Montana Madness: GOP establishment shuts out Ron Paul supporters

Here’s a report from David Johnson, Manhattan, Montana.
The GOP elephant just stepped on and crushed its hardest workers.  Such was the aftermath of the last weekend’s Republican State Convention in Missoula, and the ones who may pay the dearest price for this stunning display of spitefulness will likely be the candidates on the statewide Republican ticket.  The Party has just shot itself in the foot – and may have shot its candidates in the back.
Political conventions in election years are normally all about building unity, laying aside differences and “closing ranks” around the part’s chosen nominees.  Accordingly, the opening speech by former governor Judy Martz on Friday morning struck just the right chord – a gracious recognition of what the ideas of Ron Paul and the enthusiasm his supporters have come to mean to the Republican Party.  Martz then called upon this strong and active contingent of the Montana GOP to join with the others in forming a united front for victory.
The Ron Paul backers in the audience – reportedly 47 percent of the state convention delegates – were seen nodding in agreement.  Romney’s nomination was a foregone conclusion.  They weren’t there to change any of that, but rather, to keep Dr. Paul’s ideas active and alive, and to claim their well-earned place of respect at the GOP table.  Gov. Martz’s comments notwithstanding, they were in for a cruel and shocking surprise.
The primary objective of the Paul delegation was to elect a proportional number of Paul delegates to the August national convention — partly to honor the party’s most conservative presidential candidate with a few symbolic votes, but more importantly, to have an opportunity to participate in the national platform.
Based on Paul’s showing in the recent Montana presidential primary, state party chairman Will Deschamps assured the Paul campaign that the state nominating committee would select five Paul people to be included on the slate of 20 nominees for the national convention.  Deschamps then appointed a nominating committee comprised of himself and four other Romney (or better put, anti-Paul) individuals, who subsequently nominated ZERO Paul people, even though nearly half of the state delegates present were in the Ron Paul camp. “In the spirit of unity,” the convention then flexed its “Old Guard” muscles by electing a 100 percent Romney delegation to go to Tampa.
The message to the Paul Republicans couldn’t have been more clear:  “There is no place for you at our table and no room for you in our party.  Oh, and by the way, now go out and get our candidates elected.”  Fat chance.
Just as bad as the outcome itself were the elitist methods employed to achieve it.  Not only were the Ron Paul folks intentionally deceived into believing they would be treated deferentially (if not equitably) by the nominating committee, but after the 100% Romney slate was announced and the Paul candidates had to all be nominated from the floor, the powers that be created a totally prejudiced ballot.  Delegates received a ballot featuring on the front, one box to check for the full Romney slate (which they argued were the more legitimate candidates,) and on the back side, the Romney candidates listed a second time, and underneath them in smaller type, the floor-nominated Paul candidates.  If more than 20 votes were cast, the ballot would either be counted only for the Romney slate or in some cases simply invalidated.
While almost all of the Paul candidates were present and gave the traditional brief speeches, less than half of the Romney candidates even bothered to show up for the convention, and almost none of them spoke.  It became painfully obvious that the fix was on.  At that point, one of the party’s own statewide candidates turned to me and said, “You watch.  These people will not be big enough to allow even one Ron Pauler in their midst.”  He was right.
What is such a mind-blower about all this to a new participant such as I, is the degree to which power and control means everything to the GOP Old Guard, even at the expense of losing all their party’s elections.  The unparalleled level of work, energy, activism and enthusiasm the Ron Paul Republicans bring to the party means nothing to them.  They’ll throw it away in an instant  — and did just that.  (Note: the convention was blanketed with Paul signs, Paul literature and two large Ron Paul booths.  By comparison, there were no Romney booths, no Romney signs, no Romney material to be seen.)
When driving up to the convention center, your couldn’t help but notice one intrepid older gentleman, holding a protest sign that read, “Den of Thieves.”  It was easy to dismiss the message as just another anti-capitalist rant from another Missoula socialist.   But ironically, there was more truth to his sign that he could have ever known.  For indeed, I had just witnessed the Republican Party stealing the elections away from its own people.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

86 thoughts on “Montana Madness: GOP establishment shuts out Ron Paul supporters

    1. Take heart freedom lovers! The Montana GOP Chairman and nominating committee were’t fair about the delegate selection process, but thanks to your active participation in the GOP, the party platform and candidate positions are fully loaded in line with our nation’s founding doctrines. Read the new MT GOP statewide platform. You’ll like it. i know several excellent RP style candidates who will be elected on the Republican ticket. The brush fires of liberty are alive and well in the GOP. The GOP IS the place for us. The chairman can be replaced if we stay involved and help vote him out!

  1. What happened in Massachusetts was far worse. Not only did the MassGOP throw out provisional ballots (registered republicans who were told that once their status was confirmed, their votes would be counted) but on Friday, they sent a letter to all but 2 delegates and one alternate, that they were disqualified for not signing an illegal affadavit, pledging that he or she would vote for Romney on the first ballot. There was no rule that they would count provisional ballots, and no rule stating that one must sign an affadvit. Therefore, instead of sending 20 RP supporting delegates to Tampa, they are going to send 2. Oh, yes, and please support your fellow republican candidates.

    1. Same thing in Texas, but we knew (I mean those of us working the election know.) hat provisional ballows would never be counted as wrong as that is. I think the provisional (paper) ballot is there to make people feel better, but now that I know they are NOT counted, I would never suggest anyone use one. I’d also tell people to not vote on ANY paper-ballots where the machines are in play. Some won’t believe me, but they are NOT COUNTED, unless there’s a tie. Then they are counted, but only IF the candidate(s) requesting a recount pays for it. On top of that, they only count the race said candidate ran in, and not ALL campaigns.
      I think this is what happened with Iowa. They kept finding more boxes of votes and it kept changing the very close race. But, they still found in in themselves to flip votes against Paul, there, too.

      I am SO sick of this voting system where we never know if the vote we cast is the vote that’s read or counted. It makes me crazy and ANGRY.

    2. Anyone getting tired of the foul smell of the GOP. Is it just me or does a two party system in which both parties agree monetarily (massive spending) but only differ on issues of civil liberty a recipe of disaster?

  2. It seems like once they saw the fix was on the 47% should have walked away, leaving the convention without a quorum. Then with one RP delegate left behind ask for a quorum call, and shut the convention down before delegates were officially selected. Once they realized there was no shot at a fair chance, they had nothing to lose.

  3. Dr. Paul should cite all these violations and fraud, state by state, and then conclude that as the GOP Politburo don’t want us in the party, he would strongly recommend to his supporters that they all join the Libertarian Party and campaign vigorously for Gary Johnson. For every action there is a reaction.

    If Gary Johnson could poll more than 10%, he’d have a strong case to be included in the debates. If he is excluded, we could stage huge demonstrations outside the TV studios. If Gary Johnson gains more than 15% of the vote in November, the GOP is toast. The LP will become the party for the young and the wise. The GOP would die a natural death, so much the better. I will never ever vote GOP again.

    Those who think they can change the party from within are wasting their time. The Reaganites thought they could. Instead, after Regan, we got Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain and now Romney. It is time we throw our weight behind the Libertarian Party. The GOP is a lost cause.

    1. We HAVE changed the party already Iowa, Nevada, Colorado and more are all controlled by Paul supporters I love Gary Johnson but it is not his time It is the time of Ron Paul and what we have done, built in part on groundwork the LP laid, has been nothing short of amazing. I would love to see the LP get big but I think that the Libertarian party does not want to win elections I think they are more concerned with arguing theory.

    2. “Lawyers for Ron Paul” (L4RP) has filed Federal Civil Rights case for election fraud. They could use a copy of the Montana ballot referred to in David Johnson’s article as evidence, and they are looking to include as many disenfranchised voters and delegates — especially national delegates and alternates — who may have personally witnessed even the slightest observation of election fraud, abuse, coercion, railroading, etc. in any and every state in this years’ primary cycle. Over 140 delegates from across the nation have already become Plaintiffs in the suit; all are invited to join — regardless of their preferred candidate.

      If you observed any improprieties in your state please go to: to post your testimony.

      The lawsuit is completely pro bono (i.e., it will cost you nothing). Details can be found at:

  4. Doug Wead.
    This is a hard one to hit that “like” button on, but I did so, as all of the tomfoolery still needs exposing.
    These salt-of-the-earth Montanans just won’t figure it out. They think they are doing the, “right thing”. This group of folk honestly labors under the DELUSION that they always do the right thing and never break the law. They probably don’t get speeding tickets and have never been to court other than to serve jury-duty. BUT, disenfranchising, shutting out, debasing delegates (esp when THEY– the Paul contingent- showed and the Rombots did? NOT) is actually against Voting Rights ACT and is bigger than the GOP Rules. Therefore, as the suits against these out of touch people goes forth, we shall see Montanans FOR PAUL signing on and having their say– in Federal Court.
    When they are served, I hope it serve as a lesson to them that breaking election laws is still breaking America’s laws.. but I don’t know if even that will seep in to their, “always right”, brains.

    So, in a sense, it’s all good. Then again, I do wish the older (well, middle-aged to early-retirement aged) GOP would wake up. If they don’t even attempt to play fairly, they will kill the party. We still want, “IN”, on that party, unless it’s completely dead come August.
    At that point, if these people DO suicide the party, well, they can have it. We’ll pick up, put ourselves together, and form another Republican Party. They will be invited, but they will be too pig-headed to accept..

    Such is the fate of those who will not see.. I’d love to tell them they do still have a chance, with US, with the kids they disparage (though I am their age, too), and i have tried. They will NOT see it!

    1. You are right Anne. As a Montanan I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Those cops just ain’t fast enough.

      I had high hopes for Montana, in spite of the low turnout for Paul. I personally know a half dozen people across the state who were delegates to Missoula. I am also aware of certain count GOPs being headed by Ron Paullers. The fact that this outright FRAUD occurred is shocking to me. Maybe I should have known better. I was looking forward to getting a few delegates for Paul, and a few Paul supporters as Romney delegates. We are in the Ninth Circuit, so the latter group could have joined that voting rights lawsuit. But none of this is going to happen.

      My state was one of two to have Paul officially on the Ballot in 2008. He also received 20 or 30 percent (rather than the 13% he got this time) of the popular vote in the 2008 GOP primary and convention, though no delegates. But that was early in the race. February instead of June.

      I think it is only a matter of time before the GOP implodes. Either as a result of Paul folks refusing to go quietly into the night at the Convention in August, Obama beating Romney in November (which will happen if Mittens is the nominee), or if Romney does win, his failing to be any different than Obama on civil and economic liberties.

      Finally, I am just kicking myself in regret for not becoming a delegate. I decided I wanted to be one about a week and a half after the Montana Secretary of State’s stupid deadline for becoming a precinct committee person had already passed. If I had been on the floor in Missoula, I would have been just one more person there to hold the party hacks and insiders accountable.

      I am just sad that Montana doesn’t have party registration. Because if I had previously registered as a Republican I would be tearing my card in half and asking the bastards to take me off their filthy rolls. I am thoroughly disgusted with the GOP.

      1. Well, my parents are in Montana, and we are doing all we can to get them out (I told my dad, today, we’re trying to get them sprung, so to hang in there.) My parents are 90 and 91 and their predicament has most to do with my (crazy\iest) sister trying to get them declared incompetent, with the assistance of their bankster-neighbor.
        I was very angry over Montana and know my dad wasn’t thrilled either. We discussed how the old-party has really messed this up by cheating and turning themselves off to the voices of the younger generation. Like any club, they need to take in youngsters if the club is to survive, but these pigheaded folk (all over the US, not just in Montana) don’t seem to comprehend this fact. I guess they all think they will live forever?

        And, we don’t have party affiliation required in Texas, either, But, if you voted Rep, you should have had your voting-card stamped Rep. It signifies that you voted in a Republican primary, and this may be enough to send back to the party heads, in order to get them to know why. Of course, will they care? No, they won’t. They cannot care what so many of us (majority from where I sit) think or they would not have acted as they have in just about every state in this union.
        I think they’re nutts. And, i think they are evil, too. But, don’t try to get them to see this. Like I said, they consider themselves pillars of their locale or state. Convincing them of the opposite is too contrary, I think.

        I was not able to be a delegate, either. Funny, as I talked others into being delegates, all over the country, but wasn’t able to do it, myself. My problem was getting transportation worked out (the car freaked out on me and I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out and fix it). Finally, I bought a scooter. By the time I was able to work that out, we’d had most of our meetings and conventions, including all local conventions, which should tell people? THE primary does NOT matter. What matters is what the party decides matters. But, we’re working to fix that, too.

      2. I think we are even more open than that. They hand us two ballots, one Repub, one Dem. We vote one and discard the other. The officials on hand are not allowed to know which one is which.

        Might I ask, whereabouts are your folks in Montana?

      3. Somebody just posted this on the Yellowstone County for Ron Paul Facebook page…

        Knox Harrington
        let’s give it another try…

        Mr. DesChamps,

        A little follow up from the GOP convention. You and I know that Mitt Romney will be the next Republican for President of the U.S. American Empire. However, he was not the only candidate left in the race for the nomination of the GOP. Ron Paul secured 17% of the popular vote for the Montana nomination. It was therefore the duty of you as State Chairman of the Montana Republican Party to see that the Presidential Delegates Committee reflect that with about 5 Ron Paul supporters on the slate. You even promised that would be the case. Whether or not you lied to us about securing at least 5 delegates for Ron Paul to the National Convention in Tampa may be your sin. The 17% garnered by Paul was NOT reflected on the ballot recommended by the committee.

        Do you guys really want to lose so bad to democrats this year that you will go out of your way to push us Ron Paul supporters out of the party? The same party that you said you wanted us to get involved in years ago? The one in which you said you were “twitter-pated” by the amount of folks who turned out to the Missoula County voting in 2008? You guys were awestruck with the amount of people that ACTUALLY SHOWED UP to the convention this time. According to the actions of yours and the rest of the establishment fleet, is it any wonder why we young people have learned to stay away because you do exactly the opposite of what you say? Is it any wonder how Obama got elected when the GOP treats us this way?
        I know that Thelma Baker ripped off Diane Rotering’s delegate credentials and it was wicked. If Rotering is not refunded, it is theft.

        All you guys had to do was give us a fair shake in that slate made by the committee, and we’d be satisfied. We don’t go away though even though we’re spit on. After this poor display of “party unity”, give us one good reason to help the GOP defeat Democrats with our much needed support? We’ll see what happens to Champ Edmonds, Rehberg, Rick Hill and the rest of the establishment group at the voter polls this year. I’d suggest being fair next time and not in your own words “make an ATTEMPT to be fair.”

        Now you know why the young people have a tough time even showing up to the Grand OLD Party when we are ignored and snickered at behind the scenes. But actually the GOP was infiltrated with communists behind the scenes a LONG time ago when Irving Kristol, an admitted Trotskyite, founded the Neo-Conservative movement which you and the establishment now support without question. How ironic that you like the others of the establishment actually didn’t support the only candidate who had served this country.

        P.S. By the way, I know you love quoting Lincoln as saying that congressmen who knowingly refuse funding to troops in a time of war should be hanged, but he also said that “kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This our convention understood to be the most oppressive of all kingly oppressions, and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us.”

      4. THIS is an excellent response. Let’s see if the GOP usuals bother to read and digest it.. I have a feeling the answer to that question would be, no. Sadly, and to their own detriment, it would be NO.
        What idiots.

      5. I don’t know if they are just lazy, stupid, or evil. Either way, it may not even be worth the stress to get them to pay attention to us. I say just let the ship pass them by, and when they scream for a lifeboat or a rope, just shrug them off. Liberty will win one day (perhaps soon). Those who stand in the way or try to pull the other way will either be left behind or run over. Victor Hugo (and Ron Paul) said “One cannot resist an idea whose time has come.”

      6. My only problem in letting them bowl us over is this: Their action (or inaction) affects all of us. What they choose will hurt us, if their choice is Rombama or Obamney. I refuse to sit-back and allow this to occur without putting up a fight.
        Simply put, I refuse to ever be complacent, again!

  5. WARNING: I am wearing my summer fashion tin-foil hat. Therefore, for those who still believe in fairy tales, please move along and disregard my comments (unless you want to risk having nightmares for learning the Truth).

    Dear Doug and RP Soldiers for Liberty,

    It goes to show that we have a New World Game in town (I told you so a few posts back).

    It was bad before. It will get worse. I would bet if I could.

    I won’t get into the details that everyone should know by now but to forget what has happened in America since “The Big Event” of this PNAC New Century is bound to cause trouble for The Restitution of The Constitution (I am not poet but, yes, it rhymes).

    They did it with JFK in 1963 and so they would do it again with RP (you heard the rumors I am sure – I also did hear rumors with JFK and I saw the happiness in the faces of who said it on November 24 of 1963).

    Disregard the Recent Past (never mind History) is like disregarding the Laws of Physics (e.g. Force= mass x acceleration – for the layperson).

    When people say “Free Fall” they confuse the layperson who has no clue of what that means (scientifically). Why not say it with the full and direct words? I will leave it there as we are supposed to be polite (although RP clarified that this did not imply being a pushover).

    So folks, we have The Fight of Our Lives. Some would like us to believe that we will have an opportunity in 4 years (sorry Doug, you said it too – I never did because I know what is coming). I am pretty sure that the writing has been on the wall for a long time (it will never come in The NY Times). Myon Fagan and other courageous patriots warned us but, we have been in the hypnotic zombie stupor of mind-manipulation by the Shadow Government-Controlled Propaganda Machine (courtesy of the Bernays’ School and the Agency that manipulates the ESF).

    The Fight could be envisioned as a Ceasar’s Palace Poster:

    RP vs The NWO (good title for a book indeed)

    As ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov told us before he died:

    “You can tell brainwashed people in a thousand different ways and they won’t believe it”.

    I previously posted that we must have the Meerkat Manor philosophy. That is, watchful and protective eyes all over and in all directions, with proper countermeasures.

    Whatever step we announce (e.g. Tampa Paulfest), the Shadow Government has enough money to counter it (it is the nature of the beast we fight). As I mentioned, the Tampa Event is a great idea but I would not put more than 2 pennies on it because it will be sabotaged. The Enemy has much to loose. Therefore, with what they have done in the young part of this Century is enough to tell us what is coming. Don’t need to go to ta Seance or to a Tea Leaves Reader to know. Just read History for the past 100 years.

    As TMOT of GA would say: Damn!

    The Message to take home. Keep doing what you are doing but do even more and stop thinking that our opposition has any rule never mind Principles (keep dreaming). These are the people who commit The Crime of The Century, destroy evidence or ship it overseas to be destroyed. These are the people who “neutralize” witnesses, etc. The reader knows what I am talking about. If he/she doesn’t then we better find someone who does for this additional task that I am suggesting.

    There are plenty of 100% proven Patriots that know what I am talking about and that know the Modus Operandi of The Criminal Gang (and how to counter it). Consequently, they will not only provide that extra edge we need but the extra protection that RP needs because, sooner or later, they will switch into a more aggressive mode (even using those guns that leave no trace).

    God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldier for Freedom!

    1. The Smedley Butler Brigade — great post!

      p.s. did you get a chance to read ‘The World of Yesterday’ by Stefan Zweig?

  6. Great analysis, but what is the road forward? Do we try and reform the GOP from within, or do we join the Libertarian Party? Or, do you have another option for us to consider.

    1. Albert; check out my response.
      The road forward is, sadly (imo), the legal route.
      Suits have been filed, as much as we would have preferred not go this way, and they will be decided (at least initial decisions will be made) before Tampa. It had to be done, given the number of people who were pushed out of the “grande old party” by the not so grande old partiers.
      Personally, and though i have been involved in a few cases of my own in my lifetime, I would have truly wished those “in” the GOP had just done the RIGHT THING and allowed the newer (and in some cases OLDER) party members their say. But, as (like Doug said), they have brought the elephant’s foot down on so many, it is what it is.
      And, we are moving forward, past what they did to those who love liberty and would like to have been heard. They will be heard in Federal court. Their voices and complaints are being taken seriously, finally.

      1. Annebeck,

        You are correct that it is about time that we have gone another powerful step and getting something done legally. Just prepare yourself and get others prepared because the usual response to such things should be two mainfold going against the good cause for justice.

        The first one is that you would expect the other side of the same coin proving to the populace that they really are different and jumping on the bandwagon helping to put their “enemy” party down. You have not heard their acknowledgment of the case nor will they comment unless I am wrong on the second part, and even that might be a response that is done with minimal effort.

        The second part is that the court in such matters has a standard answer when they do not want to get involved. That is that the claim is out of their venue. That is so well used that recently Jesse Ventura who had a claim against the T.S.A. was thrown out using that language or something close to it. If a man like Jesse Ventura was acted against in support of the enemy, this constant election fraud case most likely will not be accepted either, after much time and money has been put into it by the plaintiffs (us). Otherwise such things would have been done in the past years and the results of the criminal actions would have been reversed for starters.

        Therefore hope that all goes well in our favor, but no plan is a good plan unless there is a “Plan B” under such circumstances.

        June 18, 2012/Monday

      2. I’m a firm supporter of Dr. Paul and his ideas. I know if Dr. Paul gets the GOP’s nomination, obama would lose! But if he doesn’t, then would there be time to join Gary Johnson and his Lib compain?

        I fail to see how writing Dr. Paul’s name in on the ballot would even be counted.

        These supporters need a way to unite, we will continue to support and promote Dr. Paul, but if he is not the GOP pick in Tampa, then we will be discouraged. But maybe a merge could keep the dream alive, Paul and Johnson. Just someway to unite the public for a valid shot to have our votes add up to a number that can make a difference.

        Dr. Paul’s supporters will follow him anywhere, and seeing as Gary’s ideals closely resembles the Dr.’s
        It would only make sense that we are given an opportunity to vote for someone worthy of Presidency. Unstead of our vote being “wasted” for a write in (I would do it in a split second if I actually thought it would be counted) it could be added with millions for the same cause!

        Go Ron Paul 2012 (get you some rest! we love you! thank you!)

      3. Yes. Well, whether or not the paper ballots would be counted (aka, write-ins), would depend on the state or even the county. When I was in training to be election-judge, we were told to discourage paper-ballots (provisional ballots) as they would probably never be counted, unless one or more races were looking to be virtual ties.
        All of the people who thought they would avoid the e-slate (hack-a-vote 2ooo) machines did not get theire votes counted, at least in Travis County, Texas. I did tell two different people that, were it my vote, I would not want it to be handled via paper-ballot (and I was pro-paper before the training I received).
        I don’t know what the answer is, as long as we have someone (the flipper) changing votes. In the precinct I worked in, I am sure we had about one and one-half times the number of voters on the Rep side as were counted and I left the polls feeling great that we HAD finally brought it home for Dr Paul.
        FIrst thing I saw when I turned on my computer was the lie that the RomBot had slaughtered Paul in his HOME state. It was just too ridiculous.

      4. Daniel Wayne Keith,

        You are correct about the Gary Johnson factor as a Plan B if Dr. Paul is finally unable to do anything else putting him as the leader of choice. Sadly, though, even as well knowledgeable as the Ron Paul people are, you can tell by reading the comments all over the internet that most of them do not understand the write-in process. In addition to that, it is just as sad that as well informed that the Ron Paul people are, they are not aware of who Gary Johnson is and his history of integrity for the liberty cause.

        One other sad thing is that those who insist on writing Dr. Paul in and yet know about the two factors above, are doing the same thing that the two party people do. They are voting by emotion rather than by logic. Everyone says we are here for a movement and even though we all would love Dr. Paul to be the leader of that movement, the movement is still bigger than the man himself. In that case, if Dr. Paul finally has gone to a limit that would warrant him being written in, then it is time to leave the emotion behind and continue on with the movement by voting for the next best choice who is also on all 50 states’ ballots, Gary Johnson. If Gary Johnson got into the debates, I believe that it would help to promote Dr. Paul as being on his ticket somehow also.

        Viva la movement!
        June 19, 2012/Tuesday

      5. Daniel Wayne Keith, (pt. 2)

        Therefore maybe it is the job of ones like us who understand that it is the movement that needs to win in the long to push the Gary Johnson factor with the explanation and understanding that he is only a Plan B. Even he understands that and has alluded to that understanding from the day he last was allowed to be in the Republican debates being forced shortly afterwards to leave the Republican Party because of the bad treatment he was getting and joining the Libertarian Party, which happens to go by the name that many Ron Paul supporters call themselves (and yet still say they will only write him in).

        Viva la movement!
        June 19, 2012/Tuesday

      6. I will not vote for Gary Johnson and I wish you would post about that on some Johnson blog. Really, this giving up deal of yours is irritating as all get out.
        Please stop bringing up that to me. I will never go with GJ as I do NOT trust him. Okay?

      7. Annebeck,

        That is the 3rd time you snapped out at me. The first time I came back to you with kid gloves on to try to explain that your accusation of me saying something I never said was wrong. The second time I said nothing. This time you do not deserve to be treated like a baby and responded to as though we have to walk on eggs to say anything that you might not like whether it be here, which is not your personal website or your own personal website for that matter.

        GROW UP DEARY and smell the roses. First off, I was not talking to you. If you cannot read and understand how limited responses have to be done at times in places like this, slow down and take the time. You do everything you can. Sometimes you need to slow down especially before shooting off your mouth to someone who is part of the discussion as is anyone else who “dares” to comment here about certain facts that you seem not to either agree with or understand for that matter.

        If you are so passionate for Dr. Paul, that is wonderful, but that says that you really are not for the movement as even Dr. Paul has said exists making our actions bigger than he, himself. You have nerve to tell me to get off this comment page as you did on your second outburst to me the other week because I said that if it comes down to writing Ron Paul in, then we have a more viable alternative to help the movement continue at that stage of the agenda. If we were in a beauty contest and I was real competition for you, maybe you might feel you can have outbursts towards me. We are not in a beauty contest. We are here discussing alternatives and making other comments on the issue. Get use to it!

        June 20, 2012/Wednesday

      8. Annebeck,

        That is the 3rd time you snapped out at me. The first time I came back to you with kid gloves on to try to explain that your accusation of me saying something I never said was wrong. The second time I said nothing. This time you do not deserve to be treated like a baby and responded to as though we have to walk on eggs to say anything that you might not like whether it be here, which is not your personal website or your own personal website for that matter.

        GROW UP DEARY and smell the roses. First off, I was not talking to you. If you cannot read and understand how limited responses have to be done at times in places like this, slow down and take the time. You do everything you can. Sometimes you need to slow down especially before shooting off your mouth to someone who is part of the discussion as is anyone else who “dares” to comment here about certain facts that you seem not to either agree with or understand for that matter.


        June 20, 2012/Wednesday

      9. Well, that is not true.
        I have asked you, more than once, to take the GJ stuff elsewhere. This really is a site about the Paul supporters and delegates and the Paul race, not the Libertarian (as in party) race.
        Do you think, as you keep doing the same things again and again, especially directed toward me, I am going to just be as nice as YOU want me to be, to save your feelings?
        Why don’t you turn that logic around to yourself? Stop telling me how great GJ is, on a Ron Paul blog, and I will stop telling you to not do it. Sound like a deal?

      10. Annebeck,.

        If you are so passionate for Dr. Paul, that is wonderful, but that says that you really are not for the movement as even Dr. Paul has said exists making our actions bigger than he, himself. You have nerve to tell me to get off this comment page as you did on your second outburst to me the other week because I said that if it comes down to writing Ron Paul in, then we have a more viable alternative to help the movement continue at that stage of the agenda. If we were in a beauty contest and I was real competition for you, maybe you might feel you can have outbursts towards me. We are not in a beauty contest. We are here discussing alternatives and making other comments on the issue. Get use to it!


        June 20, 2012/Wednesday

      11. @Ronda:
        I think I just saw this.
        Let me say, first, the court is not able to simply say they want no involvement. Secondly, we do have a very pro-constitution judge, who cares about laws and them being followed, reading this case. I expect an answer (maybe as soon as Monday) as not getting involved in is really not an option.

        Yes, VIVA le Movement- La Revolution!

        By the way; I never called names or tried to be demeaning in my comments toward you. I never “snapped at” you. You, on the other hand, went there. You are your snippy statment, “grow up dearie”? That was okay and was based on my asking, mulitple times, for you to simply post your GJ stuff elsewhere, like on GJ site(s). and you went to exactly where I did not go, but where you accused me of going.
        Like I said, turn your logic around toward yourself. Perhaps you will see that the person doing the snapping and sniggling is you? It’s how I read it (and re-read it, too).

      12. Annebeck,

        Are you burnt out? Do you have any idea what you have been saying to me, and others for that matter, on this Gary Johnson thing or are you just self-centered? You do so much for the cause and yet you act here as though you have no idea who is reading our comments, the great numbers and that many of them actually can understand what is being said by all parties concerned.

        You must be a pretty girl Anne because only pretty girls have ever given me such trouble after all that has gone on because they fear what they perceive to be competition of some sort. You do not have to know what I look like for such defensive, if not, almost attacking, actions, but most pretty females get so used to all the guys doing whatever they want all their lives that they have lived in a bubble so long that they cannot deal with the real world when someone does not agree with them. Guys might mouth off, but they really are not as bad as their bark. Apparently that is a part of life that you will have to learn on your own.

        I am going to end by giving you my thanks for your court information while at the same to suggest that you say nothing else to me on this subject or else your credibility is going to go down and since you have been at least attempting to make the impression that you are in the know involving our troubles with the R.N.C. and Ron Paul, yes it is indeed time that you demonstrate that you can GROW UP and act more mature considering your position in all of this and all those who are reading your responses towards me and others who might have something to say that you do not like. Like you said, you do not trust Gary Johnson and therefore do not like him. Good for your input, but it is not all about you in that case especially to the point of telling me to “get out” of this website because you do not like Gary Johnson.


  7. Avoid the courts where the judges and lawyers are bought and sold – but put together a grand jury of their peers and bring every single one of them to justice – I hope you have the full names of the neo-cons in charge. Post their names all over the internet and what they did, and if the grand jury doesn’t work out – then trust that they will be taken care of by a lynch mob. These elitists have got to be made to understand there are serious repercussions for their actions!

  8. I’m having the same problem (as the RP campaign) with my property owners’ association (POA). The cranky, old “control freaks” group own the Board (they’re retired and have all day to be the “squeaky wheel” that the Board responds to), and to hell with the Restrictive Covenants (our “Constitution”). They could not achieve what they wanted through modification of the Covenants (the owners said NO to their draconian changes), so they have adopted rules that they purport to trump my property rights. One sentence in the Rules is eerily parallel: “The decision of the Board is final, and is not subject to review or reversal by any Court of Law.” How presumptuous of (insert either “GOP” or “my POA Board” here).

    Like the GOP, the Board has all the money. They have a million dollars per year of OUR money with which to resist our efforts to reign them in.

    I sincerely hope that the lawsuits bear more fruit than we have seen here in my little neck o’ the woods.

  9. They don’t care they just want to keep their own powers. They don’t give a hoot who wins the election that is obvious they know Romney cannot beat OBOMBMA only Ron Paul can and they don’t care.

  10. They dont care if its Romney or Obama…two of the same…two headed snake …a bird with two wings crapping on all of us…look its Goldman Sucks either way…so if Ron Paul was nominated he would beat Obama fair and square…thats why they rather throw it all away…no difference same ahole.

    1. Greece only extended the agony of the European Fiat Union by a couple of months.

      Once Spain defaults in the next few weeks (unless, our criminal Federal Reserve private corporation, injects our tax dollars INTO Germany to save the Euro) following next is Italy. Then France.

      The Euro collapse is IMMINENT — its demise, time-wise, depends only on how many artificial resuscitations our Feds can get away with, before the American People notice the drop in their purchasing “power”!

      1. My friend Surfisher, I am not sure whether you remember my comment on The ESF. Therefore, I am going to help recollect for those who cared to check:

        YouTube video title:

        What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY

        YouTube link:

        Short Summary: The Fed is a tool of The Shadow Government (TSG) (check Fletcher Prouty’s *The Secret Team* and William Cooper’s *Behold A Pale Horse*). TSG is the one who tells the Fed what to do (i.e. their function is no different than that of a Counterfeiting Enterprise). They use all the schemes of typical Counterfeiting (e.g. money laundering through their famous banks).

        I am all for the Audition of the Fed and for their termination BUT it has to be clear that perhaps RP is not being harsh enough on Bernanke and his predecessors because he knows what is really going on (I am pretty sure RP does know). Therefore, by first Auditing the Fed, the TSG would be exposed. You will recall that RP has mentioned ending the CIA (essential part of the TSG).

        Message to take home…

        FED=Printing Press… TSG=Real Boss

        With all the money that is at stake, you will have no problem in coming to the conclusion that the TSG will do anything to sabotage RP Campaign (including infiltration with TSG agents).

        Here is a video that a friend of mine just uploaded (hope it gets you started for the day):

        God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

  11. These GOP creatures care only to preserve their RULE over the little Fiefdoms they’ve created for themselves — nothing else!

    They are NO LONGER RATIONAL — but, as a wounded and cornered Beast, they are lashing out; clawing, biting, spitting and fighting to survive.

    In this mode of self-preservation, no thought of consequences is used, only the instinct for survival has kicked in!

    Should Ron Paul win, their meal ticket would be over! So what difference if they also get sued eventually. (Lose-lose).

    Should they succeed in their desperate fight for survival, than all their heinous actions will be taken care of by their own. (Win-win).

    Therefore, expect ever increasing atrocities during the upcoming Conventions — especially in Tampa —- the more desperate this Animal becomes, the more vicious its attacks will be!

    We need to fight them off on all fronts — stand our ground and call them out when caught in attempting to cheat! Don’t let them intimidate you with their lies, but instead unseat them and get all proceedings recorded (live stream is Best)!

  12. The GOP is dead. I will never register as one again. Time to start something new. The Constitutionalists Party! No donkey and no elephant – just The Bald Eagle, soaring to Heaven, shielding America with the awesome span of its wings.
    May God save the Republic!

  13. I enjoy reading the Ron Paul blogs and I have a lot of sympathy for about 80-90% of Ron Paul’s ideals, much more so than I do for the social conservatives.

    The real battle that the Ron Paul movement is going to have in the Republican Party is not with Romney, it is with the social conservatives who have been quiet as of late. I unfortunately think that social conservatives outnumber libertarians by a substantial multiple – something like perhaps 2 or 3 to one. Eventually the social conservatives are going to wake up and then the real fight is going to begin – Rick Santorum has threatened as much already and don’t think for a second that Sarah Palin will align herself against the social conservatives.

    If it ever gets to a brokered convention which I think is impossible barring something dramatic and unforeseeable at this time, I don’t think that Ron Paul could win over the objection of the social conservatives – in fact I feel his best chance for his movement is for Romney to get the nomination without this huge fight with social conservatives – Rand Paul endorsed Romney for reasons known to him and I am sure to his father. I suspect his supporters would be well-advised to let Ron Paul plot the strategy for Tampa.

  14. On the BO’s amnesty take:

    Some are more equal than others!

    It means that if you and I, as American Citizens, break the law, we’ll be punished!

    But when millions of hoards become Criminals, by breaking the law and entering the USA illegally, they are to be forgiven (the meaning of Amnesty) for this criminal act!

    How great it is to live in the New-and-Improved US-of-A!

    We, The US Citizens will be punished if we break the law, but when Mexican-nationals break the law by invading our Nation…they’ll be rewarded with food stamps, amnesty, drivers license, car insurance, welfare benefits (and we, the American People, will end up paying their way to enjoy their criminal act of getting it all)!

    Cute word: Amnesty — means you can kill, rape, steal, murder, pillage, deal drugs, cheat, lie, commit fraud — AND ALL THIS IS FOREVER TO BE FORGIVEN as if it never happened! Has to be the cutest word in the New American Dictionary!

    It’s good to be an Illegal…in the USA!

    1. Yep.
      During all of this, I have many times wished for it to be like it was in the good old days.
      The ARE being sued. I hope their service of impending suit, this past week, wakes SOME of them up– enough of them for us to have a more honest convention, anyway.

  15. Guys, the vitriol in the comment section is a bit ridiculous. The ballot process was skewed purposely by the party hacks, but in the end majority ruled. Doug’s point isn’t that there was fraud, but that the party hacks aren’t interested in building bridges or winning the Presidency. I’ve been to a couple of these conventions in a couple different states, and they toe the line because it allows them to remain in their position of imagined importance. If you want to change that you have to get the majority, and part of that is convincing others not that you’re victims, but that there is a better way for all of us.

  16. Romney is Obama! Just a different color. They’re gonna fuck it ALL up! You can have this fascist country then, UM DONE FIGHTING FIR IDIOTS! Once I leave NC, I’ll not step foot back in the mainland US, until it’s people come to their senses!

    1. I agree with the sentiment. I don’t agree with the language (though, again, I understand the frustration) on this blog, in particular.
      I think this is what turns people off. When I say anything, online, I ask myself if or, esp, how Dr Paul would say it. And, I take it from there.

  17. The Ron Paul revolution is over!! This is the second time in as many campaigns he has dropped out short of the finish line. That is not to say the cause he started is over, but a cause without a candidate is a lost cause. Dr. Paul should be given praise for his ideas and igniting the spark of freedom in so many Americans. But he is short on leadership, management and communications skills. In other words, he is not someone we want in the White House. Signs of trouble in the campaign first emerged when it was reported that Bruce Feign is on the payroll late last year. Then the deafening silence from the campaign during the election fraud and roughing up of his supporters by the GOP establishment made it very clear something is not right. Now, Dr. Paul will not say if he will endorse Romney or not, although his son has already done so. And, he said today that he is neither encouraging nor discouraging his supporters seeking justice through the courts. And, to add insult to injury, this blog refers to Paul’s supporters as Ronulans, as if they are children in a Star Wars movie. Anyone still looking for a GRAND STRATEGY in all of this must think herb is already legal. ITS OVER FOLKS!!!!! Speeches at a crime faimilies’ convention just taints the speech giver. Planks in a crime families platform aren’t worth the paper they are written on. If Paul supporters really wish to pursue the cause of freedom and limited government, they need a candidate who agrees with those ideas. The only candidate who fits that description and who has a chance of participating in the national debates and being on the ballot in November is Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate for President. Throw your support his way to gurantee that the movement does not die. Visit his campaign website for details on his position on the issues. He will definitely be on the ballot, but he needs a showing of support to be eligible to participate in the debates. Make sure he has it!!!!! He is your only chance.

    1. Uh.Blake?
      You are so completely unaware of what is still happening, with the lawsuit (unbinding of all delegates), and that Dr Paul has already said he will not EVER support Romney, it makes me wonder which rock you crawled out from under.
      Its not over. If and when it is, I’ll let you know, okay?

      1. Time to put away the Twinker Bell shoes and face reality. Personal attacks serve no useful purpose. Even if your law suit is heard before August, and then even it you win it, both daubtful, Dr. Paul will not have enough delegates to win the nomination. He will not be in the debates and will not be on the ballot. Turning the GOP convention into a re-run of the 1968 DemoCRAPic convention is a good idea, but it will not advance the causes Ron Paul has stood for for decades. If Paul is not in the debates and not on the ballot in November, his cause will go the way of Ross Perot’s. That is the reality!!

    2. Blake,

      To some degree we cannot be hard on Annebeck or others like her. In our lifetime there probably never has been nor will be again the passion that so many people have put into a politician as we all have done for our good Dr. Ron Paul. Therefore it is not the easiest to just say that even IF, and I repeat, IF, (since Anne seems to never get that term into her head), Dr. Paul is not the nominee with all that is finally going on legally in our defense, we have to turn our attention to someone else. That is because Dr. Paul has been a symbol of the movement all these many years. Therefore as the meaning of a symbol is, we put the highest hopes backing that and its meaning. We have to to some extent allow for a grieving period.

      With that being said, since Annebeck happens to be a rather active person IN THE MOVEMENT, call it a third party choice as the rest of the populace sees with the R’s & D’s, each time she has these unrealistic outbursts against ones like us, it tends to dwindle down her own integrity in the other things she has been doing for the cause towards the many people who follow her and it might even tend to dissuade a few from continuing on with the progression of the movement as is necessary.

      I suggest that we give her some time to go through her grieving but that does not mean to hide from letting her know when she is out of order in how she presents herself. It would be ashame if her outbursts of “get outs” tends to relieve her credibility in how she sees things in this court case since she is a direct plaintiff to my understanding.

      June 20, 2012/Wednesday

      1. By the way, Rhonda, I did respond to your nastier comments directed at me, above.
        Do not attempt to pretend to take up for me. Certainly, I do not need the assistance of anyone so happy to roll over for the RNC. I am still in this fight. Many of us are still in it. We are not giving-up because we are in the right.
        Yet it seems you’re quite happy (complacent) to allow Romney to act as a criminal, with the assistance of the different states’ GOP and you feel you’ve done enough? That makes no sense to me– if you were ever a true patriot.
        If you were just mamby-pamby about the cause of liberty, that is one thing, but again; giving up and giving in to those who are terrible and would make this country even worse than what Obama’s taken it to, is NOT an option to me and/or many who really do care about this nation. This means we even care about what happens to you, like it or not.

        Now, why are you so happy to let Romney and the GOP(s) to get away with crimes? Why are you so happy to have your vote discounted? Were you really only in this to get others to vote Johnson, or what?

  18. Somebody just posted this on the Yellowstone County for Ron Paul Facebook page.

    Knox Harrington
    let’s give it another try…

    Mr. DesChamps,

    A little follow up from the GOP convention. You and I know that Mitt Romney will be the next Republican for President of the U.S. American Empire. However, he was not the only candidate left in the race for the nomination of the GOP. Ron Paul secured 17% of the popular vote for the Montana nomination. It was therefore the duty of you as State Chairman of the Montana Republican Party to see that the Presidential Delegates Committee reflect that with about 5 Ron Paul supporters on the slate. You even promised that would be the case. Whether or not you lied to us about securing at least 5 delegates for Ron Paul to the National Convention in Tampa may be your sin. The 17% garnered by Paul was NOT reflected on the ballot recommended by the committee.

    Do you guys really want to lose so bad to democrats this year that you will go out of your way to push us Ron Paul supporters out of the party? The same party that you said you wanted us to get involved in years ago? The one in which you said you were “twitter-pated” by the amount of folks who turned out to the Missoula County voting in 2008? You guys were awestruck with the amount of people that ACTUALLY SHOWED UP to the convention this time. According to the actions of yours and the rest of the establishment fleet, is it any wonder why we young people have learned to stay away because you do exactly the opposite of what you say? Is it any wonder how Obama got elected when the GOP treats us this way?
    I know that Thelma Baker ripped off Diane Rotering’s delegate credentials and it was wicked. If Rotering is not refunded, it is theft.

    All you guys had to do was give us a fair shake in that slate made by the committee, and we’d be satisfied. We don’t go away though even though we’re spit on. After this poor display of “party unity”, give us one good reason to help the GOP defeat Democrats with our much needed support? We’ll see what happens to Champ Edmonds, Rehberg, Rick Hill and the rest of the establishment group at the voter polls this year. I’d suggest being fair next time and not in your own words “make an ATTEMPT to be fair.”

    Now you know why the young people have a tough time even showing up to the Grand OLD Party when we are ignored and snickered at behind the scenes. But actually the GOP was infiltrated with communists behind the scenes a LONG time ago when Irving Kristol, an admitted Trotskyite, founded the Neo-Conservative movement which you and the establishment now support without question. How ironic that you like the others of the establishment actually didn’t support the only candidate who had served this country.

    P.S. By the way, I know you love quoting Lincoln as saying that congressmen who knowingly refuse funding to troops in a time of war should be hanged, but he also said that “kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This our convention understood to be the most oppressive of all kingly oppressions, and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us.”

  19. I’m a Democrat and attended the Montana Democrat State Convention. In order to be elected as a delegate for the national convention, a nominee had to be present at the convention. Every delegate spoke. You were certainly misstreated by the old guard Republicans! But, please don’t give up, especially regarding Ron Paul’s idea that our troops should be brought home, and we should stop spending money on foreign wars. Good people on both sides of the aisle are influenced by your voices!


    Take Heed, for “We, The People” do not seem to get it… The NWO Monster we fight is Real… It is only fictional in the minds of those who are not paying attention…

    For those who have not had the time to study the difference and prefer letting the NWO tell us what to do, here is a video from an expert in the area. Listen well because, as it appears in the video, the expert has to repeat the answer many times and he seems to struggle with the intellect of the interviewer. He even stresses the factor that the situation is:

    A National Security Threat

    For those who have not had the time to search the internet for Evidence confirming the expert advice, here is a video that has been doing the rounds for quite a while. I hope it helps enlightened the White Hats wearers while the Tin-Foil Hat wearers keep saying to themselves: “We Told You So”…

    God Bless America, Ron Paul and Ron Paul Soldiers for Liberty!

    1. smedleybutlerbrigade — too late to go back to paper.

      However, electronic voting can work — just make it MANDATORY that a 10 ballot test is run minutes BEFORE the election polls open. If the cards show Fraud — then a NEW card needs to be provided, and it too needs to pass the TEST!

      1. I would actually like to do an online voting. I think it would be possible to mail-out ballot-numbers (maybe even password protected) or add ballot-numbers to voting cards (or use voter-id numbers as ballot numbers) to get around the e-slate (hack-a-vote 2000) machines. Sure, they will figure out some other way to hack the vote, but it may be more reasonable than forcing peope to go out and vote, only to have those votes filpped for the “faves” or “lost”.
        I wonder why we don’t just try and go there? These electronic machines really leave election judges (like me– I have been hired to be Rep Judge of my precinct for our 31 July (s)election) with nothing to do, at all. Would be something if we did have paper-ballots to count, again.
        As it now stands, nobody can prove he or she ever voted, because there is no paper-trail. And, we’ve heard from at least one person who swears he did vote, but is not to be found on the roles of “all voters in the state’s primary tally”
        I know I saw a LOT more voters at the precinct I judged than what was reported. In fact, they reported only 101 people voted that day, and 50 voted early, while I recall specifically saying to one of the clerks, “wow, you already have #155 people who chose to vote” Republican. Someone please tell me what happened with those 54 votes that “vanished” into think air?
        I don’t have a list of everyone that showed up, Those who did vote on E-day do not have anything to prove they voted. So, how do we prevent that sort of loss when there is absolutely no proof other than my word? It stinks and it needs to be addressed long before November!

    1. Surfisher,

      Good news. At this very moment the lawsuit is being mentioned on R.T. news. Therefore there is a good chance that other big medium will pucker up on it also. The more there is, the more chances of getting an honest return. Regrettably they are saying that realistically it might not get him the nomination, but the more in that direction, all the same, the better.

      GO RON PAUL,
      June 20, 2012/Wednesday

      1. Rhonda — so was said about the 1776 Revolution…no chance for a few to defeat the mightiest Empire in the World…the British.

        10 million Strong Americans need to descent on Tampa and take the nomination for Ron Paul!

        If there was a “Million Men March” on DC (to ask for what they thought was right) we can have a 10 Million Men, Women and Children March on Tampa — to demand what we KNOW is RIGHT!

        No more playing nice with these criminals in power!

      2. And, now, we are being referred to as, “insurgents”. I will take that. Go and check out the latest Rachel Maddow video, about the RNC and GOP’s not being all that tight, and hear the puppet Steve (Schmidt?) call us, INSURGENTS.
        Next thing you know, we’ll be. “terrorists”.

        If I find myself fighting on the side of right, and I can explain why I am fighting, I really don’t care what I am called.

        Can this Steve puppet say what HE’s fighting for or against? I highly doubt it. It’s like the guys who cannot say why they are voting for Mitt…
        “uhg.. duhhh, cuz we need Obama out…”
        Were that true, they would be going with Ron Paul.

    2. Surfisher,

      You are correct. That is why it is very good news that R.T. has picked up on it. If the Court were to judge in our favor, well, do you remember the statement, “Anyone but Romney”? If that were true, then there are still plenty of people out there as you are saying who would be easily swayed to go against the fraudulent candidate. They would also then tend to finalize the death warrant on all the “M.S.M.” seeing it for what it has been doing and keeping all this silent.

      I have noticed one thing in recent months. Even though Alyona has her “What the Main Stream Media Has Decided to Miss” at the beginning of her show, the main stream media has been using much of their works (stealing?) and they might just start to announce the positive results, especially the Democrat media. They tend to steal work from R.T. when they feel that no one will notice, just like the candidates have all stolen Ron Paul’s talking points. Just like Glenn Beck has stolen plenty from Alex Jones and others.

      So the “revolution” is not over with as far as Dr. Paul is concerned and the big chair. Since there are so many proofs of maltreatment to many of the movement by mainly the Mitt Romney backers,, maybe a good video will be made and put out on television just like a candidate’s ad might be and then the network itself that it is on will also promote it. In other words, the more the word gets out, the more our goal is about to be achieved.

      Viva la movement,
      June 20, 2012/Wednesday

  21. The Obama thingy picks the John Kerry creature for debate sparring partner…see these puppets in preparation below:

  22. FEMA camps will be located in each and every state – three to fifteen each (according to their population)!

    FEMA has ORDERED 100,000+ Boxcars With Chain Shackles (this calculates to about 15 Million Iron Shackles)!

    Unless Dr Paul wins — who do you think will occupy these FEMA Concentration Camps, other than the 15+ Millions of the Real Americans that support him (all True Americans will be “voluntarily” sent there in iron shackles)!?!

    Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
    (there are no other options!)

  23. “Lawyers for Ron Paul” (L4RP) needs to get their hands on a copy of the Montana ballot referred to in David Johnson’s article, the one that features a single box on the front to check for the full Romney slate and all the Romney candidates listed a second time on the back with Ron Paul delegates in smaller type. Someone in Montana with a copy of this ballot needs to scan it and send it to for L4RP to include it with their evidence.

    L4RP has filed Federal Civil Right case for election fraud and is looking for all disenfranchised voters delegates — especially national delegates and alternates — who may have personally witnessed even the slightest observation of election fraud, abuse, coercion, railroading, etc. in this years’ primary cycle. Over 140 delegates from across the nation have already become Plaintiffs, and all are invited to join the suit — regardless of their preferred candidate.

    If you observed any improprieties in your state please go to: to post your testimony.

    Details of the lawsuit can be found at:

    1. I believe they have it– IF Montana has yet been added (I think so). I need to sign back in and see where we are at in numbers of states who are going forward, and can definitely tell you this; the Texas Delegation is strongly pursuing this and are going at it, full-throttle.

      All of their nastiness (GOP neo-cons and up to RNC’s Priemus) is culminating into a very nice lawsuit. I am sure they never thought they would be named, jointly and severally, but they have. And, these are people who generally don’t jaywalk, as they think they never do anything wrong.

      I think it has to do with brainwashing techniques by GOP and by the media— which is basically one in same. And, same can be said of the Neocon DEMS, too all the same.

    2. And, I checked this out. Nobody at ALL in Montana has yet added their testimony to the site (the lawsuit). If you know anyone, from Montana, who was a delegate (at ANY level) or any other Montanan who’s been privy to some of the more criminal actions taken by the Montana GOP, please ask him or her to write-up his or her testimony on:, or to check out the facebook page, Lawyers 4 Ron Paul.
      This is ultra-important. If they do care about this country and their own voices, they need to be added as complainants.

    1. Rallying the troops and railing against the machine? YES.
      Check out Lawyers for Ron Paul, or go sign up with ElectionFraudRemedy,com, or RealRonPaulVoteCount, to catch a glimpse at what we are still doing. It is NOT over.
      The major campaigning may be over, for now, but the delegates have yet to have voted and I think the outcome will be a lot closer than many believe.
      The Rombots have worked (as much as they work) to get rid of Paul delegates, but they have not gotten rid of RP delegates everywhere. His support measures a lot higher than what ROM thinks, and some are what we call, “Stealth-support”, because their state’s GOP has been so truly AWFUL.

      If you wanted to be a delegate or were, at any level, then feel you were disenfranchised, please post your story on the above sites!

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