All Eyes on Nebraska

All eyes are on Grand Island, Nebraska today.  Will it be a Soviet style fraud?  Or will it be a real convention?  Today’s event will be telling.   It will provide clues on what to expect at the Republican National Convention in Tampa next month.

This is clear, what happens in Nebraska cannot be blamed on the Nebraska governor, or the strong arm privately financed army he has hired to muscle the masses of people into line.  Nor can it be blamed on Mitt Romney’s mean spirited campaign team, the same losers who ran Bob Dole and John McCain’s campaigns, whose motto is “only us.”  No, today’s activities will be a clear reflection of how Mittens himself sees the Ron Paul insurgency.  And how he will handle it in Tampa.

By now, even the most obtuse politico, at the most isolated, rarified level, would have seen the youtubes of people’s bones being broken in his name and of his own privately hired off duty police arresting people.  By now he knows that his captains have confiscated the delegate rolls and run out to parking lots and locked them up in their trunks to make it impossible for roll call votes.  He knows that they have ignored voice votes and brazenly declared “Nays have it,” when they didn’t.  He knows that his people have had to move money out of GOP accounts to keep it out of the hands of the new, duly elected state chairman, who support Ron Paul.

So what happens today in Nebraska is Mitt Romney’s show.  He is responsible.  If it happens orderly and fairly?  Hey wonderful.  We should be very grateful.  Mitt Romney, Obama’s Goldman Sachs twin candidate, has agreed to let the peasants play at democracy for a few hours.

But if Mittens is so frightened, so worried about that piggy bank, the Federal Reserve, that he cannot   allow the Ronluans to have even a handful of their own duly elected delegates in Nebraska, that they must all be personally approved by the candidate, himself, well then we will all know that he will not tolerate a challenge to the “wars without end” nor to the raiding of the poor and middle class.

If there is violence against Ron Paul supporters, as in the past, Romney and his governor can count on the national media – whose holding companies and advertisers are fattened off of the Federal Reserve – to turn look away.  But stay tuned.  The internet is not yet shut down.  The videos will be coming any second now and we will all get to see the truth.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

209 thoughts on “All Eyes on Nebraska

  1. This will be Romney’s final test. And I think he will fail it miserably.
    On to Tampa. Let’s hope Ron Paul’s own “get-together” on August 26th will bring thousands of his supporters to the call for Liberty.
    The time has come and we will not be silenced any more!
    Ron Paul 2012 and beyond!

      1. Who knows who these delegates will vote for?
        I don’t want to let the cat out of the proverbial bag, but some people have figured out that, ‘stealth’, is the only to get (s)elected by the GOP.

        We simply are not as stupid (or evil) as them, and I surely do include MITT in that, “THEM”.

    1. Well, they did it. I do not think Tampa is going to be any different than it was 4 years ago. The system that these control freaks have in place cannot be penetrated. The best way is the Thomas Jefferson way. It is time to abolish this government and put up new protections for our liberty. Open your eyes up people, this is their game and their turf. We can no longer play these games with them. It is time to stop participating and to start revolting. I am talking tax protests, protests at your local courthouse, city halls, and government buildings. Freedom cannot wait for us, we have to take it. It does not ask for us to be polite, it demands us to be vigilant. You do not regain your freedom fighting the system and being obedient to petty dictators and tyrants. You have to take it from them.

      1. Joe,

        My intention in replying to your comment is simply to warn everybody that letting our “Basic Instincts” guide our actions is not the smartest thing to do. Your call for a Revolt is quite dangerous. I will try to explain why…

        To start with, your use of “Petty Dictators” suggests that you have not been paying attention. I will let it go today and think that your description is just guided by “Basic Instincts”.

        To understand that these fellows are not “Petty Dictators”, I refer you to the 1973 book “The Secret Team” by the late Col. Fletcher Prouty.

        If you do not have the time to read the book, then check YouTube…

        To save you time, here is a link:

        This is The Gang that tells The Fed(eral Reserve Bank) how much to print in counterfeit/monopoly money.

        This is The Gang that tells The Organize Crime what to do. NOTE: I am not talking about The Mafia but to the worse Crime Inc. known to date (look it up).

        When I say Crime Inc, I am not talking about “Mafia” (i.e. Italian)… I am talking other Crime Organizations. Do your homework and you shall find out.

        So… Before calling for a Revolt, etc, and etc… Better start from “Square #1″… Organize…

        This is why I have been calling for a March in Washington DC (not my idea, it was proposed by RP in 2008)…

        A March will Pre-Empt any Sabotage that The Secret Gov has planned for Tampa…

        To put it in an “Egg Shell”: as RP wanted in 2008, use your energy to organize a Non-Violent Protest March in DC before August. This March can take 2-3 days. You can make contacts with Patriots and further organize. Then, you will have a better chance of success in more audacious plans (that require even better planning). Without Insiders, your chances of success are slim and your Call for Revolt would equate to Call for Suicide.

        So… Let’s Be Smart…

        Here is the link I have posted on the Warning Given by The Puppet Masters…

        God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

        Keeping The Meerkat Manor Safe!

  2. Say hey, Doug Wead!
    Better mood, today; though now more-so confused by our elections board but will let them do what they do and keep writing about it.
    If you want some info on the Benton story (from the attorneys), send me an email (annebeckett@gmail,com) and I will pass on to you what has been passed to me.
    It is not pretty and will probably cause you to re-think your stance on what actually happened, within the campaign, a la Jesse. I know it hurt me to think he would betray Dr Paul and us, but sometimes people do step over that line, even we think it’s something they would not do. I would say Jesse is one of these people.
    And, again; I find it sad.

      1. Truly, Darlin’!

        As I do not wish to make what I know, via my own connections, public knowledge (and I have not been given permission to pass-on the same to the world at large), I would prefer only Doug ask me about this.

        I don’t want to play the old game, “I know something you don’t know”. I simply want to make Doug Wead aware of what we, in Texas, already know.. (unless you already do know what I’m referring to, Doug, and in that case? Loose lips sink ships!)

      2. Yeah, I’m not asking you any specifics about what you know. And quite frankly, I’m quite jaded at this point about this BS to not care to know the details. On a macro-level I do understand he has been exactly as bad as those 3 characters. How worse can he possibly get?

        I’m focused on the bigger picture….how Romney is a completely ineligible fascist criminal about whom more and more dirt keeps coming out every day. By the time we go to Tampa, not only would our court case have unbound all delegates BUT: On their own accord of incompetence & arrogance, the Mittens camp will self-destruct.

      3. Here’s one question (or two) I’d like answered.
        WHERE is Mitten’s Camp? WHO comprises HIS camp?
        I mean, yes; I am aware that the RNC and certain states’ GOP have been working alongside R-Money. But, for real; who is voting for MITT?
        AS of today, I have not yet a person (not one person) that said he or she has voted for and supports and is working for that terrible man. I’ve met Tea-Party (Texas) who said they wanted Santorum. I’ve met a few who said they would go Newt. But, Rom? No, not a one. Some have said they would go with what the party wanted– because they felt pressure (mafia, again) to do so. But, willingly vote for or support or work for him? I don’t see it, still.

        Yet, the GOP and RNC are willing to fight this to the death (I expect it to be, literally, to the death?) There is only one reason for that: the power that comes with the money they get from holding certain offices.

  3. Wow. Dougie sounds a little bitter? Guess if Paul doesn’t sweep Nebraska there’s no reason to keep you on the payroll is there?

    1. rude. Being involved with RP has actually cost Doug Wead in a big way. But Lord willing, choosing the side of good will come back to him a hundred fold.

      1. No. Making secret tapes of people behind their backs cost Doug in a big way. It earned him the description of “the lowest form of debris in the country.” Hiring Wead only hurt Paul’s campaign rather than help it, as it made Paul appear desperate, “scraping the bottom of the barrel.”

      2. Jim says:
        July 14, 2012 at 10:21 pm

        “No. Making secret tapes of people behind their backs…”

        Please show your evidence, thanks.

      3. Rich Grise do a google for Doug’s bio. And don’t be surprised when secret tapes of Ron and rand appear on the market.

      4. Thank you, ma’am.
        Really, where do these fools come up with their lunatic charges? Oh, I bet I know– out of their lunatic minds.

        Yeesh; they want to blame everyone for what the crime-family does. Doug Wead is not a part of the BiPartison Mafia. Of this I am pretty sure. Ron Paul is surely not a member of that family, either– of that I am sure.
        (Sorry, Doug; I just happen to know Ron Paul a lot better than I know you, but based on what I do know of you, I don’t think you are them!)

  4. The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature wants like the Bilderberg Gang to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore IT.

    See its post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. Pat Jack — watching it now.

      Post some comments of what the trend is so far (are we getting cheated again, or not at this point) if you could (since my audio is not that clear).


  5. Go Nebraska, I pray we win the plurality of votes today to send a strong message, that we are going to win this!!!!! Go Delegates, and thank you so much for all you do! We love you… ❤

  6. Well I had thought that too but can someone explain why Nevada’s delegates are not being counted in the states that Paul has a plurality of?if you put Nevada in the mix he already has the five he needs and Nebraska doesn’t matter.

    1. Christy;
      This is a part of what the Federal LAWSUIT seeks to clarify and repair. Our delegates need to be re-seated. It must be made clear that ALL Delegates (regardless of state or territory) are free to vote their conscience (according to Election LAW, which surely supersedes kooky GOP or RNC rules, which they break, anyway, all of the time, the are free to vote as they desire) are unbound.
      There is more to it than this. There is also a RICO suit, naming the crime-family (Romney being a part of this Bipartisan Mafia) and coming at them for ALL of the voter-fraud and delegate slighting and smearing and broken bones, etc.., so these people are not going to get away with this.
      According to Richard Gilbert, who is our lead attorney in these lawsuits, we could not have drawn a more perfect judge than Judge Carter. Now, will Carter survive an honest ruling? I don’t know. We’ve seen just a bit of what these animals will stoop to, in this (s)election process. I know the witness-tampering and intimidation they will attempt, as I was subjected to this on Wednesday, and we all should put nothing past them.
      Anyone who has ANY experience with their fraudulent and criminal acts should really sign on to the lawsuit(s), via ElectionFraudRemedy,com. Richard is not being paid for this lawsuit, at ALL, and filing-fees are coming out of his own pocket. This man is a true patriot. He cares about America and Americans and anything negative said about him is said by the talking-heads who really have no idea of what they speak. Yes, some of them have an audience, and it bothers me that these other (so-called) patriots would believe that tripe
      When I needed Richard Gilbert on MY side, this week, he was there and had sent out letters to the offenders, within two hours! What other attorney is going to go to these lengths for a client, and for FREE?

      I also suggest each and every delegate to the national convention NOW (immediately), like yesterday, get themselves protected via these suits, before the Bipartisan Mafia gets to them, too.
      Truly, these “s”elected officials are THAT bad and THAT desperate!
      Doug Wead is NOT a part of that Mafia, nor is Ron Paul. Of this, I am quite convinced.

      1. “nor is Ron Paul” …really? What makes you so convinced? He’s the one who sent out the e-mail BEFORE the Nebraska convention stating very plainly that even if they win Nebraska it will not matter. He’s the one who told the MSM that he is against the lawsuit and thinks it a poor idea. He has given every signal that the process is finished or are you listening for dog whistles that are not there?

      2. Now, which email was that? It came from Dr Paul? If it came from Dr Paul, why was it not received by me?
        1. Much of what is posted on the RonPaul2012 site is not posted by Ron Paul.
        2. You all need better spam blockers in your email, if it came from the “paul campaign”. as there is much out there, purported by be FROM Dr Paul, which is not from Dr Paul.

        I don’t know how many times to say this: Jack Hunter, aka SoutherAgenger (I like to call, SouthernPretender), runs the Paul site. Dr Paul does NOT. And Jack is using this site for his OWN PERSONAL GAIN.

        Now, please DO consider that!

      3. @annebeck58: Hi, Anne, If you assert that Jack Hunter is using the site for his own gain then he’s also using Ron Paul who appears to be a willing partner. I find it ridiculous to tell people that we shouldn’t trust the Ron Paul site. Which site SHOULD we trust if NOT his?

        Bottom line is that we all must exercise our powers of intellect. Jack Hunter posts commentary that should simply be understood as OPINIONS which he’s entitled to.

      4. Actually, Fyre; I do not believe Ron Paul is quite yet aware of what Jack has been doing (for too long, in my opinion). I don’t know how to contact Dr Paul and let him know what Jack’s been up to, but I am pretty disgusted with our “SouthernAgenger” (Southern PRETENDER), Jack. Someone needs to take the RonPaul2012 site away from him, as he is nothing less (or more) than a dysinfo agent, with his own agenda (Johnson for POTUS). He is surely not on the side of Ron Paul. Nor is he on the side of US or liberty. Jack needs a bit of a dressing-down.

        Say, Doug Wead, would you please take all of this into consideration and maybe speak with Dr Paul regarding Jack Hunter? This back and forth ridiculousness that is always instigated by Jack Hunter needs to END. He is taking people away from voting for Paul and nothing is worse than a person who’s supposed to be on the side of the candidate working against same candidate.
        Until and unless the site is taken from Hunter, I am afraid each week we will see something else (nefarious) that comes up to remove more support FROM Dr Paul (and from US). Thanks.
        In fact, I would be happy to administer the site, and would do this for free; completely. Just give me a buzz.

    2. AnneBeck58 writes :” I do not believe Ron Paul is quite yet aware of what Jack has been doing ”
      So you are calling him incompetent? Like the newsletters? How on Earth would someone who you claim to be incompetent make a good POTUS?

      1. How did u get that Dick on top of your head plus how did your grow ears on it? Your an enemy of the State and should be hung. When Ron Paul wins we will hunt you down! We cannot have traitors in the country.

    1. Well, if you believe the stories out there, against Dr Paul, you’re listening to the wrong people.
      Oh, I do not believe Doug on Benton (and perhaps Doug has changed his tune on that by now?), because I actually know better. Anyone who wants to know what I do know should go to the video in youtube, entitled, “Lawyers for Ron Paul take over Campaign”. Some of what I have been alluding to is in that video, but you have to listen to all of it (and it is worth the listen, too).
      Other than that, please do not email me (I really only wanted Doug to email me if he was questioning what I had to say), as I have not YET been given permission to put this story on blast.
      (I am saying this to everyone here- I have received quite a few emails, and I really only posted my address for Doug Wead. ok?) I do appreciate your patience!

      All will be evident, very soon.

      1. heh “all will be evident in the “fullness of time”. Be prepared for a big let down. If all the Paul supporters who are bound to Romney are unbound there is still not enough delegates. Ask Paul that’s what he says and that’s what the numbers say. Try counting all the bound delegates to other candidates and add them to the paul total. It comes up short just like Paul says. Now try adding all the Santorum delegates who are still bound to Santorum to Romney totals because that is exactly what is going to happen. What number do you get? It’s simple math. Unbound Paul delegates will not win. Reality time. You must be counting alternates to come up with a winning number. That’s the only way the math fits.

      2. THAT is exactly IT.
        This, according to ELECTION LAW, is the case.
        Please just follow the lawsuit, via or via @RONPAULONE, n youtube. I do not know what else to tell you to get you to comprehend this, but the LAW superceeds ANY and ALL RNC or States’ GOP rules. Okay? Can you understand this or do you need something more?

      3. Linda says ” If all the Paul supporters who are bound to Romney are unbound there is still not enough delegates.”
        Exactly. YOU get it. AnneBeck58 clearly has a learning disability/mental health issues. Try reading her blog. Nearly every other word is in all capital letters.

      4. Are you that fat waddly butt lady caught on video stealing ballots in WA?At the same time making verbal threats to Patriots fihghting for our constitution. You are a pathetic pork rind. Eating too many GMO;s and drinking flouridated water with HAARP mind control will kill u fatty. They just turn a few knobs like the one on your neck and twist your done.

      5. Yes, Mat.
        It’s the ignorant twin of idiocy, rearing its ugly head (and you got it right regarding which “head” that is)
        I don’t pay attention to Nattering Naybobs of Negativity. I mean; what’s the point? Why would I? Why should WE?

        Here’s something to brighten the day of all thinking Americans:

        And thw world is with US, begging US to get it right. What do the others have? NADA, ZIP, Zero, ZILCH!

    2. Hmm. Now let’s see. How much money have I given to Doug Wead for all of his advice and information? I would say that amount is right about- ?? Zero!
      How much have the more evil from within the campaign gotten? TOO much, and i include more than just Jesse Benton in that. I definitely include Jack Hunter, and I would love to see his records from this season!

      1. Hope you get to spill dirt on ALL of the characters in below list:

        Trygve Olson
        Jesse Benton
        John Tate
        Dmitri Kesari
        Jack Hunter

        Any more names? Doug is clean. Only thing that bothers me: Doug keeps maintaining that all names above have done a good job & speaks highly about Rand as well.

        How about Rand, is there anything on him among your sources as well?

      2. If you’ve contributed to the campaign you’ve lined Doug’s pockets. He’s on the payroll. His job title is “Senior ADVISER” (as in giving advice-look it up in the dictionary).

    3. Btw, Mat, thank YOU for your note, below.
      How are we going to get Jack Hunter OFF of the Ron Paul 2012 site? We need him to stop damaging the reputation of Ron Paul and his supporters, particularly his delegates, and it needs to be done– YESTERDAY.

      But, gosh, I wish people would simply wake up and ZIP IT, until and unless they have some concrete information. I have info I know is valid and true, and if people actually looked, they could find the same. Of course, they are not going to get it from the NEWZZZ stations, so its as if it all never happened.
      Such ridiculousness.

      1. anne u have awakened me to the misgivings we have. I am gonna go to that site and give whacky Jack a earfull. I want my donations back too! He has stolen way to much money from us Patriots!!

      2. Mat;
        I have been aware of Jack Hunter’s negativity on the site, RonPaul2012, since before Rand came out with his stupidity, just before Texas and Cali held their conventions (you do know Rand did this the Wednesday prior to the Thursday beginnings of these conventions?)
        If you check out the radio-show i was guested on, Rick Adams, at Republic Broadcasting, you will hear me telling a caller to not pay any attention to Jack and not take Jack’s word (or videos, especially) as that of Ron Paul.
        What bothers me, the most, is Kokesh and the others, including Hunter, going off on Dr Paul for what Rand did and what they,now, have also done. I am quite sure Dr Paul did not know exactly what he was getting in Hunter (and I really would love to smack him in the back of the head, the little honey-mouthed southern-Pretender). I know that stupid posting, last Sunday, was also courtesy, Jack Hunter. And, as we just begin to get back on track and working toward getting folk to Tampa, I expect more of this from Jack.

        Jack is in it for himself. And, sadly Kokesh and others like him are very willing to gobble up whatever Jack puts out there. It makes me wonder, always, what IS in it for any of them? are they afraid they will lose their spots if they don’t jump-ship and bring others to do the same, or what? In my opinion, nothing else does make sense!

        Oh, and check this out: some of what was said has completely blown my mind, though I am subject of a lot of this, too:,mod=11&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&

        It just kills me what the people who made their names off of Ron Paul’s reputation have now done to destroy the campaign. Jesse Benton, John Tate, Trygve (whatever), etc.., these people are a bunch of sick and stupid little phonies. People need to get it, NOW, and stop hearing them (and stop passing their trash along, too!), except to point and laugh at them (and give the well-deserved what-for, too.)

        Thanks, though, Mat I could not agree with you more-so!

  7. Nice hearing from you Doug… We feel you are hitting the nail on the head… Therefore, we will explain what is in our mind.

    We are very worried with the current predicament and we want to contribute by throwing an old idea of The Boss (Ron Paul that is)… We have been thinking about this for a long (long) time… “Time is of the Essence”… We put it to you through the following vid that is made up of 3 major parts (+2 minor ones). (1) “I, Pet Goat, II” a very controversial video that is going viral. It deals with topics you know about but that have not been mentioned due to “political correctness”. (2) The Boss’s 2008 call for a March in DC (Paulfest is not his brainchild). Therefore, if we listen to The Boss recorded message, perhaps we will get his message through (i.e. Importance to March on DC). (3) We use the words of the late MLK because (independent of your opinion about MLK) his words are very accurate in describing the present situation.

    The video we uploaded last night (we are continuously improving it), can be found at:

    As mentioned, this video aims at shedding light on the people who run the show, those that the late George Carlin called: “The Owners”.

    God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

    1. Hey, Smedley!
      Good response/ post.

      To All Ron Paul followers and supporters:

      In regard to the “Ron Paul” (campaign) email on the RP2012 site, yesterday (which seems to have been removed today), I’d like to say this.
      There are subversives in the ranks of the Paul campaign. I know that one person, for sure, has done some things to work in direct opposition to us and to Dr Paul (and liberty).
      Now the site; it is run by our SouthernPretender, Jack Hunter. Please do not take his words without a huge helping of salt. When the pundits and talking-heads, who purport to be on OUR side go off in regard to such things, Please DO respond to them with questioning tone. Do not simply accept what they have to say as factual, as coming from Dr Paul, or coming from anyone who truly cares about this nation.
      We all have to treat everything put out there by Jack with some suspicion and with an eye for: What’s in it for Jack? Unless we do this, we will continue to be fooled, repeatedly.

      I believe what I hear from Dr Paul. I do not accept anyone else’s words as that of Dr Paul. If I do not hear it, directly from his mouth, I consider the validity and I usually just toss it. Since the Rand fiasco, when Hunter essentially jumped ship, yet stayed in the site and used it as his personal tool to promote the likes of Gary Johnson as well as himself, I have lost much respect for Jack.

      I am simply saying this: Open your eyes and your minds. Take what it placed there with your own notions of Dr Paul in mind. Not everything is as it appears. And we have not (still or yet) given up/

      Thanks, and as Dr Paul has reiterated many times; Now, onward to Tampa!

      1. The owner of the Daily Paul called the campaign for verification. Several more people did, too. You are in denial.

      2. Well, now, linda; obviously, your reading comprehension is a bit lower than that of most. Try to re-read what I said, mull it over, and then respond.
        What did I say about the campaign? And, darling, why is that letter (a la Jack Hunter) now GONE? It’s because it was not from Ron Paul. Wake up. Understand that there are subversive people within the campaign, and some are being taken to task for same. Jack Hunter will get his due while HE is using that site for his own personal agenda.

        Jack Hunter, who runs that site, is NOT RON PAUL.
        I mean; duh!

        (Sorry, Doug Wead; some days the level is ineptitude gets to me.)

      3. Thank You again Anne!!! I like Smedley Butler Too!!! True hereo as Lawyers for Ron Paul!! Keep up the fight!!

  8. So, Doug Wead; what is up with all of the nattering-naybobs? It seems there is a bit of a troll-infestation, and while I know you don’t like blocking people, these “people” are not her for enlightenment or encouragement, or even to exchange pleasantries. It’s far too much, :Down with Ron Paul”, going on for my taste.

    I don’t like to call names or go off on people but these folk truly sound like Romneybots, who wouldn’t know (or care about) an honest man, if he stood in front of them and explained what he knows, to them. They don’t want to know. They are only here to be disruptive. I mean, I don’t mind a bit of political argument, as I was raised in a house full of such, but they are not even arguing politics. No, again; it’s disruption, and not very inspired disruption or interruption, at that.

    1. above should have said:
      too much DOWN with Ron Paul.
      (where on earth did the smiley face come from??- I’ve never seen such a thing in my notes!)

      1. annabeck58 —- Yes.

        The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

        Ignore It.

        See its saved post below:

        (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
        “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

      2. Hello Surfisher,

        I am not sure whether to be sad about your comment.

        However, I take this opportunity to point out that this is the reason why I have been calling for a March on DC before the RNC. I was hoping for a July March (or ASAP).

        The idea is precisely to undermine any plan that The Puppet Masters have orchestrated.

        This whole thing looks (to me at least) like a trap (enclosure).

        The mere word “fest” gives me a creepy feeling (i.e. not morally uplifting) as it sounds more like the memorable 1969 Woodstock Fest.

        To make things worse, as far as I know, this was not RP’s idea (not that I am not against Paulfest, I just don’t think that it will do).

        Most people who have paid attention to History know that rallies in Washington have more impact.

        Here is the vid we have uploaded with the message of RP preceded by the creepy message by The Puppet Masters.

        God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

        Making Our Meerkat Manor Safe!

      3. Say, Smedley;

        As I said via email, to you, I agree regarding PaulFest (a la Woodstock). This is a very serious time in our nation’s history and if we simply treat Ron Paul as a “rock-star” by going forth with what is essentially (only) a rock-concert, we are not giving this the weight it deserves.
        We all need to stand up for OUR rights and the rights of each of our delegates. We don’t particularly need a rock-concert or festival to let the RNC know where we are. No, we need to get our delegates reinstated and voting for PAUL.
        And this is why I keep harping on the suit for Ron Paul (delegates) and why I say they, in particular, need to sign on to the suit. ANYONE who signs on to the suit is protected, fully, from the RNC (Crime family) and the Rombama Obamney Crime Family, too. Were I able to get to Tampa, next month, I would surely not go without first signing on to the suit. And, i would put Richard GIlbert’s number as #1 on MY speed dial. It is that important!

        Everyone check out RONPAULONE channel, in youtube, now. And, go to @USA_FREE_PRESS in twitter, to follow the lawsuit!

    2. annabeck — Ignore this #2…aka ‘Jim’

      Its filled with hate to all that’s good (that’s its own punishment)

      1. Oh, yes; It is why i responded to it once, and am done.
        As I told another of their bots; it’s one and done, with me. I don’t care to drag out any of that garbage as it gives too much of my power to those unworthy of same.

      2. With me, It’s zero. I tend to lurk and only post when I have a zinger, but it doesn’t take long to spot a troll and just ignore them.

      3. @ Rich Grise: your powers of observation are sorely lacking. You’ve tried to call me out as a troll which is utterly ridiculous.

        You guys need to knock it off and either respond intelligently or leave people alone who you label as trolls (accurately and inaccurately). Constantly chasing after them makes you look foolish and adds ZERO to the discussion. Why don’t you cry about it. Leave your “mob rule” mentality at the door!

        It’s Doug’s blog not yours. Certainly, he’s a big enough boy to handle it how he sees fit.

  9. @annebeck58, @jim, etc… AND @Doug, of course…

    There is a Time for Diplomacy & there is a Time for War.

    In case people have not noticed it, we are at War (been for a while now).

    Lines must be drawn, enemies must be taken out.

    Syria is about to be invaded by the NWO Armies.

    Iran is undergoing same NWO propaganda that Iraq underwent (“Yellow Cakes”, “Intelligence Analysis”, “Wolf Blitzer’s Truth”, etc).

    Zombies don’t get it. Not their fault, they were Mind-Conditioned for decades. Some never got away from the influential TV. They even grew up in front of it. It is a tough battle – no different than that one faces with drug addicts.

    Here is reminder of what is facing us NOW:

    God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

    The Smedley Butler Brigade…

    Making The Meerkat Manor Safer for America and The World!

      1. mat — excellent post!

        Verifies what people have known for many decades — that the Democrats are a gang of cheaters.

        What is shocking to most Americans today, is to see that the RNC is no different — in their zeal to silence Ron Paul, the GOP has resorted to the same tactics of fraud, cheating and voter & delegates disfranchisement.

        We can say this:

        DNC + RNC = USSR 2.0

      2. Hey, Mat;
        I was SO sick with food-poisoning, this week, I slept through the conference call. So, i am happy to see you’ve posted it. THANK YOU.
        I will go and check it out, now (of course).
        Thanks for this– again and again!
        *Hate that I slept through all of that as it was very important to me, too. ugh..

    1. smedleybutlerbrigade — excellent job in producing this video!

      One point only, I’d put a short clip of Ron Paul in the very beginning to catch the eye of his supporters (so they watch the rest —- since he does not appear till halfway through the video).

      Something like attacking the Feds (which are but an extension of the NWO…).

      1. Thanks Smedley. I posted that on my facebook channel. I hope it gets wide replays and repost.

    2. The only way to get rid of the BO is for Mitt Rmoney to become a Patriot!

      Here is what needs to happen, and soon:

      “Mitt Romney Resigns!”

      “Mitt Romney announced today (place date) he will no longer seek the Republican nomination. Instead, he pledged his full support to Dr. Ron Paul, who he trusts implicitly to be the only viable candidate to defeat Barrack Obama,” said a Romney spokesperson.

      Mr. Romney’s spokesperson continued saying, ” Mr. Romney is making the ultimate sacrifice, for the good of the Nation, so wants to be remembered as the one that helped America be rid of Obama…as such Mr. Romney is a true patriot…”.

      Questioned as to the real reasons Mitt Romney quit — the spokesperson said, “He only wants to be remembered as the Patriot that Saved America… that is his only reason”….and “…none of the below were a factor in his decision”…as claimed:

      “That so many videos have been taped showing fraud on his behalf that TV mini-series could be made running for weeks,
      Or, that he can’t get 100 people to attend his meetings, while Ron Paul gathers Real Americans in the several thousands,
      Or, that he has broken rule #11 in collusion with the GOP, so he is about to be removed from many states ballots,
      Or, that his shadowy party in Nevada, is further grounds for his removal as a GOP candidate,
      Or, that he cannot garner enough delegates with all the cheating done on his behalf so far,
      Or, that All National Delegates are NOT bound according to rule #38, and US election law, in Tampa,
      Or, that his eventual loss to Ron Paul in Tampa will make him a national joke,
      Or, that even if manages to CHEAT his way out of Tampa, his guaranteed loss to Obama will make him an even Bigger Joke…”.

      No, none of these are factors, according to Mitt Romney’s spokesperson — “Mr. Romney quit the race today because he is a Patriot!”

      And I agree, Mitt did the right thing — and we shall build monuments and name schools after him!

      Pass it on! Hopefully someone with brains in Mitt’s camp will see this syllogism and force it upon this dullard (for his own good)!

    3. We NEED you to help out via verifying and certifying the fraudulent vote-count. We need anyone with ANY time to do this. Please check out posts in DailyPaul by Dr.K.Research, for more information as to how to get this done– asap!

      Btw; found out where the Bipartisan Mafia got my name. The cd that was written (all of the votes in Austin since 1998), is named after me! Ha. C’est la vie. I can deal with that, especially as I DO have the help of Richard Gilbert. When I needed the protection being part of this federal lawsuit afforded me, Richard Gilbert was there for ME.
      Bet the BM did not expect that!

  10. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
    (there are no other options)

    The BO is a bullet train that will destroy US quickly, while Rmoney is a freight train that will destroy US slowly but surely.

    So which End would you prefer for the Real American People?

    (note the sublime touch of only one person watching these two puppets “debate”…deliciously ironic!)

    1. “The events predicted for 2012 by the ancient Maya are not substantially different than those predicted by sages throughout the millennia. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and other seers have predicted similar events marking ‘the end of time.’ And the Maya are only one of many indigenous cultures that have spoken of their deeply held vision for the events near and immediately after the end of time.

      “All of these prophecies point to a relatively sudden awakening into much greater awareness for some or all of Humanity….”

      The times, they are a’changin’!

      1. Rich Grise I posted something similar in a much earlier blog entry and Don Howard stamped it out.

        I find what you’ve highlighted as one of the most important events of our time. Dr. Carl Calleman has asserted that the Mayan calendar is about an “awakening” or evolution in consciousness.

        Is it coincidence that Dr. Paul’s lifetime efforts and speech are now manifesting in the greatest awakening of our time?

        This is precisely why the establishment and media have been trying so hard to silence Dr. Paul. He’s waking up the masses. Sadly, they’re waking up from a dream only to find themselves living a NIGHTMARE.

        But as Jesus said in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas: “Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]”

      2. Yes, it’s coincidence in the sense of happening simultanously, but I’ve also heard that Coincidence is simply God’s way of maintaining his anonymity.

  11. The BO is despicable, but Rmoney may be worse…ever think of that?

    Here is food for thought:

    *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

    It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

    Some notable excerpts:

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

    “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

    A must read (long) article recommended to all!

    Share it!

  12. “For now, however, Paul’s senior campaign adviser Doug Wead says that Paul’s fate with regard to the convention this summer is largely in Romney’s hands.

    “Really what Dr. Paul does and what his role is will be decided in the Romney camp,” Wead told CBS News, of whether or not Paul makes an appearance in Tampa. “There are Romney staffers that reach out to us that tell us that they want our voters and supporters in the general election,” as well as, he said, those who think a Paul endorsement could be a liability.

  13. Surfisher says:
    July 16, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    “The BO is despicable, but Rmoney may be worse…ever think of that?…”

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. I wrote this some time ago:
    “If RMoney lies, cheats, and defrauds his way into the presidency the way he’s currently lying, cheating, and defrauding his way into the nomination, then when things don’t get any better ($2.50 for a loaf of BREAD????) or get even worse, please don’t say we “Paulbots” didn’t try to warn you!”

    Ron Paul 2012 or Bust! Literally!

    1. Rich Grise — I do!

      But what an optimist you are — a loaf of bread $2.50 (how about $250 after two years…of either creature usurping the White House)?

  14. Ignore this #2…aka ‘Jim’…

    Until it gets banned from this forum…as its other ID ‘tex2’ did.

    It’s filled with hate to all that’s good (that’s its own punishment)!

    In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. wow. Surfisher (or is it “Suriyah Fish?” ) can’t handle the truth, even when it’s coming from Doug Wead himself. Read Jack Hunter’s Sunday entry on the official campaign website:
      “Ron Paul will NOT be president”.

      Your refusal to accept the words of defeat from campaign officials reflects badly on your movement and only gives those who oppose it more reason to use the “zealot” tag.

  15. The #2 Shill (aka ‘Jim’) managed to obfuscate all pertinent posts by its trolling on Perfidy Mitt’s behalf.

    So, reposted here:

    Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
    (there are no other options)

    The BO is a bullet train that will destroy US quickly, while Rmoney is a freight train that will destroy US slowly but surely.

    So which End would you prefer for the Real American People?

    (note the sublime touch of only one person watching these two puppets “debate”…deliciously ironic!)


    Spread it like wildfire!

  16. Mr.Weed,
    I”ve watched verry carefully the “RON PAUL CAMPAIGN 2012” . Like me, maybe 10-20 millions other people throwout the world and this is not an american issue, but an “LIBERTY OR DEATH” ,issue and you are the “COMMANDER IN CHIEF” the “SUN TZU” general our time. You have a verry big responsability and you know that. There are two scenarios: Either Ron Paul will be the NOMINEE IN TAMPA or The Shadow Goverment will enlish the 3WW. This is the only chance that they have because they have become “VISIBLE AND VULNERABLE”. The Shadow Goverment is responsible for WAR; WAR CRIMES; ATTROCITIES; ENSLAVEMENT OF FREE PEOPLE; LIES; CHEATING; ASSASINOTIONS OF LIBERTY LEADERS AND SUPPORTERS OF LIBERTY LEADERS. Y think we don”t have 2-4 years to take over the Republican Party( Wish y”d be whrong). The Campaign has been infiltrated and not only, but leaders of GRASS ROOTS ACTIVISTS too. I hope YOU knew in advance and i”m not thalking nonsense. Y BELIEVE; THE ONLY REAL CHANCE IS THE LAW SUIT L4RP. Mitt Romney is evil and an instrument of the SHADOW GOVERMENT, like Obama and the others and you know that. I know that your future and life is in big danger and everybody should know, too!!! Y appreciate your courage and devotion for the cause of Liberty and i pray till Tampa that your plan will go up!! if the plan will fail, the” take over” tfe Republican Party musst continue!! TAKE THAT WEAPPON OUT from them!

    Sincerly yours
    aurel barber

    1. Aurel Barber; I do not know who you are, but I do know Richard Gilbert, of Lawyers for Ron Paul, aka, I can verify that Mr Gilbert’s heart and head are in the right place. HE cares about this country and the entire world. He cares about removing the US Govt from the claws of what you call the shadow-government (aka NWO, aks, Israel).
      I honestly do not know where you have obtained your information from, but let me assure you: When the Austin Elections Board (aka, the Bipartisan Mafia of Travis County) came at me, last week for speaking the truth on their farce of an election in May, Richard Gilbert swooped down and protected ME as a party to the lawsuits for Ron Paul.
      You seem to have nothing but conjecture and innuendo and probably rumor to base your “theory” on, while I have evidence that Lawyers for Ron Paul and Richard Gilbert, in particular, are working on the up and up. What sort of subversive are you that you would flit in here, with no evidence and no basis in fact, to say such things as this?

      Truly; the rumor-mill must be very slow for you to suddenly pick-up on this tripe and post it here. Something is very wrong with you and with others like you.

    2. Okay- oops sorry.
      I thought you were saying the opposite of what you were saying.
      Next time, I will put my glasses on when I am reading a comment, and surely before I respond to it!!.

      But, I guess I am so used to defending the lawsuit, which is really our ONLY action now (well, that and counting the real votes, via phone interviews, and the two are working hand-in-hand).. So I went off. Mea culpa!

      1. Hello Folks!

        3 interesting things have happened regarding our call for a Grand March in Washington DC (as proposed by RP in 2008).

        (1) Our original dispute (of claim by UMG) for the use of the National Anthem in our YouTube clip was rejected by UMG (we are not complaining). This affected its viewing in Germany as YouTube had to block the clip in Germany (did I say: we are not complaining?).

        (2) We decided to follow YouTube’s request to substitute the National Anthem by a song that would not cause trouble. We think that the song we use is the most appropriate given our current predicament. We were surprised with the result and this is why I invite you to watch the first 30 seconds of the clip.

        (3) YouTube user Astra2012 suggested “WEARING BLACK bc democracy is dying in the usa”. The user rightly points out at the fact that we are out of time.

        Therefore, we ask our audience for suggestions (they are welcome). This would include: Best day to WEAR BLACK before the RNC.

        God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

        The Smedley Butler Brigade

        Keeping Meerkat Manor Safe & Sound­nedinGermany

      2. smedleybutlerbrigade — excellent video (would add a BO warmongering take near the end — since it seems only the Mitt is talking this way).

        Here is what I posted on other sites— curious to see the responses.

        Anything in the works by Ron Paul supporters to March on DC prior to Tampa?

        Would this be a good move, or concentrate on putting as many Patriots in Tampa — hopefully millions of US?

  17. If Ron Paul can accomplish to audit (which eventually will end) The Feds — this Act alone will declare him the Greatest Human Being of the 21st Century!

    Pay attention to this, and what it means. (In short: the tons of money created by the Feds, BUT NOT YET USED, will soon hit the fan —and when this happens in the very, very, near future, price will double and then triple and quadruple, and so on, in a very short span of time)!

    “…most of the dollar deposits created by the Fed via successive rounds of “quantitative easing” remain on the balance sheet of Fed member banks. Because of very rational economic fears, banks are not lending, businesses are not expanding, and individuals are shedding debt. So, the trillions of dollars created by the Fed since 2008 remained largely undeployed. When those dollars eventually make their way into the world economy, prices across all sectors of the economy are likely to rise dramatically.”

    Ron Paul:

    Later this month Congress will have an unprecedented opportunity to force the Federal Reserve to provide meaningful transparency to lawmakers and taxpayers. HR 459, my bill known as “Audit the Fed,” is scheduled for a vote before the full Congress in July. More than 270 of my colleagues cosponsored the bill, and it has the support of congressional leadership. But its passage in the House of Representatives is only the beginning of the battle, as many Senators and the President still don’t see the critical need to have a national discussion about monetary policy.

    The American public now senses that the Fed’s actions, especially since 2008, are enormously inflationary and will cause great harm to the American economy in the long run. They are beginning to understand what so many economists still don’t understand, which is that inflation is a monetary phenomenon, and rising prices are merely a symptom of that phenomenon. Prices eventually rise when the supply of US dollars (paper or electronic) grows faster than the available goods and services being chased by those dollars.

    This fundamental truth has been thoroughly explained by Milton Friedman and many others, so today’s Keynesian economists have no excuse for their claims that “inflation is under control.” Ordinary Americans don’t need a PhD simply to look at the Fed’s balance sheet and understand the staggering amount of money creation that has occurred in recent years. They know it will have harmful consequences for all of us eventually.

    I’ve spoken at length about inflation, and how Fed money creation is effectively a tax. Every dollar created out of thin air dilutes the value of the dollars in your pocket and your savings in the bank. But the truth is that we are only beginning to see the results of the Fed’s dramatic increase in the money supply. As former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan himself explained last week to Larry Kudlow, most of the dollar deposits created by the Fed via successive rounds of “quantitative easing” remain on the balance sheet of Fed member banks. Because of very rational economic fears, banks are not lending, businesses are not expanding, and individuals are shedding debt. So, the trillions of dollars created by the Fed since 2008 remained largely undeployed. When those dollars eventually make their way into the world economy, prices across all sectors of the economy are likely to rise dramatically.

    The true evil of inflation is that newly created money benefits politically favored financial interests, especially banks, on the front end. Over time, however, the net result of monetary inflation is always the devaluation of savings and purchasing power. This devaluation discourages saving, which is the key to capital accumulation and investment in a healthy economy. Inflation also tends to hurt seniors and those living on fixed incomes the most.

    For decades the Fed has operated without any meaningful oversight whatsoever, resulting in the loss of savings, loss of purchasing power, and loss of quality of life for all Americans. It causes individuals and businesses to make bad decisions, misallocating their capital because market signals have been distorted. It causes financial ruin by engineering the inevitable boom and bust cycles that so many erroneously blame on capitalism. And it does all this in secrecy, to the benefit of the financial and political classes. It is time to Audit the Fed, as a first step toward ending its unchecked power over our money and economic fortunes.

    1. Chief . I spread that to my 5K facebook friends….family and friends are sheep but my friends are not!!! Thanks!! I am not letting UN take my guns…..the Civil war will start when the first shot is fired, if its me, well it was worth it!!

      1. Hi Mat (& everybody thinking of Civil War)…

        Ever heard of the late Bill Cooper? The guy who predicted 911 Before AJ (who never acknowledged this fact on which he fed his reputation?

        Well, a few years back I did hear of him. Initially I thought the guy was a tin-foil hat wearer… He was (like JFK was – check his “secret societies” speech)… Sadly, it seems to be contagious… I have been wearing tin-foil hats for years now…

        Why do I mention Bill? Because he warned us Not To Rush into action, to be cautious. My proposal is simple, do a Grand March in DC first (as originally proposed by RP in 2008 – not done in 2012 because of the Bilderberg Crime Syndicate).

        Read or listen in YouTube to Bill’s Behold, A Pale Horse. He described in 1991 what the Secret Gov has been up to for many years. The same thing Myron Fagan did in 1967.

        We have been programmed to be focused on Dem-vs-Rep fight (aka Misdirection trick of Illusionists) when in reality our Fight is with The Beast (aka 666), as portrayed in our vid:

        So… Hold your breath… Breath deeply… Calm down because The Beast is ready for us and we are not ready for The Beast… Why do you think there are so many bills passed since 2011? They are waiting for us… Ever heard of one of the techniques Native Americans used to hunt Buffalo? Stampede them down the cliff… So… Again, hold your breath… Breath deeply…

        What if instead of Civil War we call for Civil Disobedience?

        What if instead of Civil War we call for Peaceful Demonstrations?

        I believe that all of these peaceful acts will wake up those members of the Repressive Forces (Police, Soldiers, etc), that have been programmed to see “We, The People” as enemies. In case you don’t remember, here is a clip containing the mind-conditioned soldier singing while murdering people in the street.

        (In)Famous Zbigniew Brz warned us that these days it is easier to kill millions of people than to fight them. The Beast has weapons that the public has no clue about (from Microwave burning machines to HAARP, etc – 100 years ahead of any common knowledge – this is what they call Unidentified F$@%ing Objects).

        One thing is clear though…

        “The Time Has Come For Us”

  18. @Surfisher says: (July 18, 2012 at 6:24 am)

    “would add a BO warmongering take near the end — since it seems only the Mitt is talking this way).”


    Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” (title of English translation)…

    Step at a time brother… BO must wait… Got to win RNC first… Biting The Beast every which way possible (as often as possible)…

    @Surfisher says: (July 18, 2012 at 6:24 am)

    “Here is what I posted on other sites— curious to see the responses.”


    “Anything in the works by Ron Paul supporters to March on DC prior to Tampa?

    Would this be a good move, or concentrate on putting as many Patriots in Tampa — hopefully millions of US?”

    Reply (see above “Art of War”):

    We gain physical weight (and become obese) when we start justifying Not To Do certain physical activities. With time, we make a habit out of this attitude.

    We gain mental weight (and become mentally obese) when we do the same…

    Message To Take Home

    “This is The Fight of Our Lives”. Those who are still in the Zombie state will not perceive it. We must do whatever it takes to get RP to the Oval Office. As we tried to show in our latest YouTube videos, we are not fighting just Romney or Obama… The Enemy of “We, The People” is much more powerful (not just Bilderbergs but The 1930s Legacy of The Bush Empire and Its Masters)… Therefore, we have to wake up everyone (particularly the Repressive Tools of The Enemy) from their Mind-Conditioning [ shown in the clip of the Soldier singing while murdering people walking in the streets of Afghanistan or the Soldier murdering Reuter’s photographer and friends in the streets of Iraq].

    Do you know (personally) any drug addict? No? Check the TV Show: Intervention. You’ll see how hard it is to bring people out of their Zombie slumber.

    This is why we have to keep hammering on the heads of those tough nails (mind-conditioned by The NWO Media).

    Any Demonstration (strong in numbers) is a Powerful Antidote (need multiple treatments).

    Date for March

    We are trying to figure out what is the best date and time for this.’

    Suggestions Welcome…

    Received a suggestion of “Wearing Black” on a specific date…

    Will Finish Comment (getting too heavy)… Let Readers digest this aperitif first.. Meanwhile… Will have more coffee…

    1. smedleybutlerbrigade — I agree with you. We should march on DC and other 50 state capitals, too!

      It was a logistics question — since not many Ron Paul supporters have the means to travel to both DC and Tampa (so the question).

      1. listen to this…Obama is a Infiltaitor guilty of treson. this video is blocked globally by youtube and Google.

        Obama should be tried and hanged for treason

      2. Agree 100%… DC is the goal but we must be happy with less ambitious goals… The idea is to put the heat on The Beast, so that they don’t think the Zombies are still slumbering (probably many will be but at least we have a significant group on alert).

        The new vid we are just “trying-for-size” is:

        The raw link is:

        Go Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

      3. Whatever happened to the thousand vet march? I remember seeing them formed up in front of the White House, and they all snapped to and did an about-face, turning their collective back on the Hussein.

        Of course, it got zero press, and I don’t know exactly what to search for at youtube to retrieve it – wait, I have browser tabs…

        What the heck:…469.11562.0.12576.…0.0…1ac.VRdCyqXE2JM

        IOW, it doesn’t look to me like a “march” accomplishes much.

      4. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

        We obviously have a very different background (i.e. don’t have your wisdom) for you see, warriors (and even floor traders) will tell you that Timing is Essential to insure an outcome (i.e. timing is an important component of planning).

        Never have we got a better timing. The WH is playing “Wag The Dog”, Obama is sweating with the Birth Certificate issue, Romney and his Crime Gang is facing the lawsuit of L4RP, etc, etc…

        Judge Napolitano said once in his show Freedom Watch that America came to be despite the fact that the Revolutionaries of the time were a minority.

        If you want to put “all the eggs in one basket” and risk it, then it’s OK, no offense taken. After all, this is what Freedom is all about.

  19. I hope you all realize these comment boards are infiltrated with the Soros bots. Obama doesn’t want you to cast a ballot in Nov so they just keep planting the lies and filth. Do you think, just maybe, that this blog is just helping in that cause? In sheep’s clothing…

  20. What’s up with Obama’s Birth Certificate? What’s going to happen? Most probably the “War The Dog” Gambit… It always works with the Zombie Slaves… (time after time)…

    This Q is important to the Electoral Process…

    1. Isn’t that kinda moot at this point? The mortar-forker has been in power for over three years already, and he’s got the country at the brink of catastrophe! We’ll be rid of him in January, and then let’s see the indictments fly! I do hope, however, that we make it until January – who can imagine what a lame-duck communist like him could some up with!!

      1. “mortar-forker?” Feel free to use the N word (we all know you want to). How about the Ron Paul approved “fleet footed?”

  21. IN YOUR FACE – Digital Billboard design for Tampa, Florida, to run in front of the Tampa Forum during the RNC and the week before the convention:

    Let them KNOW THE LAW to protect our delegates.

  22. Judge for yourself what a DISGUSTING form lowly ugly slime this fascist thug is:

    Tell him to go to the hell he deserves.

  23. The Cheife — just spread your most potent videos above!

    One question:

    P.S. Has anyone noticed that when clicking on such YouTube videos, there is NOW about a 10 second delay before they play?

    Could the reason for this delay be that uTube wants to verify your IP addy so they can report it to some Big Brother US Agency to make a file…of who watches what?!

    1. (re: 10-second delay)

      Don’t worry – they’ve got your IP number before they even serve the page, and it takes milliseconds to save it to a file. Maybe “calling home” could cause a delay, but I’d guess it’s more likely just traffic jammed up on an overworked server.

      1. Wow. Total contributions to Doug Wead retirement fund of $1005.40? So how’s the weather in Whittier?

    2. Thx for spreading videos.

      No, the youtube video is a purely technical issue. Most videos now render as HTML5 by default. Some older videos OR commercial videos that have to show ads don’t use HTML5. They still use Adobe flash as before.

      The 10 second delay is a youtube bug when showing videos in HTML5. This problem doesn’t happen for Adobe flash. Google/youtube guys have messed up in their early HTML5 implementation with some slow Javascript stuff. They will be fixing this bad bug soon.

      Having said all of above: Google/youtube/Facebook etc. are definitely NOT our friends or friends of liberty movements. All these big companies are co-sponsors of CISPA. Both Google & Facebook are dangerous enough to be collecting information & spying on all of us & are/will be in cahoots with big government CIA/FBI etc. for nefarious purposes. These are generic statements – Don’t apply to the specific problem you asked about, but beware of these corporate thugs. Pressure your representative for defeating CISPA.

  24. “In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

    Declaration of Independence

  25. One week later and no blog by Doug declaring victory? No pep talk to “hang in there we’re winning”?

  26. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by Perfidy Mitt to post garbage.

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. Yes, well, in all it’s silliness, it’s received the obligatory one-and-done, from me. That’s about all it’s worth, and I think we should all simply not even speak of it again.

      Say; everyone needs to check-out the @RONPAULONE channel, in youtube, especially today. IF you have any contacts who were.are ALASKAN delegates (mainly for Paul, but for anyone other than the Mittens/ Willard), please do ask them to contact Lawyers for Ron Paul via (aka, == TODAY- Okay?
      I have sent messages to my contacts and i know one friend is still pretty ticked-off at the whole mess of politics in AK, yet I think I can convince her to come back into the deep end with me. If any of you have any links to ANY voters in AK, send them to me, and I will be happy to speak with them.

      Also,, I will put up a post in my channel; today, in regard to the investigation of ALL precinct #247 election-day workers (and all of their rule-breaking, election-law breaking) as follow up to the post, “My Experience as Election Judge in Austin, TX”. Much is going on and I have to say I’m actually happy this investigation is going forth, even with the nasty tone of the caller (our County Clerk, Ms DeBeauvois) when she phoned me a couple of weeks back.
      At least she (and they, the board) seem to be taking, seriously, my allegations that each and every judge, save me, broke rules of elections all day long, during our primary. heck, one judge even pushed me aside when I refused to break the rules, so she could do the same. I have to say I am HAPPY this is under investigation– even if they want to place me in the middle of it.
      The thing is this: I know I did absolutely nothing wrong. And, I did report what happened, to a lower-level clerk within the office, so that they are following through is almost like a miracle. Yet, as they cannot find fault with anything I did, I don’t know how far they will go into this investigation. This is why I will be writing an OPEN letter to the Elections Board of Travis County, and our County Clerk, in particular, on my site. I want the world to recall what I saw and I am happy for the County or State Prosecutor to use whatever I know as basis for their claim.
      Will let y’all know when I post it.
      Suffice it to say, though; not one of the judges OR clerks from Primary Day in Austin (precinct 247) will be working in the run-off elections scheduled for 31 July. Yes, I have also been relieved of my duty, but, I am sure this is only in the effort to remain fair and impartial (unbiased). Or, I hope this is the reasoning!
      I am feeling less attacked, but my guard is up. One never does know what may be in the minds of “Bipartisan Crime Inc.”. (yes, most call our elections-board, Bipartisan Mafia, but to not upset certain friends, I have renamed them!)
      take care, ALL.

      1. annebeck58 —

        You are a true Patriot!

        Do not worry, Truth — no matter how oppressed — eventually wins out over lies!

      2. No worries, Darlin’.
        I am feeling quite happy in my willingness to come forth and speak the truth. And, again; I am actually VERY pleased that Bipartisan Crime, Inc. has taken this on. Nothing but good can come of it in my estimation, but this is only IF they decide to do the right thing by the people of Travis County. My hope is this is their intention. I believe it is, even if they want to try and take me down with the cheaters, they don’t have anything with which to prosecute (or persecute) me, in my mind. Surely, they also see this?

  27. Ron Paul — President of the GENUINE US Republic 2012!

    All Real Americans need to come to Tampa, in the millions, to assure this Last American Patriot’s VICTORY — or forever live in tyranny!

    Last Chance to Save our Nation — COME TO TAMPA — It’s NOW or Never!

    1. Not only do we need them, in Tampa, but we NEED them to sign on to the lawsuit, via LawyersforRonPaul, aka, ElectionFraudRemedy, aka,
      Right now, on the RONPAULONE channel, in youtube, is a video calling on ALL Alaska delegation, to sign-on and sign-up for this lawsuit. We have NOT lost this, yet, and we simply need each and every state represented.
      Why would people vote and take the time to be delegates yet not protect themselves before going to Tampa? IF they are not part of the lawsuit, they have ZERO PROTECTION. With the lawsuit (which costs them absolutely zero, money-wise), comes complete protection from the powers-that-be, including the RNC (Priebus) and the GOP of each and every state.

      So, what gives, people? SIGN ON AND SIGN UP, NOW!

  28. Imagine a state of the art, digital billboard, 100 feet from the front of the Tampa Times Forum, where the RNC will be held in Tampa, Florida. Imagine an “END the FED” billboard on that digital billboard where all the powerful and wealthy political brokers attending the convention in the private suites, all the RNC officers, all the DELEGATES and ALTERNATES in attendance and all of the National and INTERNATIONAL media in attendance, walking out the front door of the RNC, or coming there, and seeing that billboard which DOES exists, with an “END the FED” billboard design blasting off the billboard.

    Or, just quit.

    1. RPB: I LOVE the billboard (as it is). I think it will have only a positive effect.. and I would love for it to stand.
      Who said QUIT?

      I have not quit and though the talking-heads (even those who say they are on OUR side) have sometimes alluded to this very thing, I believe they need to be ignored (and given, as my mom would say, a “swift kick in the pants”, for what they have done.)

      WE are with you here, IF you would post where to send donations (other than the site run by the traitor, ,Hunter), I would be happy to give whatever i can come up with. I am sure many of my friends would also do the same!


      1. Look’s like Doug quit. 9 days and no new entry from him. Maybe he saw the writing on the wall like Gary Howard Jesse Benton and even Ron’s son Rand Paul finally did?

      2. Jim, sure hope u keep your curtains drawn. Since you most likely partake in Bohemian grove as a voluntary butt for abuse by Mittens and so. Even seeing you take a few in the mouth would be awful to see no matter how much you like the cream. Also beware that while your there jerking yourself in anticipation of a reaming that the drones above are being hacked by anonymous to take u out. If the Iranians can take down a super high tech drone I think a few silicone valley high schoolers could do the same. Place one hell fire missle right up your ass!

      3. Anne,
        I wrote a nasty letter to Jack Hunter there on Ron Paul 2012 site asking for my money back that he stole and never gave to Ron Paul. I also just called leaving a detailed message wanting my thousands back. I told him I has incriminating evidence and that Lawyers are working probono to get this money back for us to give directly to Ron Paul. Basically called him a scumbag sell out!!
        wonder if he or the org will reply.

      4. Well, gollee, Mat; you took the words right out of my mouth!
        I also want Hunter to give back, to the campaign (as in we-the-people-campaign, not the Benton-Tate-etc.. camp) any and all funds he amassed as ruler of the RonPaul2012 site. Hunter has worked against our interests and against Ron Paul. That fact has not been lost on any of us who’ve actually paid attention.

        Like I said, on RBN and other radio shows (right after the Rand mess),I stated numerous times, Hunter does NOT speak for me, nor does he speak for RON PAUL. Now, I would love to pick Doug Wead’s brain on this, but if he wants to say something (or if he has more to add), I am sure he will. I am not one of those who insists each and every person within the campaign (or outsider, either) speak up, NOW. That is left to the folk like Kokesh and Olson. I wish people who said they were with Paul would just be with Paul and ignore all of that stupidity, but not a lot i can do to force them into this position.
        All I can do is warn people that the campaign insiders (some, most likely and one, for sure) are being questioned as to their role in destroying the campaign. I know Benton has a bit to answer for and I believe Tate, et al, will also need to respond.
        In the meantime, we all need to work to get our delegates TO TAMPA. When others’ delegates do NOT show-up, we will need the Paul delegates to take their seats. If they are not IN TAMPA at the time, that won’t happen.
        So, I hope everyone who cares, at all, will go here:
        and make a donation. It’s NOT a donation to the campaign. It is a donation to people like US, who still care.

        And the little kids who would still pop in, here, to say stupid things? Should still be ignored.

      1. Say, don’t bother with it. It’s intention is to upset you and anyone and everyone else, here. Just don’t bother yourself, and don’t allow yourself to be bothered.

        I will respond to people who’ve had reasonable things to say, tomorrow. The silly kids can figure it out on their own (or not). As far as I’m concerned, they have been given ample evidence and truth, yet neglect to take advantage of same.
        So, meh.

        As they say, you can lead a horse to water…. (and all).

  29. Hunter, Wead, Tate and Benton have worked against your interests and against Ron Paul? HE HIRED THEM! You claiming they “destroyed the campaign” makes RON PAUL look bad. How is he suppose to be POTUS if (in YOUR OWN WORDS) he ‘s a poor judge of people? You Paulbots crack me up! Good luck getting your money back! This is exactly why the pundits refer to you folks as “rubes.”

  30. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by Perfidy Mitt to post garbage here.

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. I do think it’s best to not even mention it and to not bother anything it writes or copies and pastes. Honestly, it gets a thrill each time you say anything about it.
      (I would say that to you, privately, but can only respond to you, here.)

  31. By the way, Doug; I just re-read this post and have only one thing left to say,
    Mitt Romney, the ever-religious animal, has run the filthiest, most violent, campaign I believe we’ve seen in recent history. This is more akin to the old-time labor-vs-union disputes of the forties. It’s worse then the star-studded sort of sham put-on by Obama. I cannot think of a worse (losing) candidate than Romney, and when it comes to the November vote (IF the Paul delegates and others’ delegates cannot pull of a real upset in Tampa), Romney will lose. it is if this was the intention from the very beginning. And, knowingly or not, Romney and his “team” (whom we never see or hear from, somehow) have perpetrated a horror-show and made a mockery of the American Democratic process.
    It is as if Romney was set in place as a fall-guy to Obama as “winner” or something.

    (hint hint, wink, nudge)

    1. Benton is already calling Romney a “friend” and an “honest broker.” If Wead values his job he will be doing likewise within the next few weeks or he’ll just continue doing like he’s been doing. Keeping silent on the major loss in Nebraska. You really should begin to accept this reality, otherwise you will either turn to suicide or follow that Paul supporter in Colorado’s footsteps…

  32. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by Perfidy Mitt to post garbage here.,

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

      1. Guess you can kiss that $1,005.40 in contributions to Doug Wead er um i mean “Ron Paul” goodbye , eh? Only 2 delegates in Nebraska. Even if the lawsuit unbinds the delegates 11 states is far less than 39 states. You’ll never see a return on your “investment.”

  33. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by Perfidy Mitt to post garbage here.,.

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. Surfisher is beginning to sound more and more like a member of the People’s Temple when Concerned Relatives tried to collect their loved ones from Jonestown. On August 26 you’ll be helping dispense the magic punch that will make Ronnie president to his followers for eternity.

      1. Little Jimmy sounds like a Stalin disciple AND paid prostitute for Ben Bernanke & Rockefellers with his deep-seated HATRED of US Constitution, American revolution & United States of America in general.

      2. Of course “The Chief” won’t make it to Tampa. He’ll most likely be shot by police while attempting to firebomb a synagogue in the name of the R3volution or indefinitely detained for sending threatening tweets to a Presidential candidate.

      3. The scourge of fascist anti-American THUGS like Bernanke, Romney & Obama – along with their entourage of paid prostitutes like Little Jimmie need to be eradicated from American shores as fast as possible!

        After the Fed is completely audited & all dirt about Bank of England LIBOR scam – along with Bernanke’s involvement in it is fully exposed: All of these America hating fascists & their shill-whore entourage can be deported to Somalia to set up a new fascist colony over there, for all America cares!

        Reclaim America back from illegal anti-American fascist thugs!! Do it, for the true lovers of Unites States Constitution & principles under which this nation was founded.

        Go Thomas Jefferson!!!
        Go Thomas Paine!!!
        Go James Madison!!!!

  34. “In April, when the RNC wanted to start a joint fundraising operation with the Romney campaign following former senator Rick Santorum’s exit from the race, they made sure to touch base with Paul’s staff. Benton said at the time that the congressman gave his ‘blessing to begin assembling the Victory organization Republicans will require to guarantee a win in the fall.”

    Translation: Ron paul conceded defeat back in April then continued to take in millions of contributions to keep his grand-son in law and Doug Wead on the payroll.

  35. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by Perfidy Mitt to post garbage here.,.,

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

  36. Ron Paul — President of the GENUINE US Republic 2012!!!

    All Real Americans need to come to Tampa, in the millions, to assure this Last American Patriot’s VICTORY — or forever live in tyranny!

    Last Chance to Save our Nation — COME TO TAMPA — It’s NOW or Never!

    1. Here’s a preview of Ron Paul’s rally in Tampa (note the pic of George Washington. These types have a long history of cloaking their politics in the guise of “patriotism”) :

  37. Attn: The Chiefe, annabeck58, mat, Rich Grise and all good people posting here — please, do not respond to trolling shill ‘Jim’ in any way — let me handle this creature on my own.

    I asked the same for the subhuman ‘tex2’ parasite — and you all cooperated. Within a few weeks the #2 was done and gone from this forum!

    So I ask the same — please, do not reply to It — and by the time I’m done with It, it will be trained like Pavlov’s dog…again. Not to be heard or seen again!

    Thanks all,

    1. Wow. Disappearing people you disagree with “Not to be heard or seen again!”? Sounds like some good ole’ Paulistinian Crypto-Nazism to me.

    2. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by NWO Mitt & Co. Puppetry to post disinformation here. Do not reply to It.

      The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

      Ignore It.

      See its saved post below:

      (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
      “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    3. Attn: The Chiefe, annabeck58, mat, Rich Grise and all good people posting here — please, do not respond to trolling shill ‘Jim’ in any way — let me handle this creature on my own.

      I asked the same for the subhuman ‘tex2′ parasite — and you all cooperated. Within a few weeks the #2 was done and gone from this forum!

      So I ask the same — please, do not reply to It — and by the time I’m done with It, it will be trained like Pavlov’s dog…again. Not to be heard or seen again polluting this forum!

      Thanks all,

  38. What exact day is the Vote on Audit the Feds?

    It should be this week — we need to have troops of Real Americans in front of Congress on that day, with Signs to let them know that ANYONE voting against it WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE as a wannabe destroyer of our Nation!

    Only anti-Americans will vote against it — and they need to be aware that We, The People, will know them by NAME, and will not rest until they are removed from Congress!

    1. What a n odd thing to say! Herman Hess said basically the same thing when the German’s voted to make Hitler Fuhrer.

    2. Why be so cryptic about it? Why don’t you say what you really mean , which is if Dear Leader’s bill doen’t pass Ron Paulistinians like The Chief will firebomb synagogues and neocon shops and homes across the country?

    3. See — now I’ve reduced It to foaming at the mouth by posting invented gibberish.

      By the time I’m done with It, it will not be just a trained dog of Pavlov, but a foaming at the mouth mad one.

      1. In case you hadn’t noticed, I do not and have not responded to it in many posts. I asked you to not even bring it up because it gets a thrill anytime it’s noticed.
        When you see posts from (the same) fools, just scan past, don’t bother reading, and truly don’t bother responding to it. I just don’t because I will not suffer fools.

        If you have not noticed, it only gets worse with responses. I do not respect it enough to give it such due.

  39. Reposting this very crucial post (since the anti-American shill ‘Jim’ is polluting this forum again — in its silly hope It can deflect the Meritorious Posts by “out-posting” the rest of the people here).

    What exact day is the Vote on Audit the Feds?

    It should be this week — we need to have troops of Real Americans in front of Congress on that day, with Signs to let them know that ANYONE voting against it WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE as a wannabe destroyer of our Nation!

    Only anti-Americans will vote against it — and they need to be aware that We, The People, will know them by NAME, and will not rest until they are removed from Congress!

  40. Obviously Surfisher is not a real Ron Paul activist or he wouldn’t have to ask when HR 459 goes before the House (hint: it was this afternoon). Where is the Doug Wead blog about it? This just points to what we’ve known all along. Doug is busy posting his resume elsewhere. Maybe Gary Howard will put in a good word for him at the RNC? Well, Walmart is always looking for gentlemen his age to be greeters.

    1. For whatever it’s worth, I called my Congresslady, Linda Sanchez, D CA 39 and told her staffer, “It’s VITAL that that get passed so that We the People can know what those rich white guys are doing behind closed doors!”

      1. and who said Ron Paul isn’t supported by racists obviously hasn’t met you. I bet you used a fake Hispanic accent while saying it too? Wow. I mean. Just wow. This is one for the record books.

  41. Surfisher is the real troll here. If he were a REAL supporter he wouldn’t have had to ask “What exact day is the Vote on Audit the Feds?” ONCE! Instead he asked TWICE! Then after I called him on it acts like he is telling us something we didn’t already know.

    Note: Doug could have answered his question not once but twice but, now that Paul himself told c-span this morning he will not be even speaking at the RNC Doug is obviously off seeking greener pastors.

  42. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by NWO Mitt & Co. Puppetry to post disinformation here. Do not reply to It..

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It.

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. Nice try Special Agent surfisher. It’s always the FBI agent provocateurs who yell the most slogans and yell them the loudest. You’ve already been outed. Nothing says ‘fake supporter” in Ron Paul circles more than not knowing when HR 459 was to go to the floor, as it represents Paul’s the climax of Paul’s 31 year career and his REAL supporters have been counting down the minutes for weeks now.

  43. Audit the Federal Reserve VOTE starts in a few minutes — about 1:15pm ET — watch it live, and mark down the Names of the anti-Americans that vote against this crucial transparency (so we can vote these creatures OUT OF Office)! What possible objection could there be to audit them, since anyone can be audited…what hidden powers make the Feds SO UNTOUCHABLE to BE EXEMPT from being audited, so all Americans can see what they’ve been doing to US???

  44. Mr. Weed,
    the most important issue is not the infiltration of the campaign ( It”s allready happend ), but the infiltration of grassroots leaders ( Also happend ). To win this WAR every GRASSROOT ACTIVIST SHOULD BRING AT LEAST ONE LIBERTY MINDED PERSON INTO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. A person whom they trust ( Family, friend, etc.). The WAR will be won or lost on this battlefield. We cann”t do much NOW because we dont have a RON PAUL, but you CAN!!. DO IT NOW; DONT WASTE TIME, MONEY OR ENERGY ON DEBATES. The GOPS will think TWICE IN TAMPA if the message will be: VOTE MITT AND WE”LL BRING YOU DOWN.
    Scorch the earth under their feets!

    Siincerly yours
    aurel barber

  45. President Ron Paul — The Last American Patriot standing!
    (Don’t let another Judas kill him)!

    Ron Paul has been fighting to save our Nation from the Criminals that Usurp our Government for the last 30 years! Finally his Freedom message is getting through on the internet — BUT still blacked out by the controlled Main Stream Media that tries to brainwash All the People! Stop watching TV News — go to the Free Internet before it is shut down!

    President Paul — or America to END 2012 !!!
    (there are no other options)!

    1. we all need to somehow organize rather than hidding as snipers behind bushes and in out drywall house easily penetrated and blown up by drones and the heavy armour they plan on using to kill us and chop out heads off in FEMA camps. People of USA are so clueless as to what is happening just like the poor poles in Warsaw Nazi Germany.Anonymous needs to organize us. someone need to start a system of organization for Patriots. Who will lead us to battle against TH NATO armies and NWO thugs?

  46. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
    (there are no other options!)

    All REAL Americans, and ALL People around the world— that believe in Liberty, Peace, Prosperity, Honesty, Truth, Goodness and Self-determination —are for Ron Paul.

    President Paul wants to save our Nation and heal the World, and desires nothing for himself — making him a True Patriot (unlike the megalomaniacs that want The Presidency, so they can get a bigger pie, and engorge themselves further at the people’s expense — marking them as Leeches on the path to suck US dry)!

    Ron Paul has awoken the Sleeping Giant that is We, The People! We are growing in numbers and our voice is no longer distant thunder — but a Roaring Storm that’s approaching and eventually will wipe out the PUPPETEERS that have stolen Our Nation!

    We are the MANY, while the Criminals in Power, that want to control us, are the FEW (and their subhuman squeals are getting weaker)!



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