Ron Paul Beats Obama

Last Tuesday night Mitt Romney won the Arizona and Michigan primaries and once more “electability” was the issue. Almost one third of voters said it was their main reason for choosing Romney. According to interviews with the national media, some voters held their noses and voted for former Massachusetts governor on that issue alone. But as readers of this blog will know, they needn’t have held their noses. The man who shares Obama’s banker, Goldman Sachs, thinks that Syria has an opening to the sea and whose wife drives two Cadillacs, (presumably one at a time,) is not the most electable after all.

A Rasmussen poll released that same day says that Texas congressman, Ron Paul is the most electable. Paul tied Romney and beat all other Republican candidates in match ups with Barack Obama. If the definition of news is “man bites dog,” a phrase coined by Alfred Harmsworth, then one would think that this poll would get a mention. But the media has avoided the story like the plaque.

Rasmussen Poll

Romney 45% Obama 43%
Paul 43% Obama 41%
Obama 45% Santorum 43%
Obama 49% Gingrich 39%

Pamela Silver sent me this great cartoon. It was drawn by the talented Steve Morgan.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

48 thoughts on “Ron Paul Beats Obama

  1. It is interesting and frustrating why the media is so ignorant of Ron Paul… What do you think, Mr Wead? Is it conspiracy theory that media is controlled by big corporations and Ron Paul is against them? Or another conspiracy, that some powerful interests are against Ron Paul fearing he would stop foreign aid to Israel? Or perhaps something else? (I have no idea what).

    After all if it was only about entertainment, Ron Paul is very entertaining, presenting a very different point of view than majority of politicians. Bringing Ron Paul to the discussion would make for a much better, more varied, more entertaining show, than it is right now. In theory for Ron Paul should be a very good investment for media companies…

    Perhaps the reason is the media establishment and the common knowledge of the media industry? The inertia of the masses of journalists, who are unable, unwilling and too risk-averse to take a step to the side that always seemed to them as radical, anti-main-stream, etc. This seems to me as the most probable explanation, but when confronted with irrefutability of at least some of Ron Paul arguments (eg. illegality of undeclared wars, debasement of the currency, etc), at least some of the elements of conspiracy theories come back to my mind.

    It is strange and sad that media is failing Americans in such a critical moment of history.

    1. Quite the opposite. The media isn’t ignorant, they know every time Ron is put on the air they lose market share. It’s not ignorance about Ron, it is knowledge about his nutty positions.

      Not that the media isn’t failing us in other ways, but not covering Ron Paul, or any other low double digit or single digit candidate, isn’t one of them.

      1. That’s like a chicken and egg question…which came first? The media ignoring Ron Paul and then poor results or poor results and then the media ignoring Ron Paul. Any fool can see that media has an impact on public perception. And perception is key. Like my perception that you’re an ass. Maybe I’m wrong and you’re just misunderstood. Seriously though, most of what you’re posting is opinion or pure speculation. Quit touting it as fact.

      2. The media ignored Rick Santorum early on as well. But he overcame it by hard work and standing up for his time at debates, plus having much better ideas and experience.

        There are plenty of facts on this blog that support my positions. You’re an IDIOT for claiming otherwise. LOL

      3. Plus, we know who Ron Paul is and what he stands for, he’s been running since Millard Fillmore won! LOL

      4. “The media ignored Rick Santorum early on as well. But he overcame it by hard work and standing up for his time at debates, plus having much better ideas and experience. ”

        You’re delusional. Rick Santorum is an establishment tool. Look at his voting record.

        “There are plenty of facts on this blog that support my positions. You’re an IDIOT for claiming otherwise.”

        Facts on this blog support your positions? You disagree with everything posted here. I’m an idiot? That doesn’t carry much weight coming from you partner.

  2. This is similar to claiming you could have won the Super Bowl (general election) but you didn’t even make the playoffs (Republican nomination). LOL

  3. Similar to you calling the game in the first quarter…
    It is still anyones game. The only reason it is an uphill battle is because of the media blackout and spin of the establishment trying to pick a status quo candidate for us.
    Ron Paul offers the only real choice and the country is ready for the new/ old idea of freedom. Those that aren’t buying into the endless scare tactics anymore are tired of the endless wars.
    Ron Paul 2012 or it really doesn’t make a difference.

    1. Sure, with a 49-0 lead in the first quarter and the Ron Paul team with all of its starters out of the game! LOL

      Ron Paul would be as inept as president as he’s been ineffective as a congressman. In order to be a leader, you need followers. Not the sycophant followers during a campaign, the Congress. They won’t follow Ron, whether they are liberal or conservative, or anything in between. LOL

      1. I am a recent convert and have become a devoted follower. While I don’t agree with Ron Paul on all things, I find the more I learn (from independent reputable sources) the more I understand and agree with him. Of course I have always been big on personal responsibility and suffering the consequences of your actions. Freedom isn’t for everyone is it tex2?

      2. Congratulations on becoming a Paulite! LOL

        Which things do you disagree with Ron?

        Thinking isn’t for everyone, either. Take Ron Paul for example. LOL

      3. “Freedom isn’t for everyone is it tex2?”

        Tex didn’t catch that. And he will continue to ignore or pretend to ignore all remarks in that vein. He has some ridiculous agenda (unknown) and is beyond reasoning with.

        Good for you Peace Liberty. The attraction of Ron Paul and his campaign is the foundational idea of liberty, and that crosses all party lines. His ideas will continue to garner support, even if he doesn’t win the election. Although a long shot, I’m still hoping.

      4. I caught it, I chose to return the volley. LOL

        If you like Ron Paul’s brand of freedom/liberty, you’ll get BOTH liberty AND death!!! LOL

  4. @Tex2

    Why do you continue to post here? Just curious. And why do you use “LOL” so much. Are you really laughing?

    1. Why do you continue to post here? Just curious. – It’s fun. LOL

      And why do you use “LOL” so much. Are you really laughing? – Yes. LOL

      1. No, just amused! LOL

        However, if you want to find out, I have a conference number that doesn’t cost you anything more than your normal long distance charge to southern California, where the number is based, and you can enter a code to keep your phone number confidential. Are you going to stand up for yourself, even though Ron doesn’t stand up for himself? LOL

      2. I guess I learned my lesson. Can’t argue with someone who knows it all. As for calling you on the phone, no thanks. Pretty creepy. I’m thinking your stuck at home or something. Kinda lonely…

      3. It’s obvious I don’t have to know it “all” to know more than you. LOL

        I figured you were too scared to talk on the phone, I might jump through the phone line and take away more of your “freedom.” LOL

        Actually, I travel quite a bit, so your “thinking” is whacko, but should I expect from a Paulian? LOL

  5. God you a dumb little shit tex. Have fun living in warmonger, fantasy land and FYI, santorum didn’t work hard, he was handed cash from special interests, do some research before spewing BS all over the place.

    You make yourself look like a war loving, “america, fuck yeah!” type of person. Wacko* not “whacko”. Nothing about Ron is kooky if you decide to go do a little a history research and figure out we’re in a giant loop because people like you can’t think for yourselves and would rather go kill everyone.

    1. While we’re at it. Ineffective as a congressman? Really, how about looking at the REST of congress and every piece of bullshit legislation THEY pass. Ron’s by himself because he actually follows a document called the constitution and bill of rights.

      The rest? They shredded that up, gave themselves money and proceeded to say “screw the rest of you and your freedoms, we will tell you what to do with your lives, funds and we will own your properties.”

      Go learn freedom, the constitution and the bill of rights + economics, then try speaking about ANYTHING politically.

      1. Yes, ineffective. IF he had been working with the Republican leadership, perhaps more good bills would have passed. You and the rest of the Paulites are pissing into the wind, and not even wearing a raincoat! LOL

      1. Hey, I just thought of something. If you want to know how many states have voted, just look at the total number Ron Paul has LOST! LOL

    1. Ron Paul can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. When are you going to realize we don’t want an old, whiny, non-acheiving politician?

  6. RP tells the truth. But does he tell the whole truth? There are millions, yes I said millions, of REPUBLICAN voters who would go for RP if he would expose the Jew/Israel problem by simply referring to available data.

    “Your job” is to explain why American interests are subjugated to ‘Israeli’ interests.

    If you fail to do this you are no better than the political whores.

    Wake up, if you’re serious.

  7. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  8. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could be and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    3. To all Americans:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  9. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

    So far the vote to BAN it — ‘tex2′ — is:

    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin
    12) Remmic Lewis
    13) Shane Mayfield
    14) jeffrey bohl

  10. “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

  11. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

    (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

    It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

    Some notable excerpts:

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

    “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

    A must read (long) article recommended to all!

    Share it!

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