Another media lie about Ron Paul

Throughout this presidential election cycle the national media has been the subject of widespread ridicule for systematically ignoring the Ron Paul candidacy.   Well, they have finally found their legs.  They have a story that their corporate executives will let them publish.  Ron Paul, they say, is a hypocrite because he has long proclaimed that he doesn’t believe in the government’s social security program but nonetheless, now, takes a monthly social security check for himself.

The big news was apparently revealed in a recent interview on MSNBC.  It is a hilarious story and shows how the media risks alienating its more observant viewers to play to the general ignorance of the public.  I guess they figure, the cat’s out of the bag, the more savvy now know we are all corporate puppets who say what we are told to say for the privilege of being famous and rich and popular with our cousins back home, so we might as well shamelessly argue the absurd.  Most people are too dumb to notice.

So once again, here I am, a humble an amateur blogger, offering the real story for those who love truth and enjoy these waning moments of liberty where we can still spread it around.  (Enjoy this season while it lasts, the internet is a loop hole that the elitists in this country are trying desperately to plug.)

In the first place, the money Ron Paul put into the social security fund over the years is HIS money.  Just as the money you put into the account is your money.  It does not belong to MSNBC or to the US government.  It is not Obama’s money.  It does not belong to the Social Security Administration.  It belongs to Ron Paul. And your money belongs to you.  That was the whole idea of social security.

Secondly, Ron Paul did not have a choice.  And neither do you.  Unless you are an ordained minister, who makes a one time decision and opts out of the social security program altogether, out of moral conscience, you are forced to pay money into the program all your life.  If you are employed it will be taken out of your paycheck.  The government says it is for your own good. It is not an option.

If, when he was young, Ron Paul had refused to participate in the program and not paid into it, he would have been thrown into jail for tax evasion.

If, now that he is old, he refuses to take his money out of it, he is saying that the money wasn’t really his to begin with and he has no claim on it.

Third, while the original program was passed with the promise that the money would be separated from other government monies, after all, it does not belong to the government, that promise broke down long ago and the government had been spending it on wars and social programs that will help presidents get re-elected.  And thus the Social Security funds have almost been depleted and the program cannot be sustained.  It is one of the great moral failures of the American government.

No president of either political party will face this coming debacle of a bankrupt Social Security system.  They each continue, taking us to the brink, betting that the other party will be in power when the crash happens and will thus be blamed.  It is like a game of musical chairs and when the music stops, whoever is in office at the time will suffer for decades.  In fact, both parties are obviously morally corrupt, as this issues shows that fact in glaring colors, for millions of people will suffer.  Meanwhile, the national media plays its role of dumbing down the public right to the very end.

Now the reasons the media is so shameless in promoting this latest Ron Paul story is because they have been stung by Dr. Paul’s honesty and integrity in the face of rampant corruption.  This corruption is ongoing in government, banking, Wall Street and in the corporate world, including those corporations who own and run the media.

It is not like there are good congressmen and bad congressmen.  Don’t think there are congressmen who take the bribes of lobbyist money and those who don’t.  There is only ONE congressman who refuses to play the game.  Only one congressman who refuses to go on congressional junkets because he knows they are tax payer paid vacations.  Only ONE congressman who rejects the congressional pension plan, refusing  to take a dime because he knows the public can’t get such a break.  Only One congressman who never voted for an unbalanced budget or a pay raise.  And that ONE congressman is Ron Paul.  He has been consistent for 22 years.  But all of the above is  never mentioned by the national media.  It is studiously avoided.  You only hear it when one of us slips through the net and gets on television, and that is usually during the daytime when few are watching.

And it is not just about the corruption.

Ron Paul has been right about the consequences of these policies and how they are leading us to the brink.  Ron Paul called the housing bubble, years before it happened.  He predicted the crisis in Greece.  (With the advent of the internet, the public suddenly has access to a medium with a long memory.  That is why there is a battle raging to shut down the free use of the internet.)

And so, the media is embarrassed.  His honesty and his prescience is a hard thing to stomach and they only hope that it will go unnoticed by the majority.

The corporate world, who lives directly or indirectly off of their little piggy bank, the Federal Reserve, is furious because Ron Paul has pulled back the curtain to show how they maintain monopolies and shut out small business competition.  It is the banks that own them.  The banks tap the FED for interest free loans, into the trillions of dollars, and then pass the money onto the companies who advertise on television, and in some cases directly to the very holding companies who own the networks, themselves.  Nice, huh?

It is why in a nationally televised debate, with Ron Pau running neck and neck with Barack Obama in polls, and running second in the GOP, they limited his speaking time to 89 seconds.

So the media will continue to play up what they will declare is Dr. Paul’s hypocrisy.  He takes his social security check.  He has the nerve to take back a small amount of the money he put in over the years as a promised, government supervised, mandatory retirement.  He dares to take them at their word.  Of course, the money he gets back is diluted by inflation and worth much less than what he put in which is why he wants a better, more honest method of retirement for the next generation.

Meanwhile, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, one a Republican and the other a Democrat, both of whom have presided over the second worst depression in American history, have doubled their own salaries as president.  Together, on their watch, they have seen the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in American history.  The national media slavishly worships and protects one or the other just as they now promote either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney.

Who cares?  The number one donor to both men is Goldman Sachs.

So who’s the hypocrite?

And that’s the real story behind Ron Paul and his social security check.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

191 thoughts on “Another media lie about Ron Paul

  1. I am an ex-obama supporter and now a RP supporter. According to Open secrets. Goldman Sachs was Obama’s 2nd top contributor in 08′., In this election cycle Goldman Sachs is Romney’s #1 contributor. I have been called on the carpet from Obama supporters for saying that Goldman was his number 1 campaign contributor. It doesn’t matter to me whether he’s number 1 or 2 as Obama still took their money. I Just don’t want to get flack for that like I did. ; – )

    1. Now that you’re in the Liberty movement you are flack free for speaking the truth! Isn’t that better now? 😉

  2. This might be the best, most directed blog of recent memory. We need to start dominating the airtime when we have it. Ride the wave of the audit the fed excitement all the way to Tampa. Dr paul HAS to get aggressive on these interviews and throw their lies in their faces.

  3. What baffles me is how liberals claim to be so caring in their support of social security but at the same time have contempt for someone that gets some of their own money back that they paid into it. This reveals a lot about their true feelings. Is it their money or is it just a ponzi scheme?

    1. Ponzi victims voluntarily turned their money over to the scammers – Socialist Insecurity money was confiscated from my paychecks without my consent.

      Don’t I deserve to have my stolen money returned to me?

  4. What makes me mad mad as a senior is the government took the money by force all my working life. They raided the funds. Now the government calls it an “entitlement” and likens it to welfare.

    I truly hope there is some kind of secret overthrow at the convention. As far as I am concerned Obama and Romney are both separate wings of the same vulture.

  5. This is the BEST blog post I have read from you. Now is the time to ride the wave of the “audit the fed” bill and start exposing Rmoney and Obama for what they are: TWINS. Ride the excitement all the way to TAMPA and then the nomination. Please tell Dr Paul that we see him on TV talking about everything other than the campaign. I know there are reasons why and I understand why. The media is trying to open a door for him to speak and I do not believe that it is a trap. These interviews are free advertising time…..use it. Rmoney is fighting a two front war right now between us and Obama and we can strike now and crush him. Please take the shot.

    1. bill — agree with all but the timing.

      Ron Paul will not say a word until his speech in Tampa (just wait and see, it will rock not only America, but the world)!

  6. Doug,
    The words, descriptions and truths you use are very telling why you are in the campaign. No one else writes like you and I can feel the power behind your words. They hit like a SLEDGE HAMMER.
    You have a keen eye and are onto their trail and thank you so very much for laying out the unedited truth.
    I look forward to reading your posts more then anyone else, besides Dr. Paul.
    Please keep calling them out and telling the truth because people are listening and they are looking for something different then what theyre getting.
    The media realize the legal danger Paul places them all in.
    In a just world they would be in jail, charged then tried as principals.

  7. Exactly, Doug Wead.
    I know people who are drawing military retirement, job-retirement funds, and social security. And, they paid into all of these funds, in one way or another. What makes Ron Paul not eligible for his own, “insurance policy via SocSec”? Nothing.
    Is it not enough that he’s not planning on taking, also, from Congresssional coffers as he retires from Congress? Seems not. Were he president, he would also draw a much smaller salary than any recent president. So, how do these folk go on about how Dr Paul is drwaing back what he’s paid into? Honestly; who are they to say anything about this?

    Yes, Ron Paul discusses putting forth an option for younger workers to (in the future) opt out. It should be that way. Soc Sec should not be a forced issue as it is akin to life-insurance.

    It seems that the lie currently floating about, regarding Ron Paul being just another Republican (in a bad way, close to the Neo-Cons), as he supported Mitt Romney, and we KNOW this is untrue, has not exactly convinced people, the newz folkz are going on with this. Who are these people?
    Which of them will figure out a way to not accept their own Social Security retirement? Other than death, there is no option but to take it. Aren’t Americans a bit brighter than this?
    Seems not.

    1. annebeck58 — looks we we have another subhuman Rmoney shill trolling here — “Jim — time to get this creature removed, as tex2 was!

      1. Hey – Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech – if you’re only allowed to say pre-approved things, then that’s not really Freedom, is it?

      2. Did you check out the rating page? i noticed that the only person to rate Doug Wead poorly was little Tex. And, I thought; Oh, yippee, there it is.

        Doug, if this person bothers you, I suggest ignoring it. You don’t need to explain your self or your intentions to me; I’ve seen you as honorable throughout all of this, even while others fell away and said some terrible things in their falling..
        Not everyone will do or say the right thing all of the time.

  8. Great post, Doug. Thanks!

    Adam Kokesh recenctly did a YouTube interview of WebbedFoot Tarpoleon, ummm…, I mean Webster Tarpley. In that interview, Tarpley repeatedly attacked Dr. Paul on 2 counts:

    (1) His economic plan (published 1st year trillion dollar cut budget) as “genocide”. IOW, Dr. Paul will be summarilly cutting food stamps and other welfare programs by 67%, literally killing them via starvation; and…
    (2) His blatant and unapologetic nepotism in campaign staffing. Apparently, Dr. Paul has hired more family on his campaign and congressional staff than any other legislator, past or present.

    Could you address either or both of these in a coming blog please sir?

    Also, as a p.s…, rumors are flying about what kind of “surprise” Dr. Paul has in store for Tampa. My dream scenario is one where Paul delegates create literal chaos on the floor; forcing party leadership to allow him to speak. And in that speech, Dr. Paul outlines their dismal failure as a party, followed by his own announcement that he will be running for President as an Ind or 3rd party. I care not a whit about the platform or anything else GOP-related.

    Thanks again,
    Tim from Mississippi

    1. “Tim” says:
      “(1) His economic plan (published 1st year trillion dollar cut budget) as “genocide”. IOW, Dr. Paul will be summarilly cutting food stamps and other welfare programs by 67%, literally killing them via starvation; and…”

      Please show me where he ever says such a thing. His plan will save trillions by stopping the nation-bulding and stopping trying to conquer the world militarily.

      “(2) His blatant and unapologetic nepotism in campaign staffing. Apparently, Dr. Paul has hired more family on his campaign and congressional staff than any other legislator, past or present.”

      Please Name one. Carol loves him, but she’s not getting appointed to anything, and his son Rand has already turned his back on us.

      In other words, please back up your accusations with some plain facts, if you can!

      In case you haven’t yet seen it, here’s his agenda for when he’s elected:

      1. Tim didn’t say that, Webster Tarpley did in a Adam Kokesh interview, reread…

      2. I think Kokesh was referring mainly to Benton (the other mole from inside). Benton is married to one of Paul’s granddaughters. Benton also worked the Rand Paul campaign, which should tell you a lot about Jesse, but a lot about what truly happened in the campaign.
        There was an email found, from about six months prior to the Rand fiasco. which proved Benton (at least) was planning on working with the Romney camp. Too bad all of the big-mouths (Kokesh, Tarpley, et al..) had nothing to say about that fact. Perhaps they just don’t pay that much attention before putting what little they do know and what they conjure up on blast?

  9. Hi Doug,Thanks for the perspective.Our world is swirling in mystery, deception and injustice.Truth and justice have been chained so the public can’t see it…but only temporarily.Because little by little the light of truthful journalism keeps liberating a few more good people so they can vote for whats right.Thanks for working so tirelessly on a “Cause” worth exhausting yourself for.

  10. It’s not just that the Government is spending OUR MONEY on everything BUT its intended purpose, but that you get penalized if you don’t trust the government and put all your eggs in one basket. If you put additional money into other retirement plans, when you retire the Government looks at your investments and retirement plans, and the more money you’re getting from your own retirement funds they more they reduce your Social Security benefits.

  11. Thx Doug. Found minor typos in your writeup:

    “with Ron Pau running neck and neck with Barack Obama in polls”

    should be:

    “with Ron Paul running neck and neck with Barack Obama in polls”

    For “a humble an amateur blogger” did you mean “a humble and amateur blogger” instead? 😉

    Also a question about your statement: “There is only ONE congressman who refuses to play the game.” What do you know – if anything at all – about the junior Congressman from Michigan Justin Amash? Has there been anything questionable in his record so far & do you feel he shows good prospects?

    1. Wonderful film! Yes, wouldn’t it be refreshing to get truthful news? Incidentally, a couple of Fox News investigative reporters blew the whistle on Fox alleging bribery and a few other things and took the case to court in Florida. The issue was: what to report about the bovine growth hormone – which turned out to be nothing.

      The reporters won at the trial level, but Fox appealed and a Federal Judge reversed the decision stating the news did not have to be true.

      1. Ha, little Jimmy, your nefarious intent by posting this video backfires! (Reported to Mitt that as his shill you are a failure).

        What Ron Paul states are irrefutable truths!

        How refreshing to see Revisionist History exposed!

        If you only comprehend this one indisputable Fact — that Lincoln caused the Death of more Americans than both World Wars combined — it’s a step forward to correcting the dogma being spoon-fed to all.

        In other words — under Abraham Lincoln’s presidency more Americans were killed, than all other presidents that followed combined TOGETHER!

    2. The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71) — oops, sorry, didn’t see this before I posted the same below.

      Keep up the superb work Chiefe!

  12. Who will take up the mantle of Liberty once Paul steps down? Will it be you, reader? How will we call upon each other honestly without the freedom of the internet. We need to storm that swirling beehive of corruption in Washington. Take back what our founders gave us, because if we lose America the only place to go is outer space.

    I will help carry the burden. tell one person today about one of the facts listed above. Bumper Sticker it up. Our Nation is in Jeapordy. And Freedom is facing extinction.

  13. Hey Doug,

    Dr. Paul is awesome, but there’s one more badass in Congress now, and his name is Justin Amash from Michigan. Hopefully he’ll be soon joined by Kerry Bentivolio from Michigan as well!

  14. Brilliantly stated. Also to Dr. Paul’s credit is the fact that he has never taken a medicare payment. Let the media lie to their heart’s content. They will destroy themselves. TRUTH always wins in the end.

  15. Doug,
    I just think this whole election cycle has been amazing! I truly hope that Tampa will be the spectacle that it can and should be. My feeling is that Paul is laying low and lying in wait for the convention. Things have been relatively quite recently. It would be nice to know for sure that RP has the 5 state majority that he needs to be a player from the floor. Keep it alive those of us who are in a state where we can only cast a vote and not really participate in the caucus system like in other states are watching and praying.

  16. Man oh man, you hit the nail on the head. Only I would not call the republican-democrat dance around who’s gonna bite it when the derivitives bubble(s) really crashes -” musical chairs,” I would call it playing “hot potato!

    I cannot agree more with you regarding the total abdication of the so called press. Let’s face it, we don’t have a mainstream press corp anymore.

    The one thing everyone could do in a united front is to stop buying cable and direct TV.

    Just turn off the noise.

    Watch movies from your collection or subscribe to NetFlex, and hand pick YOUR news sources! Almost all news is slanted, so be sure to get news from both the left, right, center, and peripheral sources. Get to know who the good journalists are; do your homework.

    The consumer is KING. What would happen if the country boycotted cable and satellite TV in protest of the garbage we are fed for news?


    Now, wouldn’t some folks in Washington be whizzin’ their pants if, we, the people, shut down cable TV?

    I’ve written letters, I have a bumper sticker, I call my representatives, I’ve complained to the President, I tried to complain to the FDA (got the run around), what impact do these things really have?

    Only when the response is en masse (which does not always work – just see how FCC got deregulated even though the whole country, right and left together, opposed it)

    and then we still get watered down versions of what’s right.

    More action is required. In the past, boycotting has been very effective. Hurt ’em in the pocketbook because money is the only thing that seems to matter.

    Should we start a boycott of the mainstream media?

    We could call it the “BM Movement” (pun intended): Boycott MainstreamMedia!

      1. Oh come on Doug. Hiding behind a screen name? Are you afraid your comment to me will appear in tomorrows NYTimes?
        Sure you might convince some of the Ron Paul faithful that your drivel is the work of an independent blogger but truth is you are on Paul’s payroll.

    1. Cute video, little Jimmy — does declare you as a Rmoney shill.

      Thanks for confirming how worried Mutton Mitt is about the nomination — to hire such weaklings to post such tripe!

      Do you have any more — because we have hundreds on the Mutton you crawl to….

  17. Doug, I appreciate your honesty, your great courage in suppuorting. Dr. Paul. Thank you for writing this article which I will spread far and wide. Dr. Paul has inspired us and so have you. You haave kept us informed and you have done a great job representing Dr. Paul. You have never let Ron Paul or his supporters down. Why do I g on and on? Because you desrve it Doug. We as supporters always needed credible info to share in discussion. Belive it or not we read and watch before we share ad not all info meets our standard for sharing, so thanks for this. I know I am proud to know you. Take care! Great job! Jennifer Gibbons-Nie. Ps on my phone, hope not too many typos 😉

  18. I watched MSNBC interview, it was wonderfull until one guy had to ruin it. So glad you have told it like it really is!!!! Jen N

  19. Well said! The Corporate Party media kool-aid has a knack for taking something good and making it sound evil. But it’s only a reflection of who they are.

    1. Ha, little Jimmy, your nefarious intent by posting this video backfires! (Report to Mitt that as his shill you are a failure).

      What Ron Paul states are irrefutable truths!

      How refreshing to see Revisionist History exposed!

      If you only comprehend this one indisputable Fact — that Lincoln caused the Death of more Americans than both World Wars combined — it’s a step forward to correcting the dogma being spoon-fed to all.

      In other words — under Abraham Lincoln’s presidency more Americans were killed, than all other presidents that followed combined TOGETHER!

    1. Whats up with the chick in a bikini? Only the sleaziest of politicians have to rely on sex to sell their message…Oh wait, we’re talking about feeble old racist Ron Paul aren’t we? Not that this video even matters..90% of the electorate rejected the old coot and, thanks to Dougie Boy green lighting Gilbert’s lawsuit (“go for it” Dougie told him on his facebook video conference) , the RNC has just cause as a private organization to ban Paul from attending the RNC

      1. Jim,

        It’s hard to disagree that 90% of the electorate rejected Dr. Paul. At least that’s what the ballots appear to indicate. Given this it seems to me that he should only be getting 10% of the military’s support. He doesn’t. He gets more than Romney and Obama. Given the 90% electorate support for Romney – where the Hell were they during the primaries? They weren’t visible at any of Romney’s speeches yet THOUSANDS of supporters attended Dr. Paul’s speeches yet the media didn’t report them. Given the 90% electorate support why did Romney have to ask, “Why don’t they like me?” Here’s why:

        Comment left by Matt Parker:

        “Mitt Romney cannot answer a single question without taking a poll first. He has no core convictions. He entire arsenal of policy proposals consist of nothing but poll-tested answers that his massive campaign staff cooked up to get them the most votes and contributions. Mitt Romney would tell you the sky is orange if he thought that’s what the Republican Party base believed. The man cannot be trusted to lead this nation. He is totally unqualified and unprepared for the job.

        Jim – if you’re part of the 90% then you’re in a smaller group of people than you realize. Smaller in numbers and smaller in brains.

      2. FyreWyngz pull the census and ROV data from the places where RP held rallies. 25,000 in California..a state with a population of 36 MILLION , 17 million of whom are registered voters. He drew no-where near a majority of voters to his rallies. Same thing happened allover the country. Rally attendance does not equal votes. Most of the other candidates held fundsraisers and not rallies. Paul’s rallies were free.
        After researching these figures and doing the percentages if you still feel Paul was somehow slighted take it up with Mr. Wead. The campaign had every right to demand a recount but they know what the figures were obviously and do not dispute the results. Ask Wead on his next facebook video circle jerk.. Not that he will answer you, since he cherry picks what questions to answer. Like the one from Richard Gilbert which, when the lawsuit is thrown out of court for not having any plaintiffs who live in the jurisdiction (or for that matter appear on official delegate lists) , will probably see the campaign slapped with court costs or at the very least more lengthy litigation since Doug was speaking in his official capacity as Ron Paul Campaign Advisor when he told Gilbert to “go for it” thereby initializing a social contract between the campaign and Marlow and Gilbert.

      3. Jim:

        “FyreWyngz pull the census and ROV data from the places where RP held rallies. 25,000 in California..a state with a population of 36 MILLION , 17 million of whom are registered voters. He drew no-where near a majority of voters to his rallies.”

        You can play with numbers all you want – you’re missing the point. The point is that he drew LOTS of people and the media blacked him out. Romney draws NOBODY and the media crops photos and video to make him look good.

        I’m not even going to dignify the rest of your nonsense with a response. The bottom line with you is that you actually believe that people want Romney as president. They DON’T. They want to “beat Obama”. And they’re playing the same tired old game of Hatfields vs. McCoys. It’s the same game that you want to play. Ron Paul supporters are SICK of that game. It’s the game that the establishment BANKS on.

        Go play it elsewhere.

      4. FyreWyngz Paul himself describes the faithful as ‘a SMALL irate MINORITY.” America will never elect an extremist candidate like Ron Paul. Even Wead himself has admitted this in his 2009 blog. Are you calling him a liar?

    2. Doug— you have this hooligan “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

      After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum NOW — not a place where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

      Doug, this blog is your private property, and as such you can certainly BAN trespassers that pollute it!

    1. The only way we can save our Liberty is when 10 million strong REAL Americans descend on Tampa.

      And in one THUNDERING Voice, to be heard around the world, say to all delegates: “You enter the Convention now, and we hold you to vote your conscience! Do not think you can exit it unless Ron Paul is NOMINATED!”

    2. Rmoney — an illegal running for the presidency…(what’s new)?

      His father did it…Insane Husein (a foreigner) won it — why not Mormon Mexican Mitt try for it…?

      After all, our nation has been reduced to accepting the lowest form of creatures (that had nothing to do with creating this nation) to lord it over us, Real Americans!

  20. “Mormon Mexican Mitt”? Keep ’em coming! Since these appear on Wead’s personal blog the press will spin it to make it look like Doug said it himself! Gold!

    1. Can’t wait for Sunday’s frontpage:
      “Ron Paul Campaign Manager condones Racial And Religious Bigotry”

      His silence is acquiescence.

      1. So you agree that on Doug Weed’s (campaign adviser to Ron Paul) blog, Mitt Rmoney has been exposed as both a Bigot and a Racist.

        Anything else you wanna spin, kid? I’ll be happy to take care of you…LOL.

  21. “they have seen the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in American history”

    I think this is wrong. What have actually happened is a transfer of misery from the rich to the poor, because the rich did not want to stop being rich and the poor always believe the lies that the rich tell them. But nobody needs to to worry, because the only problem in America right now is that iranians, famous race of psychopaths, are about to get nuclear weapons, which will be thrown against the US and Israel, two pacific countries whose government and military has never do nothing wrong to nobody. Ever. Of course, the bad shape of the economy has nothing to do with what politicians have done over the past hundred years. Reality is much simpler: it is either a curse of witches or a plot of all other countries (out of envy, obviously) of the World against the United States of America.

    On the other hand, it may be better that they finally talk ill about Congressman Paul than they don’t talk at all about him! It may be useful. Blessing in disguise.

    1. You should actually listen to this, it destroys your views completely, even this guy says RP ISN’T a racist, even this guy says he doesn’t believe he wrote racial slurs in his ‘Bulletin’. Ron Paul is guilty only of appealing to a wide variety of people, some of who you might not like, at least Black didn’t lie…

  22. “Mitt Romney Resigns!”

    “Mitt Romney announced today (place date) he will no longer seek the Republican nomination. Instead, he pledged his full support to Dr. Ron Paul, who he trusts implicitly to be the only viable candidate to defeat Barrack Obama,” said a Romney spokesperson.

    Mr. Romney’s spokesperson continued saying, ” Mr. Romney is making the ultimate sacrifice, for the good of the Nation, so wants to be remembered as the one that helped America be rid of Obama…as such Mr. Romney is a true patriot…”.

    Questioned as to the real reasons Mitt Romney quit — the spokesperson said, “He only wants to be remembered as the Patriot that Saved America… that is his only reason”….and “…none of the below were a factor in his decision”…as claimed:

    “That so many videos have been taped showing fraud on his behalf that TV mini-series could be made running for weeks,
    Or, that he can’t get 100 people to attend his meetings, while Ron Paul gathers Real Americans in the several thousands,
    Or, that he has broken rule #11 in collusion with the GOP, so he is about to be removed from many states ballots,
    Or, that his shadowy party in Nevada, is further grounds for his removal as a GOP candidate,
    Or, that he cannot garner enough delegates with all the cheating done on his behalf so far,
    Or, that All National Delegates are NOT bound according to rule #38, and US election law, in Tampa,
    Or, that his eventual loss to Ron Paul in Tampa will make him a national joke,
    Or, that even if manages to CHEAT his way out of Tampa, his guaranteed loss to Obama will make him an even Bigger Joke…”.

    No, none of these are factors, according to Mitt Romney’s spokesperson — “Mr. Romney quit the race today because he is a Patriot!”

    And I agree, Mitt did the right thing — and we shall build monuments and name schools after him!

    Pass it on! Hopefully someone with brains in Mitt’s camp will see this syllogism and force it upon this dullard (for his own good)!

  23. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

    It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

    Some notable excerpts:

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

    “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

    A must read (long) article recommended to all!

    Share it!

  24. Top 10 Racist Ron Paul Friends, Supporters

    By Casey Gane-McCalla

    Ron Paul has a lot of racist supporters, including white supremacist website Stormfront, conspiracy theorist group the John Birch Society and neo-Confederates who believe that the South was right during the civil war. And the support is mutual. While Paul would like you to believe that his connection to racism ended with his newsletters, he has continued to address this group well into the 21st century. Take a look at Ron Paul’s top 10 most-racist supporters.

    10. Willis Carto

    Willis Carto is a holocaust denier, Hitler admirer and a white supremacist. A former campaigner for segregationist candidate George Wallace, Carto founded the National Alliance with William Pierce, the author of the “Turner Diaries,” which is credited for inspiring Timothy McVeigh. Carto founded the Populist Party in 1984 and ran David Duke as a presidential candidate. Carto also founded the American Free Press, which is labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), where Paul’s column runs. Paul has not sued Carto for running his column or explained how it wound up in a white supremacist publication. The New York Times writes that Paul used the subscription list to a white supremacist publication of Carto’s to solicit donations.

    9. Chuck Baldwin

    Chuck Baldwin is a neo-Confederate New World Order conspiracy theorist who praises the confederacy and its leaders, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, and calls the Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression.” Baldwin writes a weekly column on the white supremacist site Vdare and is a proud supporter of American militia movements. Baldwin is also an Islamaphobe and homophobe.

    Not only did Baldwin endorse Paul for president in 2007, but Paul returned the favor, endorsing Baldwin, who he calls his “friend,” for president in 2008. While Paul was quick to criticize Michele Bachmann for her Islamaphobia, he has said nothing about Baldwin’s, the man he endorsed for president. Here are some choice quotes from Baldwin:

    “I believe homosexuality is moral perversion and deserves no special consideration under the law.
    I believe the South was right in the War Between the States, and I am not a racist.
    I believe there is a conspiracy by elitists within government and big business to steal America’s independence.
    The Muslim religion has been a bloody, murderous religion since its inception.”

    8. Don Black

    Don Black is a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, a current member of the American Nazi Party, and the owner and operator of the white supremacist site Stormfront. Black regularly organizes “money bombs” for Ron and Rand Paul and has even taken a picture with Ron Paul, who refused to return donations from Black and Stormfront even with the political tradition of not accepting donations from people who seem unfit. Black, who was sentenced to three years in jail for trying to overthrow the Caribbean country of Dominica in 1981, supports Paul through his Twitter account and on message boards for Stormfront.

    Black told the New York Times that it was Paul’s newsletters that inspired him to be a supporter:

    “That was a big part of his constituency, the paleoconservatives who think there are race problems in this country.”

    7. Lew Rockwell

    Lew Rockwell is a close friend and adviser of Paul’s who served as his congressional chief of staff between 1978 and 1982, worked as a paid consultant for Paul for more than 20 years, and was an editor and alleged ghost writer for his racist newsletters. Rockwell formed the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, which Paul still has a close working relationship with.

    The Ludwig Von Mises Institute is listed by the SPLC as a neo-Confederate organization. They also add that Rockwell said that the Civil War “transformed the American regime from a federalist system based on freedom to a centralized state that circumscribed liberty in the name of public order” and that the Civil Rights Movement was the “involuntary servitude” of (presumably white) business owners. Rockwell was listed as one of the racist League of the South’s founding members but denies membership. Rockwell regularly posts articles on his website, attacking a New World Order conspiracy.

    6. David Duke

    David Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and candidate for Governor of Louisiana. Duke is also a New World Order conspiracy theorist who believes that Jews control the Federal Reserve. On his website, Duke proudly boasts about the endorsements and kind words that Paul gave him in his newsletters and in turn endorses Paul for president:

    Duke’s platform called for tax cuts, no quotas, no affirmative action, no welfare, and no busing…
    To many voters, this seems like just plain good sense. Duke carried baggage from his past, the voters were willing to overlook that. If he had been afforded the forgiveness an ex-communist gets, he might have won.
    …David Broder, also of the Post and equally liberal, writing on an entirely different subject, had it right: ‘No one wants to talk about race publicly, but if you ask any campaign consultant or pollster privately, the sad reality that a great many working-class and middle class white Americans are far less hostile to the rich and their tax breaks than they are to the poor and minorities with their welfare and affirmative action programs.”
    Liberals are notoriously blind to the sociological effects of their own programs. David Duke was hurt by his past. How many more Dukes are waiting in the wings without such a taint?

    “Duke lost the election,” it said, “but he scared the blazes out of the Establishment.” In 1991, a newsletter asked, “Is David Duke’s new prominence, despite his losing the gubernatorial election, good for anti-big government forces?” The conclusion was that “our priority should be to take the anti-government, anti-tax, anti-crime, anti-welfare loafers, anti-race privilege, anti-foreign meddling message of Duke, and enclose it in a more consistent package of freedom.”

    Duke also gave advice to Paul on his website, saying:

    “What must Paul do to have any real chance of winning or making a bigger impact? I think he should do exactly what I did in Louisiana, and for Ron Paul to follow exactly the same advice Ron Paul gave in his newsletters for others, take up my campaign issues with passion and purpose.”

    Could it be that Paul is taking Duke’s advice by hiding the racist “baggage from his past” in a more consistent package of “freedom?”

    5. Thomas DiLorenzo

    Thomas DiLorenzo is another neo-Confederate who believes the South was right in the the civil war and that Abraham Lincoln was a wicked man who destroyed states’ rights. DiLorenzo is listed as an affiliated scholar with the racist League of the South, which promotes segregation and a new southern secession. Paul invited DiLorenzo to testify before congress about the Federal Reserve and is close friends with Paul and works for the Ludwig Von Mises Instiute. Paul cited DiLorezno’s book when telling Tim Russert that the North should not have fought the Civil War.

    4. James Von Brunn

    James Von Brunn was a white supremacist and anti-Semite who opened fired at the Holocaust museum, killing an African-American security guard. Von Brunn was an avid Paul supporter who posted a message on the Ron Paul Yahoo Group, saying, “HITLER’S WORST MISTAKE: HE DIDN’T GAS THE JEWS.” In 1983, Von Brunn was convicted of kidnapping members of the Federal Reserve Board, a common target of Paul’s, and was sentenced to six years in prison.Von Brunn died while awaiting sentencing for his crime.

    3. William Alexander “Bill” White

    Bill White is a neo-Nazi who is a former member of of the neo-Nazi group the National Socialist Movement and founder of his own Nazi group, the National Socialist Worker’s Movement. He has called for the lynching of the Jena 6 and the assassination of NAACP leaders. White previously campaigned for Pat Buchanan and the Reform party. This year, White was convicted of threatening a juror but then freed by a judge who called the threats free speech. White is a former Ron Paul supporter who became disenfranchised with Paul, when a Paul spokesman called white supremacy “a small ideology.” Here is what White wrote about Paul on a popular white supremacist website:

    ” I have kept quiet about the Ron Paul campaign for a while, because I didn’t see any need to say anything that would cause any trouble. However, reading the latest release from his campaign spokesman, I am compelled to tell the truth about Ron Paul’s extensive involvement in white nationalism.

    Both Congressman Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, usually on Wednesdays. This is part of a dinner that was originally organized by Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis and Joe Sobran, and has since been mostly taken over by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

    I have attended these dinners, seen Paul and his aides there, and been invited to his offices in Washington to discuss policy.

    For his spokesman to call white racialism a “small ideology” and claim white activists are “wasting their money” trying to influence Paul is ridiculous. Paul is a white nationalist of the Stormfront type who has always kept his racial views and his views about world Judaism quiet because of his political position.

    I don’t know that it is necessarily good for Paul to “expose” this. However, he really is someone with extensive ties to white nationalism and for him to deny that in the belief he will be more respectable by denying it is outrageous – and I hate seeing people in the press who denounce racialism merely because they think it is not fashionable

    Bill White, Commander
    American National Socialist Workers Party”

    Ron Paul has not sued White for libel, which would be in his rights to do if White’s statement’s were lies. White is out of jail and has not lost credibility in the white supremacist world, writing for the neo-Nazi website the American Free Press and the same paper that used to carry Paul’s column.

    2. Richard Poplawski

    Richard Poplawski is a neo-Nazi from Pittsburgh who regularly posted on the neo-Nazi website Stormfront. Poplawski would post videos of Ron Paul talking about FEMA camp conspiracy theories with Glenn Beck.

    Polawski was afraid of a government conspiracy to take away people’s guns and wound up killing three police officers who came to his house after his mother made a domestic dispute call.

    1. Jules Manson

    Jules Manson was a failed politician from Carson, Calif. Mason was also a big Paul supporter who would write, “I may be an athiest, but Ron Paul is my God,” on Paul’s website. Manson would also write, “Assassinate that n*gger and his family of monkeys,” of President Barack Obama.

    This is not guilty by association. Ron Paul has spread white supremacy on conspiracy theories for years in his newsletters. The racism and conspiracy theories have driven some people to violence. Not only have Ron Paul’s racist supporters endorsed him and his views, he has endorsed them through his positions on the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement, without disavowing the support he gets from racists. This is guilt by racism.

    1. You might want to research old copies of the neo-nazi Spotlight magazine where Dr Paul used to advertise his newsletter.

    2. You’re a LOT like Rmoney trying to take both sides of the debate. First you denigrate Ron Paul for listening to Duke ( which I seriously doubt) and next you’re quoting another neonazi, White, as if it’s truth…WOW…and YOU talk about conspiracies, good luck trying to convince anybody with a brain. There’s much more to discuss with your post, but I can’t deal with all the inconsistenties right now.

      1. The Bill White quot has been around quite a while. Ron Paul has not sued the guy for defamation as would be his right. Don’t say he doesn’t believe in lawsuits-court records indicate he sued the anonymous poster of a youtube video for defamation in February. (BTW if you were half-way intelligent you’d see I didn’t write the article the quote is from )

      2. I didn’t say you wrote it, but you posted it here, so you must believe it, if not, what’s the point??

      3. re: ‘The Bill White ‘quot’ has been around for quite a while’. Well, I guess it must be true then. Why would anyone question that?? Silly people!!

      4. so Wild Will what is the case number for a defamation suit if what Bill White says is untrue? Oh right. Paul hasn’t filed one because it IS true. You are just so blind with worship you cannot admit it.

      5. Yeah, no lawsuit PROVES it’s true…L O L…Never take monkeys to court, even if you win, you wind up looking foolish…

    3. Dr Ron Paul defends liberty for everyone and he does not use the blame game. Dr Ron Paul defends free speech, so people can say what is on their mind. Jim, you seem to quote other people to implicate / accuse Dr Ron Paul of supporting / endorsing their views / opinions. To change people’s views, you have to talk to them and make your case – which is defending liberty. What are you defending?

    4. Jim says: Yeah Doug, your little pussy fanboys hate free speech unless it glorifies Dear Leader. #1 reason they were ineffective in getting real votes for Ron Paul.

      What is that all about? Where did that come from? You are straying from the point of defending your views / passions by calling people names and naming “free speech” hate speech.

      People are passionate about their “liberty”, but liberty can be scarey because you also are responsible for your actions.

      Is this the reason you attack the defense of “liberty” by calling it “hate speech”??

      What do you support with a passion?

  25. So what is your point Jim. Ron Paul talks to people. This does not mean he endorses them or supports them in any way. He unites peoples of all backgrounds because he treats them as individuals rather than lump them into groups as you seem to be doing. And most important of all people do love liberty, especially when the tyranny is pointed out to them in simple language without political jargon.

    You have definitely shown your “colours” by emphasising, focusing and denouncing people as you have done, it highlights your thinking and character and not Dr Ron Paul’s.

    Dr Ron Paul loves debates that is why he unifies people. He is a rare politician who actually answers the questions he is asked.

  26. Hi Doug, hope you had a good “Dependence on IRS & Federal Reserve Day” break.

    Can we get some real moderating back on this blog please? Especially there is new “Jim” pest here worse than the West Nile virus polluting this space with garbage. Time to take out the trash!

    1. I second that!

      (shows you how desperate Mutton Mitt is to have subhumans trolling for him here, again)

      1. Yeah Doug, your little pussy fanboys hate free speech unless it glorifies Dear Leader. #1 reason they were ineffective in getting real votes for Ron Paul.

    2. Empty stadium for Laughable Mitt — Rmoney can even get a hundred sycophants to shill for him!

  27. Mitt Romney, American Parasite

    His years at Bain represent everything you hate about capitalism

    By Pete Kotz

    April 22, 2012 “Village Voice” — It was the early 1990s, and the 750 men and women at Georgetown Steel were pumping out wire rods at peak performance. They had an abiding trust in management’s ability to run a smart company. That allegiance was rewarded with fat profit-sharing checks. In the basement-wage economy of Georgetown, South Carolina, Sanderson and his co-workers were blue-collar aristocracy.

    “We were doing very good,” says Sanderson, president of Steelworkers Local 7898. “The plant was making money, and we had good profit-sharing checks, and everything was going well.”

    What he didn’t know was that it was about to end. Hundreds of miles to the north, in Boston, a future presidential candidate was sizing up Georgetown’s books.

    At the time, Mitt Romney had been running Bain Capital since 1984, minting a reputation as a prince of private investment. A future prospectus by Deutsche Bank would reveal that by the time he left in 1999, Bain had averaged a shimmering 88 percent annual return on investment. Romney would use that success to launch his political career.

    His specialty was flipping companies—or what he often calls “creative destruction.” It’s the age-old theory that the new must constantly attack the old to bring efficiency to the economy, even if some companies are destroyed along the way. In other words, people like Romney are the wolves, culling the herd of the weak and infirm.

    His formula was simple: Bain would purchase a firm with little money down, then begin extracting huge management fees and paying Romney and his investors enormous dividends.

    The result was that previously profitable companies were now burdened with debt. But much like the Enron boys, Romney’s battery of MBAs fancied themselves the smartest guys in the room. It didn’t matter if a company manufactured bicycles or contact lenses; they were certain they could run it better than anyone else.

    Bain would slash costs, jettison workers, reposition product lines, and merge its new companies with other firms. With luck, they’d be able to dump the firm in a few years for millions more than they’d paid for it.

    But the beauty of Romney’s thesis was that it really didn’t matter if the company succeeded. Because he was yanking out cash early and often, he would profit even if his targets collapsed.

    Which was precisely the fate awaiting Georgetown Steel.

    When Bain purchased the mill, Sanderson says, change was immediate. Equipment upgrades stopped. Maintenance became an afterthought. Managers were replaced by people who knew nothing about steel. The union’s profit-sharing plan was sliced twice in the first year—then whacked altogether.

    “When Bain Capital took over, it seemed like everything was being neglected in our plant,” Sanderson says. “Nothing was being invested in our plant. We didn’t have the necessary time to maintain our equipment. They had people here that didn’t know what they were doing. It was like they were taking money from us and putting it somewhere else.”

    History would prove him correct. While Georgetown was beginning its descent to bankruptcy, Romney was helping himself to the company’s treasury.

    The Working Man’s Villain

    He should have known better. The year before Romney purchased Georgetown, he mounted his career in politics, setting his sights on the biggest target in Massachusetts: the U.S. Senate seat held by Ted Kennedy.

    There were early signs that he might topple the Kennedy dynasty. Much like today, Romney was pitching himself as a commander of the economy, a man with the mastery to create jobs. Yet he suffered an affliction common to those atop the financial food chain: He assumed that what was good for him was good for all. Call it trickle-down blindness.

    In the midst of that 1994 campaign, one of Romney’s companies, American Pad & Paper, bought a plant in Marion, Indiana. At the time, it was prosperous enough to be running three shifts.

    Bain’s first move was to fire all 258 workers, then invite them to reapply for their jobs at lower wages and a 50 percent cut in health care benefits.

    “They came in and said, ‘You’re all fired,'” employee Randy Johnson told the Los Angeles Times. “‘If you want to work for us, here’s an application.’ We had insurance until the end of the week. That was it. It was brutal.”

    But instead of reapplying, the workers went on strike. They also decided the good people of Massachusetts should know what kind of man wanted to be their senator. Suddenly, Indiana accents were showing up in Kennedy TV ads, offering tales of Romney’s villainy. He was sketched as a corporate Lucifer, one who wouldn’t blink at crushing little people if it meant prettying his portfolio.

    Needless to say, this wasn’t a proper leading man’s role for a labor state like Massachusetts. Taking just 41 percent of the vote, Romney was pounded in the election. Meanwhile, the Marion plant closed just six months after Bain’s purchase. The jobs were shipped to Mexico.

    Yet Romney didn’t learn his lesson. He seemed incapable of noticing that his brand of “creative destruction” left a lot of human wreckage in its wake. Or that voters might see him as more scumbag than saint.

    Just a few months after being hammered by Kennedy, he set fire to another company.

    The Price of Incompetence

    The move was classic Bain. Before buying Georgetown, Romney had purchased the Armco steel mill in Kansas City, Missouri, which had been in business for more than 100 years.

    “We were setting a lot of records for production at that time,” says employee Steve Morrow. “We were making a lot of money because we were getting profit sharing.”

    Bain combined Armco with the mill in Georgetown and foundries in Tempe, Arizona, and Duluth, Minnesota, to form the newly christened GS Industries.

    Romney purchased Armco with just $8 million down and borrowed the rest of the $75 million price tag. Then he issued bonds—basically IOUs—to borrow even more to pay himself and his investors $36 million.

    Within a year, he’d already made four times his initial investment while barely lifting a finger. But he’d also run up a staggering $378 million in debt on GSI’s tab.

    Steel is an infamously cyclical business, a worldwide commodity prone to the same wild price fluctuations as oil. The Kansas City plant forged parts for equipment used in mining gold and copper, leaving it susceptible to the instability of those markets as well.

    Yet the smartest guys in the room thought they could run the plant better than the people setting production records.

    “They were getting rid of old managers and hiring new managers that didn’t have any steel experience,” Morrow says. “Some of the guys were nice guys and everything, but they didn’t have a clue what was going on.”

    Many of the new supervisors were ex-military, people who believed that grown men and women are best motivated by punishment. Before Bain, says Morrow, “everybody got along.”

    Afterward? “They wanted to run the plant like a disciplinary environment. They wanted to discipline people for getting hurt on the job. They wanted to put us in an environment like a war, where we were always fighting with them.”

    Romney was charging GSI $900,000 a year in management fees to run the company. The Kansas City mill received $900,000 worth of ineptitude in return.

    Although Bain borrowed $97 million to retool the plant so it could also produce wire rods, it left the rest of the facility to rot.

    To save costs, Bain went miserly on everything from maintenance to spare parts and earplugs. Equipment deteriorated. Because the new managers didn’t know how to repair it, “they’d want to rent a new piece of equipment out instead of maintaining what we had,” Morrow says. The waste and inefficiency was breathtaking.

    Bain’s plan all along was to streamline the company into greater profitability, then reap the rewards with a public stock offering. But the exact opposite was happening. Even Roger Regelbrugge, whom Bain installed as CEO, knew the debt was crushing GSI from within, according to Reuters. If a public offering didn’t materialize, the company would collapse.

    Steel was about to enter a periodic downturn. Countries around the world were locked in a war of tariffs and government-subsidized production, creating a glut and driving down prices. Romney’s strategy of the flip was never meant to endure difficult times.

    Workers saw the end coming; they were particularly worried that Bain was badly underfunding their pension plan. So they went on strike in 1997, bringing a traditional Rust Belt flair to the festivities by littering the streets with nails and gunning bottle rockets at security guards.

    When it was all over, the steelworkers union agreed to wage and vacation cuts in exchange for extra health and pension safeguards should the plant close.

    Yet GSI was now hemorrhaging money, says David Foster, the union official who negotiated the deal. He claims that Bain cursed the company by placing its own interests above those of customers or long-term stability.

    “Like a lot of private equity firms, Bain managed the company for financial results, not production results,” Foster says. “It didn’t invest in maintenance or immediate customer needs. All that came second to meeting monthly financial goals.”

    It would take a few more years of bleeding, but GSI eventually fell to bankruptcy.

    The Kansas City mill closed for good; 750 people lost their jobs. Worse, Romney had shorted their pension fund by $44 million. The feds were forced to cover the difference, while workers saw their benefits slashed in bankruptcy court.

    The battered Georgetown plant and the foundries in Arizona and Minnesota ultimately were bought out of bankruptcy by new companies. Their workforces were halved.

    Still, Romney walked away unbruised. All that debt was technically GSI’s, not Bain’s. Because he’d repaid himself and his investors just months after the purchase, Romney pocketed millions for running the company into the ground.

    “They were clever and ruthless enough to pay their own investors back at a really high return rate,” Foster says.

    This was the beauty of Romney’s racket. Even if he killed a company—and he tended to kill them fairly often—he still made out, leaving others to take the hit.

    The Parasitic Capitalist

    On the campaign trail, Romney describes his work at Bain as resurrecting distressed companies. In this version, he’s the white knight lifting troubled firms from the precipice of failure.

    Not true.

    Private equity companies like Bain rarely buy anything but profitable firms for one compelling reason: The patient must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt. So it’s something of a misnomer for Republican opponents to slur him as a “vulture capitalist.”

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.”

    Judging by the title of his book—The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Is Destroying Jobs and Killing the American Economy—it’s safe to assume that Kosman is no fan of the industry. But he concedes that the business isn’t inherently wicked.

    The game works like this: Big-money investors write checks to people like Romney, who pool that money to buy or invest in other companies. Internal company documents show that a year before Romney left Bain in 1999, one of his funds had reached a massive $10 billion.

    Although Bain requires a $1 million minimum for a seat at the table, its investors don’t just come from the wealthiest 1 percent. They also include college endowments and teachers’ pension funds.

    Jon Burgstone, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology, sees private equity as essential to the economy. He might be a member of President Obama’s National Finance Committee, but he’s still an admirer of Bain.

    “Generally, private equity companies invest in larger firms that need reorganization or in smaller companies that need growth capital,” he says. And their management can usually benefit from “very bright Bain consultants.”

    That feeling is shared by Steven Kaplan, among the foremost scholars in the field. The University of Chicago finance professor says that, statistically speaking, firms like Bain improve a company’s cash flow while providing investors with a better return than the stock market.

    There’s no question that Romney had a gift for minting money. In 1986, he bought medical-equipment manufacturer Calumet Coach for just $1 million, later flipping it for $34 million. He made 16 times his initial investment in the Gartner Group, a technology-research firm.

    In what was perhaps his crowning achievement, he bought the money-losing Wesley Jessen VisionCare for $6 million in 1994. Seven years later, it was sold for a dazzling $300 million.

    Kaplan argues that critics rarely mention these success stories, preferring to “cherry-pick” deals that paint Romney as unmerciful and gluttonous. “I think it’s quite unfair,” he says. “He was extremely successful at Bain, generating returns for his investors. Bain Capital had a tremendous track record. When you invest in dozens of companies, some of those deals don’t work out.”

    But if critics are quick to disregard Romney’s triumphs, defenders are equally swift to rationalize his catastrophes. They’ll note that for all of Romney’s bankruptcies, most were rescued by new companies and survive today. It’s the final dollar tally that matters.

    Yet they seem strangely incurious about the ruin he has delivered across the country. Take Kansas City, for example.

    The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.

    So one might forgive everyday Americans for feeling they’re on the wrong end of a rigged game, one where the wealthy always win—no matter how inept—and the little guy is left to hack through the debris.

    Bain is a private company, meaning it has no obligation to reveal its practices. It has never made public a list of companies it has purchased (nor would Bain or the Romney campaign comment for this story).

    So in January, The Wall Street Journal did its best to piece together Romney’s track record, reviewing 77 investments made under his direction. It turned out that nearly one in three of the companies experienced severe financial trouble. One in five wound up in bankruptcy.

    The more telling figure: Of Romney’s 10 biggest moneymakers, he ultimately destroyed four of them, leaving bankruptcy judges to clean up the mess.

    As Foster sees it, Romney was an early pioneer of gaming the system. It would take another decade before large banks used many of the same principles to detonate the mortgage industry.

    “The great irony is that his entire management experience at Bain Capital is buying companies and loading them up with debt and then looting the balance sheet,” Foster says. “It’s the very model that drove the American economy off the cliff then left other people to manage the wreckage.”

    The Job Assassin

    Renee Fry doesn’t recognize the tin man she sees on TV, the candidate so congenitally wooden that he makes Al Gore seem like Flavor Flav. She was Romney’s deputy chief of staff when he was governor of Massachusetts. The guy she served was warm and considerate, quick to distill data and seize the big picture.

    “I’m lucky because I know him from the day-to-day Mitt,” Fry says. “He liked going out and talking to people and learning from people. The Mitt I know had a real appreciation for people.”

    But if Romney played the friendly politician, kindness wasn’t his specialty at Bain. Rewarding CEOs with huge bonuses, he was generous to ranking executives. Yet he tended to treat those below his pay grade as little more than machinery.

    Romney has claimed to have created 100,000 jobs at Bain and says that providing work for Americans was a primary company goal.

    He cites Domino’s, Sports Authority, and Staples, companies that added jobs after Bain bought in.

    But Bain bought Domino’s just months before Romney left to run the Salt Lake City Olympics, meaning someone else created those jobs. And he didn’t manage Staples or Sports Authority; Bain was a minority investor.

    By Romney’s logic, any large investor—say, the Texas teachers’ pension fund—also creates hundreds of thousands of jobs. The boast is so foolish that his campaign has since backed away from it.

    Even Kaplan admits that private equity firms rarely create jobs. Workers are seen as costs, and costs are the enemy. According to Kosman, Romney was in truth among the most heinous job-killers of them all.

    While writing his book, Kosman conducted an interview with a Bain managing partner. The man told him that when Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.”

    That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    An example of Romney’s cold-blooded approach is his 1994 purchase of Dade International, an Illinois medical-equipment company. He soon merged it with two similar firms, a move that tripled sales.

    Once again, he couldn’t help but raid the vault, peeling away $100 million for himself and investors at the same time Dade was laying off 1,700 American workers.

    After Bain closed a Dade plant in Puerto Rico, human-resources manager Cindy Hewitt was asked to lure a dozen of those employees to work in the company’s Miami factory.

    But that plant soon closed as well. Although Romney was gobbling up millions, Bain still wanted those laid-off employees to repay their moving costs.

    “They were treated horribly,” Hewitt told The New York Times. “There was absolutely no concern for the employees. It was truly and completely profit-focused.”

    Yet Bain’s molestation wasn’t complete. It was trying to sell Dade but didn’t like the offers it received on the open market. So it created an artificial market of its own.

    In 1999, it forced Dade to borrow $242 million, which was used to buy back company stock from Bain, Dade executives, and their banker, Goldman Sachs.

    Bain was again extracting profits with borrowed money. It had pushed Dade’s debt to a bracing $2 billion. To help pay for the deal, the company laid off another 367 workers.

    But that debt proved too much for Dade’s shoulders to carry. Three years later, the company was bankrupt.

    Kosman calls it standard Romney operating procedure. To pump short-term earnings, he would essentially “starve a company,” whacking not just employees, but also customer-service and research-and-development funding—the ingredients of long-term prosperity.

    “I think they’re one of the worst, at least during Romney’s time,” Kosman says. “They were very aggressive about dividends. They were very aggressive about borrowing the most money they could. He’s very driven to be the best he could be, and that was to be as cutthroat as he could be. But in the process, he hurt a lot of companies and cost a lot of jobs, maybe tens of thousands of jobs.”

    Kosman says it’s telling that Romney never cites companies he actually managed as evidence of his job-building skills.

    “If Romney had some stories to tell, he’d use those stories,” he says. “I think it’s very interesting that he’s not telling those stories because I think they don’t exist.”

    The Welfare Queen

    Romney’s economic views were on stark parade during this year’s Michigan primary. He ripped President Obama for bailing out the auto industry and argued that it should have been dealt with in his favorite resting place: bankruptcy court.

    He was particularly incensed that the president rescued workers’ pension funds before covering Wall Street’s bad loans.

    But his faith in the free market wobbles when his friends need rescuing. Romney just as vigorously defends the $10 billion government bailout of Goldman Sachs, his investment partner at Bain.

    After all, Romney frequently assumed the role of welfare queen himself.

    In 1988, he bought South Carolina photo-album maker Holson Burnes. In exchange for the firm’s promise to build a new factory, the people of Gaffney, South Carolina, gave Bain $5 million in bonds and $200,000 in utility upgrades.

    The plant closed just four years later. The 100 jobs there were later shipped to Mexico.

    At GSI, he dumped $44 million in pension shortfalls on the federal government. And when he bought mattress maker Sealy in 1997, he took $600,000 in welfare to move the firm from Ohio to North Carolina.

    Even a company Romney cites as one of his greatest achievements—Steel Dynamics, where he was a minority investor—was practically launched by corporate welfare. Indiana taxpayers gave the firm $77 million to open a plant. Residents of DeKalb County actually had their income taxes raised solely to help Romney and his friends.

    Tad DeHaven calls it “theft and redistribution.”

    He’s no yammering Trotskyite; DeHaven is a former budget adviser to Republican U.S. senators Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. Yet he notes that firms like Bain often get governments to subsidize their raiding parties.

    The feds take $100 billion a year from everyday taxpayers and send it straight to companies like Romney’s, says DeHaven, who now works for the Cato Institute, a conservative think tank.

    But like most good Republicans, he’s reticent to single out the candidate for criticism. “It depends on what he knew and Bain’s involvement in obtaining subsidies,” DeHaven says. “I don’t know if it makes him a hypocrite or not, but he should answer questions about it.”

    The President of Russia

    Those answers won’t be forthcoming. Romney refuses to discuss most of the companies he purchased at Bain, nor will he release his tax records from those years. As a result, voters are left to make their own call on his catalog of creative destruction—and what he might be like as president.

    Romney has professed his admiration for Ronald Reagan. But judging by his business history, the president he most resembles is Vladimir Putin. Romney has devoted his life to ensuring that every last penny rises to a few hands at the top. And like Putin, he has never shown much concern for the countrymen he tramples along the way.

    “The word ‘oligarchy’ comes to mind,” says Michael Keating when asked to envision a Romney presidency.

    Keating is a former business consultant and executive at Bertelsmann, a multinational investment firm that operates in 63 countries. He asserts that men like Romney “hide their antisocial actions behind a rhetoric of free-market capitalist platitudes. But in the end, it’s all about the bottom line—and only their own bottom line . . .”

    “I don’t think Romney is so much dangerous as he is unimaginative,” Keating adds. “And in the world we live in, that amounts to the same thing.”

      1. looks like a Stormfront rally to me…oh wait..IT IS ! 700 members of that website back Ron Paul and they pushed the money bomb more than any other Ron Paul website.Hey look they chant slogans just like the Germans in the 1930’s !

    1. And:
      More Real Americans — all across America — All for Ron Paul!
      (Perfidy Mitt can’t get a dirty dozen to show up for him…LOL)

    2. The Bilderberg controlled US media BLACKS OUT Ron Paul!

      And still, all across America — Real Americans are for Ron Paul!

    3. No wonder Judge Napolitano was silenced by the Puppet Masters cancelling his Fox Show— telling the Truth is now considered Treason in our Nation, ruled by the Anti-American Creatures that are criminally in Power at this time!

  28. Doug — you have this hooligan “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

    After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum — not a pace where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

    1. No it’s NOT a “Ron Paul forum.” YOU made it that. Dougie’s blog goes back over 4 years. Only seen your name here on less than 1.Most of his entries are about presidential history. Look what he has to say about Obama (you know, the guy Ron Paul describes as ‘fleet footed’):
      “So if you are a conservative Republican you are out of luck. Sorry. Unless Obama carts off several hundred thousands of people to concentration camps you will have to bite you lip and lock yourself in the closet and scream. Like it or not, historians are going to give Barack Obama a “win” for his first 100 Days. Doesn’t mean he is right, Doesn’t mean the American people will not react to the most liberal administration in history and say “enough,” it just means that history likes a doer and this president has already done a lot.”

      On the inauguration:
      “[Obama] arguably knows the world better than any other American president, for he has not only been whisked in and out of international airports and five star hotels, he has lived overseas among the people, and gone to school overseas, in Indonesia, no less, the largest Islamic nation on earth.The election and inauguration of Barack Obama is a great moment in history. It is in the history books, a done deal. It is a success story for the nation, the last chapter in a long journey….Our struggle is over… American is finally free.”

    2. Doug, again— you have this hooligan “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

      After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum NOW — not a place where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

      Doug, this blog is your private property, and as such you can certainly BAN trespassers that pollute it!

    3. Surfisher, anyone can see by the language used what “Jim” is inciting with his posts. It’s good to see it out in the open and along-side “defending liberty” it is not defending anything apart from “Jim’s” own views, and anyone can see what those are and what they defend, the freedom to smear, accuse others of the views he holds himself. Unless they are not his own??

      Dr Ron Paul sticks to the topic under discussion not anyone’s rhetoric. Dr Ron Paul is polite when he defends his message and that is what only a true statesman is capable of doing.

      Dr Ron Paul is wise and should be the next president of the USA.

  29. Anyone that says Doug Wead is not a True American Patriot — eat your words!

    Here are Doug’s statement on record!!!

  30. Doug, again— you have this subnuman “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

    After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum NOW — not a place where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

    Doug, this blog is your private property, and as such you can certainly BAN trespassers that pollute it with garbage thrown onto your property!

    I’ve already got IT so agitated that IT was reduced to resort to profanity — LOL.

    “Jim says: July 5, 2012 at 6:44 pm Yeah Doug, your little pussy fanboys…”.

    This is sufficient to ban this subhuman from any forum.

    1. Doug, it’s supporters like Surfisher why Paul got his a$$ handed to him at the polls. It’s a shame neither Paul or you have any leadership ability to keep them in check and behave in a civilized manner. Or does Dr Paul openly call those he disagrees with ‘human trash’ on the House floor?

    2. So where does it say “official Ron Paul support site”? Nowhere. You simply took it over like that Austrian guy. Just one of many many things your (astroturf) movement has in common with him. Fact is back in April 2009 ole’ Dougie himself doubted Ron Paul could win unless “70% of the middle class lost it’s wealth.” Doesn’t sound like he has much confidence does it? But hey he’s on the payroll so he’ll spin until the end just to keep making a few $ off rubes such as yourself.

    3. Mitt Romney Lies on Everything…except that he’ll do what his money raisers tell him to do!

      Minute 2:30 till 2:42 — Mitt’s recorded words: “To get that kind of money… you need to cozy up to All the Special Interest Groups, so they can go out and raise money for you (me) from all their members. That kind of relationship has an INFLUENCE the way you (me) is gonna vote!”
      In plain words — Perfidy Mitt has no problem lying to All Americans (since the controlled media will hardly report it), but MAKES SURE that his Financial Masters are AWARE that he’ll DO WHATEVER THEY WANT HIM TO DO TO AMERICA…as long as they give him enough money to get him elected as President!
      From minute 2:43 till 3:05 —

      Plastic Mitt supports the Federal Reserve Board, and states that Ben SHALOM Bernanke is doing a good job: “And it’s important the have the Feds as an independent Agency…I do not think The, The, The, The” —

      (here is were poor Mitt displays his weak mind, by trying to figure out which lie is best for the moment, his dullard brain shuts down and he begins to STUTTER…until what he believes is the most palatable lie enters his skull) —

      “I do not think The, The, The, The….the Congress in the United States trying to pull strings at the Fed.”

      Wow, The Mitt sounds like a NWO Child sucking on the Bilderberg’s tit — and NOT like an American!

      And Now, for the BIG Question — why is the GOP Establishment committing POLITICAL SUICIDE by breaking all their rules, and committing blatant election fraud across our Nation, to get this UNELECTABLE Mitt Creature nominated?

  31. Was this video photo-shopped — or is it true that Israel’s Flag was displayed next to the US Flag? To which Nation is Wisconsin’s GOP pledging allegiance?

    See the Jewish Flag at 1:10; at 1:13; afterwards the camera won’t pan to the right to show the Israeli Flag on the podium, and then the puppet reporter (Kent Wainscott) covers it with his bulbous empty head.

      1. Ahh, you mean to refer to the Apartheid State…One in which a Jewish patriot like Uri Avnery served in Israeli military, but got disgusted & was SHUT OUT (just like Ron Paul) when he exposed all fascist establishment hypocrisy?!?! That one?


      2. American taxpayers should all be CHEERFUL & SUBSERVIENT paying their share of Federal taxes, so that the fascist IDF gets their dough. US taxpayers MUST subsidize FASCISM of Israeli military. IT IS OUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TO SUPPORT FASCISM!!!

        Rachel Corrie of Olympia, Washington BUTCHERED by FASCIST IDF by driving a bulldozer over the woman’s body.

        Rachel Corrie, spirit of the girl from near Seattle lives on!

        Takes a Jewish Patriot like Uri Avnery who himself served in Israeli army & realized FASCIST foundations of IDF to eventually start exposing them to know the truth.

        In addition to the killing of Rachel Corrie by the bulldozer driver, Israeli troops have shot and killed several other internationals in different incidents during the Intifada: German doctor Harald Fischer, Italian cameraman Rafaeli Ciriello, and British United Nations worker Iain Hook.

        FASCISM will always be defeated in the end by LIBERTY!!!

    1. I see now why this was not photo-shopped — but actually the Israeli Flag was displayed in opposite of the US Flag at this Wisconsin GOP sheep’s’ bleating.

      Watch how a near record of 29 standing ovations by the US Congress was set, during the May 2011 speech of the US Commander-and-Chief …President Netanyahu…..

      Make this Viral!


  32. Wait, if I become an ordained minister, I can opt out of Social Security for the rest of my life?

  33. Doug — you have this subnuman “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

    After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum NOW — not a place where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

    Doug, this blog is your private property, and as such you can certainly BAN trespassers that pollute it with garbage thrown onto your property!

    I’ve already got IT so agitated that IT was reduced to resort to profanity — LOL.

    “Jim says: July 5, 2012 at 6:44 pm Yeah Doug, your little pussy fanboys…”.

    This is sufficient to ban this subhuman from any forum.

    1. Surfisher, ya know, I really don’t think you should ban people unless they’re resorting to threats. In business I deal with morons and idiots all the time and you just learn to ignore them. Most people know what he is. He does provide a service though, like a canary in the coal mine, he lets us know how desperate they are…Let it be…Peace

      1. Surfisher appears to be embarrassed by the overwhelming support Ron Paul receives from white nationalists. Lew Rockwell, who describes the Ludwig von Misses institute as “just plain Confederate” is the big headliner at PaulFest. These supporters are proud of their race and their Southern heritage and Surfisher wants to marginalize their contributions. Is that running an honest campaign? I think not.

      2. Tom_Derman says “…proud of their race…”

        Screw you, Tom_Derman! Why should I be “proud” of being a member of the Human Race? Are you talking about being proud of my skin color? I’m definitely proud of my Libertarian orientation, because that’s a decision I’ve made based on the observation that Freedom is better than slavery, but to be “proud” of something that’s nothing more than the luck of the draw is really kind of sick.

      3. I have to say, I’m VERY proud of my race AND my southern heritage and ALL people of all races should feel the same…Ron Paul is the ONLY person that can turn this country around. NOBODY who supports RP is embarassed, rather we’re embarassed about people who support the status quo with NO thought for the future…Good Luck with Rmoney…HAHA…ps I was born and raised in Mass, so I’m a Yankee, but my father was born and raised in Mississippi, but we’re PATRIOTS and veterans and we WILL take back OUR country…

      4. You hit on the nail on the head, Jim! How else do you explain how when a guy like TMOT endorses Paul the Doctor’s supporters spam the internet with his videos yet when Don Black endorses Paul people like Surfisher claim it’s ‘antiPaul propaganda’ and demands it be removed?

  34. Uri Avnery (אורי אבנרי) who used to belong to Israeli military blows lid on FASCISM of Israeli government, IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet, Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu.

    Uri Avnery: Warrior for Peace הנדון: אורי אבנרי – חלק

    to be continued…

  35. Uri Avnery (אורי אבנרי) who used to belong to Israeli military blows lid on FASCISM of Israeli government, IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet, Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu.

    Uri Avnery: Warrior for Peace הנדון: אורי אבנרי – חלק

  36. Mitt Romney Lies on Everything…except that he’ll do what his money raisers tell him to do!

    Minute 2:30 till 2:42 — Mitt’s recorded words: “To get that kind of money… you need to cozy up to All the Special Interest Groups, so they can go out and raise money for you (me) from all their members. That kind of relationship has an INFLUENCE the way you (me) is gonna vote!”
    In plain words — Perfidy Mitt has no problem lying to All Americans (since the controlled media will hardly report it), but MAKES SURE that his Financial Masters are AWARE that he’ll DO WHATEVER THEY WANT HIM TO DO TO AMERICA…as long as they give him enough money to get him elected as President!
    From minute 2:43 till 3:05 —

    Plastic Mitt supports the Federal Reserve Board, and states that Ben SHALOM Bernanke is doing a good job: “And it’s important the have the Feds as an independent Agency…I do not think The, The, The, The” —

    (here is were poor Mitt displays his weak mind, by trying to figure out which lie is best for the moment, his dullard brain shuts down and he begins to STUTTER…until what he believes is the most palatable lie enters his skull) —

    “I do not think The, The, The, The….the Congress in the United States trying to pull strings at the Fed.”

    Wow, The Mitt sounds like a NWO Child sucking on the Bilderberg’s tit — and NOT like an American!

    And Now, for the BIG Question — why is the GOP Establishment committing POLITICAL SUICIDE by breaking all their rules, and committing blatant election fraud across our Nation, to get this UNELECTABLE Mitt Creature nominated?

    Make this Viral!


  37. “The Chief” and “Surfisher” Thank you for posting all these videos, it’s good to have them in one place and refresh our memory.

  38. Ron Paul Was Implicated In Failed White Supremacist Island Invasion
    Jan 20, 2012

    By Casey Gane-McCalla

    In 1981, a lawyer tried to subpoena Ron Paul to testify in the trial of Don Black, a Grand Wizard for the Ku Klux Klan who would later go on to found the white supremacist, neo-Nazi website, Stormfront. Black was charged along with two other Klansmen with planning to violently overthrow the small Caribbean country of Dominica in what they called “Operation Red Dog.” While a judge refused to subpoena Paul, Don Black would come back to haunt him many years later.

    In 1981 a group of American and Canadian white supremacists lead by Klansman and mercenary, Michael (Mike) Perdue planned on taking over a small West Indian country called Dominica by overthrowing the government and Prime Minister Eugenia Charles and restoring its previous prime minister, Patrick Johns into power. The group planned to create an Aryan paradise in Dominica and make money through casinos, cocaine and brothels.

    On the day the group of white supremacists were supposed to travel to Dominica, they were arrested by ATF agents and were found with over thirty automatic weapons, shotguns, rifles, handguns, dynamite, ammunition, a confederate flag and a Nazi flag. The plan would be dubbed “The Bayou Of Pigs” after the failed invasion of Cuba.

    The leader of the group, Michael Perdue, would plead guilty to planning the coup and turned state’s evidence. Perdue would testify that several other people helped organize and fund the coup and that two Texas politicians were aware of the plan. Among those Perdue implicated were infamous white supremacist, David Duke, former Texas Governor, John Connally and Congressman, Ron Paul whom he claimed knew about the plot. Connally was credited with helping Paul win his first congressional election.

    A judge refused to subpoena Paul and Connally despite the fact that Perdue had claimed that both of them were aware of the plot. Don Black’s friend and fellow KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke was called to testify before a grand jury but claimed that he would take the Fifth Amendment and never testified. While Duke was never charged with a crime, several books points to Duke as the organizer who connected Perdue to the other mercenary Klansmen and the people who funded their endeavor. (1 2 3) Everyone else implicated by Perdue was charged with the plot.

    Perdue implicated three men as funders of the plot, L.E. Matthews of Jackson, Mississippi, James C. White of Houston, and David Duke’s close friend and backer, J.W. Kirkpatrick. Kirpatrick would kill himself before he could stand trial and White and Matthews would be acquitted in court. Former Prime Minister of Dominica, Patrick Johns would be sentenced to 12 years in prison for his part of the plot. Michael Perdue, Don Black and seven other Klansmen would be sentenced to only 3 years in prison.

    Ron Paul has never made a statement denying knowledge of the plot despite the fact that he was implicated by Perdue and almost subpoenaed. Two of the people involved in the plot, Don Black and David Duke have gone on to become two of the most prominent white supremacists of the modern era, and also two of Paul’s most controversial supporters.

    Top 10 Racist Ron Paul Friends, Supporters

    Paul would be once again tied to Don Black 26 years after the Bayou Of Pigs. After it was revealed that Black donated $500 dollars to the Ron Paul Presidential campaign, Ron Paul’s campaign refused to give it back. Paul was photographed with Black and his son by David Duke’s former assistant, Jamie Kelso who was an organizer for Ron Paul and the owner of white supremacist sites, and and a moderator for Black’s neo-Nazi website, Stormfront.

    Black would become one of Paul’s most enthusiastic supporters and helped rally the white supremacist community around Paul, through Stormfront. Paul would praise another Operation Red Dog planner, David Duke in his newsletters and Duke would return the favor calling him “our king” and endorsing him for President.

    This would not be the first time Paul was tied to white supremacists. In 80s, Paul claimed that the best source of his campaign donations came from a list from notorious neo-Nazi, Willis Carto’s publication, The Spotlight. In the 90s, Paul’s newsletters were originally discovered from an online neo-Nazi directory. As recently as 2006, Paul was scheduled to appear on David Duke’s white supremacist protégé, James Edwards’ radio show, “The Political Cesspool.”

    Ron Paul’s White Supremacist Radio Connections

    Given the scrutiny given to presidential candidates, shouldn’t Paul’s connection to an attempted violent invasion of a small island by white supremacists be re-investigated. If the media investigates every accusation of affairs or sexual harassment for Herman Cain or Newt Gingrich, shouldn’t they investigate accusations that Paul knew about a white supremacist plot to violently overthrow the government of a small Black island, especially with Paul’s other connections to white supremacists?
    One look no further than the antisemitism expressed by the faithful on Doug Wead’s blog to know who the true Ron Paul supporters are.

  39. sorry, while your demigod may have had a chance in 1930’s Germany in modern America he is what is called in politics “unelectable for a presidential position.” Go back and read older entries to Doug’s blog. Even he has doubted that American’s would ever be willing to elect an “extreme candidate” like Ron Paul unless the Tea Party is successful at destroying “70 % of the middle class.”

  40. Doug — you have this subhuman “Jim” that’s polluting your forum with its anti Ron Paul propaganda. You need to ban this Rmoney shill that is trolling here and have its posts removed!

    After all, this is a Ron Paul support forum NOW — not a place where anti-American Mitt gets to have his humantrash bots shilling!

    Doug, this blog is your private property, and as such you can certainly BAN trespassers that pollute it with garbage thrown onto your property!

    I’ve already got IT so agitated that IT was reduced to resort to profanity — LOL.

    “Jim says: July 5, 2012 at 6:44 pm Yeah Doug, your little pussy fanboys…”.

    This is sufficient to ban this subhuman from any forum.

    1. It doesn’t take long to spot trolls and simply ignore them – Freedom of Speech includes the right to be as much of an obnoxious idiot as one wishes; then it’s your choice if you want to be a trollfeeder.

      1. Rich Grise —

        Correct, one should never respond DIRECTLY to a Troll (since it feeds IT), but start a new thread!

        Freedom Of Speech is guaranteed in Public ONLY — so, let this skunk get on a soapbox in a park and decry its stupidity all it wants.

        However, On PRIVATE Property (such as Doug’s blog is), the Owner of said Domain, GETS to determine WHO is welcomed as a Guest and WHO gets thrown out as unwanted trespassing TRASH!

        It is Doug Wead’s SOVEREIGNTY at Stake — and only he can make this decision, NO ONE Else!

        We can but ASK!

        So, I ask — Doug, will you get this subhuman ‘Jim’ anti-Ron Paul propaganda polluter, that if you run his IP you’ll see IT is a Rmnoney shill PAID TO DO DAMAGE TO THE LIBERTY CAUSE, Removed, Banned, from here?!

  41. Mitt Rmoney Lies on Everything…except that he’ll do what The Money Lenders, that finance his campaign, tell him to do!

    Pay attention to this video — by the minute count shown below!

    Minute 2:30 till 2:42 — Mitt’s recorded words: “To get that kind of money… you need to cozy up to All the Special Interest Groups, so they can go out and raise money for you (me) from all their members. That kind of relationship has an INFLUENCE the way you (me) is gonna vote!”
    In plain words — Perfidy Mitt has no problem lying to All Americans (since the controlled media will hardly report it), but MAKES SURE that his Financial Masters are AWARE that he’ll DO WHATEVER THEY WANT HIM TO DO TO AMERICA…as long as they give him enough money to get him elected as President!
    From minute 2:43 till 3:05 —

    Plastic Mitt supports the Federal Reserve Board, and states that Ben SHALOM Bernanke is doing a good job: “And it’s important the have the Feds as an independent Agency…I do not think The, The, The, The” —

    (here is were poor Mitt displays his weak mind, by trying to figure out which lie is best for the moment, his dullard brain shuts down and he begins to STUTTER…until what he believes is the most palatable lie enters his skull) —

    “I do not think The, The, The, The….the Congress in the United States trying to pull strings at the Fed.”

    Wow, The Mitt sounds like a NWO Disciple sucking on the Bilderberg’s tit — and NOT like an American!

    And Now, for the BIG Question — why is the GOP Establishment committing POLITICAL SUICIDE by breaking all their rules, and committing blatant election fraud across our Nation, to get this UNELECTABLE Mitt-flip-flopping Creature nominated?
    Here is my answer (post your take if you disagree):

    The GOP Creatures In Power are NO LONGER RATIONAL — but, as a wounded and cornered Beast, they are lashing out; clawing, biting, spitting and fighting to survive.

    In this mode of self-preservation, no thought of consequences is used, only the instinct for survival has kicked in!

    Should Ron Paul win, their meal ticket would be over! So what difference if they also get sued eventually. (Lose-lose).

    Should they succeed in their desperate fight for survival, than all their heinous actions will be taken care of by their own. (Win-win Mitt Creature).

    Therefore, expect ever increasing atrocities during the upcoming Conventions — especially in Tampa —- the more desperate this Animal becomes, the more vicious its attacks will be!

    Make this Viral!


  42. Interesting name — is this an indication of Things To Come — the End of the USA?

    Ben SHALOM Bernake — as in the Jewish ‘Shalom’…Hello and Good Bye (America, we will always own you financially)….?

    p.p.s. All chairmen of the FED since 1913 till Now are CONFIRMED Jews…does this tell us something?

  43. Let’s see what the score is:
    Democratic Union=1
    Confederate “Republic” = 0

    The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.

  44. what ? No claims Dear Leader will live for 5,000 years? Retirement age in America is 65. Seriously you all should be ashamed at pushing him to run at age 76 instead of letting him enjoy his golden years relaxing with his family and tending to his garden. Especially Doulas “I’m gonna get mine” Wead , who as campaign adviser has the power to let the Dr. do just that but out of Wead’s sheer greed he will instead push the Good Doctor into the grave if it means another shiny nickle for Dougie.

  45. Welcome to Comrade Stalin’s America!!!

    Thomas Jefferson & Ben Franklin are jumping in joy!!!

    Our friendly neighborhood ISPs like Comcast, Time Warner and more will start gleefully spying on all of us in 3 more days! They will do this to build FASCIST intelligence gathering database on ALL of us. Because ALL US citizen are troublemakers & terrorists & HAVE to be kept under watchful prying eyes. The big government is going to keep us all secure. Makes us all feel so warm & fuzzy inside to know that the government is looking after our interests.

    1. Let’s all get up & generously thank this fellow FASCIST Congressman Mike Rogers from Michigan. What a great job he’s doing for his countrymen/women by promising to build bigger spying databases on all!

      Comrade Stalin gone, but his spirit not forgotten. He must be extremely pleased at his devout disciples.

      And in case you’re feeling left-out, don’t worry…Obama administration spending $45 million laying high tech fiber optic cables between Florida & Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. AND revamping all torture/communication infrastructure at Guantanamo, so it could be used to indefinitely detain/torture our children/grandchildren without court trials till eternity!

      Oh yum, yum, yum…..the SWEET taste of fascism & tyranny!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Masters Stalin & Trotsky for making American congressmen/women/Senators realize how worthless US Constitution is & MUST be destroyed!!

      Let’s all gather in line & shell out our Federal tax dough very eagerly….’cause they need it urgently to impose tyranny on us.

      Won’t you spare your dough please, so you could be exploited & your children could be sent to DIE in wars in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan & Iran…so that the Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citi, JP Morgan executives would get duly rich based on their speculations for energy resources in those countries?

  46. Here is what has been Scripted by the Controllers (that OWN both the BO and Rmoney) to transpire in the Presidential Election:

    Plan A — “Let’s have the masses think they’ve won a victory by having Rmoney win, and getting rid of the BO”. This will calm down these Cockroaches (the Bilderberg’s name for the American People) and we can proceed to further take over their nation while they are celebrating the removal of the Kenyan.

    Plan B — “Hey, Americans, you did your best to elect Republican Mitt, but he was just shy of a victory. So, the BO got reelected fair-and-square despite your valiant efforts”. And we keep on raping America uninterrupted.

    How to achieve it publicly, to be palatable to the masses (aside their FIX of electronic voting machines):

    Spin the controlled media to report one day that the Mitt is leading, then a few days later that the BO is. Keep that Merry-go-Round spinning in the “news” till the cockroaches get hooked on it. Soon, they’ll start betting on the outcome.

    Near perfect planning for a Win-Win for The Enemies of the American People.

    One problem though — Ron Paul stands Strong and Incorruptible in these Subhuman Creatures’ WAY!

    One Patriot, The ONLY TRUE PATRIOT this Nation has in Office today — Congressman Ron Paul — has lit the Spark of an Intellectual Revolution for all to embrace! It’s meaning is as simple as a Universal Truth can be: “FREEDOM!”

    And the followers of FREEDOM are growing daily by numbers — and no matter what the Criminals-In-Power do to US (or to Ron Paul), we will surpass them in numbers eventually, and we will END Them For Good (never to show their subhuman shills in OUR Nation again)!

    To All REAL AMERICANS, i.e. Ron Paul supporters — wait till Tampa (and especially the day After) — and you’ll see SOMETHING to Remember!

  47. American taxpayers:

    Be GLAD your tax dollars are being spent building up a facility where your children & grandchildren can be detained indefinitely for their lives & tortured AND

    They will have no hope of getting access to any legal due process.

    Yipppeee!! Such a wonderful feeling with an assurance knowing about possibility of indefinite detention & the US Constitution doesn’t mean SQUAT anymore.

  48. Nebraska GOP Mafia has vowed that on the 14th of July they’ll do WHATEVER it takes to have Ron Paul Supporters SILENCED! See the strong-arm tactics these creatures have already set in motion to cheat Ron Paul of Delegates :

    Contact Lawyers4RP, Ron Paul’s Campaign — and ALL that are needed to go to Nebraska and assure that NO CHEATING against Real Americans is done, again!

    Spread this like wildfire!

    P.S. Doug, hope you’ll do your best to alert Ron Paul’s Campaign!

  49. I thought that our Federal lawmakers didn’t pay into Social Security, so they don’t have a reason to “fix it”! Ron Paul must be collecting on what he paid into as an physician on private practice. Correct me if I am wrong, but during the Clinton administration, I requested info that his office had complied on Social security so I could host community group meetings on how to reform and save SS. It was then that I learned our legislators don’t have to pay into the SS system, since they have their own “elitist” retirement for which they DON’T pay.

      1. Doug — (like SS will exist in a couple of years after the BO destroys our economy in his GUARANTEED next 4 years of Dictatorship)! Funny post…LOL.

        Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
        (there are no other options!)

        All REAL Americans, and ALL People around the world— that believe in Liberty, Peace, Prosperity, Honesty, Truth, Goodness and Self-determination —are for Ron Paul.

        President Paul wants to save our Nation and heal the World, and desires nothing for himself — making him a True Patriot (unlike the megalomaniacs that want The Presidency, so they can get a bigger pie, and engorge themselves further at the people’s expense — marking them as Leeches on the path to suck US dry)!

        Ron Paul has awoken the Sleeping Giant that is We, The People! We are growing in numbers and our voice is no longer distant thunder — but a Roaring Storm that’s approaching and eventually will wipe out the PUPPETEERS that have stolen Our Nation!

        We are the MANY, while the Criminals in Power, that want to control us, are the FEW (and their subhuman squeals are getting weaker)!



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