Ron Paul Wins in Iowa and Minnesota, Romney in a Panic

By Doug Wead

Ron Paul supporters surged to victory in yesterday’s Minnesota and Iowa district conventions, dominating the process and picking up more delegates to the Republican National Convention.    As reported last week, a number of Romney Hawks are now deeply concerned that Ron Paul has already laid the groundwork for similar success in six more caucus states.

Yesterday’s results for Ron Paul will only increase the influence of Hawks inside the Mitt Romney camp.

Romney advisers are concerned that the rising total of Ron Paul delegates will lead to an unmanageable RNC.  Some observers felt that the 1992 convention hurt an incumbent president George H. W. Bush and was a factor in his loss to Bill Clinton.

In most states, victories at the district conventions decide who will move onto the state conventions where most of the delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa will be selected.

The rules in Minnesota are slightly different and some of those final delegates were actually selected at scattered district conventions yesterday.  Reports from our own Marianne Stebbins in Minnesota show that Ron Paul now has 20 out of the 24 delegates already chosen to represent the state at the Republican National Convention in Tampa and the campaign is poised to do just as good at the upcoming state convention, May 18-19, when the final 13 will be chosen.

In Iowa,  Jennifer Jacobs, a reporter for the Des Moines Resister, broke into open what had been our little secret, namely, the takeover of the GOP in Iowa.  “A rising tide of Republicans who share Ron Paul’s philosophy of limited government are flooding into GOP party roles in Iowa,” Jennifer wrote, reporting on yesterdays Iowa district conventions.

Actually, it is a phenomenon seen all across the country.  It is viewed by many political observers as the biggest transformation of the Republican Party since 1988, when evangelical Christians joined the process and dominated state positions for a whole generation.

While the Iowa Ron Paul campaign is keeping its cards close to the vest, we all got a sneak peak from an the Des Moines Register story which reported that six of the new Iowa GOP state central committee members elected Saturday have publicly expressed support for Ron Paul.  Joes Kurtinitis, Kris Thiessen, Dave Cushman, Jeff Shipley, John Kabitzke and Marcus Fedler.  “Two more,” Jennifer Jacobs reports, “have close ties.”  The new state chairman is also a Ron Paul supporter, who served as a co-chairman for the congressman’s Iowa state organization.

The Iowa state GOP convention is set for Jun 16, 2012.

Meanwhile, the sleepy New York Times has posted for five months and still posts, even today, that the total delegate count for Ron Paul in Iowa is one.  They say that the total delegate count  for Ron Paul in Minnesota is nine.  In fact, Ron Paul supporters will now dominate both state conventions.  And the same trend is ongoing in states across the country.

Join the discussion:

Ron Paul to Romney and Obama: Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, get over it.

Anti Romney Revolt at Liberty University:  They want Ron Paul

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

651 thoughts on “Ron Paul Wins in Iowa and Minnesota, Romney in a Panic

    1. As good as this sounds and as exciting as it is, please, do not count your chickens before they hatch. As Dr. Paul says himself, all votes have not been counted. As good as it looks right now, we must not celebrate victory until the song is sung.

      1. tex2; you post not remotely close to victory yet you continue to follow this posting. Hmm.. Oh BTW… Ron is gaining momentum!

      2. I like how you said you’re, Tex. You must not be American, because last time I checked we were all in this together. Texas must be its own country.

      3. Tex2, what is your deal? Why do you hawk Ron Paul sites and embarrass yourself constantly. No one here cares about your borderline retard comments. Do you realize you can go to some FOX blogs and find a bunch of idiots like yourself? You know, kinda like moron cyber orgies. Why don’t you get yourself a girl or a life and find something else to do?

      4. Yup…Tex2 got swindled out of his business of swindling people and now he can’t get a job doing anything but trolling for Romney.

        On the bright side, he represents the quality of trolls Romney can come up with…LOL

      5. Let’s see you address these quality issues:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      6. RIP runs for president multiple times, yada yada yada, RIP fades off into the footnote of history, if he get even that. LOL

      7. @tex2
        1. Your opinion and nothing more. And a weak one at that.
        2. He has an unbeatable consistent track record as a Congressman. He has consistently voted against fruitless wars, bigger government, Patriot Act. NADDA, unconstitutional regulations, taxes, unconstitutional wars, bailouts, TARP, etc. He is the ONLY congressman who has upheld his pledge to protect and serve the constitution of the United States and he has done so for 30 years.
        3. Because other Congressmen earmarked out key parts of the legislation that would have made the bill a moot point if passed with their earmarks. Nice try though.
        4.We won’t know until that time comes, But thanks for “speculating” as it adds credibility to your argument, NOT.
        5. His foreign policies are constitutionally sound. Show me in the constitution where it says the US is to police the world, force democracy on other countries, drown in debt caused from useless and fruitless wars. You can’t. Who do you think already takes advantage of the situation when we attack third world Countries in the middle east? China does. They grab up land and resources for cheap while we are fighting. Why do you think Russia is bankrupt? They tried to manage the middle eastern affairs as well and it destroyed them financially. 9/11 would have never happened had we not been meddling in other affairs. Not to mention 9/11 was instigated by our very own government in order to get the general populace support for us to go to War with Iraq in order to justify more debt and more Establishment power.

        “Global war on terror”. That right there proves you are a brain washed sheep. You don’t even have to say anymore after that blatant main stream media driven comment. You’ve failed yourself, your family and your Country. I only pray you are not American and if you are, you should leave. You are a disgrace to the true Americans who live and breath freedom and liberty.

        You really should study up before trying to match wits with me again. It’s really pathetic to say the least.

        Wait I forgot one thing ->….LOL!!!!

    2. Is is just me, or does “tex2” have no life? They are the proof that people against Paul are getting shaken. No one in government or those who is fed by them, want to see a change that could take away their free reign over the common American. We will be the ones laughing in the end. If Ron does not get the presidency, I will be laughing at everyone who voted against him, because you will get exactly what you fear. Obama and Romney are only different in skin tone.

      1. Lee, you are 100% correct.

        The Establishment fears Ron Paul

        The Establishment says Ron Paul is out of touch, radical and dangerous.
        What’s so dangerous about him?
        He wants to return to the Constitution. And that the Constitution is our founding document and embodies our first principals of limited government, sound money and personal freedom. We’ve drifted so far from it that a return to those principals would indeed mean substance and change to the Government. The only danger that Ron Paul represents is to the establishment that fears it’s own loss of power. We’ve drifted so far, drowned so deep in debt, lost so many of our rights, fought so many fruitless wars, that if we don’t rock the boat now, we may end up sinking. – Judge Napolitano

      2. @tex2 – Because secretly you are a PROUD RON PAUL supporter! And still too chicken to call me. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL……

    3. Honest Ron, is a fantastic idea! I’m on board. I’ve supported Ron Paul for years now, and will continue to do so even after November. Presidency is ideal but his message rings clear in our ears whether he wins or not (if he doesn’t win, it’s because the elections are just as rigged as the mainstream media is…let’s just hope not!!!) let’s keep up the good fight and we just might win, but we’ve gotta push back and push hard! It’s do or die time people…literally….scary times we are living in, when our military no longer answers to United States Congress, but instead answers to the UnitedNations!!!

      @Tex2, you need to stop trolling. If you don’t like Ron Paul, fine. Then go support Romney instead, if you like him so much. You don’t need to waste your own time, and OURS, harassing people for THEIR OWN beliefs!!! Were not cramming anything down YOUR THROAT, you CHOOSE to be on this site….back off!

      1. There is one they can not rig. It is called the National Convention. Why do you think they are running scared? By the way Tex you are as dumb in the head as a hog is in the rear end.

    4. This Tex guy has to be one of the most unintelligent people to ever Reply to any post ever in the history of there being posts to reply to on the internet. “LOL LOL LOL” . Get your head out of your ass TEXguy your not funny and no one finds you funny. Saying a few words each response to cover up the fact that you have nothing intelligent to say DOES constitute the need for a “LOL” but aimed towards you.
      Any one that can seriously sit there and believe that a man that talks about freedom is not a good candidate to be the president should be checked into a mental facility.
      I guess that is a good reason for you to support Romney because just like under Obama your mental healthcare would be taken care of by We The People with the use of our tax dollars.

      RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      1. Ladies and gentlemen let us focus on Ron Paul and not on Tex2. I see he is having great success here and the center of attention. Should that center of attention not be focused on saving America and not talking to Tex2. Ignore him, no response to him from here on out and he will go away. Watch it happen!
        Now, who is going to Tampa the 24th of August-26th. I shall be representing the great state of TN!

  1. Maybe it’s better that they don’t report it so it can’t be fought. Then what a surprise at the convention! It’s gonna be a wild one for sure.

    1. It’s too late to fight it anyways. While the Romney camp was focusing all their attention(and money) on winning the Straw Polls, RP has been laying the ground work for a delegate win this entire time. It is far too late for the Romney campaign to attempt to counter or replicate the tactic.

      1. @tex, if you support romney .then you support obama. obama/romney 2012bednover for status quo. you might as well support obama if you support romney. romney is obama!

      2. @kenny, if you support RIP .then you support stupidity. stupidity/RIP 2012 bend over for failure. You might as well support stupidity if you support RIP. RIP is stupid!

      1. All opinions no facts. Hey tex, opinions are like belly buttons and assholes. Everyone has one and they ALL STINK! Grow a pair and start posting some facts about your boy Romney instead of spooning with yourself over your self absorbed comments that mean nothing. Didn’t think so..wit for it…wait for it. Another opinion based insult coming from tex.

  2. The credibility of mainstream media is going to suffer a devastating blow because of their deceitful and manipulative practices. It’s difficult to believe they have not awoken to the power of communication that will keep them in check. I wonder if they will ever recover from it. A person has to wonder how different history would be…

      1. George,
        There are still quite a few people in this country that believe what they are being spoon fed. A Ron Paul victory would be such a blatant illustration of that. It would be “almost” undeniable, but there are those that would have too much to lose and would not accept it as truth. I do believe that is going to be a very large hurdle in the process of electing Ron Paul. We’ve seen the tactics used in the primary so far.

      2. Want to see how smart Tex2 is. He thinks the primaries aka beauty contest win elections. Tex do you ever read anything? DUH

    1. WOOO HOOOO! I went to the internets today and found RIP has 10% of the vote so far. I didn’t have to go to Philly or get wet!!!! It was worth every clicking second!!!! LOL

      1. “Ahh saw it on the internets that that ahmonegettajob over there in eye-ran is gittin’ nucler weapons and Obama ain’t even bombed eeem yet.”

      2. tex 2 u r a robot. not real. any tangibles you can bring to the table. rp has affected many people(millions) around the world in a very positive way. truly honest,consistent noble man. who are you? what have you done? can anyone close to you stand listening to you anymore? is that why your here? do you have anything good to give? you get what you give

      3. superbean u r a robot. not real. any tangibles you can bring to the table. rp has affected many people (millions) around the world in a very negative way. truly honest,consistent noble and clueless man. who are you? what have you done? can anyone close to you stand listening to you anymore? is that why your here? do you have anything good to give? you get what you give. LOL

      4. areamike, your reply to me sounds like you are talking about yourself….LOL LOL LOL! Too easy. GO AWAY RON PAUL 2012!

      1. tex2,
        You realize that Ron Paul has more ‘Texan’ beliefs than Romney? Obviously not. Romney is a Republican Obama. Sorry dude, nothing will change in the shift from Obama to Romney. Maybe some more regulation. Oh yeah, that will fix this government. 😉

      1. getting a little nervous there tex? you sound like an obot–can’t come up with facts, only digs at people and name calling. LOL

  3. It’s a trade-off, for sure. On the one hand, camp Romney doesn’t know how big their enemy is, but on the other hand, there really isn’t that much of a camp Romney in the first place!

    Perhaps if the rest of the nation knew we were really as popular as we are, then it would be obvious that Romney is artificialy held in place, and therefore people in states yet to vote would start voting for Honest Ron.

    BTW; the most awesome idea I’ve heard for this Campaign yet is to start calling Dr. Paul “Honest Ron.” It tells everyone who even sees this tiny, 2-word message that all other candidates are NOT honest… And if they keep seeing Honest Ron used elsewhere, eventually they might wonder enough how true that is to get online and find answers for themselves. (And you know what happens then!)

    Honest Ron 2012
    Legalize Liberty!

      1. The rest of the nation has voted for him 10% of the time, so we know exactly how popular RIP is…..drum roll, please…..10% popular. LOL

      2. Honest Ron, is a fantastic idea! I’m on board. I’ve supported Ron Paul for years now, and will continue to do so even after November. Presidency is ideal but his message rings clear in our ears whether he wins or not (if he doesn’t win, it’s because the elections are just as rigged as the mainstream media is…let’s just hope not!!!) let’s keep up the good fight and we just might win, but we’ve gotta push back and push hard! It’s do or die time people…literally….scary times we are living in, when our military no longer answers to United States Congress, but instead answers to the UnitedNations!!!

      3. @tex2 – The fact is only 10% of Americans approve of Romney and Obama. The other 90% approve of Ron Paul. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! LOL LOL LOL! More LOL for you Mr. LOL!

  4. Clap! Clap! Cheer! Bravo! Hooray! Whistle! Oorah! Yippee! Ee-haw! Atta’ boy! Well done! Right on! Way to go! Keep up the good work! Ron Paul forever!

      1. tex2: historians tell us that, when the American revolution was brewing, only 10% of the population supported war.

        We also see that in all things 10% is the critical mass that major movements hit right before exponential growth.

        Of course, if you support Romney, I don’t expect you to know history. I really don’t even expect you to care – but I want to give you a warning so you aren’t knocked off your high horse when the tide comes in.

      2. lol. MORE than a little nervous. Too bad romney can’t get any more of the vote than 25%, WITH lots of media help. In fact Paul is winning so much the media can’t stand it so they have to report something else. How does it feel to support a head of hair with an empty head? Might as well join his dog in a cage on the roof of his car, for all your barking.

  5. So what is the actual delagate count as of right now? Tell me how you get to 400? Why not run for the Libertarian Party nomination?

    1. Because the LP nomination will be decided in two weeks, and the anti-Pauls all want him to go that route to get him out of the way, and he knows it.

    2. Cause he’d be an idiot. Split the vote and Obama wins. Love the man but I’ll take the lesser of two evils.

      1. Then really, yr no help at all. By last count, Dr. Paul was behind by 100 delegates. The object is to not let Romney get to 1144, even if Dr. Paul doesn’t get to that amount. A brokered convention is what would propel Dr. Paul to the nomination.

      2. Sorry Butch,
        I’m not here to help you or to help Paul…I’m here to state my beliefs and convictions while I still have the right to do so 🙂
        If he wins, kudos to you.

      3. Oh…and btw…the convention is peanuts. The 4 year term afterward is what matters and if Paul gets it, I’ll be one of his biggest supporters.
        Sorry, but I’m any “anyone but Obama” camper but my son would love you.

      4. The lesser of two evils is STILL EVIL! I’m sick of that kind of false logic. Only Honest Ron tells it like it is with out duplicitious Bullshit.

      5. The difference between Romney and O is insignificant. That ruse has been played on us for years, and the candidates are getting worse every year. The direction this country has gone is a testament to that. It’s time to give our strength, support and resources to the values we believe in, it is the only way they will become strong enough to win…

      6. butch,

        Are you dreaming or on drugs? LOL


        No candidate is perfect, and RIP is VERY far away. LOL


        There are significant differences between Barry and Romney. LOL

      7. @Tex2: A different flavor of Kool-Aid is still Kool-Aid. That does not constitute freedom of choice. Do you honestly believe Romney is not a RINO?
        What differences between O and Romney can you articulate for us? I’m talking truly conservative differences…

      8. …and I repeat…split the vote and Obama wins.
        Doesn’t matter what my ideal candidate looks like. Hasn’t in years…it’s about saving the country from where its going as well as we can with what we have.
        I hate to tell you this but unless the folks here that are pissed and against Romney decide to start over populating and breeding on a rampant basis…well you are gonna be WAY out numbered in the very short future daddy-o.
        There is the possibility that some of those numbers will swing toward Romney. Few, if any, would go for Paul. It’s just not what they want and since we only get one vote each, its called a compromise.
        Don’t believe me? Check out the birth stats for those that support the other party.
        If you don’t wanna compromise, better start having babies.

      9. and I repeat… there is no discernible difference between Romney and O. This country loses either way. To endorse Romney as a conservative is a much graver problem than you seem to be aware. Support your true values and beliefs and they will be stronger for it. Do you not have faith in them?

      10. Don, not quite following you so I’ll answer both ways the question could have been posed. Yes, I have absolute faith in my personal beliefs, my thought processes and my mathematical abilities. No, I have little to no faith in most, if not all, politicians.
        If I’m proven wrong and Paul wins I’ll be damn happy…if I’m right and the vote gets split and Obama wins again…well Canada already screwed the pooch years ago. They figured it out and are coming back from it.

      11. Geez, a reasonable and articulate discussion of the issues we are faced with. Thank you redrock!!
        We are in agreement in our estimation of politicians. I will say that Paul does seem to be the exception, 30 years of fighting the good fight without succumbing to the political pressure or financial gain. He has continued to warn us of the dangers of the path this country has been on.
        Your second point is where we may see things a little differently. To endorse another liberal as a conservative totally changes the playing field, and the definition of conservative. So much so that “conservative” becomes “radical”. When I look at the miniscule differences between Romney and O I don’t see there to be enough of a difference in policy to make up for the new definition of “conservative”. That is where I see the true battle is for this election.

      12. Don Howard…you might be right, you might be wrong. I still believe in my mind and heart…and just due to the sheer mathematics of it, that Paul doesn’t have a “snowball’s chance”.
        I’ll reiterate…if I’m wrong I’ll be the first to admit it and cheer for the guy. He’s a better one of the batch (sorry, still don’t trust him or any politician). If I’m right it’s unlikely any amount of damn near anything we do will put the country back right during our lifetimes…or our kids…or their kids…
        But hey, nothing good last forever. Rome fell too, maybe it’s our turn. People gotta believe in something so if Paul’s your belief good for you. My father-in-law feels the same for Gingrich and i told him he was full of shit too. But then again, that’s my opinion and right of belief as well…oh, wait…NOT if Obama wins again, socialism is enacted and conversations like this become a thing of the past.

      13. @redrock,
        One of the issues that seems to get overlooked is that it is the Patriot Act that has seriously infringed on our personal rights, although O is definitely catching up in a hurry. Conservative politics is not fascists politics any more than it is socialist politics. That is the belief I am referring to. It’s not so much about Paul as it is about his platform. Although it has taken someone like Paul and his steadfast stance to keep that alive in the face of what the politics in this country have gone through.

        In contrast to you I believe Romney doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance of beating O. I also believe that it doesn’t really matter which of them win, we are going to be hog-tied and dealt with as DC sees fit. The premise and entire reason for the creation of the Constitution was to limit the power of the federal government. I do not see either O or Romney supporting that, quite the opposite…

      14. Don, I agree with you totally on the Patriot Act…still disagree on whom can win.

        I also don’t think Romney’s quite as big a prick as most seem to here. I might not agree with him totally but I’ve read up on him and his previous actions. He bounces a bit more than I approve of but do give him the concessions of: 1. being a human and the right and ability to change his mind, 2. not being perfect, 3. being a politician and modifying his current stand to those of the majority.

        He’s also done a hell of a lot of good, made himself into what he is and has done some very good humanitarian actions that never make it into the media of most sorts. Is problem there is he’s a bit too humble and that costs him.

        In the long run Don, I don’t really care which of us is right…just damn sure hope one of us is so the “O” is gone.

      15. redrock7189 — you have failed to think this through.

        Principles (which by definition are Immutable):

        Compromise — worth noting its logical meaning (the degradation of principles into eventual nothingness).

        When the highest principle (let’s call it “A” for absolute) is bartered to achieve a compromise with a lower one (“F” for failure) — a compromise is reached, creating a lesser principle (call it “B” for barter).
        Thereby, the now LESSER principle “B” becomes the NEW “highest” principle.

        When “B” is renegotiated as a compromise with another low point — then “C” is created as an even lower standard NEW principle.

        Then “C” reaches a compromise with “D”…and so on.

        Reason clearly shows that continuous compromises lead to eventual disappearance of all principles.

        Yet, many think that to compromise is the way go, to GAIN SOMETHING TEMPORARILY, at the expense of something IRREPLACEABLE, the LOSS of true principles!

      16. You are making a false assumption when that Paul going third party would “split the vote”. You are assuming that Paul supporters would vote for Romney if Paul wasn’t a candidate at all. That is clearly not the case, the majority of Paul supports will never vote for the lessor of evils.

      17. So Red rock, you have no problem selling out your integrity to elect the best of two evils, that is the exact mentality that keeps sorry ass candidates being reelected, that is the same sorry ass mentality that allowed Obama to get into office. Until the electorate finally stands there ground, you will not defeat the establishment candidates.

  6. unfamiliar with how exactly the convention works, how would it matter what ron had as long as mitt had required amount of delegates?

    1. Well the delegates really dont mean a thing until the National convention. There are bound and unbound delegates. Bound delegates are supposed to vote for the person that won them in the primarys IF they decide to vote on the first round at the convention. Unbound delegates are free to vote for any cnadidate that they decide to. Ron paul so far has alotted the majority of the delegate seats. he is even winning a lot of the bound delegate seats that are supposed to go to Romney. those RP supporters that have won the seats that are supposed to vote for Romney will just simply abstain from voting in the first round at the conventin, therefor, creating a brokered convention. On the second round of voting if no one alots the required 1144 delegate votes to win, all bound and unbound delegats are then free to vote their concience. Anf with Ron paul winning a lot of seats, anythin, I mean, anything could happen!!!!

      1. A so called Romney bound delegate who supports Ron Paul can vote RP on the first ballot.
        Below is a quote from Jennifer Sheehan, Legal Counsel for the RNC:
        “[The] RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose.”

    2. If Mittens gets 1144 uncontested bound delegates, notice I said uncontested and bound, then it is all over. But as it stands now he is not even close to that number. If we go into a brokered convention where no one has that 1144 uncontested bound delegates then all h*** can break loose. The Ron Paul delegates being the most loyal supporters of all candidate’s could go on a feeding frenzy. In other words even Romney delegates could flip flop on him after the first round because they will then become free agents and can support who ever they wish. Can RP pull this off? That I do not know but I sure hope so. I am a alternate delegate to the National Convention from GA. If I can move up to delegate status I will be voting for RP when Newt throws in the towel. Even Alternate delegates have a big influence at the National Convention. Hope this helps.

      1. nope, Santorum delegates arose as the anti-romney, and even if the two make a deal, santorum cannot guarantee his delegates go to romney. LOL. Christian conservatives won’t vote romney. Paul is now the real conservative alternative to mitt romney. I love it that he’s not paying attention to Paul, thinking he’s entitled. Wild card is Newt’s supporters, who loathe romney and santorum. They could split or not vote at all. Romney is not a conservative and is ‘obama-light’, literally. same establishment bankster support, same big government. And Newt loves Nancy Pelosi. LOL.

      2. nope, Santorum delegates arose as the anti-romney, and even if the two make a deal, santorum cannot guarantee his delegates go to romney. LOL. —> Of course they were anti-Romney, Romney was in the lead. But they were also anti-Gingrich and anti-RIP as well. LOL I also never said he could guarantee all of his delegates would go to Romney, but Romney doesn’t need all of them, and may not need ANY of them. LOL

        Christian conservatives won’t vote romney. —> Yes we will. Even the minister who called LDS a cult while supporting Perry has now endorsed Romney. LOL

        Paul is now the real conservative alternative to mitt romney. —> No, he’s what he’s always been, a kook. LOL

        I love it that he’s not paying attention to Paul, thinking he’s entitled. —> It’s not entitlement, it’s called winning. LOL And just because he is publicly ignoring RIP doesn’t mean he is not paying any attention. LOL

        Wild card is Newt’s supporters, who loathe romney and santorum. —> They also loathe RIP. LOL

        They could split or not vote at all. —> They will vote, and most of them will probably go to Romney. LOL

        Romney is not a conservative and is ‘obama-light’, literally. —> No, he isn’t. Literally. LOL

        same establishment bankster support, same big government. —> Would you rather the bankers support Barry? LOL As for big government, I doubt it, his business record indicates otherwise. LOL

        And Newt loves Nancy Pelosi. LOL. —> And Newt said sitting on the couch was a mistake, but we should vote for the nutjob RIP, because he is consistently a nutjob. LOL

  7. There is going to be a lot of explaining to be had if there is a brokered convention. Most my friends think that Ron Paul doesnt have a shot in hell based on the information they get from mainstream media sources. But the actual numbers tell a different story. I truly do hope that Dr. Paul at least gets a brokered convention. Then the message of liberty can be ignored no longer!

      1. tex, you “LOL” at the end of every one of your comments. I can’t figure if it’s because you think your comments are funny (because they’re not funny, sad and pathetic actually) or it’s a nervous laugh because you have no clue what you’re talking about. I think it’s the latter.

      2. Randy, you don’t “LOL” at the end of every one of your comments. I can’t figure if it’s because you think your comments are funny (because they’re not funny, sad and pathetic actually) or it’s a nervous laugh because you have no clue what you’re talking about. I think it’s the latter. LOL

    1. Rich Maggio —

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

    1. Brian Murphy — spot on!

      Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.
      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party ( I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

  8. When the GOP finds out the delegates a primarily Paul, can they disqualify them, and choose the alternates?? Under what circumstances might this occur?

    1. No!!! Alternatives are strictly to fill in for people who cannot make it or are absent at the rollcall. most people like to think our process is a democracy when in fact we run a democratic republic. therefor the majority vote in the “beuaty contests” they show on tv means nothing!!!

      1. @Tex2: This is directly copied from one of your posts:

        “1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.”

  9. This is no secret to Romeny’s campaign. They know this is happening. If they could stop it, they would. The only way they could have, or can now, is to have dedicated people who want to actually devote themselves as delegates.

    Romeny’s campaign simply does not have a proportional number of people willing to dedicate themselves to correspond with the number of people who were willing to cast a vote yet not willing to back up that vote within the delegation.

    The vast majority of people who voted for Romney did so only because they just wanted to side with who it was they thought was going to be the winner and they saw Mitt Romney that way by default.

    The truth is, there is nothing unique enough about Mitt Romney’s platform that gets people exited enough to actually want to be a delegate for Mitt Romeny.

    1. And there’s plenty that will get people “exited” (love that Freudian slip, because I wouldn’t accuse you of being stupid – LOL) about RIP. Straight out the closest door! LOL

    2. Craig Williams —

      Exactly — Rmoney has no TRUE Americans as supporters (only those reluctantly voting for what they PERCEIVE as a lesser evil than BO).

      Sad, because all info points that he is even MORE Evil than the Disgrace that currently occupies our White House!


      1. I attended Missouri’s 3rd congressional district convention, and Ron Paul delegates overwhelmed the rest, but yes Romney’s supporters managed to convince Santorum delegates that they were united (against Paul) and shut us out. There were also several Santorum delegates that simply did not show up, and were replaced by Romney alternates.

      2. I was there too. We only lost by 6 votes out of 294. The funny thing was, even though the Sanatorium group went with the “Unity” slate to block the Ron Paul slate, they still wanted half of the Unity Slate to be bound to Rick Sanatorium, not Romney. What I dont get is, if they cant wholeheartedly jump behind Romney now that he is “the inevitable” then what makes them think that in November 51% of America is going to get behind him?

    1. The GOP leaders decided that any form of democratic election was not necessary so they chose their own delegates who were already committed to Romney. That is how he won, jsut the State GOP leadership blatently disregarding the rules for their own desires. same is going on in Alaska as they are trying to prevent paul delegates from the convention by creating next day deadlines to pay, when the rules clearly state that they can pay until the day before the state convention.

      1. I like the way you end all your comments…LOL…Losing Out Loud, very appropriate.

  10. I was at an Iowa District convention and while it was victory for Ron Paul it was also a victory for the people as the Ron Paul people got up and spoke they talked of limited government, peace , the need to come together The people went wild not only the Ron Paul people who knew but those that didnt heard our message and loved it!

      1. Are you considering the destruction from within based on the past, current, and projected policies of the rest of the candidates? Protect this country from within and you have a formidable, and enviable, presence to face our enemies with.

      2. No but they did talk about the Petrodollar and how the U.S will jump a country (Iraq and Iran) if they even think about excepting any other currency for their oil. Tex I bet you still believe that jumping Iraq and Iran is about terrorist. Nothing could be further from the truth. Can you call back, oh I forgot you have a brain that will not go into reverse, but let me clue you in anyway. Kishenger went to Saudi Arabia and cooked up a deal where they would only except U.S. currency for their oil and in return for doing that we would protect their oil fields. Later on the same deal was hashed out with the other OPEC nations. So now we were in the business of selling our currency so let the printing presses spit out tons of US dollars. I mean now we have to have this and keep it in place because we no longer produce squat in this country. Iraq let it slip that they were toying with the idea of excepting Russian currency for their oil. We jumped them in short order. Now Iran is toying with idea of excepting China gold for their oil. Just watch we will jump them next. Bottom line you mess with the Pretrodollar and you will get jumped.

    1. Nuggy — keep up the fight for Freedom!

      Our voices will be heard in Tampa — Rmoney BEWARE…you won’t walk away by cheating REAL Americans!

  11. Where is it April 23 – it’s April 22 at this very moment on the East Coast – North Carolina.

      1. Why would Rummy hire an idiot like you? Your the best indorsment Ron Paul could hope for. Uncontrollable continued laughter is a sure sign of insanity, and if your representative of a Rummy suporter, I can’t imagine why anyone would listen to your jibberish.

      2. Perhaps because I’m effective? LOL

        Yes, RIP (Ron “Idiotic” Paul aka Rest In Peace, take your pick) has been going gangbusters ever since I’ve been here. LOL

        Uncontrollable continued laughter is a sure sign of being entertained by a bunch of idiots. LOL

        I’m representative of me, and plenty of people are listening to my “jibberish.” LOL

    1. Pat — keep up the fight for Freedom!

      Our voices will be heard in Tampa — Rmoney BEWARE…you won’t walk away by cheating REAL Americans!

  12. This is great news to hear. I think that the news is giving us all more confidence to play a big role in the GOP. Although it may sound better if we are quiet about this, we have a lot of members of the liberty movement that will get their second wind if they believe we have a real shot of winning this. We need everybody to give it their all the next few weeks so I say let everybody know (even our competitors) that we will surprise the establishment in Tampa.

      1. I wasn’t the one who stated on a public blog, “Although it may sound better if we are quiet about this, we have a lot of members of the liberty movement that will get their second wind if they believe we have a real shot of winning this.” LOL

    1. Evan Mulch —

      Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny (Rmoney The Terrible), will be hard to dismiss)!

      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.

      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party ( I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

      Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!

  13. Ron Paul or we write him in, get the clue GOP. Ron Paul is the only answer for a win in November. RINO-Romney has zero support. Look at the rallies look at the town halls, Ron Paul has the people for the win. Get back to true REPUBLICAN PRINCIPALS!!! NOT just lie like the other two present….

      1. Who are you trying to convince? Yourself?
        Keep it up your almost halfway there LOL

      2. LOL! Still spouting MSM lines, I see. LOL

        Its funny to hear sheep still saying this, LOL!
        Even while the Paul folks are overwhelming the GOP with majorities, and even taking over the GOP at state level in numerous states. LOL

        MSM lines just arent enough to matter, LOL

      3. LOL! Still spouting RIP campaign lines, I see. LOL

        Its funny to hear sheep still saying this, LOL!
        Even while the Paul folks are underwhelming the GOP with voting minorities, and even taking over the GOP at state level in numerous states, but they have to vote with the primary results on the first ballot. LOL

        RIP campaign lines just arent enough to matter, LOL

      4. wow. You have turned my comment around, effectively removing any facts, from the comment, which is as good as lets say… saying nothing? LOL

      5. wow. You have turned my comment around, effectively removing any facts, from the comment, which is as good as lets say… saying nothing? LOL

      6. tex2 is an immature Romney troll, ignore him. doesn’t anyone monitor these boards? ban this annoying child.

      7. butch is an immature RIP troll, ignore him. Doesn’t anyone monitor these boards? Ban this annoying child. LOL

      8. tex2 the “primary vote” has nothing to do with getting elected due to the fact that we are not a democracy, we are a republic. which means the delegates we elect choose our nominees. also i cant even begin to understands how boring your life must be or how much welfare and SSI money you must be absorbing in order to make this many childish negative comments to each post. i truly am sorry that you life is that pathetic.

  14. If this was reported to a larger audience then the unelectable label will vanish. ROMNEY PEOPLE DONT SHOW UP TO REALLY VOTE which is done at the National Convention…Obviously its showing Romney people dont care enough to be delegates. Who really looks unelectable in this showdown -_____________-

      1. It is too late for the MSM lines, people are starting to notice that Paul’s crowds are always in the thousands, so no matter what you say here, it wont change those facts. LOL LOL

      2. It is too late for the RIPtilian lines, people are starting to notice that Paul’s crowds are always in the thousands but it doesn’t translate into more than 5-10% of the vote, so no matter what you say here, it won’t change those facts. LOL

  15. This IS excellent, and though I did know what has been going, via Paul contacts all of the country, to see it coming together SO WELL, and as planned, is amazing.
    AS I have been saying for about a year; Paul supporters are NOT satisfied to RELY ON delegates, we BECOME delegates. And this IS how we win!
    Wouldn’t it be amazing were he to sweep it ALL? This country needs real change, not hopiness and changiness.. and with Ron Paul, along with us and others (including those in Congress desiring good), it will and IS happening.
    I could not be more pleased!
    Thanks, Doug.
    Go, Ron Paul, GO!

    1. Wouldn’t it be amazing that you looked at the facts, that most of the caucus states are small, and the delegates to the larger primary states MUST vote for Romney on the first ballot, which will be the end of it all? LOL

      1. Romney can only win in the way you describe if he gets the requisite 1144 votes in the first round of voting in Tampa. That is by no means a certainty.

      2. You just go right on telling yourself that. Meanwhile when those delegates decide to abstain from the first round of voting will see who comes out as the nominee.

      3. Wouldn’t it be be amazing if you took your negative crap over to the romney camp clearly that is where a troll like you belongs. LOL

      4. My state of Kansas is a Caucus state. In fact, we have the LARGEST caucus in the nation. Rick Santorum took 37 of our 40 delegates, leaving Romney with 7. To suggest that Romney is ANYWHERE near the 1100+ delegates one needs to win the nomination outright is ludicrous.

        Rick Santorum did a great job of keeping Romney from getting delegates across the nation, and amazingly enough, Santorum was never on enough state ballots to even take the nomination!

        If I didn’t know Ron Paul better, I would almost be inclined to believe that Ron Paul was in cahoots with Santorum, and not Romney as the media tried to imply, this has worked out so well!

        As for the delegates…if Ron Paul people get into the positions of power at the district and state conventions…they will choose which delegates go to Tampa in August. That’s all there is to it.

        Finally, let’s consider one last thing:

        There is NO WAY Romney will get the independent vote in November. NONE. Zilch. Nada. The people are DONE with establishment candidates.

        There will be a brokered convention in August. Either the GOP figure this out, and get behind Ron Paul, or this country is going to go down in flames under the 2nd term of Barack Obama.

        The choice is yours.

      5. I’m supporting any Republican except RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul, or Rest In Peace, take your pick). LOL

        I would even vote for a rock if it was the only thing on the ballot against RIP. LOL

      6. It is your right as an American, to be allowed to make an uneducated vote. Thats what the neocons would like everybody to do. You are a well behaved sheep. LOL

      7. It is your right as an American, to be allowed to make an uneducated vote. Thats what the dinocons would like everybody to do. You are a well behaved RIP sheep. LOL

      8. You know that they can abstain from voting on the first round if they choose to. So It is not nessecarily true what you are saying Romtroll

      9. @ tex2 ‘I know you are, but what am I?’… I haven’t used that since grade school, then I grew up…

  16. The media is shooting themselves in the foot I think! Its going to backfire, the ones who actually know the process are for the most part the Paul supporters, so all the Romney supporters are going to stay at home thinking its all wrapped up and wake up to a shock one day that they have been lied to 😛

    1. Matt:

      Good thinking!! tex2, here is something to think about…

      The Gun Owners of America (aka GOA) printed the results showing the ratings of Ron Paul; Newt, and Rummy on gun rights, etc, etc.
      Here are the results in grade format.

      Ron Paul…………………………….A+

      Newt Gingrich……………………..C

      Mitt Romney aka Nott Rummy..D-

      tex2, Rummy wants YOUR guns…

      Now don’t believe me, just run a ‘search’ on your favorite search engine, and read & weep, sucker.

  17. At the national convention, each state announces their delegates’ choices, but in alphabetical order, so Ron Paul must win Alaska & California to make a big/early impact on whatever might follow.

    And, one thing to keep in mind is this: I recall watching Kucinich’s delegates cave to Kerry’s delegates in 2004; Kucinich had actually won a great many of Alaska’s delegates, but the state put-off (with a pass) announcing Alaska’s choice until after it was made obvious Kerry was going to be the chosen nominee. After passing on their turn, after waiting for other states to announce Kerry as their choice — somehow — Kucinich’s delegates decided to let Kerry have 100% of Alaska’s delegates.

    On second thought, it might have been Hawaii’s delegates, not Alaska’s delegates, that Kucinich’s delegates simply gave away, but the point is simply this: his delegates ultimately caved under pressure after passing on their announcement; they decided not to embarrass Kerry, but to act like they were all united as one party. (Ron Paul’s delegates better not do this!)

      1. I feel sad that people like Tex2 feel the need to childishly make remarks as he has. This is the type of people supporting Romney? For shame GOP, for shame.

    1. Serpico —

      No chance of that! Ron Paul supporters are Real Patriots — unlike the sycophants that represent the rest of the plastic politicians!

  18. I was not a strong Ron Paul supporter until I became aware at just how thoroughly the media seemed to be ignoring him. Jon Stewart *may* be exaggerating a bit in his presentations, but if so, I don’t think it’s by much. Google:

    jon stewart ron paul ignored

    and watch the two short videos there.

    In terms of honesty and the larger campaign, a lot of people claim Obama lied because of broken campaign promises, Broken promises though aren’t as serious as outright lies about what he’s done. Again, check out this 30 second video and analysis to see him saying he imposed NO new taxes on anyone just a few months after making a big TV play of signing the SCHIP bill — which imposed a 2,000% tax increase on people who roll their own cigarettes when they can’t afford to buy ready-mades. See:

    – MJM

    1. Michael J. McFadden —-

      This may also be of interest. The only candidate against it is Ron Paul. The rest are silent-partners-in-crime!

       ILLEGAL EVERYTHING — Must-Watch special aired on FOX! See it below:

      It is estimated that nearly 500,000,000 as of 2010 (and each year EVEN MORE are passed) — about 1/2 billion — NEGATIVE Laws/rules/regulations are on the books, meaning: “You, the US Citizen, cannot do 1/2 billion things, because we, the Government, have deemed such actions ILLEGAL.”

      More Negative Laws than the total count of US Citizens (including babies, children, and adults in our Nation)!

      The Arrogance of Office is best displayed by this pernicious Sophism: “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse”.

      No sane person can expect an individual to memorize all the names of the 312 million US Citizens — but same individual is expected to know the EXACTITUDE of ALL 1/2 billion LAWS (or be penalized for the IGNORANCE)?!

      The Great Roman Statesman Cicero stated: ‘The MORE Laws in a Nation, the LESS Justice for the Citizens’ — nearly 2000 years later, Cicero’s warning rings true: *More Laws = Less Liberty*!

      1. Michael J. McFadden —

        How to Chop Down the Tree of Liberty and Succeed: A Politician’s Handbook (one branch at a time, for as long as it takes).

        At the beginning, the Citizens had the Freedom to walk all paths. Then Government decided that some paths are not good for the people, so closed off a few paths. Now, the People had the Freedom
        to walk a few less paths. Encouraged by this, the Government passed even more laws telling the People what other things they cannot do (because it is for their own good). Pleased with the outcome — the Citizens’ obedience — the Government went into the full-time business of Manufacturing Laws (rules, regulations).

        Since Politicians produce nothing of intrinsic value — they found their calling in writing stuff on paper, telling people
        what no to do (for their own good, of-course).

        As of 2010, it is estimated that there are about 1/2 Billion Negative Laws/rules/regulations on the Books telling the People what they CANNOT DO upon threat of punishment (that’s more Laws than there are US Citizens)!
        Headlines at end of 2011 read: 40,000 New Laws in effect for 2012. Translation — 40,000 more paths each Citizen has lost the
        Liberty to walk. See how nicely this is working out below:


        Are the Citizens this blind, not to see the end result — the eventual straight-and-narrow path Government wants its Subjects to walk….

  19. I am a newly elected national delegate from CD8 in MN. The establishment slate, thanks to rigid enforcement of the rules they imposed to keep Ron Paul supporters shut out, only got one alternate while RP took 2/3 delegates plus an alternate! We only had about 30% of the delegates at the convention, but still soundly defeated the establishment. DO NOT GIVE UP! Do we really want another Wall Street pawn in the whitehouse? I almost backed out from being discouraged about our chances and the time needed to run. DO NOT GIVE UP!

    1. Kevin Erickson — keep up the fight!

      Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.
      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party ( I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

    1. The media blackout is working to RP’s favor in Texas. The Ron Paul supporters are showing up to vote, bet everyone else is under the impression that the race is over. Texas has around 150 delegates, and RP may well get most of them just for showing up.

      1. Brent Larsen —

        I find it funny that the 155 delegates available in Texas, many, if not all, of which would have been for Ron Paul, have to wait yet again for their election process.
        First it was Feb, then March, then April and now it’s end of May….

        The only reason for this PERFIDY is that the crooked GOP wants to announce their chosen pet, Mitt, as “winner” in advance —- of what will be a Rmoney devastating loss!

        Brent — keep fighting for Liberty, or our Nation is done!Brent — keep fighting for Liberty, or our Nation is done!

      2. I find it funny you’re so stupid and yet you can type, or do you belch out the words and have someone else type for you? LOL

        The Texas primary was delayed because the Dems didn’t like the new district boundaries. LOL

  20. A vote for romney is a vote for obama. Ron Paul 2012 , the media has created a dead man walking in romney, folks thinking they can beat obama with romney are actually going to elect obama. bottom line Ron paul is the only one that can beat obama. The gop has 2 choices in tampa, Ron Paul or Obama

    1. Romney needs to pledge his delegates to RP in exchange for a VP nod. Then, the Ron Paul / Mitt Romney ticket (in that order) has a real chance at winning in November.

      If the ticket has Romney on the top (no matter who he chooses as VP) its just not enough to win it in November. Perhaps a Chuck Norris VP could give him enough boost to win, but its a long shot.

      1. I just don’t see any co-operation between Paul and Romney. Paul has said himself that their campaign messages are polar opposites.
        Romney in favor of continuing the status-quo, continuing the wars, continuing the Patriot Act and NDAA, continuing the Federal Reserve, and so on.
        Paul is COMPLETELY polar opposite, advocating sound money, liberty, a sound foreign policy, and End the Fed.
        I just don’t see a coalition ever happening. But Ron Paul is winning, and he wouldn’t betray us by changing his stance on policies, so that’s a good thing.

      1. No. Obama very well could still win re-election. There still are Democrats who still like Obama more so than Romney. There are Independents who do not see Romney to at all to be any better. There are Paul supporters who are fed up with the corruption of the status quo and have witnessed that corruption favor Romney.

        A candidate can never win with the support of his own party alone and to win, he must get support from independents. Of all three candidates worth talking about (there is no Newt), none have independent support to the extent Paul does. Romney has zero support from Democrats while Paul has huge support from anti-war, civil libertarians in the Democratic party.
        Paul can beat Obama because he can take votes from independents and democrats. Romney can’t do that.

    2. kenny,colorado delegate — they’ve chosen BO!

      So all Real Americans need to do their best to get Ron Paul elected —or our nation will end in 2012!

  21. DougWead embarrassed himself again.

    Romney does not evne consider Ron Paul AT ALL. He is like an ant in a field. A NOTHING. And Doiug Wead is DESTROYING his future by being so delusional,. Doug…PLEASE kill yoruself along with all the other cult members in August. PLEASE. Your own amily is praying you will.

      1. jkfan & tex2, both of you just step away from the bong! Once the drugs have cleared your system sufficiently perhaps you two can actually articulate. Then again I’m getting the impression you’ve been “hit’n” it pretty hard for some time now, so there’s most likely already irreversible brain damage done at this point. If that’s the case, my bad, just keep the puffs come’n, cause stopping now isn’t going to help anyone.

      2. I don’t represent the Republican Party, I represent myself. LOL

        And I do consider myself a good representation of myself. LOL

      3. @Tex2: You are representing what you believe it means to be a Republican. Here’s a hint: Your arguments are all based on the Republican candidates and Romney bringing a Republican win in the presidential election. Like it or not, your words and actions are a representation of Romney, and since Romney is a Republican they are also a representation to the rest of the world how a Republican walks and talks. Since you are using the flag of Texas, and Tex in your screen name you are also a representation of what a Texan is. Do you believe you are making them proud?

      4. @Tex2: You are representing what you believe it means to be a Republican. —> No, I’m not. I said that already, I am representing myself. LOL

        Here’s a hint: Your arguments are all based on the Republican candidates and Romney bringing a Republican win in the presidential election. —-> Counter hint: My arguments are based on my positions, and my positions don’t agree 100% with ANY of the candidates. LOL

        Like it or not, your words and actions are a representation of Romney, and since Romney is a Republican they are also a representation to the rest of the world how a Republican walks and talks. —> WRONG again, RIPtilian. LOL

        Since you are using the flag of Texas, and Tex in your screen name you are also a representation of what a Texan is. —> Yes, and we aren’t monolithic, either. LOL

        Do you believe you are making them proud? —> Frankly, I don’t care. That’s part of what a REAL Texan is all about. However, I think 90-95% of us will NOT be voting for RIP on May 29th. LOL


    1. you guys are so funny to be there making comments like that, even while the events of recent completely discredit what you say.—LOL sheep LOL

    2. Bye, troll. Have fun voting for Obamney. It’s your Constitutional right. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    3. *Mitt Romney — American Parasite*

      (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

      It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

      Some notable excerpts:

      “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

      “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

      “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

      A must read (long) article recommended to all!

      Share it!

  22. By the way…considfering your desperate strategy DEPENDS on Romney getting ZERO unbound delegates, pleaes expalin to me how it is a GOOD thing that Romney so far has gotten MORE delegates than he earned in the popular vote in a ALL but 1 state. And you pathetic sucidal bitches have been whining that the media is reporting way too many delegate sfor Romney…well guess what? Their totals were LOWER in ND, WY, CO and at least one other state. So he actually has MORE that hte media is reporting.

    And after the embarrassment for Ron Paul in 48 hours, it will be even worse.

    Oh…but don’t worry! Ron Paul will overcome a THIRTY THREE point deficit and win California!

      1. Romneys delegates will flip just as fast as Romneys platform.

        Good Dr. Paul’s delegates are a little more loyal, and I don’t know a single one of them who would switch even under pressure.

      2. Perhaps to go along with your opinion, you could share with us parts of Romney’s platform which might make us actually think something of the man.

      3. Perhaps I would know that would be a waste of time on this site, but I will pose a few issues about RIP you may want to consider. After all, this is a RIP site:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      4. That copy&paste that you have used over 50 times, doesnt answer Craigs question. All it does is illustrate the mentality of the people that dont have the aptitude to understand the issues plaguing the economy, foreign policy, and makes clear that you lack an understanding of the legislative process. Got any facts?
        LOL LOL LOL

        You make fun of Craig about his stance on cannabis, yet his comments reflect a much more sophisticated thought process than yours. LOL

        Since you failed as a businessman, why should people listen to you, someone that is unsuccessful, yet claims to know everything? LOL

        Got any facts? LOL

      5. The only problem with occupying other countries is the matter of blowback. Most countries do not want another military base or any foreign power in their own backyards. Just think about it. if china were to set up a military base in California, what would the US government do? Would they just let them stay? I dont think so!!! This whole 9/11 thing wether you want to admit it or not is blowback from us occupying foreign countries like afganistan and pakistan for the last 50 years!!! Not to mention. What do you think is gonna happen to the price of oil if we go into Iran like the rest of the candidates want to. We will be looking at $400 a barrel if not more. And if you think about it it would make since that he gets more money from military personel then any other candidate by far.

      6. Has it been that many? I haven’t counted them like you did. LOL

        All you RIPtilians do is illustrate the mentality of the people that don’t have the aptitude to understand the issues plaguing the economy, foreign policy, and makes clear that you lack an understanding of the legislative process. Got any facts? LOL

        You make fun of Craig about his stance on cannabis, yet his comments reflect a much more sophisticated thought process than yours. LOL —> Did you inhale before you typed that? Dude? LOL

        I am among many millions who got ripped off by Amway, so anybody who used to be an IBO should go here: LOL

      7. @Tex2:
        You actually put some coherent sentences together. I am surprised. The arguments you are presenting are old, tired, and proof that you are not thinking for yourself. The obvious failure of those policies is what we need to turn around in this country. They are the policies that have been in place for the last 50 years. There is not one point that has been accomplished, quite the opposite, we are in a very bad situation and it is rapidly becoming worse.

        1. You are actually naive enough to use the argument of style over content?
        2. You really are missing the point here. The whole idea is that we do not need more laws, we need fewer laws. You are seriously stating that unless a politician writes more laws and regulations into our lives he is not doing his or her job? That is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
        3. If a bill is rewritten to the point that it does not accomplish the goal why would a person vote for it? That would be an endorsement of the bs that has put this country in the position it is in.
        4. At the very least some new approaches will be on the table. If Paul wins the presidency it will be a very strong message to congress. They may not give him everything he asks for, but they would be fools if they did not at least give his ideas consideration.
        5. The policies you are presenting have been in place for the last 50 years. Is this country safer? Is it freer? The USSR went down trying to do the same thing. Financially we are not able to support that policy, it is bankrupting us. It has also bred hostility towards our country. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to see that. If we had foreign troops on our soil, armed and patrolling our streets, how would you react? It is also bankrupting the principles this country was founded on. The citizens are now suspected terrorists and are being treated as such. We do not experience the freedom of a free people, but are rather treated as a threat to our own government. The foreign policy you are presenting has proven to be an epic failure and we need to look at some serious changes and fresh ideas.

      8. Yes, Tex2. On 4/20, and in a an attempt at wry humor, I posted an image of a button which said ‘Marilize Legaljuana’…Being that it is I am in excellent health and use no medications of any kind, I do not use marijuana myself yet I approve, unlike Mitt Romney, of the actions of the constituency here in California in its de-criminalization of marijuana for those, such as terminally ill cancer patients under supervision of licensed physicians, possessing marijuana under regulated circumstances.

        We here in California had seen a dramatic drop in the previous burden placed upon our criminal justice system related to Marijuana possession while seeing a drop in foreign importation of marijuana and ‘street corner type’ sales while seeing a boost in our economy from local marijuana growing by well regulated and responsible growers and the leasing of commercial space for legal dispensaries, paying both rent and sales taxes and which had been propping up our weakened commercial real estate market and as an industry, doing its part in eliminating urban blight.

        However, Obama, with his mindset being that of Romney’s in thinking only privileged, campaign contributing pharmaceutical companies should have the opportunity to meet the needs of people with medical conditions, had Eric Holder threaten property owners in California in claiming that Federal agents would enforce the Federal government’s own ban on marijuana and while disregarding orders of physicians not licensed by the Federal government but instead California, seize land and property associated with an activity the voters in California had chosen to de-criminalize.

        The end result of this policy by Obama and Holder and to which Romney approves is Mexican marijuana again being able to compete in the absence of licensed California growers and profit margins being reinstated for criminal sales, when it for a time it had been because of the will of California voters, criminals could not compete in the market with legitimate sellers…who were licensed and legitimately accountable of the safety of the product and sales environment of their legitimate businesses.

        The end result of this proprietary prohibition, which Mitt Romney thinks is a good idea, is a larger budget for the Department of Homeland Security so as to harass people too sick to work anyway and close down storefront businesses employing people, paying sales taxes, and renting space so as to help landlords meet their property tax obligations.

    1. @jkfan, can you please just not speak?! You’ve opened your proverbial mouth and removed all doubt to your complete and utter lack of intelligence. Not only do you display the inability to take advantage of this site’s capacity for spell check, you haven’t sited a single source for your pathetic assertions. Look, just please remain silent, cause your the typical example of pretty much all the retards those looking to discredit constitutional conservative republicans put on display. Dissent is just fine, it’s the American way, but you’re just harming the Republican party. Then again you may just be a mindless RINO hack that swallows everything any “conservative” radio talk show host says. Or you could just be a silly progressive commie. You definitely are ignorant. … “pathetic sucidal bitches”, that’s the best you can muster?

      1. rprevolution — LOL

        No, these are so low on the pond-scum-shill scale, that Rmoney only gives them a fistful of food-stamps….

    2. I’m not worried, we have confidence on our side, how about you? We WILL persevere, how about you? This movement will go far beyond 2012, how about you? Be part of the future or be part of the past…

  23. @jkfan: The fact is that whatever the outcome with the Republican primary, these are votes that will be going to a conservative in the election so Romney will not be getting them…

      1. well Mitt is never going to be president. the only way romney has a shot being in the White House is if there is a Paul/Romney ticket. its another 4 years of obama if Honest Ron is not the nominee no matter what. and if Ron Paul is somehow not the nominee we need to make sure Rand can run in 2016.

      2. Hold up … let me get into my 5yr old mode … “NO, you’re stupid! LOL” There ya go. Someone took the time to respond to you in a relatable fashion. Look how considerate Ron Paul supporters are!

      3. Given that Romney will win the Republican nomination, and no matter what you think of Romney, Barry is left of him, and most people don’t want to waste their vote on a flaky third party candidate, that was stupid. LOL

      4. @Tex2: The difference between Romney and O is insignificant. That ruse has been played on us for years, and the candidates are getting worse every year. That argument is not acceptable. The direction this country has gone is a testament to that. It’s time to give our strength, support and resources to the values we believe in, it is the only way they will become strong enough to win. The Republican Party can accept the responsibility if O wins another four years.

        If you came here to convince people to support Romney your approach was childish, hateful and polarizing. It is a failure of epic proportions and the fact that you haven’t embarrassed yourself illustrates how clueless you really are.

    1. tex2(scott), failed IBO(johnson enterprises, inc) will answer at all costs, usually the cost being his credibility. LOL

      Tex2 will be the lone romney voter at his precinct—LOL

  24. 32 point deficit lol! It could be a 99 point deficit but we will win the state and we will take the delegates. Great article Doug you are the man and the revolution continues and we know what we are fighting for those “2” haters here including tex2 go troll elsewhere lololololololololol and go report back to msnbc

  25. I think Ron Paul will come in 2nd in CA and NY. He has to! At least people in CA have more sense then the noo-yoh-kuhz.

  26. I think all these morons on here talking about Romneys delegates are watching too much TV. Way too much. Romneys delegate counts are all false. They are estimations at best. He has 116 less then he really does. The delegates are chosen now. Also Romney delegates can choose not to vote on the first wave of voting at the convention. Then on the second wave they can vote for Ron Paul. Most of Romney delegates will be Paul supporters anyway that infiltrated the delegate position. But if Ron Paul is denied the nomination all you racist neocon country club f**ks can see Obama for 4 more years. Mittens and Obama are the same to me. It doesn’t bother me if Obama wins 4 more years or Mittens loses. But I will support Paul till the end. 🙂

    Go Ron Paul!!! Ron Paul 2012 or riot 2012!!!

    1. Mittgetsobama4more —- correct.

      The delegate count as of NOW is SPECULATIVE!

      The current silly numbers (since none are CONFIRMED until the 1st count) are just pro-Mitt media propaganda…and nothing else!

  27. “If you want to know who is going to change this country, go home and look in the mirror.” – Maude Barlow

    Iowa District 4 Convention ROCKED!! President Paul 2012!!

  28. The best thing is to make sure it is not a secret. The republican party is up to no good, and they media will promote their platform above the Ron Paul movement. The will block the convention from Ron Paul delegates with armed police if they have to. They will then fill it with paid stiffs to wave Romney flags. So the more we make this common knowledge, the more difficult it makes for their deception. Right now not too many people know or care about this outside of the political arena. It will not be so easy to pull this off even with the delegates. This is why you hear Romney everyday right now as the republican candidate.

    1. JohnPod —point taken.

      But watch us arrive in the hundreds of thousands in Tampa!

      What are they going to do — call in the national guard to stop us from peacefully carrying the Ron Paul banner of Liberty?!

      I’ll be there (and good luck to anyone trying to stop me!) will you be there, too?

  29. I keep reading people saying that Ron Paul doesn’t stand a chance because Romney is the only one who is electable even though they don’t agree with him and agree more with Ron Paul…. Reminds me a lot of the women who say oh my husband beats me bloody and we fight all the time around the kids but well he pays the bills so i can put up with it.

      1. It would be even better if it were accurate. By the way, the word is analogy, so not only is it not a good one, you can’t even spell it. LOL

        However, if you want a better analogy, Romney would be the one occasionally slapping his wife, but RIP would invite someone else over to beat the crap out of her. LOL

  30. I heard someplace that Ron Paul needs to “win” a certain number of states to be on the ballot at teh national convention. will someone please explain that?

  31. Only the cowards among US are ignoring the obvious theft of all that this country is supposed to stand for…the brave among US are the ones acknowledging that the problem is the status qoute enablers in congress, pentagon and the controlled media.

    OF COURSE RP doesnt have any power in congress you texas2 chump!…Makes it hard to Blame Him for the Mess Congress/Pentagon/Controlled Media has Made though, dont it?…

    jeeze, logic aint part of a status qoute enablers forte’, is it?

      1. lol, you think we should probly be using smaller words so them guys can follow along?… you notice how he’s not gonna be able to spin that one around and think hes made some logical statement? Peace, keep up the good fight.

      2. Your problem is my answer makes sense to the 90-95% who DON’T vote for RIP. LOL

        Part of Ron’s job in Congress was to form a coalition to fix the things you mentioned, but he was TOTALLY ineffective, and now you want him to be in charge of even more. We elected someone who hasn’t accomplished much in 2008, and now you want us to do that again? LOL

  32. ****RON PAUL****NEXT PRESIDENT**** of U S A ****

    . LMFAO!

  33. No logical status qoute enabling comeback to share with US texas2?,lol ….how about some more of those immature ones?… You stuck in the Pentagon bathroom or something?, remember to wipe lil guy.
    This country has turned into a crap wagon because of people like him.
    peace, truth, justice, freedom and prosperity for US all, in-spite of those in control of this place who would have it otherwise.

    1. GoodAmerican —

      no-one replies to the Mitt-stooge,,,,it is a waste of time to waste on the waste-of-protoplasm….LOL

  34. Our debt is my concern. Why is the rich allowed to create debt, then want us to work for them? If we don’t stop debt now, our children will be slaves!

  35. Through all of this, from the beginning of the process when there were 9 Republicans running for the nomination, Romney was touted as the eventual nominee yet he never broke 30% because 70%, given a choice, didn’t want Romney We saw when it was when Romney was exposed as not himself being popular, a ‘new frontrunner’ was time and time again touted as the new hopeful when time and time again we saw that it was the majority of Republicans did not in fact want Romney. The establishment press is STILL trying to cram the status quo down our throats.

    Each time one of these other ‘Romney Alternatives’ faultered, they did not faulter because Mitt Romney distiguished himself as the wiser candidate but because it was they simply did not distinguish themselves as the better of the ‘Romney Alternatives’.

    While it was the press lied about Santorum actually being in second place in the delegate count when is was he was third behind Paul, Santorum faltered and like Huntsman, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, yadayadayada, it was not because of Mitt Romney’s popularty but instead because of the fact that Ron Paul is the superior ‘Romney Alternative’ for the 70% of Republicans who would rather have had someone other than Romney crammed down their throats by the establishment press.

    If the 70% of Republicans who do not like Mitt Romney thought they actually had a chance to vote for Ron Paul in the General Election, they would done so but the propoganda machine had them convinced that what they might have wanted was not possible.

    They are soon to learn that they have been lied to all this time and this realality will become apparent to them when Mitt Romney can’t produce 1144 delegates and it is Ron Paul who holds a large share of the remaining delegates representing Romney’s unpopularity and Paul’s devout supporters.

    One thing is certain and that is that Mitt Romney will never be President if nominated because the Presidency is never won without swing voters.

    Romney voters will never vote for Obama but much of Paul’s base will never vote for Romney which should be clear by now to the Republican leadership. Romney will never carry Democrats or Independents who either like Obama or do not consider Romney to be any better than Obama while many Democrats and many Independents would most certainly vote for Paul if ever given the chance.

    If the Republicans want to see a Republican in the White House, they will need to give the nod to Paul at the convention. Otherwise the quite beatable Obama gets re-elected by a wide margin.

    1. That’s an understatement…I’d take a personal shot at him but the guy is so pathetic he even admits he didn’t have sense enough to not get taken in an Amway scam…It would be like kicking a mangy toy poodle…and that just ain’t right.

  36. This will be a brokered convention. Alot of the caucus elections were staged and manipulated beauty contests to keep MEDIA TIME, DONATIONS FLOWING and INFLUENCING FOR SUPPORTERS.

    Ron Paul is fighting the correct way and will win but you’ll see a nasty fight and war in Tampa. Expect it be a TMZ MOMENT by the elderly establishment of Republican GOP supporters.

    Most Republicans are the most CLOSE MINDED individuals I’ve met.

    Most Democrats are the most BROWN NOSING ZOMBIE individuals I’ve met.

    both lack common sense.

    Ron Paul are the most STREET SMART COMMON SENSED and most diverse.

    I think you’ll see the GOP litterally have WW3 and SPLIT COMPLETELY in Tampa into two different entities.

    Romney Clan and Ron Paul Movement.

    Ron Paul will run as a Republican but so will Romney pressing forward in a fake GOP and fake Campaign with MSM attention.

    I see this going as a 3rd Party for Ron Paul even if he wins the Nomination. The Establishment will not allow him to carry the GOP.

    I think Ron Paul has planned a secret war strategy for Delegate Fighting in the General Election also as a last resort if the GOP turns to pure corruption.

    1. Sang Beom Lee — you are correct.

      But Ron Paul needs to keep going — if only to expose the GOP’s perfidy!
      Then, AFTER the Tampa Convention — take the best route to the Presidency (no reason to show his cards now…only later)!

       Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as
      many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by
      their obvious chicanery)!
      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP
      will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans
      supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for
      Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!
      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats
      and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call
      them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the
      Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny,
      may finally have a televised exposure!
      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most
      memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the
      best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.
      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge
      the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!
      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for
      more than one party ( I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the
      nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver
      Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the
      Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

  37. This appears earlier in the comment threads:
    “Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country.”

    This is indicative of the real danger lurking among ignorant politicians and their wannabe hacks when it comes to foreign policy, American and world history in general. A more rigorous pursuit of truth (once mentioned by this uninformed individual as what they seek) in history yields a more sound approach to any policy and in particular military policy.

    For example, many Americans do not know:
    1. Hitler could not have lasted if U.S. company Standard Oil had quit selling propriety fuel blend for Germany’s planes (the key here is proprietary…no other oil company had the right fuel);
    2. Hitler could not have lasted if U.S. banks Union Banking Corp. and Chase had stopped the flow of funding – (incidentally, Grandaddy Prescott Bush was a Union Banking board member and close friend to Nazi Hitler funders Thyssen family);
    3. Hitler could not have lasted if U.S. (Michigan) – based Ford Motor Co. had not built trucks sold to supply German occupations;
    4. Hitler could not have lasted if U.S. communications company ITT had not flown to Germany to help Hitler improve his communications systems, improve his robot bombs that rained down on England and that built the FockeWulf bombers;
    5. Hitler could not have lasted if U.S. War Production board had not colluded to supply ball bearings to Nazi affiliates when U.S. forces were desperately short of them.

    This is a partial list that can be verified and documented if one is actually interested in the truth. Point being… it would not have been hard at all for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. The U.S. could simply have required its own U.S. based companies to stop the resources that kept Hitler going in the first place.

    As to a hypothetical “China in the vacuum denying flow of oil” … LOL. Do some research on the heretofore suppressed and unpublished technology for free energy resources that renders this alleged “problem” completely moot.

    These stale and uninvestigated claims about the balances of geopolitical power in the world are the true danger. They are fear-mongering lies embraced by cowards and insecure juveniles. Ben Franklin said something like “if one is willing to sacrifice liberty for security, s/he deserves neither” (not exact, but you get the idea)

    Dr. Paul is NOT the only candidate that knows this history. He is just the only one who does not want to perpetuate ignorance of it for his own profit and legacy of power.

    1. Great presentation of the FACTUAL history of those who profited from WW2. We the People dont get that version from the controlled media.

      And yep, as far as oil supply goes…If the creeps who have control over this country would develop deep oil drilling, like the russians perfected, there’d be no point in stealing other peoples shallow oil reserves either.

      1. Tex2,

        I’ll provide you with one excerpt for now. Should you truly desire to know more, I am rather confident you are bright and resourceful enough to track the ones of most interest to you. But this one I like for two reasons: 1) it is a U.S. government source; 2) it is a bit of a summary form of confirmation to some (not all) of the facts I raised – giving it more of a context, which you point out you would like.

        an excerpt from a U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary , 1974:
        “The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II…are instructive. At that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle production in both the United States and Germany. Due to its mass production capabilities, automobile manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with respect to national defense. As a result, these firms retained the economic and political power to affect the shape of governmental relations both within and between these nations in a manner which maximized corporate global profits. In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world. The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war.
        During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the Big Three automakers undertook an extensive program of multinational expansion…By the mid-1930’s, these three American companies owned automotive subsidiaries throughout Europe and the Far East; many of their largest facilities were located in the politically sensitive nations of Germany, Poland, Rumania, Austria, Hungary, Latvia, and Japan…Due to their concentrated economic power over motor vehicle production in both Allied and Axis territories, the Big Three inevitably became major factors in the preparations and progress of the war. In Germany, for example, General Motors and Ford became an integral part of the Nazi war efforts. GM’s plants in Germany built thousands of bomber and jet fighter propulsion systems for the Luftwaffe at the same time that its American plants produced aircraft engines for the U.S. Army Air Corps….

        Ford was also active in Nazi Germany’s prewar preparations. In 1938, for instance, it opened a truck assembly plant in Berlin whose “real purpose,” according to U.S. Army Intelligence, was producing “troop transport-type” vehicles for the Wehrmacht. That year Ford’s chief executive received the Nazi German Eagle (first class)….
        The outbreak of war in September 1939 resulted inevitably in the full conversion by GM and Ford of their Axis plants to the production of military aircraft and trucks…. On the ground, GM and Ford subsidiaries built nearly 90 percent of the armored “mule” 3-ton half-trucks and more than 70 percent of the Reich’s medium and heavy-duty trucks. These vehicles, according to American intelligence reports, served as “the backbone of the German Army transportation system.”….
        After the cessation of hostilities, GM and Ford demanded reparations from the U.S. Government for wartime damages sustained by their Axis facilities as a result of Allied bombing… Ford received a little less than $1 million, primarily as a result of damages sustained by its military truck complex at Cologne…
        Due to their multinational dominance of motor vehicle production, GM and Ford became principal suppliers for the forces of fascism as well as for the forces of democracy. It may, of course, be argued that participating in both sides of an international conflict, like the common corporate practice of investing in both political parties before an election, is an appropriate corporate activity. Had the Nazis won, General Motors and Ford would have appeared impeccably Nazi; as Hitler lost, these companies were able to re-emerge impeccably American. In either case, the viability of these corporations and the interests of their respective stockholders would have been preserved.”
        (END OF EXCERPT)

        Not so long ago, I was a Romney (sort of) supporter. But circumstances led me to deep research in areas to which I had never paid much attention. It is sobering to come up against uncomfortable truths about our war history and the motivations and real needs (or phony needs) that have been propagated to so much blood and destruction. Paul supporters believe in military defense where justified. Where we depart from the “party line” is on points of fact regarding justifiability. It’s a complex history and Dr. Paul has it right in my opinion – but it may all be too far gone this far into the woods.

        It cannot all be covered in a forum like this, but I answer you out of good faith and respect to you as a fellow American – not to fight or be mean as we differ in support of candidates. That would just be a micro-version of the greater wars that continue beyond the confines of this little blog.

        God bless you.

      2. Looks to me like Ford, GM, and Chrysler were doing exactly what RIP promotes, free trade and free enterprise. And a small government that doesn’t “meddle” in the affairs of business. Is that REALLY what you want? We LEARNED from these WWII experiences and there are now laws against exporting certain kinds of scientific knowledge and technologies. You just made a terrific argument AGAINST RIP. Thanks. LOL

      3. Well there were laws against it back then (Trading With the Enemy Act, 1933) but they did it anyway and certain government authorities never prosecuted. And it is still done now, unfortunately. It’s my opinion you misinterpret Dr. Paul’s stance on free enterprise vis a vis permitting businesses to commit treason – but you are of course, entitled to your interpretation. I seriously doubt Dr. Paul would advocate repeal of the TWEA (though I have never heard a specific articulation of his view on that), since he advocates just war. During a justifiable war authorized by Congress under a Paul presidency, I truly believe he would agree that the TWEA is enforceable and would have a justice department who would actually prosecute. My opinion, the only things learned from WWII by the military industrial complex was how to perfect the appearance of having “lessons learned,” perpetuating more refined forms of deception and warfare, a la the type of danger Eisenhower warned about in his presidential farewell speech. Nevertheless, it seems you may be unlikely to agree but this is the beauty of free speech and the exchange of ideas.
        But we have drifted a little from my own point that we really would not have needed England in order to fight Hitler.
        God bless you.

      4. Were those factories run during WWII by Americans or Germans?

        Once a war is declared, it’s probably too late.

        England was the base of operations before invading mainland Europe. Where else do you think we could have done that, especially if Germany had been able to conquer the USSR as well? They wouldn’t have had 2 fronts, and even if the USSR was still alive, Germany could focus on a landing that would have been much more costly in terms of dollars and lost lives.

      5. In a war where Germany did not rely on U.S. companies for fuel and equipment you would be absolutely correct. But this was not that war. Hitler did rely on those things from us. What I was hoping to highlight is that the need for England as a base and/or any concerns about number(s) of fronts are moot if our companies had stopped trading (ethically or by enforcement through the TWEA). Whether Germans or Americans were running foreign plants is immaterial when the headquarters pinches the plugs on financing and inventory. Major wars have been fought (far long before 20th century) where both sides were financed by the same people. It is sick but true. God bless you.

      6. I think you’re exaggerating the level of our support for the Nazis during the war. We worked very hard on disrupting their fuel sources, supply lines, etc. I’m sure there were some rogue companies trying to make a buck, but to characterize this as you are trying to is simply not supported by your story above or your “God bless you” BS. LOL

      7. Well, that’s a wrap then. Still say I hope you have blessings, from wherever they may come. GSN

      8. It was wrapped up before you started your fairy tale. LOL

        My blessings come from God, and I don’t need somebody misusing and distorting the facts and using “God bless you” as a cover. LOL

  38. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

    (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

    It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

    Some notable excerpts:

    “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

    “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

    “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

    A must read (long) article recommended to all!

    Share it!

    1. Not one democrat is going to vote for Romney because Romney ruined jobs for working people. Not one libertarian is going to vote for Romney because of THE WAY he ruined those jobs.

    2. Aint it “funny” how these facts never get brought up in on the TV, lol… THAT kind of behavior would sink a political career, if not for those scum bag traitors who control our information.

  39. I’m loving and appreciating the fact that a large percentage of people who have posted comments on here are not feeding into that Romney Troll Tex2. Most people who frequently read Doug’s comment section knows Tex2 is annoying and has nothing better to do in his/her life than to scour the internet and post a ridiculous amounts of replies saying the same things over and over and attaching LOL at the end of his comments like a 4th grader. I made this post NOT to feed into that attention seeking troll’s garbage that he posts, but to thank everyone for not even responding to him.

    Tex2 should really spend a measly 10 minutes and watch this video and see how Romney and Obama share the same opinion/views on most of the key important issues in our country right now, thus making them essentially the same candidate. It’s so obvious, it’s a shame that some people like him/her are so deep in a trance that they can not see this themselves. Or he’s simply a paid person who sits home all day and works for Romney’s campaign which I wouldn’t be too surprised either.

    “Magic Hat sees Tex2’s name after this comment and moves to the next”

    1. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt

      1. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

        So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

        1) Surfisher
        2) Sharon Kuhn
        3) annebeck58
        4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
        5) donjusko
        6) sharksauce24
        7) sophiah8
        8) rmcnnlly
        9) BanTex2Al
        10) Wendy Jones
        11) Evan Godolphin
        12) Remmic Lewis
        13) Shane Mayfield
        14) jeffrey bohl
        15) Bill
        16) hink
        17) celticreeler
        18) G
        19) Bob Saxton
        20) Matt
        21) Ron4Prez
        22) DEMOCIDE
        23) Lee
        24) Sharon
        25) Don Howard
        26) Bill Sanders
        27) drkate
        28) David Reber
        29) Karrack
        30) Vigilantis
        31) glen
        32) Walter Brunswick
        33) shane smith
        34) DOBROIST
        35) RealTexas
        36) Pistol Petunia
        37) tex3
        38) GoodAmerican
        39) Craig Williams
        40) Slammo
        41) magichat666
        42) Drew
        43) Steve
        44) Matthew Reece
        45) Kc Cook
        46) George Leroy Tirebiter
        47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
        48) Daniel Tipping
        49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)

        p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

        Doug — are you paying attention to this list?!

      2. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      3. @Tex2: My oh my, aren’t you the martyr being crucified… You have heckled, harassed, spewed hateful words, resorted to childish name calling, polarized, and in general done everything a person could to cause yourself to be unwelcome. If you would present your arguments in an adult manner and without spewing so much hate this petition to ban you would most likely have never been posted, and it certainly wouldn’t have much support. I am certain this is not the first time people have wished to ostracize you.
        Why are you spending so much time and energy on what you say is a dead campaign that holds no threat?

      4. As far as why I’m here, I’ve already answered that question. Go read all my posts to find the answer. LOL

        Then answer the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      5. Your posts are just repeats, childish (except in a couple of rare instances), and you appear to be someone that has an unhealthy need for attention. I wonder how long you would suffer your own nonsense if this was your blog. My guess is that you would have banned yourself after the first or second childish and hateful post…

      6. They are repeats, but nobody has been able to deal with these simple points. LOL

        Did you want me to “graduate” you to other issues before you even start a serious discussion of these issues? LOL

        Talk about repeats, Surfisher has easily overtaken me for the number of times he has “fetched the ball.” Go Surfido, go! Good boy, Surfido. LOL

      7. I won’t do that, but I will make an offer I’ve made several times. LOL

        Are you “brave” enough to make a simple phone call to a free conference number, along with a way to keep your own number confidential? LOL

        Or, are you like the rest of the wimpy pansies on this site? LOL

      8. What reason could there possibly be that would require a phone call? The post answering your points is right here on this blog and readily available to you. If you aren’t willing to look them up here what would possess me to make the effort to engage in an actual conversation with you? You have not demonstrated enough maturity to think a conversation could possibly bear anything but poison fruit.

      9. Surfisher – There is no option to ban a user on wordpress. You can only block comments by IP address or keywords. Or the blog owner can turn on comment moderation. I have called Doug directly and let him know how to do this. I am awaiting his call back. Once we get this accomplished then we wont have to be bothered by the troll anymore. Good days ahead.

        RON PAUL 2012!

    2. magichat666 — see below:


      Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

      (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

    3. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

      Doug — are you paying attention to this list?!

  40. @tex2 You do realize how ridiculous you look right? You really should take a break from your “internets”.

  41. Another thing. All you Romney supporters, or I guess, text2, guess what… the jokes really on you, because when Romney gets the nomination, nearly EVERY SINGLE Ron Paul vote will go elsewhere, probably mostly to Gary Johnson who will probably be the Libertarian Party nominee, and Barry Obama WILL win. So enjoy, losers. It’s going to hurt you much more than it will hurt us. 🙂

  42. Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

    Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

    The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
    It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

    After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.
    Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

    It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party (I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

    Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!

  43. I’ve honestly only known of Dr. Paul since this past summer. However, his ideas and standpoints have caught me off guard… could this actually be someone who is running for office??? Someone who views the economy, moral issues, etc. like I do??? He’s a stand-up man, and a great leader. I’m so thankful for his contribution to this country.

    1. April 23, 2012 at 10:53 pm

      *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

      (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

      It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

      Some notable excerpts:

      “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

      “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

      “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

      A must read (long) article recommended to all!

      Share it!

  44. Hi, just wondering why you guys keep feeding this troll? Be smarter Paul supporters. If you look on RP’s facebook, twitter, youtube vids, there are anti-Paul people every where. Believe it or not, this is a good thing. It means people are noticing the surge. It means more people are talking about RP. Even if they are talking negatively for their own misconstrued reasons it will get people to look at RP and decide for themselves. These Anti-Paul trolls are actually helping RP’s campaign.

    Anyway, Ron Paul 2012, Truth, Freedom, Liberty, Prosperity! Ron Paul will win. Don’t stop believing!

    1. Take THAT, Surfisher. LOL

      Keep giving as much money to the RIP campaign as you can afford, then give some more, give until it hurts, then give some more. LOL

  45. Maybe texas2 would just like to ignore this bit of fact, but too bad, cause im posting it again, NO EXCUSES now lil guy.

    Only the cowards among US are ignoring the obvious theft of all that this country is supposed to stand for…the brave among US are the ones acknowledging that the problem is the status qoute enablers in congress, pentagon and the controlled media.

    OF COURSE RP doesnt have any power in congress you texas2 chump!…Makes it hard to blame Him for the mess Congress/Pentagon/Controlled Media has Made though, dont it?…common now, be truthful with yourself there lil guy.

    jeeze, logic aint part of a status qoute enablers forte’, is it?

    1. lol, sorry you all, coulndt help but pick on this enabler of the creeps..dont worry though…seem he has nothing that backs up his stupidity.

      1. Then perhaps you can respond to these issues:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!!

  46. Yes Kevin, it seemingly is true and Dr. Paul is gaining the growing attention of people such as you who have come to an awakening of understanding, by way of autodidactic pursuits, that the world dynamic and our democratically elected representative republic’s place within that dynamic is not truly as it had been previously presented to us.

    Thus explains your sense of moral commonality with that of Dr. Paul who has for years been trying to bring light to this yet has been intentionally marginalized by those wishing to keep their own positions within a degraded and immoral status quo; and in protecting that status quo, obfuscate the status quo’s own culpability in breaking from our republic’s prime directive of leading by example so as to display to the world the inherent moral superiority of an elected democratically represented constitutional republic toward affording people their rights to liberty thus allowing those of us represented within such a system, opportunity to afford our own selves privilege to such an enviable extent to which the rest of the world may wish emulate, subsequently benefiting all.

    That my friend is the ‘American Exceptionalism’ you seek and not the ‘American Exceptionalism’ as defined by the Bankster-owned institutions disseminating immoral lies so as to serve the neocon agenda which itself, when exposed, is nothing other than Fascist/Imperialism.

    1. While it is Romney calls Obama ‘a Socialist’ and it very well may be that BO wrote a book touting Marxist ideology, his actions while in office, similar to those of Romney, expose him instead as a Corporatist.

      Neither has any intentions of affording us the liberty to enhance our lives through the freedom of free-market capitalism promised within our constitution to which we may by our own representation grant our own selves privilege.

      They are Corporatists – and only that ‘skinny little old man’ text2 thinks he can marginalize, has the balls enough to say it.

      Corporatism is the term Benito Mussolini preferred to use over the term Fascism because it was Mussolini thought it better described the synergistic arrangement between favored corporations and government and to which the power and scope of each was enhanced and to which he convinced the people to surrender representative control from the hands of the many into the hands of a specialized few in the cause of a greater efficiency…Kinda’ sounds like ‘The Affordable Health Care Act’ and ‘Romney Care’, don’t it?

  47. Okay, Copernicus…You don’t think that the government passing a law forcing people to do business with government-licensed financial institutions which were able to use special influence toward specific language in such a law and then justified to the people under the guise that applying such a law will cause greater universal efficiency, isn’t Corporatism?

    1. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

      Doug — are you paying attention to this list?!

      1. Well, I hadn”t actually thought that I had actually cast a vote, but you do have mine if you need it, that’s for certain.

        I just left a post on Doug’s Facebook page featuring this article and let him know he has a troll.

        I wanted to say ‘turd in the punchbowl’ but I just said ‘troll’…

      2. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL!

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      3. 1. Your opinion and nothing more. And a weak one at that.
        2. He has an unbeatable consistent track record as a Congressman. He has consistently voted against fruitless wars, bigger government, Patriot Act. NADDA, unconstitutional regulations, taxes, unconstitutional wars, bailouts, TARP, etc. He is the ONLY congressman who has upheld his pledge to protect and serve the constitution of the United States and he has done so for 30 years.
        3. Because other Congressmen earmarked out key parts of the legislation that would have made the bill a moot point if passed with their earmarks. Nice try though.
        4.We won’t know until that time comes, But thanks for “speculating” as it adds credibility to your argument, NOT.
        5. His foreign policies are constitutionally sound. Show me in the constitution where it says the US is to police the world, force democracy on other countries, drown in debt caused from useless and fruitless wars. You can’t. Who do you think already takes advantage of the situation when we attack third world Countries in the middle east? China does. They grab up land and resources for cheap while we are fighting. Why do you think Russia is bankrupt? They tried to manage the middle eastern affairs as well and it destroyed them financially. 9/11 would have never happened had we not been meddling in other affairs. Not to mention 9/11 was instigated by our very own government in order to get the general populace support for us to go to War with Iraq in order to justify more debt and more Establishment power.

        “Global war on terror”. That right there proves you are a brain washed sheep. You don’t even have to say anymore after that blatant main stream media driven comment. You’ve failed yourself, your family and your Country. I only pray you are not American and if you are, you should leave. You are a disgrace to the true Americans who live and breath freedom and liberty.

        You really should study up before trying to match wits with me again. It’s really pathetic to say the least.

        Wait I forgot one thing ->….LOL!!!!

  48. itd be kinda like “the HMO experiment” huh? THAT worked out so well for US didnt it..common, be truthful with yourself lil guy.

    Many well thought out comments from the thinking members of this country on here… and one long drone of regurgitation of controlled media/pentagon/romney camp supplied propaganda…. outta give US some hope.
    Peace everyone.

      1. Health insurance USED to be affordable before the corporate HMO’s took over by undercutting (by 20 dollars a month) the perfectly well running not -for profits….i dont have health insurance now because of that “experiment”.
        obama care didnt fix any of that, it just mandated i buy into it!…the repukes will Never fix it so people can afford it (again) either, THEY were the ones pushing it in the first place.

        Some “experiment” huh?….man, this guy is clueless.

        Im just honing my debate skills here texas2…makes it more challenging when the other guy is clueless about this fake govt we’re suffering and has no logic skills to begin with.

      2. One data point doesn’t mean an entire system is broke. LOL

        My HMO is working just fine, and it’s working for millions of others as well. LOL

        Sounds like you can’t get a job with a decent company, but that’s YOUR issue, not mine. LOL

        Man, this “GoodAmerican” guy is clueless. LOL

        I’m just honing my debate skills here “GoodAmerican”…makes it more challenging when the other guy is clueless and has no logic skills to begin with. LOL

  49. It’s almost like the only rational explanation is that Tex2 is actually an Obama supporter who thinks that if he makes enough of an ass of himself posing as a Romney supporter, we’ll never vote for Romney under ANY circumstances if it is Romney gets the nomination….Hey Tex2, we’re not voting for Romney under any circumstances no matter what….You can give it a rest, man.

    1. That would be a good guess, except RIPtilians aren’t rational. LOL

      However, I already knew many RIPtilians won’t vote for Romney, so you aren’t even my target audience on this blog. LOL

      I’ve already described who my audience is on this site, go read all my posts to find the answer. LOL

  50. I’ve scanned about a hundred flippant, thoughtless remarks you have made since it was you were asked if you could actually provide any succinct points related to Romney’s platform which might actually cause any of us to consider Romney as anyone who can actually think up his own ideas….In scanning, I haven’t seen you make one single positive remark about Mitt Romney.

    Hell, even Ron Paul is quick to offer at least a couple of positive things about Romney, other than the mere fact that he isn’t Obama.

    Since it is Romney is your guy, can you at all offer ANYTHING positive about Romney?

    I’ve noticed your not very well spoken, but you’ve gotta have somethin’, man.

      1. Unlike this site, Romney’s site boots people at the first scent of dissenting opinion.

      1. Why don’t you give it up? You’re really starting to look like a mental patient commenting on this blog 10 thousand times with a “LOL” after every one of them. Face it, nobody here is going to vote for Mitt Goldman Sachs Romney, and he has no chance of winning without the votes of Ron Paul’s supporters. So either way, all of you brainwashed neocons are going to fail again.

      2. Drew,

        Why don’t you give it up? LOL

        You’re really starting to look like a mental patient commenting on this blog once with a “period” after every one of them. LOL

        Face it, no RIPtilians here are going to vote for Mitt Goldman Sachs Romney, and he has a huge chance of winning without the votes of Ron Paul’s supporters. LOL

        So either way, all of you brainwashed dinocons are going to fail again. LOL

      1. Agreed! I have not been to the site before but it is now bookmarked.
        It’s also good for us all to remember that this blog can be linked to from a large array of sites which makes what is said here representative of Ron Paul supporters to anyone that stops in for a peek, or decides to use it for news. As this news becomes more well known you can bet there will be a lot of digging for both gold and dirt…

      2. Why does this tex2 guy keep posting comments on a pro-Ron Paul article? Is he a Ron Paul supporter in disguise? I would think if he had half a brain he would put his energy towards supporting the candidate he claims to be supporting by promoting his ideas, clear cut plans and past record as a Governor for all the Ron Paul supporters to see so maybe perhaps he could sway their interests to his side? Oh wait, but that won’t happen because once you look at Romney and know what he stands for, he is not much different than Obama himself. Same big Government, same wars, same taxes, same bailouts.

  51. Tex2…I hope you’ve taken your ADD medication, Skippy, because you’ve got a lot to learn:

    Russia and China, like the US, also repress people except nowadays, those nations do not kill people by the millions like the US has been doing the last twenty years, so when you get on an airplane in Russia and China, you don’t see little old ladies in wheelchairs and little kids having to let guards stuff hands in their pants as a requisite to those nations continuing with their present foreign policies. This only happens in the United States and the countries to which we have a banking alliance because it is US Reserve Currency Strategy and Western Foreign Policy are one and the same. This policy causes desperate people to do desperate things. It’s been going on long before 9/11 and in fact first started getting ugly in the 90’s

    In 1973, in response to the US dollar leaving the Gold Standard, OPEC demanded compensation for ‘The World’s Reserve Currency’ becoming fiat. They were no longer happy with our green dollars which the entire world was using and then, after 1971 no longer represented yellow gold in which to compensate them for their black gold and it was obvious to those leaders that our currency would become, as it has since, debased.

    Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, with the blessing of the World Bank and the IMF, made them an offer which was a win/win/ situation as well as, for OPEC, an offer they couldn’t refuse:

    They got to continue getting wildly wealthy selling oil for less compensation than it could be sold for if produced elsewhere provided it was they agreed to use Federal Reserve Dollars as if they were still redeemable at a set commodity metric despite actually being fiat, which is a situation the natural market of course would never on its own be able to sustain. In compensation for overlooking the fact that petrodollars would from then on be fiat and otherwise unsustainable as a reserve currency suitable in use for stagnant holding, the monarchies were given unconditional protection of their generational sovereignties against both foreign and internal threat….In 1990, this standing agreement became the true reason why the West and the rest of the Arab Monarchies went to war to re-establish the Monarchy in Kuwait.

    The breaking of this agreement and the selling of oil for compensation other than petrodollars is also the true reason the regimes in Iraq and Libya and the capacity to sell oil for anything other than dollars by Iraq and Libya were removed.

    Following the Kuwait war, the Monarchy in Saudi Arabia was itself dealing with internal dissent. In an additional synergistic agreement, the Monarchy invited US troops onto Saudi Soil so as protect the Monarchy from internal dissent while allowing the US to strengthen sanctions against post-war Iraq from Saudi soil. Osama Bin Laden and his boys had themselves offered to protect the Monarchy but soon turned against the Monarchy and sided with those who opposed the Monarchy because it was the Monarchy did not in fact have full authority or consent of the Subjects so as to invite foreign forces onto Saudi soil despite The House of Saud’s otherwise autocratic rule.

    The Saudi’s themselves were not pleased by this self-serving abuse of power while the religious zealotry we were led to believe was the sole cause of the people’s discontent was hardly needed under the circumstances. Despite being a billionaire, OSB lacked the means to cause political change through conventional means. Over the next eight years, the Saudi people continued to be oppressed while the United States, from Arab soil, caused the deaths of no fewer than half a million civilians – most of them children.

    There was nothing crazy, or religiously fanatical about demands made on the US to remove its forces which were killing people by the hundreds of thousands while protecting an unpopular monarchy which was also oppressing the Kingdom’s Subjects making such demands. Mitt Romney still thinks OSB was a coward acting out of religious zealotry. He couldn’t be more wrong and it is Mitt Romney’s ineptitude in failing to understand why people would take such desperate measures against us which makes the foreign policy supported by MITT ROMNEY and NOT Ron Paul so dangerous.

    Osama Bin Laden served both the United States and the repressive House of Saud with formal declarations of war along with provisions by which the United States and the Kingdom might protect themselves from pending bloodshed….That ain’t cowardly, THAT’S BAD ASS. And chivalrous to boot.

    The fact is, the US had been served a formal declaration of war THREE YEARS before 9/11 and it was well known by the State Department that the foreign policy of the US was continuing to place Americans in positions which the government had been warned would be dangerous to the people, whom the US government itself, is entrusted to protect. The warnings were ignored and Americans were in fact killed in promulgated attacks, including attacks on US embassies in Africa, killing hundreds with OSB and his boys taking credit and again explaining what the US needed to stop doing in order to make the promulgated attacks against American citizens cease.

    – Things which the US had NO phuquing legal justification in doing to begin with. Nothing which served to protect or defend the American people in a possibly explicable self-defensive causation of hundreds of thousands of innocent, politically unrepresented people. Nothing which was even tantamount to protecting the legitimate business interests of the United States.

    The United States brought the entire ‘War on Terror’ on itself for reasons I have described and has done nothing but further exacerbate the problem by expanding it into more countries which themselves never attacked us. Of course such expansion on ‘The War on Terror’ has been good for war spending and subsequent borrowing, which Romney has stated he would like to continue.

    Little known to the typical Romney supporter but, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld spoke to the 2003 removal of those US bases in Saudi Arabia which had been such a source of contention as ‘being no longer needed in protecting our interest while the bases themselves had in fact represented a posed threat to American Citizens’….Interestingly enough and since, no American civilians have been killed by Saudi Nationals since the removal of those bases.

    1. You only missed one thing at the beginning, “Once upon a time….” LOL

      Thanks for that post. LOL

      You probably don’t know how kooky that sounds to a normal person, but you have done more with that one post to scare away people considering RIP than all of my posts combined. LOL

      Purely for the sake of this discussion, let’s say space aliens actually came into my body last night. LOL

      I could make the story much longer and detailed, as you have done, but it would be no more believable to a normal person. LOL

      Since I have offered absolutely no proof, such as other eye witnesses, video, etc., my story would rightly be doubted. LOL

      If there was ever a post deserving my signature LOL, that one is very high on the list. LOL

      1. Yes, I understand how kooky that sounds to a FOXNews addled NASCAR fan, but the historical references to the situation in Saudi Arabia during the 1990’s I have made, can actually be found in, among other places, the Official 9/11 Commission Report.

        As to the relationship between OPEC – Protections of Generational Sovereignties – and the Petrodollar – Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining. If it were I thought you bright enough to read historical accounts of 1971-73, I’d forward them to you. But it would require reading.

        As it is you aren’t much of a reader, here’s a little TV ad with not too many printed words in it I’m sure you’ll enjoy, featuring your buddy Mitt claiming ‘The War on Terror’ is caused by religious differences…it’s just brilliant.

      2. I’m afraid that you’re trying to educate a monkey, and when they disagree, they throw feces, take cover!

      3. Of course, you know you’re referring to the 90-95% who don’t vote for RIP, right? LOL

        I doubt the 9/11 report is more than remotely similar to your fantasy story. LOL

        In other words, you have nothing, just as I already knew. LOL

      4. Like the venerable saying goes:
        Don’t argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience…

        @Tex2: The question was if you know that it is a government document that “you” are calling a fairy tale? Just curious if you were aware of that. But again you react like a child. If anyone is spewing hatred here it is you. Do you even know what you are trying to accomplish here? Do you have any appreciation for the fact that you have not been banned from this discussion and are still allowed to participate in it?

      5. I know you claim this is what is in the 9/11 report. LOL

        However, I’ve almost finished reading the Executive Summary and will soon begin reading applicable parts of the detailed report, and based on what I’ve seen so far, expect to come to VERY different conclusions than you tried to spin. LOL

        For anyone interested, here’s the executive summary: LOL

        I expect to raise you up and beat you with the facts. LOL

        I know what I’m already accomplishing here, it is YOU and the other RIPtilians who are at least 3 steps behind me. LOL

        I couldn’t care less whether I’m “allowed” to post on this blog. LOL

        I have several other things going on and wouldn’t miss this collection of fools in the least, I do it mainly for entertainment purposes. LOL

      6. I just love how it is you are ‘three steps ahead of us’ after only now reading a portion of something we all read several years ago even before the last Presidential election.

        Perhaps I can help you to put your tiny snippet of research into perspective with what is well understood by Dr. Paul: Any portions of the 9/11 Commission Report which may in fact vary in logistical or physical explanations subscribed to by others or offered in other research is, at this point in history, utterly irrelevant.

        Upon pragmatic analysis, it is only the strategy of the United States subsequent to the event which can at all be successfully criticized and now altered in order to change the affects of that event. To do so effectively, an understanding of the known vulnerability the United States had placed upon its own self during the 1990’s and thus taking steps toward not similarly placing ourselves in such positions of known vulnerability is far more pragmatic than giving up our rights, freedoms, and prosperity, preparing contingencies for dangers which are not certain to actually exist.

        There simply never was an open-ended Jihad against the United States so as to establish a world-wide Islamic Caliphate as Mitt Romney claims. Instead, what we have so painfully exposed ourselves to were attempts to repel murderous foreign occupation as it was the United States was acting the part of invading Imperialist Crusader.

        The solution is ’Non-Interventionism’. ’Non-Interventionism’ simply means we don’t invade countries and impose upon them politically and economically but instead trade with them and make money instead of spending a boat load of money killing people and breaking things. ’Non-Interventionism’ is what we eventually turned to in successfully improving our level of safety and prosperity between ourselves and countries like China, Russia, and Viet Nam. The policy of Isolationism is not a policy of Ron Paul as moronic establishment Republicans claim but instead is actually a policy of Mitt Romney, who supported the Isolation of Iraq in the 90’s which inevitably led to more war and the current isolation of North Korea, Cuba, and now again Iran which certainly will not at all lead to anyone’s cooperation, safety, or prosperity.

      7. By the way, of the countless speeches by Ron Paul predicting things long before they actually happened to the other surprise of others, here is Ron Paul in 1998, talking about the danger against reprisal we were putting outselves into because of illegal and unconstitutional waring action by the US. Although you, yourself were probably not paying attention, this situation was, in the late 90’s, covered in the main stream news.

      8. I doubt many people here have read the entire 9/11 report. LOL

        Let alone understand it. LOL

        First you reference it, then say it’s irrelevant. LOL

        Now you are openly dismissing it. LOL

        The point is we were trading with them. LOL

        They have 2 things: sand and oil. LOL

        Which one do you think we were trading with them? LOL

        We were there with the full acceptance of their government (not “invading” or “occupying”), it was the Islamic wackos that didn’t want us there. LOL

        I didn’t see you push back on gsneil a couple of days ago for the trading we were doing with the Nazis. LOL LOL

        You’re so stupid and clueless, you SHOULD be supporting RIP. LOL

      9. yep, youve proven to be a “normal” sheep who’s political view comes from watching the controlled “news” on the TV…you should be so proud.

      10. Yep, you’ve proven to be a “normal” RIPsheep who’s political view comes from watching the controlled “news” on the RIP website, you should be so proud. LOL

      11. I’m not surprised at all that you have no doubt that others share your own ignorance as it is an endemic trait of the uneducated, in not knowing of the benefits of the inherent awareness knowledge brings, to remain unaware of what others know.

        In deference to your learning disability, I will again clarify for you in stating now that I did not at all dismiss the 9/11 commission report’s premise regarding existing motive on the part of Saudi Nationals what so ever.

        As the Commission’s report points out, motive did in fact exist and regardless of alternate theories by others which claim the Saudi’s were framed, without the previously stated existence of a promulgated motive by Saudi Nationals in response to US/Saudi oppression, no other group of criminals responsible for 9/11 would have had anyone else to lay the blame upon….So again, for you to understand the point: “It really don’t matter who done it. All that matters is what was going on before they done it and what we done since.”

        What you fail to understand is that the US, while itself operating outside its own laws, was not there under legitimate authority because the Kingdom itself was operating outside the authority entrusted to it. That Kingdom was established itself by the British Crown which itself hasn’t wielded such a level of authority since the days before the Magna Carta….There are laws which not even Kings can break. Moreover, The House of Saud is not the head of the Islamic Church…far from it and the Kingdom must abide by and can not rewrite Islamic law, which they were breaking by giving quarter to a hostile foreign army.

        Islam and Islamic law being violated is irrelevant. It is simply against all convention for the leadership of ANY country to recklessly place its own people in moral hazard, to say nothing of the possible risk of military reprisal by hosting a hostile army which then murders people in another country by the hundreds of thousands.

        Only a moron would dismiss the universal outrage of the entire Saudi Civilian population as being limited to only “Islamic Wackos’ without taking into account that entire population of whole phuqing IS Muslim. Secular patriots in this country would act out in a similar fashion under similar circumstances with no need of religion as motivation.

        The 9/11 Commission Report is very clear in its explanation of this scenario and this aspect of its findings are an obvious reality regardless of how it is some people might otherwise think those buildings were caused to fall down.

  52. Great news, and perfectly timed with the Rasmussen poll showing Romney actually tied with a socialist that has destroyed the healthcare system based on Romney’s own plan while Paul wins! Thousands attending Paul rally’s while Mitt gets next to nothing, he is an empty suit and the only thing he has working for him now is the corporate media and paid trolls, it’s GREAT!

    The time is now to double efforts and make the final push, this could get very interesting.

    1. Romney’s plan was at the state level, not the national level. LOL

      Romney’s plan was applied only to those without insurance, not every person. LOL

      Romney just cleaned RIP’s clock in all 5 primaries tonight. LOL

      Yes, double your contributions to RIP, it will be money well spent. LOL

      1. romney failed to get 70% support in any of the 5 states within his own party, while Paul garnered 15% average without any media coverage at all.

        romney stated in his own book that his health care model would be a great addition on the federal level, and then like all other flip flops removed that statement out of the hard back copy prior to announcing his run. It is great to see Paul coming on strong in the delegate count, the only count that matters.

        How funny, a troll on Doug’s site! That is awesome! Congrats Doug; however irrelevant and misinformed this statist mouthpiece is, you should wear it as a badge of honor. Hell, look how much time he/she has spent on here, gonna wear a hole in moms basement couch there sport….LOL

        Go Paul, and thanks Doug for all the hard work you do to keep us informed.

      2. Only a RIPtilian can celebrate getting trounced by a 4 to 1 margin! LOL

        Romney just locked up a whole lot of delegates. LOL

  53. Ummm….yeah, so I referenced the Government’s Own Official 9/11 Commission’s Report. Something you yourself haven’t read because it is you don’t read…but the 9/11 Commission Report is a book.

    It has been in print now for several years and nothing written within is anything I myself made up.

    In addition to findings of what is understood by our government to have happened on 9/11/01, the book speaks to details of evidence of motive for the presumed Hijackers, 15 of which were Saudi Nationals, as well the Department of Justices’ contention of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, also a Saudi National , being the mastermind of 9/11 in moving forward with the war declared by Bin Laden in the late 90’s. This war as declared by Bin Laden is itself referenced within the book….which you didn’t read….which might explain why you think I just made this up myself today.

    Perhaps you should be wearing a helmet right now…

    I will at least give Mitt Romney credit for not being as stupid as you or even Rudi Giulianni who also, like you, tried to equate Ron Paul to a kook regarding 9/11 only to have Paul hand him a copy of the 9/11 commission report which disproved everything Giulliani had been saying which essentially amounted to Paul handing Rudy his own ass back in 2008….Then again, that for you, is most likely a common occurrence which would explain why it is you find it normal when people insult your lack of capacity.

    1. You mean the same government you loathe suddenly has an accurate account of 9/11? LOL

      Anyway, it doesn’t matter, RIP just got his own ass handed to him in the 5 primaries tonight. LOL

      1. Really? You mean like he got it handed to him in Iowa, Minnesota, and Colorado? That kind of ass whooping is mighty badass… hahaha

        Let’s see how it all comes out when a real count is in, and that may take a few resignations before we know the real truth…

      2. I’m not talking about a few small caucus states, I’m talking about the large general population primary voting states, the ones that will easily give Romney what he needs to win the nomination. LOL

        I can’t wait for the “real” count to come in when the convention is held in Tampa, but I doubt you’ll be here talking about it. LOL

  54. I want to thank tex2 for continuing to support Ron Paul even though he does not know he is doing it. He has posted more comments on a Ron Paul article than he has probably ever posted in support of Romney or anyone else, yet his denial of truth would have you believe he does not support Ron Paul. Thanks tex2, Ron Paul’s biggest supporter!

    1. You’re very welcome. Since I don’t know what I am doing, perhaps you can respond to these issues:

      Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!

      1. 1. Your opinion and nothing more. And a weak one at that.
        2. He has an unbeatable consistent track record as a Congressman. He has consistently voted against fruitless wars, bigger government, Patriot Act. NADDA, unconstitutional regulations, taxes, unconstitutional wars, bailouts, TARP, etc. He is the ONLY congressman who has upheld his pledge to protect and serve the constitution of the United States and he has done so for 30 years.
        3. Because other Congressmen earmarked out key parts of the legislation that would have made the bill a moot point if passed with their earmarks. Nice try though.
        4.We won’t know until that time comes, But thanks for “speculating” as it adds credibility to your argument, NOT.
        5. His foreign policies are constitutionally sound. Show me in the constitution where it says the US is to police the world, force democracy on other countries, drown in debt caused from useless and fruitless wars. You can’t. Who do you think already takes advantage of the situation when we attack third world Countries in the middle east? China does. They grab up land and resources for cheap while we are fighting. Why do you think Russia is bankrupt? They tried to manage the middle eastern affairs as well and it destroyed them financially. 9/11 would have never happened had we not been meddling in other affairs. Not to mention 9/11 was instigated by our very own government in order to get the general populace support for us to go to War with Iraq in order to justify more debt and more Establishment power.

        “Global war on terror”. That right there proves you are a brain washed sheep. You don’t even have to say anymore after that blatant main stream media driven comment. You’ve failed yourself, your family and your Country. I only pray you are not American and if you are, you should leave. You are a disgrace to the true Americans who live and breath freedom and liberty.

        You really should study up before trying to match wits with me again. It’s really pathetic to say the least.

        Wait I forgot one thing ->….LOL!!!!

  55. It’s gonna be hilarious watching the Romney neocons lose the general election, and then complain and wine about it as if they didn’t bring it on themselves.

  56. yep, a rock COULD win on those black-box voting machines….the status qoute love those things, makes it easier to manipulate the results….govt’s own study (the msm has failed to tell US about)..says those things are unsecure, easily manipulated, can be done remotely, and would require only a handful of operatives to do it. (you done covering your eyes now texas2?)

    Dont waste your vote in november…write-in the candidate the status qoute has been trying to keep from being elected. The only sensible choice for this country..unless your like texas2 and enjoy ignoring your own best interests.

    1. Now I understand why all of you RIPtilians are getting the delegate leadership wins, you have “experience” being the village idiots. The term is “status quo.” LOL

      I’m not a fan of the machines either, never have been. LOL

      But RIP’s issues go WAY beyond the machines, he is simply not electable. LOL

      If Barry only clears 10% when he’s ON the ballot, imagine how much lower it will be when he’s a write-in. LOL

      1. doesnt make you want to wonder what else the controlled media is lying/omitting?…THAT’s a GOOD sheep….there’re laws against animals voting in important elections you know.

        im done trying to argue sense you…you’ll remain a fascist wanna be, with sheeple tendancies right up until the rest of US straighten this place out.

        Go back to sleep with your head in the sand like the rest of your kind, texas2…nothing is wrong that a lil status qoute wont fix huh?


      2. Yes, I wonder why the media takes RIP seriously at all. LOL

        Did you not read my previous correction to your “status quote,” are you too stupid to understand, or did you forget already? LOL

  57. Tex2 is really an O troll…
    It’s the only thing that makes any sense. The whole idea of Tex2 trashes everything Tex2 stands for. That would include Texas, Republicans, Americans, and Romney…
    It must be by design, no one could be so stupid. Yep, an O troll…

      1. There’s no doubt you are a troll…
        Whatever I think of Romney I do not believe he could possibly be stupid enough to have you representing him. Anything you associate yourself with immediately loses credibility. I believe that is by design, because I do not believe you could possibly be as stupid as you represent yourself to be. Any answer you have to this reply has no credibility. My reply to you is only for the benefit of anyone else who may be reading this…

      2. There’s no doubt you are RIPtilian…
        Whatever I think of RIP I do not believe he could possibly be stupid enough to have you representing him. Anything you associate yourself with immediately loses credibility. I believe that is by design, because I do believe you are as stupid as you represent yourself to be. Any answer you have to this reply has no credibility. My reply to you is only for the benefit of anyone else who may be reading this…LOL

    1. It’s really kinda’ sad… This guy was duped in a multi-level marketing scam and seeminly in losing his business, he lost his mind…If it is that the order of events weren’t first reversed. I don’t know what it takes to get sued by Amway Corp., but this guy Scott E. Johnson managed to make that happen.

      I guess it is Doug Wead is a victim of some misdirected animosity related to his own success with Amway and thus we have this half-wit haunting Doug’s blogs…

      On some of the other threads Tex2 insults people’s demographics and uses other such classy techniques in displaying his idiocy…so thus far I guess we can consider ourselves lucky.

      1. So he really is ‘mentally challenged’ … hope he learns to get his obsessions under control

      2. Me and literally millions of others were ripped off. LOL

        It takes telling the truth and being vocal about it to get sued by Amway, and I am delighted with the agreement. LOL

        Doug “Weed” was just one of many Amway rip off artists, and he’s doing the same to all of you right now. LOL

        If being stupid and scared is lucky, you just won the lottery. LOL

      3. So… tell us the story. I’ll bet it wouldn’t even show up on the radar of the ripoffs Romney has been involved in. The families that have been devastated by his idea of “business”. And I’ll bet Doug wasn’t even connected to whatever happened to you.

      4. Doug wasn’t at all involved in the scam that took Scott down. Scott E Johnson as Tex2 can be found on earlier blog posts by Doug after Scott got duped and conversations between Doug & Tex2 from a couple of years ago are cordial. Tex2 must just have some misdirected animosity over Dougs’ success with Amway. I think it is that Scott is just upset & bitter because Doug can not help Scott through Scott’s failures, which are his own. When scott sees Doug on television and hears Doug’s signature laugh, a laugh I am sure helped Doug be the sucessful salesman Scott was not, Scott is overcome with envy and the misdirected animosity he holds for Doug is transferred onto Ron Paul when Scott hears the pitch from the superior salesman.

      5. The short story is the high level distributors make FAR more money from the “tools” (various meetings, books, CDs, voice mail, web sites, etc.) than from Amway. This results in about 99+% losing money, while the high level folks are making several times more from the tools than from Amway, yet they pretend it is all from Amway.

        Amway wins because they can keep prices inflated and bonuses minimized, so they maximize their profit, while the higher level distributors are busy feeding at the ATS (Amway Tool Scam) trough.

        This practice has been outlawed in at least 2 countries, the UK and India. Amway is currently offering to pay a reported $155 million to settle a class action lawsuit in the U.S., which doesn’t come close to compensating the victims (, and a similar lawsuit is also open in Canada.

        In summary, literally millions of people have lost 10s of billions of dollars over the past 40 or so years. Bernie Madoff would be proud, and Romney wouldn’t be in the race if he was involved in this. I’m about to expose a former high level distributor who is running for Texas Representative. Stand by. LOL

        Romney was involved in distressed businesses. In free enterprise, businesses fail, so to condemn Romney is to condemn RIP. LOL

        Doug was involved before I was, but he was connected to the same Dexter Yager I was connected to. LOL

      6. @tex2 – Seriously? Romney is a Corporate bought, establishment driven clone of Obama. You support Romney, you support Obama. Same policies, Same mold, only difference, one is white, the other is black. You are a FOOL! LOL LOL LOL LOL… more LOL for you Mr. LOL!!! LOL!!!!!

      7. That is absolutely absurd to say Ron Paul has had the same business practices as Mitt Romney. Paul has never been involved in any failed businesses and most certainly did not cause any businesses to fail bye causing them to take on more debt then they could sustain; purposely bankrupting them, and then liquidating them in a manner which also stiffed creditors while logging a return on initial investment for himself.

      8. If all IGNORE the #2, IT will be reduced to nothingness! Just a yapping dog that follows its betters trying to get attention….

      9. Anybody can see the details of your case on line and similar examples of childish rantings in your written appeals to your plight. Face it man, you’re a moron and you being a moron is the reason your business failed. You were stupid enough to keep on buying sales tools for at least 12 years and seemingly in 12 years you still never learned to sell anything and your Amway business went broke because you spent too much money trying to learn how to do something you were never cut out to do.

        I’m by no means looking to defend Amway for anything but it’s hard to understand how it is Amway should be responsible for you spending your business into the ground in a failed attempt by you to not be an idiot.

        And yeah…it sure looks like you’ve got a hard-on for Doug Wead because he was sucessful at doing what you were too stupid to do…Maybe you should have taken a tip from Doug when it was you couldn’t meet your sales expenses and give a little chuckle when you try to sell people.

      10. Anybody can see the details of your case on line and similar examples of childish rantings in your written appeals to your plight. —> My “childish rantings” certainly got YOUR attention on this site. LOL Of course, when I lay out the facts that you can’t answer, I understand how you need to label them in a vain attempt to divert the issue. LOL

        Face it man, you’re a moron and you being a moron is the reason your business failed. —> Face it boy, there are millions of us who got ripped off, there aren’t that many morons, even on this site. LOL

        You were stupid enough to keep on buying sales tools for at least 12 years and seemingly in 12 years you still never learned to sell anything and your Amway business went broke because you spent too much money trying to learn how to do something you were never cut out to do. —> Then you must know about the issues that caused me to stay at it for 12 years, don’t you? LOL

        I’m by no means looking to defend Amway for anything but it’s hard to understand how it is Amway should be responsible for you spending your business into the ground in a failed attempt by you to not be an idiot. —> That’s because you are insanely stupid. LOL

        And yeah…it sure looks like you’ve got a hard-on for Doug Wead because he was sucessful at doing what you were too stupid to do…Maybe you should have taken a tip from Doug when it was you couldn’t meet your sales expenses and give a little chuckle when you try to sell people. —> As a “celebrity,” Doug probably got a lot of help, this is normal in Amway. Besides, why would I aspire to be an LCK? LOL

        You know as much about Amway as you do about me, next to nothing. LOL

      11. Still sounds like a bunch of lame excuses for failing when others didn’t. Still sounds like you got ripped off when I didn’t. I’m not seeing anyone else here chiming in about they got ripped of either so…yeah, it’s just you who got raked over the coals by a cult. So it is the cult sold you shit you didn’t know how to use and you’re outraged because they claim the money they bilked from you came from other sales….You know man, maybe if it was you were a nicer guy I might care a little about you getting suckered, but you aren’t and I don’t.

        I imagine for you this is a repeating theme.

        Everybody with half a brain would have already known that Amway feeds off people who dwell in in the pond between the sediment of ethics and legality. The pond suckers you chose to work with of your volition ate your lunch…You own it. Live with it. We here don’t care and would rather not read about it. You’re not a likable guy. This would be the reason why Doug is considered a Celebrity and you are not. You should really find another line of work besides sales. (Insert ‘Zig Zigler’ style LOL – here).

      12. Still sounds like a bunch of lame excuses for failing when others didn’t. —-> That’s because you are stupid in general and ignorant on this topic. LOL

        Still sounds like you got ripped off when I didn’t. —> I didn’t realize this was about you. LOL

        I’m not seeing anyone else here chiming in about they got ripped of either so…yeah, it’s just you who got raked over the coals by a cult. —-> That’s because this isn’t an Amway blog, and most former IBOs are too ashamed and/or embarrassed to chime in anyway. LOL

        So it is the cult sold you shit you didn’t know how to use and you’re outraged because they claim the money they bilked from you came from other sales…. —-> I also didn’t bring up the “cult” issue, YOU did. LOL Also, the above sentence doesn’t make any sense, which is actually quite normal coming from you. LOL

        You know man, maybe if it was you were a nicer guy I might care a little about you getting suckered, but you aren’t and I don’t. —> And I don’t care what you think, because you’re a stupid idiot and I would rather not be associated with you any more than I need to be. LOL

        I imagine for you this is a repeating theme. —-> Blogging with stupid people on this site, yes. LOL

        Everybody with half a brain would have already known that Amway feeds off people who dwell in in the pond between the sediment of ethics and legality. —-> Thanks to the internets, this has improved. LOL

        The pond suckers you chose to work with of your volition ate your lunch…You own it. —> The “pond suckers” were high level management, doctors, pilots, etc. LOL

        Live with it. —> I’m not only living with it, I’m thriving with it. LOL

        We here don’t care and would rather not read about it. —> Somebody on this site brought it up, not me. LOL But now that I know you don’t want me to bring it up……LOL

        You’re not a likable guy. —-> You don’t even know me, and are even too scared to get to know me on the phone. LOL

        This would be the reason why Doug is considered a Celebrity and you are not. —-> Not even close. Go read his bio on wiki, you stupid idiot. LOL

        You should really find another line of work besides sales. (Insert ‘Zig Zigler’ style LOL – here). —> I do quite well with sales, as long as there isn’t a scam involved. You really are powerfully stupid, aren’t you? LOL

  58. Romney was involved in healthy businesses that he could saddle up with debt, then loot, then bankrupt, a real parasitic capitalist…NEVER was his name (or Bain Capital) on any bankruptcy, only the looted company’s name, how nice. Sorry about your bad experience in business, but as you say, it happens a lot, it’s not fair, but it’s life. (Is Romney on the BoD at Amway, he really seems to me to be their type of exec?) Peace

    1. If what you’re saying was true, why were ALL the other candidates, including RIP, so unsuccessful at making that point? LOL

      They must ALL be incredibly incompetent, and therefore don’t deserve to be president. LOL

      It wasn’t my bad experience with Amway, it was millions of others who were also lied to and ripped off. LOL

      However, we have a great opportunity here: LOL

      1. Sorry, I wasn’t that dumb to get involved with them, good luck with your lawsuit though…RP 2012…

  59. New Yorkers — take Vincent Reda to Small Claims Court (firstly, then go for criminal)!

    Att. New Yorker’s who didn’t bother to vote against Rmoney, because of the FALSE phone robocalls you received by Vincent Reda— LYING that all other candidates had dropped out of the race except Mitt Romney.

    Take this liar to small claims court (a token $300 charge that he disfranchised you from voting by his perfidy) — easiest way to have a quick confrontation in a Court of Law! Make sure you tape the proceedings if allowed. If not, get a written record of the proceedings!

    Here is the proof you need: his actual phone message!


    Don’t delay, take this crook to court Today!

    1. Also:

      Good news from the US Supreme Court — looks like the BO’s beloved Illegals (those criminally invading our nation — the stealers of US jobs and carries of crime) will finally get the Boot!

      Now, BO and Rmoney need the Boot…!

      Ron Paul — get ready to bring down the house in Tampa. Also, prepare for the AmericansElect and Libertarian Party nominations!

      1. Hypocrite. You’re the one flapping his gums. What a moron. Go troll elsewhere where it matters. You know what the funny thing is? You actually think you are accomplishing something here. Thanks for your RON PAUL SUPPORT. We appreciate it. LOL LOL LOL…Wait got one mroe for you since you like typing it so much….LOL! PWND!

    2. If all IGNORE the #2, IT will be reduced to nothingness! Just a yapping dog that follows its betters trying to get attention….

  60. While this is good news, let’s not jump up and down yet and let’s REALLY not start acting smug. We are NOT done yet! We have a lot of work still to do and with Newt dropping out, things are going to get harder.

    Yes, good news is awesome to hear when we’ve been shouted down by idiots, (one on this board, especially), but the fact remains, we can’t just start celebrating thinking it’s in the bag…it is NOT in the bag.

    Keep working hard, keep getting those delegates, run for anything local that you can, and most importantly, STOP SPILLING THE BEANS!

    If they want to continue denying, if they want to continue laughing and mocking, LET! THEM! We work tirelessly, we work hard, we do what we are supposed to do, we SHUT UP about it, and we go to Tampa and we see what happens.

    Use this good news as a way to restore that energy but don’t go gloating yet.

  61. This is inconsequential news. LOL

    You are done, you got swept in 5 states yesterday. It’s over. LOL

    You don’t even OWN a bag. LOL

    Gloating? About WHAT? LOL

  62. Reblogged this on James Bosco and commented:
    I truly believe that what the poor people in our community need is not more handouts from the government — which only makes them more enslaved to the government — but real freedom. Dr. Paul is a huge supporter of freedom. This is good news.

  63. Although repeatedly incorrectly reported in the main stream press, the main stream press is now admitting Paul has the requisite 5 states needed to show at the convention with one extra and certainly more to come.

    Only in the highly unlikely event that Romney wins 80% of the next available delegates can a second vote at the convention be prevented.

    Thems the facts for the moment. When it is over, it can be said that it is over but it as yet is not over. (Zig Zilger-esque chuckle)

      1. You still haven’t heard about Paul holding majority in 6 states? Even Fox reported it yesterday.

      2. @tex2 LOL! You typed LOL 16 times in another comment you posted earlier..LOL..You really should give it up and either admit you support Ron Paul or admit that your support Ron Paul.

      3. All I did was ask for a source. LOL

        But if asking a question is getting PWND in RIPtilianville…LOL

        The press has never said he wouldn’t get his 5 states to be able to be invited to Tampa, just that he doesn’t have near enough delegates to keep Romney from getting the majority, especially when you factor in Santorum and Gingrich probably throwing their support behind Romney. LOL

        You people are SO desperate for a “win,” you’ll take the crumbs that fall off the table and pretend it’s the whole loaf of bread. LOL

  64. Tex2 doesn’t know that winning the poll doesn’t mean winning the delegates and Romney is so desperate about bleeding delegates to Paul he held a speech here to try to garner tea party support. Which he doesn’t have LOL

      1. The Koch brothers or the Dick Armey astroturf versions of the tea party are just another badge put on the establishment tea party. The original versions were made up of people sick of the establishment which is why they distinguished themselves in the first place. People have figured this out. THAT tea party is not the original tea party, which was started by the R3VOLUTION.

  65. I want to officially thank tex2 for his relentless quest to keep this topic HOT! Thank you tex2 for being a loyal Ron Paul supporter!
    Honest Ron Paul all the way!

  66. I am also sick of the establishment, but I’m not so sick that I believe in the practice of blood letting is the cure, which is what RIP represents, both figuratively and literally. LOL

  67. Take Vincent Reda to Small Claims Court NOW!

    Vincent Reda will be eventually taken to criminal court, but it may take a year or more before the case is heard.

    Anybody can take anyone for nearly any reason to Small Claims Court, and usually the case is heard in less than 2 months (in some counties 30 days). You are not filing for a Law Suit, but a CLAIM Only (claiming a wrong and placing a Dollar Value on your perceived Loss). Once the hearing is scheduled — the Judge has to hear the case! If he/she deems your claim has no merit, you lose — if not, the Judge may award you a lower dollar amount.

    Regardless of the outcome — it’s a WIN, since the point is to drag this low-life through the mud ASAP, not much, much later (for all such creeps to watch and learn NOW)!

    Here is the beauty of this ploy (since the defendant (Reda) must show up on the given date and time — if he doesn’t, you win your claim, and he has to pay you the amount! Or, get special permission from the court, to excuse his absence in person — he may be FORCED to establish phone communication during the hearing — and have his lawyers represent him):

    1) If a thousand people file such a claim — and Reda does not show up, he’ll be broke financially.

    2) If allowed by court to have only lawyers represent him — he’ll have to hire hundreds of them, to be present when many cases would be on the same, or close to the same, day when the hearings are set! That will also be a financial burden!

    Hope all New Yorkers, that were disfranchised from voting by the LIE of Vincent Reda, file a Small Claims Court CLAIM against him — the creature needs to be penalized for his perfidy!

    Share this — if many more than a Thousand people file a Small Claim, this Clown will truly be put through a Circus!

    One could claim an emotional distress that upon hearing, from a trusted official, that your candidate (say Newt, or Ron Paul) is no longer running according to the phone call, YOU broke down emotionally and stopped eating, sleeping, going to work, etc — LATER (after the voting was over) You found out it was all a Lie. And now, you are even more emotionally distressed since you lost your right to vote, because of the false statements. You put a $$$ TOTAL on your Claim (with the exact name and address of Vincent Reda) — and submit it in Small Claims Court.

    Here is the proof you need: his actual phone message LIE!


      1. After we won WWI, the reparations are part of what led to WWII. LOL

        After WWII, we had the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe. LOL

        We learned from our earlier WWI mistake. LOL

        We are rebuilding, and especially in the case of Afghanistan, building for the first time, as we did after WWII, although the extent of damage is not nearly as bad as WWII. LOL

        You’re an idiot. LOL

    1. Yes Tex2! You finally said something intellegent!

      Stating the obvious and stating it in the most obvious of places, the floor of the House of Representatives, where it is elected representatives of the people could be served notice of the obvious so they might take steps prevent the otherwise seemingly inevitable.

      This is what real leaders, leaders who can judge what is right and what is wrong without doubting themselves for fear they might want to later change their opinion, do.

      Here we have it: Paul was right 10 years ago and still has the same opinion 10 years later.

      How many times in the last 10 years has Romney changed his mind over things he thought about 10 years ago?

      Ooop derrrr….

      1. RIP was wrong when he ran in 1988, and he is wrong now. LOL

        RIP is consistently wrong. LOL

        I would rather have a batter who misses sometimes and learns how to hit better than one who consistently whiffs and thinks he’s doing something productive. LOL

        Ooop derrr….LOL

      2. His 1988 run was a protest – this 2012 run is a R3volution…In 1988 he protested the party because the nutjob evangelicals had taken over the GOP, were legislating their own verson of morality, and raising the height of hypocrisy to new levels.

        Another dirty little secret establishment Republicans can’t admit about their icon, is that Ronald Reagan sucked at fiscal responsibility.

        The earlier Ronald Reagan Paul was of the first Congressmen to support in 1976, was long gone and had morphed into something else over the last 12 years while George Herbert Walker Read My Lips Bush was worse than what Reagan had himself degraded into.

      3. His 1988 run was where he belonged, outside of the Republican Party. LOL

        Reagan ended the Cold War, it was worth it. LOL

        RIP could have ended the Cold War as well, by cowering to the Soviets. LOL

      4. Thank you for your rendition of modern history, but let’s put things in the proper perspective, which would make it pretty hard to sustain the myth that “Ronald Reagan ended the cold war”, which is preposterous.

        Of the allied victors of WWII, the Soviet Union was the hands down big winner and was left with a massive territory which had never before belonged to them and was by far greater than what Hitler ever conquered to say nothing of being far more than any of the other allies, except for maybe the Communist Chinese wound up with after all the dust settled. They became far more powerful than anyone had anticipated and that was what brought on the cold war tension because all of a sudden, they controlled the sovereignty of countries which before were independent nations of their own.

        The Cold War ended when those nations regained their own sovereignty for which Reagan showed up for the photo-ops, yet himself had almost nothing to do with. The Soviet Union went broke doing the exact same crap the United States is doing now which will cause us to go broke too but it will only be another propaganda lie if it is some Chinese leader tries to take credit for our demise. The fall of the Soviet Union was self-inflicted and Reagan didn’t have anything to do with it but he did find himself a pretty good excuse for expanding the military industrial complex for the benefit of his friends.

      5. Oooop derrrrr I guess all that Glastos and solidarity was because of ReaganMr Limbagh…what was I thinking?

  68. The Establishment fears Ron Paul

    The Establishment says Ron Paul is out of touch, radical and dangerous.
    What’s so dangerous about him?
    He wants to return to the Constitution. And that the Constitution is our founding document and embodies our first principals of limited government, sound money and personal freedom. We’ve drifted so far from it that a return to those principals would indeed mean substance and change to the Government. The only danger that Ron Paul represents is to the establishment that fears it’s own loss of power. We’ve drifted so far, drowned so deep in debt, lost so many of our rights, fought so many fruitless wars, that if we don’t rock the boat now, we may end up sinking. – Judge Napolitano

      1. What are you even talking about? Agency? What does a government agency have to do with my post? Judge Andrew Napolitano was a New Jersey Supreme Court Judge. Do you even know who he is?

      2. Yeah, I know who he is, one of the “Faux” News people you clowns constantly complain about. LOL

        You just made my point. Andy hasn’t run anything, either. LOL

        We (not me personally, LOL) elected an idiot who hadn’t done anything meaningful before being president in 2008, and now you want us to take advice, and even make Andy VP as others on this blog have promoted on this site? LOL

        Not to mention the total lack of accomplishment RIP to be president. LOL

        Andy is a well known Libertarian, just like RIP. Two peas in the same nutjob pod. LOL

  69. After we won WWI, the reparations are part of what led to WWII. LOL

    After WWII, we had the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe. LOL

    We learned from our earlier WWI mistake. LOL

    We are rebuilding, and especially in the case of Afghanistan, building for the first time, as we did after WWII, although the extent of damage is not nearly as bad as WWII. LOL

    You’re an idiot. LOL


      Oh my is too easy to discredit you as a human being. Too easy.

    2. Hey tex2.
      I live at:
      11894 W. Lookout Drive in Monticello, IN. 47960
      My name is: Mike Miller

      Anytime you want to face me face to face COME on. Until then your comments, while you HIDE behind the anonymity of the internet, mean NOTHING.


      1. Mike,

        I’m probably not going to be in Indiana any time soon, and certainly wouldn’t make a trip just because of you. LOL

        However, if you want to be the first person on this blog to make a simple phone call and talk with me, let me know. LOL

        Let’s see how “brave” you are. LOL

        Or will it be areamike=CHICKEN-COWARD? LOL

      2. I posted my full name and home address that is more than I can say for you. LOL <-texmex trademark LOL

        You want my phone number too? I'm sure you wont post yours since you didn't but asked me to call you. 765-605-1012

      3. Congratulations. You’re the first person on this site who didn’t chicken out. LOL

        I’m not going to call you directly, because I don’t want you to know my phone number, as you are obviously loose hinged, not to mention the rest of the RIPtilians here. I have an IP phone, so the *67 technique mentioned on the below site doesn’t work for me. LOL

        Go to this link, it has instructions on calling a conference number, but we’ll have to agree on a time to both call in first. I live in the Central Time zone: LOL!

      4. So you are scared? Don’t be afraid. I am not a loose canon. I’m an adult and I’m sure we can have an adult conversation. And I am adult enough NOT to give out your phone number. I gave out my phone number with nothing to fear. You have my word if that means anything to you. Otherwise, I stand my ground on the fact that you hide behind the anonymity of the internet which means your opinion is worthless.

      5. It’s not about being scared or not. LOL

        It’s about being smart. LOL

        You propose a time to call the conference number or it’s a no go. LOL

        Simple as that. LOL

      1. “The government would be able to search information it collects under CISPA for the purposes of investigating American citizens with complete immunity from all privacy protections as long as they can claim someone committed a “cybersecurity crime”. Basically it says the 4th Amendment does not apply online, at all. Moreover, the government could do whatever it wants with the data as long as it can claim that someone was in danger of bodily harm, or that children were somehow threatened—again, notwithstanding absolutely any other law that would normally limit the government’s power.” –

      2. Then sue the government for passing an unconstitutional law, just as they did with Obamacare. LOL

        THAT is how you build up a good reputation, not by complaining on an obscure blog. LOL

  70. Congratulations. You’re the first person on this site who didn’t chicken out. LOL

    I’m not going to call you directly, because I don’t want you to know my phone number, as you are obviously loose hinged, not to mention the rest of the RIPtilians here. I have an IP phone, so the *67 technique mentioned on the below site doesn’t work for me. LOL

    Go to this link, it has instructions on calling a conference number, but we’ll have to agree on a time to both call in first. I live in the Central Time zone: LOL

    1. It doesn’t “go” to the Senate. The Senate writes their own bill, and then the two bodies of legislators work out the differences. The Senate’s bill is significantly different, so don’t hold your breath in this going to the president any time soon. LOL

  71. Well, this is funny… my comments are awaiting moderation while skippy’s are flying right through. He actually appears to be the only one posting comments…

  72. @tex2 you are the most annoying animal I have ever come across in my life. You are even worst than the guy who was caught doing a cat and got caught and was sent to the hospital because the cat was stuck on his thingy and his picture was in the newspaper OHH now that i think about it you could be that guy even worst. Let me put it this way to me you are a pile of shit that is annoying and do you know what I find interesting is that you are probably weak from the inside because anyone can write shit on the internet and hide behind his screen it would be really interesting for me to see who you are.

    1. I already gave him my real name, home address and phone number and he is too chicken shit to call me. LOL But oh well. LOL At least we know he’s a coward. LOL I’m sure he’ll continue to post his worthless comments further making himself look like the total loser he is. LOL

      1. Tex2 aka Scott E Johnson is a loser who got burned in some Amway scam and thinks we would be surprised to know people get burned in Amway scams. Duh.

        The loser also thinks people might at all care, which of course they don’t.

        He seems to be living under the delusion that most everyone is somehow associated with Amway and wants to talk to every person he can about Amway as if we somehow ourselves are at great risk from Amway, which of course none of us are because we are not so stiupid ourselves as to buy a bunch of stuff we couldn’t at all make proper use of as did Tex2.
        Seemingly and due to his idiotic rantings he has found himself named in a lawsuit involving Amway as himself being the defendant because it is they got tired of him being a blathering ass.

        All this loon does is rant to anyone he can and besides showing himself to an ill-informed idiot, he clearly is stark, raving, mad.

      2. I am one of millions who got scammed. LOL

        I didn’t bring up Amway, somebody on this blog did. LOL

        But if you are a former Amway/Quixtar IBO, you need to see this: LOL

        You don’t have a remote understanding of the scam. LOL

        I am voting as 90-95% of the others have done, for somebody other than RIP. LOL

      3. LOLThis is too funny. Now I have more ammo to use on tex2. LOL The Amway fool that got burned by trying to burn others. LOL Karma is a bitch ‘eh tex? LOL

        GO RON PAUL!! 2012!

        Vote for anyone else and you are as stupid as tex2 LOL…and no one wants to be that stupid. LOL

        Call me please! CHICKEN, COWARD? WUSS? LOL LOL

        I like using LOL. I’ve never really used it before but it sure is fun mocking the village idiot, tex2.

        By the way. I have informed, friends, family, cop friends and the Mayor of our town who I know personally that I gave you my personal info. So just in case you go rogue on me, you will be the first person they come looking for. They know your real name and where you live as do I.

    2. Ftex2 you are the most annoying animal I have ever come across in my life. You are even worst than the guy who was caught doing a cat and got caught and was sent to the hospital because the cat was stuck on his thingy and his picture was in the newspaper OHH now that i think about it you could be that guy even worst. Let me put it this way to me you are a pile of shit that is annoying and do you know what I find interesting is that you are probably weak from the inside because anyone can write shit on the internet and hide behind his screen it would be really interesting for me to see who you are. LOL

      1. The moron tex2 is under the delusion that EVERYONE has been negatively affected by Amway and that Amway is everywhere and people associated with Amway are hiding around every corner and that Amway people are monitoring this blog and,and, ahhhgggghh!!!

        This sorry sack of poo didn’t even get ripped off by any of the crap Amway sells but instead he lost all his money buying ‘sales tools’ for learning how to sell the bullshit itself on other people.

        The tool can’t earn honest money and instead is waiting for some class action lawsuit to change his sorry life like some pathetic welfare queen plays the lotto.

      2. Slammo,

        I never said, “…EVERYONE has been negatively affected by Amway and that Amway is everywhere and people associated with Amway are hiding around every corner and that Amway people are monitoring this blog and,and, ahhhgggghh!!!” However, if you are a former Amway/Quixtar IBO, you need to read this: LOL

        Millions of people lost money in the same way I did, and other countries have outlawed this practice, examples are the UK and India. LOL

        The Class Action lawsuit is a very small part of my overall strategery. LOL


        If that works for you, go for it. LOL

        But I know differently. LOL

      3. Stop asking everyone if we are former wannabe grifters who themselves got taken and our businesses caused to fail like you. We are not former wannabe grifters like you. Unlike you, none of us are being sued for lying by saying untruthful and idiiptic things as you do.

        Phuq off why don’t ya.

      4. Nope, not your problem. LOL

        Your problem is you are a RIPtilian. LOL

        Thank you for verifying that. LOL


    3. You guys gotta understand, he thrives on this shit, just ignore him—REALLY!…N O CONTACT!!!…Eventually, he’ll go away and annoy somebody else.

    1. Good stuff areamike. Paul is so clear headed and Romney just showes himself to be a dolt…We do see over this timeline, however, that Romney is just slowly learning that if he wants to be right, he just needs to acknowledge that Ron Paul is right and then just follow from there.

      1. The “dolt” is winning. LOL

        The “clear headed” one is losing. LOL

        Why would a winner want to follow a loser? LOL

      2. Exactly why Romney does not follow RIP! LOL

        Romney is a winner while RIP is a crazed alien driven sheep loser!

      3. Whether they realize it or not, here are 26 things non-Paul supporters appear to be saying.

        (1) The American political establishment has done a super job keeping our country prosperous and our liberties protected, so I’m sure whatever candidate they push on me is probably a good one.

        (2) Our country is basically bankrupt. Unfunded entitlement liabilities are in excess of twice world GDP. Therefore, it’s a good idea to vote for someone who offers no specific spending cuts of any kind.

        (3) Vague promises to cut spending are good enough for me, even though they have always resulted in higher spending in the past.

        (4) I prefer a candidate who plays to the crowd, instead of having the courage to tell his audience things they may not want to hear.

        (5) I am deeply concerned about spending. Therefore, I would like to vote for someone who supported Medicare Part D, thereby adding $7 trillion to Medicare’s unfunded liabilities.

        (6) I am opposed to bailouts. Therefore, I will vote for a candidate who supported TARP.

        (7) The federal government is much too involved in education, where it has no constitutional role. Therefore, I will vote for a candidate who supported expanding the Department of Education and favored the No Child Left Behind Act.

        (8) Even though practically everyone was caught by surprise in the 2008 financial crisis, which we are still reeling from, it’s a good idea not to vote for the one man in politics who predicted exactly what was bound to unfold, all the way back in 2001.

        (9) I am not impressed by a candidate who inspires people, especially young ones, to read the great economists and political philosophers.

        (10) I am concerned about taxes. Therefore, I will not vote for the one candidate who has never supported a tax increase.

        (11) I believe it is conservative to support bringing the Enlightenment to Afghanistan via military intervention.

        (12) Even though I lost half my retirement portfolio when the economy crashed from the sugar high the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates put it on, I would like to vote for someone who is not really interested in the Federal Reserve.

        (13) Even though 50 years of the embargo on Cuba did nothing to undermine Fidel Castro, and in fact handed him a perfect excuse for all the failures of socialism, I favor continuing this policy.

        (14) If someone has a drug problem, prison rape is the best solution I can think of.

        (15) Even though the Constitution had to be amended to allow for alcohol prohibition, and even though I claim to care about the Constitution, I don’t mind that there’s no constitutional authorization for the war on drugs, and I will punish at the polls anyone who favors the constitutional solution of returning the issue to the states.

        (16) I believe only a “liberal” would think it was inhumane to keep essential items out of Iraq in the 1990s, even though one of the first people to protest this policy was Pat Buchanan.

        (17) The Brookings Institution says Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract with America was an insignificant nibbling around the edges. I favor people who support insignificant nibbling around the edges, as long as they occasionally trick me with a nice speech.

        (18) I am deeply concerned about radical Islam, so it was a good idea to depose the secular Saddam Hussein — who was so despised by Islamists that Osama bin Laden himself offered to fight against him in the 1991 Persian Gulf War — and replace him with a Shiite regime friendly with Iran, while also bringing about a new Iraqi constitution that makes Islam the state religion and forbids any law that contradicts its teachings.

        (19) Indefinite detention for U.S. citizens seems like nothing to be worried about, especially since our political class is so trustworthy that it could never abuse such a power.

        (20) Following up on (19), I believe Thomas Jefferson was just being paranoid when he said, “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

        (21) Even though the war in Iraq was based on crude propaganda I would have laughed at if the Soviet Union had peddled it, and even though the result has been hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, four million people displaced, trillions of dollars down the drain, tens of thousands of serious injuries among American servicemen and an epidemic of suicide throughout the military, not to mention the ruination of America’s reputation in the world, I see no reason to be skeptical when the same people who peddled that fiasco urge me to support yet another war as my country is going bankrupt.

        (22) I do not trust the media. But when the media tells me I am not to support Ron Paul, who says things he is not allowed to say, I will comply.

        (23) I know the media will smear or marginalize anyone who would really fix this country. But when the media smears and marginalizes Ron Paul, I will draw no conclusion from this.

        (24) I want to be spoken to like this: “My fellow Americans, you are the awesomest of the awesome, and the only reason anyone in the world might be unhappy with your government is because of your sheer awesomeness.”

        (25) I think it’s a good idea to vote for Mitt Romney, whose top three donors are Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley, and a bad idea to vote for Ron Paul, whose top three donors are the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force.

        (26) I have not been exploited enough by the cozy relationship between large financial firms and the U.S. government, and I would like to see it continue.

  73. Ever hear about the War Powers Resolution? LOL

    Notice how everyone is smiley faced while RIP talks, as if he were a senile old uncle? Hint: He probably IS somebody’s old uncle. LOL

      1. You got punked like a bitch. And you now are just screaching like a pregnant eye-blackend trailer park welfare queen that has run out of diapers and cigarettes.

      2. You don’t read for comprehension, do you? LOL

        And how did you know I was a pregnant eye-blackend trailer park welfare queen that has run out of diapers and cigarettes? LOL

  74. Ron Paul on the War in Iraq: “I think that should be the litmus test of everybody in this Country and everybody over on that hill too(Congress/POTUS). If this war is worth fighting, are YOU willing to go and lose your legs, lose your life or send your kids or send your grandkids? If you are willing to go and expose your life then I really believe you are sincere about this war.”

    BAM! RON PAUL 2012

    1. Doug — are you paying attention to this EVER GROWING List?! When are you going to get a moderator to ban this shill/troll…???

      Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard
      51) jammer
      52) Jason
      53) Roman Kalt
      54) JO
      55) Jers1
      56) Dean
      57) Concerned Citizen
      58) JC
      58) jammer
      59) Reality

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

      1. Nope, you lost. I won and am winning more and more every time you post and continue to verify your total stupidity! LOL

        Accept it! LOL

      2. Nope, you lost. I won and am winning more and more every time you post and continue to verify your total stupidity! LOL

        Accept it! LOL

      3. I must myself admit text2 has in fact succeeded in his task as a troll by eliminating all intellegent discorse from a thead which otherwise might produce sysinct logic from those visiting…..cudos scumbag.

    1. BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !!

      Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

      No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

      The #2′s strategy is simply hitting the REPLY button (posting some vitriol), then another REPLY button — thus VIRTUALLY HIJACKING any thread from allowing others to directly respond to the original post.

      PUT a STOP to IT — send Doug the needed message/program to BAN/BLOCK this Shill from his blog!

      1. Surfisher: what rule of conduct would you put in place that would ban him? How would you handle this in a way that would represent the principles that Dr. Paul stands for?

  75. Romney and Obama are actually clones —

    “Claim scientists at Rothdale’s laboratory in Lead’s, Ireland who publicly announced yesterday that both men were actually cloned in the King’s College – Chicago University experiments of 1956. ”

    For all of those that have kept on stating, and warning the American people, that Romney = Obama — now you have this video to back you up!

    Share it — funny stuff…sadly!


    1. I don’t think you should ban him, he has a right to free speech, as banal as it is, I think RP would agree with me…However, it IS your right to totally IGNORE the moron, meaning NO replies EVER, he wastes way too much of everybody’s time…BEGONE TROLL ! ! This will be the last time I speak of the idiot…

  76. I just watched Dr Paul with local media in Austin, asked once again about November, specifically his current bid potentially hurting Romney/GOP (I’ve also just seen the #11 break) Dr Paul should resoundingly reply, “according to a Ram poll we need to be worried about Romney GOP hurting MY chances of beating Obama”. Had professional journalism occurred since Iowa, that WOULD be the question. If we are going to take Texas and Califirnia, Dr Paul needs to remind both states he is in to win. Reminder, we’ll stay home or write in Dr Paul. Please take Texas and Calufornia in head to head. Publically call the GOP on #11 fraud. Go Dr Paul GO!!!!

    1. That’s not very far from where RIP lives. LOL

      RIP is so crazy he doesn’t realize he isn’t getting the nomination. LOL

      Except RIP does know, but wants you to keep sending in ALL of your money. LOL

    2. I agree 100%, The Republican party should be ashamed at the way they have conducted their presidential primary. If they were true to their principles as Ron Paul is, if they were honest, conservatives, and had given equal treatment to Paul, the question of beating Obama would not even be necessary, Ron paul with any fare and balanced reporting from the media and support from the party would have won the primary by a landslide, and would have made Obama look like a fool in debates during the presidential election. Because of the fraud which the Republican party has used to minimize and ignore the only true conservative on the ticket, they have split the support and will suffer greatly for it. Ron Paul supporters will not be denied, whether Paul is on the ticket or not, they will write him in. You have made your bed, now you will have to sleep in it, you are traitors to your own party values. Go Ron paul, Run Ron Paul, congratulations to all faithful and true Ron Paul delegates and supporters, see you in Tampa for the big show.

  77. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012

    Take your pick…there are no other options!
    Ron Paul must take Rmoney to Tampa — to expose the GOP’s perfidy — when hundreds of thousands of Real Americans will come to the Convention voluntarily, supporting Ron Paul, the ONLY REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT in this race (vs a few hundred BUSED Rmoney bullies pretending they are actual people)!

    If the Republican Convention cheats Ron Paul out of The Nomination — then, go Third Party!

    There MUST NOT be a way allowed, for Rmoney to “debate” BO one-on-one — since this will be a Clowns’ Show (two liars trying to out-lie each other…when they are one-and-the-same HUMAN TRASH)!

    Ron Paul MUST be part of the DEBATES — so, he can clearly show up THESE politically trained monkeys for what they are — The ULTIMATE Destroyers of the USA!

    Elect Ron Paul as President, if you want to Save America — vote for anyone else, if you WANT to DESTROY the USA!

    1. This is Steven Write-him-in-or no-one Tambroni. I agree 100%. The GOP is guttless, they have made their bed, now they can sleep in it. If Obama wins, they can blame no one but themselves. They had their chance to mop the floor with Obama simply by supporting perhaps the greatest patriot presidentialcandidate in history but they sold out to the establishment. Screw them.

    2. Too easy. Ron Paul WILL win. It’s a matter of time. The GOP knows Romney has no chance against Obama and they will eventually cave to the majority and accept Ron Paul as their frontrunner. When that happens, Ron Paul will own Obama in debates and in the general election, just like he owned Romney, Santorum, Gingrich and others in all debates!

  78. Ron Paul’s views on legalizing drugs go much further than a simple statement “legalize drugs”. Regardless, if Heroin were legal, would you go and do heroin? “I needs these LAWS to keep me from doing drugs!”

    ZERO foreign aid is a GOOD thing. Why should we prop up other countries and make them dependent on us? If you feel like giving your tax money away to other countries to fight their wars, then go right ahead. Better yet, how about you lace up them boots and head over to Libya to fight with them side by side in their revolution.

    Pulling all troops home is a good idea. It would strengthen our home defense 100 fold. Also do you really think those other countries want us there? They resent us for being on their land. The middle east HATES us for even setting foot on their holy land. Israel does not need our help and has even vehemently asked us to mind our own business. What gives us the right to force democracy on other countries? Our constitution says nothing of the sort. We have not DECLARED war since WW2 but have been involved in countless wars since then. Why do you think we are 15 trillion dollars in debt?

    Discounting all apparent attempts to discredit Mr. Paul is way too easy. Everyone that tries to argue against him simply does so with no facts to back up their statements at which time those people usually resort to name calling. i.e. Paulbots, racists. etc.

    Please look up facts for yourselves people! PLEASE! Don’t hate on Ron Paul or discredit him simply because you heard he is “too old to be president”, or “unelectable”, or “not going to win anyway”. Or maybe you heard he was “dangerous”, “out of touch”, an “isolationist” or even a “racist”? Perhaps you have heard it all and even go as far to believe it because it is simply what you heard and has been pounded into your heads. Look up the facts yourself people. Don’t get your news and more lies from main stream media. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc etc etc, they are all biased. And that bias is not in the best interest of the American people!

  79. Some of you may already know this, but on Veterans day of this year, over 1000 Military personnel marched in front of the white house. They chanted “President Paul”. The majority of our Military support Ron Paul. He has amassed more military donations than Obama, Romney, Gingrich and Santorum combined. In the last 1/4 of last year he gained over 150,000.00 in military donations for his campaign. This was not broadcast on MSM.

    1. This is a lie. LOL

      Many people who give don’t provide their occupation. LOL

      Especially in the military, where the husband is overseas and the wife contributes. LOL

      This is simply a made up statistic, just like RIP’s campaign is made up. LOL

      There are no statistics that the majority of the military support Ron Paul. LOL

      $150k is peanuts compared to the hundreds of millions being donated. LOL

      It wasn’t broadcast because it wasn’t news. LOL

      You already lost. LOL

      Give up. LOL

      But keep giving ALL your money to RIP. LOL

  80. Total Straw Poll victories as of March 2012
    1 Ron Paul 29 (44.6%)
    2 Herman Cain 17 (26.2%) <- out
    3 Mitt Romney 6 (9.2%) <- soon to be out
    4 Rick Santorum 3 (4.6%) <-out
    5 Michele Bachmann 2 (3.1%) <-out
    6 Rick Perry 2 (3.1%) <-out
    7 Newt Gingrich 2 (3.1%) <-out
    8 Other 4 (6.2%) <-out

    RON PAUL IS WINNING but MSM won't have you believe that. The sheep are still blinded and brainwashed. But that will soon be seen come August at the convention.

    1. CD1: 2 Paul, 1 Romney

      CD2: 3 Paul (+alts)

      CD3: 3 Paul (+alts)

      CD4: 3 Romney

      CD5: 3 Paul (+alts)

      CD6: 2 Paul, 1 tie (7 provisional ballots to be counted later)

      CD7: 3 Paul (+alts)

      CD8: 3 Romney

      CD9: ?

      Paul: 16
      Romney: 7

      Word is Romney will most likely take District 9 which is huge yet these are the numbers for Romney’s HOME STATE which pretty much is indictative of an ass-whoopin’.

      This following the R3volution’s strategy for Romney’s bound delegates, the rules only say that the bound delegates are prevented from voting for anyone other than Romney on the first vote yet there is no provision preventing any of these bound delegates whom are in fact loyal to Paul from ABSTAINING on the first vote and then casting a vote for Paul on subsequent votes after it is shown that Romney is short 1144, which he will in fact be.

      The R3volution will not be televised, brother. The R3volution will be live!

    2. If all IGNORE the #2, IT will be reduced to nothingness!
      Just a yapping dog that follows its betters trying to get attention….

      Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      This has nothing to do with Free Speech— this blog is Private Property …and when someone trespasses it to do Damage, IT needs to be removed from the premises — BANNED!

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard
      51) jammer
      52) Jason
      53) Roman Kalt
      54) JO
      55) Jers1
      56) Dean
      57) Concerned Citizen
      58) JC
      58) jammer
      59) Reality
      60) don d
      61) Jessica Diane Wilson
      62) Matthew Reece
      63) Kc Cook
      64) George Leroy Tirebiter
      65) 2knowfreedom1
      66) Daniel Tipping
      67) ban the failed amway sales-boy
      68) Emilie Rensink
      69) hillbuzzads
      70) theunrepentantpatriot
      71) Karen Huffman
      72) FyreWyngz

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      this Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

    3. Surfisher- I just got off the phone with Doug Wead. We have figured out a way to at least prevent tex2 from posting anymore comments on this blog. He was going to delete all of tex2’s posts,but I advised against it as it could cause these discussions to make less sense and in the end I think it is a good idea to leave his comments in order to show how much of a fool this person actually is.
      If you or anyone else notices him back on the blog posting pointless, derogatory or flaming or spamming comments, please let me know.

      You can email me at

    1. Surfisher- I just got off the phone with Doug Wead. We have figured out a way to at least prevent tex2 from posting anymore comments on this blog. He was going to delete all of tex2’s posts, but I advised against it as it could cause these discussions to make less sense and in the end I think it is a good idea to leave his comments in order to show how much of a fool this person actually is.
      If you or anyone else notices him back on the blog posting pointless, derogatory, flaming or spamming comments, please let me know.

      You can email me at

  81. Paul – 58,585 comments
    Obama – 6,405 comments
    Romney – 3,028 comments
    Gingrich – 2,673 comments

    The tides are turning: At Friday’s 100th celebration of Fenway park. Obama was on the jumbo tron giving some speech about how awesome Fenway park was. The crowd BOO’D him…in Boston…the most liberal of liberal cities.

  82. Republican Party Principles

    I am a Republican Because…

    I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each persons dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

    I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

    I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

    I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

    I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.

    I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

    I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

    I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

    FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

    Can someone please explain to me what the American electorate doesn’t get? A wise man once said, repeating the same mistakes over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, yet here in another election year and it appears were doomed to repeat history.
    The difference between our two parties has become blurred resembling two bookends for the same book? Our political system no longer represents choice, but limits it. Campaigners spew rhetoric to woo the electorate vote yet at terms end, deliver empty promise. Regardless of affiliation nothing changes, policy remains the same. Both send our young to fight in undeclared wars producing little more than monetary plunder to the establishment. An endless war on terror designates America a battlefield, spawning legislation shredding our constitutional civil rights in the name of home land security. In the end, American tax payers foot the bill to finance their grand vision of globalization.
    The two party systems is an illusion offering choice, yet in reality both parties work together to limit choice, validating an establishment’s function to create change that in reality presides over a systemic policy which stifles change.
    Main stream media is the tool of the establishment, brain washing Americans to believe for example, “The Ronald Reagan Revolution” which resulted in a tripling of the national debt and legalization of millions of illegal immigrants. On it has gone since. Give me an ounce of difference between Mitt Romney and Obama? What has Obama accomplished that Bush didn’t start? When was the last time we had a president that didn’t reflect the integrity and moral standard of Newt? With a click of the mouse you can dig up the dirt on them all.
    For the first time in decades this election offers change. With the greatest endorsement ever given to a candidate for the President of the United States, he has the endorsement of main stream media, an endorsement conspicuous by its absence. Ignored at every turn he’s treated like the thirteenth floor of a hotel building. Media has programmed us to believe a vote for him is wasted, yet few deny the logic his platform represents. I can think of no better endorsement than the fear and terror the establishment has for him.
    For once in decades we have a choice that doesn’t require choosing between two evils. For once we have a game changer. Finally we have someone who stands for real freedom and liberty. Lobbyists’ shun him knowing him incorruptible. He commands support of more active military personnel than all other candidates combined. He holds low rank among Washington’s wealthy politicians. Click the mouse on him and here is the fault you will find, never deviating from his beliefs for personal gain of wealth or power, He has tirelessly dedicated his career defending and protecting the Constitution. Finally we have the opportunity to break the chain of repeating the mistake in voting for the Status Quo. For my part I will not make that mistake, I vote historical change, I vote America first, I vote Ron Paul.

  83. Mitt has to have 1144 uncontested bound delegates. He probably has around 495 not the 600 that the MSM reports. If Mitt fails to obtain the 1144 I truly believe he will loose at the National Convention. Can he get the 1144? I don’t think so. But if he does then turn out the lights because it will be over for this country. Obama would kick the cazas out of him in a general election. I wil be headed to the National Convention as an alternate delegate. I hope to get moved up to delegate status at the Convention. If that happens and being bound to Newt when Newt drops out I become a free agent and will vote Ron Paul.

  84. What did this young girl do, to get the Dogs-of-State to pursue and knock her of her bike brutally to the ground, and then maul her into painful submission?

    Watch carefully the chronological order (FREEZE picture at the time count given below — to see why):

    1) 0:32 — one of the Dogs-of-State signals the rest that he’s seen a cyclist taking a picture of “SOMETHING THAT MUST NOT BE SEEN”! So they run in pursuit.

    2) 0:44 — she is dragged down by two Dogs-of-State

    3) 0:51 — many more “Gang-of-Brothers” arrive surrounding their victim being mauled on the ground

    4) 0:57 — see the hand taking her cell phone away from her

    5) 1:10 — she manages to free one hand

    6) 1:11 — she tries to pass it in desperation to the people outside the circle of about a dozen Dogs-of-State trampling her rights

    7) 1:12 – 2:03 — she is still screaming in pain…but no-one can help her (since the AGGRESSORS, The Dogs-of-State are ARMED, and thus can inflict pain AT WILL on the disarmed, peaceful citizens)!

    And more abuses follow!

    This is the MOST DISTURBING VIDEO I’ve seen taped on American soil!

    DISGUSTING is mild — words fail me to describe my feelings on this OUTRAGE — watching the ‘US KGB’ MAUL and ABUSE a young girl!

    Don’t know what you’ll do about it — but I’m sending this to Judge Napolitano, the ACLU, News Media outlets, and even contacting my Lawyers to look into filing a civil case against these SS Troopers (hopefully pics can be enlarged so their badge numbers can be seen)!

    1. Shocker In Tampa — Ron Paul Wins!

      These WILL be the headlines next day — here is why:

      According to RNC Rule #38 — at the Tampa Convention NONE of the Delegates are ACTUALLY Bound! Delegates can vote according to their own judgment and conscience — and are NOT bound to vote according to how most delegates from their state vote.

      Precedent was set in 2008 Utah by Legal Council for the RNC (stating: The RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose).

      Also, the Republican (and Democratic) Parties are Private Organizations — so voting within a party is NOT bound by Election Law!

      What does this mean? It clearly shows that ANY or ALL delegates can abstain from voting in the 1st round. Or in other words — Bye-bye Mitt !!!

      What do we need to do? Push for as many more delegate wins for Ron Paul as humanly possible — so a Ron Paul victory in Tampa is assured!

      But most importantly NOW — SHARE this information (spread it like wildfire)!


      1. Clearly, we can win. And, Mr. Burton’s comment, though contemporarily practical, is a lesson in defeatism: “Unfortunately, barring something very unforeseen, our delegate total will not be strong enough to win the nomination.”

        If God is on our side, and I believe God is on the side of goodness, and it is our time, then we will gain the nomination.

        All RNC delegates are free to vote their conscience. See video:

        If we cannot spend tens of millions, spend a few thousand, and spend all day in the states. Local papers do not cost tens of millions of dollars; local radio stations do not cost tens of millions, etc. Dr. Paul could campaign up and down California and Texas all day long.

        Sure, we are still in the uphill portion of the race but we are full of good energy.

        Someone mentioned David and Goliath here on Mr. Wead’s blog. The campaign needs more faith and resolve. Where is the heart, mind, soul, and strength of this campaign’s leadership?

        Furthermore, same for Nebraska and Oregon, but with Nebraska and Oregon yesterday, I am frustrated with the decisions that have been made lately. Truly, the wrong message is being sent when there is still opportunity to win.

        Who is Mitt Romney: Should We Vote for Mitt Romney? Mitt Romney is not a moral man.

        I find little dignity in a man who destroys the lives of others for financial gain, which is the history of Mr. Romney’s wealth; among men whom scheme for ways to undermine the spirit of a law, to say, “I did it legally,” he destroyed for gain.

        “How Mitt Romney Got Obscenely Rich?” 720p, less than 3 min.

        “When Romney Came to Town” 480p; do not miss this.

        “Mitt Romney comes from a faith tradition that holds our Constitution sacred,” said Ms. Sydney Hay, Dr. Paul spokeswoman at Arizona convention.

        However, Mr. Romney cares little to nothing about our Constitution or laws, and do not you be fooled by this woman’s false implications of whom Mitt Romney is.

        Mitt Romney: “We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts. I support them.” Video at:

        Massachusetts under Mitt Romney and Massachusetts now:
        • Ownership: restricted
        • Self-defense: no Castle Doctrine
        • Open carry: prohibited
        • Concealed carry: prohibited
        • Vehicle carry handguns: prohibited
        • Vehicle carry long guns: unloaded, cased and stored away

        Who deserves the right to protect him or herself from predators? Under Mitt Romney, not you!

        Dr. Paul is representative of a perfect opportunity to get behind a candidate who would change this country, moving it back on course, setting sail with freedom and justice windward.

        We must keep our resolve:

        This will make you cry with joy filled with hope:

        Sincerely, Joseph C. Carbone III; 16 May 2012

        ★”˜¨¯¯¨˜”ª¤(¯`*•.¸(¯`*•.. The Hon. Dr. Ron Paul for 2012 ..•*´¯)¸.•*´¯)¤ª”˜¨¯¯¨˜”★

  85. Thank you Mr. Wead…

    Sincerely, Joseph C. Carbone III; 16 May 2012

    ★”˜¨¯¯¨˜”ª¤(¯`*•.¸(¯`*•.. The Hon. Dr. Ron Paul for 2012 ..•*´¯)¸.•*´¯)¤ª”˜¨¯¯¨˜”★

  86. Can someone please explain to me what the American electorate doesn’t get? A wise man once said, repeating the same mistakes over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, yet here in another election year and it appears were doomed to repeat history.
    The difference between our two parties has become blurred resembling two bookends for the same book? Our political system no longer represents choice, but limits it. Campaigners spew rhetoric to woo the electorate vote yet at terms end, deliver empty promise. Regardless of affiliation nothing changes, policy remains the same. Both send our young to fight in undeclared wars producing little more than monetary plunder to the establishment. An endless war on terror designates America a battlefield, spawning legislation shredding our constitutional civil rights in the name of home land security. In the end, American tax payers foot the bill to finance their grand vision of globalization.
    The two party systems is an illusion offering choice, yet in reality both parties work together to limit choice, validating an establishment’s function to create change that in reality presides over a systemic policy which stifles change.
    Main stream media is the tool of the establishment, brain washing Americans to believe for example, “The Ronald Reagan Revolution” which resulted in a tripling of the national debt and legalization of millions of illegal immigrants. On it has gone since. Give me an ounce of difference between Mitt Romney and Obama? What has Obama accomplished that Bush didn’t start? When was the last time we had a president that didn’t reflect the integrity and moral standard of Newt? With a click of the mouse you can dig up the dirt on them all.
    For the first time in decades this election offers change. With the greatest endorsement ever given to a candidate for the President of the United States, he has the endorsement of main stream media, an endorsement conspicuous by its absence. Ignored at every turn he’s treated like the thirteenth floor of a hotel building. Media has programmed us to believe a vote for him is wasted, yet few deny the logic his platform represents. I can think of no better endorsement than the fear and terror the establishment has for him.
    For once in decades we have a choice that doesn’t require choosing between two evils. For once we have a game changer. Finally we have someone who stands for real freedom and liberty. Lobbyists’ shun him knowing him incorruptible. He commands support of more active military personnel than all other candidates combined. He holds low rank among Washington’s wealthy politicians. Click the mouse on him and here is the fault you will find, never deviating from his beliefs for personal gain of wealth or power, He has tirelessly dedicated his career defending and protecting the Constitution. Finally we have the opportunity to break the chain of repeating the mistake in voting for the Status Quo. For my part I will not make that mistake, I vote historical change, I vote America first, I vote Ron Paul.

    1. Well said Steve. I couldn’t agree more. Too bad the majority of voters are brain washed sheep. Like Joe Rogan said “The problem is even really dumb people get a say in everything too.”

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