Why be tortured about torture?

There is no need to be tortured about torture?

Is water boarding torture? Some say yes and others say no.

Does it work?  Does it save lives?

Some, like a former adviser to a president, insist that it did work and that it did save lives.  Others, like the man who actually conducted the interrogations of water boarded suspects, said on television, that water boarding is torture and it had nothing to do with the results of their interrogation.

There are some simple ways to resolve this argument.

1.) We can water board the former assistant to the president and the man who led the interrogations and see if either one will recant and change their mind.

2.) We can round up all accredited journalists of major news agencies, water board them, and then let them tell us first hand.

3.) We can water board the Supreme Court and then let them vote on the subject.

In the meantime, let us prove to the world that we are better than the Nazi’s who also justified torturing suspects to save lives.  Our torturers should not wear scary black uniforms.  There should not be scary Wagnerian music in the background during torturing sessions as depicted in documentaries and movies of Nazis.   We are better than that.

Above all, we must remember the “slippery slope.”  We should not let our newly discovered recognition of the positive, humanitarian value of torture lead to the killing of our own citizens by the state without a trial and due process.

American Supreme Court Justice, Robert Jackson, who was our prosecutor at the Nuremburg Trials, spent a whole day on that subject.  Jackson pointed out that Hitler’s execution of Ernst Rohm in 1934, without a trial, simply because he declared him a terrorist who threatened revolution, violated the German constitution and was the beginning of a lawlessness that led to war and  ultimately the Holocaust.

There are common sense exceptions, of course, such as when our own American president personally approves the killing of an American citizen who is deemed to be a terrorist.  After all, the president is “our leader,” not a German, and not a Nazi.  He wears a suit, not a uniform.  And he never, never wears an arm band of any kind.

Besides, we are a Republic, not only with a constitution but also a Bill of Rights.  Finally, the president is a known liberal, not a conservative.  Surely, a liberal would not torture unless it was duly called for.  And finally, in our case, “our leader” has a private panel secretly studying the subjects in question and offering independent  recommendations as to whom should be killed or not killed and why.  This is not like Goering and Himmler just making lists of enemies.

I hope this clears up this discussion once and for all.  There is no need to be tortured over torture when there are simple solutions to the questions involved.  The innocent need not be afraid.  We should each mind our own business and look to our own needs and not succumb to the propaganda of our enemies.  By the way, if you have traveled recently by air you know that those enemies are everywhere, by the thousands, and they especially seem to congregate at airports.

BTW, a quick solution to the congestion at airport security clearance would be to randomly water board passengers.  If, as experts insist, it is not really torture and it is very effective, we could break some of the old ladies and children being used by the terrorists to sneak things aboard.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

56 thoughts on “Why be tortured about torture?

  1. Everyone has an excuse on why they can’t be accountable. Its always the oppositions fault for why we do the things we do. How as a country do we stand by and watch our own government commit terrorism while saying its to defend us from terrorism. I do believe the American people know the real deal, at least part of it. Complacency seems to be the way of the world though.

  2. I like the way you tortured truth, logic, and conscience to get them to confess what we all must believe for our survival as a free people under the rule of law.

  3. If we resist evil with God’s Laws,it doesn’t make us exempt from falling into the crosshairs of the people delivering the evil…At least we are doing whats right and God will straighten out whats been made crooked. Thanks Doug for your excellent comments.

  4. “1.) We can water board the former assistant to the president and the man who led the interrogations and see if either one will recant and change their mind.

    2.) We can round up all accredited journalists of major news agencies, water board them, and then let them tell us first hand.

    3.) We can water board the Supreme Court and then let them vote on the subject.”

    Sounding like my kinda guy, Wead!

    1. Ron Paul Keeps Winning the Battles, but What About the War?

      LONG ARTICLE — but must read material!!!

      Joe Wolverton, II
      New American
      June 24, 2012

      Word out of Iowa is that Ron Paul won a majority of that state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention to be held in August in Tampa, Florida. This is contrary to the story told on election night in January when first Mitt Romney and then, after a recount, Rick Santorum was declared the winner of the Hawkeye State’s caucus.

      After what the Des Moines Register described as a “two-day tug-of-war marked by bouts of angry shouting,” backers of the Libertarian-leaning Texas congressman won 23 of the state’s 28 total delegates.

      This isn’t the first such example of a Paul Paradox. State convention delegates elected pro-Paul slates in Minnesota, Maine, Nevada, and Louisiana, although Paul didn’t win the popular vote in any of those states (or any other state for that matter). The results are indisputable, but the million-dollar question is whether the Republican National Committee will allow these delegates to vote their consciences or will “bind” them to vote for the “presumptive nominee,” former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

      Some who support Ron Paul have decided not to wait on the RNC to rule and have taken their case to the courts.

      As we have reported, a lawsuit was filed by the law firm of Gilbert & Marlowe in Santa Ana, California, asking a federal court to determine:

      … whether Plaintiffs are free to vote their conscience on the first and all ballots at the Federal Election known as the Republican National Convention or whether Plaintiffs are bound to vote for a particular candidate as instructed by Defendants’ State Party Bylaws, or State Laws, or the preference of political operatives….

      Named as defendants in the lawsuit are the chairmen of every state’s Republican Party, as well as the state party itself.

      A d v e r t i s e m e n t

      In all a total of over 143 delegates (presumably national delegates, otherwise the federal court would have no jurisdiction) have joined or asked to join as plaintiffs in the suit.

      Among other complaints, the lawsuit alleges that the RNC violated its own rules and applicable federal voting statutes by:

      Certifying “unlawful slates of Delegates that were not elected in accordance with the US Statues and US Supreme Court Decisions cited, nor in accordance with the proper Bylaws of Defendants;”

      Engaging “in a scheme to intimidate and harass Delegates who were supporting a Candidate that Defendants did not approve of;”

      Forcing delegates to “sign affidavits under penalty of perjury with the threat of criminal prosecution for perjury as well as financial penalties and fines if the Delegate fails to vote as instructed by Defendants rather than vote the Delegate’s conscience as mandated by the US Statutes and US Supreme Court;”

      Denying “a quorum or to manipulate Delegates supporting a particular Candidate to be deprived of a fair election as a Delegate;”

      Using “threats of violence including dressing security type people in dark clothing searching out supporters of a Candidate Defendants do not approve of to harass and intimidate said Delegates from voting their conscience;”

      Unlawfully using “State Bylaws and in some cases State Laws to harass and intimidate Delegates from voting their conscience;” and

      Altering “the voting ballot results to fraudulently reflect an outcome that is inconsistent with the actual voting ballot results for the purpose of certifying a fraudulently selected slate of Delegates to support the Candidate of Defendants’ choice rather than the Delegates properly elected.”

      If the court does not issue an immediate injunction blocking these actions, the plaintiffs argue, they will suffer irreparable harm.

      This notion of “binding” delegates to vote for one candidate despite their own allegiances (and the allegiances of those state convention delegates who voted for them) is one of the many bones of contention being fought over by those loyal to Ron Paul and those who accept Mitt Romney as the “presumptive nominee.”

      The RNC argues that the winner of the popular vote (Mitt Romney in most cases) should also received at least a corresponding percentage of that state’s delegates elected at the state conventions, while the plaintiffs in this lawsuit (and the Paul campaign itself) insist that delegates are empowered by RNC Rule 38 to vote their consciences and cannot be forced to vote for the winner of the state primaries.

      Promising to “carry on the fight,” the executive committee of the Lawyers for Ron Paul is actively seeking new plaintiffs to add to the lawsuit and they continue to promote the message that the war is not over and that despite the fact (as they see it) that Ron Paul’s national campaign staff has “thrown in the towel,” the grassroots supporters around the country still have the power to get their man into the White House.

      Assuming for a moment that a federal judge rules that all Republican delegates to the national nominating convention are unbound and may vote for the candidate of their choice, what would the practical effect of such a holding be? Ron Paul himself has conceded that he does not have the numbers necessary to put him over the top and onto the top of the ticket. Is there any scenario that can convert these victories into anything other than the Pyrrhic variety?

      First, Ron Paul maintains that he is not ready to follow in his senator son’s footsteps and endorse Mitt Romney.

      In an interview on CNN’s The Situation Room, Ron Paul said, “No. Not ready. No way,” when asked by the host Wolf Blitzer if he was ready to throw his support behind Romney. That firm denial seems to indicate that despite having suspended his active campaign in May, Ron Paul remains a candidate for president.

      Then again, there is the message to supporters posted last week on YouTube where Ron Paul told viewers that he had “a lot of good news,” describing a roster of goals for all the delegates and alternates elected to represent him at the Republican National Convention in Tampa in August.

      First, delegates should work to “influence the platform.” Next, they should “fight for our values,” and finally, “do whatever they can to promote the cause of liberty.”

      Running about eight minutes, Dr. Paul’s message does not sound like an attempt to either compromise or concede. He sounds confident that the fight for liberty and limited government will continue.

      But without him in the Oval Office.

      Another Paul Paradox is the man’s adamant denials that he will mount a third party campaign for president. This hardline would seem to indicate that Ron Paul considers the GOP to be the most reliable vehicle for taking his message to the masses. Why then does he refuse to endorse the Party’s candidate?

      Principle. The answer is that in a world where pseudo-statesmen trip over themselves to be the first to get to the Party’s altars so they can sacrifice all their principles to the god of Power, Ron Paul stands back, humbly and boldly proclaiming liberty like the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

      Whatever the outcome, when the smoke clears on this Republican war of ideas, there is little doubt that there will remain yet alive millions of American freedom fighters devoted to the cause of the Constitution and to the protection of our civil liberties.

      Many of these patriots are young, so they must be reminded that there will come others from their ranks that will run for office and promote this cause and stand firm against the Establishment’s gradual march toward absolutism.

      Truly, Ron Paul is not the first and he will not be the last candidate to lead the fight for freedom, but he may be the best.

  5. Doug — what a brave Patriot you are!

    If you weren’t on The BO’s ‘kill list’ before — now you most likely made it. Congrats!

    P.S. I’m sick and tired of people comparing The BO to Adolf — that’s just plain wrong!

    The BO is much better than Hitler….

    1. Rmoney shill spotted.

      Poor Mitt must be getting desperate, to resort to having such idiots troll for him.

  6. Doug, this is off topic but I was wondering if you can verify the war power information below for me?

    Conclusion – The Constitution for the united States of America and the Bill of Rights are no longer in effect in their original form or where they conflict with the United Nations Treaty and other international agreements. Citizens of the several States of the Union who were formerly sovereigns protected by the common law are now United States citizens and are thus subjects to International Admiralty jurisdiction.


    1. Kevin —

      This is the most lucid examination I’ve seen. It is spot on!

      And most disturbing is that the current US Senate still swears an Allegiance to the Corporation of the United States — NOT the US Constitution!

      That should tell us to whom they belong!

      I wish someone is able to post a picture of the booklet issued to US Senators before each session — where it states on PAGE ONE to whom their swear their allegiance (The Corporation of the USA) prior to commencing their “Constitutional” order of conducting business!

      It is true that since Lincoln (whose FACTUAL legacy — not the moral words he spoke — since Fact supersedes Talk) will be remembered as the One US President that caused more American deaths than both World Wars combined, left our nation under Marshall Law (disguised till now — until the BO has blatantly started to flex his muscle to DO to HIS SUBJECTS whatever he wishes under these Unconstitutional Powers Granted)!

      Why do you think the BO, or if perchance, the Mittney is deemed as the more palatable successor to placated the American People — will continue to build FEMA Concentration Camps and have already ordered 15,000,000 iron shackles to ease us there…since some of us do not agree with tyrants?

      It Is because, of this Martial Law that they own by default!

      P.S. If you research it further — you’ll see that currently ALL US Citizens have LOST their Sovereignty, and as subordinates of the US Corporation have ZERO protection under the original US Constitution, and are SUBJECTS to the WILL of the Executive Branch (who are the only ones that can claim Constitutional Protection — precisely, ONLY the US Congress, the US Senate and the US President and the US Vice President are the ONLY ONES entitled to Constitutional Rights — NO OTHER AMERICAN IS)!

      In conclusion — we can no longer claim to be US Citizens, but Subjects to be disposed of as the Usurpers of our Nation chose our futures to be…Unless we TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY, by whatever Declaration of Liberty means are again necessary!

      Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012!
      (there are no other options)!

      Share this — spread it like wildfire!


  7. Yesterday I left two comments here that are still not showing up. As I have tried to leave them again a message appears saying that I have already left that message. Whoever is moderating needs to quit operating like a Romney thug…

      1. Ron paul can still be the (R) nominee, I may have an idea how he could do that. this is urgent !!

      2. Absolutely.
        As I posted a few months back, and as Lawyers for Ron Paul (supporters, voters, and delegates) are now putting out there, Romney and the states’ GOP have been colluding with one-another to disenfranchise all Paul supporters from the vote. This is against RNC Rule-11 and the remedy to such an illicit act is disenfranchisement of MITT from the floor. No delegates from any state that’s worked with Romney would even be able to consider a vote for Romney. He will not be on their ballots.
        And, on top of that, working with election laws (not just rules) to fight to allow everyone to vote their conscience, on the first round (perhaps only round, if Romney is out from Rule-11) of voting from the floor are in-place and are being used to fight the system (GOP and RNC) to allow for a Paul vote.
        I do not know why the Paul campaign, now replaced by L4RP, is begging Mitt for time to speak (15 minutes??) to the floor, as Romney is NOT YET the nominee. Yet, the RNC and each state’s GOP (save a few) are acting as if it’s done and handled. Simply put, it is not over.

        Nothing is done and there is no way of knowing what will happen in Tampa. The case, the lawsuit, has been filed on behalf of all Ron Paul supporters, but mainly delegates (esp those who have been disenfranchised) to prevent a Romney take-over. We should know, soon, what decision the 9th District Court decides, and will go from there. If the judge from the 9th district does decide his findings are against the laws already on the books, it will be brought to the court higher up. There will also be another case filed, a RICO case, that should handle those within the campaign, as well as each state’s election boards and Romney, himself, for their illegal actions perpertated against ALL Paul voters. By the way, Jesse Benton HAS been served with papers; he’s being accused of some pretty nasty collusion with the Romney camp. And, there is plenty of proof to back up this challenge. Nobody that’s done anything illegal will be left out of this, if they did the slightest thing to injure US (and it is US, not Ron Paul, that’s been injured), they will be named.

        What we need, NOW, is for everyone that’s seen anything done illegally to sign on with Lawyers for Ron Paul, aka, ElectionFraudRemedy.com, or ToolsForJustice.com, to have their own say and to get ALL states involved. It is the right thing to do and not doing it is not going far enough for what we, as Patriots, do believe in.
        I hope everyone will pay attention to this and get their voices heard now! I mean, really; do you all want to just quit so easily? What do any of you stand for if not for liberty?

      3. First; Hiya, Don Howard! Good to hear from you.
        Doug; while you are attacking Rombama, would you also add to your daily list, speaking up FOR Ron Paul and, especially, his supporters/ voters/ delegates? Unless you and others (with a voice many do pay mind to) continue or start to speak up regarding what’s going on behind the scenes, and I mean legally, we are going to keep losing supporers. People are going from angry to disgruntled, to complacent. We need to keep their spirts up and remind them that this is still not over. It won’t be over until the courts hear these well-prepared cases against Romney and state’s GOP, as well as RNC, and until we are given a remedy to the rule-breaking and law-breaking, in Tampa.

        Please, let’s all be a bit more positive, at least ’til that fat lady sings down in Florida. Okay?
        Thank you, Doug Wead!

  8. There are things that scare me far more than waterboarding. Things such as this:

    “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” — Nikita Khrushchev

    Yes indeed

  9. Ron Paul Massachusetts delegates CRIMINALLY disqualified from the RNC!

    One thing that must be comprehended by all:

    If the requirement to sign these affidavits was introduces Ex Post Facto (which seems to be the case) then the invalidation of the duly elected Ron Paul delegates cannot be Legally enforced (even by a Private Organization such as the GOP) since that flies in the face of all common law (no-one can Retroactively change the rules, in order to change the outcome of an already transpired Fact!).

    Lawyers For Ron Paul must get on top of this immediately. Not only to seek immediate remedy, but also to place federal criminal charges against the named perpetrators of this criminal act since it affects the outcome a a national election (whereby Federal Election Laws subjugate all state and civil laws, and all private rules that are passed in order to disfranchise any and all)!


    1. And I hope each and every one of these delegates HAS signed on with ElectionFraudRemedy.com to be a part of the suit to END this disenfranchisement. If they have not, they are doing a disservice to all of US/ USA.
      We simply cannot roll over and allow the RNC or our state’s GOP to get away with breaking not just rules but election laws. If we do allow for this, in what way are we any better than them?
      Gosh, i hope people will get this and do what they need to do. Why would they not?

  10. WASHINGTON, DC 6-25-2012 – Congressman Ron Paul, Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, announced today that the subcommittee will hold a hearing this week to examine fractional reserve banking.

    “Fractional reserve banking underpins the entire banking system, yet its effects on society are completely ignored,” Paul stated. “Our financial system consists of vast amounts of credit pyramided on top of very small amounts of real savings– all backstopped by explicit and implicit government guarantees. This poses significant risks to the stability of the economy and monetary system, which ought to give pause to any serious observer of financial markets.”

    We, The People, have been economic Slaves to these Bankster Creatures…and nearly none of us are aware of this EVER EXPANDING SLAVERY!

    (the video below explains it short & simple; for in depth, read Henry Ford’s “The International Jew” and a book called “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” — good luck finding either in your local library…most likely BANNED there!)

    Spread this like wildfire!


  11. Real Americans are now The Enemy of the USA — when did this happen!?!?!

    This is the most lucid examination I’ve seen. It is spot on!

    And most disturbing is that the current US Senate still swears an Allegiance to the Corporation of the United States — NOT the US Constitution!

    That should tell us to whom they belong!

    I wish someone is able to post a picture of the booklet issued to US Senators before each session — where it states on PAGE ONE to whom their swear their allegiance (The Corporation of the USA) prior to commencing their “Constitutional” order of conducting business!

    It is true that since Lincoln (whose FACTUAL legacy — not the moral words he spoke — since Fact supersedes Talk) will be remembered as the One US President that caused more American deaths than both World Wars combined, left our nation under Marshall Law (disguised till now — until the BO has blatantly started to flex his muscle to DO to HIS SUBJECTS whatever he wishes under these Unconstitutional Powers Granted)!

    Why do you think the BO, or if perchance, the Mittney, deemed as the more palatable successor to placate the American People if he wins since he’ is the “lesser” evil — will continue to build FEMA Concentration Camps who have already ordered 15,000,000 iron shackles to ease us there…? Since Real Americans will never agree with any tyrant?

    It Is because, of this Martial Law, that they own US by default!

    P.S. If you research it further — you’ll see that currently ALL US Citizens have LOST their Sovereignty, and as subordinates of the US Corporation have ZERO protection under the original US Constitution, and are SUBJECTS to the WILL of the Executive Branch (who are the only ones that can claim Constitutional Protection — precisely, ONLY the US Congress, the US Senate and the US President and the US Vice President are the ONLY ONES entitled to Constitutional Rights — NO OTHER AMERICAN IS)!

    In conclusion — we can no longer claim to be US Citizens, but Subjects to be disposed of as the Usurpers of our Nation chose our futures to be…Unless we TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY, by whatever Declaration of Liberty means are again necessary!

    Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012!
    (there are no other options)!

    Share this — spread it like wildfire!


  12. The proponents of torture don’t care about legality. They say that it works. The truth is that in their own twisted way IT DOES WORK, If the purpose of torture is to terrorize the local population and institute a brutal form of authoritarianism, then yes it works. If the goal is to cultivate a cadre of sick individuals willing to carry out evil deeds of all kinds anywhere and everywhere, then once again IT WORKS. Now that the American public knows what sort of brutality the “good guys” are capable of they too might feel psychologically oppressed and fearful to speak out in their own country. Don’t doubt that federal govt appreciates this side effect of torture. You see just how well torture works?
    As for procuring actionable intelligence, well, you see, that wasn’t the purpose. Everyone (unless they are paid liars) knows that is one thing it doesn’t do.

    1. Quois?
      I just took time to see this and respond.
      Lately, I’ve been working with Lawyers for Ron Paul (or, as I prefer to call them, Lawyers for Ron Paul Supporters AND Delegates) to ensure this case is put out there. We need more people who’ve been disenfranchised by the party (GOP/RNC), from those who were initially local delegates to those who would be national delegates, to FILE.
      Disenfranchisement of voters and delegates has taken place in ALL states and, though quite a few have signed up and posted their stories, not every state is yet represented. Now, whatever happens with the case does apply to all that RNC or their local/county/state’s GOPS have disregarded, that they would be free (per law, not just the “club’s” rules) to vote their conscience on the first ballot in Tampa. On top of that, as I had surmised, Rule-11 of RNC would surely come into play as we did see, since around last Fall, the RNC/states’ GOP fighting along WITH Romney (colluding with Romney in terrible conspiracies– Hello, RICO) to take-down any who would vote Paul. Legally, as well as morally, they cannot do this. So we are leaving it up to the 9th District Court of Cali to settle the matter(s). IF we are proven right, and I have faith in us proving it, Romney would be removed from these particular states’ ballots (perhaps all states) because the collusion charge IS founded and well-prepared.
      People will also be free to vote Santorum or GIngrich; even Huntsman, if we win this case. Again, I do believe we will take it, and will let y’all know what happens.

      We do still have hope as we have the facts and the laws on our side. But, this is what I’ve been working on, so have not had a lot of time to do much else, aside from work and that.

      Of course, you’ll probably know, yourself, very soon!

      1. annebeck58 —

        I was just worried about you (since you hadn’t posted in a while, thought the FEMA Camps got you).

        Your post is spot on (if the Law is still JUST for all); #11 seems to be the most obvious case for a quick win!

        Post when you have time, to let us know you are still ambulatory (and not confined in a special “resort”…LOL).

      2. Haha!
        No ,they haven’t gotten me– yet!

        When i was talking with L4RP, about three or maybe four weeks back, I brought up rule-11 and how we should use it to remove Romney from the ballots of each and every state-delegation. I don’t know if they had even thought of it because they were mainly discussing leading with the fraudulent acts against delegates (at all levels). Of course, the disenfranchisement and fraud against anyone is just as important, but I feel rule-11 is the best way (and fastest way) to go up against both the states’ GOP and the RNC and get Romney out by allowing folk to vote their conscience (and that is in election LAWS not just rules of the RNC or GOPs).
        These cases, put forth as one case for all delegates, is in the 9th Dist Court (Federal District) of Cali and according to these attorneys, it’s the best chance we have, legally. We supposedly drew the best posssible judge who does care about the constitution and all person’s rights and/or voice. So we shall see how quickly it’s decided and what we get out of it, but I have very high hopes that at least the delegates for Paul will be re-seated in their proper places.
        My mind is blown over what Massachussets did, this week, after the case had already been in the court system for over a week. Like, how bold are they to even attempt this? It seems they will also be served and will have to learn the hard way that they cannot just remove 17 hard-working delegates, especially when their criteria for removing them had to do with both age (anyone born after 1979 is out) as well as minority-status (anyone with a Hispanic-sounding name, also out!) The Mass-chairman must be completely brain-dead.

        I do know that not only was Jesse Benton served (for collusion with the Romney camp and the GOP and RNC) and that others within the Ron Paul campaign are being looked at to suffer the same fate, but the Texas Chairman was served (Steve Muniesteri) too, and Muniesteri took it very well, saying he welcomed the suit as he wanted to know how to interpret certain election laws. This may save Texas from going with Mitt, for sure, and it’s great to have a chairman on the side of doing right. After seeing what I saw and after hearing from other election judges, within Texas, we KNOW our votes were either discounted or flipped (at least flipped), as we know what we saw. In the precinct I worked, not only am I sure votes not for Romney were counted for him, but the number of votes reported was nowhere near what we had in way of voters that chose to go Republican that day. At one point, I jokingly mentioned that the Rep “side” (tally sheets) had 155 voters, already, while the Dem side was still on the first tally sheet. Now, how could it be we had 101 noted, only? It was not possible without a lot of vote-rigging.
        I have seen the list that our own election board says is all people who voted on election day as well as the ten days prior to election-day (early votes) and according to them, there were 50 early votes and 101 e-day votes. Well, it you further investigate the list, you will see that of those 151 votes, only 4 people were born between 1980 and 1994. Hello. I saw a lot more younger voters (up to age 32) than what they say. I am also unable to find our first voter of e-day tally… He was a Hispanic young man.

        You know, in Twitter, I am followed by a faction of the DHS, called, “NTARC”. Occasionally, and especially when I say something about Obama, I’ll say; “Hey, NTARC; ya got that?”
        Who knows if they even read it. Regardless, it makes me laugh.

  13. Yes, Doug.
    I agree with your American-torture-list. Some people should have done to themselves what they would do to others in order to (perhaps) prevent these awful acts.
    If we do to, “them”, what we see as abhorrent, what makes us any better than the collective, “them”?

    Btw: Doug, what’s up with supporters of Paul being so upset with you? Have you done something to frazzle them or is it simply a misunderstanding?
    (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, as I do think you’re a good man.)

  14. Mittney disagrees with himself — all the time, but agrees with The BO all of the time!

    What great choices for Americans — whose used underwear will you be buying this time around, come Election Day?

  15. The mechanics of How Banks Suck Us Dry — this is the definitive video explaining it in detail. A must see by ALL!

    Share it — and send it to all centers of learning!

    1. Add to this the Feds modus operandi — and it becomes a killer combination (meaning killing We the People financially)!

  16. I really think hiring a few professional interrogators and traveling around to county fairs and popular public entertainment venues to offer a, “Waterboarding Adventure” could really make some money. You’d need a couple EMTs on hand also and liability insurance might be kind of high but as well as establishing an original business model you’d also be educating the public so they can decide for themselves. Gift certificates for the holidays would probably be a popular way to really let people know what you think of them.

  17. Doug —

    I know you’ll be posting something tomorrow (the 4th of July).

    Just wondering how you’ll preface it? (Since “Independence Day” is no longer valid for USA).

    Here are some apropos: Oppression Day; Big Brother Day; Salute the Monkey Day; Bilderbergs Day; Last 4th of July Day; April Fools Day 2.0; Salmon Swimming Upstream Day; Salute the Monkey Day; Illegals Independence Day; 2012 End of the USA Day; Ostrich Day; Salute the Monkey Day; NWO Day….

    Feel free to chose any of the above, or come up with your own.

  18. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to END 2012!
    (there are no other options!)

    All REAL Americans, and ALL People around the world— that believe in Liberty, Peace, Prosperity, Honesty, Truth, Goodness and Self-determination —are for Ron Paul.

    President Paul wants to save our Nation and heal the World, and desires nothing for himself — making him a True Patriot (unlike the megalomaniacs that want The Presidency, so they can get a bigger pie, and engorge themselves further at the people’s expense — marking them as Leeches on the path to suck US dry)!

    Ron Paul has awoken the Sleeping Giant that is We, The People! We are growing in numbers and our voice is no longer distant thunder — but a Roaring Storm that’s approaching and eventually will wipe out the PUPPETEERS that have stolen Our Nation!

    We are the MANY, while the Criminals in Power, that want to control us, are the FEW (and their subhuman squeals are getting weaker)!



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