts. I say stick to the good fight worth winning. Lets take it all the way.

        RON PAUL 2012!!!!

      4. Oh and Tex2, STOP USING LOL AFTER EVERYTHING YOU SAY. Or are you really laughing out loud after everything you type?

      5. Poor Jeremy can’t read for comprehension. LOL

        Colin, then answer this:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL


        Because I want to. LOL
        Actually, if you could read for comprehension, I use both. LOL
        I actually DO laugh out loud at you IDIOTS. LOL


        Ross (not Rose – LOL) Perot made an impact because of several factors of being in the right place at the right time. A relatively stable time, a sitting president who was not engaged, he had accomplishments, unlike RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul), etc. RIP has NOTHING to point to, we elected someone like that in 2008, remember? LOL

        RIP tried the 3rd party before and he failed, miserably. LOL

        I believe the best chance is RIP should quit. LOL

    3. Im not saying go third party yet but here me out.

      Rose Perot in the 90s was winning as a third party candidate in all polls before he dropped out a few weeks before the election.

      1. was he more popular then ron is now? not a freak-en chance ron has almost if not more republicans support than rose had total support from left right or center voters.

      2. I think I know why ron has been in the fight as a republican he would have gotten no media as a third party candidate in the last year. but I think you people are missing the point of why he is use the repub. party. he got 2 thing media coverage which is still at best small and second he has the opportunity to build his base for a third party run if all else fells. now we can actually see the votes we can get and if we can get enough to get on the ballet as a third party member in every state.

      3. What is the point from here on out going after Romney we need to start now focusing on OBAMA and winning the white house. I think this has been a small error so far in are campain we are focusing on the wrong person I say give the repubs Romney because him and OBAMA are so alike people wont vote for either if given a TRUE difference.

      4. People are saying he wont get media coverage as a third party candidate what has he got in the last few weeks?

      my point is its going to be hard to get on the ballet as a third party if we start now but if we dont get the nomination in tampa it will be near impossible with only 2 1/2 months till the election. I believe are best chance is now.

      1. Ron Paul just needs to say that his “supporters would like him run as an independent, not that he’s decided to do that at this time”. (I don’t recommend third party for obvious reasons). This uncommitted controversy alone will spark the remaining news coverage he needs going into Tampa. Then, we can start preparing for an independent run “possibility” by letting others know that “he’s considering it but hopes not to”. An official announcement should not happen until after Tampa, nonetheless, because we want to maintain the respect of the Republican party going into it. Every scandal and each demonstration of Republican corruption acts in our favor and also provides the perfect exit strategy. The Tampa Convention also fuels the strength of the massive army of delegates that could walk out to force the second vote. Their heavy involvement and public presence will be a public demonstration that will usher in a massive movement behind an official announcement to run Independent. Something like relating the 4th of July Independence Day to the day we declare Ron Paul as an independent (would be perfect time to announce independent run if he doesn’t go to Tampa or at least mention something respecting the voices of the independent). The moment we decide to run as an independent, should be the moment we explain that it’s not possible that the Americans who support Ron Paul to be represented if their representation is thwarted by party establishment. Then explain that it would not be right to abandon their voices. “They cannot and will not be silenced”.

        I’m still thinking about this, but we can definitely leverage the Tampa Convention and we should, but it would be nice to start preparing in some way. I will remark on this further as I’ve thought through it some more read some more comments.

      2. I agree that he MUST be on the stage, in national debates, in order to get the coverage necessary. Up til then, we are doing pretty great (in delegates) and it’s, in part, due to the ridiculous blacking-out of Paul and ALL things Paul, in this election season.
        My reasons that Paul should stay in this as the GOP Candidate is, 1. the debate, and 2, he IS a Republican. Paul is a lot more Republican that Mittens or the Grinch (I always thought Grinch was a bad Democrat- but, live and learn. he’s just a crappy Repub). If the GOP thinks they are still conservatives, we need to point out to them what failed logic it is to vote for anyone BUT Ron Paul.
        In the meantime? AS long as the MSM continues to blackout Ron Paul, we need to black them out, and boycott their sponsors. Please use #BoycottMsmAds, and read a partial list of their sponsors on my blog:
        Make sure you TELL them you are boycotting them, and WHY.

      3. Do you know what Ross Perot spent on his campaign compared to Ron Paul? He spend like $65M of his own money plus donations. If Ron Paul could spend the kind of money that Romey or Perot had we would not be talking about this at all. It is also the reason we should stop talking about it.

        Another reason is Ross Perot’s success was to achieve 19% If that defines succeess we should just stay home. The whole point of this is to win, not just make a statement.

        You are not going to get free media coverage. If they are trying not to pay any attention to him now, why would that change if he ran 3rd party?

        Focus on the plan that the campaign has asked us to implement and have a little faith that it will be successful.

      4. Do you know what Ross Perot spent on his campaign compared to Ron Paul? He spend like $65M of his own money plus donations. If Ron Paul could spend the kind of money that Romey or Perot had we would not be talking about this at all. It is also the reason we should stop talking about it. —> You have to have it to spend it. LOL

        Another reason is Ross Perot’s success was to achieve 19% If that defines succeess we should just stay home. The whole point of this is to win, not just make a statement. —> I think he was in it to win it. But 19% is more than RIP could have wet dreams about as a 3rd party candidate. LOL

        You are not going to get free media coverage. If they are trying not to pay any attention to him now, why would that change if he ran 3rd party? –> It won’t. Give up. LOL

        Focus on the plan that the campaign has asked us to implement and have a little faith that it will be successful. —> Yes, give all of your money to RIP, sell your cars, your house, etc., we need TOTAL commitment, comrade! LOL

      1. What does an alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin that is made from fermented rice have to do with this discussion? LOL

        And what would God gain from me getting a life? LOL

        Rob, Dude.. your a mornon and a troll.. get a life.. —> The proper word is “you’re” not “your.” LOL

      2. To get you to respond to these issues, if you have the brain cells to do so:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

      3. Why Ron Paul would make a GREAT President:

        1. Ron Paul has been elected to 12 terms in congress which means he’s electable. He sweeps the youth vote in the Republican party. His marketing campaign is far and away superior to any other Republican candidate and I dare say on par with Obama especially when it comes to messaging and innovative use of the internet. Plus, he’s the only Republican candidate that has consistently performed well against Obama in general election polls. In fact, in the latest Rasmussen Poll, HE’S WINNING! http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

        2. It’s not just about getting bills passed, it’s about voting record. Ron Paul Scores a 100% Constitutional Voting Record. His tax voting record is the best in Congress! Try to compare any other politician to RP’s voting record and you’ll lose instantly. Plus, he has never kowtowed to lobbyists. I still believe in the Constitution and want my elected officials to take their oath to abide by the Constitution seriously, don’t you?

        3. When your ideas are grounded in sound principles, you can not compromise those principles just to say, “I got my bill passed.”

        4. Ron Paul has single handedly changed the public discourse of the nation. That is no small feet; to change dialog that once revolved around the superficial to now be focused on serious issues like the out of control Federal Reserve, monetary policy, foreign policy, the Constitution. Ron paul is a man that takes his oath seriously and can be trusted to act according to the Constitution. I vote for people based on the character and virtue of that person, not on whether they can play the Washington game. Imagine if we had somebody with the integrity of Ron Paul at the highest position of Government? There are many tools the President can use to get his agenda moving forward.

        5. And you’re simply wrong about his foreign policy. RP takes the same non-interventionist position as our founding fathers: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none.” Former CIA Bin Laden unit leader, Michael Scheuer, supports Ron Paul and his foreign policy. RP gets more donations from all branches of the active duty military than all other candidates (including Obama) COMBINED! If his foreign policy was a danger to their well-being and to the US why would they donate in droves to his campaign? Israel takes the same exact position as RP when it comes to U.S./ Israel relations; Netanyahu affirmed this when he addressed congress recently. RP’s position that 911 was blowback resulting from our constant meddling in the affairs of middle east countries since the 1950’s was documented in the 911 Commission Report, warned about by many top military members before it happened, predicted by Ron Paul back around the USS Cole incident, and was the main reason Bin Laden gave for waging Jihad against the US and the West.

        We have no money left in the coffers, our military is spread thin over the entire globe, our country is on the verge of a financial meltdown and the neoCon Republican candidates and Obama want to start more wars which will create more blowback (whether it be Iran, Syria or which ever other country they have their sites on) and will further drive our country into debt. Which candidate is more dangerous and traitorous to our country?

      4. 1. Ron Paul has been elected to 12 terms in congress which means he’s electable. –> In a small, rural district, where incumbents have to fog a mirror to be reelected. And he got his start by losing, then winning a special election after the original winner was appointed to another position. Not exactly a grass roots start! LOL

        He sweeps the youth vote in the Republican party. —> And the youth elected Barry last time. LOL I’ll give you the fact he gets the druggies and freedom at any cost crowds. LOL

        His marketing campaign is far and away superior to any other Republican candidate and I dare say on par with Obama especially when it comes to messaging and innovative use of the internet. —> Then why does he get only 10% of the vote?

        Plus, he’s the only Republican candidate that has consistently performed well against Obama in general election polls. —> Those polls are a waste of time, plus you are wrong. Stop LYING. LOL

        In fact, in the latest Rasmussen Poll, HE’S WINNING! http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll —> See above, and next time use Real Clear Politics, which is a combination of polls. Finding a single poll to make your point is desperation. LOL

        2. It’s not just about getting bills passed, it’s about voting record. —> It’s about influencing others, something RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) has failed at in miserable fashion. LOL

        Ron Paul Scores a 100% Constitutional Voting Record. —> Correction: HIS interpretation of the Constitution. For example, is the War Powers Act unconstitutional? LOL

        His tax voting record is the best in Congress! —> By what measure? LOL

        Try to compare any other politician to RP’s voting record and you’ll lose instantly. —> Again, by what measure? LOL

        Plus, he has never kowtowed to lobbyists. —> Although admirable, by itself, this doesn’t make him a good candidate for president. LOL

        I still believe in the Constitution and want my elected officials to take their oath to abide by the Constitution seriously, don’t you? —> Yes, just not RIP’s interpretation. LOL

        3. When your ideas are grounded in sound principles, you can not compromise those principles just to say, “I got my bill passed.” —> Then you will have to live with your legacy as a loser and footnote in history. LOL

        4. Ron Paul has single handedly changed the public discourse of the nation. —> No, he hasn’t. Most are ignoring him, the rest laughing at him. LOL

        That is no small feet; to change dialog that once revolved around the superficial to now be focused on serious issues like the out of control Federal Reserve, monetary policy, foreign policy, the Constitution. —> See above. LOL

        Ron paul is a man that takes his oath seriously and can be trusted to act according to the Constitution. —> He would also get us killed while doing so. LOL

        I vote for people based on the character and virtue of that person, not on whether they can play the Washington game. —> Then you lose. LOL

        Imagine if we had somebody with the integrity of Ron Paul at the highest position of Government? —> He would be bulldozed over. LOL

        There are many tools the President can use to get his agenda moving forward. —> Such as? LOL

        5. And you’re simply wrong about his foreign policy. —> No, I’m not. LOL

        RP takes the same non-interventionist position as our founding fathers: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none.” —> They lived in the 18th century, we live in the 21st century. WAKE UP!!! LOL

        Former CIA Bin Laden unit leader, Michael Scheuer, supports Ron Paul and his foreign policy. —> So? He’s a CIA guy, not a foreign policy guy. LOL

        RP gets more donations from all branches of the active duty military than all other candidates (including Obama) COMBINED! —> There is no proof of this, in fact, many people give without indicating their job. LOL

        If his foreign policy was a danger to their well-being and to the US why would they donate in droves to his campaign? —> Because your assumption is wrong. LOL

        Israel takes the same exact position as RP when it comes to U.S./ Israel relations; Netanyahu affirmed this when he addressed congress recently. RP’s position that 911 was blowback resulting from our constant meddling in the affairs of middle east countries since the 1950′s was documented in the 911 Commission Report, warned about by many top military members before it happened, predicted by Ron Paul back around the USS Cole incident, and was the main reason Bin Laden gave for waging Jihad against the US and the West. —> Do you have a reference for this speech? LOL

        We have no money left in the coffers, our military is spread thin over the entire globe, our country is on the verge of a financial meltdown and the neoCon Republican candidates and Obama want to start more wars which will create more blowback (whether it be Iran, Syria or which ever other country they have their sites on) and will further drive our country into debt. —> You are wrong. So wrong. LOL

        Which candidate is more dangerous and traitorous to our country? —> RIP stands by himself on this issue. LOL

  3. All out effort to go for it!!!! …. while reserving a strategy for 3rd party run incase TPTB do thier dirty work to block us out. At this point, however, it appears that will take much more effort and underhandedness than even they are capable of pulling off without EVERYONE knowing about it. We still need to keep that option on the table, especially with the energy that is building. People will not be willing to give this over due to corruption; they (we!) will want to fight back even in the final hour, even against all 3rd party odds….

  4. we can try to still get the nomination but my feeling is that the prevailing dark forces wont let it happen so get ready for a third party coup de tat!!!!!!!!!

      1. damn, Tex, you missed an opportunity to correct this Paulite that couldn’t spell coup d’etat correctly…you’re slipping

  5. Dr. Paul got his highest vote total of the 2008 race from the state of Pennsylvania. With Santorum out and Newt barely registering in the polls, maybe we can put a bit more emphasis on Pa? After all, Ron is from Pa and perhaps we can even win it.

  6. 1,2,3 and if that does not work…. 6. Never give in, fight like our lives depend on it. Many Americans died for this freedom we hold so dear, let’s make the most of their sacrifice. Fight! Fight! Fight!

  7. Definitely GO FOR IT. No more kid gloves. IMO you must use TV and radio in Texas to assault Romney’s horrible record, and total lack of conservatism. You need to be making two ads right now, a full on Romney assualt ad, and a pro life, pro Christian ad designed to bring in Santorum supporters. Don’t be afraid to put Ron’s Christian creds on his sleeve, we NEED those Santorum supporters!

    1. I think you’re onto something regarding the christian voting support once enjoyed by Santordum. However, Dr. Paul will run the risk of being portrayed as a carpet-bagger on that issue. For the only reason being, he hasn’t made it a campaign issue. Stick to the fiscal stuff coupled to foriegn policy and it will ultimately be enough. Just look at all the believers here.

      1. That’s the thing; I do NOT see your average Christian (and especially evangelical) voting for a MORMON. I also don’t see half of them voting for a Catholic- and a bad Catholic, at that.
        So, you would think Ron Paul (a Baptist) would do great in the South. However, as the me-me-media also gets this, they will continue their blackout of him, entirely.
        And that is WHY we must fight back with our OWN blackout of THEM. We have to boycott their sponsors, and let them know why. I think most Americans do not like having their choices limited and don’t appreciate being told who to vote for. That may have worked 20 years ago, but it’s not working now.
        Remember to use hashtag: #BoycottMsmAds! -EVERYWHERE!

      2. Anyone else hear that incessant buzzing here? I do… and then I smell something– like- EWWW.
        Must mean one thing; **IT is here, again. **IT cannot stay away. Poor widdle girl, Nobody likes IT.

  8. I say go for it! He is a humble man but it is time to get that fire in his belly lit, like when he spoke at CPAC in 2011. He was on fire! Dr. Paul should forcefully state that he is running for President, that the press whould be ashamed of themselves, they have a duty as the fourth estate and they have failed their obligations mightily. He must state emphatically that he is in it to win it in spite of the media and journalistic malpractice, and ask for their vote and ask them to get the word out, and work harder to get people registered to vote, to get them to the polls, to educate them on how to take back the party.

    Here in Seattle we won all the delegates in the 36th, 43rd, and 46th districts, we are challenging the process is other districts. We have held out own caucuses when illegalities have occurred and we will expose their frauds. What ever you do, do not let them use bubble sheets, counting machines or scanners and do not let them sequester the vote count in a private room. Make motions to this effect. Videotape. Have the applicable rules in you hands to show them (or the peace officers in attendance). Be ready with your own materials printers etc to make ballots if you have to. We had to hand count ballots from 222 delegates, with 72 names on them to pick 21 delegates. It was one heck of a tellers job but Mike V got it done all out in the open.

    All of the local enthusiam must translate into becoming precinct committee officers, serving on committees within the GOP, running for local office, or even just showing up at the Legislative District meetings. The GOP is starting to see the writing on the wall, we are the future.

    I sit on the county platform committee. We are talking about the role of governemnt, Agenda 21, auditing the FED, NDAA. I questioned singling out supporting Israel, why we should continue the “war on terror” asked what does that mean, what is the strategy? Supporting the EPA, I could go on and on but these are discussions we are having. We will have 3000 people at the King County convention, 2 years ago we had 1700 at the WA State convention! The attendees are not all Romney lovers….again, we are the future, we are on that precipice that Robin Koerner is always talking about.

    BTW as an aside, someone at platform questioned the use of the word “malinvestment” so the county chairwoman looked it up. The very first sentence referred to the Austrian School of Economics! It could not have been more perfect!

    1. Why wasn’t he at CPAC this year? LOL

      Have you considered the press isn’t the problem, it’s RP’s positions? LOL

      The second sentence for “malinvestment” mentioned voting for Ron Paul. LOL

      1. Because he will be attending LPAC, no need for CPAC. The press and their corporate masters are the problem.

        tex2 have you nothing better to do than be negative? LOL?

  9. Hi, Doug.
    I have considered most of this, in the past few weeks when it looked like Santorum would be forced to drop out (and i DO believe it was his racist commentary that forced his OUT, if you will) but I think it will have to be a combination of strategy if we want to take this.
    There are now a lot of NOT-Romney voters/delegates, who went with Santorum (because they didn’t know enough about Ron Paul!), that should be un-bound. Yes, I do believe we can take quite a few of them, as not only are these folk, “Not-Romney’s”, they are also “NOT-Grinch”. How do we woo them? Must we woo them? Do we simply continue to voice our rationale for “YEA-RonPaul”, on every political site? I think that would help, but now– especially now- I believe phone-banking is THE way to go.
    People who did go with Santorum must be disappointed, but that’s politics. To go to them, now, and explain why they should join up with us to take down Romney would probably be the best strategy.
    Of course, we may want to hold in our hip-pocket, a third-party run. But, in a way, I resent having to leave the GOP. Ron Paul is the ONLY REAL REPUBLICAN RUNNING and I am still bothered by the NEO-CONS who have the party-regulars snowed into believing they have our best interests at heart. Romney and the Grinch are just like Obama; say anything to get elected, deal with the real meat later. Why are people not seeing this? Why, especially in the older group, are they not as bothered by the takeover of the most dishonest politicians, from what the GOP did and is supposed to represent, up to 30 – 50 years ago? Certainly, most of the party mainstays remember how it was and should be able to compare that to how it is, now.. but, why don’t they?
    Joining up to phone GOP affiliates is, in my opinion, the best strategy, now, and it needs to be done NOW; Immediately, before delegates break away and go with RomNOT, just because they think, “he’s a winner”. (Yes, sadly, too many people vote for whomever the “journalists” say is winning, just to say they “won”, when in reality, a vote for RomNOT is a loss for America.)

    I suppose I should apologize to the Grinch that I really don’t see him as a part of the equation (other than holding onto delegates that should immediately go to Paul, should he finally let go of his failing, financial crisis of a campaign). There are things Gingrich has espoused, which, while he may not mean them, are the basis of the Ron Paul campaign. This should mean for these people; these delegates, to move on over to Paul would be an easy thing.
    Other than that; I don’t think we need to do a lot more– than SPEAK PAUL’s INTENTIONS– everywhere. Get people fired-up over the prospect of taking back OUR LIBERTY. Surely, the Romney people and the Gingrich people cannot and do NOT offer that!

    Everyone; IF you have not yet signed-up to phone-bank for Ron Paul, please go to RonPaul2012.com, and sign up to do this. I believe, strategically, this is the exact moment WE have been waiting for!

      1. You are wrong Mr. Tunnel Vision. You can forget about third party. You are in the minority on this one and your posts are getting so obnoxious people have stopped reading them and skip over your posts. I am embarrassed you are using the Texas flag as your avatar. You don’t represent us Texans with the flag. You only represent an “It’s my way or the highway” attitude.

      2. How can I be wrong, RP only has 10% of the vote? LOL

        Your girly hair doesn’t represent us Texans. LOL

        You only represent an “It’s Ron’s way or no way” attitude. LOL

    1. Thanks, again, Ralph (hate that I cannot hit, reply, below your name and refuse to allow the twit to think I am responding to IT, either).
      Yes, you are absolutely correct.
      We simply need to force the MEDIA to do the right thing– which may be an easier task in Texas, but we need to ensure the stupid blackout of Ron Paul ENDS_ throughout the country,
      THe only way to do that is to boycott and blackout the “news” outlets and let their sponsors KNOW, we will also be boycotting them. I don’t see any other way around it!

      1. Texans will reject Ron Paul like every other state has, maybe more, since we know him better. LOL

        Your “boycott” isn’t going anywhere, and imagine how many people you would put out of work if it did. LOL

      2. annebeck58 —

        Hi, I’m copying below the most VITAL part of your post (look at the very end of all posts (by clicking ‘Next Post>>’ till they reach a finish, for MY POST starting: *The #2 EXPOSED* ), to see why I’ll be using this).

        Your posts are spot one — keep up the good work!


        posted by:
        annebeck58 says:
        April 12, 2012 at 2:35 am

        “Thanks, again, Ralph (hate that I cannot hit, *reply*, below your name and refuse to allow the twit to think I am responding to IT, either)….”

      1. tex2’s “words of wisdom” summary:

        blah blah blah. LOL

        I’m an idiot. LOL

        blah blah blah. LOL

        Maybe one day I’ll grow up. LOL

        blah blah blah. LOL

    1. Even though he despises Romney, I doubt Gingrich would go with Ron Paul, it would be the end of his book and speaking career. LOL But go for it!!! Yippee!! Drugs and freedom at any cost for EVERYONE!!! Yah! LOL

      1. Please stop ending all comments in LOL. Also please disco any further counter productive rhetoric.

        Having said that , # 1 !!! Go for IT !!! A picture says a thousand words and that shot of Ron infront of all those people in Texas says it all. We have the momentum just by surviving the “Media Black Out ” , and ” dis info”.

        Thanks to all the common sense people supporting this political movement. I personally dont agree with everything Dr Paul says , but i am eager to vote for him over any other candidate hands down. Go Paul go !!!

      2. tex2

        Since Gingrich was such a “HUGE Fan” of FDR, I’m sure Gingrich would go with Ron Paul. In 1933 with the Repeal of Prohibition of Alcohol it was “Yippie!! Alcohol and Freedom at any cost for EVERYONE!!! Yah!”

        tex2’s Favorite Video

        Why I’m Voting For Newt Gingrich (Parody)

      3. Gingrich is almost as far behind as RP, why bring him up? LOL

        Alcohol use was much more wide-spread and a social norm, heroin and cocaine are NOT. LOL

      4. simply misinformed. not drugs for everyone like you say. “The drug war is a failure” why do you think marijuana is worth almost as much as gold ounce for ounce? because it’s illegal and has to be run through the black market. ever heard of freeway ricky ross? look it up. “LOL”

    2. I considered that one, too; IF we say we would pay off Grinch’s MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in DEBT, could be he would play ball. Then again, we are the people and Mittens has BAIN CASH- who knows how much that is? Seems the GOVT doesn’t know, and RomNOT is NOT telling,
      WHY are people not paying attention to Mitt’s part in DESTROYING the American ECONOMY via small businesses? Why would ANYONE vote for that disgusting pig? I cannot see one redeeming quality in Mitt. Even the Grinch is not quite as disgusting as Mittens.

  10. Make an all out effort to go for it. at the same time if the Republican party screws us the way they have been I say Prepare for a Third Party run.This message must continue all the way to the election !

      1. You’re know you’re an idiot right? I mean really. Youre not anywhere near educated. You’re commenting on things you have no clue about, and making a gigantic ass out of yourself in a public forum.

        Do yourself a favor…. Quit. None of us are reading your posts anymore. They’re just ignorant troll pule. No one cares.

        Get a life. Loser.

      2. You’re know you’re an idiot right? LOL

        I mean really. LOL

        Youre not anywhere near educated. LOL

        You’re commenting on things you have no clue about, and making a gigantic ass out of yourself in a public forum. LOL

        Do yourself a favor…. Quit. LOL

        None of us are reading your posts anymore. LOL

        They’re just ignorant troll pule. LOL

        No one cares. LOL

        Get a life. LOL

        Loser. LOL

    1. Absolutely, Paul. My thought, too.
      GO for it, but be ready for ANYTHING!

      (Ignore the ignoramus- it cannot help it– it only copies and pastes others comments, here, and adds it’s typical “LOL”, like most bratty kids.)

  11. 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.

    I’m looking forward to contributing to the April 15 money bomb.

    Thank you, Doug, for all you have done for this campaign.

    Ron Paul 2012

  12. I like options 1, 2 and three combined. I really think we can get almost half or 1/3 of the Santorum supporters. Newt will pick some up and Romney too. Lots will just sit at home. A good thing about the media not mentioning us—Romney supporters KNOW they have it in the bag and may not bother to vote in primaries. Santorum supporters are discouraged and won’t vote in primaries and won’t carry out their duties as a delegate–they won’t show up to the delegate caucuses/conventions. I think Gingrich and Santorum delegates will be open to form an alliance with Paul delegates.
    I think if Paul goes third party, he will alienate so many. The only people who will vote for him are the supporters he has now. We want to change the GOP from within. Many of us have worked hard for this and are starting to run for offices starting with local all the way up to national.

      1. I say #1; stay in the race all the way. #2 would be an option if by becoming the anti-Romney candidate you only mean expose and attack his policies, which ar enot that different than Obama’s. #3 is too much like selling your soul to the Devil. As for #4, the leadership of the GOP not only deserve to be antagonised, they need to be exposed. Their only interest is in POWER for THEMSELVES. #5 same as #3. #6; the idea that a third party is not viable is only a myth propagated by the Democratic Socialists and Republican Party elites and their lackeys to split power between themselves. Myself I am leaning towareds writing in RP if he is not nominated.

  13. Go for the GOLD!

    I’d love to see Paul challenge Romney to a duel in Texas! (A debate that is!) Call him a chicken when he declines… I read something about the Texas GOP being desperate for a debate… maybe center some of the Texas advertising around that.

    1. Good idea except the media might not televise the challenge. If they did and Romney accepted, it would be good for all. Americans need to see the differences between Romney and Paul so they can make informed decisions. Knocking out Paul’s voice is un-American. If the powers-that-be aren’t worried about Dr. Paul, then a debate should be no problem. But if they do televise the challenge and Romney turns it down, it wouldn’t look good for him. If Romney truly believes he has the ideas we need to be president, then he shouldn’t have a problem presenting them.

      1. That could be the theme of an ad to be run in Texas – calling Romney out to meet at high noon. The ad almost writes itself.

  14. The Campaign needs to put a much as possible into securing the votes in California and Texas
    this means putting someone in place at every polling place. This should be top priority!!!!!

  15. I would agree with 2dogshow, put in the all out effort to try and get the nomination, while preparing for a 3rd party run, on the American’s Elect ticket.
    As supporters we need to step up our fund raising efforts to make a big show on the tax day moneybomb, to add to the war chest for Texas and beyond

  16. Let’s go full throttle, we did not come this far for nothing. While I think we really screwed up in strategy in the past 11 months, it’s too late to change that, we must do what we can now. I love the new Texas ad, but you might want to considering removing Santorum from the ad now. And now is your best chance to make a case against Romney, though it’s almost to late to attack him, without it potentially backfiring if he reaches 1,144 delegates.

    1. Yes, just like your space shuttle picture, coming in for a smooth landing at full throttle. Except the space shuttle has no power upon landing, it falls/glides to a landing, just as RP has no power as it falls/glides to a third unsuccessful bid for the presidency. LOL

      1. tex2 love your negativity not. Must you comment in the perjorative at each entry? It is completely not necessary…LOL.

      2. Oh look, the LOL-ing spammer is back. What else would explain all those emails?

        The shuttle isn’t “landing” in that picture, it’s hooked up to the VAB cranes, LOL.

      3. Blonduxo love your ignorance not. Must you comment your stupidity at all? LOL


        The idiotic RP supporters would explain a LOT of the emails. Does that help? LOL

        You’re right, that shuttle isn’t even moving, it’s stuck and not moving, just like RP’s campaign! LOL

      4. More BS, as usual. You are not contributing to the conversation; you are trolling. I’m going to be contacting Doug Wead about this if it continues. You have been doing this a long time, get a life.

      1. “who get my vote” ?
        Thats how you would want to type it jackass.
        If your gunna try and be a smart guy, at least do it right moron.

  17. I became a Ron Paul supporter because I was spiritually led to do so. Hadn’t even heard of Ron Paul at the time (it was in January 2012). I believe God is still in control and He must know something I didn’t! And I have been obedient and tried to help in any and every way I can… so , therefore, #1 “Go all out for it” must be God’s will. He has never backed me down from my assignment- but has only opened my eyes more and filled me with more knowledge and strength. If God is for us, who can be against us??? America is God’s country, and I believe God is providing a miracle in Ron Paul for us to get His country back to Him…. Thanks Doug Weade for all you do. You’re the greatest!

  18. Go Third Party Ron. The GOP has sold out. They’re blocking you from as many deligates as they can every chance they get. I became a republican this year so I can vote for you. Your people aren’t loyal to a party they’re loyal to you Dr. paul. I go and all my friends go where ever you go.

  19. Only way to go is whatever is the best way to get on the national ballot. If that means third party, do it!

  20. Go for it! If we don’t win, just stay home or write in Dr. Paul’s name. The GOP is corrupt. They decided from the start that they were going to disenfranchise the American voters. If they force Romney on the public and then lose to Obama, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

  21. Go for the GOP nomination! ATTACK Romney with everything you have. Challenge him to a debate. Hammer home the issue of the Federal Reserve. “Fight the Fed” should have been the campaign’s battle cry from the very beginning. If this falls short, run third party and do all you can to get into the debates. We must fight all the way until election day in November. It is now or never for America!

    1. DEFINITELY go for the nomination, and DEFINITELY press Romney for a debate. He will be publicly seen for the fraud that he is and Paul will lock up even more voters and delegates.

    2. Fight the Fed, now THAT’S a battle cry that will attract a LOT of attention, given that most people don’t know the basic economic, foreign policy, and other issues. LOL

      1. Youre an exposed retard. You’re ignorant. Not educated. A complete tool.

        Get a life douche tard.

  22. I’m already alternative party, myself. I gave up on the dominant parties decades ago. However, that said, voters don’t like people to switch sides, and consider it a “flip-flop” — and you can bet both dominant party candidates will make that their main point, if they don’t simply ignore him.

    My advice is to win the GOP nomination, even though I’d be willing to bet the LP would welcome Ron Paul’s entry into consideration with open arms (still RP stickers on cars in the parkinglots at conventions). Their nominating convention is next month, and that’s too soon to know where the campaign will stand (CA votes in June). Besides, this is really about taking over Congress and getting them to grow a spine.

  23. Y’all definitely need to make an all out go at it. I think Texas and California are the place you should be focusing on. If Paul can win one or both, that could really change things around. And the media will definitely not be able to ignore that.

  24. I believe a combination of all but #5.

    1.) Keep going all out for the win of course.
    2.) Ron Paul already is an anti-Romney candidate. Continue the message and he will gather the anti-Romney vote.
    3.) Don’t necessarily have to work with Gingrich but there’s no reason to attack him. Just keep driving home the message that Ron Paul is a better choice than Romney.
    4.) Again, just keep spreading the message. No reason to antagonize anyone.
    5.) No deals!
    6.) #1 thru #4 will only serve to put Ron Paul in a better position to make a third party run. If he goes third party now he will be completely ignored.

    I think the biggest thing the campaign needs to do is stay positive and spread Dr. Paul’s message, vision and positions. Most advertising I’ve seen has focused too much on other candidates. The media distorts his message. The limited resources the campaign has should be used to promote Dr. Paul, not attack Romney.

    1. I wouldn’t be at all concerned about a deal, Ron Paul hasn’t made one his entire political career, and look where it’s gotten him. Going on a 3rd failed run at president! LOL

      1. So tex2, are you saying that you support corrupt candidates who “make deals”? I’m just wondering.

        Also, which candidate do you support, and can you explain why?

        I’m sorry, but I don’t plan on stooping to your level of rudeness– but I am curious to why you’re being so mean to everyone who posts on here. If I were you, and I was trying to sway people away from voting RP, I’d: be a little more kind, explain why you believe they’re wrong, and provide either evidence or anything that supports your beliefs.

        Also, irritating people by posting/responding to EVERY post, only encourages people not to read anything that you post.

        As someone who’s been reelected twice now, and who is now running for State Senate, might I suggest: rather than tearing people, real Americans, down, you should try coming from a stance of building them up….you might be surprised to how they respond.

        I hope you don’t respond negatively to this, and maybe even take this message to heart. For all you know, I could be on your side….then again, if I’m not, your negative approach surely isn’t working :/

  25. 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    The race is far from over.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    RP, the only conservative in the race.
    3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
    When necessary, otherwise the Newt doesn’t exist.
    4.) Stay in the race DISPITE the GOP leadership.
    5.) Seek a deal with Romney while it still matters.
    Promise him press secretory if he bows out.

  26. With the sunday money bomb can we PLEASE have Ron Paul do a video speech that we can make go viral? I mean an awe inspiring, goose bumping, tears of passion producing speech! He can do it. Why not also ask for just $5 as an option. If we all did $5 it would ammount to millions! But Ron Paul has to ask us himself to really stir up our passion for freedom! Please Doug make this happen! We need him for my sons future and we need an inspiring video right now from the good doctor himself, stirring us up, building hope and telling us the importance of this money bomb. We need more than emails!!!! Thanks. ~for Liberty

    1. Yes, let’s have him do a video with emotions, not facts. RP can’t win with facts. Why not $3, that’s what Barry is asking for! LOL

  27. Go all out MONEYBOMBS GET ADs on TV in NYC CA TX Gather up all Anti Romney. Take 1st place in TX and CA! Expose Voter Fraud! Attack Obama we got this! Fight Fight Fight! In it to win it Moneybomb shortly after the Anti-Romney Moneybomb! Get Paul on TV Challenge Romney to final debate for big states! TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY

  28. Go ALL OUT #1 and #2 This is a referendum on the Constitution.
    Obamney/Goldman Sachs vs. Ron Paul/WE the People

  29. Make a VERY public exploratory move to begin a third party run and see what the Romney campaign’s response is. If it is acceptable, continue in the GOP race and collect delegates to hold Romney’s feet to the fire. If it is not, go third party. Ron Paul will never be allowed to win the GOP nomination as there is too much at stake for TPTB and their money interests. The GOP is out of touch with the majority of American’s and really needs to be replaced with a party which stands for what most American’s want from their government. That means not just repuliCONs, but independents and demoCRAPS as well (yes, Dr. Paul can pull votes from all three blocks). Dr. Paul’s message is what most people want from government but are reluctant to vote for because they believe Paul can’t win (the self fulfilling prophesy), and the media feeds the publics darkest interests with its constant flood of special interest coverage to obfiscate the serious issues. Dr. Paul would be far better off abandoning the media and spending his campaign contributions on paid infomercials so the public knows there is a realistic alternative to holding its collective nose and voting for the lesser of evils. That is what has got us in the mess we are in! While it is hard for hard core Paul supporters to believe, most American’s haven’t a clue what any of the candidates stand for, including Dr. Paul.


      1. This little feller is obvoisly working for another candidate. The thought of Paul denying his candidate the presidency has him COL (crying out loud), not LOL as he would have you think. He offers no substance, just COL in his lost cause. Ignore him!! Both he and his candidate will go away soon. Then he who laughs last laughs loudest.

      2. Which parts do you think are dangerous Tex? The Constitution is dangerous to the federal govt, not the American people. And if it’s the non-interventionist policies or the wanting to bring the troops home, that’s going to happen anyway because the dollar is about to collapse. When the currency collapses, they’ll come home anyway. We won’t be able to give foreign subsidies anymore. Israel will be on her own. No money to take care of our borders anymore so won’t be able to stop people flooding into our country. It will affect all commerce. Our dollar is worth about 5 cents of it’s original worth since the Federal Reserve’s beginning in 1913. I feel either you don’t understand what’s coming or you support the collapse of the dollar. Our support for Dr. Paul has to do with his understanding of economics and the rule of law (the Constitution – even Romney doesn’t understand the Constitution as Paul does). If it’s ending the drug war that you think is dangerous, think of this…..prohibition. During Prohibition, we had a lot of corruption and crime. Once the drug war on alcohol was ended, the criminals were put out of business. The drug cartels are a direct result of our drug wars. And it’s a waste of money to throw people into jail who are arrested for non-violent drug violations. And if a person is caught 3 times, they’re out for life while murderers and rapists can oftentimes get out early on parole. Makes no sense. I’m not sure what you mean by dangerous. If it’s the worry of terrorism, the collapse of our economy is FAR more dangerous than the terrorism threat. And if it’s the thought that we will leave Israel to fend for herself, they have 200-300 nuclear warheads; they can take care of themselves. If you know anything about Israel, you KNOW they won’t sit around and not take care of themselves. We give more subsidies to her enemies than Israel gets from us which doesn’t help them at all. And when our dollar collapses, no one will be getting our help. To me, that is dangerous. Dr. Paul is trying to reverse this. We’ll have to go through a correction in order to reset but the bitter medicine is better than a collapse.

  30. Also, I support options one, two, and three. We’re in it to win it! Get the Santorum folks on board, and not even Mitt’s Magic Underpants can save him!

  31. Hello Doug, I am amazed at how brain wash the average american is about Dr. Paul. every time I mention him all I hear is how he will gut the military. We need to produce a half hour infomercial with a older celebrity, (Ed Asner maybe) to show
    1. The crowds of support there is for Dr. Paul
    2. The fact he will not gut the military defense of our homeland
    3. Show social security and medicare will not change
    4. How the Fed. is not Federal and steals from through inflation.
    5. The bias against Dr. Paul in the corporate owned media AND WHO OWNS THAT MEDIA
    6. Tell people to go out and vote for President Paul if they are tied of the way things are and want to restore freedom and the Constitution. People I speak to don’t the difference between Liberty and Liberal.
    This need to broadcast on every network that will sell us the time.If Billy May could afford it I think the Campaign could also. After the convention its a third party run the Media will not be able to ignore it even our chances of winning are small. The GOP is finished after they have shown what traitors they are to the people. The media is terrified of a third party run , that’s why they ask all time. Dr. Paul does best against Obama.
    Sincerely 62olds

    1. I come accross the same things. After having read Dr Paul’s “The Revolution” i got some good clarity on what his talking points are, and how they are backed up in terms of tangible process. Examples:

      The media says ” Paul will gut the Military” yet Dr Paul wants to support the military , give them better Health care in the Vet Hospitals (that are under funded and sinking), and bring our troops home to protect our Country not position them in other countries for corporate gains we the people never see.

      The Media says he wants to make all drugs legal so everyone can “GET High” yet he just wants to support and educate people to not take drugs and if they do so work medically to support getting them off drugs instead of throwing them in jail which is and has doen nothing to help the issue. Paul says each time ” i do not support drug use at all”. Lead by example.

      Dr Paul recognizes the State’s need to control and help education , as the Federal Gov does not help local schools, ask any teacher and the Fed standardized test dont help they distract. Of course the Media says ” Paul wants to close all schools”.

      1 Point – people like the winning side , and as the GOP continues to be exposed to the movement of honesty that is Paul’s campaign there will be more and more people that change their loyalty.

      Continue to educate yourself and others , engage in conversation , be patient with others as this is an on going process. Remember that a majority of people want the same thing , safety , health , honesty , and we can achieve this by working hoenstly as a team of leaders by example.

      1. A defensive military posture would be a disaster. LOL

        I thought we didn’t have the money to afford medical support for druggies? LOL

        Can you provide a SINGLE media story that says all schools should be closed? LOL

        Ron Paul will never be president. LOL

    2. Ed Asner – A TOTAL lib? LOL Talk about brain washed. LOL

      1. The “crowds” represent most of RP’s voters, and he pulls 10% on average. LOL
      2. He has gone on record promoting a completely defensive posture, which is STUPID. Someone your age should know better. LOL
      3. Both NEED to change, they are BOTH running out of money.
      4. Inflation was present BEFORE the Fed started, it’s called Economics 101. LOL
      5. How about the bias against RP’s nutty ideas? LOL
      6. Tell people to go out and NOT vote for President Paul if they are tired of the way things are and don’t want to restore freedom and the Constitution at any cost. People I speak to don’t the difference between Liberty and STUPID. LOL

      Billy Mays was SELLING a product that paid for his advertisements. Ron Paul’s druggies and freedom at any cost supporters simply don’t have the cash, or don’t want to give it up instead of supporting their drug habit. LOL

      RP does NOT do best against Barry, especially in a 3-way race. LOL

      1. For tex2,

        Inflation did exist before the Fed. Here’s The U.S. Chart since 1774.

        Weird. LOL

        Some of us actually think $120 trillion in unfunded liabilities/debt is a $$$ pit. Have fun throwing your $$$ in. LOL

  32. First, 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.

    Then, 6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

    Stay in the GOP Race right up to the Convention. Make NO Deals! If the GOP “Establishment” wants to Throw Ron Paul and his Supporters Under-the-Bus – then, break-away and run Independent.

    Remember – Romney is NO Different than Obama.

    Why I’m Voting For Mitt Romney! (Parody) – Pass it on!

    1. You are 100% right, hope Mr. Paul will do like this ! keep fighting do not let them 1 millimiter of ground ! Good bless you from Italy.

      1. I have to say Barry would be spitting out rocks from the landslide he just got overran with. oh and since you are so fond of it, LOL. Troll.

      2. Barry would beat up RP over his legalizing drug and freedom at any cost positions and wipe the floor with him. LOL

  33. Doug,

    All my life I’ve wanted to vote for a candidate I know I could trust. That is Ron Paul! At present, I feel we are in a fight for the very life of our nation. I’m for going all out! Hey, I’ll take any and all options BUT 5, negotiating with Romney. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR ROMNEY and I will NOT vote for any other candidate in this election but Ron Paul even if I have to write his name in come November!

  34. 1, 2, and 3 sound good to me. I’ll trust the campaign advisors to do what’s necessary for the Ron Paul presidency!

  35. I say keep at it…but keep the option for a 3rd party run open.As for dealing with the “others…KNOW the RULES and be respectful but firm when dealing with any of the other candidate’s delegates/voters.
    I truly believe that the longer this goes on,the more support Ron Paul will garner from the masses of people who crave that “change” Obama promised.Those people never went away,they are starting to see the light…and are now beginning to flock to the one man who keeps his promises.GO RON PAUL!

    1. We don’t want Barry’s socialist “change” and we don’t want RP’s druggies and freedom at any cost “change.” LOL

  36. Make an all-out effort to go for it, while using Gingrich to accomplish the victory. Gingrich knows he’s not going anywhere in this race. Paul already is the anti-Romney candidate. It’s too easy to point out his ineptitude. Furthermore, Paul’s very message antoagonizes the GOP leadership just because he’s right. There’s no way you’re making friends with them, but don’t go out of your way to anger them. Just do what you know is right – what you’ve been doing all along. A third party run obviously wouldn’t result in a victory, but I’m writing Paul’s name in regardless of who;’s on the ballot.

  37. Mr. Wead,

    I suggest numbers 1-3, BUT specifically #2. Along with religious views, the Anti-Romney candidate is what constituted most of Santorum’s supporters. Surely you must realize this. Edit out the attack on Santorum out of the Texas ad and replace it with Dr. Paul’s position as the true conservative Anti-Romney, AND POINT OUT that he is a True Christian with family values.

    Although Dr. Paul has run a very noble campaign, has conducted himself likewise during the debates,and does not use his religious views to his political benefit, this is an ad, and lets face facts, THIS IS POLITICS. The campaign has to come to terms with the simple fact that not EVERYBODY in America is going to have an open mind, research the candidates, and come to an informed decision. These people are still under the impression that Dr. Paul is a crazy old racist who is weak on foreign policy. THESE are the people that have been ignored and that we need to start reaching, and it can be done if the campaign starts pushing the fact that he is “THE REAL” Christian candidate, as well as “THE ANTI_ROMNEY” candidate.

    NOW is the time when Santorum Supporters will start making a decision as to who to switch to. Help them make that decision by concentrating on what drew them to Santorum in the first place and informing them. Then we go after Romney. By going after Romney (Obama-lite) now, will only help us later as the True Anti-Obama candidate and the choice will be obvious.

    A side note to Mr. LOL: you can skip your comments, because I already shut you up before in a previous blog. That is unless of course you want to keep looking like the fool that you are. LOL

    1. I would agree with you. As a Christian, I believe we shouldnt legislate our beliefs on others. We should let the states decide how they want to handle a given situation. If they want to pass laws based on religious beliefs then so be it. I do agree that Paul needs to put his religious beliefs out there, with the statement that as a candidate for POTUS and as a congressmen, he is bound to uphold the Constitution, not push his beliefs on others.

  38. Doug-
    You have far more political savvy than I, but I am pretty good at detecting patterns. The GOP seems to be using any and all methods to thwart a Paul nomination. I will be as frank as I dare – I do not want to see them pushed to extremes.
    I am a bit of a dreamer, I know. What I would really like to see is Ron Paul reach out to the Native American tribes, celebrate their Constitution and try to heal this nation by healing the first thing we screwed up. They helped write the document that “protects” our liberties, and they were immediately excluded from its protection. It is not about politics, it is about trying to begin “The Healing.”
    Ron Paul / Russel Means – third party.
    Thanks for asking.

  39. We’re making an effort to move forward and in it to win it out here in OREGON. Ron did well out here in 08 and we look to improve on that this year, even though the head chair is a Romney guy. My county chair is a Paul supporter so we will do very well in clackamas county,which is the largest county but not by population. I personally am prepared to go all the way to Tampa under any direction we might need to take.

  40. I vote for #1 and #2 definitely. I would say #3, but Gingrich can’t be trusted.

    Time to really push the fact that Dr. Paul is the ONLY anti-Romney and more importantly, anti-Obama candidate (for all those “anyone but Obama” voters). Time to bring the Romney campaign to its knees. Strike while the iron is hot and reach out to Santorum supporters. Now is a good time to reach out to Gingrich supporters as well. He is basically done and has basically admitted as much. This is Dr. Paul’s time. And I believe the people are ready to take this country back.

    1. The Gingrich Campaign is already $4 MILLION in Debt. This is how he would run the Country if elected President – LOL.

      Anyway, he’s already stated that he will support Romney seeing that he believes Romney to be the “eventual” GOP nominee. He’s also stated that he CAN’T support Ron Paul. (probably because of his Neo-Con Values)

      For Gingrich to have anything to do with Ron Paul, Mitt Romney would have to openly run as a Democrat. (oops – he already is)

  41. 1) and 6). Do as much as possible to get to a brokered/open/contested convention but be prepared for a third party run. I know that the Libertarian nominee will most likely be Gary Johnson and I know he is very fond of Ron Paul, many RP supporters only want
    Paul for president though. Gary may be willing to step down and let Ron Paul take the Libertarian Party as that would be what is best for them. If this happens you have the ground work ready. There is also Americans elect where Ron Paul has the most votes as a draft candidate. Ron Paul should definately do something that is not in the GOP if he does not win at the convention.

    I think to get good amount of votes from here out you should:
    – Make ads showing how Ron Paul does best against Obama and mention that he pulls in democrats and independents unlike Romney and we can only win the White House with Paul
    – Air faith and family ads to attract Santorum supporters
    – Invest into possible legal action if state caucusses are railroaded (as we have already seen in North Dakota)
    – Become the anti-Romney, we will need good turnouts in the next primaries!

    I understand all this will take a lot of money. Maybe we need a Ron to be the new anti-Mitt moneybomb?

  42. Become the Anti-Romney…but not too much
    The media speculation of the pact is infuriating to me, so it is better to denounce those rumors by making an assault at Romney. Show his contradictions and publicly challenge him to debates. Keep stump-speeches on the issues, but there needs to be more aggression towards him.

  43. Make a deal with Gingrich to help pay off his debts and give him a cabinet position or something if he drops out and endorses Paul, and tells his delegates to vote for Paul.

    He’s already started to move toward Paul on foreign policy (Afghanistan) and domestic (noises about the Fed, etc.). I think he sees the writing on the wall, too, and is signaling that he is open for such a deal.

    Also, go whole hog for the GOP nomination, and play the third party threat to the hilt. See if you can get the nomination of several other parties without also endangering the GOP nomination. This will make the 3rd party threat all that much more effective.

    Make it clear that if the GOP wants to be in power, they will have to do it through Ron Paul and those like him. Otherwise, Obama and his ilk gets back in.

    Use the State Grand Juries to get a proper vote count. (see here: http://hidden4thbranch.com/?page_id=51)

    Offer Romney a deal for him to drop out, too! Be bold, and act like you’ve already won.

    One other thing. This is very important, regardless of what path we take. Release a DETAILED foreign policy proposal, including a DETAILED military movement plan and diplomatic plan. The one problem I have in talking to people about RP’s foreign policy is convincing them that he is realistic, and actually has a plan that won’t be a blunder. This release would be, I imagine, at least a 100 pages, addressing each of the popular concerns, such as the Straits of Hormuz, Russia, China, North Korea, etc.

    Also, release a DETAILED proposal for economic/monetary policy, including, of course, auditing the Fed, but much more.

    We’re talking strategy here, and maybe even a few tactics. The next zoom in level from principle, which is what RP has been offering so far. This would go SO FAR in helping prove that RP is a serious candidate who can get things done, and not just someone out there spreading ideas that he hopes other people will implement eventually.

  44. GO HARD OR GO HOME ! Make that push! We aren’t fighting the Good fight for liberty and freedom to just quit this far into it . My Country/Our Country is in need of Ron Paul now. Can we as humans allow things to keep going down the same road ? Not going all the way is giving up on something that we all know needs to never be given up on and that is Freedom. How many more innocent people do we have to keep killing with our money. Our like you and me, not like our as in the Government. Or Obama or Bush or whatever President o/ Politician you wanna blame. In the end it will be our hands covered in blood because we kept funding the government and we kept allowing the election process be determined by Corporations. Us fighting this out till the end is us saying NO. No I will not allow my Government to keep hiding things that I pay for from me any more, No I will not allow you to police the world, No CORPORATIONS CAN NOT AND WILL NOT RUN MY COUNTRY, NO I will not allow you to tell me what is right and wrong for me, No I will not sit back and allow you to keep stealing my hard earned money, AND NO I WILL NOT GIVE UP THE RIGHTS THAT WERE GRANTED TO ME UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA.

  45. I cannot vote for a candidate that will start another war over oil (Iran), nor can I vote for a candidate who will only continue to increase the federal deficit and drive the United States even further in to bankruptcy. Ron Paul is the only candidate I can vote for. Please stay in the race even if you have to go third party. I will support Ron Paul no matter what the odds of winning are.

  46. In the word’s ofone of my favorite fictional characters. .. “Time to roll the dice!” The wheel weaves as the wheel wills, and it doesn’t necessarily favor the media’s choice. Let’sget in it to win it.

    1. Been reading wheel of time much? lol. Good book and character. I would agree with you on the other point. Go for it. Lets kick some butt.

  47. See what we can get from the GOP through August. Then prepare for a full front assault from a vigorous 3rd party run. Paul or nothing.

  48. I think 1, 2, 3, and 6 all need to be evaluated. The best place for the good Dr. is in the white house, and whatever it takes to get there is what needs to happen, whether that means working with Gingrich to block Romney and keep pushing for the brokered convention, or in the end creating a third party on the ticket.

  49. It seems to me we have waisted an enormously huge opportunity. Bad mouthing the GOP as a constant is no way to foster change. Pretending to think we can become the new GOP led by a bunch of PO’d RINO’s is doomed to the ashes. Whose idea was it to pretend we are republican voters? Rediculous. So we go out and try to force feed meaningful change from the outside and ignore the fact that change comes from the inside. It doesn’t work with others trying to change you and it will not work with trying to change the GOP or gather main stream GOP support. If you don’t like the GOP then why be a part of it. You want to change it you say? Well, do you change someone by kicking their teeth in and then try to shame them. No, this has been one fiasco after another by illequipped support that had good intentions, limited broad vision, a corrupters mind and weak on professional ability while trying to deny that it is all a cherade. Ron Paul waves it all off as “those are my supporters, I don’t tell them what to say or do.” Well, that will be worth pondering when he goes back to Texas, unfortunately, to live out his life rather than making it to the White House. A man with a great vision and only a few PO’d people to carry the torch. Sort of sad I think.

    1. AB

      You mention the word “change” 7 Times in this post – although not quite as many times as Romney has “changed” his positions.

      I guess to be a “good” well-behaved Republican who tows the Party Line and (God forbid) doesn’t “criticize” the Republican Establishment – we must to be able to “change” like Mitt Romney “changes”.

      Change, Change, Change – There! I said the word 7 times, too. Am I a “good” Republican now?

  50. Teach the GOP a lesson and go 3rd Party while he can still get the Libertarian nod, and try to get Johnson as his VP. The GOP has been way to antagonistic to expect any mercy.

  51. The media is pretending like this race is over, so no matter how much he campaigns as a Republican, he’ll just be looked at as a sure loser flailing at windmills. Now’s the time to shake things up before they settle completely.

  52. 1… by way of 2 & 3. Some people plain out don’t like Ron Paul – but they know they don’t want Romney. Go at it as the anti-Romney and work with Gingrich to block Romney. Make him the enemy, align him with Obama (which aint hard), and take as many delegates as possible.

    John Paul Jones baby.

    1 is the goal, but use as many options as necessary to get it done. I believe 2 & 3 will be most effective as a means to get to 1, and we should pursue that to the utmost.

  53. 1 and 6.

    on the side, we need to be doing everything we can to look into a third party. Doug, are there any more specifics you can give about that strange rule that some states say you can’t appear on a ballot as a third party if you already appeared as a R in the primary?

  54. freshen up the speech a little, make ads with dr.paul speaking to crowds showing the grass roots and be positive..
    watching from the uk it seems you can win should you want to and should you portray that you can..

    1. robb — unfortunately the Main Media here is black balling Ron Paul (his message of Freedom is a scary one for the Power Elite).

      Also, DO NOT respond in ANY WAY to the #2 that pollutes this Forum.

      It is most likely a 300+lb, 30+ year-old, pimply “teenager” that lives in Mum’s basement. Its only life consists of non-stop driveling net postings, with short breaks crawling up the stairs to raid mom’s refrigerator.

      A sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good!

  55. I am a National Delegate from Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District. All 3 National Delegates, Alternates and the Elector are Ron Paul grassroots activists. We ran openly as such. We are bound to vote for Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney, unless they drop out or endorse another. Then we can vote our conscience. It’s going to be a very interesting convention…

    See you in Tampa!

  56. Forget 3rd party. If you do so, there will be no revolution because it will fizzle and dye like all 3rd party Candidates in the past 50 years.

    Push for as many delegates as you can. You probably won’t have them but oh well. Push hard for Gingrich to drop out so that you’ll get a large portion of those delegates too.

    Go to the convention if you have to and push Romney and the GOP hard for massive concessions. Nothing less than Ron being VP or Ron as Sec. Treasury and Rand as VP should be accepted. If no go, then just eat it but show them on the convention floor what they’re throwing away by making sure there is a chant of “I won’t vote for Romney if RP isn’t on the ticket”

    Resist the urge to go out of the GOP. Don’t endorse Romney if he doesn’t make an acceptable deal, but don’t endorse anyone else either.

    2016 will be the year of Rand. Ron needs to figure out how to stay visible and in it after the election and Rand needs to practice running just like Romney has done for the past 6 years.

    With the grass roots being owned by RP supporters now, by the time the next election comes up in 2016 (Because Romney won’t win unless Ron Paul endorses him) the GOP will be dominated by RP people and the tide will have turned. In addition Rand is seen as Ron lite and more reasonable and scores incredibly high for both Dems and Republicans and is a shoe in.

    The trick is Rand will be up for relection in the senate in 2016 too which is unfortunate, but I think he can win, so not a real issue.

    1. Yes, he’s tried 3rd party before, it didn’t work. LOL

      Gingrich delegates won’t go to RP. LOL

      Yes, be as obnoxious as you can, THAT will endear you with the others. LOL

      At least Rand doesn’t share many of RP’s nutty ideas. LOL

      How do you practice running for 6 years in 4, isn’t he already 2 years late? LOL

      How do you know RP won’t endorse Romney? LOL

      I think Rand won’t run until 2020, if then. LOL

  57. if you believe you can get the delegates, work with Newt to block Romney, otherwise run third party!!!!

  58. The two polls that I’ve seen pitting Obama vs. Romney vs. Paul in a three-party race had put Paul at a very respectable 18% right out of the box. With media attention (how could they ignore the meddling little man who will make America actually search their souls before voting?) and crossover independent support, that could easily climb to 20-25% immediately. Double your support and you win by a landslide.

    As it would only take a plurality of votes to win states, a candidate coiuld win with as little as 34%. Perot, though it is thought he stole votes from Bush Sr. or the Republican party, actually stole votes from a president presiding over an economic mess. Today we also have a president presiding over an even bigger economic mess. I cannot think that enough people would rehire the largest failure of a president America has had.

    Do I want Ron Paul to run third party? I think it would be logistically easier to win the Republican nomination, but I sure as heck wouldn’t walk away from him if he decided to bolt.

    1. Very sensible post.

      One factor to consider about a third party run is that Dr. Paul would not be limited to Republicans in his choice for VP. The right VP candidate in a third party scenario could bump that 18% right from the start.

      Also, I see many here saying the third party option should be considered if the Republican nomination is foreclosed. But there are third party bids and there are third party bids.. if you’re likely
      to have to go that way anyway, it seems like there are *big* advantages in going early rather than late.

      One issue about going late is ballot access, going with Americans Elect or Libertarian would solve that. Also, we could
      start putting resources directly into the general election process and leave off slogging through the swamp of the Republican
      primary process. And as you say, the dynamics of a three way
      race are quite different than going head to head with Obama –
      a plurality seems more achievable than a majority.

      It looks like Dr. Paul could stay in through California and
      still have the option of going with Americans Elect (he is already the candidate with the most support over there by far..) if it
      looks advisable to pull the plug on the Republican effort.

      That would be give critical extra few months over waiting till
      after Tampa…

  59. 1.& 6..stay strong and steady! “Journalism is dead.” People are sick of the crap lame stream media and GOP party are selling, also know that congress won’t play ball anyways.. Thank you for your work Doug Wead!.. I wrote in Dr.Paul in-08′ and will do it again, No Doubt.

  60. A 3rd party run for the good Doctor Paul could secure a lot of democrat and independant voters in Nov. election.

    I hope Ron Paul shuns the GOP the same way they have shunned him (and his supporters).

    I donate every month to the Ron Paul campaign, and will continue to do so… hoping for a third party run at it.

  61. DT, you miss the point. Again, why the cherade. Change is exactly what RP and we supporters want. My point is that it has not been handled well. It’s like you critisizing me using the word change, why they wasted energy, are you into numerology and 7 brings you meaning? No, you are not a good republican if you waste such great energy as you likely possess. Perhaps you don’t like what I have said. It is true none the less.

    1. AB

      Look. It’s you who has missed the point; especially when it comes to the Ron Paul R3volution. You have to be pretty “Naive” to really believe that the Republican “Establishment” is going to “change”.

      4 years ago, the “Establishment” gave us RINO John McCain and we Lost BIG-TIME! Now, RINO McCain is Campaigning for another “Establishment” Candidate, Mitt Romney – who will Lose BIG-TIME against Barack Obama.

      In 2010, after the mid-term elections, the GOP “Establishment” hijacked the Tea Party and made it of “little” or no effect. In fact, many of the Tea Party Coalition in Congress are now supporting “Establishment” Candidate, Mitt Romney. Really?

      Now, the “Establishment” is deliberately SILENCING Ron Paul through Media Black-outs and voter/delegate Fraud.

      I’m sorry you don’t think I’m a “good” Republican – so I guess you must think that most Ron Paul supporters aren’t “good” Republicans either. NO! It’s the Republican “Establishment” who are NOT “good” Republicans. ie – Romney (R) is the SAME as Obama (D)

      1. My point is that the GOP is not and will not change. For that to happen it has to come from the inside. New blood and new belief must grow from within and I do think it has already started but 2012 is not its’ time, it is its’ beginning.

        The GOP is who gave us Obama, he did not earn this past election. The GOP is who gave us all Obama’s policies, socialism, ObamaCare, boot licking and so on. He is in the White House because the GOP screwed it up during Bush-2 and the main stream turned against the GOP. Did the GOP learn anything by that. Yes, they learned that they need to be more like they used to be and that my friends is the wrong lesson they learned. They really need to close the GOP and start over. I am not argueing that the GOP is great, it is not. I will have to look far and wide to ignore the dominance of the Dem’s and the GOP on our nation, it’s laws and policies. These 2 groups have a death grip on our nation.

        I am trying to say that RP, knowing it is impossible to morph the GOP into the RP Party of Constituionalists will not happen. I just think this movement has been a good eye opener to our nation but for some reason it has not caught hold on the side of a majority and I am confident RP knows and knew that would happen. His run for the GOP nomination IMHO has been an effort to advance the cause, knowing it is going to get more press and media from being a GOP runner rather than a Libertarian as that is really who he is. It is true to say that the press would have overlooked RP in a bigger way if he would have been true to his belief system which I suggest is the Libertarian movement. I see this as 3 different political persuasions. My end point is that yes we have advanced the cause but by the mere fact that it has been done in the camp of the GOP insures we will not have the lead chair at the convention and this illusion of running on a 3rd party platform, while it will insure the GOP does not win, it is really shooting ourselves in the foot. The enthusiasm in the RP camp is noteable but it will not carry the day in November.

        Do I wish it were different, yes. Do I wish that RP can get in the WH, yes. It’s not the enthusiasm

  62. Im english and i support ron paul a man of unwavering courageous principal he embodies what a true and real politician should be a defender of his people and there ideals,good luck mr paul,from bristol england.

  63. #1 is my favorite and Romney has very little support (not to mention passionate support) for being the “frontrunner” at this point in the game.

    #2 is good too and I hear a lot of my “conservative” friends who supported Santorum talking about “settling” for Romney. We need to convince all the people who think of Romney as “settling” to vote for Ron Paul.

    #5 should wait until we get to the convention and everyone sees what our full strength truly is. There should be varying degrees of demands prepared depending on how good of a hand we hold in Tampa and the price for giving them anything should be very high.

    #3 is distasteful to me because Newt is seedy and I do not want Ron Paul to be seen as “collaborating” with him in any way.

    #4 is out of the question. There is no way Ron Paul can appease the GOP other than by changing almost everything he stands for. We should certainly work to not antagonize them or be blatantly disrespectful but at all times we should be smiling on the outside and scheming on the inside.

    $6…Gosh, it hardly feels right to ask this of Ron Paul after everything he has given us. I don’t think a 3rd party win is happening unless horrific new information comes to light about Obama and the GOP nominee. If we feel confident that we can take 10% + of the vote then it might be a powerful statement, create a moment of solidarity and create a bit of a tremor at the foundations of the 2-party system but that’s a lot of ifs.

    1. #1 Romney has lots of support, it’s why he has the most delegates. LOL He’s not a very “passionate” guy, but at least he doesn’t have nutty RP positions. LOl

      #2 Anybody’s second pick is a “settle for” selection. Ron Paul was FAR too nasty towards Santorum during the debates, he doesn’t have a prayer of getting Santorum’s support. LOL

      #5 It will be over by the time you get to Tampa. LOL

      #3 Don’t worry, Newt isn’t interested, either. LOL

      #4 You lose. LOL

      #6 Why not? He’s done it before? LOL

  64. Before he became the first African American Boxing Champion of the World, Jack Johnson followed the titleholder (Tommy Burns) to city after city, demanding he get a title shot. He heckled him publicly and at his fights and even lined up fights for himself in the same cities on the same nights.

    Doug Wead, I would advise Ron Paul to follow Mitt Romney on his tours and hold events on the same days to further display the shallowness of Romney’s support. Additionally, I would advise Ron Paul to demand 5, 2 hour debates, with each one focused on a particular issue. Ron Paul vs. Romney, one on one. We know who will electrify the voting public.

    1. Why not just have a Romney vs. Paul boxing match? LOL

      However, I do agree some one on one debates would expose Ron Paul’s nuttiness even better. LOL

  65. Why has anyone not pushed Ron Paul’s Christian credentials? If there’s any chance to make an Anti-Romney push and stop him from getting a first ballot win, it’ll require the evangelical right, like it or not. And right now, they have no place else to go. How bout that for #7.

  66. I say prepare for a third party run. Dr. Paul is in the best position ever for such a move. There are a lot of Democrats who like Paul but won’t vote for him because he’s running as a Republican; if he runs third party he’ll be taking even more votes from Obama. He has a huge support in the GOP — he would take all of them with him, clearly Romney wouldn’t win. He has the best support among independents…

  67. The powers that be in the GOP will NEVER give the nomination to Ron Paul. Thier corrupt antics have already proven how far they will go to shut out Dr. Paul.

    At 50+ years old I have been a registered republican, and voted republican since the age of 18. What’s going on now in the republican party has opened my eyes to the fraud and corruption that takes place in the (2) political parties.

    I have to agree with a previous response that states that by following the “go for it” approach and and will only help Ron Paul’s chances if / and should he opt for a third party candidate.

    I personally would love to see Ron Paul as third party candidate, because RON PAUL is the only one who can successfully DEBATE obama……. this is something I would love to see…. and am wiling to put my money into the effort to get him there.

    After this election I plan to disassociate myself from the republican party and change my voter affiliation to “unafilliated”. Both parties are a disgrace.

    Perhaps as another poster suggested, God will send a miricle for Ron Paul.
    God Bless America.

  68. I posted this on Rp.com

    “Romney wont beat Obama if Ron Paul runs third party. Simple as that.
    They should cut Ron Paul a deal, if he doesn’t support them, they lose”

    Run third Party, RP is my vote all the way. Its not about winning, its about sticking with what you believe in.

  69. Seriously attack Romney in Pennsylvania. Use the term FREEDOM significantly more. Give it a little time to see which way Santorum supporters will go. Then reassess.

    say NO to #4 and #5

  70. Go For It!!!! In It To Win It!!!……..At All Cost, I Pledge My Life, Liberty, and Fortune On IT!!!! GO FOR IT, I’m All In!!!

  71. I do not believe anyone can win as a 3rd party candidate. RP must win as a Republican. Ron Paul or I do not vote in the general election!

  72. ALL OR NOTHING I SAY!! If we don’t get the nomination and the Great Doctor as our new comander and chief, then we best prepare for the worst which means WW3, detention camps and full scale economic collapse. plain and simple…

  73. Lets GET AFTER IT and win this thing!!!!!! We need a record breaking MONEY BOMB!!! 10 million should be the goal!

  74. In any event Congressman Dr.Ron Paul has my vote along with millions of other liberty minded Americans. I hope that with Santorum leaving the media will be forced to give Ron Paul’s campaign more coverage. I think the Santorum voters are in essence anti Romney but the idea that Ron Paul shares their same Christian values must be reinforced to them. I believe also if he were to reinforce the idea that he is also a true friend of Israel, this would help turn around many people as they are of the opinion he does not like Israel.
    With all the voter fraud being committed I know it is going to be a steep uphill battle to play and win on GOP turf, so I would like to know that Congressman Dr. Ron Paul will go the distance even if it means striking out on a third party bid, maybe with Americans elect. I know that if there were a three way presidential election Ron Paul would have the best chance to beat Obama. With this all said here are the choices I favor.

    1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
    4.) Stay in the race but don’t antagonize the GOP leadership.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

    As Ron Paul supporters we are not the fair weather bunch we are in for a penny in for a pound.












  75. NO to #5.

    I became a Ron Paul supporter because Ron Paul is anti-war and pro-liberty. Mitt Romney is neither. Compromising the oath of office and human and civil rights by “making a deal” would be a betrayal of the reasons I supported Ron Paul.

    What about the military men who DONATED because they believed Ron Paul would NEVER compromise on UNPROVOKED & UNNECESSARY WAR being immoral?


  76. I am for a third party run but not until AFTER Tampa! We are now Ron Paul’s media and we can get the word out! Don’t give up on us, Dr. Paul! We need you – not as a VP, but as President!

  77. I am mormon. And like many people, my religion defines who I am. So it goes without saying that I will be voting for RON PAUL!! I say win it all. The nomination is yours for the taking RP! There are millions of patriots right there with you. I am proud to be one of them.

    Ron is already the anti-Romney candidate, just not in the same way Santorum was. Rick fed off anti-muslim, anti-gay, pro-war, anti-liberty rhetoric, which for some reason, old people love. They love that and sweater vests. He wasn’t so much the anti-Romney candidate as much as he was the neo-con candidate Romney wishes he was, on copious amounts of steroids.

    Ron can’t become that person, because he isn’t that person, and I would never want him to be. I say go #1, and all the way.

      1. Another Mormon for Ron Paul here!
        I’ve “converted” (heh heh) another couple to see the light of Liberty, still working on others. My sisters (and families) and many other’s are already on board. Yes, the majority of LDS will likely stick with Romney, but a significant, Growing number are seeing the truth!

  78. Doug – I think Ron Paul’s message is a winner, we just need to get it to more people. I think the key is for us to determine the best way for us to get positive exposure without counting on the biased press. If it turns out to be social media, then that’s fine but we need someone in the national campaign to communicate a tight strategy. So far most of Dr. Paul’s “new media” support *seems* to have been created out of the grass roots without a coherent national strategy, and at this point the ONLY way we’re going to reach enough older people to be relevant is to change our strategy of how we’re reaching them. Since we can’t afford to air ads on TV like Romney does, we need to figure out an alternative to reaching the older or otherwise less technology-focused demographics. We need to make a huge splash, right now, in order to move forward, and so if there are any tricks up your sleeve, now is the time to play the cards!

    Also it would greatly help if the national campaign created some online material that grass-roots people could point people to. For example, we’re always telling people how Ron Paul has far more delegates than the press is giving him credit for. But there is no good, clear site I could point people to in order to convince them that I’m not full of crap. Out in the real world 95% of people think Ron Paul already quit because they never hear him on the news anymore, and we (the grass roots) can reach those people, but we need something powerful to TELL them. The RonPaul2012 site is great, but, for example, where would I send someone for an up-to-date TRUE delegate count? I read hundreds of Ron Paul stories a day, but I don’t know where to go to get that information. Also where can we go to find the most recent polls that show Ron Paul in a good light? I would check at the Daily Paul for stuff like that but the campaign should have a dedicated link that always shows the latest positive polling news.

    We need to put tools into the toolboxes of Ron Paul’s grass roots supporters!

    And Tex2 – if you reply to this, you are a red-ass baboon. LOL 😉

  79. Go to tampa! then go thrid party! we have a chance in history to have a third party president. The GOP is screwing itself, and many who would love to vote for Ron, see he is assoicated with that, and say no. not to mention we have at least 17% as of now in the general with obama and romney, once the attack ads go out for obama, ron will win third part. Ive said 3rd party and lets really make history.

  80. Here’s the problem with a third-party run if you try to go LP (which is what I assume you would try). BTW while I am no longer LP, I spent 11 years as an activist there, and know most of the people. My husband and I are very well-recognized. So what I’m about to
    say is not guesswork.

    Pretty much the fight in the LP is Wrights vs. Johnson. Wrights is the plumb-line candidate and well-beloved of the radicals. Johnson still sounds like he’s in the GOP, but seems to carry a lot of Root- affiliated support, although one source I have claims that Johnson is trying to extricate himself from Root. However, keep in mind the LNC, on which Root sits and who holds much power atm, voted to help Johnson retire debt, etc. The LP has already made a great investment in Johnson. I understand there’s a lot of convention stacking going on from the Johnson campaign. (CA filled all its slots, whenever does THAT happen? I have that one directly from a source in CA who is a delegate– and an RP fan)

    I feel that much of the RP support within the LP comes from the increasingly-angry, many-have-left radicals in the LP. I don’t know that the Root/Starr types have as much love for the good doctor. Try to remember that the Party has been shifting radically since 2006/ Portland. Thus, there is a really good question as to whether the delegates would even go for RP. The other problem is timing. Las Vegas is NEXT MONTH. You would have to switch horses in midstream to even make that date, when you still have a shot in the GOP.

      1. I realize I just made a really bad mistake in my writing. I *should* have said “shifted anti-radically” since 2006. Oh boy, sorry about that. It’s been a long day.

    1. Please don’t forget to consider running as an independent. I also recognize the challenges of a third party run, but running as an independent skips all the internal party conflicts and allows us to spend the rest of the year focusing entirely on the end game. It also doesn’t create enemies by trying to contend with other candidates within other parties, who obviously have garnered some support from some folks.

  81. As a long time Ron Paul supporter and an older voter cognizant of the fact that I will be insulted for my opinion by the arrogant and rude younger crowd who seem to believe they have all of the answers and that any who disagree are either trolls or idiots…I will state my opinion for what it is worth.

    I am of the “go for it” persuasion with one caveat. If, at any point prior to the convention, it becomes obvious that Romney has the delegates bound to him for a first ballot victory, that will be the time to switch to a 3rd party/indy campaign.

    I have always felt that the hard part was going to be getting the Republican nomination, since a very large number of the people who would likely vote for Ron Paul in the general election are not registered Republicans and will not register as such.

    A third party/indy run is unlikely to win…but it is not impossible, whereas going to a convention where Romney has the bound delegates for a first ballot win and hoping to somehow come out with anything of worth IS impossible. A third candidate run also has the potential to throw the election to the House of Representatives and a grassroots effort to change the makeup of congress is a project we should be concentrating on anyway. A different congress will be a requirement to accomplish many of the things Dr Paul wants to accomplish even if we win the election. Respect for the constitution will prevent him from using dictatorial powers as recent presidents have done, so congressional action will be needed.

    Fire away kiddies…

  82. Hey Tex2 LOL,

    I bet LOL your mom LOL gets sick of LOL hearing you laugh out loud LOL everytime you type some retarded response back LOL to someone on LOL here. Get a LOL life you 50 year old, fat LOL bald virgin.

    1. Hey hang on a sec, chris fers. tex2 is annoying I know, but on behalf of all fifty year old bald men, we’re not all so bad. As for the other two, I’m reasonably fit and have a hot wife, so I can’t comment.

    2. I’m over 50, am in very good physical condition and not fat, have 2 sons with my hot wife, am not bald, and you’re stupid. LOL

  83. PErhaps focus on not embarrassing himself, and to try (probably futilely) to get his cult members to come back to reality before the mass suicides that will take place come August and again in November…just like what happened in 2008 when the RonPaulians suddenly were snapped back to reality and realized they ere not capable of living in the real world.

  84. RP is my vote all the way too. Figure out which is the best, most cost effective and easiest way he can win and lets go for it! Enough pussy footing around…. Tell us how we can help.

    If he’s already got enough delegates to win the nomination let’s make sure he really gets them all and the delegates don’t jump ship or aren’t paid off by Goldman Sachs. Let’s also figure out a way to insist ALL of the vote counting is monitored including counting delegates.

  85. 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.
    X.) as VP, last option.

  86. Arithmetic’s don’t lie, Ron Paul cannot win the GOP nomination even if he joined with Gingrich.

    A third party run would not have enough time or money to get him where he needs to be and it would just shut the door to any future oppurtinities for liberty people to work within the system.

    The best thing Ron Paul can do is bow out gracefully and let the system fall apart so liberty people can be vindicated and step in to fix the mess. We cannot win the war of ideas unless we allow the beast to die from it’s own actions.

  87. 1, 2, and 6. Working with Gingrich is a good thing so that we can pick up more delegates but I don’t know how much he will work in cahoots with Dr. Paul. His globalist ideas are in direct opposition to the liberty movement. I don’t think purposely antagonizing the GOP is a good idea but I wouldn’t cowtow to them either. No compromise for a Romney nomination! No deals with Romney! Period! I read a long time ago in one of John Williams “hyperinflation reports” that this election will be the one that most likely an independent or third party run could possibly win the presidency. I can see that as well. But the media will do everything in it’s power to make sure no one knows. If the media actually gave fair coverage, I’d say Paul would have a chance. In a not so distant past, a candidate switching to third party near the end of the campaign would’ve been a HUGE story for the media. Now it seems it’s all about what their money bosses tell them to report. And many of them DO NOT want a President Paul. So my choices are make an effort to go for it. Start showing anti-Romney ads (use factual stuff like you have been). Work with Gingrich (as much as you can) in order to pick up his delegates and supporters. Don’t purposely try to antagonize the GOP but don’t pick fights either. No deals with Romney (Dr. Paul can make a huge difference even if he doesn’t win without being involved with Romney). And definitely prepare for third party (but not sure how you’ll get around the media; internet doesn’t reach everybody).

  88. I say make an all out push to win the nomination, then if that don’t work, try and make a deal with Gary Johnson and get on the libertarian ticket! I’m sure Gov Johnson would take a step back to vp for the betterment of his country!

  89. 1,2, & 3 all the way. Don’t be disheartened by the fools of the media and the trolls in the threads. We’re defending the Natural Rights our forefathers laid their lives on the line for, and that gives us power other campaigns can only dream of while they pander and plunder. Here’s to peace in 2012!

  90. Has there been any consideration given to the Americans Elect option? I really don’t think it would take more than a concentrated effort to win their nomination process and they will more than likely be on the ballot in all 50 states this election.

  91. Options 1,2, and 3. We MUST get the nomination… if we don’t, Barack Obama will be re-elected (and if Romney somehow won in November, it wouldn’t be much better). GET THE NOMINATION AT ALL COSTS.

  92. Robin Koerner of Blue Republican wrote a good piece about catching more flies with honey than vinegar.


    This should be required reading for all Paul supporters and they should take it to heart. A CliffsNotes study of Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” wouldn’t hurt either.

    What we need more than anything is converts to the cause. We get those by telling people why the cause is in their best interests, not by telling them they’re deranged fascist lackeys of the status quo.

    We should take our leader for our example, with especial attention to how he behaves when provoked or insulted. Tex2’s comments and the responses to them are instructive as well, both for how not to behave and how not to respond to uncivil behavior.

    I can’t see tex2 comments anymore which means i can’t see the troll, only the people feeding him. It doesn’t look much more productive to be honest.

    I should humbly admit that i do not speak from atop a high horse, it’s just in trying to pay better attention to my own temper i notice other’s more as well.

    We’ve got a collective bad reputation and it doesn’t matter if it was unfairly attributed and we’re only just lashing back, it’s a vicious circle. I used to have those with my wife all the time until i decided to simply step outside the circles, because without my participation they would fizzle out. That’s why i’m still married.

  93. For now, do #1, #2, and #3. Avoid #4 and #5 completely. If this fails, there will not be time for #6, so we must move to #7: Endorse Gary Johnson and get him to 15% in the polls to be on the national debate stage. If that fails, prepare for #8: Organize a militia and either force the CPD-sponsored debates to include Johnson or shut them down.

  94. YES:
    1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

    5.) Seek a deal with Romney while it still matters.

  95. What needs to happen is we raise a load of money and get commercials out there that say exactly what he is for. He has NOT said he wants to legalize marijuana, for example, he says it should be up to the states. THOSE ARE THE THINGS we need to be working on! This misconception or outright LIES from the joke of a media is what is hurting Paul.

    Of all the Republicans I have spoken too, I have been able to get them to see everything Paul stands for and realize that what he stands for is EXACTLY what they want. The ONLY place they won’t budge is foreign policy beccause we have, unfortunately, still too many who think beating the crap out of the rest of the world is how we get peace. “Peace through superior fire power”, is their mantra. So, let’s, while we work on being delegates, work on getting his REAL message out, not what the media says his message is and let’s really work on helping people understand that “peace through superior fire power” is not the answer. Use some analogies if you have to. Bring it closer to home, “What would you think if someone from another city came in and said….” Be creative. Paul supporters are creative, USE IT and get the real word out.

    As for what I think he should do…I think he should run third party. You all say it’s a sure death to his campaign…but do you realize how many Democrats and Independents do NOT want to register Republican just to vote for him in the primaries? They support him, they like him, they are tired of Obama, but they do not want to register Republican because the GOP has become a colossal joke.

    And pick a VP that will help those Dems and Independents decide that they can’t help BUT to vote for Ron Paul.

  96. I would love to see RP win because of his honesty, and I believe he is by far the best choice, for SO many reasons, but he comes across to some people as being unrealistic. That’s why most Republicans I know will stick with Romney. What worries me is that alot of Ron Paul supporters are trying to discredit Romneys credentials. Let’s face it, Romney is a MUCH better choice than Obama! Having said that, I also believe Romney will win the republican nomination no matter what RP does. I also believe if RP runs on a third party ticket it will be self defeating for the cause of liberty because alot of his supporters will support Obama! I say, if you can’t beat em, join em! I have a hard time believing that RP would be intimidated by a few extremists who would think he sold out by forming an alliance with Romney…I want RON PAUL in the White House even if it is in the VP seat!!!

    1. In the dark, it would be impossible to tell Romney and Obama apart…actually, if we must have an idiot in the WH, I would rather it were THEIR idiot than ours…

      1. Romney is far more qualified than Obama in my opinion! I think there’s an unfair bias against Romney because he was unfortunate enough to be born into wealth and the Mormon religion…If you take a close look at he man, there’s little to be offended by! Just because he’s notably wealthy doesnt me he’s totally out of touch..

  97. 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
    4.) Stay in the race and ABSOLUTELY antagonize the GOP leadership, they need it..
    5.) Seek a deal with Romney while it still matters.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

    This will be the 3rd party election that matters. Screw Levin and his superficial threats. Their time is up.

    I was at the rally at UCLA and posted the 30 sec audience pan on youtube and it made the front of DP in just minutes. I want to matter for Ron Paul in San Pedro, CA. How do I?

  98. Here’s a question for Tex….I haven’t read all your ridiculous posts, just saw a few of them and while scrolling, keep seeing your name. If you are SO SURE that Romney will win, shouldn’t you be sitting back, comfortably, not giving a care what Ron Paul supporters do or say? If I thought Ron Paul had it in the bag, the last thing I would do is waste my time on a Romney site trash talking their work or candidate because I wouldn’t CARE!

    Methinks thou doth protest too much.

  99. It appears my other long comment vanished in to the ether. I’m not typing it all again so here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:

    Educate other Republicans on the truth, not what the media says is the truth. Case in point, a comment way at the top said that some religious wouldn’t vote because they think he wants to legalize marijuana. Educate them! He didn’t say, EVER, that he wants to legalize marijuana, he said it is UP TO THE STATES to decide. That is far different. EDUCATE THEM.

    Help them understand that “peace through superior fire power” is not the answer. Use analogies if you must, bring it home to them, “What if someone came to your neighborhood and said….” Get them to FEEL it.

    My opinion on what he should do? I’m torn between go for it and run third party. It’s pretty common knowledge that a lot of Dems who are tired of Obama and a lot of Independents don’t want to register as a Republican to vote for Paul in the primaries. They don’t like the GOP…who can blame them…so we lose those votes. If Paul ran as third party, he would EASILY pick up those votes. He would also take all his delegates with him and the GOP may just not even GET the nomination if he did that.

  100. If Dr. Paul did lose the nomination and ran thrid party some polls say he would get 17% of the vote. It would make the USA a three party race for the first time in years which is what 45% of Americans want. No more choosing the lesser of two evils because a thrid can’t win. Ron would make history!

  101. All out effort to win. Nothing else is worthy of our efforts. Ron will never become President on a third party ticket and all the GOP work we have done will be for naught. Deals, are not what Ron stands for, especially those with the “devils”. I say, somehow, RAISE MONEY and GO FOR IT all the way, with as much as we can spend..AND PLEASE (politics 101 on the first page) get Ron to ask for money and ask for votes! That is just good politics!!

  102. I’m sorry, I meant to say that if Ron Paul runs on a third party ticket, it will devide the voters in 3 directions, and would ultimately kill the chances of removing Obama from office…I believe most of the people who voted for Santorum will stick with the republicans, and RP will end up going back to Texas to retire…I personally would HATE to see that happen!

    1. Patty, I talked to a person in the Santorum leadership yesterday. She was actually quite favorable towards Ron Paul. In fact she’s coming to one of our district meetings tonight.

      I agree that running as a part of another party will lose a lot of support, but if Ron Paul runs as an INDEPENDENT, that’s different.

      As soon as Ron Paul runs as an independent, Santorum supporters are faced with a clear choice of sticking with a clearly sunken ship, or support Ron Paul, who was, is, and always be somewhat independent anyways. It’s even more true to himself to run as an independent than as a republican. Santorum supporters won’t have to feel like they’re giving up their preferred party, they are merely choosing an independent candidate this time around. Does that make sense?

  103. The bigger issue is how the media is now going to pretend this is over. That’s going to hurt Ron and Newt’s ability to get over 15% in the remaining states. We’ve trapped ourselves in this so we have to continue doing what we’re doing. The convention, no matter what, is going to be a raucous affair. The A.P. will try to paint this as an easy Romney win but the convention will look like a mutiny within the GOP. I guess that’s a good thing but I can’t help but feel like we’re taking over a criminals home, only to find it’s in pretty bad shape. Whatever. I guess I’ll just draw my strength from the idea of messing up their easy coronation of Romney. Make it as difficult for them as they make it for our liberties and the economy.

    1. If we keep flooding every venue beyond its capacity, they won’t be able to ignore it much longer. If we can continue to donate, that, too will make it hard to ignore. We need to be even more visible, AND LOUDER!

  104. Hi,

    I am watching it all from Poland. Ron Paul is making history.
    my advice? get some support from artists!!! musicians, actors, role models. get to them. They endorse You and their sales go way up 😉
    and so does Yours.

    Greetings from Poland

  105. Here’s what NOT to do:

    1 – do NOT run 3rd party, which hasn’t gotten an electoral vote since 1968

    2 – do NOT accept a VP slot for Ron or Rand. Symbolic and little to no policy influence. Rand is more useful in the Senate. If Romney is the nominee and loses, being a losing VP candidate is useless.

    3 – do NOT attack Gingrich (he’s irrelevant), focus on Romney as Obama-lite, RP is the only conservative hope left.

    Here’s a couple things to do:

    1 – Ask for money and votes when you are speaking to several thousand people. Message is important, but votes aren’t there.

    2 – Don’t hesitate to dumb down the message (doesn’t require sacrificing integrity)

    3 – Challenge Romney to a debate. He probably won’t accept, but it’s worth a try.

    4 – Accept Secretary of Treasury if Romney ends up winning.

  106. A third party run. I am with Ron Paul all the way and I want to see him run on the third party. Some say that he should drop out because he would only steal vote from Mit and that would help obumer get re-elected but I say that there isn’t that much difference between Mit and obumer so who cares.

  107. I’ve been trying for weeks to get ANY input OR feedback from the staff at the 2012 and other Ron Paul sites, even Judge Nap’s site on what to do about exposing and rectifying voter fraud AND the media blackout and all I get for my trouble are people making excuses and passing the buck to someone else. I feel stupid for sending $$$ I can’t really spare to help the Doctor, and NOW I see YOU, his campaign manager begging for consensus? Disgraceful!!! Not only do I think you should be fired, I’d have hired someone more competant in the first place. You should be deeply ashamed of this performance.

  108. Keep pushing for delegates and work with Gingrich to block Romney. from your options list i like this one the most

  109. Doug, Thanks so much for all your efforts. My vote is go all out to win it. Build such a positive momentum that there is no negativity. Don’t worry about offending the GOP. Be enthusiastic, joyful, and celebratory as the momentum builds. Invite all to join and keep the vision on not only a restored Republic, but more, a new paradigm of peace and goodwill as we get ready to create an environment in which all peoples can thrive. GO FOR IT!

  110. run for a while to get publicity and then go to the third party. GOP views are not competible with Paul’s

  111. First off, delete ban Tex2 from commenting in your blog, he’s a distraction and a troll.
    Doug, I have always campaigned, donated, and voted for Ron Paul, even back in 1988. I have never felt it was sure thing or even fair odds. In between, I have voted LP (still knowing no chances for a win). I can honestly say that I have never supported a candidate for president, that actually won. I am rather proud of that too. I don’t compromise my ethics. I know the system is flawed and voting for someone you know is wrong, is a huge part of what is wrong with the system.

    If someone likes sure things, they should just vote for Obama and volunteer for his ACORN clones. I support Ron Paul, win or lose, because it’s the right thing to do. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

    Go for it.. Give it the whole enchilada, but don’t pander to anyone. No 3rd party (to disappear into obscurity). Be a bulldog that not only barks but can bite too. Romney is not only the wrong guy, he simply can’t beat Obama. He doesn’t have the coalition to do it. Get Ron some campaign help. Pick a known good VP now, and have him hit the campaign trail in places Paul can’t get to. Maybe Newt, or better yet, the Judge. Or both, VP and Sec of State.

    Just know this, I will stand behind Paul, even if I have to write him in. I will continue to donate. I think many more will as well. Win or lose, this is more than a single election. It’s a movement.

    Grab more momentum and drive the train to the last station, or run it slam off the tracks. Better to go out with a bang than a whisper.
    Wake up the world (some more).

    1. Oh, if Paul was to go ahead and give a “sidekick” the nod, he/she could have their own website and money bombs to pay his/her way to the campaign trail. I realize this is unorthodox at this stage of the game, but what has the Paul campaign done that could be considered “establishment”?

    Yes I am selfish and have a $100 bet that Ron Paul stays in the GOP, but we need to give Rand a chance next time. And we might still pull it off this time.

    I say go with 1 2 and 3. Gingrich and Santorum shouldve endorsed Paul for Virginia.

  113. I think we should really go for it and destroy the GOP if we have to. If we still do not get the nomination, then we really go for it third party! 10 Million dollar Money Bomb.

  114. My vote is for Making an All effort to win the GOP nomination by gunning for Mitt Romney, while also starting to include Obama in some of the ads), Then, I think we need to also have plan B in motion (which is running as a 3rd party candidate). We need to make it clear that we are not going anywhere and if the GOP does not want us, we will run as a 3rd party.

  115. Running as an independent would gain far more strength than running as a third party, I and a few others I talked to believe. Ron Paul has more individual financial support than party backing anyways, so not only would an independent run present itself more favorably to the swing vote, but would also harness widespread financial support from people who don’t want to chance funding the establishment prerogative. Furthermore, the most favorable parties are the Libertarian party and the Constitutional Party. The Libertarian party is already partially dedicated to Gary Johnson unfortunately, so it would cause greater division and the Constitution party platform has a scope that goes beyond what some constitutionalists embrace. Furthermore, an independent run makes a loud message that we will not be bought nor influenced by any party nor can our believes be boxed up in some party pretense. People won’t be able to judge Ron Paul based on some predetermined party analysis, but will have to understand the issues, which only supports our cause and also Ron Paul’s chances. The truth and information are on our side.

    Also, I’m not saying the other options are irrelevant or that any particular combination should be followed yet, I am merely saying that if we use the last option, we should run as an independent.

  116. Doug, thank you for all you do. My vote is to “go all out” to win it! Don’t worry about what the GOP thinks. Be so busy being positive and celebratory there is no time for sniping or griping or negativity. This is Dr. Paul’s opportunity to enjoy leading & educating Americans to restore the Republic, and more, to set the foundation for a new paradigm of future vision wherein all peoples can

  117. Make an all out effort to go for it. Unlike Newt, Ron Paul’s campaign does not bounce checks and has the support to go all the way. We aren’t going anywhere. We are in this with Ron Paul til the end. I agree with KC Ted on everything except the Newt reference for VP.

  118. I say 1, 2, 3, and 6. Going all out would include being the anti-Romney candidate and simply ignoring Gingrich and focusing on Romney will get those who still don’t like Paul or Romney to vote Gingrich to keep Romney from the win. Pushing forward will continue the momentum so that Paul can draw more for a possible third party run. NEVER sell out for any position with Romney and the whole idea of liberty is anti-establishment and is guaranteed to antagonize.

    The first thing that should be done though is getting as many Santorum supporters as possible, yesterday. Start by holding a money bomb shooting for say $100,000 to help pay off Santorum’s debt. This will show solidarity and prove that libertarians really believe in charity while keeping that opportunity from Romney.

  119. Doug, Dr. Paul,
    Please stay in it until the Republican Convention. I will be! Then after, you can consider the third party route. Either way you got my vote, but we have all these delegates, let’s see what we can do if WE ALL do a little more.

    A little more phoning from home, a little more money donated, and a little more time talking to complete strangers and the ones we know about Liberty. That is what this is all about right?

  120. I’d go with a combination of 1, 2, 3 & 4.

    1) I believe this entire race has been an all out effort to win this thing, and that should continue.

    2) Ron HAS been the ONLY anti-Romney this entire race. Grinch & Santa have only been hanging around to help Romney by making it look like he had some serious competition (besides the blackedout Ron Paul competition of course). The Paul campaign and his supporters need to find ways to reach the public and counter the media’s assertion that Romney is the “winner”, and continue to drive it home to the GOP that Romney WILL NOT win against Obama.

    3) Sure, ally with Gingrich if that will help, if not, then don’t bother. Even though Gingrich has been more than fairly covered by the media (especially compared to Paul), his campaign is a joke, but if we can squeeze any delegates out of an alliance with Gingrich, I am all for it.

    4) There is no reason to start any battles with the GOP. Continue to build our delegate numbers, so we can hopefully pull the rug right out from underneath the RNC. When that happens, if the GOP then tries to pull something to force Romney as the nominee, THEN break out the pitch forks and torches.

    5 & 6 are absolutely out of the question.

    5) A deal with Romney is like a deal with the devil. There is no way Ron Paul would ever do that. I swear he and the campaign (and the crafty Doug Wead, those interviews have been brilliant) have only been letting the media continue to hint at it to keep Ron’s name in the news, and the Romney supporter’s eyes on our guy. A smart move, but let’s not get burned by a deal with Romney. I don’t think Romney would make a deal with Paul either. A robot cannot possibly negotiate with a human in the possession of a conscience and common sense.

    6) I have no love at all for the Republican party. I didn’t vote McCain in ’08, I was stuck voting for Chuck Baldwin because Ron wasn’t on the ballot in my state, and write ins weren’t possible. The path to the nomination is through a REVOLUTION in the GOP to bring it back to its (what is now considered “Libertarian”) Roots. If it is possible to get on a third party ticket AFTER the RNC, then sure. If not, its all or nothing at the RNC, and we better make a stink too big to be ignored if there is any fraud afoot!

    The revolution is inevitable. If its not this time around, its in a couple years when the economy collapses and the government goes with it. If another president is forced upon us through propaganda and fraud, we must take every chance possible to call them out on their treason. People must remember that as big as the government is, it is an asterisk compared to the people of this country. We make the rules, not the other way around.


  121. I say go for it and attack Romney. We nee to get it out to the public about Santorum’s delegates and let them know that Romney has not sealed the deal and that almost ever poll shows Ron doing better in a head to head against Obama. We need MSM coverage bad because half of the people I talk to watch the news on TV and think Ron is crazy and basically has not done a thing since the last debate. We need this bad IMO.

  122. In the first Revolution, our young country fought to get freedom. But we were babies and didn’t know how to SUSTAIN those liberties. So gradually we began to lose them. Now we are fighting the fight again, this time learning the process and learning how to sustain the freedoms we are fighting for. This is all a marvelous, evolutionary, educational process; that is why it seems so long and difficult. But we are learning and getting smarter every day. By the end of the race we will not only have regained our precious freedoms, we will have gained the wisdom to keep them as well! So definitely, let’s stay to the end! If nothing else works, we can always write in Ron Paul in the end. God Bless You Doug, and Every One of Us!
    I am for:
    Making an all out effort to go for it.
    Becoming the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    Working with Gingrich to block Romney . . . only if necessary.
    Staying in the race and being more cunning and sneakier than the GOP leadership.
    Absolutely No deals with Romney.
    No Third Party run. We are building our own NEW party!
    Announce a VP like Judge Napolitano or someone like him right away! He may get press where Ron Paul doesn’t.


  123. Tex2 cracks me up . . . kids!!! He says, and may I add so very proudly, indubitably obsequious to Texan lore, “At least that’s how it works in Texas” but I’ll guaran-damn-tee you IT DOESN”T WORK IN TEXAS AT ALL. If it did, Rick Perry wouldn’t have been governor, along with the Shrubs and their ilk.

  124. Dear Doug,

    In response to your question, I would say all options except for numbers 4 and 5 seem to make sense.

    I’m not sure I understand what “antagonizing” the GOP leadership means. It seems to me that the GOP leadership and their media proxies have been antagonistic toward Dr. Paul all along. Hardball seems to be all they understand. That you, Jesse Benton and Dr. Paul have mostly showed grace under pressure is extraordinary. I’m not endorsing hostility, but defending standing one’s ground, as you all have amazingly, gracefully, intelligently done.

    Seeking a deal with Romney while it still matters puzzles me, too. Dr. Paul is loved and respected for his unwavering adherence to his principles. This sets him apart from all others. If Romney is in the power seat, I can’t see him compromising on the big issues, like: foreign policy and monetary policy. Such a compromise on Dr. Paul’s part would destroy a lifetime’s work of integrity that he built and represents.

    Not so sure I’d make 3rd party run a first option. I don’t trust the election process as it is within the 2 parties. It seems to me there is even more room for vote fraud and marginalization outside of the 2 parties. Change from within seems more viable, as ugly a process as that can be as we’ve been witnessing in the primaries.

    But what do I know? Just my 2 cents. And I’m open to suggestion.

    Dr. Paul’s massive turnouts at rallies cannot be denied. There is momentum going on. I hope he continues to spread the word and garner support in this manner. He is like a rock star, but so much more.

    Keep up the good work, Doug!

    1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney.
    4.) Stay in the race but don’t antagonize the GOP leadership.
    5.) Seek a deal with Romney while it still matters.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

  125. GO ALL THE WAY TO TAMPA! Stay the course, for better or worse. The GOP needs to return to true Republicanism. Ron Paul is the ONLY one who can make that happen.

    Show those talking heads how WRONG they are–they already know it, how could they not? They are really puppets and they know who pulls their strings.

    Forget the stupid polls– they are just as fixed as the talking heads! Just look at the crowds RP draws–THOUSANDS! Compare with Romneys pathetic gatherings (never a “CROWD”). I even heard some of the sign wavers are Manpower Temps. Can’t say if it’s true or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  126. Everyone ignore the troll known as tex2 his tactics are juvenile at best. We all know what we believe in. if he has a problem with liberty he should take it up with the communist party. I’m sure they would love to have you on board. As for Dr. paul we are in this for the long haul. We haven’t donated money and time we don’t have to bow down now! Lets go we can do this!

  127. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    We’re coming for you Tex2, I mean Romney. LOL

  128. I vote for all the options expect a deal with Romney even if he offers him chairman of the Federal Reserve the Senate will have to approve it and there is no way that will happen. I say run hard for the nomination through the end of June by then we should know if a brokered convention is possible if it is not then I say we work with the libertarian party to run on a Paul/Johnson ticket. If we can force a brokered convention then I say we go fot it. Adam Kokesh is working on raising an entire division of Veterans to march on the Rebulican Convention I would not underestimate the effect of thousands of veterans visably throwing their support behind Dr. Paul this has the potential to change the minds of delegates at the convention like no other force can. They can’t possibly ignore a demonstration of that size.

  129. 1,2, 3 and leave option 6 open. If 123 start to seem unworkable for whatever reason, form an Independent Conservative coalition with Perot (even as spiritual support), Buchanan, Napolitano, Stossel, and other independent-thinking powerhouses. Run as the Restore America Party.

  130. Unfortunately the GOP will never *NEVER* give Ron Paul the nomination unless they are FORCED to by sheer numbers at a brokered convention.

    Is this even a reality? Doubtful considering the media blackout, voter fraud and shunning by the GOP to date.

    I read somewhere that Romney is prepeared to spend 500K + to ensure the ‘right’ delegates are on the floor in Tampa. This game is so rigged it is beyond absurd.

    Reality is America has a one party system and the power brokers have already chosen Obama for a second term.

    I have wondered why Paul continues to talk at universities and I now realise he is doing his very best to cultivate enough younger people to change the sytem from within. This will take the time it takes.

    I feel he should continue to Tampa if he is financially able to do so. Third party run will fail and he would also be blamed for Romney’s loss. I do though think he should infer he will run third party to try and influence the convention.

  131. I’m a diehard supporter, and have been since before ’08, but I say no third party run. Think of Rand’s future. We can re-make this party – keep the long run in mind.

    Make an all out effort
    Gather Romney’s opponents
    Don’t antagonize the GOP leadership – in all of life in is unwise to be antagonistic. Dr. Paul is and has always been a gentleman!

  132. As someone who has been a supporter since high school circa 1990, I can only see these as viable options:

    1.) Make an all out effort to go for it. (and when strategically plausible, 2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents and 3.) Work with Gingrich to block Romney. as well)

    If we don’t win in Tampa:


    A) don’t endorse anyone in nay way, shape or form whatsoever


    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run — LP and/or Constitution Party

    Also, if he does get Americans Elect, make no comment about until the last second, and then say yes

    Anyway, the 2 key takeaways are:

    1) Stay in it to win till the end (i.e., Novemeber general elections) and
    2) Make all of our fellow supporters realize that our future is not with the stinking rotting filthy carcass that is the GOP — they not only replaced the Whigs, they are the Whigs!

    Thank you

  133. If republicans saw Ron Paul as the only one who can beat Obama in the general election, they will FLOCK to him. We have to start framing Paul’s message in reference to Obama, and we have to play up the fact that wether you agree with him on everything or not, only Paul can dig into Obama’s voter base. Don’t go third party, he’ll be invisible. Paul needs to challenge Romney to a debate! We need more debates!!! One on one debates please!

    1. Republicans DON’T see Paul like that, at all. LOL

      Anybody can beat Barry, and we don’t want someone like RP, who would endanger our country. LOL

  134. OF COURSE – go balls to the wall and we will take it all.
    3rd Party or Indy? Um no. If anyone thinks it might be too hard to get this repub nomination then why in the heck would you think it any easier to start all over and at a disadvantage? It some states it is already too late to get on the ballot on 3rd party.

    Ron is the antiRMoney and antiObummer candidate. To some sleepers this will be important. To the rest of us, Ron is the ONLY candidate.

  135. All-out-effort to win. I dream of the day in Tampa that the number of Ron Paul delegates is revealed. I dream of the shock on the faces of the Media talking heads as to how many Paul actually wields. I dream of a fight on the convention floor. Out of tribulation, Liberty is born. Ron Paul 2012.

  136. Ron Paul would be the most dominant Third Party candidate this country’s ever had.

    Say what you want about American’s Elect, but he’s clearly the favorite over there and would easily win their nomination. They obtained ballot access in one of the most restrictive states, Oklahoma, and are likely to get it in the other 49.

    I’d love to see an Independent Ron Paul ticket with a VP candidate the likes of Ralph Nader; American’s Elect requires a candidate of a different party. This ticket may be electable with both the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party movement.

    We could fight hard to get him in the Presidential debates.

    1. Ron is 0-2, soon to be 0-3. You call that dominant? Ralph Nader, ultra-liberal as his running mate. You Paulites are so stupid it’s hilarious. And you wonder why I’m here, it’s for entertainment value! LOL

      1. I am a Ron Paul supporter but tex2 has made a few comments on this thread that are right on and we’ve needed him or her here as a devil’s advocate.

        The real trolls are those who would consider Ralph Nader or Kusinich.

        Where tex2 has been most wrong is his or her focus on ‘druggies”…an insignificant constituency for RP.

        Tex2 is entirely correct that informed Santorum voters (meaning anyone of them who could read) would prefer Romney over Ron Paul because they knew Santorum hated libertarianism and, thus, was the polar opposite of RP. Santorum voters would prefer the Etch a Sketch candidate whom they might be able to influence with their authoritarianism over a libertarian.

        I’d vote for Ron Paul despite my agreement with tex2 that 9-11 taught us that playing entirely defense is not smart. I don’t agree with the continued war in Afghanistan but I also don’t agree that religious fanatics only care about us minding our own business. Santorum is proof that religious fanatics, whether Catholic or Islamic, will aggressively try to mind everyone else’s business.

        Santorum would have wanted to use American taxpayer money to punish sexual sinners around the world.

        So the existence of religious American Neocons belies the notion that religious Islamists weren’t trying to mess with the west regardless of American bases in Saudi Arabia or the Palestinian issue.

        Meanwhile, a big issue that Doug Wead should have discussed is that the Santorum people are going to be trying to become part of Romney’s administration!!!

        That is the most important issue now. It would be a catastrophe for libertarianism if any anti-libertarians who supported Santorum are given any power in the new proposed Romney administration.

        Doug – Are you and Ron listening on this?

        If Romney tries to throw libertarianism under the bus by trying to appeal to bedroom authoritarians, a third party run will be much advised and could be successful.

        We also need to be careful the Santorum anti-libertarians won’t try to subvert the RP movement by “joining us” in mala fide.

      2. Anonymous

        First. I want to say that I’m a Christian. With that said:

        Sometimes I wonder why people of Faith; especially Christians and Catholics, get so “worked up” over these Candidate’s positions and what a Candidate supposedly “will do” for them when elected to Office. If anything, this should set off “alarm bells” when a Candidate panders in this way, knowing that there are Constitutional “restraints” both FOR and AGAINST a Religious Agenda being implemented upon the People by the Government.

        I’m very “leary” of a Candidate who “touts” a Religious “Agenda” from a Campaign Stump in order to get votes. Don’t People realize that a “foundation” of Liberty and Freedom, which is the “key component” of Ron Paul’s Platform, is what enables People to “practice” their Faith WITHOUT Government interference in this Country? And don’t they realize by now that the Government should stay out-of their “Daily Lives” altogether? People of Faith should NOT be so “Insecure” about their Faith with “made-up” concerns that the Government is going to break down their doors and tell them not to practice their Faith. They should be MORE Concerned that the Government is “Involved” AT ALL in the “removal” of our Constitutional Civil Liberties and Freedoms from ALL of us.

        I don’t think you’re quite correct in saying that Santorum would have wanted to use American taxpayer money to “punish” sexual sinners around the world. However, Ron Paul is “Constitutionally” Correct by saying that the Federal Government should NOT be in the business of doing either “rewarding or punishing”.

        For instance: The Federal Government “providing” for Abortions and/or Family Planning with Taxpayer Dollars is WRONG. This isn’t a “Disease” that will effect the populous in an epidemic manner. It’s a “Moral” Issue for the People-of-Faith – and a Constitutional Issue for “Everyone” – Faith or NO Faith. With that said, Abortion should be decided on a local level beginning with the States and removed from Federal Jurisdiction. If the People of that State want or don’t want to pay for Abortions and/or Family Planning with their State Taxpayer Dollars, then it should be decided there. Each State has their own Charter or Constitution. If that Charter or Constitution needs to be amended, then so be it. Let the People of “that” State have their State Constitutional Conventions and let the “People” debate it and decide it. However, the Federal Government also has a Constitution which the States have to “Ratify” in order for it to be amended. It only makes SENSE that if the Populus of the Country decides to have the Government “pay for” Abortions and/or Family Planning – the “People” through the “majority” of the States make it so. Slavery and the Ending of Prohibition were decided in this manner. Other Issues also should be decided in this manner. This way the “People” have a “Say” and are NOT “forced” by the “Special Interests” to do what they don’t wish to do.

      3. Anon,

        I prefer the “angel’s advocate.” LOL


        Have you jumped down Anne’s throat for trying to make Romney’s religion a major campaign issue? LOL

  137. 1. Go all the way! But we need “Hollywood” unfortunately of course. Musicians. stars etc. Take some campaign money and have some hits songs written for Ron Paul. Organize the musicians and famous people who are all ready Ron Paul supporters to put on fund raiser or free concerts. Pay a big name hip hop artist a million to write a top chart song. Then split 50/50 rights to the song with the artist. Wanna talk about bang for buck for advertising?

    Obama got elected because it was cool. Ron Paul needs to become cool also. He needs to become a fad (I already think he is cool, I ‘m talking about becoming a fad for the masses of the sheeple out there).

    Then create more publicity. Of course stay within all laws. But get ruthless and creative. People will wake up. Ron Paul is on the verge of blowing politics out of the water. But our campaign needs a real tipping point Shove

    Remember what year it is. It’s 2012, not 1950. And always notice how our society functions. If the people will only eat cookies. Then bait them in with a cookie. Utilize the system to our fullest extent!!

  138. I have come to the conclusion that RP people live in la la land. Do you really think that a corrupt GOP party can be taken over from the neo-conservatives? You really think in the long run that supposed Liberty candidates wouldn’t get bought out!!! The plan should be to keep fightig for Tampa – and then from there – NO he won’t get the nomination because you people need to relaize that the establishemtn is going to pull some mean shyt at the state level to prevent RP delegates from going to national- and then announce third party. As a third-party candidate, he would have to find money to keep himself in the mind of the public through radio, and newspaper and television ads and the internet. Even though he won’t win the presidency – you people should realize that Paul has stated that the system needs a third party contender. That should be his legacy – and you people will have to charge yourself with carryig on his effort and message of Liberty by supporting Liberty candidates or running as Liberty candidates. Especially you yound people. All Paul has to do is say the word and he will have RP support – but remember – RP support is deep but not in the majority yet. It will take time and patience. If we had a damn news channel like Fox and CNN, Paul would be a lot better off. Paul would also be doing the campaign a favor by varying his message at rallies – he sticks to the same message to much. Paul has to talk about real solutions and what he would do as President that would change peoples lives and/or the country for the better and sell it.

    1. I came to that conclusion a LONG time ago. LOL

      But RP is a one trick pony, how could he possibly change his message?

      He’s never fixed anything, how could he have solutions? LOL

    2. Mathematically, the only way to make a third party run viable for anyone is to force winners into having to have a majority vote to win any office. Otherwise, run-off elections have to be held.

      As long as people like Bill Clinton can win the presidency with ridiculously low pluralities like 43%, we will have a strict two party system.

      The 1992 elections should have had a run-off between the top 2 performers (Clinton vs Bush Senior). With Ross Perot out of the run-off, Bush Senior would have won but not without making major concessions to Perot’s voters to keep them from staying home in the run-off.

      So we need an amendment to stop the Plurality Vote system once and for all. Mathematically, it forces all first votes into being a run off based on what voters have seen in often-corrupt media polling.

  139. Sadly, money is always a dominating factor, if we can raise the 2.5 million this weekend it will give The Campaign a little breathing room, (and some media cred?) of course they may just make note of our tenacity and go to blackout mode again.

    In my opinion, Ron Paul should attack crony capitalism with a vengence along with all the other usual talking points.

  140. THANKS for asking! ONLY from the Paul campaign!

    1-4 for sure.

    3rd party could be a hornets nest. Sure. I’ll still vote for him. Numbers indicate an Obama victory, though. As we continue the downward spiral towards economic collapse, the GOP will blame Obama/Ron Paul. In their ignorance to the scope of the problem(both sides), they actually believe Romney and the status quo are the answer. At that point? If Rand is indeed a chip off the ole block(or someone else)? When we need them most, they’ll be the villains…

    #5. Every zombie I know realizes that RP should, at least, have a huge role in the treasury, and have a leading voice in fiscal policy. That makes the GOP base happier with Robama, but not us. A deal would require massive concessions from Romney.

    Interested in the other realistic 3rd party opinions. Convince me otherwise. I’ll still bring every RP supporter I know to THAT convention, because a show of force is in order.

  141. I favor third party after Tampa – assuming the GOP machine continues it’s Romney course.

    1 – Most Americans are fed up with both parties. CNN – 56%, ABC – 50%, with some agencies reporting 71%
    2 – The Obama rhetoric against the GOP is quite convincing to the masses. The GOP constantly falls into social issue traps that ultimately lose voter support.
    3 – The GOP is in McCain mode and it is highly unlikely to accept core Paul positions into the GOP platform – esp. Foreign Policy and Fiscal Reform.
    4 – Republican establishment is anti-Paul; they literally break rules to disfavor Ron Paul. How can Paul ever win true GOP support across the party?

    Most importantly – Ron Paul represents a different politician; honesty, not serving special interests, takes the oath of office seriously, and sees us as more than ‘tax paying units’. He does not “take one for the team”. Is their is no better way to make this obvious to voters than as an independent candidate.

    Being a Republican Nominee includes a GOP platform that may compromise Dr. Paul’s popular positions on the Individual Liberty, Economy, and Foreign Policy ?

    1. That last one is an easy defense. Platform doesn’t trump his Oath. The GOP has a liberal / unconstitutional platform in too many areas but even when the platform item is totally constitutional and an elected Republican like a Romney violates even that – the GOP does NOTHING. All show. All “teeth out”. Little integrity & too much compromise.

    1. I think we all need to double our efforts and DO THIS! I’m not interested in VP Paul, or “he made a good point and changed some minds” RONPAUL IS MY PRESIDENT! I truly believe that he is the only one available who can get the people excited enough to actually get involved in re-creating the Republic! go Flat out! If you don’t get the Republican nomination, go third party. If that doesn’t work, we may have to take to the streets. The current regime HAS TO GO!

  142. Hi all, I’m not sure if this has been said yet, but I just read a post on reddit and I agree with Jeremy56x.

    “We have to get the message out! Ron Paul MUST start pressing for a one-on-one with Romney. In every interview from now on he should make it public that he’s challenging Romney to a debate. He could say something along the lines of, “If he’s too scared to debate me one-on-one, what makes you think he wouldn’t be scared against Obama?” The media wouldn’t like this, but if we can somehow find a way to get this going I think it would immensely help his campaign! It would show people the clear contrast between the two, and how Ron Paul really could defeat Obama in debates. Also if it were held by the media, they would have to give him his fair time or it would be way too obvious if they didn’t. So get the message out! If we can spread this idea to everyone and garner up enough support, maybe we can get this ball rolling!
    For Liberty!”

    I’m not sure as to how Ron Paul and the campaign should do this but I agree that a Romney vs Paul debate would draw a distinct line between Romney/Obama and Paul. Regardless we need to show that Romney and Obama look very much the same when placed next to Paul.


      1. tex2

        You really are a “Bad Boy” aren’t you? Thanks for the Dance. I’m sure everyone on this Blog appreciated the show. Oh yeah….LOL

  143. I vote for 1 & 2. I’d like to think some of 3 could be successful but we are dealing with a 5, if not a 7-headed monster fed by the FED!
    “Conservative” labels adorned on the other candidates and the oft references to the GOP and “Conservative Standard Bearers” are only for the gullible and uninformed. The collectivist “acid bath” we have been in for nearly 100 years requires a movement, time, labor, money, prayers and some good fortune as well. I have run the numbers in North Carolina to reform the party and have it function as the real freedom party that its traditions long touted but have failed to uphold. Just 3 committed patriots per precinct is all it will take. So a third party effort is not an option when there is such low hanging fruit that small numbers can harvest.
    A more effective job of grassroots political organizing and training is needed. We have lots of enthusiasm but are short on what to do next in any situation. One highly trained person per Congressional District would provide excellent direction and train others.
    Also Doug, the PCC needs to make sure known Paul delegates are fully briefed on RNC rules and procedures, what scenarios may need dealing with and how and likely tactics they expect.
    Let’s go full bore for liberty, expose and educate others about the corrupt machine behind both parties and flush them out in the open as Ron is doing with the FED.
    It’s simple; educate – then organize and direct the natural yield, a desire for justice and liberty!

      1. Well tex2, Ron Paul has not been one to centrally plan either! He does practice what he preaches which is an honorable thing even if considered ineffective in political campaigning. Your candidate is likely to believe in force where Dr. Paul does not.
        “It’s too late” is defeatism and until the November votes are counted, no one can truly be counted out!
        “…a one man show” – You reveal either your total bias against the most honorable man running or you complete blindness to reality! Which is it? Are you happy being a collectivist? Just curious!

      2. nalejbank,

        You’re so stupid. LOL

        I never mentioned central planning. LOL

        10% of the vote is ineffective political campaigning. LOL

        I agree, keep giving your money and time to RIP until November. Sell your house. Sell your car. Sell all of your belongings, savings, etc., RIP is worth it! LOL

        Ron Paul has a lot of stupid ideas, and I don’t have to be a collectivist to see that. LOL

        Are you that stupid? Just curious. LOL

      3. It was called tape of the week. LOL

        Except it’s now in CD or MP3 form. LOL

        Which means you’re stupid. LOL

        But if there are any former Amway/Quixtar IBOs reading this, see this site so you can leverage your influence to the maximum extent: http://quixtarclass.wordpress.com/ LOL

  144. I think we all need to double our efforts and DO THIS! I’m not interested in VP Paul, or “he made a good point and changed some minds” RONPAUL IS MY PRESIDENT! I truly believe that he is the only one available who can get the people excited enough to get busy and re-create our Republic!

  145. Dr. Paul should do whatever he thinks will best spread the message of liberty. Unfortunately, winning the White House does not appear to be an option, either through a GOP or third party attempt. But, has anyone in recent times done as much as Dr. Paul in advancing the principles of liberty and peace? He is a winner in my book, even though I don’t agree with every aspect of his philosophy, and even though he won’t win the Presidency.

    In my opinion, he should stay in the GOP race for as long as he can be relevant, reaching out to Republicans who may be receptive to a platform of liberty and peace. Then, at the last possible moment, he might consider a third-party effort, to further extend his message to Independents, and Democrats who are tired of endless wars. Again, he will not win the White House with either approach, but maximizing the visibility of Libertarian ideals is a win for all of us!

  146. To do list:

    Win Colorado on the 14th. Delegates out in the open, where they can’t be ignored.

    Exceed expectations in New York.

    Win Texas.

    Take every delegate from California.

  147. Whatever Dr. Paul does, it must demand attention. He has to make a splash and soon. He needs a major media event with massive coverage. We need Ron Paul to call everyone out from Mitt Romney and the Republican Party to Obama and Wall Street.

    He must beat the MSM at its own game.

    The American people agree with Dr. Paul….because he is right. The battle is winning over the hearts and minds of the people that only have a source of information from the MSM outlets. I’m afraid this large number of older voters doesn’t even know Dr. Paul is in the running anymore.

    Whatever he does… he needs to do it now. He can no longer play nice. He can no longer sit on his hands in anyway.

    Mr Wead, I implore you to make a splash in the media in someway…as soon as possible. Let America know we are still in it.

    1. It’s over, he’s toast. 10% of the vote this late in the race is NOT a winning candidate. Go home. LOL

      However, a naked Doug Wead lap dance may attract some attention! LOL

      1. This fruitcake named tex2 is a schill. Nothing to do but be divisive. He has no real life but to be a sheeple and be stupidly ignorant like those he follows. He is part of the status quo shoe lickers.

      2. This fruitcake named Tom is a schill. Nothing to do but be stupid. He has no real life but to be a RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul)-sheeple and be stupidly ignorant like those he follows. He is part of the status quo RIP shoe lickers.

  148. I can’t wait to see the shenanigans in Tampa :/

    Give em’ hell guys…

    Thank you for defending our country and our constitution.

    Mr. Wead, you are a true patriot.

  149. I would love it if Paul would try a multiple tickets approach (if such a thing is possible). Certainly, doing a Libertarian Party run at the same time as the GOP run would bring backlash from the GOP about Paul not being a real Republican. But what if Paul *also* ran under America’s Elect, where he’s currently the most popular candidate by far?

    Doing a 3 runs at the same time would be radical, and newsworthy, and a real denunciation of the 2-party system. It would perfectly underscore Paul’s populist, “liberty is for everyone” message, and of course “principle before party.” And the Libertarian Party, with ballot access in all 50 states, would be an excellent fallback if the GOP nomination doesn’t work out.

    Here’s where I got the idea: http://www.rp2012.org/3rd_party

  150. Key change needed: Transition AWAY from money bombs to SUBSCRIPTION based funding. Let me pay $5, 10, 15, etc per week automatically. Stable. Low expense impact. Sustainable and buildable.

  151. I say we go for it all, but if we come third in texas it only makes sense that our path to the nomination will come through 3rd party, it wouldn’t be too late to go lp and they would toss johnson off their convention floor if the doctor walked in.

  152. Phone from home is essential to GOTV. As many as possible need to join the campaign’s phone from home program ASAP. It’s more work, but the message needs to be personalized. The internet is a fantastic resource, but in many cases it’s preaching to the choir. I’m not trying to discourage the web warrior effort, but it MUST be in conjunction with PFH and boots on the ground. Sitting in front of the computer isn’t enough, folks who can need to volunteer for these important efforts. There is a large dedicated base already involved, but now is the time for a huge push in that regard.
    Phone banks need to be overflowing making thousands of calls per day. And that wouldn’t be difficult given the number of supporters showing up at Ron Paul’s rallies. SIGN UP IF YOU CAN, and even if you can’t. Do it, volunteer, it’s fun and would make a huge impact. It’s the most important thing Ron Paul supporters can do immediately to help make a difference and win.

  153. A third party run with …Ran Paul. Ron Paul is blocked from some state ballot due to his run as republican candidate. Rand Paul is not. The Gop continuously mistreated and blocked Ron Paul supporters’ efforts. It is tiring. Wanna hit back ? That’s the way.

  154. “(Obi-Wan) “That boy is our last hope.” (Yoda) “No, there is another.””
    The solution ? A third party run with …Rand Paul. Ron Paul can be VP or else. Ron Paul doesn t qualify for some states ballot due to his run for the republican nomination.
    The Gop constantly harrassed, mistreated or blocked Ron Paul supporters effort. It has been a tiring and discouraging process. Wanna hit back ? That’ s the way.
    The Buzz around a Ran Paul 3rd party run, and the energy behind for the Liberty movement would be unprecedented.

      1. 1. Too much federal spending
        Ahhhh…. Hmmmm….

        2. Terrorism
        Fake. If you killed my family, I may die for revenge as well duh.

        3. Ron Paul
        Sometimes your problem may be your only answer/solution.

        Anyway I’m sure those are only your perceived top 3 according to the media and popularity of issues… surely they are not your personal issues LOL I hope. Cheers!

      2. 1. So we agree this is a top 3 problem?
        2. Looks like we agree here as well, and is why we took action after 9/11.
        3. That’s interesting “logic,” a hair of the dog that bit you? LOL

        No, I ignore the MSM and look for conspiracy theories online. LOL

        What are your top 3? BTW I’m asking you and it’s Thursday. LOL

      3. While you’re at it, how about your input to this?

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

  155. 3rd Party will work in a major way. Start now and light a new torch.

    Saying 3rd party hurts Rand is a slap in the face to his father’s message and supporters. This is time to make history… all careers aside.

  156. Rand should distance himself from his dad, or he’ll be labeled a kook as well. Let me know when you stop politicians from caring about their careers. LOL

    1. Can you not see that the message Ron has delivered is CRITICAL? This is a message worth living and dying for!… and it’s spreading very fast.

      1. Can YOU not see how Rand is seldom on the campaign trail with Ron, and when he is, he doesn’t speak in support of Ron’s nutty ideas? LOL

  157. Sure… even if some of his ideas are over the top… it’s the point of where we are in time. Once you get sick, do you not take every step to get better and even go a little overboard or nutty? This is the only way we can treat our huge and super-sensitive issues. People are dying tex2d2… and we are to blame for so many wrongs in the world… we are sick as a nation. Ron Paul 2012…and beyond 🙂

    1. The idea is to appeal to people so you can be ELECTED, not have nutty ideas that cause people to step away from you. LOL

      When I get sick, I usually get some rest and drink fluids, and do NOT “…take every step to get better and even go a little overboard or nutty,” and I think most other people don’t, either. LOL

      People have died since before recorded history, and the U.S. is the greatest nation that ever existed on this planet. LOL

      Ron Paul is not the answer. LOL

  158. Perhaps Obama will expose Romney to the public during this time so bad, that Ron Paul will start looking like a better option against Obama for everyone! We need to campaign from this angle!

    Stay in the GOP as long as possible, so if Paul loses, it’s because he was cheated out of winning from the MSM and election fraud. Maybe consider 3rd party AFTER a total GOP loss.

    1. I doubt it, Romney has been vetted for 2 election cycles. LOL

      Yes, RP’s positions have NOTHING to do with getting 10% of the vote, and EVERYTHING to do with those mean, nasty, cheating GOP/MSM conspirators. LOL

  159. Reactions from tex2 shows that Rand as a 3rd party is the way to go.
    Rand cand stand on his own as a candidate, the “Liberty ” movement will follow.

  160. 6!! Run Third Party! This is what the message of liberty needs! Imagine the message we’ll send when we take enough votes from both Obama and the Republican Nominee! RON PAUL COULD WIN RUNNING 3rd PARTY!

  161. #1. Go all out.
    #6. Make it a third party win.
    Ronulens are above the rest in dignity. Grassroots supporters will follow Ron Paul and his steadfast policies straight into the Presidency. Stooping to the level of the rest may only make it tougher to get there.

  162. [ 1. ] all the way. Do not deviate from the strategy you have set. As for a third party run, the rules the govern that have been designed by the establishment to marginalize candidates. Americans love a fighter, someone who doesn’t give up even under overwhelming odds…another goal would be to get more nationally televised debates before the convention. America needs to hear his message and now that there will be fewer voices on the stage, Paul’s will be that much stronger!

  163. #1 AND #6. This is an unprecedented election and we need to do unprecedented things to get Ron Paul elected. I’ve been all in for Ron Paul since the beginning and fear what would happen if anyone else is elected. Thus, I think what needs to be done is a consideration for a third party run CONCURRENTLY with a GOP run. Ron Paul should attempt to get multiple third party nominations such as the Libertarian Party, Constitution Party, American Independent Party, ect.

    I think a dream ticket would be Ron Paul and Gary Johnson for the LP. Ron Paul already polls 17% nationally as a third party candidate against Romney and Obama. Johnson already polls 7% against Romney and Obama.

    Let’s threaten a three way race if the GOP doesn’t give Ron Paul the nomination.

  164. #1 AND #6. This is an unprecedented election and we need to do unprecedented things to win. We can’t give up and let the country go down in flames, and this means Ron Paul must be the nominee, no alternatives.

    I think a third party run option needs to be considered CONCURRENTLY with a GOP run. Ron Paul should try getting the nominations for as many third parties as make sense, such as the Libertarian Party, Constitutional Party, American Independent Party, ect. Most of these parties already have ballot access in all 50 states, but their nominating conventions are coming up soon so this needs to be considered ASAP.

    A nation wide Reason poll already shows Ron Paul polling 17% against Romney and Obama. Gary Johnson polls 7% against Romney and Obama. Personally, I think a Ron Paul and Gary Johnson would be a dream ticket.

    I think having these third party nominations could be Ron Paul’s “Ace in the Hole” to threaten the GOP to nominate him or else face defeat.

    1. The reason no-one of merit responds to the Court Jester below:

      The #2 is most likely a 300+lb, 30+ year-old, pimply “teenager” that lives in Mum’s basement. Its only life consists of non-stop pernicious net postings, with short breaks crawling up the stairs to raid mom’s refrigerator.

      A sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good!
      We don’t want it banned from posting here — It is kept around as the Forum’s Court Jester (for amusement purposes only).

      1. Debbie, I think Surfisher just slammed you. LOL

        I’ve already stated I’m nowhere near 300 pounds and work out nearly every day, so I’m not a shut-in, either. LOL

        Surfisher is just a sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good! LOL

  165. I don’t what party label Ron Paul runs under, if we don’t get him elected, this Republic Is Dead….!!!!

  166. The movement needs a home. The move to Third Party is now overdue, Dr. Paul, please run for President outside of the Republican Party Establishment, they will never allow true liberty to take hold.

    1. Wow I just got back to check comments and your still on here! You must be getting paid per comment and not by hour … you have been LOLing on here all day so either you are a paid fool or a RP fanatic that has been pushed too far by this situation!… and I don’t blame you…. this is bound to drive the best of us to spewing blasphemy and compulsive LOLing.

  167. YEAH! Let’s run Third Party!

    Then we can literally give Obama the White House in 2012, get SCOTUS stacked with Liberal Justices for about 35 years, and THEN we’ll be sitting pretty for a 2016 run.

    At this point, Paul can be ready to run again and THEN he’ll win an election against an entirely government-dependant society.

    Oh wait…maybe we should try to stop Obama in 2012, so there is actually a country left to save.

  168. Doug — NEVER #5 (principles must never be compromised for deals/favors)!


    1) Go all the way, garnering as many delegates as possible (and then see what happens at the Convention — be assured that hundreds of thousands us, Ron Paul supporters, will arrive in Tampa, overwhelming the others by tenfold — Vox Populi vox Dei)!

    A good strategy to assure that more delegates are won, is a national exposure to RP’s message (which has been blacked-out so far by the Main Media). Force Mitt into one-on-one debates (at least three Nationally Televised) with Ron Paul. If Romney is unwilling — apply the ‘threat’ that if Ron Paul goes independent, Mitt has no chance to win whatsoever!


    Why never cut a deal/compromise on Apodictic Principles:

    Compromise — worth noting its logical meaning (the degradation of principles into eventual nothingness).

    When the highest principle (let’s call it “A” for absolute) is bartered to achieve a compromise with a lower one (“F” for failure) — a compromise is reached, creating a lesser principle (call it “B” for barter).
    Thereby, the now LESSER principle “B” becomes the NEW “highest” principle.

    When “B” is renegotiated as a compromise with another low point — then “C” is created as an even lower standard NEW principle.

    Then “C” reaches a compromise with “D”…and so on.

    Reason clearly shows that continuous compromises lead to eventual disappearance of true principles.

    Yet, many think that to compromise is the way go, to GAIN SOMETHING TEMPORARILY, at the expense of something IRREPLACEABLE, the LOSS of ALL principles!

    Best regards,

  169. I say Stay in the race in the republican party until Tampa, if Ron does not get the nomination then Third Party ALL THE WAY to the presidency!! I believe we can get the nomination and overthrow the republican establishment. I believe that the Third party run is the way to go after the National convention “IF” we do not get the nomination! It will gut the Republican party and insure the WIN of the general election.

  170. I think that a third-party run is the best option. In a way, it’s tempting to continue to go for the GOP nomination, especially for those of us who have worked so hard within the GOP these last 5 years.

    But the GOP will inevitably find a way to screw us, and no consolation prize (VP, platform, primetime speaking slot, etc.) is worth it.

    An independent run (Americans Elect) will give the liberty message its largest platform yet. For Dr. Paul it would be going out with the bang he deserves.

    Any negative ramifications for Rand will be forgotten 4 years from now. Besides, since when has this movement ever been about hedging our bets? It’s all or nothing. Save the republic or become slaves.

    Ron Paul 2012!

    1. Lukus Collins —

      It is best for Ron Paul to keep running — the GOP’s Rulers perfidy will get even more exposure as Frauds (not Patriots), if they continue their shenanigans.

      Once in Tampa, with hundreds of thousands of us there, let’s see their reaction.

      If the GOP does not obey the Will of THE REAL AMERICANS — then declare himself as an Independent.

  171. Some comments on here talk about Paul’s ideas his non-interventionist foreign policy as crazy, and then they say that the way to solve our problems is to have MORE troops oversea and to have a larger military influence – and they talk nothing about how that has been the policy for the last 30 years. Statistically, suicide bombing terrorist attacks increased dramatically with the presence of the US in mid-east territories. Our presence is the only thing that motivates potential terrorists on actually taking action. The only way bin laden was able to get a following going is by talking about our troops in their land – meaning previous talks by radicals regarding our “decadent” lifestyle and support for Israel did not produce enough motivation for the increase in terrorism toward USA as witnessed now.

    And while we loudly and proudly cheer for the troops fighting a war on terror that is essentially fueled by both parties, we allow a complete take over of our freedoms. The Patriot Act, NDAA 2012, executive orders to allow federal control of all resources in times of perceived threates (including economic), telecommunication monitor centers in Utah, etc etc.

    In the mean time, the Fed prints more money to pay for this adventure, making the dollar even more useless, causing oil prices to sky rocket. The amount of debt and the value of derivatives is greater than the amount of money actually available to pay it off. Then someday the same government that got us where we are will come in to “save” us, and we will all be thankful that we get to keep 50% of our money.

    So there is Ron Paul. Writing legislation to limit government intervention on social issues that keeps our personal lives, well, personal. Writing legislation and making arguments for 30 years to prevent economic collapse. Writing legislation to end the private bank’s control over our federal policies and prevent legal theft. Writing legislation that would stop the government from abusing its citizens – trying to stop a paradigm that makes us dependent on the government. Writing legislation that never gets passed – never gets passed because, well, I think it’s pretty obvious why.

  172. 1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    4.) Stay in the race but don’t antagonize the GOP leadership.
    “IF” RP doesn’t get the nomination then
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.
    But I would be setting the groundwork for the 3rd partgy run. we will want the libertarian minded individuals to replace the current organization when we win the nomination! and the Office! Not Republican thugs. But I am sure there are thing set for that already.

    1. Our Freedoms and Prosperity will End, unless Ron Paul wins the Presidency! — the shame is that most good people are too busy working in order to support their families AND a nearly bankrupt IRRESPONSIBLE US Government (so have little time to get involved and follow the logical conclusion if BO or his Copy (no-chance-to-win Mitt) get elected!) Four more years of this will end the USA, not with a Bang, but with a controlled whoosh….

      These working folks can be excused — they are the only ones feeding the Parasites in Power (The Politicos) and the Parasites on Welfare. So have NO TIME to lift their heads from this double yoke placed on them to FEED THE NON-PRODUCERS, and depend on the Guardians (see Plato’s Republic) for their Liberty and Prosperity to be assured. But, the “Guardians”, with the exception of Ron Paul, are nothing but a bunch of self-serving CROOKS!

      Another 4 years of BO (or the other side of the same coin — Mitt), will destroy the USA!

      So, the only question that is pertinent NOW is:

      Why aren’t you out there to assure a Ron Paul Presidency — by all legal means?! Or do you want your children, and grandchildren to FOREVER become SLAVES of the STATE…???

    2. It’s too late, RP has 10% of the vote, and Gary Johnson has the Libertarian nomination all but locked up. How about RP for janitor? He could really “clean up” the vote in that position. LOL

      1. Who CARES? RP gets 10% of the vote, and half of that may be Dems trying to cause troubles. It is a resounding rejection of RP’s policies to legalize drugs, and freedom at any cost, except for drug addicts and nutjobs. You’ve already lost. LOL

  173. 1, 2 and 3. Tex2, you really need to learn something about respect. It is alright for you to have your views but it is disrespectful to everyone on this blog when you continuously slander Dr. Ron Paul when you obviously have very little knowledge on this. We would all appreciate if you could be respectful and cease to comment on all of these posts. Thank you.

    1. You need to learn something about returning fire. LOL

      I will treat others as they treat me, and you’re only getting back what you’re serving on this forum. LOL

      How have I slandered RP? Did you know slander is verbal and libel is written? LOL

      I have plenty of knowledge on this. LOL

      I’ll post where and when I want, it’s my First Amendment right, you know, the Constitution he is so fond of? LOL

      You’re welcome. LOL

  174. Stay with the GOP, do not run third party.

    A third party run is not possible. You know very well that ballot access rules would keep Ron off the ballot in many states. He would simply not earn the electoral votes required to win.

    In the process of trying, all the work we’ve done these last 4 years to infiltrate the party would be ruined. Our credibility would be destroyed. More importantly, Rand Paul’s future within the GOP would be destroyed.

    Gary Johnson has the third party run covered, let him carry that baton.

    Ron Paul should stick by his decision, and reasons, to return to the GOP or 2+ decades of his own tireless efforts will be wasted.

    Signed…a devoted Ron Paul supporter, and GOP Delegate Candidate on the Ron Paul line for New Jersey’s CD-11.

    1. You have no credibility. LOL

      Rand Paul has distanced himself sufficiently from dad not to be “destroyed.”

      RP was a Libertarian traitor once, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again. LOL

      1. @Tex2 is a self appointed pompous imbecile. Ron Paul has much deeper and growing support from people you couldn’t even imagine. You are obviously a discontent neo-con and probably an adherent of sweating, screaming Pastor John Hagee from San Antonio, who you probably consider to be Christian Evangelical Extraordinaire. You are a self appointed King of a cadre court jesters who apparently abandoned you standing in your socks with your smelly shorts on your head. I’m sorry, but your writing style and mockery gives me a very mental image of a complete and utter dork. Get a life…..go to a Romney rally so you can round out the group to a dozen supporters. And go console “cry baby” Gingrich who admitted that Rupert Murdoch wants Romney. Hmmm…in doing so he admits a form of conspiracy on the part of a powerful media mogul getting his way. And “sanctimonious” Santorum drops out before the Pennsylvania caucus? What’s up with that? Drops out before his state could have given what the press drum beaters have sad will most likely be a win for Ricky. Now go wrap youself in your Texas Flag..and be a good turd and run off to Afghanistan and shout as you run a full scale attack waving the flag attacking, well entrenched Taliban positions yelling “Remember the Alamo”!!!! You are definitely a “legend in your own mind”.

  175. @ tex2 – You’ve officially overused the acronym LOL. I believe you’ve used it more than every little school girl in the country combined. Congrats! you’re officially a loser! LOLdouchebag

      1. @Tex2 the Arrogant Twit who offers nothing positive, but snide counter comments to honest opinions of people who are fed up.

        First of all, you have lost before you began. A new generation of leaders are rising because of Ron Paul. None of the other political candidates in the Republican or the Democratic Party have such a youthful following.

        Second of all, those in the government; both military and political have begun to quietly support Ron Paul. The military has made their voice heard through their political donations. Ron Paul receives more donations combined than any other candidate….left or right.

        Lastly, people left and right, center, non political, political and complacent have begun to wake up to the fiat money system of the Federal Reserve and the blatant criminality of the banks and our political leaders.

        The evidence is overwhelming historically and currently of a banking cabal which has corrupted and bankrupted the USA and put our sovereignty as a nation in question.

        If you, TEX2 can’t realize it, you are obviously blind, stupid, uninformed or obviously an agent provocateur, therefore an enemy of freedom clear and simple. Your opinions can compared to an obnoxious gnat worthy of being flicked away like a minor irritant or ignored in the glorious struggle to regain our freedoms in a Constitutional Republic many of our forefathers so dearly fought for.

        “Go in peace, we seek not your counsel……and lick the boots of the masters you serve. We do not consider you one of our fellow countrymen.”

  176. Got something to say about Ron Paul? Search ‘ronpaulitic’ and geotag your support/nonsupport for the Ron Paul revolution.

  177. Go for the Republican nomination. Gingrich does not have a plurity of delegates from at least five states which is required to be a candidate for nomination. So this is a two man race. Common sense will prevail in the end if we can raise enough funds to deliver the message. Then let’s have a massive celebration and show of support in Tampa that cannot be compromised.

    1. It WAS a two man race, until Santorum dropped out. Now it’s a one man “race,” or a two man race if you count Barry. LOL

  178. Good news, The Court Jester is still alive… posting its #2’s again… polluting this forum with its splittings of hate to anything good.

    Hope it gets its meds soon, so can stay around for more deserved training lessons.

    Watch how it is getting trained as Pavlov’s dog….

    1. Here’s a fresh dump, just for you. Enjoy! LOL

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

  179. AP stole private emails, altered them, then lied about where they were sent, from the NH Tea Party, a Ron Paul-friendly group whose leaders mostly endorsed RP.

      1. Tex2…you are an obnoxious twit. LOL LOL LOL. If you are smart, you will stop ending your comments with LOL. Please have someone flush you down the toilet and end your misery.

      2. rmcnnlly…you are an obnoxious twit. LOL LOL LOL. LOL

        If you are smart, you will stop ending your comments with a period. LOL

        Please have someone flush you down the toilet and end your misery. LOL

  180. 1) Ron Paul needs to make an all out go for it. No matter what the outcome… Something will come out of it. ( Some evangilicals are already following him an that premise )
    The Gop gave Ron Paul supporters too much crap, time to gives them crap all the way.
    If Ron Paul loses the nomination, Rand Paul should run as Independent and carry the torch for the Liberty movement.
    Imagine the impact of that for a min.

    1. Very few evangelicals will likely follow him. LOL

      RP’s positions are the main cause of his 10% voting results, stop blaming others for your own problems. Americans don’t like whiners. LOL

      If Rand Paul is smart and is interested in the presidency, he will lay low for the next 4-8 years. LOL

      I can’t imagine the impact of your idea, it’s too small. LOL

      1. Then you agree at least few evangelicals will follow him. (Some already have)

        How am I blaming others for my own problems ?
        The only complain is how we Ron Paul supporters are treated by you “anti-Paulites ” at each caucuses.
        Your constant LOLs on this forum is a reflection of that.

        Do we feel welcome ? Are we welcome within the Gop party ?
        Do you want “Paulites ” in the GOP party ? simple question.
        What happened in St Charles caucus is but a reflection of what generally is the mood towards R.P supporters.

        You say Rand Paul should detach himself from Ron Paul. Then Ron Paul should go as far as he can within the Gop, crash and burn if he has to and Rand go his own way as a third party. How is that about detaching ?

        Rand would be on his own, and can’t argue he is not detaching.
        So would rally some support from those wanting to see that.
        While he would still rally support from those that sees it as a continuity of ” Liberty Movement “.

        Of course it s just an idea, and it s a platform for that.

      2. Then you agree at least few evangelicals will follow him. (Some already have) —> Yes, I already stated that. Why would you ask again? LOL

        How am I blaming others for my own problems ? —> By not criticizing others on this blog over a variety of conspiracy theories. LOL

        The only complain is how we Ron Paul supporters are treated by you “anti-Paulites ” at each caucuses. —> Welcome to politics. LOL

        Your constant LOLs on this forum is a reflection of that. —> LOL

        Do we feel welcome ? —> I don’t know, do you? How am I supposed to know how YOU feel? LOL

        Are we welcome within the Gop party ? —> Why do you leave a space in front of your question marks ? LOL The GOP welcomes everyone, but they need to be willing to take their lumps if they have nutty ideas. LOL

        Do you want “Paulites ” in the GOP party ? —> See above. LOL

        simple question. —> See above, simple answer. LOL

        What happened in St Charles caucus is but a reflection of what generally is the mood towards R.P supporters. —> No, it’s politics. It’s not the first time or person, it won’t be the last. LOL

        You say Rand Paul should detach himself from Ron Paul. —> No, I said he already has. LOL

        Then Ron Paul should go as far as he can within the Gop, crash and burn if he has to and Rand go his own way as a third party. How is that about detaching ? —> If that’s what he wants to do, go for it, it’s a free country. LOL

        Rand would be on his own, and can’t argue he is not detaching. —> That’s true. LOL

        So would rally some support from those wanting to see that. —> You can always attract a few nuts, RIP proved that! LOL

        While he would still rally support from those that sees it as a continuity of ” Liberty Movement “. —> Sure, whatever. LOL

        Of course it s just an idea, and it s a platform for that. —> And not a very good one, either. LOL

  181. The seeming election abnormalities that happened w several of our districts and votes, while easy to sweep under the rug in a private, party run primary would be grounds for arrest/jail in a general election.

    Therefore, if we can’t pull a Harding at the convention, DR PAUL PLEASE RUN 3rd Party. Barack O’Romney and the Establishment would shit their pants when they see the size of that moneybomb!!!! Dr. Paul is our best hope, Barack O’Romney is/are the SAME guy, not much difference in foreign policy, health care, abortion, monetary policy, etc…….not even mentioning that Wall St loves both these D’bags.

    1. I agree, RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) should go 3rd party, and like a couple of other posters, have Kucinich or Nader as his VP. That will take more fruitcakes away from the Dems than the Reps, and Romney will win, easily. LOL

  182. Make an all out effort to win as the anti-Romney, pro-liberty and pro-Constitution candidate, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Prepare for a third party run simultaneously!

  183. @Tex2…you are obviously very stupid….a billowing bag of bovine flatulence. Ron Paul is the equivalent of Barry Goldwater, whose son, a former Congressman is also a supporter of Ron Paul. In the end, it was Barry Goldwater’s conservatism and steadfastness which helped pave the way for Ronald Reagan. So Tex2, I think the laugh is on you..LOL LOL LOL LOL. Your comments really show how moronic you really are. What a bafoon. And in case you don’t know. I’ve been a Republican longer than you probably have been alive. You were a turd before you were even an embryo.

    1. @rmcnnlly…you are obviously very stupid….a billowing bag of bovine flatulence. LOL

      Ron Paul is the equivalent of Neville Chamberlain. LOL

      In the end, it was Chamberlain’s pacifist and wimpy approach which helped pave the way for WWII. LOL

      So rmcnnlly, I think the laugh is on you..LOL LOL LOL LOL. LOL

      Your comments really show how moronic you really are. LOL What a bafoon. LOL

      And in case you don’t know. you’ve been stupid longer than I probably have been alive. LOL

      You were a turd before you were even an embryo. LOL

      1. @Tex2….I think the Bible describes you “…I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb”. You were dung before anything else.

        Comparing Ron Paul to Neville Chamberlain is lame. BTW, Neville Chamberlain went to war to protect Poland and Poland ended up being sacrificed to the Soviets and Winston Churchill ended up bankrupting the British Empire and thrown into a grouping of nations that became third rate. So I think the laugh is on you.

        And if you want to compare Ron Paul to anyone, he’s closer to Winston Churchill, who after Gallipoli was mocked and while he warned the British people and Parliament of a growing danger in europe; both the Nazi’s and the Soviets, he was JEERED, IGNORED and MOCKED. And at a very senior age, like Ron Paul he became Prime Minister.

        Ron Paul is not an “isolationist” as insinuated, he is a “non interventionist”. Our foreign policy has lost us friends and made us enemies and has bankrupted the USA to the point it has put the USA in greater danger and made us less secure.

        I guess you believe the USA exists as a nation to secure Israel rather than secure our own borders or those of Afghanistan and Iraq. And Al Queda’s strategy of drawing us into a prolonged war and intervention has worked beyond their wildest dreams. Al Queda, if they had made a concerted attack on cyberspace to disrupt Wall Street, it would have been less effective than the USA’s policies in the Middle East and our misplaced Hubris that has led us to financial and military disaster. We are overextended around the world, like Hitler before Stalingrad. There are limits to Empires and eventually their arrogance can eventually lead to their downfall.

        The American people aren’t as foolish as you think and a counter movement has begun and will sweep away naysayers, fools and trools such as yourself. Now go and tell your bosses you failed, collect your check and double up on your meds and crawl back into bed in a fetal position where you belong sucking your thumb.

      2. @rmcnnlly….I think the Bible describes you “…I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb”. You were dung before anything else.

        Comparing Ron Paul to Neville Chamberlain is perfect. BTW, Neville Chamberlain waited too long to protect Poland and Poland ended up being sacrificed to the Soviets and Winston Churchill ended up saving the British Empire and thrown into a grouping of nations that became first rate. So I think the laugh is on you. LOL

        And if you want to compare Ron Paul to anyone, he’s closer to Winston Churchill, who after Gallipoli was mocked and while he warned the British people and Parliament of a growing danger in europe; both the Nazi’s and the Soviets, he was JEERED, IGNORED and MOCKED. And at a very senior age, like Ron Paul he became Prime Minister. —> Which is the exact opposite of what RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) promotes – guard our borders and hope they don’t attack, because we won’t be able to stop them if they do. LOL You would think RIP would get smarter with age, but he gets more stupid. LOL

        Ron Paul is not an “isolationist” as insinuated, he is a “non interventionist”. Our foreign policy has lost us friends and made us enemies and has bankrupted the USA to the point it has put the USA in greater danger and made us less secure. —> Compare this to having a weekly 9/11 event and make your choice. LOL

        I guess you believe the USA exists as a nation to secure Israel rather than secure our own borders or those of Afghanistan and Iraq. —> I guess… no, I KNOW, you’re stupid. Israel is not only a close ally, they are a linchpin of democracy in an area famous for evil governments who breed the terrorists who are happy to attack us. Your isolationist thinking works in the 18th century, but not in the 21st. I believe our founding fathers would “get” that. LOL

        And Al Queda’s strategy of drawing us into a prolonged war and intervention has worked beyond their wildest dreams. —> No, it hasn’t. We are largely out of Iraq and in the process of doing the same in Afghanistan. LOL

        Al Queda, if they had made a concerted attack on cyberspace to disrupt Wall Street, it would have been less effective than the USA’s policies in the Middle East and our misplaced Hubris that has led us to financial and military disaster. –> I doubt that. VERY much. LOL

        We are overextended around the world, like Hitler before Stalingrad. —> Except we’re not invading, we’re killing the bad guys and leaving. LOL

        There are limits to Empires and eventually their arrogance can eventually lead to their downfall. —> We’re not building an empire, that’s dead RIP thinking.

        The American people aren’t as foolish as you think and a counter movement has begun and will sweep away naysayers, fools and trools such as yourself. —> I doubt that. VERY much. It hasn’t gone very far in 2-3 decades, it will die with RIP. LOL

        Now go and tell your bosses you failed, collect your check and double up on your meds and crawl back into bed in a fetal position where you belong sucking your thumb. —> Why? I am winning, you just don’t get it. LOL

  184. @Tex2 You were a turd before you even became and embryo. Your comments rank along with a billowing cloud of bovine flatulence. You are a total bafoon. BTW…Barry Goldwater paved the way for Ronald Reagan. The Republican Party is undergoing a similar change as during the period between 1964 and 1980, but at a faster rate. Ron Paul is making an indelible and positive change for the party and the nation. And I have been a Republican longer than you have been a stinking turd Tex2. Please grow up and your ending of comments with LOL is so lame. Please go out and pray somebody flushes you.

  185. To prepare for a Third Party run can bring support outside of the republican party to bear strongly on the republican party leadership.

    As GOP leadership then begins to ammend their own strategies to prepare for the chaos in their party that will ensue as a result of a third party run by Dr. Paul this can be, (at this point of a lower level of cohesion in the GOP), this could be at this point an excellent tactical maneuver to expose a great deal of information about the GOP.

    Preparation for a third party run could also infuse the campaign with a tremendous amount of money and add significantly to Money Bombs as libertarians, Constitutional party members, etc … begin to start the ritual, political mating dance to attract Ron Paul to accept the nomination for their party. And this can serve to be cohesive as well.

    Preparing for a third party run will re-energize your paid staff, as well as your volunteer staff and will assist in dissolving and re-aligning many of the ailments and weaknesses that have developed internal to the Paul campaign, especially in the sphere of social networking, and these are some very serious IT issues which go directly to the heart of Youth for Ron Paul and the continued “grouping” of Youth … directly contrary to the Paul philosophy.

    Importantly, the strong showing in Texas is going to turn some heads in the GOP leadership. When there is no coherence and there is only the deceptive nature of politics on all sides of the aisle coming into play that begins.

    If the third party option is taken, it must be taken just after results from the Texas events come to fruition.

    The mass media at this time has nothing to report on politically and their ratings are of course in the bucket, so a third party announcement would be picked up by the media.

    A third party run will be MORE effective to then leverage “Anti-Romney” sentiment and take his supporters from him. So that’s 2-birds already.

    Independents, of all stripes and persuasions are desperate for a candidate that is neither republican, nor democrat and is “fresh and new” … coming to the independent scene and Occupy is a very, very big, very real part of that. The ONLY way to get Occupy on the Ron Paul team, and this will explode like never before, soon, is to run independent of the current political system. And they will come, and they will be wild, eccentric and wooly and chaotic. And if you can’t deal with that, you got no bidness running at all, yo.

    Making a deal with Romney can be more effectively managed while representing a REAL threat to peel off votes to such an extent that he has no hope of winning on the republican ticket. He knows that he can ONLY win WITH Paul supporters. So to completely remove that from his equation will terrify him. The ONLY deal to be made is to have Mitt Romney run on the ticket WITH Dr. Paul, as his Vice-Presidential running mate.

    Three birds.

    Making a deal with Gingrich will tear at the Ron Paul base, it’s a shot in the foot, a fatal one. This should not even be a consideration.

    Staying in and kowtowing to the GOP leadership will make everybody unhappy internally and externally. The Ron Paul campaign is born from protest, and the ever evolving, revolving cycle of politics. To kowtow to status quo is not to live, it is to die.

    When the libertarians, the Constitutionalist Party and others announce, you’ll get a HUGE ship jump. And even if they are rats … they are still voting rats. Rats leave a sinking ship, and we all know that Romney CANNOT beat Hussein, so the rats will certainly jump if they see kowtowing and line towing.

    The other, the last option, is to continue an all out effort and that is up for a vote. The vote is in contributions and that happens on April, 15. If you get the 2.5 million, you must proceed with attempts to obtain the republican nomination, you will have no choice, otherwise it will be seen as very “deceptive”. You cannot deceive a Ron Paul supporter and the opium of political deception is the specter that will haunt you now unless your convictions are re-affirmed.

    Make your decision soon, and stick to it. Soon.

    If Ron Paul does NOT get the republican nomination, that would be the time to announce third party. The opportunity to control the plurality, through delegation, of 5 states at the Tampa convention can ONLY benefit any decision, in any direction, and benefit that greatly.

    Above all, choose integrity, honesty and don’t shirk from and perceived challenge or limitation. For now, stay the course and please, make every effort to anger, intimidate and insult the reigning GOP leadership because THAT, is what Ron Paul supporters both want and crave and THAT is truth, so speak it, walk it and finish this race.

  186. Reblogged this on annebeck58 and commented:
    The MSM had the nerve to ask, “Where’s Ron Paul?”, while they have done all they could to IGNORE him and black him out? We know where he is. We don’t get out news from them, and it’s due to their attitude regarding Dr. Paul.
    What we need to do is this: BOYCOTT them. But, just turning off the tv and not paying attention to their advertisers is simply not enough; we MUST alert these advertisers or sponsors that we will NOT be purchasing good or services from them. As long as those they support (MSM/ MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CSpan, etc…) refuse to report fairly and accurately regarding the Ron Paul campaign, we will boycott them.
    However, if you do not tell the advtisers AND the program directors know this is our plan, they will never know why their numbers have gone down. If we work, in earnest to let them in on this, the news-shows will be forced to do the right thing.
    It’s important that we hit them where they place the greatest importance; their pocketbooks. And, we can do this!
    Please see my other post: BoycottMsmAds, Boycott Media, to see who’s advertising with these terrible folks of the “newz media”.
    Thanks. Remember, this is not for me. It’s for Ron Paul and for the freedom we all seek, again, in the USA.

      1. Hey Santorum, you lost, you were a fraud kept alive since 1 night before Iowa. Go home now, your purpose for GOP establishment fraudsters has finished. More people will remember Dan Quayle than you.


        (Cry Out Quietly)

      2. Hey RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul), you lost, you were a fraud kept alive since 1 night before Iowa. Go home now, your purpose for GOP establishment fraudsters has finished. More people will remember Dan Quayle than you. LOL

  187. If the people of the 2 party system choose Obama or Romney, only the pundits will claim there has been a big shift in political thought. ( There won’t be, but, they have to make a living ). RON PAUL should be that solution to the countries woes that the others can’t put forth.
    I say, try to win the delegate count, but be ready to go third party.

    1. Someone neutered your brain, you can’t even spell the word. LOL

      Someone should put RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) back in his coffin. LOL

  188. Doug, we need to go in hard and stop trying to please the establishment. Ron Paul has had a truly mind-blowing success with the grassroots. His speaking event turnouts by an order of magnitude put to shame every candidate we have seen in this campaign. But this makes up only the majority of the actively engaged voters and, stepping back, eventually makes up a small percentage of the total. So we have to ask ourselves, what practical gains have these turnouts gotten us for THIS ELECTION CYCLE.

    I say take the gloves off NOW and clobber the living hell out of Mitt Romney’s phony campaign attacking his immoral policies, inconsistency, die-hard loyalty to the status quo, and his blatantly (and quite painfully obvious) opportunistic flip-flopping/pandering for votes. We need to position him as the Obama stunt double. We need to get seriously angry here. We are losing our Republic, amazing grassroots turnouts or not. We as Ron Paul supporters are the only ones smart enough to know what that means in terms of philosophy and history.

    I am afraid Ron Paul’s humility will be his downfall. Not that he isn’t a good role model. To the contrary, he is far too nice. And this world we live in, if you are soft and polite, you will be trounced, chewed up, and spit out. Ron Paul needs to learn how to brag a little; remind people what an example he is for everyone. Sure God sees it, but if Ron keeps underplaying himself to the point where now the average apathetic jellyfish TV heads think it’s game over. ONLY those seeking the truth will take the time to understand his urgent value. Sadly, this makes up only 10% of the populous and we cannot win elections catering only to people willing to commit themselves to knowing the issues. Sadly, the people who know nothing make up 85to 90% of the vote results. We need to grab them.

    I don’t want to look back and say we stood for all of the right things, didn’t quit, but lost in the end anyway. We already had this happen in 2008. Victory is everything now. This is our time. We can focus on a philosophical revolution that might take another 25 years, but what matters most of today and tomorrow. Without Ron Paul literally in the white house 90% of our hope will be lost. The young people can easily become jaded over the term after the world beats them down through another 4 years of this unconstitutional terror. It’s time to step up, and complain about the media ignoring his campaign events, the GOP rigging the votes, and the special interests controlling the destiny of the human race. We need to be bombastic, colorful, expolosive, and in everybody’s face. Time to let them know Ron Paul represents all of the very best aspects of being an American and none of the worst.

    Thank you for reading this.

  189. Please excuse the typos, as I should be sleeping in the middle of the night but instead spent a half hour writing you a little story. I saw no option to edit comment. Oh well… I hope the right person(s) reads it.

  190. This is what I think should be done.

    1.) Make an all out effort to go for it.
    2.) Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    6.) Prepare for a Third Party run.

      1. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/stcharles/ron-paul-wins-do-over-st-charles-county-caucus/article_2a64bc2a-8397-11e1-99ee-001a4bcf6878.html

        Winning one fight at a time and they are adding up to wins. Cry baby Neo Con..Cry!!! waaaa waaaa. And BTW, Barry Goldwater didn’t win the election, but he laid the groundwork for Ronald Reagan to win. Ron Paul may or may not get the nomination, but his influence will be felt in the Republican Party. We aren’t getting out now and starting some 3rd Party. We are staying put and cleaning the Republican Party of the Neo-Con filth that has infiltrated ever since Georgy Bush I and his ilk entered the White House. Their visions of a New World Order are coming to naught. Their game is over! So go back to your closet and doing whatever you do, because soon you will be going their crying in a fetal position sucking your thumb ripping up your book: The New American Century. An piece of vile garbage financed by the CFR and the Trilateral Commission boobs of Davey Rockefeller. Their mask is being ripped off.

        The late Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) agreed with me in 1979 when he wrote in his memiors “With No Apologies”,

        “The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical.”

        Now read the words of the greatest traitor to set foot on US soil since Benedict Arnold:

        “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” –David Rockefeller in his book MEMOIRS

        “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty on an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” –David Rockefeller speaking in 1991 Bilderberg Convention in Germany

      2. So RIP is going to take down the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Convention? Has he even mentioned this on the campaign trail, or is it too “secret” to reveal his plans? LOL

      3. Liberty is not about Ron Paul, and you are misinformed and maligned in your thinking to think that those of us fighting for Ron Paul believe in him as some magical Messiah, if elected, that suddenly we shall be free.

        No, quite the contrary, this is a long hard fight and it is no secret to many people who have begun to become enlightened of the powers and powerful institutions behind the scenes. This even goes beyond our nation, but is global. We are in a fight against a NWO, that has found a residence in the USA that will be riped out by it’s roots eventually and tossed away like you fling dung away. Of course you wouldn’t understand that, since you are attracted to the dung and are mired deeply into it.

        Just today, the little nation of Iceland repudiated the debt put on the backs of it’s people and it’s Althing announced that the politicians and bankers responsible for their economic malaise will be put on trial for the damage they have wrought.

        This is not just about the American people in a fight against a NWO that is resident in the USA under the auspices of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. This is no secret anymore.

        Those organizations like to manipulate talent in the US, by granting scholarships and then having them write books, position papers and speeches. Eventually, if they do their dirty work they are promoted into government, education and industry. Membership has it’s rewards. Basically, treason is rewarded. But that is going to come to an end.

        The NWO mask is being removed and their maschinations and manipulation through the fiat ordered paper money system is failing.

      4. “… the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” –Dr. Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope,” 1966

        The book was written when Professor Quigley was allowed to examine the papers of the CFR. The book got into the hands of the public and the remaining copies were bought up and destroyed along with the plates. However, there were enough remaining copies for a reprint.

        The same den of vipers gave birth to William Kristol and his ilk. His book “The New American Century” was given financial support by the CFR.

        Conspiracy Theory? Not at all. It’s all fact and in black and white for any thinking and inquisitive person to read now. The internet has opened up the worm can for all to see and the truth is now spreading. It’s all proveable and would stand as prima facea evidence in a court of law to convict the culprits of treason and a host of other crimes. Numerous nations and foreign nationals now have a vested interest in pursuing these criminals, who rank up there with the Nuremburg Nazi war criminals.

        John Perkins in “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” along with a host of others are working hard to expose the same criminals. They were privy, firsthand of how these monsters work to destory nations, resources and the lives of individuals.

      5. But if you don’t get RIP and other like-minded people in office, how are you going to be able to succeed? LOL

  191. Absolutely number 2 Become the anti-Romney candidate and gather his opponents.
    Because that is the same as being anti-Obama.
    A deal with Romeny is completely dysfuntional and should even be listed as an option. Romney is a Prowar pro Debt establishment reant-a-government wallstreet whore. He is no different than Obama. Christians are not going to vote for a Mormon, Newt is 4 million in the hole. Romney has been getting destroyed in the South. Best thing is to ignore Newt and slam Romney for romney-care, the war, the trillions. That flip flopping jerk tries to double talk about cuts on future spending. Let him have it on the economy. Let them have it on Iran too, Even the hot head will change their minds as gas price continue to rise.

    1. There were good reasons to believe the intelligence:
      1. There were physical signs of it,
      2. They wouldn’t allow inspections, even though these were a condition of the first Gulf War,
      3. He used them on his own citizens,
      4. Other countries agreed with our intelligence assessments.

      WMD was not the only reason we invaded, IDIOT. These weapons may have been taken to Syria or still be hidden. LOL

      1. Tex2 ur the worst. How could u dedicate so much time to degradation and negativity. I hope you are getting paid for this. You have to be! If not, you need help.


        If you are all sick of TEX2….just email him at his regular email:

      3. Tex1 ur the worst. How could u dedicate so much time to RIP’s campaign? LOL

        I hope you are getting paid for this. LOL

        You have to be! If not, you need help. LOL

      4. Did you hear Cheney is thinking about running, especially if there is a brokered convention, now that he has a new heart? LOL

      5. K…. WMDs’ were the main reason.
        Else for argument sake, take the WMDs’ out of the equation….. Take it out of Bush state of the Union address when he tells congress : ” Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade … This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world….The history, the logic, and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein’s regime is a grave and gathering danger.”
        No WMD = no danger = no war. Period.
        The rethoric of Iraq arboring terrorists responsible for 9/11 that were Saudis in the first place, wouldn t stand ground for war on its own. Not without the WMDs story.
        Whereas the WMDs’ alone can stand ground for a rethoric for war.

        You say 1) There were physical signs of it…
        Really ? What kind ? Like ” I ve seen some nuclear weapon lately kind of sign ? ”
        2) They wouldn’t allow inspections…
        WAIT ! You re telling me there is some physical signs but how can that be if they aren’t allowed to inspect those…physical signs ? …sorry I’m confused you lost me there…
        3) He used them on his own citizen….
        Well then I guess we aren’t in danger any more aren’t we ? Did we need a rocket scientist to figure that one out ? and did he use his mighty nuclear arsenal the way ? just asking…or was it poison gas ?
        4) Other countries agreed with our “un” intelligence assessments indeed…but not all. (France )

        Lastly, you call me an Idiot… I assume you are Republican as I am. Do you consider “Paulites” idiots ? Do you welcome Idiots in your party ? Do you want us ” Paulites ” in your party ?
        It s a simple yes or no.
        Wouldn’t you asssume anyone would feel estranged after being called names ? So see that this ” don’t blame , don’t whine ” rethoric of yours doesn’t apply with the way you treat other of differing opinons.

        LOL ?

      6. We must be afraid….VERY AFRAID…..the Muslims have a massive air force like Hitler’s Luftwaffe…and they are a naval power…masssing torpedo boats that can storm the shores of America. What a joke TEX2….get a grip! You bought into the fear factor, which was the same technique used by Hitler to pass his enabling acts and the prefabricated attack of Poland on the border with Germany. The Neo-Con Nutsy wing of the Party and the Trilateralists in the Democratic Party have shoved the Patriot Act, NDAA and SOPA down our throats.

        BTW Tex2, I worked directly with one of the airlines that was involved in 911. And I know the whole TSA is a scam, along with the Patriot Act.

        How do I know? We frisk Granny and the Kiddies, while the southern border leaks like a sieve. Great security system! And BTW, you take large private jets in the USA and board them without ANY system of security checks. Don’t you think the Al Queda “hiding behind” every bush would have figured this out by now? Why they could just buy a large, old 727, MD80 and a 747 and outfit it. This proves to me the security measures passed are more of an attack on our civil liberties than protecting us.

        Tex2 you are a loser and a neo-con cry baby, we have been effectively defeating the neo-con leadership all over the country. I was privy to that in giving Ron Carey, the MN Chairman the finger when we ousted him and his lackies from the 7th District of the RP in MN. He was in total shock…we threw out the ENTIRE leadership there and this is being replicated all over America in the RP. So go ahead and pretend you are winning, because you are absolutely DELUSIONAL.

      7. K…. WMDs’ were the main reason. —> No, they were one of many reasons. LOL

        Else for argument sake, take the WMDs’ out of the equation….. Take it out of Bush state of the Union address when he tells congress : ” Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade … This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world….The history, the logic, and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein’s regime is a grave and gathering danger.”
        No WMD = no danger = no war. Period. —> That was ONE reason for cleaning Saddam’s clock. LOL

        The rethoric of Iraq arboring terrorists responsible for 9/11 that were Saudis in the first place, wouldn t stand ground for war on its own. Not without the WMDs story. —> The WMD “story” was thought to be true at that time, and Iraq provided training facilities, they weren’t merely “arboring” [sic – LOL] them. LOL

        Whereas the WMDs’ alone can stand ground for a rethoric for war. —> Not without everything else. LOL

        You say 1) There were physical signs of it…
        Really ? What kind ? Like ” I ve seen some nuclear weapon lately kind of sign ? ” —> Ever hear of satellite recon? LOL

        2) They wouldn’t allow inspections…
        WAIT ! You re telling me there is some physical signs but how can that be if they aren’t allowed to inspect those…physical signs ? …sorry I’m confused you lost me there…—> That’s because you’re stupid. See #1 above. LOL

        3) He used them on his own citizen….
        Well then I guess we aren’t in danger any more aren’t we ? Did we need a rocket scientist to figure that one out ? and did he use his mighty nuclear arsenal the way ? just asking…or was it poison gas ? —> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWFBwbgqLCc&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dsaddam%2Bkurd%2Bchemical%26oq%3Dsaddam%2Bkurd%2Bchemical%26aq%3Df%26aqi%3D%26aql%3D%26gs_nf%3D1%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.3…277.6715.0.7844.
        4) Other countries agreed with our “un” intelligence assessments indeed…but not all. (France ) —> France? Are you SERIOUS? LOL

        Lastly, you call me an Idiot… I assume you are Republican as I am. —> I’m a Republican, but not like you! LOL

        Do you consider “Paulites” idiots ? —> Yes. LOL

        Do you welcome Idiots in your party ? —> As long as they take the criticism. LOL

        Do you want us ” Paulites ” in your party ? —> See above. LOL

        It s a simple yes or no. —> LOL

        Wouldn’t you asssume anyone would feel estranged after being called names ? —> Who cares, they’re stupid! LOL

        So see that this ” don’t blame , don’t whine ” rethoric of yours doesn’t apply with the way you treat other of differing opinons. —> Too bad, so sad. LOL

        LOL ? —> Sure. LOL

      8. We must be afraid….VERY AFRAID…..the Muslims have a massive air force like Hitler’s Luftwaffe…and they are a naval power…masssing torpedo boats that can storm the shores of America. —> They didn’t need any of that to pull off 9/11, and they don’t need to attempt a variety of other types of attacks. You’re so stupid. LOL

        What a joke TEX2….get a grip! You bought into the fear factor, which was the same technique used by Hitler to pass his enabling acts and the prefabricated attack of Poland on the border with Germany. The Neo-Con Nutsy wing of the Party and the Trilateralists in the Democratic Party have shoved the Patriot Act, NDAA and SOPA down our throats. Why don’t you let the guys who chopped Daniel Pearl’s head do the same to yours and then shove it down YOUR throat? LOL You’re the joke. LOL

        BTW Tex2, I worked directly with one of the airlines that was involved in 911. And I know the whole TSA is a scam, along with the Patriot Act. —> Janitor? LOL

        How do I know? We frisk Granny and the Kiddies, while the southern border leaks like a sieve. Great security system! —> And I criticized Bush soon after 9/11 for not clamping down on the border. LOL

        And BTW, you take large private jets in the USA and board them without ANY system of security checks. —> Are you sure about that? http://nakedlaw.avvo.com/2011/04/whats-to-stop-a-terrorist-from-hijacking-a-private-plane/ LOL

        Don’t you think the Al Queda “hiding behind” every bush would have figured this out by now? —> See above. LOL

        Why they could just buy a large, old 727, MD80 and a 747 and outfit it. This proves to me the security measures passed are more of an attack on our civil liberties than protecting us. —> That sounds easy to do…NOT. LOL

        Tex2 you are a loser and a neo-con cry baby, we have been effectively defeating the neo-con leadership all over the country. —> I’m not the one losing or crying, YOU are. LOL

        I was privy to that in giving Ron Carey, the MN Chairman the finger when we ousted him and his lackies from the 7th District of the RP in MN. —> That was real classy…. NOT! And you wonder why RIP’s folks are shunned. LOL

        He was in total shock…we threw out the ENTIRE leadership there and this is being replicated all over America in the RP. —> It’s not that common. LOL

        So go ahead and pretend you are winning, because you are absolutely DELUSIONAL. —> We’ll see who is delusional soon enough. LOL

      9. I’m a certificated airman btw…more than you would know from your cloistered closet wacking your ween……eee

      10. Tex2, as far as bad behavior….the Neo Con Nutsy wing of the party had one of their fraudsters assault me at a district meeting. I had plenty of witnesses. She was a lady who was beating my chest because I had the “balls” to stand up in front of the other neo-con nutsies and chastise them for not allowing Ron Paul to speak at the convention. Then at a later 7th District meeting there was state chairman in the backroom with the soon to be ousted 7th District chairman laughing at the “peasants with the pitch forks”, along with their Neo-Con ex-loser congressional candidate Barrett all wearing toupees. Typical total frauds. WE WON THE DAY and have dealth them further blows every since. The Revolution is gaining steam and the curtain is closing on the Neo-Con Nutsy philosphy of William Krystal and his “New American Century” of preemptive strikes and empire building. The party is being purged of bad blood….and you are one of them. Time will come and you will have to join a minority Neo-Con Nutsy Party that I’m sure you will love…you can sit and watch your Pearlman beheading videos that I’m sure you enjoy watching. If there is a danger zone….I think avoiding such a place is a wise thing. Stupid people like yourself end up doing stupid things. When sticking a stick in a beehive, I believe it wise to keep a safe distance. Apparently Pearlman wasn’t that smart and he lost his head. If you are such a hero…why aren’t you signing up for tour after tour over there? Erik Prince would love to have you…and you can take out all your sick vengence on Muslims and get paid for it. Sicko.

  192. I vote for #1. Ron paul’s groundswell of support has come from his message of liberty, not political attacks and name calling.

    1. His groundswellette has come from his kooky ideas. LOL

      I guess you haven’t read this forum, there have been almost nothing but political attacks and name calling. LOL

  193. Another thing Ron Paul needs to do is get celebrities to campaign for him and he should have at least several together at each campaign moment.

    Basically here is the breakdown:

    Name Recognition
    + Ron Paul campaigning

    Celebrities endorse Ron Paul because they understand and believe in the message. Why not campaign for Ron Paul like Vince Vaughn did a little of? We should have at least 10 celebrities together in one camera shot that speak directly to all different demographics shouting “RON PAUL IS THE CHAMPION OF THE CONSTITUTION. END THE WARS, BALANCE THE BUDGET, RESTORE SOUND MONEY, AND PROTECT CIVIL LIBERTIES. VOTE FOR RON PAUL BECAUSE AMERICA WAS BUILT ON THE IDEAS OF FREEDOM AND FREEDOM BRINGS US TOGETHER.”

    In fact, this should be in Ron Paul’s next video advertisement. He needs to do it big and stop appearing like his voice isn’t reaching millions of people nationwide. Celebrities get attention. Unfortunately most of Ron Paul’s speakers and supporters are people who are well-educated and hold positions of legislative and/or intellectual importance but have virtually no name recognition with the average American voter. This needs to change!

    A candidate cannot win the election without celebrity support. Ron Paul’s message is perfect. He does not have to change it.

  194. So, apparently this Tex2 character has a beef with Doug about some Amway scam that he got burned on way back when and is obsessive compulsive enough to spam Doug’s blog for the past few years, which is probably grounds for a trip to the insane asylum. But anyway, you can go to tex2’s blog and spam the hell out of it to return the favor LOL! http://texsquixtarblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/talk-to-tex.html

  195. I have voted LP in the past, and voted for RP for POTUS in 2008. But, this isn’t the same Ron Paul campaign as in 2008.

    This campaign has resulted in a LOT of new, solid, like-minded, and ACTIVE Republicans at the state and local levels. If this continues, and I see no reason for it not to, we will surely be the Republican base in the not-too-distant future. Could not a 3rd party run in 2012 serve to undo to all of that, and put us back to square one?

    I note that William Kristol has said would be much happier if Ron Paul, (and I presume we who support him), were to leave the GOP. Should we give him what he wants? Or should we continue to take his party over, or as it is in my case, take it back?

    Given that forcing us into a fringe party run is precisely what Kristol and his ilk wants, I’m inclined to think we should stay right here in the Republican Party, and make ourselves comfortable, thanks.

    The door’s that way, Bill.

    1. This is your high water mark. It’s all downhill from here, the processes will be tightened up to prevent the caucus takeovers. LOL

  196. Doesn’t it concern any of the Ron Paul voters that he’s not getting the majority of the votes in any state (3600 people is a lot of people, but it’s not the majority)–not even close and yet still intends to win the nomination by going around the process? If this guy is “for the people” should winning at any cost, by hook or by crook, really be his goal?

    1. No, RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) supporters don’t care about reality. LOL

      Actually, RIP’s people are operating within the process when it comes to the caucuses as far as I can tell, but the end result is completely out of phase with the voters. States using caucuses will probably eliminate or modify the process to ensure RIP’s folks can’t blunt the will of the people. LOL

      1. That race had a lot of horses, so it was much easier to come out of nowhere, because that’s where everyone started. LOL

  197. BTW Tex2. So the Zionists are great friends of the West? Especially that’s what the sweating, screaming Fat Slob Pastor John Hagee tells us. I’m sure he is more than happy to show his congregation the design of the Israeli Supreme Court building filled with Masonic/Illumanati imagery….and anti-Christian designs like the inverted Christian cross that is trampled upon when entering the court yard.


    Oh and I’m sure you will rant about me being anti-semetic. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, my good Jewish friend Barry Camish shared this with me. Zionism and Judaism are two different things…just as is being a Muslim and being from a radical sect of Islam.

      1. Sure! Here’s the number for you: 1-800-URA-DORK. LOL LOL LOL. Please call now…anxious operators are standing by to sign you up for foder in the NWO cause. Don’t delay…there’s more. A free tube of KY for you sent directly to your door! LOL.

      2. Bottom Line. You are a Coward, with a capital C. You support wars, but sit behind a computer and do nothing. A limp wristed coward to the core. And you can’t stand the facts or truth even when they are in stone. That shows you that your are not only a coward but a total and absolute FOOL.

        A building with an “inverted Christian Cross” is a statement in stone for all to see. Something that John Hagee could never explain away as he wails, cries, screams and sweats.

        Total proof in stone about the Zionists and the Rothschilds. There is much more evidence than that. But fools like you live in an illusionary world, believe in their own lies and you will eventually choke on your own vomit.

        My good Jewish friends see it for what it is. They are good believers and are not fooled such as you are. Wallow in your stupidity, you moron to the umpteenth power.

      3. Bottom Line. You are Stupid, with a capital C. LOL

        John Hagee is a marginalized preacher. LOL

        Total proof in stone about STUPID people like you. There is much more evidence than that. But fools like you live in an illusionary world, believe in their own lies and you will eventually choke on your own vomit. LOL

        My good non-RIP friends see it for what it is. They are good believers and are not fooled such as you are. Wallow in your stupidity, you moron to the umpteenth power. LOL

      4. I’m sorry rmcnnlly, I’m so busy arguing with myself (tex2 vs. tex3) in order to draw attention to Amway, that I can’t read every speculative article you uncover. LOL

        TWIT. LOL

      5. You’re too busy talking to yourself and arguing. Sounds like a severe mental condition…and I bet you answer your questions. Very sick mind…you need help and quick. A labotomy should work well on you…visit your physician soon. We can have a RP Moneybomb to pay for it. We will be glad to help put you out of your mental misery. But to save money…call Erik Prince now and become a martyr in the cause for bafoonery in the NWO. Anxious operators are standing by to recruit you. You can strap a bomb on and run into a Taliban trench and take out yourself and a couple of them. Have fun!

      6. I like my previous suggestion of you joining Erik Prince’s XE.

        The navy has a motto now: A Force for Global Good.

        You can be a martyr and we can create a motto for you: A Force for Global Goonery.

        A useful end for a useless person. Think about it. You can become a martyr for your cause…a true hero for William Krystols “New American Century”.

      7. I never share my number with known perverts. BTW, who gives an exact rip what the exact motto is…..because it’s a disagrace to the heritage of our nation now.

        So far your responses really lack originality and are sooooo predictable. It shows a lack of keen intelligence….more like a monkey, a parrot or a mocking bird that all it knows how to do is mimic.

        Congratulations! The NWO; A Global Force for Good, or a Force for Global Good, or whatever their latest propagandist motto is, has decided to issue a medal for those wanting to redeem their cowardliness in the cause of NWO martyrdom. A yellow and black ribboned medal, using the colors of a banana that monkeys and bafoons prefer has been created with a bronze medal embossed with William Krystols face superimposed over a monkey’s head. The rear of the medal is embossed with David Rockefeller’s arse where your initials and date of your martyrdom can be engraved. The ribbon can be attached with the letters NWO, in bronze, silver or gold, depending upon how man Taliban victims you dispose of when you dispose of yourself in their trenches. Depending upon how many you take out will determine the gold, silver or bronze status. If you accidently take out friendly forces, the gold, silver or bronze designation remains the same, because the system of “double speak” always rewards NWO bafoons.

        Here’s your chance Mr. Coward; arm-chair general for “The New American Century”. Don’t delay…the medal will only be issued for a limited time only. If you don’t first succeed, the NWO will be glad to issue you another! XE operators are standing by to recruit you! MORON. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol!!!!!

        Remember we are fighting them over there rather than fighting them over here. Only the NWO hasn’t figured it out that they don’t have an air force or a navy to transport them here to fight us. Hmmm…kind of proves their reasoning is convoluted and assanine. Oh well….stupid does what stupid is. And you are the King Supporter of Stupiddom and Cowardliness. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol!!!!

      8. I don’t need your number. LOL

        Just propose a time to call a free conference number (dial *67 before dialing, which hides your phone number, and only your normal long distance charge, if any, to southern California where the conference call is based applies) at (760) 569-6000, access code 975016. I am in the Central time zone, keep that in mind when setting up a call. LOL

        Or you can keep being a coward and make up another lame excuse cowards can think of quickly. LOL

      9. Sorry, you are probably connected with some Nigerian phone call scam. Beside, quit deflecting the true fact you are a COWARD. Please go and fight the Taliban now. Here’s is your chance at being a NWO hero! Don’t delay…the medals are waiting for you. XE WANTS YOU NOW(poster with Big Brother pointing at YOU)

        Face the facts BOZO…you don’t follow up with your boastful blatterings. You are symptomatic of all the NEO-CON Nutsy Party frauds. They have big belicose talks and send other families father’s, brother’s, sisters, etc to go fight in the National Guard, while they hide behind computer screens and rant and rave at Republican Conventions….like the Gauleiters in Hiter’s Germany. Quick to condemn…but run at the last minute when their little Reich was invaded, trying to save their hides. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL> Yes, you are a COWARD. Redeem yourself now…call XE! I dare you!!! Come on…pick up the phone and call them! That medal is waiting for you! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

        You’ve been had and you know it. What a dimwit!

      10. All you have to do is google the phone number, and you’ll see it is used by a lot of different organizations as a free conference call number.

        But I understand cowardice, people like you are all puffy until challenged, then turn tail. Probably like all of your family “heros” with their made up war stories. LOL

      11. You are the coward, and you consistently refuse to call XE. Why would I call a retard like you. It’s more fun making a farce out of you on line for all to read and see.

        And BTW ARSEFACE…everyone of the individuals in my family are verifiable and their war records are on file with the Veterans Admin: Patrick Conley/49th Missouri Volunteers/Civil War, Waldren Gilmore/14th Kansas Cavalry/Civil War, Robert Gilmore/Kentucky Rifles/1812 , John Gilliland/Amer Rev, Thomas Hansford/Bacons Rebellion, Capt Raymond Marron, graduate Coast Guard Academy/WWII, Lt.Col Cyril “Bud” Marron, graduate West Point/POW/WWII, Admiral Adrian Marron/US Naval Academy/WWII, Claude Connelly/45th Inf Div, 180th Reg, Co G/POW/WWII, John Connelly/9th Inf/Vietnam, Lt. Col. Vince Hartmann/Green Berets/Vietnam and many more cousins and uncles.

        All brave men in my family….compared to your cowardly twits who passed on their degenerate genes to a total physical and mental misfit and coward. LOL LOL LOL LOL>

      12. You are a total mimic…incapable of original thought. You are like an echo in a room…you have absolutely no originality…you only parrot back what other’s say to you. A perfect lackey and parrot for the NWO….lick the boots that feed you and may your chains weigh heavily upon you….for I for one do not count you as one of my countrymen…but a total coward.

        Thankfully, the people I have associated with in the Liberty movement aren’t cowardly like you…we stand up against the current, we fight back and we have been successful in my immediate circle of demolishing the Neo-Cons at every turn…causing them to high tail it and retreat. Their mad plans have been thwarted. The leadership of our district in MN is firmly in the hands of Liberty minded people and our base is steadly expanded while the Neo-Cons is steadly shrinking in inglorious defeat. LOSERS!!!!! Traitors to Liberty! Bafoons and complete and utter mimics and parrots of fascist like thinking.

        What happened in St. Charles, Missouri is happening all across this great nation. We are getting our loved Republic back. Even so stupid bafoons like you can ramble on in their nonsensical rantings.

        LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL mooohaaaa haaaaa haaaaa

      13. And what was YOUR military record again? LOL

        It’s okay, I’ve come across a LOT of cowards like you in my blogging life. All huff and puff until the offer of a simple, confidential phone call offer is made. LOL

        What a TWIT! Hope you enjoy THAT being broadcast for all to see! LOL

      14. Now that I totally wiped your snotty, little face all over this blog and totally discredited you and proved you are a coward, idiot, bafoon, traitor and Neo-Con Nutsy, we leave you to choke on your own vomit. Good Bye and Good Riddance. You are a total LOSER.

        And BTW, nope I have not served in the US Military, not because because I didn’t try or desire, because I did. I have a hearing loss, not severe, but enough to prevent my desire to serve. But I’m always ready at a moments notice to defend our nation in any compacity to preserve our freedoms. I’m in excellent physical conditon and can more than handle myself. I was trained to be a good shot, by my dad who was a 25 year police detective from a major city and a combat infantryman. Both of my brothers also served in the US Army. Not a coward in the lot. Brought up to be men by a great and wonderful father. And a mother of German immigrants who also learned to love America even when we were at war with their home country

        I’m an honest and straightforward person and it was a pleasure making a fool of a total bafoon. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

        Last Message to a Moron beyond belief who doesn’t have the balls to back up his dreams of fighting for William Krystal’s New American Century. You are truely a man of all talk and NO DO.

        To get the last laugh against a total idiot…your responses will not be read nor responded to…..so it’s time for you to face up to the total and ineffective fool that you are.

        And heres to the last laugh in your moronic face. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. “L for Loser”..that’s you.

      15. In other words, you’re chicken. LOL

        Good luck with your campaign, because it’s my experience most people are like you, they either don’t get involved or they are too cowardly to take step 2. LOL

        Go and finish the rest of your miserable life, you coward. You lasted for what, 2-3 days with me? Very much below average for such bluster. LOL

      16. rmcnnlly,

        Be sure to tell everyone on this blog you had a chance to put a “Neo-Con” in his place and you turned tail and ran….never mind, I just did! And that goes for the rest of you wussies, too. LOL

        But you will have to tell your military family about being too cowardly to make a simple phone call while they dodged bullets and bombs, as well as living with it for the remainder of your pathetic, miserable existence. LOL

  198. I’m leaning heavily on #2 at this point.

    Any ads that attack the Romney positions are the same ads Romney must run against Obama.

    The history of Romney and his current set of flip-flips can be dual-leveraged by almost literally repeating what Romney uses to attack Obama positions and just repackaging those in the light of the Romney historical Timeline.

    Ryan Dawson has some very good insights on how this strategy can serve as the next focus going forward.

    #2 is the most logical method going forward.

    The evangelical vote has, through their basic meme, already disqualified Romney as they know at a basic level he is heretical to the evangelical interpretations of Christian faith. The beliefs of the evangelical base, automatically disqualify Romney who is basically a backsliding Mormon pretender, (to couch it in the E-meme).

    No deals. Ron Paul supporters were not only NEVER in this for “deals”, they are in it and entered into this race to cause a revolution in the political landscape so no deals.

    They make deals with US, and we call the shots.

  199. Whereas the WMDs’ alone can stand ground for a rethoric for war. —> Not without everything else. LOL
    > Yes, without everything else. Heard of Iran lately buddy ? what’s the rethoric of all our GOP candidates ? Iran gets WMDs’ = War. Period.
    see they at least simplified the equation. No more stuffing our brains with this hiding Al Qaida crap.

    So Satellite Recon = Physical evidence ?
    That s why you re saying right ? just making sure, I m an Idiot remember…
    Then who gives a shit about inspection right ? let s nuke, it s war…be done with it all no ?
    Satellite recon could tell us about Iran as well right ? What are we waiting for then ? let s nuke as well be done too…
    Satellite recon could tell us the WMDs’ from Hussein are in Syria too no ? let s nuke be done as well ..come on wtf ?
    What are we a nation of wussies ?
    Satellite recon can tell us N. Korea is…wait we dont need Satelitte recon for that..;they do have WMDs’ and shoot missiles as we speak…but who cares about them right ? Iran may have some and it s more priority…explain to me. Enlighten me. I seriously would like to be educated on it all.

    1. Whereas the WMDs’ alone can stand ground for a rethoric for war. —> Not without everything else. LOL
      > Yes, without everything else. Heard of Iran lately buddy ? —> Yes, I’ve heard of Iran, and I’m not your buddy. LOL

      what’s the rethoric of all our GOP candidates ? Iran gets WMDs’ = War. Period. —> Iran has VERY strong ties to terrorists. You try to paint every situation identically, and they’re not. RIP thinking sucks. LOL

      see they at least simplified the equation. No more stuffing our brains with this hiding Al Qaida crap. —> You’re stupid. LOL

      So Satellite Recon = Physical evidence ? —> Satellites take pictures of physical things, and probably other kinds of physical attributes that are classified. LOL

      That s why you re saying right ? just making sure, I m an Idiot remember…—> That is not lost on me for one moment. LOL

      Then who gives a shit about inspection right ? let s nuke, it s war…be done with it all no ? —> Pictures support inspections, and you seem to have “forgotten” inspections were in the agreement after the first Gulf War, and included a no-fly zone that was repeatedly violated as well. LOL

      Satellite recon could tell us about Iran as well right ? —> Satellites SUPPORT gathering information. You really are stupid, aren’t you? LOL

      What are we waiting for then ? —> We’re using diplomatic pressure, embargos, forming an alliance, etc. We are NOT waiting. What an idiot. LOL

      let s nuke as well be done too…—> Nukes would be a last resort, we have bunker buster conventional weapons that can probably do the job. LOL
      Satellite recon could tell us the WMDs’ from Hussein are in Syria too no ? No. Satellites are ONE of many tools. You’re so powerfully stupid, and demonstrate it consistently. LOL

      let s nuke be done as well ..come on wtf ? —> We haven’t nuked anybody since WWII, but what is your address again? LOL

      What are we a nation of wussies ? —> No, we are the greatest power than has ever been on this planet, and not just the greatest in terms of the amount of power, but the judicious use of that power. RIPsters don’t get that. LOL

      Satellite recon can tell us N. Korea is…wait we dont need Satelitte recon for that..;they do have WMDs’ and shoot missiles as we speak…but who cares about them right ? —> Again, you flaming IDIOT, every situation is unique. The rocket launch failed, just like RIP’s campaign has, each 3 times so far. LOL

      Iran may have some and it s more priority…explain to me. —> I’m not privy to top secret information, and wouldn’t explain it to you if I did, because it is confidential information. LOL

      Enlighten me. I seriously would like to be educated on it all. —> Consider yourself “enlightened,” although I doubt you’ll learn much to be considered educated on it all. LOL

  200. check out this tex2 guy… whoooooaaaa

    He probably has 300 of the 600 replies.

    Pretty sad if you stop and think about it.

    1. His consumption of drinking cola products laced with Aspartame and his sucking on the hind tit of Neo-Con Nutsy philosophy of William Krystol has warped his brain. He’s seriously a very deranged loser. He can’t fathom that the reign of Neo-Con Nutsism is coming to an end….and none to soon, because they have seriously damaged the US financially and in prestige and have made the USA less secure then they can ever imagine. And that’s the problem, they are so sucked into their delusions that their total concept of reality is apparently irredeemably warped. They remind me of the dedicated and irrepentant Nazi’s holed up in the Fuehrerbunker during the last days of the Reich. Hopelessly lost twits.

  201. Aspartame Poisoning has taken it’s toll on TEX2. Sad how these members of the Neo-Con Nutsie wing of the party have a habit of partaking in Ronald Dumsfeld’s Aspartame laden diet cokes and pepsi’s. Poetic justice.

    1. Then you better get RIP into a 3rd party, because there are too many Aspartame consumers for RIP to ever get elected in the Republican Party. I’m sure it has everything to do with Aspartame, and nothing to do with RIP’s nutty positions. LOL

      1. Your “Sheisshausweltanschaung” is coming to an end….along with William Krystol and his New American Century. You are the one with nutty positions. The world is changing and not static, American hegemony is no longer assured, in fact, the rest of the world’s growth rate and improvement in their lifestyles and consumer demand in itself will dictate a need for greater good neighborliness then the Arrogrant Imperial Hubris we have been operating since under the sway of your Neo-Con Nutsies! You are the losers and are being left behind in the dirt. Go ahead…enjoy some more aspartame, apparently the cancerous cells have already taken hold of your shrinking brain. You seem to actually exhibit some sort of Aspergers or another form of Autism. Drink up…your demise will be celebrated. Not even your mommy will miss you. And hopefully you are the genetic end of a long line of obvious misfit miscreants.

      2. We are staying put and determined to drive the Neo Con filth from the party like Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple with a whip!!! Your days are numbered Tex2.

  202. “It does not take a majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, who keep on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” (Samuel Adams)

    It is more than just a man, it is a liberty movement to restore this nation to a healthy state under the US Constitution and a rule of law that many of us are dedicated to.

    This nation and the direction this nation will take is up to us and we, in the Liberty movement, are determined to Restore the Republic and end the road we have been precariously taking under the auspices of the self ordained Neo Con Filth in their dreams of Empire.

    America is a Republic and rightly so as created by our Founding Fathers. We are determined in our resolve to fight to purge the Republican Party of the corroding influence of the Neo Con scum who have trampled not only on the good name of the GOP, but on the honor of the American people and the nation.

    We will fight to regain control of the party, county by county, district by district and state by state until they are in total defeat and made ineffective and neutralized. They are the usurpers, not the Liberty movement. This did not start with Ron Paul and it will not end with Ron Paul, but it will end with those Americans who are dedicated to restoring our Republic, our Bill of Rights and our position as a good neighbor in the world.

    We were once a beacon of hope and we have lost our way, but our heritage of freedom still burns brightly in the hearts of millions of Americans and we, who are at the forefront of the movement will encourage others once again that America is not a tyrannt, but a friend to freedom, good relations and open trade with all.

      1. And Ye shall have it…the Neo Con Nutsy faction is being defeated. So long and good riddance! So why don’t you go off and fight at the front you coward. Be a good little Neo-Con Nutsy and go down fighting in your Stalingrad. Take the chance…call up Erik Prince and tell him you are ready to be a mercernary. Go on you coward!

      2. “And Ye shall have it?” LOL

        The Neo-Cons have been being defeated for decades. LOL

        I did my time at the front.

        I’m not interested nor young enough to be a mercenary, but Ye shall do if Ye wish. LOL

  203. Or give Richard Clarke a call at Good Harbor LLC, and see if he can recruit you on a Columbian trained “hit squad” to put down any democracy demonstrations.


    Come on you coward…here’s your chance for Neo-Con Nutsy herodom.!!!! You are filth and you know it and we shall root you out by God. Just like Andrew Jackson did in rooting out Biddle’s bank and their corroding influence.You’re toast..you’re finished. Martyrdom is all yours in your glorious fight for Empire screwing, raping and destroying nations. You vulgar twit!

      1. You are the loser twit….an aspartame burn out and you can’t handle the truth. Good riddance loser! And a coward to boot. You use age as an excuse. Figures…it must be a mixture of aspartame and viagra that has warped your brain. All that is left are limp wrists typing as your face contorts from Asperger convulsions. LOL LOL LOL LOL. You are truely a loser. Want me to give you Erik Prince’s number? He’s waiting for you, you old dried up wind bag of vomit. LOL LOL LOL

  204. Sure, here’s the number for you: 1-800-URA-DORK. Go ahead call them now you cowardly armchair twit.

  205. tex2 i have been glancing back at this over the past few days…

    u have some serious issues. it blows my mind that you have SO much time to spam this board. its kinda scary actually. even though your views are skewed your intellect is evident. just imagine if you focused your energy on something worth while.

    hope you do something with your life…

    good luck!

    1. Underflowing votes…not enough to matter. LOL

      This posting is for hammering the coward rmcnnlly only, because he’s too scared to make a simple phone call. He enjoys bragging about his family’s military history, even though he never served, and can’t even lift a telephone and make a call to defend his hero, RIP. LOL

  206. http://fightingforliberty.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2881777%3ABlogPost%3A109326&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_post

    Proof of Media Bias. Watch the clip and notice the banner in the lower left hand corner: NEVER GONNA GET IT.

    MSM: Unfair and Unbalanced and In Your Face. Pulling out all stops on the news, blogs, or wherever they can discredit Ron Paul This strategy goes back to John Piermont Morgan purchases newspapers and magazines and discrediting Congress Charles Lindbergh Sr., who wrote 3 books: Money and Banking and the Money Trust 1912, Economic Pinch 1914 and Your Country at War 1917. Two of the books were destroyed by orders of the Wilson Administration in 1917. Yes! They do burn books in the USA. That’s the punishement you get for exposing the Federal Reserve and fighting them, as Congressman Lindbergh did.

    His name would be persona non gratis, if his son had never became the famous aviator.

    If anyone is interested in further reading about Charles Lindbergh Sr., I suggest: Lindbergh of Minnesota by Bruce Larson. Ample used copies can be found on Amazon, Abebooks, or Alibrisbooks.

    This posting is for information only.

    1. But we came in second 8 times – is the best comeback this RIP spokesperson could muster on the video. LOL

      Why would RIP suddenly win, when he hasn’t? Duh. LOL

      I doubt the government could/would try to ban such books today, showing that we’ve actually gone FORWARD, not backwards, as RIP is fond to claim. LOL

      This posting is for hammering the coward rmcnnlly only, because he’s too scared to make a simple phone call. He enjoys bragging about his family’s military history, even though he never served, and can’t even lift a telephone and make a call to defend his hero, RIP. LOL

  207. 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul achieved consequential delegate wins in Colorado and Minnesota today, affirming his delegate-attainment strategy and auguring a prominent role for Paul at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
    In Minnesota, Ron Paul supporters swept the three district conventions that occurred today, winning nine of nine delegates to the national convention. Minnesota is set to hold more such conventions next week.

    In Colorado, supporters of the 12-term Congressman from Texas won 12 delegates and 13 alternate delegates. Paul’s state operation is confident that it can win over more of the Rick Santorum delegates to its side who were elected on a combined Paul-Santorum slate. The Paul-Santorum coalition’s combined delegate total is 20—more than establishment candidate Mitt Romney’s estimated 16. In addition, the Paul-Santorum coalition denied Romney delegates all the committee spots within the Colorado National Delegation. Two Ron Paul supporters will serve on the Rules Committee and the Paul coalition dethroned known Romney supporter and Colorado State Party Chairman Ryan Call from his position as Delegation Chairman.

    “Ron Paul’s victories today declare his delegate-attainment strategy to be a success and they demonstrate that the media and Washington pundits are undercounting his delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa,’ said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate.

    “Taken together, these victories and those yet to happen forecast a prominent role for Ron Paul at the RNC. They also signal that the convention will feature a spirited discussion over whether conservatism will triumph over the status quo, all in relation to the end game of defeating President Obama,” added Mr. Tate.

  208. BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    The #2′s strategy is simply hitting the REPLY button (posting some vitriol), then another REPLY button — thus VIRTUALLY HIJACKING any thread from allowing others to directly respond to the original post.

    PUT a STOP to IT — send Doug the needed message/program to BAN/BLOCK this Shill from his blog!

  209. Vote YES to BAN the “tex2″ creature — your votes will be counted, and submitted to Doug!

    Our Future, as a Free and Prosperous Nation is too precious to ALLOW any Troll, such as the #2 — by its hijacking of all threads— to confiscate this Forum away from us (where Real Americans are trying to converse on what’s best for the US)!

    Voting starts now:

    1) Surfisher — Yes

    1. rmcnnlly —

      Hi, thanks for voting.

      See the total count so far, which will be posted later today at the very end of the last topic.

    1. If he’s so brilliant, maybe YOU can respond to these points:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  210. Dear Doug Wead,

    How can we have confidence that you are capable of managing Ron Paul’s campaign, when you are unable to manage your own blog?

    On any other Forum the destructive manipulations of “tex2″ would have been removed by a moderator, and the creature banned (regardless how many IP’s it uses, there are programs that can track and block them).

    On this, and even OTHER forums, I’ve read people saying that while they read your blog, they won’t post on it — since they don’t want to be verbally abused by the #2. Their take is: Why bother posting or replying here — the #2 is going to hijack the thread by peppering it with insults and non-sensical multi-replies….

    In the last 30 days, IT has posted more times than the combined total of all other posters (also, ITS total word count exceeds that of the rest)!

    Many good people are leaving your forum because of the above. Unless you take care of it, why should we stay?

    Are you paying attention to the people voting to BAN this waste-of-protoplasm?!

    So far the vote to BAN it from your site is:
    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin

    Awaiting your reply.

    Sincerely, Surfisher

    1. I agree with Sunfisher. Tex2 is a cancer, and probably a plant from another campaign to disrupt the progress of the Ron Paul run. It should be flattering, because they are surely scared of Dr. paul’s support, but tex2 is disruptive, argumentative, and generally disrespectful.

      1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

    2. I agree with Surfisher. Tex2 is a cancer, and probably a plant from another campaign to disrupt the progress of the Ron Paul run. It should be flattering, because they are surely scared of Dr. Paul’s support, but tex2 is disruptive, argumentative, and generally disrespectful to our Candidate as well as the other members, and should be blocked.

      1. Crucify him…..crucify him…… LOL

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  211. Ron Paul for President…period.
    He should stay in to the very end. Start adding reasons why Romney & Obama are NOT good choices into his messages. Ron has been a kind gentleman for the most part, but needs to speak loudly the faults of his opponents! It’s time to take off the gloves and expose Romney & Obama out loud. His message is clear, concise and is well received by so many. I guarantee that if he starts spreading truths about his opponents, that will garnish headlines and interviews. Sure, the game is rigged…we’re not stupid…but we are stifled. America needs Ron Paul…and I’d like to see him send a clear message why Romney & Obama are not good choices. Time to take off the gloves…period.

    1. Ron Paul for President…period. —> That’s the spirit! LOL

      https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ron-Paul-for-President-Period/315965161779740 —> Go RIP, GO!

      He should stay in to the very end. —> I agree, the less time he has to consider a 3rd party run, the better. LOL

      Start adding reasons why Romney & Obama are NOT good choices into his messages. —> That’s a good idea, it should put RIP over the top. LOL

      Ron has been a kind gentleman for the most part, but needs to speak loudly the faults of his opponents! —> I don’t think it is in his DNA. LOL

      It’s time to take off the gloves and expose Romney & Obama out loud. —> It’s past time, in fact, it’s too late. LOL

      His message is clear, concise and is well received by so many. —> How many? About 10% so far. LOL

      I guarantee that if he starts spreading truths about his opponents, that will garnish headlines and interviews. —> It’s too late, he should have started doing that several months ago. LOL

      Sure, the game is rigged…we’re not stupid…but we are stifled. —> The game is rigged against fruitcakes. It’s only your opinion that you’re stupid, and I think you’re more ignored than stifled. LOL

      America needs Ron Paul…and I’d like to see him send a clear message why Romney & Obama are not good choices. —> No, we don’t need RIP, he’s dangerous to our national security. LOL

      Time to take off the gloves…period. —> Again, it is too late. LOL

  212. Vote YES to BAN the “tex2″ creature — your votes will be counted, and submitted to Doug!

    Our Future, as a Free and Prosperous Nation is too precious to ALLOW any Troll, such as the #2 — by its hijacking of all threads— to confiscate this Forum away from us (where Real Americans are trying to converse on what’s best for the US)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

  213. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could not be and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

  214. Info for all RON PAUL Supporters – Build up to WW3 – War with IRAN will happen and the Neocons will make sure that it will happen soon.

  215. The Deal with Jack Hunter: Ignoring the rEVOLution

    The masses who continue to flock to Ron Paul represent something more important than the election and a movement far more significant than anything else in American politics.

  216. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

    So far the vote to BAN it — ‘tex2′ — is:

    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin
    12) Remmic Lewis
    13) Shane Mayfield
    14) jeffrey bohl

  217. tex2 must have a point… is seems RonPaul supporters don’t care anymore, just look at this video.. we just do not care..

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    1. Then watch Mitt the Joke:
      An EMPTY stadium with about a hundred sycophants only… mostly yawning.

      Then see the THOUSANDS of REAL AMERICANS and their genuineness on Ron Paul’s rallies!

      But the main media never shows this REALITY — so, are we to stand by and allow them to steal this Election away from us — when clearly the TRUE Americans have spoken?!

      Spread this video!(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVY5u9RuW8)

  218. I type in LOL at the end of every sentence and point I make. LOL
    Not only does it show you how above your thought process I am, and right I am, but it also belittles you by insinuating that your statements and outlook are laughable. LOL.
    Not only that, but I bristle at being called a troll, yet I have a snide comment on EVERY SINGLE POST on this blog in order to show ALL OF YOU how silly and nutty you are for supporting a presidential candidate you agree with. LOL.
    I parrot the same talking points being eshewed across the MSM about dangerous foreign policy and the whimsical belief a medical doctor who is also a combat vet with 30 years of service in congress is somehow a wacky nut who managed to hold onto his seat without showing up to work with a tinfoil helmet or slathering his naked body with peanut butter on the house floor. LOL.

    Sarcasm off. Tex, I love this country, the rough & tumble crowd in it, and the idea that we have the right to say whatever we want, or pull ourselves out of poverty with hard work and good decisions. I also love the fact that we are allowed to congregate freely on a site like this and politic without a mullah chopping off our fingers later. Still, you can’t deny that something is intrinsically wrong with this country as it stands. Between failed companies kept on life support via our taxes, bombing a different country every 4 months and republican and democrat executives removing different rights from us every other day via exec orders, you really have to take pause and consider what our real alrenatives are at this point.

    Now, you can argue and LOL away at anyone on here, and me as well. Personally, I think we are too far gone as a country for Paul to make a difference, and the only thing in our future is epic collapse and rebuilding from the ground up. Still, don’t be so much of a pr!ck that you deem it necessary to run around the internet and disrespect people who are desperate to find a leader who isn’t a blatant, corrupt liar like our other “options”. I for one am tired of voting the “lesser of two evils” slate and would write in Ron Paul’s name on the ballot even if he didn’t run. It’s not like voting for Romney or Obama would yield any different results either way.

    Wait for it…..*ahem*…… LOL

    1. Cynical30 — the #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads,

      That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  219. a good one!


    send it!

    The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads,

    That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  220. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

    The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

    Why Ron Paul could not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
    1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
    2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
    3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
    4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
    5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
    For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!

  221. I skimmed through the responses and read a lot of things (stopped on quite a few) I connected with, but there was something that stood out for me.

    A lot of talk about the mental, perceived, probability, and “political” perception of things. Some of it was certainly establishment shills, but there were others I felt were genuinely looking for more knowledge.

    It took me a few minutes to digest everything and allow myself a critical thought. My thought is this.

    Why do we even operate under rules we did not make that we clearly don’t want as a people now? Do we care what the establishment thinks about the will of the people and the movement in a direction other than what they believe is “best”? Who cares about third party run or whatever! This is a movement of the people. There are no rules. We are decided them right now, and together.

    I personally am a committed member of the “I love my fellow human being” club. I am clear that we are not perfect. I know humanity has a history of not being human. I also know that in being human we trust in much of what we hear and see. Unfortunately we have allowed ourselves to get lazy and our vision to be obscured.

    Republican, democrat, republicrat, corporcrat, or whatever. There is only one party. The People’s Party

    I will vote for Ron Paul no matter what. I don’t give a sh*t if I have write him him.

    1. To all Americans:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      2. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

        So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

        1) Surfisher
        2) Sharon Kuhn
        3) annebeck58
        4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
        5) donjusko
        6) sharksauce24
        7) sophiah8
        8) rmcnnlly
        9) BanTex2Al
        10) Wendy Jones
        11) Evan Godolphin
        12) Remmic Lewis
        13) Shane Mayfield
        14) jeffrey bohl
        15) Bill
        16) hink
        17) celticreeler

        Send this video!



        The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      3. Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

        So they run this ad:

        “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
        Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
        Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

        That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

        (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

  222. A good one!


    Send it!

    The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    1. Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!!

    2. Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

      (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

      Share the Twoface:


  223. “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

  224. The choice we face is between president Frip, governor Frap or congressman Paul, so, I am voting for any Ron Paul ticket. Elect, or re-elect either Frip or Frap and nothing changes in our path toward over the falls without a barrel.

    1. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

      (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))


      It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

      Some notable excerpts:

      “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

      “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

      “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

      A must read (long) article recommended to all!

      Share it!

  225. Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

    Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

    The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
    It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

    After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.

    Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

    It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party (I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

    Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!

  226. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012

    Take your pick…there are no other options!
    Ron Paul must take Rmoney to Tampa — to expose the GOP’s perfidy — when hundreds of thousands of Real Americans will come to the Convention voluntarily, supporting Ron Paul, the ONLY REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT in this race (vs a few hundred BUSED Rmoney bullies pretending they are actual people)!

    If the Republican Convention cheats Ron Paul out of The Nomination — then, go Third Party!

    There MUST NOT be a way allowed, for Rmoney to “debate” BO one-on-one — since this will be a Clowns’ Show (two liars trying to out-lie each other…when they are one-and-the-same HUMAN TRASH)!

    Ron Paul MUST be part of the DEBATES — so, he can clearly show up THESE politically trained monkeys for what they are — The ULTIMATE Destroyers of the USA!

    Elect Ron Paul as President, if you want to Save America — vote for anyone else, if you WANT to DESTROY the USA!

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