Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan presages end of an era

Gandhi once said, “He who says that politics and religion don’t mix, understands neither one.”

Mitt Romney’s pick of congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate is truly historic.  If confirmed by the delegates at the Republican National Convention, Romney, a Mormon, and Ryan, a Catholic, will represent the first time in American history that a major political party has chosen a ticket that has no Protestant in either position.  It represents both the decline of the evangelical vote and the continuing rise of the so called “Movement Conservatives,” which is overwhelmingly Catholic.

Stop and consider, the U. S. Supreme Court now has six Catholics and three Jews.  The election of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as president and vice president would mean that there would be no Protestant in the top positions of the executive and judicial branches of government.

With Romney’s appointment of Catholic Paul Ryan, one can now expect President Barack Obama to make a vibrant appeal to evangelical voters in the upcoming general election.  There will be another, newer version of “the Joshua project” which he launched last time.  The Obama team will hope that evangelicals will just stay home.  The Mormon-Catholic ticket of Romney-Ryan will have to hope that the evangelicals will vote against Obama, if not for them.

Protestant are not done.  Evangelical Christian numbers, for example, are bigger than ever.  A recent Gallup Poll has the number of born again Christians in America over 40%, double what it was when such surveys began in the 1950’s.  It is partly why presidential nominee, Senator John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.  It is how president George W. Bush won and maintained power during the eight years of his presidency.  And it is credited by some for Barack Obama’s crossover appeal to young Republicans in the contest against McCain.  But Evangelicals have been increasingly divided as their political leaders fight over mailing lists and the right to “lead” often selling out their own voters to the highest bidder.

Increasingly, the highest bidders have been Movement Conservatives and all of them Catholic.  Evangelical leaders James Dobson, Gary Bauer and Tony Perkins all endorsed Catholic Rick Santorum in the past presidential race.  Their own Evangelical candidates Governor Rick Perry, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman and Senator Tim Pawlenty were spurned.  The local Iowa Christian “Family leader” openly announced to the world that he would offer his services for $ 1 million.  He eventually endorsed Santorum.

A similar sellout happened to evangelical Governor Mike Huckabee in 2008.  After Huckabee pulled a surprise upset win in Iowa, a South Carolina victory would have pushed him over the top.  But some of the same evangelical leaders who went with Santorum over fellow evangelicals this time, jumped on newly announced candidate Senator Fred Thompson back then.  It split Mike Huckabee’s showing in South Carolina and allowed John McCain to win the state and eventually the nomination.

Catholic “Movement Conservatives” were always a small, but powerful engine helping to drive and lead the larger conservative movement.  Bill Buckley, Pat Buchanan, Phyllis Schlafly, Brent Bozell, Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie and Ed Feulner have given way to Bill O’Reilly, Anne Coulter, Sean Hannity and other modern leaders, all Catholic.  But this time, it is the power of the Fox News Channel that has made them transcendent.

Catholic pundits on Fox News have been primarily angling for Catholic Governor Chris Christie this cycle.  Just as last time, 2008, they had been talking up fellow Catholic, Rudolph Giuliani.  Neither candidate went any place.  But in Paul Ryan, their back up man, they may have a winner.  He is already being touted on the network as “the next Reagan” and indeed, win or lose, Paul Ryan has a future.

If nothing else, Romney’s appointment has guaranteed that Fox News will be fully engaged.  (Was there any doubt.)  And if he loses?  In 2016 you can expect a showdown between the “Movement Conservatives” and neocons promoting Paul Ryan and the Liberty or Constitutional wing of the GOP promoting Senator Rand Paul.  The evangelicals?  Sadly, they will be for sale.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

83 thoughts on “Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan presages end of an era

    1. In selecting Ryan, the Mitt did as Nero (trying to save his skin): “Throw another Christian to the lions…”?

    2. Doug — best excerpt is:

      “Stop and consider, the U. S. Supreme Court now has six Catholics and three Jews. The election of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as president and vice president would mean that there would be no Protestant in the top positions of the executive and judicial branches of government.”

      Of course, the Mitt & Von Ryan’s Express would be defeated, so we’ll be stuck with the further destruction of the US by Insane Hussein!


      1. Believe you me, Priebus was paid well for this one.
        RNC knows, as RNC is essentially Priebus. GOP, of each state, is completely in the dark. This is how Priebus wants it.
        WE need to reach out to our own REP parties and get them to comprehend this, especially before Tampa,where the voice-vote is a lot more difficult to change.
        RNC has paid, well and often, to rid the state’s GOP of Paul delegates. They have totally brainwashed each state party to believe Mitt’s the one. Yet, in all honesty, it’s Mitt who’s being set-up to take a fall. (I don’t think even Mitt knows this, but it’s plain as day. If he knew, he might even do the right thing and bow-out, though I don’t think he’s smart enough to grasp this.)

    3. annebeck58 — be patient, and soon you’ll see that the Foreign Agent Shills will be gone from this forum!

      I know how to neuter such human trash (ever since I worked a few summers for Radio Free Europe in the late 1960’s as a college intern when my father was our Attache in Bonn, West Germany)!

      The Soviet propaganda machine back then (like these creeps’) was so voluminous, that we waited until they had enough rope to hang themselves (and we just tied the knot)!

      Did we get rid of “Tex2″…yes. Soon, we’ll be rid of these Foreign, anti-American shills.

      1. I am not asking for anyone to not be around, and I believe I have shown quite a bit of patience (as has Doug Wead!). We are not requesting the same things from Doug.

  1. OH, and regarding Mitt? If he is actually nominated, as has not yet happened, it’s not like he’s in it to win it. Mitt’s so-called choice of the Catholic Ryan really does not matter.

    Because Mitt Romney IS a fall-guy. It’s not like the RNC is working to win this (s)election. The state’s GOP may think they are striving for a win, but it’s simply not in the cards. Mitt’s a loser, the RNC knows he’s a loser, and they have foisted him upon the party. And, as far as the GOP of each state is concerned, whatever the RNC says is what they do. Watch, closely, the states; conventions (all of them) to see the rule-breaking and the new-rules, and I think you will see that these worker-bees, or Republidrones, are doing what they are told. When chairs of the conventions are asked to site rules, they cannot do it. They did, this year, what the RNC (a la Reince Priebus) insisted, without thinking– at ALL.

    AS I have said for almost a year now (well, since Iowa when the votes were flipped), Mitt Romney is the perfect fall-guy. He won’t win and this is exactly what the RNC is banking on.

    1. Democrats and Republicans are absolutely the SAME in that they could “Give-a-Damn” about the American people. The only thing that they care about is enriching themselves and passing legislation that enriches their Campaign “Bribers” (I mean Donors). We, the American people are good for ONLY ONE THING – VOTES! But as soon as they get elected, they break promises and govern against the Will of the People and in favor of their Campaign Bribers. The Democrats and Republicans both have increased our National Debt to unsustainable levels. They’re both “In-the-Pockets” of the Wall Street Bankers, the Special Interests and the Money Manipulators.

      Absolutely NOTHING will change until we, the American people, get on the REAL issues – not the issues “made-up” by the Media.

      Maybe you’ll understand it this way…

      Spread this 4 minute video!


      1. I do not think you understood what I said.
        Mitt Is a fall-guy. He is not in it to win. The RNC’s Priebus has assured the Dems that Mitt will not win, and this is the main point of handing him the nomination.
        For, if the RNC wanted a win, they would go with PAUL.
        Yes, each State-GOP may want to win, but each cannot get that allowing the RNC to make their choice for them is surely not going to get them a win.
        The Obamney/ Rombama team(s) are bought and paid for by the exact same entities and i am sure Priebus got his cut, too. THIS is my point. It has really nothing to do with us, the voters, but regarding RNC’s quick-quit sale of the office.

  2. Doug — team JIM has admitted they are not Americans, but paid Foreign Shills to post garbage against the only man they fear — Ron Paul!

    And have also, posted their death wish for Ron Paul ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    When are you going to put a stop to these creatures, that INVADE and VANDALIZE your Private Property: your own blog?!

  3. Excuse me I’am a Roman Catholic and none of these Catholics you mentioned live thier faith..I’am writing Ron Paul in on the Ballot and voting my Conscience because i have one!!!

    1. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
      (there are no other options!)

      All REAL Americans, and ALL People around the world— that believe in Liberty, Peace, Prosperity, Honesty, Truth, Goodness and Self-determination —are for Ron Paul.

      President Paul wants to save our Nation and heal the World, and desires nothing for himself — making him a True Patriot (unlike the megalomaniacs that want The Presidency, so they can get a bigger pie, and engorge themselves further at the people’s expense — marking them as Leeches on the path to suck US dry)!

      Ron Paul has awoken the Sleeping Giant that is We, The People! We are growing in numbers and our voice is no longer distant thunder — but a Roaring Storm that’s approaching and eventually will wipe out the PUPPETEERS that have stolen Our Nation!

      We are the MANY, while the Criminals in Power, that want to control us, are the FEW (and their subhuman squeals are getting weaker)!


      1. Surfisher, I agree that Ron Paul has the ideas to get our country on track. Evidently Romney has the same set or foreign policy advisers as Bush II. They want to cut entitlements but not the military.

        I would caution as painting him or any politician as a savior. The power of Ron Paul is that is what he is saying: Politicians, even the best, cannot save us. Politicians can work to allow civil society to thrive. That is what will save us.

  4. Mike Huckabee was our Governor and he was no good for our State at all!!! He did nothing but tax the poorest of the poor and add a gas tax when prices were going up until He got so many phone calls and e-mails he took the tax off ..He was never anything more than a democrat in a republican suit..Everyone thinks he is so nice ,He would send his henchmen up in to the mountains and tax people who were disabled living in tents and tax thier chickens that farmers had given them for eggs or a cow for milk..Some Christian he is..Not!! Get your facts straight Doug!! I know, my sister was one of them! She could have lived with family but chose a army tent,She wanted her dignity!!! Mike Huckabee isnot a nice guy !!!

  5. Doug — team JIM has admitted they are not Americans, but paid Foreign Shills (Israeli agents?) to post garbage against the only man they fear — American Patriot Ron Paul!

    And have also, posted their death wish for Ron Paul ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    When are you going to put a stop to these creatures, that INVADE and VANDALIZE your Private Property: your own blog?!

  6. Wow bash any Catholics lately Wead?..Sounds like you would like us all dead and buried..What makes u Protestants so great? The Clintons passed Gat and Nafta and are now going after our fire arms..Bush ,The Patriot act we got where we are in this country by people claiming to be Protestants..None of these people live thier faith they have none..It’s the Protestants that are Masons..Evil! They infiltrated all our churches and are trying to kill the Pope..They almost killed Blessed Pope John Paul 2 the Great!!! I have just lost all respect for Doug Wead!!! You Biggot !!!

    1. Shill spotted…nice try part of JIM anti-American team.
      Hugging and kissing the 30 pieces of Silver, again…LOL!

      JIM — Jewish International Mastery….?

      Doug — pay attention: you’ve got a new Pseudo above by J.I.M. team that is invading and polluting your blog (make sure you ban this subhuman creature, too)!

    2. That’s nothing. Doug allows Surfisher to repeatedly call me “subhuman” , “creature” and other names because I am Jewish. Now he claims I’m a “foreign shill ( (Israeli agents?).” Yet I was born and raised in the USA and as an American have every right to voice my opinion. And Doug has allowed this to go on for several weeks now. His silence is acquiescence. However his attack on Catholics explains a lot. It’s my impression he wants to intentionally sabotage Ron Paul by linking him with religious bigotry (as campaign strategist Wead represents Paul). Maybe he is unhappy with what the campaign is paying him? I’ll bet you anything Doug will say nothing about Surfisher’s anti-Catholic “None of them could be trusted as babysitters….” wisecrack.

    3. Hmm.
      I did not see it as bashing, per-se, of Catholics (or even Mormons) but of stating historic fact; It’s been difficult for Catholics, historically, to win the presidential bid. Same can surely be said of Mormons.
      But, again; as Mitt is not in to win it, per RNC, to win, it’s probably no big deal who he’s chosen (a bit presumptuously) as his veep pick.
      I guess, if you see lumping-in Catholics with Mormons as bashing, it could come off this way.
      I don’t know if you recall either Kennedy-run, but back in the sixties, for sure, one’s religious status (esp Catholicism) was quite the mark in the negative column, and believe it or not, that still holds true today. As Doug said, it leaves the door open for Obama to bring-along the “other Christians”, to his side and that is huge.
      It’s like someone took all of the losers’ playbooks and gave them to Mitt (and.or the RNC’s Priebus). Choosing Ryan may be bad, in itself, based on Ryan’s votes, but add to it that Ryan is Catholic, and it will leave quite a few “Christians” voting against him.
      Perhaps we thought the country had gotten past such a thing, but seems to not be the case. Spend a week in Youtube and see how people of different religiong are treated by others.
      I see this as fact, not a put-down; just a fact.

      1. annebeck58 — IT is part of the JIM team (just trying to be clever…by using a fake moniker)!

        It needs to be squashed, like all these anti-American worms-shills need to be!

        Doug, pay attention — protect your Private Property (we are getting tired of protecting it for you)!

      2. and just what does religion have to do with whether is someone is qualified for office in the United States AnneBeck58? Doug Wead is using a quote from Ghandi to justify and spread religious bigotry. I challenge you to do a search for the quote.Every result comes up as Doug Wead because that is not the exact quote, Wead simply bastardized it and has exploited his bastardization many times in the past. In addition any quote from Ghandi regarding politics and religion (Ghandi actually would have used the word ‘dharma’) would be pertaining to Inida which has a caste system in which religion DOES matter. In the United States it does not and should never apply. Democracy not only means the right to vote, it also means right
        of people to exercise their choice in categories they find meaningful in life.

  7. Doug — team JIM has admitted they are not Americans, but paid Foreign Shills (Israeli agents?) to post garbage against the only man they fear — American Patriot Ron Paul!

    (ADD to this the “ronpaulfreedom1” shill — that is in Collusion (part of the them)! Make sure you track their IPs and BLOCK these creeps!)

    And have also, posted their death wish for Ron Paul ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    When are you going to put a stop to these creatures, that INVADE and VANDALIZE your Private Property: your own blog?!

  8. Doug — still allowing Foreign Agents to Invade and and vandalize your private property (your own blog)?!

    Why should we, REAL Americans, who care about saving our Nation, still post here — if you do not care to BAN the creatures that want to see Ron Paul dead?! See below their saved post on YOUR BLOG:

    (JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

  9. Doug, Bill O’Reilly a Catholic? I think not and Sean Hannity was approached by a Bishop and told him I would not allow you to receive Communion in my diocese because of what you do!.Good for that Bishop we need more like him..These people in the media claiming to be good Catholics, good Protestants and good Jew’s are going to burn burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,If they don’t go to Confession Repent and turn thier lives around..The same goes for Protestants. The fact is we should all be on our knee’s praying I sure am,for our entire Nation and for Ron Paul I hope those Delegates wake up and send reverberations around the Globe, when they realize Yep we need to Vote for Ron Paul or America is finished..The fact is our Nation needs to turn back to God or God will finish us.I would rather God do it than man because God is Merciful man is not. I’m not wasting my vote on Robomney and Company and i would have never guessed Paul Ryan was a Catholic that was news to me.This voting for what people think is the lesser of two evils is insane evil is evil no matter how you slice it..Ron Paul 2012 ,oh and if u say you can’t because u have voting machines in your state the County Court houses have to provide a paper Ballot for the write in’s call and find out where your paper ballots are! Wake up America!!!

  10. Doug ,Do u hear yourself? Rand Paul sold out his own father!!!
    I can’t stand him for that but as a Roman Catholic if the choice was Paul Ryan or Rand Paul.Rand had better do some real sucking up..I would never vote for Paul Ryan but i also consider Rand Paul a Turn coat!!! A Protestant turn coat..The Government has been in the hands of Protestants since J.F.K.and what did he want to do?Get rid of the CIA and the Military Industrial complex..hmmmm sounds like someone else we know Ron Paul..Don’t even put down J.F.K.or R.F.K or your stepping on Ron Paul’s toes!

    1. It’s called dog-whistle politics. Doug is appealing to the white nationalist Christian faction who dominate this blog’s comments.

  11. Mitt’s video on Fox — Rmoney announces the NEXT President of the USA…(minute 7:36 and on) Paul Ryan!

    We all know by now, that the Mitt has no real brain, being is a plastic human facsimile…his movements are so life-like, that people forget he is not a real human boy. But even a wooden-head like him, should have memorized that HE wants to become Dictator of the USA (and announce Himself, NOT Paul Ryan as the Next US President)!

    How incredible is this — hope, all that care to waste 25 minutes of their life, watch it! Because, it has some incredible MOMENTS!

    1) Rmoney says about Ryan (about minute 7:36+): “Join me, in welcoming the next President of the United States — Paul Ryan!”

    2) At about minute 7:57 — Ryan makes a dramatic descent from the retired ship, tilting his helmet-like-blackened hairdo until hugs and kisses are exchanged with Rmonkey (this loving exchange between Mormon and Catholic continues till it becomes too sugary…then, waving at the shills bussed-in to MAKE IT LOOK LIKE real Americans actually participated in this charade — minute 8:58).

    3) At about minute 9:03 Ryan says: “WOW” — an intelligent reply while his hair-piece is waving a strand of horse-tail at the back of his head (till minute 9:17), worthy of Our Gang’s jealousy by Alfalfa or Buckwheat (take your choice).

    4) at 9:23 more Hugs — and Rmonkey admits he makes mistakes! Still more patting between these two, till minute 9:37…LOL!

    Sorry, but had enough of this dog-and-pony show by then!

    If you want to waste your time to see it all — it’s your privilege.

  12. And for anyone who wants to come at me regarding my thoughts on religion,, consider this, if you will; I do not care.
    I do not care that Ryan is Catholic or that Mitt is Mormon.
    I am only saying, as I read the post, it’s been difficult HISTORICALLY for a Catholic to win the office of POTUS, and even more difficult for a Catholic to keep said office.
    I believe, at least one other Mormon has run (and lost, of course), and that person was Mitt;s father. And, I don’t care.
    I am stating a historic FACT.
    I really do not care what religion anyone ascribes to, because I think they are ALL NUTTS.

    And, that’s that.

    1. Exactly. Doug shouldn’t even be bringing it up, should he? Like I said before, he’s trying to incite religious bigotry among the faithful under the guise of being ‘historic.’ It’s just plain old dog whistle politics as usual.

  13. Doug — if you continue to allow AMERICAN HATERS, such as the Israeli Foreign Agents Team JIM to pollute this forum by bashing all that is GOOD, and posting PERNICIOUS ANTI RON PAUL FALSE PROPAGANDA, instead of banning these SUBHUMANS, I’LL ASK all REAL AMERICANS HERE TO BOYCOTT YOUR BLOG!

    Real American Patriots — DO NOT post here, until Doug takes his own blog seriously!

    1. Wow. making threats now? Looks as though you are the one who should be banned not by Doug but by Word Press for violating their TOS policy,

    2. Please take note; as I have said, in the past regarding banning anyone, it is Doug’s blog-site and it’s up to Doug whether or not someone is banned. I am not of the banning-sort. I hardly ban people from my own blog (save the one person who tried to post something I would also not allow in my home), and I would not insist Doug or anyone ban or bar anyone else from posting.
      If you want to ban people from any blog, you should write-up your own blog. Doug has made himself clear on this record; as long as it’s germane to the post and does not contain cursing, he generally allows it. I have to respect Doug’s decision in regard to his banning or not banning of anyone.

  14. Doug — team JIM has admitted they are not Americans, but paid Foreign Shills (Israeli agents?) to post garbage against the only man they fear — American Patriot Ron Paul!

    (ADD to this the “ronpaulfreedom1″ shill — that is in Collusion (part of the them)! Make sure you track their IPs and BLOCK these creeps!)

    And have also, posted their death wish for Ron Paul ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    When are you going to put a stop to these creatures, that INVADE and VANDALIZE your Private Property: your own blog?!

    BLOCK these subhumans NOW — or remain a conduit to their Pernicious Propaganda!

    1. Like AnneBeck58 said:
      “If you want to ban people from any blog, you should write-up your own blog”
      See the link at the bottom of the page that says ‘Blog at’?
      Click that and you are on your way!
      Here’s a step by step tutorial to help get you started:

  15. Doug — how long…?

    Team JIM has admitted they are not Americans, but paid Foreign Shills (Israeli agents?) to post garbage against the only man they fear — American Patriot Ron Paul!

    And have also, posted their death wish for Ron Paul ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    When are you going to put a stop to these creatures, that INVADE and VANDALIZE your Private Property: your own blog?!

    BLOCK these subhumans NOW — or remain a conduit to their Pernicious Propaganda!

    1. Propaganda? The link I posted is from DAILY PAUL. A RON PAUL forum. RNC ruled Ron Paul gets no delegates from LA…none zero nada..that’;s not’s FACT from a forum dedicated to Ron Paul. Has your hatred of Jews blinded you to the point that you would accuse other Ron Paul supporters like yourself of propaganda?

    2. Any and all (regardless where they are from) that want Ron Paul dead, ARE Subhuman Creatures!

      Such vile trash belongs behind bars, not on forums —
      ((JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “…The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

      1. Behind bars? Really? Yes indeed you are showing your true colors. Next you’ll be talking about ovens.

  16. For those who want to escape the religious entanglements in US Party politics, I recommend the Libertarian Party and its presidential candidate, Gary Johnson (that is if Ron Paul doesn’t pull of a miracle in Tampa and I believe in miracles.)

    Gary Johnson will bring the troops home, balance thew budget, end the war on drugs and protect our civil liberties. That’s good enough for me and places me way outside the domain of the war-vangelcials, the “pro-life” warmongers.

  17. I hope you will consider covering the Oklahoma delegates battle with the RNC, in light of the recent decisions in the Federal “Lawyers for Ron Paul” lawsuit, as well as the Louisiana Ron Paul delegates recent defeat in their attempt to petition the “finger breaking” powers that be to seat their delegates. I know it’s hideously complex and take a great deal of mental horsepower to facilitate cogent and cohesive reporting and writing on these three issues in only one blog post, but if Qadoshyah can do it, you can too, 😉

    Liberty Live Stream Team ! ONWARD TO TAMPA !

    1. I don;t mean to be a spoil sport but it’s not going to change anything after Jesse Benton made this statement:
      “”Dr. Paul will not seek to be nominated from the floor,”

      For delegates/Gilbert to continue the so-called “battle” at this point is mot only a complete waste of time and money but also gives the appearance Paul has no control over his supporters.
      Paul is already over the proverbial barrel: the lawsuit forced a judge to issue the decision that political parties have a First Amendment right to “exclude people from membership and leadership roles.” If Paul’s forces decide to continue to ‘battle’ after what amounts to a concession by Benton they will be left with little choice to exercise their rights under the Constitution and ban Paul from even attending.

  18. Of all the things to pick to gripe about Romney and Ryan, you pick “religion”? WTF Doug? How about “Paul Ryan the fake conservative” with a voting record as abominable as GW Bush’s presidency? But instead you cite how there are no evangelicals in the Supreme Court or on this neocon ticket? If anyone should know, it is you, that the liberty movement comes in all flavors, regardless of age, race, religion, etc. This was a really divisive and crappy post Doug. Really it was. We need to be trying to pull the liberty movement back together after Rand’s politicking, not trying to further divide us. Unless we stay together, focused on our goal of true constitutional government, then the oligarchs and corporatist goons will continue to rob our life, liberty and property.

    1. Have to say this: Hahaha.
      Of course, if you watched any media-spin of the coming-out of Rom/Ryan, you’d see why talking about their religious preferences made sense. Some were quite irritated that the two sounded more like 700-Club infomercial than political party picks.

      I don’t really care about either’s religion as it’s obvious neither is living example of such. And I read this post as history lesson than any kind of statement of right or wrong of either religion.

      Regardless, I think Ryan is bad for the party, just as is Mitt. And the pair is set-up to lose. I don’t want Obama as much as the next guy, but I really cannot vote for Mitt and Ryan. RNC is so ridiculous, that even before their coronation of their prom-king and queen (you may decide which is which), the ratings of both are nosediving.
      Not a very smart move for the RNC to go ahead with this pair. But, Mitt’s a fall guy, so that’s what they will do.

  19. Come on. The only reason Romney picked Ryan is the same reason McCain picked Palin. Romney has ZERO Grassroots Support because he’s a McCain clone. The Tea Party and the Conservatives have been “duped” again, but it’s their own fault. Why? Because they FAIL to “define” themselves. They let the Media and the Status-Quo “Establishment” define Conservatism for them. TRUST ME! When you look at Small Government Conservatism, you realize that Rush Limbaugh and FOX News are NOT Conservative at all! They’re nothing but Propagandists for the BIG GOVERNMENT Neo-Cons!

    Ron Paul is the ONLY True Conservative because of his VOTING RECORD! (Something that “Lazy” Conservatives fail to look at)

    Video: “Mind Blowing” speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America


    1. Yep. Just as in Johnny-Mac, and Sarah *look at my makeover-Palin, FALL-GUYS is what comes to my mind.
      Why else would the GOP(s) break all sorts of rules, as well as bones, to select the guy so many do not want?
      I still have not met a person who happily went with Mitt. Mitt is a proven loser yet those who have gone Santy and.or the Newt still do say, :I love Ron Paul, but they say he can’t win”

      And everyone (stupidly programmed or programmed to be stupid, as they are) wants to “back a winner”. They forget that, in the past at least (prior to voting-machine frauds), we CHOOSE our winners.
      I fell prey to that most inane statement, that so-and-so cannot win, as recently as 2008. And I refuse to ever allow the me-me-Media to convince me of such a thing, again- even IF I know I saw a huge amount of vote-fraud, vote-flipping, and voter (and esp delegate) disenfranchisement, on the part of the State’s GOP, who did whatever they were told to do by RNC.

      Mitt cannot win with Ryan or not. It’s not in the cards and if you watched all the RNC did, this year (or the GOP at the insistence of the RNC) that much is obvious.

      Get ready for four more horrific years of the Dear Leader, all. Unless he decides he’s like to be king of the USA, and who knows what goes, then? I expect a terrible October surprise, which will effect our (s)elections, though I can’t say exactly what that will be. Something is in the air.

  20. Following Ron Paul’s incredibly narcissistic demand that his minions “line the route” to Tropicana Field in the hot Florida sun to worship him as he drives by in an air-conditioned “Paul Mobile” like the Pope:

    Ron Paul supporters advocate bringing weapons like guns, mace,even oven cleaner and insecticide to the RNC Thanks to the campaign’s failure to control it’s followers blood will flow in the streets of Tampa:
    According to one on no less an official supporter website than the Daily Paul:

    “I am not a loser. I don’t let people take advantage of me especially old ass hags, so be prepared for war.”

  21. The credentials fight you and I were expecting to have in Tampa has already started.

    The Committee on Contests recently issued a ruling on the establishment’s challenge to Ron Paul’s delegates and alternates who were duly elected in Maine, and on our challenges to the outright cheating that occurred in Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon (alternates only).

    Despite Ron Paul’s supporters being so clearly in the right in these four states, the establishment is so far refusing to rule fairly and seat our duly elected delegates and/or alternates.

    Here’s a brief summary of the bogus challenge made by the GOP establishment against us in Maine, as well as our challenges to the cheating that occurred elsewhere:

    *** In Maine, where Ron Paul supporters held a clear majority at the State Convention, the establishment is attempting to unseat the state’s duly elected delegates and alternates – acting like sore losers in the process. The challenge to our delegates in Maine is so bogus that Republican Governor Paul LePage – who is one of the few delegates not being challenged by the establishment – has declared he will not attend the Republican National Convention unless Ron Paul’s delegates and alternates who were duly elected are seated;

    *** In Louisiana, establishment “big wigs” used threats, intimidation, and force – literally smashing the bones of one gentleman – to shut out Ron Paul supporters who had a clear majority at the State Convention;

    *** In Oregon, the State Chairman blatantly ignored the votes of the Convention, taking it upon himself to replace the duly elected alternate delegates with an “appointed” slate chocked-full of establishment cronies;

    *** In Mitt Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, corrupt Party officials changed the rules after the game was over – kicking out Ron Paul’s duly elected delegates and alternates and replacing them with their hand-picked cronies.

    As you can see, the Old Guard establishment doesn’t care about cheating, lying, abuse of process, and high-handedness in our Party.

    All they seem to care about is maintaining their iron grip over the Republican Party.

    But Ron Paul’s number-one goal for the RNC is making sure his delegates and alternates who deserve to be seated in Tampa are credentialed.

    So if the establishment wants a fight in Tampa, rest assured we’re going to give them one.

    Currently, our campaign lawyers and staff are furiously working to analyze and craft the appropriate response to the Committee’s rulings, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed as we move forward in the process.

    And believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul’s supporters who were illegally railroaded by the GOP.

    We will stand up and fight for all of Ron Paul’s delegates and/or alternates in these four states – and we will not back down.

    Of course, one would think the Romney campaign would want these conflicts resolved so they didn’t become major issues at the Convention.

    But so far they’ve sat idly by on the sidelines.

    Hopefully they’ll change their do-nothing approach once they realize we’re serious about going all-out to win these credentials battles.

    And remember, nearly 90 major media outlets have already reserved a spot at our “We are the Future Rally.”

    So if the GOP goes through with these bogus challenges, they won’t be able to hide behind their iron curtain. They will be exposed by the press.

    The good news is, the Committee on Contests’ ruling is not the final word in this fight.

    The battle will be decided by the Credentials Committee in Tampa – where we are very organized and prepared to take action.

    As the battle rages on over the next two weeks, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress and any new developments that occur along the way.

    I hope to see you in Tampa.

    For Liberty,

    John Tate
    Campaign Manager

    P.S. Please keep in mind that we are helping our delegates who are suffering from financial hardship during these tough economic times attend the convention.

    If you’d like to help your fellow Ron Paul delegates get to Tampa for the Republican National Convention, please click HERE to chip in with a generous contribution.

    Any amount you contribute will be put directly toward helping Ron Paul’s delegates.

    1. Just to let people know more of what’s up, even before the coronation takes place; Mitt and Ryan are losing this race by 100 points (electoral college votes), to Obama. As I have said, Mitt Romney is a fall-guy and anyone who does not believe RNC-Head, Priebus, would take in-kind bribe(s) to allow Obama another 4 years truly knows little to nothing about American politics.
      Mitt’s not the first fall-guy and he will not be the last.

      Yet people think this is false?
      Yeah; just wait.

  22. CRIMINAL mafia thug Mitt Romney received illegal campaign contributions from criminal [an open secret, yet conveniently “undisclosed”] non-American diamond merchants.

    Flagrant violations of campaign contribution laws disqualify the anti-American criminal.

    1. The Chiefe — re: The Creature ‘JIM’.

      Have you seen anyone as ‘JIM’ do more damage to the perception of Jews, as it has done in its vile pollution on this forum?

      Makes me think it is a Nazi shill — that hates all Jews — so posts its constant hatred to All That’s Good and Honorable “claiming” to be Jewish!

      Hope Doug soon realizes this — and bans Nazi Jim from his blog!

      Dear, Doug — please, ban this subhuman Nazi creature ‘Jim’ that blackens the name of all American Jews here!

  23. Comparing Ryan to Reagan = KISS OF DEATH. Does anyone really remember what Reagan accomplished? Yeah, he preached a good game, but in the end, the Federal Government grew by leaps and bounds under Reagan’s administration. He was not a great president or even close.

  24. Following Ron Paul’s incredibly narcissistic demand that his minions “line the route” to Tropicana Field in the hot Florida sun to worship him as he drives by in an air-conditioned “Paul Mobile” like the Pope:

    Ron Paul supporters advocate bringing weapons like guns, mace,even oven cleaner and insecticide to the RNC Thanks to the campaign’s failure to control it’s followers blood will flow in the streets of Tampa:
    According to one on no less an official supporter website than the Daily Paul:

    “I am not a loser. I don’t let people take advantage of me especially old *** ****, so be prepared for war.”

  25. Ignore the ‘Jim’ shill, employed by NWO Puppetry to post disinformation here. Do not reply to It.

    The troll “Jim” is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this subhuman creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    Ignore It, until it gets BANNED!

    See its saved post below:

    (Jim says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am
    “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he doesn’t live to see Tampa.”)

    1. The BIG question is when Ron Paul supporters, lead by Adam kokesh, burn and loot the shops of neocons in the streets of Tampa while chanting Ron Paul’s name , will Surfisher be on the front lines? Or hiding behind the keyboard? Talk is cheap.

    1. Remember REAL US Dollars — not the FAKE Federal Reserve NOTES (promising nothing of intrinsic value) being falsely copied now-days …as “real” dollars?

      It was a binding contract between the US Treasury and the American Citizen — that upon DEMAND, paper money would be exchanged for REAL SILVER (or Gold) by ANY US Bank!

      Our original Us Constitution pegged a US Dollar at about 0.75 oz of Silver— and about 0.90 oz of Gold for 20 US Dollars, later on.

      Let’s get back to Silver Certificates and Gold Certificates that GUARANTEE our US Dollars Immutable WORTH (that was proscribed in our Original Constitution — and not have phoney paper notes telling us: “Sure, these are dollars…”)!

    2. Ron Paul is about to Check Mate the Feds Banksters!

      Precious metal prices do not fluctuate (since they have stable intrinsic worth — being nearly ALL extracted from our planet (thus of a FINITE QUANTITY)).

      It is paper notes (touted as real money —that can be man-made in many duplicates— from nearly inexhaustible tree fiber) that fluctuate according to their perceived value compared to the ABSOLUTE Stability of Silver and Gold .

      Unless such “paper money” is backed by a specific Weight Unit of Silver or Gold REPLACEMENT Upon Demand by the Bearer — its value HAS NO MERIT , but is only an indication of the trustworthiness of the ones printing such paper notes.

      It is up to the people to decide if they should believe what their government says how much their paper notes are worth — or, if the people want their paper money to have a Guarantee that translates into exact exchange of paper to fixed weights of precious metals.

      The crux is — governments, therefore, cannot print MORE money than have in Silver and Gold reserves on hand (or it would be Counterfeit)!

  26. Surfisher just doesn’t hate the Jews, the Morons, and the Catholics.
    Here’s a classic Surfisher comment:

    May 23, 2012 at 3:41 pm
    Puerto Ricans MUST NOT be allowed to INFLUENCE which republican goes to the General Election. It would be the FINAL TRAVESTY

    1. Jim the Nazi (claiming being Jewish) — ads misquoting to its repertoire…why expect anything else from its desire to foment hatred to all Jews by its pernicious disinformation postings here.

      1. so now I’m a Nazi? On this page alone you have attacked Jews and Catholics. Now I have reminded everyone of your hatred of Puerto Ricans and your knee jerk reaction is to call me a Nazi?
        Godwin’s Law.

      2. Doug — valid point:

        “Surfisher says:
        May 23, 2012 at 7:23 pm

        Something we’ve all overlooked — Puerto Rico’s 20 delegates for Rmoney must be removed from the count (and banned from attending Tampa)! Legal actions should be filed NOW!

        Since Puerto Ricans CANNOT vote in the General Election for President — they MUST NOT be allowed to INFLUENCE which republican goes to the General Election. It would be the FINAL TRAVESTY if the 20 delegates of a NON-State are the deciding factor in favor of the Mitt!

        Any suggestions how to stop this?”

        (as usual, the #2tex — now as ‘Jim’ — pollutes the forum with misquotes, lies, perfidy and vileness to all truth)

  27. Is Government your God? This is a Wake-Up Call for People of Faith. But can you handle the Truth?

    A Message to Voters of 2012 (Pass it on)

  28. The press has already made much of the fact that neither Romney nor Ryan is Protestant, but Mark DeMoss, an evangelical adviser to Romney, argues that denomination is not a determining factor among evangelical voters, who lean Republican. “Since the vast majority of evangelicals are more concerned about the values of a candidate than the religion or denomination, I don’t think it matters that there is not a Protestant on the Republican ticket,” he says.

      1. Doug — how long will you put up with this JIM creature (that wants to see Ron Paul dead)…bent on destroying your forum?!

        If you can’t save your own blog from such Vandalism— how can you assure us you are doing your best for Ron Paul?!?

        This paid in 30 pieces of Silver ‘Jim’ SHILL is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this subhuman creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

        (JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he (Ron Paul) DOESN’T LIVE to see Tampa.”)

        BAN it NOW — people are getting sick of IT here (and your compliance in allowing IT to disrupt all threads with its Vileness and Bile)!

    1. Ayn Rand?!?!?! Ahem, you mean to say the following racist, “collectivist” Ayn Rand – openly approving fascism of a state to oppress another race?!?!

      No, thanks. I’ll take another Jewish intellectual like Ludwig von Mises who truly understood dangers of fascism & espoused principles of liberty….Before that other Jewish statist hypocrite Ayn Rand.

      Heck, I will take another living Jewish hero of today : Uri Avnery – he had even mouthed socialist verbiage in the past, but I don’t care – before Ayn Rand. Simply because Uri Avnery had his eyes opened during Israeli military service & has the guts to challenge state sponsored fascism of Israeli government openly.

  29. so, we need to bring the evangelicals over to the liberty movement and introduce them to senaotor Rand Paul!
    I think they will like him.

  30. Ignore the PERNICIOUS ‘Jim’ shill, employed by NWO Puppetry to post disinformation here and wreak havoc on this forum!

    Do not reply to It (let me neuter it until Doug finally BANS It).

    This paid in 30 pieces of Silver ‘Jim’ SHILL is polluting this forum again. In case you forgot, this subhuman creature, like the Bilderberg Gang, wants to see Ron Paul dead!

    (JIM says: July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am “….The good doctor looked really feeble in that last message to the faithful. Probably why he stopped actively campaigning w. $3 million left in the kitty… Vegas odds say he (Ron Paul) DOESN’T LIVE to see Tampa.”)

    Doug — how long will you put up with this creature (that wants to see Ron Paul dead)…?!

    If you can’t save your own blog from such Vandalism— how can you assure us you are doing your best for Ron Paul?!?


    “The GOP is smarter than we”!

    While, We The People, have hopes of saving our Nation — THEY, the GOP Elite, have none.

    We are idealistic — believers that Truth, Liberty and Justice will eventually prevail, thus saving US from imminent economic collapse and the loss of all freedoms!

    The GOP Establishment has no such illusions — THEY want to assure that ONLY THEY and THEIR OWN have first dibs on the choices pieces of meat, when the carving of the American People starts. THEY do not want rejuvenation of the Republican Party, nor is stagnation enough — PURGING is needed, so THEY are first in line to pick our bones clean when the economic collapse starts. (Same goes for the Dems in power).

    We, the Real American People (the producers), are the HOST — and THEY, the Non-Producers, are the Parasites!

    While the Host was strong and healthy in the past — the parasites fed well with little notice on OUR loss.

    But, NOW the Parasites have become GREATER than the HOST — meaning in order to survive, THEY have to suck MORE blood out of US than we can produce for ourselves, let alone THEM.

    Realizing this, THEY are preparing the road ONLY for THEMSELVES and THEIR OWN to strip our carcass clean (after they’ve sucked US dry).

    Now, back to working two jobs Real Americans, so you can produce some more to feed THEM longer…until THEY are finally ready to send you to the glue factory… (“Animal Farm” by George Orwell).

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