Evangelicals turn to Ron Paul

In the wake of Senator Rick Santorum’s departure from the presidential race there are signs that some evangelical leaders are refusing to jump on board the Mitt Romney bandwagon and are turning to Congressman Ron Paul  instead.  The Texas congressman spoke to several thousand people last night at the Will Rogers Auditorium in downtown Fort Worth but met quietly afterward with evangelical leaders.

Why Ron Paul?  And why now, when the race is being declared “done” by the main stream media?

“Because you don’t give away your support without getting something in return,” says a former congressman who has been at the heart of the Christian right movement since its beginning.   The longer that Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich stay in the race, the more likely that Romney will be forced to take a evangelical conservative as his vice presidential nominee.

Why not turn to Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Catholic who is a former Southern Baptist, with views that resonate with evangelicals?

“If we had to do it over again, we should have gone with Gingrich,” one of Santorum’s supporters told me today.  But if we switch to Gingrich now we risk another drop out.”  The former Speaker reportedly has debts of $ 4.2 million and has asked the Romney campaign for help in retiring them.  Romney reportedly declined.

Meanwhile, the Ron Paul campaign, with cash on hand, has begun airing television ads in Texas and launches another moneybomb this weekend.

“I have one question for you,” one of the ministers reportedly said in the private meeting last night with Dr. Ron Paul, “Are you going to drop out?  Or will you stay in all the way to Tampa?”

“I’m in,” the Texan replied.

“That’s all I need to know,” the minister said.

The evangelical community began reaching out to Dr. Paul almost immediately after Senator Rick Santorum dropped out of the presidential race.  Yesterday, Pastor Steven Andrew of USA Christian Ministries announced his support of the congressman, calling for a day of prayer and fasting.  Andrew released a statement saying that, “After Santorum, Ron Paul is the most God-fearing Presidential candidate [and] the Republican party should endorse him.”  Andrew said that “If Republicans don’t give a Christian candidate, Christians should look elsewhere – even to a third party.”

The Christian Wire service ran an article yesterday saying that Christians like the fact that Ron Paul “opposes tyranny, would cut the deficit and is prolife.”

A prominent television evangelist , speaking on the promise of anonymity, says that there was great disappointment in Rick Santorum’s withdrawal from the race.  “No one faults a man for being a good father, and dropping out to take care of a child, but it hurts many of us very deeply.  We were counting on him to lead our cause.”

Foster Freiss, the Wyoming billionaire who financed the Santorum Super Pac, has publicly said he will now help Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are skeptical of any of their brethren who are now pledging to Romney.  “They are trotting out the same old bought and paid for names, Richard Land and Jay Sekulow, and acting like they are new.”  A Gingrich supporter who is quite vocal about his disappointment with the Santorum campaign suspects that evangelical leaders who supported Santorum, did so in return for donations to their nonprofit organizations.  “They will now try to repeat the same thing with Romney and are already in the news laying the foundation for their appeal.  It is appalling.”

But the rank and file evangelicals are not for sale and many seeking an end to the corruption in Washington see Ron Paul, a born again Christian, as their best voice of protest and the best way to force
Romney to deal with them.

Steve Scheffler, president of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition and a GOP national committeeman, is dumbfounded that the Romney’s campaign had so far made no effort to reach out to evangelicals.

“The presidential race is likely to be truly competitive,” Mr. Scheffler said, “in about a dozen states, including Iowa, and the Republicans will need to motivate people to volunteer at calling centers and put up signs. I don’t think there’s much room for error.”

Meanwhile, the Ron Paul people continue to fill the vacuum.  In Iowa they are helping Scheffler and other Santorum people get re-elected to their positions.  They can afford to be generous, they have everything else.

Says Brian Jacobs, a former consultant to Billy Graham and to evangelical leaders such as Kenneth Copeland, “Ron Paul is a born again Christian who is untainted by this corruption that has engulfed Washington.  It should be no big surprise that evangelicals are discovering him.”

Ron Paul speaks to 3,000 at Will Rogers Auditorium, Ft. Worth, Texas, 4/11/12.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

150 thoughts on “Evangelicals turn to Ron Paul

    1. Dear Mr. Wead,

      Cleaner44 said it best, “This nomination is very winnable. The only people I meet that support Romney are doing so simply because they think he is the only chance to beat Obama. They don’t like him and aren’t excited about voting for him, they just assume they have no other choice.”

      not even Romney’s big name GOP endorsements are excited to back him! Goal #1 is to show Ron Paul as the strongest one to take down Obama, people will come our way! Especially with Obama’s campaign exposing Romney.

      1. I agree with you but we have allrady been there./.we need to move beyond this
        …the key is california…Dr Paul has to come to california and declare his viability!!!! He has to want to be President…the candidate has to show up here and state he can win…the biggest reason is Romney is a phony. He has never once admitted that wall streeet and the banks have shown themselves to be corupt!! …they got the bailouts and still use half measures to help the victims of the financial crisis..the banks are the reasoin america is going down hill..Romney is a wall street guy…so we are going to vote for a guy from the industry that destroyed america???? how stupid the american people!!!

  1. Please get Pastor Jacobs out there in the Christian and Conservative media!!:)

    And yes I’m a broken record!:)

  2. I have been somewhat involved with nonprofits for quite sometime, in various roles. Almost all churches are nonprofits. I wish there was a way to convey, that a falling dollar will be brutal to organizations that rely on donations.

    As the value of the dollar falls, prices go up (but wages typically remain stagnant). The sad result for charitable orgs is that donations go down because donors are trying to pay ever-increasing bills. The problem is compounded because as donations go down, the value of the donations they do receive is also going down (while their expenses rise because of price increases).

    Charitable organizations can’t just “up production” or “raise product prices”, because the product is public benefit through charitable efforts. The falling dollar will impact all nonprofits, like those that feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide health services, rescue animals, etc.

    All charitable orgs, especially churches, should become aware of the economic crisis we face 9and already suffer under) and strive for leadership that will actually do something about reducing government spending and stabilize the dollar. A sound dollar is good for business, but also very important for charities.

    Serving public benefit shouldn’t be “just about money” but without sound money, charities will fall. Churches face a potential crisis (probably sooner than later) unless something is done soon to fix the dollar.

    1. The non-profits are mostly churches..they just need to get their members to contribute more time and effort to their respective causes and maybe negate some of the cost, or even raise funds thru raffles and bingo or whatever method they are compfortable with. Thats what good christians can do in these trying times.

      1. Sometimes the falling dollar can be negated with creative fundraising, but if it crashes and everyone is truly hurting, everyone suffers including nonprofits.

        Best chance, elect leaders who are aware of the problems, offer solutions and transparent enough to discuss these problems. In other words, Dr Paul.

        BTW, there’s a LOT of nonprofits besides churches. While “advocacy only” nonprofits can hunker down, those offering true services to the public with large overhead, will suffer. Fix the money, fix the problem.

        Money changes everything,, sound money fixes everything.

      2. Excellent point, Ted. You should pass this on to everyone you know- and I know that my points, regarding Paul being what all of my friends looked up to as children, when looking at Republicans and what they were supposed to be, has changed quite a few to the Paul camp.
        Money, in the form of stabilized or fiat money, will matter more to charities, including churches, than anything else. I think most church leaders would comprehend this fact, if presented to them. This would bring hoards of people to the Paul side.
        Why not?
        What would RomNot (or the known liar, Obama) bring to the charitable table? Nothing, I am sure.

  3. This nomination is very winnable. The only people I meet that support Romney are doing so simply because they think he is the only chance to beat Obama. They don’t like him and aren’t excited about voting for him, they just assume they have no other choice. We must keep working and help people understand this isn’t over by a long shot.

    May I plug my wordpress site that I created purely to promote Ron Paul type candidates? It is Liberty Candidates United at http://libertycandidatesunited.wordpress.com/

    There are no ads and I recieve no compensation. I am just doing what I can to help spread the word about the next generation of Ron Pauls.

      1. I don’t understand your second statement. If you meant to include “beat,” perhaps you have not been keeping up? In one of the most recent polls, Paul did better than Romney in the general electorate and would pull far more independents than Obama. Also, your inclusion of “LOL” after every statement just makes you sound silly and somewhat damages your credibility. Just some advice for the future, tex2.

      2. You don’t understand Ben, Tex is a troll. He is at all of Doug’s blog posts flooding and trolling. I think he’s like 12 years old or something. I wish Doug would ban him. He has a WP account, I have friends at WP. Maybe I’ll see about his account status

      3. Yes, I meant beat. LOL

        Like a drum. LOL

        A combination of polls shows Romney beats RP against Barry. LOL

        I don’t care about your “advice.” LOL

        Yes, a 12 year old is making all of you look like FOOLS. LOL

        By all means check with WP, I have friends there too. LOL

  4. 3,000 in Fort Worth! Does he draw less than 1,000 any more? This race is alive. They are trying soo haard to ignore Ron Paul and coronate Romney. C’mon evangelicals, you can do it. Put it together! r3VOLution! End the FED! Let’s throw the money changers out of the temple!

      1. Yeah, maybe not. But in that case, Romney must be tanking because I really don’t think he draws thousands, and he never had 8500 at a rally. I see that you like Mitt Romney, but please…try to think.

      2. In that case, RP must be tanking because I really don’t think he draws many votes, look at the votes, RP gets 5-10% of the vote, and he never won a single primary. LOL

        I see that you like RP, but please…try to think. LOL

      3. RP may not get the votes but his supporters are smart enough to know how to become delegates. Romney may win the beauty contest but he sure won’t get the nomination at the Convention. Unless the GOP keeps up the shenanigans of counting votes behind closed doors, rescheduling caucus dates or “losing votes” like they did in Iowa.

    1. You know, too; in that room, 3000 means it was PACKED!
      I’m signed on to a couple of events, coming up in Austin, within the month, and I could not be more excited for the invites I’ve received.
      Some little idiot here will be happy to know I have been invited to the TX GOP Convention.., and will be attending!

      1. Good for you, but the race is over, Romney has it locked up. If you amateurs think you can out-think the professionals, and do it on an open blog…just too funny. LOL

      2. RfC,

        The Romney campaign doesn’t have to mess with RP’s campaign, they just have to let RP keep talking. LOL


        I think it was about 10:38 pm yesterday, central time. LOL

  5. There is not one doubt in my mind who to vote for and that is Ron Paul. He is the only candidate who is even for Americans. The others are for everybody except Americans. How any of these other candidates can even be considered for the job is beyond me. The others want to continue to tax and spend, give our borrowed money to other countries, police the world at our expense, control our every move from craddle to grave, treat us like idiots who can not take care of ourselves without there constant vigilance, strengthen the already giant monopolies of the media, hollywood, banking, federal reserve, defense machine,and retail prices of everything, for the wealthy elite.Our country has been taken over by outsiders who do not have our best interest in mind. Israel has more power in our country than all the teachers associations of america put together. Inorder to run for a major office you must have the blessings of the american israel political action group or there media will exclude you as being unelectable and proceed to destroy you in the eyes of the voters. You have only to look at what they did to president carter when he came out with his book about “the truth” how Israel is mistreating the palestinians. ..He was attacked by the american media from all sides, which is proof enough for me to be in favor of immediate break up of our media monopoly with redistribution of stations to insure freedom of speech for all. Ron Paul is the only candidate who has not agreed to attack Iran at the demand of Israel. Therefore he is considered unelectable by the media and all the people who live by the word of the media. If the jews want peace , they should agree to give up there atomic bombs in exchange for Iran stopping there atomic adventures. If either country needs atomic energy for utilities, they should be allowed to buy atomic power plants from the major powers, with the main goal being to do away with atomic weapons as soon as possible for all. The day of aggression must be over for all and we must learn to be happy with what we have and never covet what our neighbor has

  6. You see, Doug, this is exactly where I went, too, as soon as I heard Santorum had dropped out. I happen to know what Southern (and Northern) Evangelicals feel. I used to be one of them; both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. And, I know that religion is very important to them.
    In general, these people will go with other Christians (and many do not believe Catholics rank exactly as Christians). When given the choice between two Catholics and a Mormon? The Mormon will always lose out. When it’s two Catholics– one who’s lived his faith and the other what we call a “lapsed” Catholic, it will always be the faithful Catholic who garners the support.
    So, what do Evangelicals have left? A Mormon, who’s not exactly been a decent human being, especially in regard to business.., a Catholic in name, only, and Ron Paul- a Baptist, which surely qualifies as a Christian. Had the looked sooner into Ron Paul, I am sure they would have gone with him from the outset. And, surely the media believed the same. So the media began the ridiculous black-out of Ron Paul (and it continues today). It’s no longer just the long-term Ron Paul folk that are seeing this. Those who’ve essentially been pushed out of from the “good Catholic” side by Santorum’s dropping out, see the way Paul’s been derided and ignored,, and they don’t like it.
    The other day, I said: I predict Santorum cannot win because his name is STILL a misspelling in Windows (when you type it in, the red line of misspelling shows up). I now predict that, within the next two weeks, if Gingrich cannot get the Paul camp to help with the bills, he will also drop out. We can be “nice” and help him. Perhaps we will. But, I think he would have to, minimally, whine about being ignored by the MSM- not only for himself, but also on behalf of Ron Paul. And, Gingrich would have to throw HIS support behind Ron Paul.
    Will it happen? Maybe. (HE’s been proven to do just about anything for a buck.) Or, he won’t, and he will have to find some other way to pay his bills. Either way, Gingrich will be out long before this great state of Texas votes. I’m happy for that!
    One thing I know, for sure is this: you should never discount the Religious Vote, and the importance of same. I think Ron Paul really doesn’t need worry about that. Even if Paul does not wear his religion on his sleeve (like Gingrich or RomNot), he does carry it in his heart– which matters to a LOT of people in these United States!

      1. M W Baumeister,
        You are a disgrace to humanity for bringing up the Confederacy and therefore a supporter of slavery, which you so brazenly use and that is no laughing matter. LOL

  7. Doug, called pastors in Dallas/Fort Worth area to let them know about RP speaking at coliseum. How many showed afterwards? Many of them had previous commitments/out of town. There was a good feeling that since santorum dropped out, people did not put up such a quick defense when they heard RP’s name. Get some rest.

  8. Why doesn’t Doug ban this troll, Text2? He’s just trying to give everyone a hard time. If he replies to anything, just IGNORE it 😛

  9. Far out, Man….let’s all smoke a joint or two, then sit down and read the Bible! While some of Ron Paul’s domestic agenda is laudable, at the end of the day, he is a crackpot, devastating to the family designed by God in Genesis, and devastating to our nation’s survival in a dangerous world. This man does not understand Islam. I know I’ll get pummeled by angry Paul supporters, so I will say in advance that I will not reply to them.

    1. Thanks, in advance, for not replying.

      The current situation is “devastating to the family designed by God in Genesis”.

      Boo! There’s a terrorist under your bed. Maybe you should hire a TSA agent to stand guard.

    2. Please point to the part of the Gospels where Jesus advocates endless war against people thousands of miles away, dropping depleted uranium on countries that causes birth defects, and starting wars with countries that haven’t attacked us.

  10. Oh, and to add to my earlier comment, I am not at all happy about Romney being the de facto candidate. I guess I’m holding out a slim hope of a conservative candidate arising from an open convention, if Romney doesn’t get sufficient delegates before the convention.

  11. Eric Dondero, who is Jewish, and a former Ron Paul congressional and campaign aide, insists that Paul is neither racist nor an anti-Semite, but he did say the following:

    Dondero said:
    “…He [Paul] wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations. His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs.”

    And I will bless those who bless you,
    And the one who curses you I will curse.
    And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
    Genesis 12:3 (NASB)

    1. Jim says RP is on the money. Israel is a loaded, loose cannon on a pitching ship, controlled by ashkenazi jews. We should treat israel no differently than any other underdeveloped nation. Their govt. is incapable of existing w/o billions from us taxpayers. Blind support for israel? try 370 members of OUR Congress. Follow the money! and….wake up. RP 2012. The AK jews controll our banks, all media, government and our universities! Israel,s false flags: USS L iberty 1967, 911, London7/07, underware bomber,and many other attempts to get us to fight their wars. The Safridic Jews are the only ones with blood ties to the tribes.
      The Ashkenazis come from Kazaria(Russia) and were declared jews by their king around 750AD.The holocaust is a big lie. israel commits genocide every day in Palestine. They are worse than the Nazis and are not held accountable by anyone(Goldstone Report)…our Congress denied it! Tell you something??

  12. Santorum dropped out cause he knew there was a good chance he could lose in his own state and the party establishment run by the antirepublican new world order Bush family probably gave their get out now or you will be toast speech!!! the reality is the republican establishment is run still by the Bush family…When Romney got his endorsement, it sent a signal that it will be more of the same!! more war…more trade deficits… more control….less freedom and more money for the haves!!! no fixing of wall street and the banks..just more propaganda..less truth…and deception…

    but the real significance of santorum dropping out is will Dr Paul show that he can lead??? will his campaign take this opportunity and carry the ball???? California is still up for grabs and if Dr Paul wants to be taken seriously, he has to stake the claim!!! he has to come to California and fight the Bush Romney choice and put himself before the voters…he has to declare that if he were to win California, he can win the election!!! This will take some new thinking from you Mr Doug Weed and Jesse..???? do you have a plan to win Califoria?

    the message is this…Which candidate can articulate who caused the economic crisis…which candidate can truly fix the system..When America elected a former head of the CIA to become President, it didn’t work out so well…when president Clinton and Alan Greenspan gave Citibank and exclusion to Glass Steagle it didn’t work out so well….and when George Bush laid the foundation for the economic crisis and Obama santioned it,the American people suffered…and still suffer from a process that is based on lies!!! it still is a rigged game…The Dallas fed president even knows the truth…It is time the republican party admits their mistakes…and fix the sytem!!!

    We don’t have to end the fed….we have to fix it!!! and let’s make the Treasury the most powerful organization when it comes to protecting us and our money!!!!!!

    1. Ron Paul has never led, what makes you think he can start now? LOL

      There is no plan to win California, or Texas for that matter. They are not caucus states. LOL

      But, we HAVE to end the Fed. We recently learned the chant…END THE FED, END THE FED, END THE FED. LOL

  13. It is apparent most of ya’ll don’t understand the worst “enemy”, the “electronic voting box,” has been used against Ron Paul, along with other illegal cheating tactics at caucuses by those who are within the sellout GOP whom serve the New World Order. Only Ron Paul will defeat their tyranny Agenda 21/ UN undermining of our freedom, private property rights, Constitution, Bill of Rights, economy, monetary system, and sovereignty as individuals and, as a nation!!! EMND THE FED, THE BEAST OF JEKYLL ISLAND, LIBERTY DEFINED are essential reading/listening to realize the implementation is at local, state, national, & international levels. We, the People, must Push Forward, and Never Draw Back!!! Amen!

  14. Attention — all good people here — DO NOT respond in ANY WAY to the #2 that pollutes this Forum.

    It is most likely a 300+lb, 30+ year-old, pimply “teenager” that lives in Mum’s basement. Its only life consists of non-stop driveling net postings, with short breaks crawling up the stairs to raid mom’s refrigerator.

    A sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good!

  15. Contact Ann Romney — (Ann Romney now is on Twitter and got a gazillion followers in just hours. Her first tweet was a keeper: “I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.”)

    Contact her — since she seems to have more brains than Mitt, and tell her how to handle her husband (so he does not become just a laughable historical footnote).


    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt — WITHDRAW IN FAVOR OF RON PAUL, AND PLEDGE YOUR TOTAL SUPPORT FOR HIM — that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History (becoming the 21st Century Savior of America by your sacrifice)! Surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it (over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

    1. That really sounds nice, but he’ll never do it. And honestly he will never see it. Do you think he checks the internet himself??? Maybe to watch a stupid cat video but other then that probably not. He get’s reports from his advisors and he’ll listen to them so even if he magically somehow saw this, he wouldn’t believe it. He’s as brainwashed from the establishment and media as his voters. You get a bunch of free money and everyone saying you’re the guy you’ll never listen. Puppets don’t think for themselves. Now, I’m not saying don’t do it. But I think we need to go with more effective ideas that will have a better ROI then pleading to someone that will never see it and even if he did wouldn’t care. 4 star hotels, secret service protection, talking to the media all the time, getting exposure, it’s like a drug to these people. So even if they don’t win it’s a blast of epic fun for these types of personalities. Sure they want to win…but really they win no matter what. Maybe political suicide… but he can just get back in the investment game. Just my thoughts right now, don’t really know how accurate it is.

  16. Why isn’t this Tex2 banned yet? It’s horribly annoying to go through these posts and see the same troll respond to each one. Doug (or any other admin) ban them already. I understand freedom of speech and all, but it’s ruining every one of your posts.

    1. BanTex2Already —

      The #2 is most likely a 300+lb, 30+ year-old, pimply “teenager” that lives in Mum’s basement. Its only life consists of non-stop pernicious net postings, with short breaks crawling up the stairs to raid mom’s refrigerator.

      A sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good!
      We don’t want it banned from posting here — It is kept around as the Forum’s Court Jester (for amusement purposes only).

      1. actually tex2 is probably a shill for another campaign or the fascists in control. If you go to a lot of RP related blogs there are trolls just like tex2 all over them, seems like an organized demoralization effort, too bad it is backfiring, its more or less just getting people revved up to stick it to assholes like tex there.

    2. Why am I not banned? Because I am exercising my Constitutional right of free speech, and other bloggers here have thanked me for another view, rather than just the RP sycophants posting their BS. LOL

      1. The constitution does give you rights for freedom of speech in someone’s personal blog. Doug is just being a nice guy,

        I see you in all of his blog posts and you have never said anything of substance. Just stupidity ended with LOL.

        I have also never seen anyone thank you for anything. You’re just a sad troll with no point of view and nothing to add to any discussions other than slander and insults.

      2. You’re stupid. Slander is verbal, libel is written. Where have I libeled ANYBODY? LOL

        You want substance? Then respond to this:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get. LOL

        Actually, a poster recently DID thank me for my comments, because I keep the discussion balanced and made good points, unlike YOU, IDIOT. LOL

  17. People, Ignore tex2. He’s a troll paid by Romny camp. He’s here to disrupt the conversation and distract.

    1. Liberty-or-death —

      No-one of merit pays attention to this little Sciolist (we keep it around as a Court Jester, but NEVER respond to it).

  18. Just think if all Romney supporters (haven’t met one yet, by the way) put as much effort into getting their candidate elected as Tex2 does trolling Doug Wead’s blog about Ron Paul. Then maybe the Romney campaign wouldn’t have to hire college students to post comments on blogs. LOL

    We’re not buying what you’re selling Tex2. LOL

    Obviously everyone here loves Ron Paul, so your efforts are probably not going to bear much fruit. LOL

    In case, you didn’t catch what I’m doing, I’m putting LOL after every line because it apparently adds that emphasis that trolls need to be successful.

    1. LibertyLuke —

      The #2 troll is most likely a 300+lb, 30+ year-old, pimply “teenager” that lives in Mum’s basement. Its only life consists of non-stop pernicious net postings, with short breaks crawling up the stairs to raid mom’s refrigerator.

      A sad case of a shut-in, that spews nothing but bottled up hatred to all that is good!
      We don’t want it banned from posting here — It is kept around as the Forum’s Court Jester (for amusement purposes only).

      1. we definitely get tons of laughs from tex2. LOL
        Its a “case in point” of how silly the Anti-Paul arguement is. LOL

  19. Our Freedoms and Prosperity will End, unless Ron Paul wins the Presidency — the shame is that most good people are too busy working in order to support their families AND a nearly bankrupt IRRESPONSIBLE US Government (so have little time to get involved and follow the logical conclusion if BO or his Copy (no-chance-to-win Mitt) get elected!) Four more years of this will end the USA, not with a Bang, but with a controlled whoosh….

    These working folks can be excused — they are the only ones feeding the Parasites in Power (The Politicos) and the Parasites on Welfare. So have NO TIME to lift their heads from this double yoke placed on them to FEED THE NON-PRODUCERS, and depend on the Guardians (see Plato’s Republic) for their Liberty and Prosperity to be assured. But, the “Guardians”, with the exception of Ron Paul, are nothing but a bunch of self-serving CROOKS!

    Another 4 years of BO (or the other side of the same coin — Mitt), will destroy the USA!

    So, the only question that is pertinent NOW is:

    Why aren’t you out there to assure a Ron Paul Presidency — by all legal means?! Or do you want your children, and grandchildren to FOREVER become SLAVES of the STATE…???

      1. Hey Wally, where’s the Beaver? LOL

        Any supporter of RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul) is welcome to come to my place, let me know when. LOL

        Yeah, we’re scared of the last place candidate. LOL

  20. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

    April 12 2012
    “In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, President Obama and Mitt Romney are tied at 45%. Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern.
    Texas Congressman Ron Paul holds a one-point edge over the president, 44% to 43%. See tracking history for the Republican candidates.”

    If it updates, and is no longer visible at that link:

    1. That’s because they haven’t gone head to head in a campaign. LOL

      The good news is RP won’t win the nomination so it won’t matter. LOL

      1. You should find something else to do with your time Scott E. J. Your shtick is worn out. It’s no one here’s fault you got bamboozled by Amway. Quit blaming the world, suck it up and move on. Ambot, LOL

      2. You should find a clue, KC Ted. LOL

        Your brain is worn out. LOL

        I’m not focusing on Amway, I’m focusing on RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul). LOL

        As far as Amway is concerned, the “suck it up and move on” advice is selfish thinking, so get lost.I’m focused on fixing what’s broke. LOL

      1. Barry would eat RIP’s lunch, and that’s saying something, because Barry is pretty lame by himself. LOL

  21. Ron Paul has done a lot for his beliefs, but evangelicals will support whoever runs against Obama in November.

    If Romney gets the nod, evangelicals will head straight for Romney because in the end, this is our last chance to stop the current President from returning in 2013.

  22. So, apparently this Tex2 character has a beef with Doug about some Amway scam that he got burned on way back when and is obsessive compulsive enough to spam Doug’s blog for the past few years, which is probably grounds for a trip to the insane asylum. But anyway, you can go to tex2’s blog and spam the hell out of it to return the favor LOL! http://texsquixtarblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/talk-to-tex.html

  23. Why do meetings between “groups” and their leaders, and our potential leaders, our potential presidents occur in “secret”?

    Is that not a filthy thought in and of to itself?

    When Americans see U.S. presidential contenders meeting in “secret” with religious factions is this cause for Constitutional alarm?

    What is being hidden they might ask, the people might ask. Is it shame that energizes this secretive cloistering of the political contender and the religious faction, or is it much worse? We will never know except through the innuendo of gossip and undocumented here say, or worse.

    Throughout history, when political leaders meet in “secret” with a religious faction the outcome, historically, is war; the outcome is the mass murdering of children, the mass murdering of women and the mass murdering of men, theft of treasure and plunder, split evenly between the bloody and the “washed” hands. And all with the grace of their God, or god. Must we turn a blind eye to history and believe that the best in our interests is planned in “secret”.

    Is this sort of meeting “quiet”, or is it the sounding of trumpets so loud, and so fierce that walls will tumble?

    Is the use of a phrase like “Christian right”, a terse grouping of Christians, simply an appeal to a special interest?

    Let us discuss force.

    Who are we to say that we might “force” Romney to do anything; and especially to force him to make a decision of the greatest importance to both him, his supporters and the American people in general. Are we snarling attack dogs held on the chains of bent and hairy apes? That smacks of everything that Ron Paul stands against. There is no “forcing” other men and when there is the pride that goeth before fall and the capitulation into the shame that follows is the destruction of the cycle.

    Romney will make the RIGHT choice. Does that sound better? Or must we bluster in arrogance that we will “force”?

    Isn’t that in keeping with the tenants of liberty? And we will set the stage for Romney’s absolute and unencumbered freedom to choose and we will defend that freedom against any entity that might wish to “force” Romney. Isn’t that beautifully Christian and quintescentially American?

    And in turning to Newt Gingrich might we say with accuracy that Newt is simply, former anything on the moon and in the shower?

    So Ron Paul now has promised a member of a religious “group” that he will stay in until Tampa. Are we now to embrace this as a covenant, is that our succor and relief to the strategy of sixes going forward? Do we now balance all on a covenant with a “group”, a “religious group”?

    Will all this talk of prayer, fasting and the “RIGHT God” resonate withe all of the American people or is it the very tar baby that our forefathers warned us so sternly against?

    Should Ron Paul treat the begging of Churches for swill from the political trough the same as he treats any lobbyist? Or should he make promises and covenant once reserved for all, to this “group” and should we be more clear about this lest we be damned with our own conjugations? But let us be clever and witty, let us inform and be forthright, yes?

    Again we see the sooth turn towards talk about Congressman Dr. Ron Paul “forcing” Romney to deal with a segment, a grouping of a religious faction, a goading into “force” and an appeal to “force” and power smacking of weakness and the fall. This, is the road to absolute political destruction serving only to butter the communion wafers of a well defined “group”. This is not the American dialouge, it is the snake slithering into the pews, once again. Let them exercise their contract, their covenant and their agreements without the shadow of innuendo and choir loft gossip. Let them be shown through practice and fruit where the sweet and ripe victory is held fast.

    “Steve Scheffler, president of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition and a GOP national committeeman, is dumbfounded that the Romney’s campaign had so far made no effort to reach out to evangelicals.”

    Well then, perhaps Romney has more modesty about his faith than those who profess for Congressman Dr. Ron Paul.

    Perhaps we should be asking why this is so, rather than quoting another “religious group based on statist borders” why they feel offended or better yet why they feel “dumb” in thier founding.

    I put to you Mr. Wead, could it be that Congressman Ron Paul has not been corrupted by evangelical rightwing Christians? Could it be that 12 term Congressman Dr. Paul, veteran and officer of the armed forces and deliverer of 4,000 baby human beings, could it be that he exercises the moral imperative that his personal contracts with his own creation afford? Could it simply be that Ron Paul is a leader through no fault of his own?

    1. Right wing Christians, really troll? Over 60 % of Catholics voted for ObaMAO, a muslim sympathizer & anti Semitic RACIST. Over 40% of Evangelicals also supported the anti God P OS.

  24. Could it be that Ron Paul made a secret deal to wipe out all Muslim countries in the name of Christ? LOL

    I wouldn’t be too concerned about confusing RIP with being a leader, his or anyone elses’ fault. LOL

  25. Tex2:

    We are certainly deeply appreciative of your 12, undefeated terms in the House of Representatives of the United States of America. Your stamina and perseverance are deeply admired here and everywhere. Men speak of you unceasingly.

    Could it be that Ron Paul simply continues to be what he has always been, equal only to the long years of your proven leadership and genius?

    1. While your post is entertaining, you may want to learn some facts, the below information is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul LOL

      I’ve found RIPtilian attention span to be short, so let me summarize: RIP lost 3 elections; 2 House of Representative elections and a Senate election to an opponent who had just changed from being a Dem, notably RIP’s first statewide election, where he did not deliver half the babies. LOL

      In 1974, incumbent Robert R. Casey defeated him for the 22nd district. President Gerald Ford later appointed Casey to direct the Federal Maritime Commission, and Paul won an April 1976 special election to the vacant office.[18] Paul lost the next regular election to Democrat Robert Gammage by fewer than 300 votes (0.2%), but defeated Gammage in a 1978 rematch, and was reelected in 1980 and 1982.[19] Gammage underestimated Paul’s popularity among local mothers: “I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he practiced, because he’d delivered half the babies in the county. There were only two obstetricians in the county, and the other one was his partner.”[20]
      Paul has served in Congress three different periods: first from 1976 to 1977, after he won a special election, then from 1979 to 1985, and finally since 1997.
      In his early years, Paul served on the House Banking Committee, where he blamed the Federal Reserve for inflation and spoke against the banking mismanagement that resulted in the savings and loan crisis.[21][7] Paul argued for a return to the gold standard maintained by the US from 1873-1933, and with Senator Jesse Helms convinced the Congress to study the issue.[15] He spoke against the reinstatement of registration for the military draft in 1980, in opposition to President Jimmy Carter and the majority of his fellow Republican members of Congress.[22]
      During his first term, Paul founded the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE), a non-profit “think tank” dedicated to promoting principles of limited government and free-market economics.[23]
      Paul proposed term-limit legislation multiple times, while himself serving four terms in the House of Representatives.[22] In 1984, he decided to retire from the House in order to run for the U.S. Senate, complaining in his House farewell address that “Special interests have replaced the concern that the Founders had for general welfare…. It’s difficult for one who loves true liberty and utterly detests the power of the state to come to Washington for a period of time and not leave a true cynic.”[24][25] (On Paul’s departure from the House, his congressional seat was assumed by former state representative Tom DeLay, who would eventually become Speaker of the House.)[26]
      1984 U.S. Senate election

      Main article: United States Senate election in Texas, 1984
      In 1984, Paul campaigned for the U.S. Senate, but lost the Republican primary to Phil Gramm, who had switched parties the previous year from Democrat to Republican.[27] Another candidate of the senatorial primary was Henry Grover, a conservative former state legislator who had lost the 1972 gubernatorial general election to the Democrat Dolph Briscoe, Jr.
      Inter-congressional years

      Following the loss of the 1984 senate race, Paul returned to his obstetrics practice and took part in a number of other business ventures.[7][28] Along with his former congressional chief of staff, Lew Rockwell, Paul founded a for-profit enterprise, Ron Paul & Associates, Inc. (RP&A) in 1984, with Paul serving as president, Rockwell as vice president, Paul’s wife Carol as secretary, and daughter Lori Pyeatt as treasurer.[29] The company published a variety of political and investment-oriented newsletters including Ron Paul Freedom Report and Ron Paul Survival Report, and by 1993 was generating revenues in excess of $900,000.[30][31]
      Paul also co-owned a mail-order coin dealership, Ron Paul Coins, for twelve years with Burt Blumert, who continued to operate the dealership after Paul resumed office in 1996.[32][33] Paul spoke multiple times at the American Numismatic Association’s 1988 convention.[32] He worked with his Foundation for Rational Economics and Education on such projects as establishing the National Endowment for Liberty, producing the At Issue public policy series that was broadcast on the Discovery Channel and CNBC,[23] and continuing publication of newsletters.

  26. Well by golly you are RIGHT about something and finally show us your incredible copy and paste skills, LOL.

    My gosh, if a person who has won 12 races in the House of Representatives contests happens to have lost only ONE, then according to you, no credit is due.

    I admire your tenacity in tearing apart the “winners” in our society, for without you, LOL, we would have no shame and no decency at all.

    You are the star, the guiding light whom we owe our most sincere allegiance, LOL.

    You are magnificent TEX, trutly a genius of GIGANTIC proportions, LOL.

    I stand corrected through your excellence and brilliance sir, LOL.

  27. Ron Paul has issues, especially with his support for Israel. I would much prefer Newt Gingrich over him. If this keeps up, I hope Donald Trump gets into the race – I really think he could beat Obama. He has the hutzpah that the others don’t!!

  28. BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    The #2′s strategy is simply hitting the REPLY button (posting some vitriol), then another REPLY button — thus VIRTUALLY HIJACKING any thread from allowing others to directly respond to the original post.

    PUT a STOP to IT — send Doug the needed message/program to BAN/BLOCK this Shill from his blog!

  29. Tex2 is making intelligent comments, along with HIS/HER brand of humor and providing balance, and though I might receive a lambast followed by LOL, myself, the information is appreciated, at least to check out for accuracy… There is no need to get excited or repress freedom; however, name-calling goes a little far; intelligent insights are WELCOME, name-calling lowering of the highest calling of both sides. <3+WENDY

  30. Vote YES to BAN the “tex2″ creature — your votes will be counted, and submitted to Doug!

    Our Future, as a Free and Prosperous Nation is too precious to ALLOW any Troll, such as the #2 — by its hijacking of all threads— to confiscate this Forum away from us (where Real Americans are trying to converse on what’s best for the US)!

    Voting starts now:

    1) Surfisher — Yes

  31. Doug “IS” Tex2. Doug, you don’t need to use this type of juvenile device to get more activity on your blog. Flame is one thing, but Tex2 really does drag the page down. Contrarian Schmontrarian … but this Tex2 gaming of the blog OUT. It’s beneath you Doug.

  32. Dear Doug Wead,

    How can we have confidence that you are capable of managing Ron Paul’s campaign, when you are unable to manage your own blog?

    On any other Forum the destructive manipulations of “tex2″ would have been removed by a moderator, and the creature banned (regardless how many IP’s it uses, there are programs that can track and block them).

    On this, and even OTHER forums, I’ve read people saying that while they read your blog, they won’t post on it — since they don’t want to be verbally abused by the #2. Their take is: Why bother posting or replying here — the #2 is going to hijack the thread by peppering it with insults and non-sensical multi-replies….

    In the last 30 days, IT has posted more times than the combined total of all other posters (also, ITS total word count exceeds that of the rest)!

    Many good people are leaving your forum because of the above. Unless you take care of it, why should we stay?

    Are you paying attention to the people voting to BAN this waste-of-protoplasm?!

    So far the vote to BAN it from your site is:
    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin

    Awaiting your reply.

    Sincerely, Surfisher

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  33. The evangelicals is where Ron Paul can win it. However, there is a strong current of scoffers in the freedom movement, that I personally feel do not respect the evangenlical block or even if their attitude is not condescending, have no clue as to how to win them.
    Perhaps a little study of the Bible would be appropriate. Ron’s only chance, and probably Americas’: is for a r3volution in terms of prayer and fasting. The Weadheads are impotent.

    1. Sorry to shock you like a taser, but this is the pastor who made headlines criticizing Romney about his Mormonism, so if RIP can’t get him, I doubt he will get many other evangelicals. LOL

      http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion/christianity/video-anti-mormon-pastor-robert-jeffries-now-supports-mitt-romney?utm_source=OV+Newsletter+List+2&utm_campaign=ee1ceb03dd-OV_Daily_Newsletter4_16_2012&utm_medium=email LOL

      “The Weadheads are impotent,” I like that one! Too bad his first name isn’t “Dick,” because then a joke about some political Viagra would help. LOL

  34. Vote YES to BAN the “tex2″ creature — your votes will be counted, and submitted to Doug!

    Our Future, as a Free and Prosperous Nation is too precious to ALLOW any Troll, such as the #2 — by its hijacking of all threads— to confiscate this Forum away from us (where Real Americans are trying to converse on what’s best for the US)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

  35. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could not be and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

  36. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

    So far the vote to BAN it — ‘tex2’ — is:

    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin
    12) Remmic Lewis
    13) Shane Mayfield
    14) jeffrey bohl

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul won’t be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  37. Ron Paul to WIN — There is NO other option!

    Watch a Romney rally — an EMPTY stadium with about a hundred sycophants only… mostly yawning.

    Then see the THOUSANDS of REAL AMERICANS and their genuineness on Ron Paul’s rallies!

    But the main media never shows this REALITY — so, are we to stand by and allow them to steal this Election away from us — when clearly the TRUE Americans have spoken?!

    Spread these videos! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVY5u9RuW8)

    1. Then watch Mitt the Joke:
      An EMPTY stadium with about a hundred sycophants only… mostly yawning.

      Then see the THOUSANDS of REAL AMERICANS and their genuineness on Ron Paul’s rallies!

      But the main media never shows this REALITY — so, are we to stand by and allow them to steal this Election away from us — when clearly the TRUE Americans have spoken?!

      Spread this video!(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVY5u9RuW8)

      1. Instead of endless cartoons, let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul won’t get elected and would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

      2. the continuance of this tex2 character shows that Doug Weed has no control over his own blog!!! and he is proving to be deficient in running the campaign as well…it is so obvious that the race is over..it is becasue in order to get elected in the miserable process we have now, you have to want to be President…it is not enough to have the ideas…which Ron Paul has but he is proving to me that he does not have the organization on the ground communicating with his volunteers to create a winning strtegy!! I wwent to the UCLA event a couple of weeks ago…a great turnout and the students cheered…but after that appearace Dr Paul will not be in california until may 1…thirty days…If Dr Paul came out and challenged California and came out with a fresh approach he could win!!! what is the approach?
        l..why should Americans vote for Romney …a wall street guy when wall street and the banks caused the economic crisis?
        2. why is it that the economic crisis and discussion of who caused it and how to fix it is not part of the debate? Are Americans really that stupid to vote for a wall street guy when wall street caused the problems in the first place?

        George Bush caused the crisis…Obama continues it and Dr Paul doesn’t remind the american people that the big banks, wall street and the bailouts continue to be an insult to the american people.. The financial system is broken and Romney and Obama have failed to detail how they will fix it…

        so the bottome line is Dr Paul needs some new thinking …the race is over for sure if he doesn’t get a new message fast!!! what is the message? Bring back Glass Steagle….end the fed dual mandate…
        audit the federqal reserve…audit the gses and all wars and anti terror programs have to be paid for under the budget we have..not through deficit spending…if countries want security, they have to pay for it!!!

    2. To all Americans:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      2. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

        So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

        1) Surfisher
        2) Sharon Kuhn
        3) annebeck58
        4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
        5) donjusko
        6) sharksauce24
        7) sophiah8
        8) rmcnnlly
        9) BanTex2Al
        10) Wendy Jones
        11) Evan Godolphin
        12) Remmic Lewis
        13) Shane Mayfield
        14) jeffrey bohl
        15) Bill
        16) hink
        17) celticreeler

        Send this video!



        The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      3. Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

        So they run this ad:

        “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
        Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
        Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

        That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

        (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

  38. A good one!


    Send it!

    The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    1. Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!!

    2. Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

      (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

      Share the Twoface:


    3. Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.

      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party (I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

      Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!

  39. “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

  40. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012

    Take your pick…there are no other options!
    Ron Paul must take Rmoney to Tampa — to expose the GOP’s perfidy — when hundreds of thousands of Real Americans will come to the Convention voluntarily, supporting Ron Paul, the ONLY REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT in this race (vs a few hundred BUSED Rmoney bullies pretending they are actual people)!

    If the Republican Convention cheats Ron Paul out of The Nomination — then, go Third Party!

    There MUST NOT be a way allowed, for Rmoney to “debate” BO one-on-one — since this will be a Clowns’ Show (two liars trying to out-lie each other…when they are one-and-the-same HUMAN TRASH)!

    Ron Paul MUST be part of the DEBATES — so, he can clearly show up THESE politically trained monkeys for what they are — The ULTIMATE Destroyers of the USA!

    Elect Ron Paul as President, if you want to Save America — vote for anyone else, if you WANT to DESTROY the USA!

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