The Great Hudsonville Cover up

Ron Paul supporters are used to getting shortchanged. For example, in one debate, Ron Paul was given 89 seconds in one hour, even though he had just finished close in the Iowa Caucuses and had come in second in the New Hampshire primary. In the network’s own polling he was beating all other contenders including Obama with the Independent vote. In another debate, the network gave its moderator as much time to speak as the Presidential candidate. Even though that network’s own recent poll showed Ron Paul tied with Mitt Romney in leading the pack in a head to head contest with Obama.

There are reasons why the pundits and the main stream media exclude him. Ron Paul is taking on the establishment. He is seeking to reform the monetary system, including making the decisions of the Federal Reserve transparent. He wants us all to know how much money they are “printing” and to whom it is given.

Sounds reasonable. The partial audit he obtained for 2008 showed trillions of new dollars being loaned out – interest free – to banks and major corporations. Including corporations who own companies that own companies that own television networks. And including companies that advertise on those networks. And mostly to banks that loan the money that allow those big companies to make their dreams come true.

Whatever happened to “in the interest of full disclosure?” The network talking heads trudge on, never saying a word about the fact that the news they are reporting is impacting their own companies and their own careers.

Of course, there is nothing conspiratorial about most journalists. They follow the herd, running when the herd does and relaxing when the herd stops. God help the poor journalist that strays too far from the pack. Their greatest fear is not to be wrong about a story, but rather, to be different.

The Ron Paul supporters come to him via the internet. That’s why so many are young. They don’t watch television news. They do their own research. Ron Paul doesn’t convert them. The facts do. The just match up the facts to the candidates. Many are even shocked to find that the old man had it right. Some are Democrats and Independents surprised to find themselves agreeing with a Republican. And they are loyal because they have experienced the pride of authorship, the pride of self discovery.

So here is another little story for the Ronulans. Something to add to the collection.

According to the an Associated Press report in the Chicago Tribune and carried worldwide by the Associated Press, “about 40 people lined up to enter the Pinnacle Center in Hudsonville, where Paul was speaking Sunday afternoon.” The AP claimed the story originated with the Detroit News but I couldn’t find it there.

The Ron Paul people called the AP and asked that they update and correct the story. The Paul people insisted that there were, in fact, over 2,000 people at the event, but they were rebuffed. Adam de Angeli, the Ron Paul Michigan State Director, had no trouble finding pictures.

So now, for your viewing pleasure, here is the corroborating evidence. Pictures of the “40” (sic) Ron Paul supporters who attended the event. Maybe we need some T-shirts that say, “I am one of the Hudsonville 40.” If everybody who went to the event bought one we could be rich.

The AP and the Chicago Tribune implied that there were about 40 Ron Paul supporters at Hudsonville event.
Another view of the 40 people. Ron Paul supporters have learned to find their own facts online.
The AP reports the Detroit News as saying that "about 40 people lined up to enter the Pinnacle Center.

Update: I finally found the Detroit News story quoted by the AP. Here it is.

Detroit News story on Hudsonville

“Hundreds of people lined up for hours to hear the maverick U.S. representative from Texas, and some were turned away. First in line was Erik Varvir, 49, who has been following Paul for 30 years.”

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

230 thoughts on “The Great Hudsonville Cover up

  1. Ron Paul supporters have a FINANCIAL INTEREST in the campaign. Malicious reporting and falsification of the facts undermine our FINANCIAL INTERESTS. Ergo, we should file a lawsuit asserting willful and malicious impairment of our financial interests and deliberate defamation of our cause.

  2. Technically they are right. About 40 people did line up to see Ron Paul.

    Plus another 1,400 or so.

    But hey, they almost got it right!

  3. I Agree, there is a law against bias in the media I think and with all the donations and all we put into the campaign, to be treated like this does not give us a fighting chance in hell.

  4. Recently noticed a similar “fact free” article posted everywhere on the www without the name of the author. After two or three of these incidents you are tempted to see a pattern. I have the impression their quality assurance is really not working. What amazes me is how easily their press releases drown out other more accurate sources of information.

      1. Get off it. The first sentence says “several hundred” and “across Michigan” it DOES NOT say several hundred at this particular event.

      2. Sam,

        It says “in western Michigan” you liar. You also ignored my earlier post that clearly shows this was Ron’s ONLY event in western Michigan from his own website. You Paulites are so desperate. LOL

  5. The story clearly indicates in the opening sentence that hundreds of people attended and about 40 people lined up. Perhaps this is how many people the reporter saw lined up when they were outside looking. This is yet another Ron Paul desperation move to complain about something that simply doesn’t exist. Ron is in last place, where he belongs, thanks to his unmentioned (how Convenient!!!) foreign policies.

    1. Ah… yet again another snide know it all dropping by to troll. Last place? Go to drudgereport and see the headline of who beats Obama. If you love these aggressive wars, may I suggest you go fight them. Myself and a vast amount of the troops I see on a daily basis are quite sick of them. We killed Bin Laden. Its time to come home.

      1. I noticed you ignored my major point, that the story CLEARLY states there were hundreds of people present in the first sentence. That makes YOU the troll! LOL

        I already served my country in the 1980s, as a naval officer on a nuclear powered cruiser, the USS Texas. Look in a different direction for that comment, you clueless pacifist. LOL

        Bin Laden hasn’t been the only target for several years. Get a clue! LOL

        You should ignore any comparisons between ANY of the Republican candidates and Barry until AFTER we pick the nominee. Only THEN will there be valid and useful information comparing Barry to the Republican winner. Plus, there is FAR too much time and the likelihood of major changes to the political landscape in November. If Paul wins (which is nearly impossible), Barry would tear Ron’s foreign policy to shreds, which is a sad commentary to “The Great Apologizer.” LOL

      2. P.S., It will be time to come home after we are done standing Afghanistan up so they can control the terrorists, or all of the deaths/injuries will be in vain. How soon you forget the lessons of 9/11….

      3. Hey Tex, the story reads like the 40 at Hudsonville are part of the hundreds throughout Western Michigan RP has drawn. At the very least it is poorly phrased. Contrary to your claims, it’s clear as mud.

        However, I’ve been involved in Republican politics for 40 years and I’ve sat in the room when the people who dream this stuff up congratulate themselves for the clever way they mislead readers.

        You didn’t come clean and tell us who you are working for; Frothy Sanitorium? Mittwitt Robme? Red Spotted Newt?

        Can you please state specifically what we have accomplished in Afghanistan in light of all the lives and money we have poured into that place? The government has no control over huge areas of the country; the Taliban are simply biding their time until we finally leave; at that point they will regain full control. Then what, O’ Great Fount of Wisdom and Condescension? LOL

        It would have been far better to have gone after those responsible for 9-11 with Letters of Marquis and Reprisal, just as Ron Paul. a true statesman in the tradition of Eisenhower, Taft, and Goldwater, had advocated.

        Stop relying exclusively on Faux News and MS-LSD for all of your information.

    2. The story DOES NOT say that hundreds of people attended the event in Hudsonville.

      “HUDSONVILLE, Mich.— Ron Paul has drawn hundreds of people in western Michigan as he campaigns days ahead of the state’s Republican presidential campaign.

      The Detroit News says about 40 people lined up to enter the Pinnacle Center in Hudsonville, where Paul was speaking Sunday afternoon.”

      This is clearly worded to read that hundreds of people have gone to see him speak as he has been campaigning in West Mich(cumulative) and that on Sunday about 40 people went.

      1. Just because you can twist the words around to make your point doesn’t make it true. Here’s the source of the below information, showing Ron’s schedule:

        Start: February 25, 2012 1:00 pm
        End: February 25, 2012 2:00 pm
        Venue: Capital Plaza North and South
        Google Map 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

        Start: February 25, 2012 6:00 pm
        End: February 25, 2012 7:00 pm
        Venue: Central Michigan University – Plachta Auditorium
        Google Map Mount Pleasant, MI, United States

        Start: February 26, 2012 4:00 pm
        End: February 26, 2012 5:00 pm
        Venue: The Pinnacle Center
        Google Map Hudsonville, MI, United States

        Start: February 27, 2012 11:00 am
        End: February 27, 2012 12:00 pm
        Venue: Little Rock Baptist Church
        Google Map 8801 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

        I see only ONE visit to west Michigan, how many do YOU see? LOL

    3. Tex2 .. or tex poop .. must b what the #2 stands for .. Story cleary states 100’s of people at other venues have lined up to see him … Yeah u served, i doubt it .. Hope you perfected you clothes folding

    4. Well, tex2, if you look at the photos, the article still ain’t accurate!
      I know weasel words when I read them.
      All the best from a freedom loving southerner!

    5. Crazy foreign policy?!

      It’s crazy to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Crazy is expecting foreigners to pat us on our backs for occupying their land and shooting/bombing their countrymen. It’s EZ to call out people on there positions when you are standing on the deck of a ship 300nm from the middle of nowhere and you don’t have to look them in the eye. You don’t see the consequences of your actions. You only get told about them.

      1. Yes. CRAZY. We don’t occupy. We have essentially left Iraq. We don’t shoot or bomb non-terrorists, but there is a concept called collateral damage, one of the many reasons why war really is hell. Tell your story about being in the middle of nowhere to those on the USS Stark or USS Cole. Dussty is a good name for you, it’s obviously what fills your skull. IDIOT.

      2. How do you know? Do they have a uniform or a patch on their sleeve that says “Terrorist”? We have one on ours that says “U. S. …” and that uniform is worn in those lands.

        If we overlook the cause and only focus on the results we dishonor those people who gave their lives in those tragedies.

        There is another concept out there called blowback. Check it out next time you are occupying a restroom.


        Your name suits you as well.

      3. That’s part of the problem, it is difficult to know. We had a similar challenge in Vietnam. However, we have intelligence assets, and it’s a pretty good clue when you see folks walking around with weapons.

        Blowback is NOTHING compared to a weekly 9/11 attack in the U.S., which would be very likely if we allow them to regroup. Which would you choose?

    6. Tex, with all due respect- and admittedly, it is not very much- you have managed to convey your complete ignorance of politics in just a few short sentences noted in your comments.

      You’re like the unpolished trophy girlfriend who tries to contribute to a conversation about something far beyond her comprehension, but she ends up interjecting awkwardly instead, with no sense of timing or context, and inevitably her statement is ambiguous, largely irrelevant and lacking of substance.

      The difference here is that I can’t see your low-cut dress revealing magnificent cleavage and so I am less inclined to patronize.

      Tex, go read. A lot. And don’t come back until you can articulate the different schools of thought as it relates to the derivation of rights; economics; politics; and the inseparable nature of these 3 subjects.

      Maybe then you, too, will laugh at your inane remarks comparing the empty rhetoric about change versus the change coming from Obama and the other establishment GOP neocon dwarfs or a return to the principles of individual liberty that Dr. Paul advocates.

      1. If Ron is so brilliant, why has he been in Congress for over 2 decades and NEVER got a single substantial bill through Congress? Why didn’t he speak up WAY before the end of the debate when he got 89 seconds to speak? What a wormy, wimpy, mousy candidate. America deserves MUCH better. Go read. A lot. But feel free to come back with your BS any time you want, so others can see how stupid you and Ron Paul’s positions are!!! LOL

      2. Tex, you are either a liar/instigator or too stupid to qualify for stupid..
        I have a friend in Texas that told me “they’ll never take our guns in Texas”, I replied “why is it that in Michigan a Man can holster his side-arm, mount his horse, and ride into town… but in Texas a Cowboy MUST get a PERMIT to holster his side-arm before mounting his horse and riding into town”, My friend SHUT HIS MOUTH. He realized that ‘THEY’ already took his guns.

        “Why hasn’t Ron Paul passed legislation?”
        Because he is one honest man trying to enforce the Constitution on 534 Al Capone clones. He is among liars and thieves that get paid $3000+/week for passing laws without reading them.
        Ron Paul knows that every ‘BILL’ passed by congress is handed to the IRS, then the IRS points guns at the People forcing them to PAY THE BILL.

        As far as war. Why are you here instead of over there shooting at bad guys? Who decided who the bad guys are?

        Go for it “Tex”, tell the People in Michigan how easy it was to get your TEXAS PERMIT to holster your side-arm.

    7. The feeble-minded never wonder.

      Ron Paul is in a close second to Mittwitt Robme. If you don’t understand why that is a true statement, you don’t understand enough to be pontificating about Ron Paul. I suggest you stop before you herniate your brain. LOL Troll.

    8. If you are so worried about Paul and state he is in last place where he should be, then why might I ask are you spending so much of your time replying to nearly all these commonts on a Ron Paul supporting blog? Is he scaring you? Are you worried that he is in second regarding the delegate count? Is it that you cannot win votes for your guy by going out and campaigning for him, so you have to spew your wrongheadedness all over the oppositions blog? Please, answer: If Paul is not a threat to your guy whether it is Obama/Noot/Willard/Santorum then why do you dedicate so much of your time on his supporter’s blogs? Do tell.

    9. TEX,

      “That is, if you ever LEARNED the lessons of 9/11! LOL”

      9/11 was blowback…

      One of the motives cited for the attacks was the bases in SA and the murderous sanctions on Iraq. Those reasons are acknowledged by the CIA and security experts such as neocon prince Wolfowitz himself…

      Hint: It’s not because we’re free, hate to whisper that to you…

      1. SA didn’t have a problem with us being there. If the terrorists want us to mind our own business, so should they. We are protecting ours and others’ energy sources. What do you mean by “murderous sanctions?” I recall Saddam invading another country and mass murdering his own citizens. LOL

        They hate us because they believe their “religion” teaches them to hate us. Have YOU ever read the Quaran? I have….LOL

      2. Tex2, if murdering People is a bad thing to do, why is it OK with you for the USA to murder People around the world?
        Who/What gave the USA permission to decide who is good and who is bad? Who shall live and who shall die?
        Who/What is the USA GOD that has permission to decide? Where did the permission originate?

        Answer these questions Tex2. Let us all know the facts that are supported with evidence. Be a Man Tex2, be a Man.

      3. Where is your evidence that the U.S. murders people around the world?

        Would you prefer to allow China to decide who is good and bad? Iran? North Korea? The UN? LOL

        Read your history, it will answer your questions. You Paulites like to use moral equivalence to all of the world’s players, and that’s a BIG mistake. Big. Huge. Mistake. LOL

        I’ll provide evidence when you answer ALL of the questions that I asked and have gone unanswered and you support your accusations with evidence. IDIOT. LOL

      1. Methinks you strayed to close to the reactor on that cruiser you served on. Its easy to see why the rapidly shrinking Republican base finds it hard to fathom what the good Dr. is saying. After all it’s imperative that they keep the war machine revved up, the military industrial complex humming and the fear tactics going for the general populace. The other 3 have very little else to offer regarding the economy, so lets fall back on the tried and true. The plain and simple truth is we can no longer afford the foreign policies of the past. Either monetarily or as a nation. Our foreign policy of the last several decades has resulted in too many deaths, and ruined the reputation of this nation. As for your comments regarding 9/11, given the current crisis in Afghanistan, we have no chance in standing them up against terrorists. That was never possible to begin with. All you have to do is review their history and our involvement in the past to know that.

      2. And you may have hit your head on a bulkhead,”Tex”.LOL!
        Your prime argument doesn’t adress the “theme” of the “news” story, yet your assertion, (and I quote)::
        “I already served my country in the 1980s, as a naval officer on a nuclear powered cruiser, the USS Texas.”,only reinforces my “bulkhead theory”….Yeah, Jimmy Carter served on a Nuclear Submarine, see where that got him as far as Foreign Policy.
        He was WAS as clueless as you ARE.!!?!.

      3. thats funny I say your crazy to support the foreign intervention any time let alone when your country is TRILLIONS in debt. Forget the moral issue of murder, Forget the unpatriotic issue of shreading the constitution and any vows you ever had as a shit officer (NCO 15 years US Army), just use basic math, when you say Ron Paul has crazy Foreign Policy you mouth the Zioinist IzUnReal position, Traitor.

      4. Hey Tex,
        Tell us from your personal experience:

        Does it hurt worse when you hit your head on your apple cart, which the RP Revolution has apparently turned over on you, or when you hit your head when you fell off your high horse?

      5. Dennis,

        That comment is so stupid it doesn’t deserve a response, but I wanted you to know I didn’t miss it! LOL

        But I do want others to know just because one liberal democrat person served on a submarine doesn’t mean the vast majority of others who are conservative republicans served on submarines and surface ships share the same viewpoints! What an IDIOT!!! LOL

      6. Exposing Idiots,

        Good job looking in the mirror and picking your name. I guess you are in favor of allowing Afghanistan to return to being the center of terrorist organizing, funding, planning, recruitment, etc., right?

      7. Fifty something (which obviously refers to your IQ – LOL!!!),

        Since I have never hit my head from either one, I can’t tell you the answer. LOL

      8. “If Ron is so brilliant, why has he been in Congress for over 2 decades and NEVER got a single substantial bill through Congress? ”

        9% approval rating of congress.

        That’s what tipped the scales for me to vote for Dr. Paul actually, he’s like a priest in a whore house.

        I heard Grinch and Santorum got “a lot” done while in congress like raiding SS so they could claim they “balanced” the budget or voting for NCLB…

      9. Tex2 – Your position on Afghanistan is shaky at best. Even the CWC own report on Wartime Contracting Waste had this to say…Ron Paul’s position is in support of the Congressional report. Time to come home. It goes on to call Iraq – “an ill-conceived concept”

        “Much more will turn into waste as attention to continuing operations wanes, as U.S. support for projects and programs in Iraq and Afghanistan declines, and as those efforts are revealed as unsustainable. This sobering, but conservative, estimate flows from nearly three years’ work by the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, an independent and bipartisan panel created by Congress in 2008 to examine waste, fraud, abuse, accountability, and other issues in contingency contracting, and to make recommendations for improvement. Unless changes are made, continued waste and fraud will undercut the effectiveness of money spent in future operations, whether they involve hostile threats overseas or national emergencies here at home requiring military participation and interagency response. Responsibility for this state of affairs lies with Congress, the White House, federal departments, the military services, agency leadership, contractors, and individuals who ABUSE the system.”

      10. JK,

        There is waste in EVERY war, and efforts should always try to minimize it. But you don’t give up just because there is waste, and ignore the FACT the terrorists would simply ramp up again and make 9/11 look like a picnic in the park. THINK!!!

  6. One local news channel said last night that Ron Paul had a small crowd turn-out at one of his stops yesterday. It so disheartening the dishonesty. And people don’t understand what is happening to the children, look at what their parents are doing to them. Corrupting them, and teaching them lies at a very early age.

      1. Why do you end every sentence in “LOL?”

        IN ALL CAPS TOO?

        Please go pollute some other thread, Tex.

      2. Because most of the posters here are so stupid it’s funny! LOL

        All caps is because I am actually laughing out very loud as I read the posts! LOL

  7. is from the Detroit Free Press. The article claims 1400 supporters showed up.

    The Chicago Tribune should post an editor’s comment to the AP report to correct the misinformation they have published. We really can’t expect to see that done in Chicago though. It just won’t happen.

    On the AP website,, the organization claims “We get it first, but first we get it right.”. Mildly amusing?

    Another website shows the same AP report with a headcount of “about 400” showing up. To be fair, it seems that this report was based on the headcount prior to Dr Paul’s speech.

    Maybe AP did get it almost right. A good reporter would have stuck around for the full story, or reported the story as an early report on the event. This was just another hit and run piece. No wonder the reporter failed to include their byline.

      1. What are those losing ideas, braniac? And, take some lithium for your mania you LOL’n freak.

      2. Mr. Weed needs to ban Tex2. I thought this might be an interesting place to learn something. all I see here is an idiot that insults everyone, yet offers ZERO facts supported by evidence.

        Let this be a lesson to all you reasoned thinkers.

        Trailer trash, equally educated like Tex2, also vote. Obama is the evidence.

      3. PO,

        Yes, free speech should be banned. LOL

        I have offered numerous facts, just read my posts. These facts have been mostly ignored and other questions have gone unanswered. Perhaps YOU should be banned for not engaging in the discussion. LOL

        Trailer trash, equally educated like PatriotOne, also vote. Ron Paul is the evidence.

    1. What SHTF are you talking about? Has Barry announced he is withdrawing the entire First Amendment, and not just nibbling around the edges, like he tried to do with the contraceptive fiasco?

  8. I was there and in fact was the very first person in line. The Detroit News interviewed me and I can corraborate Doug Wead and the Ron Paul campaign’s attendance numbers … this modest venue was packed to capacity with some being turned away, there was definitely 2000 people at the event. Dr. Paul was pleasantly surprised with the turnout delivering a fantastic and moving speech … I love this man!

    1. So you agree with the story, right? The story said several hundred were there, not the 40 others, like Doug and his brownnosers on this blog are trying to say they did.

      1. Even if you read the wording that way, 2000 is not “hundreds”, it’s “thousands”. I and the others on this blog can point you in the direction of articles and documentaries that prove all the things Paul is saying, but you need to give up this kneejerk reaction of insulting people. There’s no need for it. I’ve been wrong about things in the past, and I’ll probably be wrong in the future too, but I can only grow as a person if I am able to remain open-minded and admit when I might be wrong about something. I know there have been a lot of insults thrown back and forth on this board, but if the person you’re talking to won’t “be the bigger man,” well, maybe you should give it a try.

        Not to insult you, but I kind of can’t believe I actually have to say that to a grown man. 😦

      2. If you read a recipe that required several apples, would you expect that to mean a bag of TWENTY? That is akin to giving the approximation word “couple” a new meaning of ten. Why are you so eager to downplay the vast difference between a few thousand and a few hundred? I don’t believe the majority here are advocating for nothing more than equal reporting for ALL candidates, regardless of affiliation. Many here would be satisfied if corrections were printed, as is normal and expected reporting policy, but the vast majority of publications refuse.

      3. What is wrong with you? 2,000 is several THOUSAND. Not several hundred.

        But you’re still missing the larger point. The article says that hundreds have shown up across western Michigan (implies numerous stops), but that 40 showed up to this event. Why would the author have said “western Michigan” if they meant one specific stop?

      4. Saddened,

        Recipes don’t use terms like “several.” Reporters use estimates of several hundred, and the fact remains 2,000 is NOT several thousand. LOL

      5. Rainbow,

        The term used was several thousands, not thousands. Now you’re trying to complain about a reporter estimating the difference between several hundred and two thousand. Your time would be better spent on thinking about how vulnerable the U.S. would be to attack with Ron Paul in charge.

        I can’t believe I actually have to say that to other grown men and women! LOL

  9. It isn’t just what they don’t report, but sometimes the under-reporting of events that makes the report so deceptive.

      1. Tex2,
        1) Regarding your comment above. I said nothing about the military on the ground. They are just following orders. It is the ones giving the orders that were wrong
        2) Several Detroit/Michigan papers have reported #’s in the thousands for ALL of Ron Paul’s events.
        3) Cursory observation of the above photo shows well over 40 people in line.
        What is it that scares you about Dr. Paul’s views specifically or are you only incapable of anything other than the typical hard-line Republican rhetoric? I know it must be your limited vocabulary. LOL and Idiot seem to dominate your responses.

      2. Rick,

        1) That’s right, it was I who mentioned the military on the ground. The plan in Iraq and Iran were agreed to between George, then Barry and the military on the ground, which includes junior and senior officer types, hopefully with input from the senior enlisted folks, and is carried out by junior and senior officers and enlisted personnel. So you must be saying they are ALL wrong! LOL

        2) Can you provide the evidence that ALL of Ron Paul’s events were in the thousands, because it looks like there were about 1,400 at the Hudsonville event, and I’ll bet some locations in less populated locations were lower. I would also bet some of the events Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich held were also less than several thousand as well. Your obvious exaggerations only further damage whatever little credibility you have left. LOL

        3) Cursory observation of my earlier post stated the reporter may have noticed the line length when it was shorter.

        Ron’s foreign policy would result in a 9/11 event every week. Doesn’t that scare you? LOL

      3. Tex2,

        Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan – I think the senior leadership (Joint Chiefs) and the Executive Branch/Congress did have it wrong despite what you may think. The intel was bad, and the reasons insufficient to commit the resources that we did. It’s only made a bad situation worse.

        Ron Paul’s rallies – the #’s are all over the web, you just have to Google.

        Ron Paul’s Foreign policy would not result in more 9/11’s. He is for a strong national defense. You know, that thing you swore to when you took your oath as an officer?

      4. TEX,

        “Ron’s foreign policy would result in a 9/11 event every week. Doesn’t that scare you? LOL”

        Ya, kinda those other non-interventionist countries like Switzerland. Heck even Brazil, China and Russia have 9/11’s on a daily basis because they don’t have bases in every single country haven’t got their nose in almost every conflict…

        Hyperbolic much tex?

      5. Rick,

        You’re entitled to your own opinions about Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan, as uninformed and wrong they may be. Intel is usually less than perfect, so live with it. If Ron would wait until everything was crystal clear, we would all be dead.

        Ron Paul does not attract thousands to every single event, the one that is the subject of this thread is one example.

        It is not “strong” to hunker down at your borders. That is 18th century thinking. Looks like you haven’t learned the 9/11 lessons either. But then again, if you believe Bush blew up the World Trade Center, you are incapable of learning. LOL

      6. Wrong/uninformed? Hardly. I served 8 years in AF as Intel. I know more than I need to know, and one only has to look at history to know what a losing proposition Afghanistan was. Just ask the Soviets. It was the CIA who funded the weapons Osama and the Muhajadeen used against them. The Soviets are probably doing the same to us now with the Taliban.

        Ron’s #’s – (That’s a Detroit paper by the way and for the same event) Dearborn Oklahoma week before 3800 people.

        I won’t bother posting more because I’ve made my point. The #’s keep growing which probably scares the crap out of you. And you should be scared. If your not for Ron Paul, you are for the establishment, and we all know they fear what’s happening.

        As for the last bit, I DON’T believe Bush blew up the WTC. And what lessons exactly were we supposed to have learned from 9/11 other than our foreign policy contributed to it, and as a nation we were lax in keeping our citizens safe. Hunkering down is NOT what I condone. I condone a sound national defense which means protecting our borders, and not to go looking for a fight. Having served you should know the dangers we face in spreading our forces too thin. We are not built for multiple engagements across the globe, nor can we afford them.

      7. Rick,

        It appears AF intel doesn’t mean intelligent. The Taliban is supported by Iran, which is supported by Russia. We are not doing anything CLOSE to what the USSR was trying to do in Afghanistan. You’re an idiot if you think this is so.

        I already mentioned to Lousiana there is no fear of Ron.

        We can’t make our people safe by guarding our borders, that is 18th century/Ron Paul thinking.

  10. think tex2 is suffering from radiation exposure. serving during the 80’s on a safe ship doesn’t entitle you to bad mouth the thousands of rp supports that are boots on the ground and in danger every day. what were your chances of getting killed or maimed. if you are so gung ho for killing people, you should volunteer your services. those “terrorists” are afghans defending their country against an invader. doesn’t sound like you have taken the time to research dr. paul’s positions otherwise you wouldn’t be making such silly remarks.

    1. I think you’re an idiot. See my USS Stark/Cole comment, above. We had an experience VERY close to the one the USS Stark had in the Persian Gulf, but we responded correctly. Just because I had the intelligence to operate a nuclear reactor doesn’t mean I should put myself in the same position as an infantry soldier. Have any other stupid statements you’re waiting to post? LOL

      I never said I was gung ho for killing people, but to call the Afghanistan terrorist “defending their country against an invader” while they rape and kill their “countrymen” while planning the next 9/11 does NOT give them moral equivalence. Doesn’t sound like you have taken time to use your common sense, rather than listening to Ron’s idiotic positions, otherwise you wouldn’t be making such stupid posts. LOL

      1. I think you stayed too close to that reactor for far to long … U r probably an illegal living in TX … TX pitys you

      2. TEX,

        “How could I obtain a Top Secret clearance and be an illegal?”

        You never had a top secret clearance Mr. Bond….

      3. The number ONE reason for suicide terrorism is to defend against a perceived invader.

        Ask the leading expert on that subject, Robert Pape or better, ask the Israelis…

        It’s common sense Sherlock, at least for those over 30 IQ…

      4. Sheep,

        Is that why every war since the beginning of recorded history, the people being invaded used suicidal terrorism in response? You’re so stupid it’s hilarious. LOL

    1. I thought u worked on a reactor .. or did u just hit the “on” switch is all you could do .. obvious u r no engineer if you believe “popular mechanics” .. No stell framed building has ever fallen form fire until 9/11

      1. Johnny,

        Trying to demean someone who worked very hard to protect YOUR butt only exposes YOUR stupidity. Anyone else on this site who doesn’t agree with me by posting a comment agreeing with this fact makes them as stupid as you.

        Then perhaps would help. I’m sure I can find other references as well. The fact still stands that Ron Paul’s support of a 9/11 conspiracy theory adds to his nuttiness. Regardless, this thread is about a false complaint whining about an article that had no error.

        By the way, what is a “stell” frame? LOL

    2. tex2, I feel very sorry for you. The day will come when you will stand before GOD ALMIGHTY and will have to give an account for your idle praddle and your evil words. All your comments have been so offensive. Try saying something truthful for a change, and stop attacking the character of folks you don’t even know. I know that the pictures telling the truth about Dr. Ron Paul have really upset you. The truth hurts, doesn’t it, especially when you are on the opposite side from the truth.

  11. Unbeknownst to Tex2 and those he identifies with, is that global intervention and domestic indebtedness is the formula which brought down the British Empire. They embrace the short term without cosidering the future. They don’t realize the Federal Reserve are private banks and can return Congressional money privilege back to Congress ending the “quasi-public capacity” in Lewis vs. United States. Nor is he and his kind aware that the fatal flaw to being U.S.citizen in Democracy is that no U.S. citizen can challenge or question the debt. If U.S. govt.,now being world’s largest debtor, falls from the weight of its indebtedness,it takes all U.S. citizens down with it. The creditor private banks have priority first standing lien power against everything everyone owns. All U.S. citizens are tethered to all the debts and obligations of govt. Can’t file bankruptcy when private banks pull rug out from under American democracy and leave U.S. govt. and States in final stage of bankruptcy insolvency. Big picture is move to singular global central bank under Rothschilds and former Fed class A shareholders. Its about singular global form of money insuring solvent global governance transcendent to America. Uniform Commercial Code is already codified in all 50 States as being “supreme law of the land”. U.C.C. supplants Constitution once war escalation pushes America over debt cliff. So who won the war on terror? How did U.S. govt. defend and uphold Constitution? What made America safe? How does growing govt. steadily escape a collapse U.S. govt. can’t defend or provide remedy? U.S. govt. can’t impair its obligations to its creditors. International treaties and trade agreements bind the govt. to an international scope and purview where the creditor governs the debtor. Smartest choice is voting Ron Paul giving him 4 years to educate the populace to pressure legislature to obey the Constitution and recognize the people side of the 10th Ammendent.

    1. Unbeknownst to you, I agree with Ron when it comes to a lot of his fiscal views. However, if we are out of debt but being bombed on a weekly basis, what is the “freedom” worth?

      1. Oh my, how dreadful! These goat herders are going to bomb us on a weekly basis. They can hardly get enough grazing for their goats on a daily basis, let alone the wherewithal to find a fuse or a detonator. Big dick O’Reilly is sheet scared of these goat herders, so he spreads these “weekly bombing crap” stories.

        My freedom would never be worth more to me, were I to stand at our borders to defend our country against marauding invaders. There isn’t a hope in Hades of us ever being invaded or even threatened, but don’t tell the neo-cons. They run a cottage industry on “the threat of the goat herders.” They have these ne’er-do-wells tuning into their pathetic shows for a good old daily brain wash.

        We and our children and their children are debt slaves. Good and proper debt slaves, with the neo-cons to thank for about ten trillion of the fifteen trillion dollars of national debt; but going higher, perhaps $20 trillion by 2015. Now’s that freedom? No, debt slavery is worse than an invasion by a bunch of goat herders. The former is for real, the latter is a mirage. Set us free! Bring the troops home!

      2. Al,

        How’s your brother Oscar doing, you are BOTH full of bologna! LOL

        It wasn’t the local goat herders who attacked us, it was the Taliban who allowed al-Qaeda to set up their training camps, get organized, finance, recruit, etc., to pull off the 9/11 attacks. Were you born stupid, did you have to learn it, or just hit your head really hard? LOL

        Again, we can’t protect the U.S. by guarding our borders. It’s 2012, not 1712. Your logic is a mirage. LOL

      3. The Taliban are the quintessential goat herders, but very good at protecting their country against invading forces, as the Russians and Americans found out. Al Qaeda was a motley bunch of about 50 goat herding trainees who wanted to avenge the occupation of their holy land.The 9/11 attacks were made possible by a bumbling CIA and FBI who wouldn’t share intelligence with each other. The US invasion of Iraq have given Al Qaeda new stature, greatly facilitating the recruiting of new members. Today they are in Libya (thanks to NATO and the US), in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, etc., but still nothing more than a motley bunch. They have paralyzed our air transportation system and caused us to rack up ten trillion dollars of debt. They have forced us to give up our 4th and 5th Amendment rights, mainly because we have given the reigns of power over to numb nuts who believe that we have a duty to change regimes, build nations, act as policemen of the world and fight a war on terror, all to the benefit of the war profiteers and the military-industrial complex.

      4. Then you agree, goat herders, trainee goat herders, however motley of a bunch they are, were capable of attacking us during 9/11. Thanks for making my point. LOL

  12. I was at the pinnacle center and assure you there where wayyy more then 40 people lined up to see Ron Paul. The venue was filled to capacity and where in standing room only 10 minutes after the doors opened at 3pm.

  13. Tex2,

    I applaud you for at least standing up for your views in a majority that does not agree. We ron paul supporters used to do it all the time. Now we are the MAJORITY!

  14. I believe that was the rally I watched on TV last night and there were hundreds of people there. The place was packed.
    I guess taht the 40 people in line was waiting hopefully for some one to leave so they could get in.

  15. Even if people don’t support ron paul, be aware, pay attention to the truth about how our $y$tem works. Don’t waste time on the riduculous campaign ads. Think for yourself, people.

  16. OK Steel IDIOT .. So is it good to be a merc for the military industrial complex? … I will demean POS’s like yourself if i want.. cuz u #1 IDIOT .. I can protect myself so go work on a reactor, if u even know what one is mendicant!!

    1. You still haven’t responded to the 2 sources I provided which explained why Building 7 came down as a result of the main towers falling down. Not that I expect an intelligent answer from a complete IDIOT. LOL

      I was as much a merc as you are coherent. LOL

      Sure, you can say whatever you want, and so can I, you big long turd. LOL

      I have forgotten more about nuclear power than you’ll ever know it your wettest dream! LOL

      1. You are obnoxiously cynical in your views. Did you try to read any of it? Do you not believe the govt is willing and capable of such things? Iran Contra? Operation Ajax? Operation Northwoods? Gulf of Tonkin? I don’t believe the original commission report nor do I believe the US govt was behind 9/11. I look at all the information I can and draw my own conclusions. But what is funny is that you do not believe that our meddling in the middle east for the better part of a century has nothing to do with US hatred in that region.

      2. Yes, I tried reading it, but I kept falling out of my chair laughing! LOL

        Do you honestly believe our inept government is that good at keeping this a secret? LOL

        So what DO you believe?

        I never said our involvement in the Middle East has absolutely nothing to do with our present difficulties. You’re a stupid idiot for even suggesting that. LOL

      1. tex2, I do not support conspiracy, but I do support a NEW investigation. There is a difference, between investigations and theories. As matter fact, I would like to see All of the conspiracies, Truthfully investigated…I say its about time We the People, put an end to All of the conspiracy theories.
        Good question PatriotOne; Tex2, why are you here instead of over there shooting at bad guys? Wait, let me guess, you are one of those who did not take his oath to support our Constitution seriously, probably willing to shoot Americans, as well…
        Paul supports reopening investigation into the attacks to discover why the Federal Bureau of Investigation did not act on 70 internal field tips: “We had one FBI agent, I think sent dozens and dozens of memos to his superiors saying that there are people trying to fly airplanes but not land them, and nobody would pay any attention.”

        He also advocates investigating why the various intelligence agencies could not collaborate on information to prevent the attacks while spending $40 billion per year. He has called the 9/11 Commission Report a “charade”, saying spending more money abroad or restricting liberties at home will do nothing to deter terrorists, yet this is exactly what the 9-11 Commission recommends.”

        He believes the 9/11 Commission Report’s main goal was “to protect the government and to protect their ineptness — not … to do this so they can use this as an excuse to spread the war … Some who did want to spread the war would use it as an opportunity. But, it wasn’t something that was deliberately done.” He does not think the government would have staged such an attack. When asked whether “9/11 was orchestrated by the government”, Paul emphasized, “Absolutely not.”

        Paul has stated that he is concerned that someone might create a “contrived Gulf of Tonkin – type incident” to justify the invasion of Iran or suspend the democratic process, adding, “Let’s hope I’m wrong about this one.”

      2. Sharon,

        After Ron’s $1 trillion/year budget decrease in the first year, who is going to have time and money to perform all of these “investigation?” Also, please list all of the conspiracies you would like to have investigated. Thanks.

        I already put in my time in the military. It is a young person’s job. You’re a complete jerk to state I or the many others who share my views do not take our oath seriously and am willing to shoot Americans. Absolutely disgusting. But keep typing, you’re losing potential Ron Paul voters by the thousands when they read your words. LOL

        The 9/11 report already discusses why the FBI didn’t act on the tips. We don’t need a new investigation for that reason. The report also clearly states the various agencies weren’t very good at sharing information. We don’t need a new investigation for that reason, either.

  17. The Cabal is at work and will be, restlessly to discredit Ron Paul. They are running scared and lies, deceit and fakery is their only tools. But truth will prevail. And their despicable behavior only fires the Ronulans up even more 😉

  18. Indeed a growing bias in MSM and getting worse. For those interested in media bias…there is an interesting site/project. James O’Keefe does a pretty good job – exposing this.

    – Check out “To Catch a Journalist”, using a hidden camera, you can hear how the New York Times’ Jay Rosen, claims the media can create the winners and losers, and how “reports” can purchased for specific results – and touted as fact.

    – Check out “Voter Fraud/Registration” in Minnesota

    – Also pertaining to the thread below about Afghanistan – CWC released that 1 trillion dollars was wasted in military contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Grab it as the Obama Admin is trying to seal the report for 20 years.

      1. That’s not the point. The point is not standing up for yourself and getting your opinions out. Of course, with Ron, the more he talks the nuttier he looks to most people, so he loses either way! LOL

  19. Jeezum Crow, Tex2, What in the hell are you after? Are you that damn afraid of a bunch of folks who live thosands of miles from here, have no nukes, no army, no Air Force, and no chance in hell of surprising us with another attack like the 9-11 attack EVER again?

    Really? Enough to piss away the last of America’s wealth to a few well connected war contractors to suppposedly ‘stop them before they come over here’?

    You, sir, are a Jackass. The active duty troops know better, the donate to Ron more than all the Goldman Sachs GE Northrup Grumman Halliburton candidates COMBINED.

    Go crawl back in your stupid hole, retard

    1. That “bunch of folks” did it once, what makes you think they couldn’t attack again? There are many other ways of attacking us than jet airplanes, such as crossing the Canadian or Mexico border, or training homegrown terrorists with dirty nuke bombs, chemical, biological weapons, etc. You, sir, are the Jackass. Go crawl back in your stupid hole, retard. LOL

  20. Tex2 Ron Paul has never supported a 911 conspiracy. Just one more thing that shows you are clueless about Ron Paul and obviously many other things…and love to LOL after everything you type. Makes sense. You are a JOKE.
    Why did I waste my time with this clown?

    1. He has also made a lot of squishy statements rather than concrete ones. He also asked his “followers” to stop supporting the 911 conspiracy. So, do all the people on this site bringing up this topic not support Ron, or does he run such an out of control group of “followers” that he can’t control their nutty ideas? Which one? LOL

      1. I never said I want a president who would control me. I also don’t want a wimpy looking, mealy mouthed, whiny sounding, mousy old guy who doesn’t have a clue about leadership being president. LOL


      2. L,

        There is no fear, we know if we don’t talk a little sense into you, you’re one step away from being a lib or supporting a third party run by Ron.

        However, we are concerned you will not learn from the lesson from Neville Chamberlain and end up putting Barry back in office.

      3. You remind me of a typical Republican “conservative” voter who would rather vote for a moderate like Dole or McCain who have no chance of cutting into Obama’s swing voters. Conservatives won’t vote for limited government even when it is presented to them on a silver platter. LOL

      4. You remind me of an idiot, because you ARE one. LOL

        I voted for both, and held my nose both times. However, Ron Paul is NOT the answer to moderates, he’s a walkin/talkin disaster on Centrum Silver. LOL

  21. Interesting. Out of the 66 comments so far on this page, 34 are by tex2. Who spends that kind of time arguing with strangers on the Internet? He’s not just a troll; he’s a PAID troll. I guess I could be wrong. Maybe he really DOESN’T have a life. Poor lil guy.

    I also noticed that he wrote “LOL” 33 times. I know of 13-year old girls that don’t say “LOL” that much.


    1. I’m glad you can count. Now tell the others the AP also counted correctly by saying there were several hundred people at the event. LOL

      Actually, I view this as entertainment and a VERY effective way to not only get under Paulites’ skin, but also inform others who are considering RP as their candidate. LOL

  22. Ron Paul for a better America.

    P.S- tex2 please don’t show your disrespect by posting a reply to my comment!

    but if you are an IDIOT ..please go ahead! 🙂

  23. Tex2,

    Then why do AD military and veterans support Ron Paul more than any other candidate (to include Berry) if his view on foreign policy is so ‘crazy’? Why are Iraq/Afghanistan vets becoming increasingly supportive of Ron Paul? Why does Fox and CNN censor veterans for speaking out for Ron Paul?
    I am in no way taking anything away from your military service but the 1980’s military operations were small and minute compared to Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes there was the disaster in Lebanon, Grenada, a few Ops in the Gulf and Libya, etc.
    Simply, these wars were avoidable (especially Iraq) and drawn out for way too long. I’ve deployed 7 times to Iraq and Afghanistan and its time to pack it up and come home. Our boys over there fight for self-survival and to protect the guys next to them. Our aircraft are falling apart and we can barely keep them flying. Our financial crises is far more dangerous than Iran or al CIAda in Syria.

    I also assume you think Ronnie Reagan was the best thing since Velcro?

    1. Probably because there are a lot of us who don’t identify ourselves as current and former military when we give, whereas the Ron Paul zealots look for every scrap of BS they can find.

      How many nutjobs do you want on Fox and CNN? I think one is enough, Ron Paul. LOL Have you considered that if Fox and CNN put more of them on, we would tune out? LOL

      Military operations are HUGE when you’re in them. Do you want all of your buddies who were killed and wounded to have sacrificed in vain? REALLY? And you REALLY think Iran wouldn’t give a dirty nuke bomb to terrorists to blow up in Israel or the U.S.? REALLY?

      Actually, Reagan was known as the teflon president, and I think freeing the Iran hostages, turning around a terrible economy AND ending the Cold War is better than teflon and velcro put together, although both technologies were used by our military.

      1. Why don’t the other candidates’ military supporters claim they’re veterans or AD when they give? My guess is, there’s not many to begin with anyway. And how is it BS when they contribute to Paul’s campaign? I guess they are ‘nut jobs’ because they’re sick of getting shot at and watching their buddies die.
        Dying in vain? Who said anything about dying in vain? The mission in Afghanistan is done. Bin laden is dead but should have been caught about 8 years ago. Thousands of troops died because of lies and poor foreign policy. The least our govt can do is tell the truth.
        And you made my point, Mr Velcro got us out of a mess by talking and diplomatic processes. It helped that the Ruskies self-imploded financially (much like we are).
        If the terrorists and Iran hate us because we’re free, prosperous and and eat pork then why don’t they attack Switzerland or Sweden or Denmark?
        There is no concrete evidence Iran has a nuke which can be militarized. As a nuclear ‘expert’ I assume you know there is a difference between using nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. But say they were to use Thorium instead of uranium, would they still be the ‘evil dooers’ the msm wants us to believe they are? Iranians, for the most part, are peaceful and non-threatening but they have a tyrannical leader. Much like the US.

      2. Because we consider ourselves citizens first, and current or former military second. They are probably made up of mostly young naive folks, just like the Ron Paul civilian supporters. Bin Laden was NOT the only reason we are in Afghanistan. Gosh, you’re stupid. LOL

        You don’t have a point. Reagan used the military when it made sense, just read the 1980s portion of this link: The USSR imploded because they couldn’t keep up with OUR defense spending and advancements. IDIOT.

        Because those countries don’t abuse their citizens and have the energy resources we and the rest of the world needs.

        Would you prefer to wait until Iran blows up a block of concrete first? If they aren’t militarizing the nuclear assets, why didn’t they allow the IAEA to visit the locations they wanted to recently?

        There is a difference between nuclear energy and weaponization, but it is a MUCH smaller step than you believe it is. You’re so stupid it’s funny!!! LOL

      3. Hilarious (Tex2)”If they aren’t militarizing the nuclear assets, why didn’t they allow the IAEA to visit the locations they wanted to recently? There is a difference between nuclear energy and weaponization, but it is a MUCH smaller step than you believe it is.”

        For the same reason that Israel won’t allow IAEA visits. In fact, Israel won’t own up to their nuclear weapons. Israel won’t sign the non-proliferation treaty – Iran did. Iran is playing by Israel’s rules.

        However, it is not about nukes. It is about oil. One of these days, Russia and China will give Iran some of their nukes. That’s when Iran is suddenly no longer a threat. Pakistan is more of a threat, specially as we are droning hundreds of innocent Pakistanis to death, but Pakistan doesn’t have oil, so we suck up to their corrupt regime.

        Anyway, you don’t have two beans to rub together, let alone fight a trillion dollar war against Iran and its two powerful allies. All bravado. Russia and China won’t allow anyone to touch Syria. They are much closer and loyal to Iran. Santorum, Gingrich and Romney are politicking, fooling the likes of you. They know they can’t deliver.

        Time for your daily brain wash – tune into Hanity, Levin and O’Reilly… have you heard the one about the Englishman, the Jew and the Irishman? They couldn’t find their constitutions so they all visited the outhouse at the same time. All three still in the pit, spreading their crap over the airwaves.

      4. It is commonly understood Israel has nuclear weapons. They don’t go around saying their neighbors don’t have a right to exist and never initiated an attack on their neighbors, so there is NO moral equivalency. Keep typing, it shows how stupid you and Ron Paul’s positions are! LOL

        If Russia or China were to give Iran nukes, they would have done so a LONG time ago. Then you follow it up with another stupid statement about Iran NOT being a threat AFTER they get nuclear weapons they can give to their terrorist buddies. Gosh, you’re so powerfully stupid! LOL

        We don’t need to touch Syria, it is doing a fine job of imploding all by itself. LOL

      5. Oh, you are so susceptible to propaganda. Israel can do no wrong. They are a nuclear power, but won’t play by the rules that all other nuclear powers play by, regardless. Iran believes it needs nuclear weapons to defend itself against Israel. I don’t blame them. Who am I to argue? They are a sovereign country. They have the support of Russia and China. Not smart to rule out the option of their allies placing nukes on their land. Just because they haven’t done it, doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t. They are holding off and watching the US bravado with glee, knowing that between the two of them, they hold all the cards in this contest: a trillion dollars in US Treasuries, their nukes, military hardware and 2 million soldiers itching for a fight. Good grief, Pakistan is brazen enough to offer them nukes. Two Muslim countries helping each other out against the American Satan. Nothing unites like a common enemy.

        Anyway, you are piss poor and $15 trillion in debt, going onto $20 trillion. You have resolutely refused to tell us how you will fund your next trillion dollar war and what you would do if Russia and China step in with troops and equipment, as they surely will. Too ghastly to contemplate. (By the way, I don’t denigrate myself by resorting to name calling.)

      6. I never said Israel can do no wrong, but it is easy to look good in their neighborhood! If you lived in their neighborhood, you would probably act similarly. Or not, and die. LOL

        It’s easy to argue against Iran. They said Israel should be destroyed, Israel hasn’t said that, or acted in that manner, against Iran or any other country.

        What’s another trillion dollars if it is for your survival?

  24. I was there. It was packed! My God, it was televised on C-SPAN. There was a line of probably 10-15 broadcast quality cameras at the back of the room too. It was quite impressive. How does the AP think they can lie to the American people like that?

  25. I have no political affiliations because I am not a citizen…yet. So coming from a purely unbiased opinion I just have to observe that Tex2, you are obviously in a place you are not wanted and your incessant arguing is only making you look like an idiot. You should leave now and try to hold onto any dignity you may have left.

    1. You need to learn about the right of free speech before you become a citizen. It’s called the First Amendment to our Constitution. It protects us from sites like this. LOL

    2. Deed, If you look at how many posts there are of his, it is safe to infer that he is paid to troll blogs. Who else spends hours commenting on a blog of which they don’t like, and try to push their falisies? A paid

      1. Yeah Deed, isn’t it obvious? All these people who support Ron Paul, stand in the frigid cold just to get a chance to hear from someone guaranteed to lose! A bunch of paid fruitcake trolls! LOL

  26. I’ll be standing in line at the voting booth next Tuesday, proudly wearing my Ron Paul T shirt, and casting my vote for America’s future. If the media weren’t so crooked and the polling count so corrupt, I suspect ALL of Dr. Paul’s numbers would be much larger than are reported. I hope we can come up with an honest method of counting votes before November arrives.

      1. In reply to tex2’s comment: “It is commonly understood Israel has nuclear weapons. They don’t go around saying their neighbors don’t have a right to exist and never initiated an attack on their neighbors, so there is NO moral equivalency.”

        Ignorance in bliss. In 1980 Isreal shot at The USS Liberty killing 34 US Sailors…whithout provakation. That is one attack they initiated. Then in 1981 they peemptivly bombed Iraq(BTW Paul was the only one who stood up for their right to do so, the only one in congress to defend Isreal.) Iran has not invaded any other country for over 250 years preemptivley. Where you get your facts from I dunno, but it just goes to show that IGNORANCE REALLY IS BLISS. What world do you live in? Are you paid to troll this blog? Your comments out number everyone else’s by over 20:1.

      2. Do you REALLY believe Israel intentionally attacked a ship belonging to their best ally? REALLY? LOL

        Who cares what Ron Paul said? Here’s what the U.S. government DID, according to “The United States voted for the resolution and suspended the delivery of four F-16 aircraft to Israel, but blocked punitive action by the UN.[61][62] The suspension on the delivery of the aircraft was lifted two months later.[63][64]” In other words, we “slapped” Israel on the hand in public, then said, great job! LOL

        Iran doesn’t have to invade any other country, they let their state supported terrorists do the dirty work for them. You are so clueless it’s scary you’re allowed to vote!!! LOL

  27. The Ron Paul supporters come to him via the internet. That’s why so many are young.

    I am sorry Sir, I love your commentaries, but this statement is so off-base. Simply not true. the Internet is NOT yong dominated. It is much too pervasive (and user-friendly, for that matter) within our society to be relegated to a certain age group. Check this out:

    Fifty-two percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 say they log on every day…

    Unless you consider 49 young…then I will kiss you full on the mouth!

      1. Young and naive vote for Obama. Old and naive watch Fixed News, listen to hypocrite whiney establishment water carriers Levin, Flembaugh and Hannity. They also make claims such as the ones you’re making.

  28. I was at the event, and have provided a link to one of the videos I made of the event. I was counted at the door as being the 901st person through. I stood through the entire event. While I stood in line for an hour in 35 degree weather, I had a discussion with two gentleman in front me who said they the Rick and Mitt events they handed didnt even have half as many people waiting in line. In fact they said they didnt even have to wait in line. 40 people? Yea waiting in line at 2 pm, 2 hours before the event, maybe.

    WOOD TV out of Grand Rapids, posted an article with pictures the day of the event.

    1. In other words, EVERYONE who voted for Ron Paul showed up at Ron Paul events! LOL

      At least Ron beat Newt, who didn’t campaign in Michigan, and some guy named “Other,” who never seems to do very well! LOL

      If I understand correctly, Ron will get ZERO delegates from Michigan. Way to go!!! LOL

      Results for Michigan Republican Primary (U.S. Presidential Primary)
      Feb 28, 2012 (>99% of precincts reporting)
      Mitt Romney 409,899 41.1%
      Rick Santorum 377,521 37.9%
      Ron Paul 115,712 11.6%
      Newt Gingrich 65,016 6.5%
      Other 29,024 2.9%

    1. Great idea. Then your wireless garage opener can interfere with 911 calls coming from cell phones! IDIOT.

      This is so typical of Paulites. They don’t have a clue what these “ideas” mean, they mindlessly cheer for “Dr. Paul” with all kinds of idiotic “ideas.” LOL

  29. My comment to Tex2: “Anyway, you are piss poor and $15 trillion in debt, going to $20 trillion. You have resolutely refused to tell us how you will fund your next trillion dollar war and what you would do if Russia and China step in with troops and equipment, as they surely will. Too ghastly to contemplate.”

    Tex2’s reply: “What’s another trillion dollars if it is for your survival?”

    Now’s that’s highly intelligent reply. It doesn’t tell us how to fund the trillion. (Most probably another $4 trillion.) No sweat, we have trillions growing on trees.How could I be so stupid. Once we get entangled in another trillion dollar war (with national debt going to $20 trillion by 2015, no wars factored in), China, Europe and Japan (with debt at 200% of GDP) are going to stand in line to lend us trillions of dollars. Yah right. We need another war. Bring it on! the funding is all in place.

    How to destroy the US financially, economically and socially, in six months: start a war with Iran.

    Tex2 thinks he can go cap in hand to China to borrow a trillion dollars to fund a war against a staunch ally of China.

    China is encouraging Iran to taunt and incite the US to war. Once we have destroyed ourselves financially and economically, China will dump our bonds, cause our borrowing rates to go sky high and then make a grab for Taiwan and other areas that they have their eyes on. Russia will go after Georgia, etc. Europe will stay neutral. They have enough of their own problems. We will make the Weimar Republic’s hyperinflation look like a minor bump in the road.

      1. Oh, China is borrowing from are they, us so they can invest in natural resources in Asia, Africa, Canada and South America? That’s news to all of us. You are piss poor and begging China to fund your wars. China is accumulating wealth and power at an alarming rate, while we squander ours on wars instigated by the neo-cons and Christian Zionist cult.

        Tell us in plain English that you believe China will lend us the money to run up a deficit of a couple of trillion dollars to fund our war against Iran, their close ally. Tell us in plain English. We want to see your naivety on display in broad day light.

      2. You’re a brain-dead Paulite. China needs us and other countries to buy their products or they implode. What a complete idiot/moron!!! Is that plain enough English for you? LOL

      3. No… they only need us and other countries if they want to continue 9% p.a. economic growth, but they can continue to grow their economy at lower rates. People of Chinese origin have prospered economically in places like Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia. They have a proven entrepreneurial record. China has 1.2 billion potential consumers moving up the food chain. They are surrounded by another 2 billion people in Asia with whom they can develop trade. They have strong economic ties with Japan, India, Russia, Middle-East (including Iran and Iraq), Germany, UK, France, Brazil, South Africa, Canada and Australia. The balance of economic power has tilted towards Asia. China needs as less and less every day. We need them more and more everyday. We borrow $2 billion from them everyday, billion with a “B.”

        China’s exports to the world was $1.578 trillion in 2010. Exports to US accounted for 23% ($365 billion or $304 per person). In 2006, this percentage was 35% ($343 billion [a mere 6.4% growth from 2006 to 2010, during which total exports grew 62.8%] out of total exports of $969 billion). Hence the trend is down. I trust you can comprehend the significance of these statistics. It disabuses the notion that China needs us.

        At this rate, US imports of Chinese exports would account for 11% by 2015. As I said above, they need us less and less everyday. We need them more and more. Our national debt was $5 trillion in 2000. Then the neo-cons took over and now our debt is $15 trillion. China, Japan, Middle-East and Europe are our biggest lenders. We are digging ourselves deeper into the debt hole everyday. The biggest contributor of this debt is our foreign policy, including the wars and our meddling in the internal affairs of oil rich countries. People like you have your head in the sand, urging Washington to start another war. Labeling someone who points this out as brain-dead is hardly appropriate. Instead, answer my question below with an intelligent rebuttal.

        I repeat my question: “Oh, China is borrowing from are they, us so they can invest in natural resources in Asia, Africa, Canada and South America? That’s news to all of us. You are piss poor and begging China to fund your wars. China is accumulating wealth and power at an alarming rate, while we squander ours on wars instigated by the neo-cons and Christian Zionist cult.

        “Tell us in plain English that you believe China will lend us the money to run up a deficit of a couple of trillion dollars to fund our war against Iran, their close ally. Tell us in plain English. We want to see your naivety on display in broad day light.”

      4. I repeat my question: “Oh, China is borrowing from are they, us so they can invest in natural resources in Asia, Africa, Canada and South America? That’s news to all of us. You are piss poor and begging China to fund your wars. China is accumulating wealth and power at an alarming rate, while we squander ours on wars instigated by the neo-cons and Christian Zionist cult.”

        I never said China was borrowing from us, you’re a complete IDIOT for trying to say I did. I was comparing debt to survival. I would buy a gun on a credit card if that’s what I need to protect me and my family. I’m in favor of a smaller government and and balanced budget amendment, so go piss up another tree with your outlandish claims. JERK.

        “Tell us in plain English that you believe China will lend us the money to run up a deficit of a couple of trillion dollars to fund our war against Iran, their close ally. Tell us in plain English. We want to see your naivety on display in broad day light.”

        We have other sources to borrow money than China. And it won’t be difficult if it means preventing worldwide terrorist attacks and/or WWIII. Is that plain enough? IDIOT.

        By the way, there are solid predictions of China’s economic success coming to a brick wall all on their own (, so stop the “sky is falling down” predictions similar to the predictions Japan would take over the world in the 70s and 80s.

      5. You said China needs us. We need China in the context of them bankrolling our wars and deficits. We are borrowing from them. They aren’t borrowing from us (sarcasm). We are like the borrower coming to his bank manager for revolving credit. It doesn’t hurt the bank manager to have borrowers at his door, but he hardly needs them as desperately as they need him. He can be choosey. He holds all the cards. That what it means to be a debt slave.

        Notice I refrain from using insults, as insults stick to the one who throws them. These insults tell us far more about you than about me.

        “I never said China was borrowing from us, you’re a complete IDIOT for trying to say I did.” – oblivious to sarcasm.

        “I was comparing debt to survival. I would buy a gun on a credit card if that’s what I need to protect me and my family.”

        Tough luck on the US. Our credit card has been maxed out. Our dire financial situation threatens our national security far more than a couple of goat herders. To keep the analogy going, you are not buying a gun for domestic defense, you are buying an arsenal and hiring a militia, and spending/borrowing an inordinate amount of money to send them all over the world to make mischief and incite hatred towards you and your kin. In so doing, you have seriously weakened your ability to safeguard your family. In fact, you are staring bankruptcy in the eye and your family is stressed out.

        “I’m in favor of a smaller government and and balanced budget amendment, so go piss up another tree with your outlandish claims. JERK.”

        It is irreconcilable to support a neo-con foreign policy and then say you are for smaller government and a balance budget. The only realistic place to cut the budget and get close to a balanced budget is in the area of foreign policy. It is an either or situation. War (policeman of the world and nation building) or balanced budgets, but not both. Only a jerk like me can figure this out.

        “We have other sources to borrow money than China. And it won’t be difficult if it means preventing worldwide terrorist attacks and/or WWIII. Is that plain enough? IDIOT.”

        As the Greeks, Italians, Irish and Spanish proved, one can always borrow money, the only problem is the interest rates your bankers are going to demand. Europeans are in no mood to lend the US money. They are too deep into their own debt and economic malaise. At least you seem to admit that China will not fund our war against Iran. Big problem for us and much higher interest rates as a consequence. Interest rates go up when supply dries up.

        A worldwide terrorist attack… how funny. Is that what Hannity, Levin and O’Reilly taught you? Much cheaper to sit here and wait for the goat herders to get in their goatskin canoes and row all the way across the ocean to drop their dirty bomb. The very thought scared the hell out of me. Invading Iraq with its huge supply of WMDs has not made the world safe from terrorism. In fact, Al Qaeda has never been stronger. We are much weaker, much poorer and, consequently, more vulnerable. These wars hurt us more than our enemies, but when a man is scared of the dark, no amount of reason would persuade him otherwise.

        These predictions about China hitting a brick wall are written by people with a misdirected sense of patriotism. They just cannot stand the thought of China catching up with the US – pure nationalistic jealously. We would be so lucky to have China’s economic fundamentals.

        China is encouraging Iran to provoke into a war. That would be utterly destructive for us and work to China’s benefit, as all our military adventures this past decade have proved. While we pour trillions down the neo-con toilet, China spends trillion buying up coal mines in Australia (Yanzhou Coal 20F filed with SEC), oil fields in Canada and Africa, iron ore miles in Brazil and Africa, copper mines in Africa, oil partnerships with the Iraqi government (read CNOOC’s 20F filed with the SEC).

      6. You type far too much BS and say far too little of substance. Note I don’t insult you, I call you what you are, an IDIOT. You earned it. LOL

        As an example Al Qaeda is NOT as strong as ever. You’re stupid as well. LOL

      7. Anyone denying that Al Qaeda has greatly increased its ability to garner recruits following our misadventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya has his head in the sands of Benghazi. Al Qaeda’s flags can be seen over the court houses in Libya. Al Qaeda now has a strong presence in Iraq, which it never had before, etc.

        I’m just an idiot because you have no valid retort to offer. You don’t even know what it means to insult someone. (If you have a college education, I suggest you apply for a refund.) You are broke, $15 trillion in debt and going to $20 trillion. You cannot fight another war, least of all against a staunch ally of Russia and China. Your foreign policy is financially unsustainable (but you believe in balanced budgets and, no doubt, in fairies as well). It is idiotic to support a policy when there just no money in the treasury to pay for it.

        However, you are so bewildered by these facts, stuff that the con artists on talk radio have withheld from you, that it has caused you such emotional distress that all you can offer in return are insults; insults that reveal to us all your own true impoverished character. No man has raised himself by demeaning others. He only shames himself in the process.

      8. Never ask your barber if you need a haircut. Never ask your government if they are succeeding. Government and propaganda are synonyms. You should read the biography of I.F. Stone: “All Governments lie.” Skepticism is a virtue. Have you ever heard a government playing mea culpa?

        Don’t let me undermine your trust in government. They are incapable of lying to you. They incapable of distorting the truth. If they say we are winning hearts and minds, don’t, please don’t, doubt their word. And if you hear anything like that on television it is always the gospel truth. TV and truth are inseparable.

      9. There hasn’t been ANYTHING of the 9/11 scale in this country for over a decade. Or is the government simply lying? LOL

        You’re so stupid I can smell it. You’re the typical RP supporter who doesn’t have a CLUE. LOL

      10. You stole Hannity’s line. Why would they come here if they can kill our soldiers and create chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan? They went after our allies in London and Madrid. Besides, it is pretty dumb to run up $4 trillion in debt, lose 5,000 soldiers and 45,000 sustaining serious injuries just to be able to brag that we have not had another attack in the US for ten years.

        Sorry, to disabuse you of another notion. We had a serious terrorist attack in Fort Hood. We had failed attacks on a plane by a shoe bomber and an underwear bomber, neither prevented by the geniuses in government who pretend to protect us. (Two events on the scale of 9/11 that through dumb luck never succeeded.)

        We also had a failed attempt on Time Square, failed not because the agencies you relied on to protect us were awake at the switch. Oh, of course Homeland Security will tell us that they have foiled hundreds of attacks. At least we had hundreds of attempts. However, I don’t believe the propaganda of Homeland Security. They lay traps for people who have no desire to be a terrorist, to buy and sell missile parts for huge sums of money. Their greed gets the better of them and they succumb to the entrapment. Homeland Security uses that as an example of their success. In truth, entrapment is immoral. The UK extradited a citizen to Houston last week, a tragic story of CIA entrapment and utterly shameful.

      11. Thanks for making my point. You’re right, we have been VERY lucky, but you have to admit they have been doing pretty well for a bunch of goat herders. Or was THAT entrapment? LOL

    1. That video should attract more attention to Ron Paul and his followers’ nuttiness. LOL

      I especially liked Kennedy preaching against secrecy, while he was porking a 19 year old intern! LOL

      I also liked the part about a North American currency, which would wok out as well as the Euro! Good luck getting that passed! LOL

      This is a poorly done video. Make scathing and unsupported claims, take quotes out of context, throw in a little Ron Paul and then put the CFR background behind individuals to tie it all together! LOL

  30. Doug you have yourself a troll infestation on your blog. I am glad I found this blog. Have you tried to get on the Alex Jones show? I would love to see a discussion between you and Jones, its usually very engaging and manic and you just bring a positive energy to all interviews it would be like a super euphoric experience for us Ronulans.

  31. Tex,
    I find it hard to even take you serious with all the name calling. It is quite disturbing to read that you are a former Military person and have forgotten everything you learned about respect and discipline. I am a Ron Paul supporter, not a Paulbot or a Paulite. However, I am very open minded to other people’s opinions and views. There are a lot of positive things about RP that you are just shooting down immediately. I don’t believe RP is a perfect candidate, no candidate is. Just try to be a little more open minded rather than acting the way you are. Calling people IDIOTS over and over is not the right way to debate any topic, period.



    1. I couldn’t care less whether you take me serious. I am also not trying to debate anybody, I am merely pointing out the FACTS, most of which have not been responded to by the other posters, none of which has ANYTHING to do with me formerly being in the military. Debate the FACTS, not the person. If you don’t, you’re an idiot like the rest of them, Abe. LOL

    2. Don’t feed the trolls Abe, he is obviously someone with no life just looking to get a rise out of everyone, if you look at how many comments he has made and how is page is “blocked” you will see that he is just a professional troll, probably lives in his mother’s basement, or he works for the Pentagon or something silly like that so just ignore these types.

  32. This is the deomCRAZY for which we are bombing much of the world so we can bring it to them too – LOL!! Why should Ameicans suffer alone? We’re all stupid – RIGHT?

  33. tex2 = seems clueless. tex2s comments are irrelevant to the above article. tex2 does not support RP, so why is tex2 commenting on Doug Weads blog ?

    Anyways, recently i have started reading comments more and more due to the amount of info. It seems there is always someone using the comment thread to insult people, etc. When i read tex2′s comments, i wonder what would justify the desire to make such comments. I sense maybe a bit of resentment towards RP supporters,almost an angry tone underlying. Could that be due to tex2′s lack of non biased info? Maybe tex2 knows that RP supporters are many, and GOP will lose for suppressing Paul.

    here is an interesting article about people like tex2 that are angry because Paul gets delegates.This video makes me happy.

  34. The Great Hudsonville Cover up Doug Wead The Blog I was suggested this blog by my cousin. I’m not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my problem. You’re incredible! Thanks! your article about The Great Hudsonville Cover up Doug Wead The Blog Best Regards Veronica Veronica

  35. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  36. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could be and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    3. To all Americans:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  37. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

    So far the vote to BAN it — ‘tex2′ — is:

    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin
    12) Remmic Lewis
    13) Shane Mayfield
    14) jeffrey bohl

  38. “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

  39. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

    (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

    It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

    Some notable excerpts:

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

    “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

    A must read (long) article recommended to all!

    Share it!

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