A spy’s report from inside the Romney campaign

How the Romney Campaign is using the fear of Ron Paul to defeat Rick Santorum 

This fascinating, but anonymous report, published by Ron Paul Forums Liberty Forest, offers an insider look at how the Romney-establishment is trying to beat Rick Santorum and use the fear of Ron Paul to do it.

The Report:

Tonight I went to an invitation-only meeting, whose sole purpose was to destroy Ron Paul’s effectiveness in Washington’s Clark County Convention on March 31st.

First, a little back story. It is no secret by now that in other areas of Washington, and probably around the country, the GOP establishment is scrambling to deny Ron Paul any delegate slots. In Washington there is an organized effort to create a “Unity Slate” that consists of Romney, Gingrich and Santorum delegates, and to get supporters of all three candidates to vote as a bloc for this slate of delegates. The primary force behind this scheme is the Romney campaign, and it should be no surprise that they always end up with the lion’s share of delegates listed on the slate.

I can’t spill all the details of how I ended up getting into this thing, nor all the details of the meeting itself, lest any information be easily traceable back to myself. I was there ‘undercover.’ What follows is a brief account of what I saw:

An extremely large number of people filed into a large convention room. The meeting organizers began to speak, one after the other. It was immediately made clear by the organizers that their goal was to block Ron Paul delegates from succeeding at the convention. A speaker rattled off a long list of mostly fabricated grievances against supporters of Ron Paul, calling us liars, backstabbers, and cheats. Then he went on to list the results from recent conventions in other areas of the state. In every case, Ron Paul had walked away with a vast majority of delegate spots, while the other candidates received relatively few. With each result being read, there was an audible gasp of shock and horror from the audience. With every accusation flung at the Ron Paul crowd, there were exclamations of “Oh my…” and a synchronized shaking of old gray heads around the room. Ron Paul supporters send e-mails to each other coaching on how to pretend to be republicans, or how to pretend they go to church. Ron Paul supporters unnecessarily delay conventions with parliamentary tactics for upwards of 14 hours so that supporters of other candidates will leave. Ron Paul supporters make deals and promises, then back-stab everyone. Ron Paul supporters will NOT vote for anyone except Ron Paul. The ultimate conclusion: Ron Paul supporters must be stopped, at all costs. The best way to do it? Rally behind Mitt Romney, who’s already won anyway, and don’t worry: we’ll throw some delegates at the other guys, too.

A Q&A session was opened up. A few people asked confused questions about the agenda. Some people spoke out against those mean old Ron Paul supporters. Some people questioned whether or not this agenda helped Gingrich or Santorum at all. Then, from the side of the room, an older gentleman who had his hand raised was called upon. To paraphrase, he said, “I’m a Ron Paul supporter, and frankly I’m disgusted by this whole thing.” The primary organizer told him to leave, and everyone cheered as he was ejected. I sat in silence as my compatriot left the room with dignity and honor. I wanted to yell at them all myself, go outside and shake the stranger’s hand, but alas, I was incognito and needed to remain that way.

The meeting proceeded. Supporters from each campaign spoke in favor of the plan. Local politicians and GOP bosses spoke in favor of the plan. Reluctantly acknowledged from the back of the room, and given a mere two minutes or so to speak, a volunteer from Rick Santorum’s national campaign spoke fervently to the crowd: This plan is NOT endorsed by the Santorum campaign, he said. Ron Paul supporters are NOT backstabbers and cheats, and he relayed his experiences in other areas of the state where Santorum and Paul delegations had successfully teamed up to block Romney, with Paul supporters fulfilling their end of the bargain to the very end. His protestations were ended swiftly as more vehemently anti-Paul GOP insiders were called upon to herd the Santorum supporters back into the fold.

Then the meeting broke into groups, organized by legislative district, where delegates for the slate were selected among the participants. Everyone voted on a limited slate. The goal was to narrow the slate and focus their votes in order to beat us on Saturday. Supporters of Romney were overwhelmingly chosen on the slate, with a fair smattering of Santorum backers, and a microscopic portion of Gingrich.

Some Santorum voters saw through the fraud. The national campaign organizer had a small circle of supporters around him, and he walked around the crowd working on them hard for as long as he could. I’m surprised he was allowed in at all – but then again, I believe the organizers would have caught major flak if not.

When it was all over I felt rather dirty. This should give you a clue as to what we’re up against: the establishment has chosen Romney, and they have set their sights on Ron Paul. They are unbelievably corrupt, skilled at manipulation, and they hold the reigns of all the important power positions. But that should also tell you something else:


Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

309 thoughts on “A spy’s report from inside the Romney campaign

  1. I’m so disgusted with the media and how they treat Dr. Paul with every media experience. But I look at this positively, if they’re so focused on beating us, they must be scared shitless. 🙂

    1. People we have to do something to ensure the vote isn’t stolen. Maybe a confirmation RP booth for people who want to make sure their vote is in stone and public info. There should be one computer hard ballot and 4 carbon copies attached, one for each campaign. The GOP needs to be banned from the vote counting process completely. I bet small children would count the votes with great accuracy.

      1. Your comment on children doing the counting Elizabeth rings very true. Back when the pigment ultramarine blue was a valuable treasure the stone was carried personally by the artist in a leather pouch. A young virgin was always selected to do the grinding because they could be trusted not to steal any.

      2. tex2, didnt you inhale this morning? by the way, that is the correct spelling for inhale

      3. thats funny, too bad you never can back up any of your antiPaul comments with reference material. LOL

      4. That’s funny, because I’ve always either backed it up or was open to correction, and a respose never came! LOL

    2. You have lied, backstabbed and cheated.

      You lied by not voting for the two romney delegates in the 37th when we voted for yours in the 48th. You lied about who you will vote for in the 45th and in Whatcom (and far too many other places to mention) and you stabbed in the back in convention after convention. Fake Romney slates in every county in Washington. Fake “Dino Rossi” slate in the 5th district.

      Lies. All done on behalf of ronpaul.

  2. Tell the neighborhoods where these comi`s live, what their neighbors are doing to their country.Take off the Mask…Scarlet Letters for all….expose them to America…Post their pictures everywhere…have them arrested for Fraud.Tell their children what kind of parents they have..tell the schools,tell their churches. Take off the Mask,and the Cock Roaches will scatter into the dark.

  3. The whole thing was probably set up to discourage Ron Paul support by faking a Romney coup. They were more undercover agents than just Doug Wead. We have a nomination that is played harder by the Left than by the Right. Yes, Ron Paul is a force to be reconed with on both sides of the National equasion.

    1. Doug Wead wasn’t the one who was undercover.

      “This fascinating, but anonymous report, published by Ron Paul Forums Liberty Forest”

      It was a member of ANONYMOUS! LOL.

      1. tex2 wanted me to ask everybody to take it easy on him. He very upset about PPaul getting tons of delegates.

      2. I wrote the article. Now that the Clark County convention is over I have no identity to hide, and I can tell you: My name is Chris McGraw and I’m from Beaverton, Oregon. I swear by it on my life. The lack of video was due to a technical glitch – my girlfriend and I actually recorded 45 minutes of video on my cell phone which was tucked into her coat pocket, but the phone had a SD Card error and wouldn’t save the file to my great disappointment.

        Anyway, all of the facts of the story are easily verifiable because I wasn’t the only person to write about it!

        And for the record, the slimeballs were State Senator Don Benton and Clark County GOP Chair Ryan Hart.

  4. Yes they are scared, BUT, a rabid (dog) will attack and kill its prey! Be prepared to protect yourself, be wise, study the rules, shield your vote with knowledge.

  5. So, remind me again why Dr. Paul is running in the republiCON party. The longer he stays affiliated with that criminal enterprise, the more impossible it will ever be for him to rid himself of the stench. Its great news that the Paul campaign is keeping book on the fraud used by the repuliCON establishment against him. But, while interesting, that’s not enough. Let’s hope he puts it to good use and uses it against the crime bosses when he leaves the gop to run third party. The gop is out of touch with the countries founding principles and has become the A,B,C party (Abortion, Birth control and Crusades). It is apparently unaware of the other letters of the alphabet. Let the extremests have the two criminal parties and the small percentage of support their agendas can attract while Dr. Paul starts a third party that represents what the majority of American’s want in government – fiscally conservative (small government, low taxes and no foreign intervention) and socially liberal (personal freedom and stays out of everybody’s private business). That will be a legacy worthy of him and every penny of contributions he’s received. And, he can win without the yoke of idiocy and corruption around his neck.

    1. Ron Paul doesn’t have stench. The GOP is being cleansed of it’s stench. The GOP is desperate and they will not succeed!

      Politics is a very dirty business and Ron Paul hasn’t been polluted by being a Republican all of these years.

      Better that he remains in this race and WE FIGHT the good fight til the national convention BEFORE we go 3rd party.

      1. Yes I believe the Party is being cleansed but so is all of American politics and the whole of the two party system is frightened of losing their high floating welfare boats.
        Lets keep our activist people hidden and we who cant become delegates speak in public as the cheering section for UNITY.

        Once this is over and Ron Paul has won the nomination from the floor votes we will all push him right into the WH together.

        “We are everywhere” and that too scares them.

      2. I agree Randy, Ron Paul plays hard ball in a quite and Honorable way. He is educating his peers as he moves along. When you have an army of followers like Paul has, Congress and the Supreme Court can’t help but awaken themselves. Paul being the Master of the Constitution and having an unfailing wisdom and knowledge in Foreign Policy and Economics, will lead the way to victory! The corruption of the political campaign has been exposed and the word travels fast when you believe in something to the point you would die for as our country has had to do to have freedom in this country, it is a wave that will be un-stoppable!

    2. Well, there’s more than one way to skin a turnip.
      Sometimes, we need to work from WITHIN the party to effect positive change, and though this story made me angry,and then sad (enough to actually cry for US), I see it like this:
      When I was a child, in the 60’s, I knew what Republicans stood for. That was less foreign intervention, including less war; lowered taxes, smaller government. I believe the GOP lost their way under Reagan (and his handlers).. Some say it was Nixon, but Nixon ended Vietnam, so did something great, even if he did some pretty awful things, too.
      When I think to those days and I look at Ron Paul, I realize he is the ONLY True Republican in the running. So, why not work from within to restore the party and to restore America? Also, and this is not a small thing; when it comes to the presidential debates, only the two parties are “allowed” to participate. You won’t see an Indy up on the stage with Obama and whomever the Rep is (Ron Paul). So Ron Paul needs to have a Rep win.
      Besides, the GOP needs overhauling. We need to take the party back from the NEOCONS. If we don’t, all we will have running will BE neocons (because they are in the Dem party, too). Think of it like that and you will see only Paul IS the Rep running for POTUS.

      1. This is a good observation. Let’s not forget that Ron Paul’s first run for president was in 1988 as the Libertarian Party candidate (I am still proud to say I voted for him then, too). I think he got something like 3% of the vote. Those of us who remember what made this nation great have a much larger stage this way, even though we have to exchange elbows with the ‘regulars’ on that stage. More people are learning “LIBERTY WORKS!” this way, regardless of who wins the election.

  6. #1. I would end all television advertising completely. Noone researches a candidate after they see his or her name on television. Tell me before you awakened to Ron Paul that when you saw some politician on television that you actually looked them up, well I never had. My friend had to pound on me constantly before I looked up this suppossedly trustworthy politician, Ron Paul, but when I did I was immediately hooked. Television is only good for one thing, propping up politicians who are full of crap. Why advertise on a source that has propped up liars for all these years and let people down with these liars all these years. Most people are in a hypnotized state of mind when they watch television and are looking to be entertained, not informed, the information in commercials doesn’t even register.
    #2. If the campaign feels it must advertise on television, the things they should be constantly driving home these things
    a. Ron Paul has never allowed a lobbyist in his congressional office in 30 years.
    b. Ron Paul has opted out of his congressional pension and health plan and deemed them Unconstitutional and stated he should not have access to something the American public has access to just because he is a politician.
    c. He has never voted to raise taxes, ever
    d. He has voted against all bailouts
    e. He has not recieved a dime from corporations that are funding all other candidates and is running his campaign solely on public donations.
    —These are some of the things that brought me to Ron Paul and they are the things people relate to. These are the things that give Ron Paul credibility. Think about it, Americans were so against Obamacare and they are voting in droves for a man who created Romneycare. We have to show Ron Paul is different not by how he votes, but by how he lived honestly as a politician. It is his honesty that brings us here. If they want to make an ad for television that is most to the point, all they need to do is say, “Please take a moment and Google search Ron Paul, you will love him.” Ron Paul for President 2012. Short sweet and to the point, and probably a lot cheaper. You can’t learn Ron Paul in a 20 second television spot, it is not how any of us learned to support him and it will never be how anyone else learns to support him either.
    #3. Ron Paul needs to start asking people to donate at the gatherings he speaks at. It does not have to come off like a slimy politician asking for money. All he needs to say is he is running his campaign solely on public donation, not private corporation. He needs to hand out literature to every person in his audience pointing them to Campaign 4 Liberty.com, Campaignforliberty.com, ronpaul2012.com, etc.. People think politicians can have money at the drop of a hat. Ron Paul needs to state his campaign is running in a very different manner and that it does not have money at the drop of a hat. Half of his audience probably believes he just has money flowing out of his ears, like most politicians seem to do. Ask for it Ron Paul!!!!! Tell them where they can donate to keep your message going. Point them to places where we can grab ahold of them to get them in with us full swing. Guide them to your supporters with websites and we will do the rest of the work for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #4. If the campaign must use mainstream advertising, make it during talk radio shows where people’s minds are tuned in to absorb information, no entertainment shows period. When people are being entertained they are not trying to absorb information. Political talk radio shows period. How about a short spot that says, “When you get home tonight, Google Ron Paul.” I am Ron Paul and I approve this message.

    Anyway, this is how I feel we can streamline and be more effective….

    1. Thanks Tim. I’m a PC on Maui and I like your message. I’m going to pass it around. To me his current ads look like they were made by a amateur volunteer committee. Volunteering is good but you weren’t there.

    2. Ya Tim!!!!!! That is a powerful write! If we had more like you this campaign would flow so much smoother. You have brilliant idea’s I’m sure will be taken into consideration hopefully by the person introducing Ron. To add to your comment would be for the introduction of a little of Ron Paul’s biography from his schooling. baseball, political career and his loyalty to his family and the Constitution. He is a true leader and has fought for us for years and we did not even know it until we looked him up on the internet. He is also a man that our forefathers would be proud of and would except him as one one of them. He will go down in History in my books as a true Patriot, with the wisdom and integrity to take on this corrupt political mess our country is in!

      1. See? Tex2 got something to get hold of to post his negative comment.
        Keep it simple, let the recipient do his own research, just give him the tools as a link to Ron Paul on Google.

      2. hey its tex3 here filling in for tex2. His mom was calling him, anyways, Tex2 asked me if i would post this for him, so here it is;

        i would feel uncomfortable having a president that predicted the financial crisis, i would prefer one that had no idea or understanding of it. Also why would i want a candidate for peace, we need more war, i will vote for someone who will bomb democracy into the homes of other countries. it makes me feel safer, and the news told me those countries are better now.
        WHY would i want Paul, he is against increasing the deficit. I havent been exploited enough. I would like the government to tax me some more, so I can pay for them to know my business, and read my emails, and hopefully ruin the internet. I hope that i can pay extra taxes, so that more countries can be invaded, and destabilized. Its good for our security. –tex2

      3. hey its tex2 here, speaking for myself and not claiming to be filling in for tex3. If tex3 had a clue, he would already know my mom is dead. Anyways, Tex3 didn’t ask me if I would post this for him (and his claim he filled in for me is also false, but what should we expect from Paulites? LOL), but I will anyway, so here it is;

        I (and about 95% of Republicans) would feel uncomfortable having a president that kept predicting a financial crisis, because they have occurred since recorded time, so it’s not that smart to predict another one, I (and about 95% of Republicans) would prefer one that had an idea or understanding of it and how to get out of it. Also why would I (and about 95% of Republicans) want a candidate for peace, but when they hijack our planes and knock our buildings down, we obviously need more forward projection of power to protect our country, I (and about 95% of Republicans) will vote for someone who will bomb terrorists into oblivion. it makes me (and about 95% of Republicans) feel safer, and the facts on the ground indicate those countries are better now.
        WHY would I (and about 95% of Republicans) want Paul, he is against protecting his fellow citizens. I (and about 95% of Republicans) have been exploited enough through his idiotic and naive ideas. I (and about 95% of Republicans) would like the government to tax me (and about 95% of Republicans) less, and have no interest in the government to know my (and about 95% of Republicans) business, and read my (and about 95% of Republicans) emails, and not ruin the internet. I hope that I (and about 95% of Republicans) can pay less taxes, which has little to do with more countries being invaded, and destabilized. Its good for our security. LOL

      4. @tex2 Thats funny, you would think that if 95% of republicans felt that way, Ron Paul would not be getting delegates, since delegates represent a majority at a caucus.

      5. no, but hes getting enough to be a threat, hence the rediculous speculations on TV news clips, you can watch on youtube, but you know as well as i that Paul is doing well at 2nd place in delegates. Romney certainly wont clear 1122. If you missed that, you can watch clips on youtube. Its called “researching” or “factchecking”


      6. If RP’s folks weren’t trying to rig the caucuses, they wouldn’t have to apply corrective actions! LOL

      7. RP supporter are actually taking over the caucuses using “Roberts Rules”. It takes a majority of delegates to accomplish a take over of the chair. LOL

    3. I burn DVD’S on him and hand them out where ever I go. I first ask if the person is a voter, and if they are, I hand them a DVD.. If they aren’t, I ask them to register online and I hand them a DVD. I also ask them to pass the DVD on to someone else after they view it. I inform them of the corruption and the newest Executive order put in place a day before St. Patrick’s day (a drinking holiday) and a large media outlet day.. Also about the one put into place on December 31st (a drinking holiday, and ANOTHER big news day) all designed to hide the true facts of where this country is heading and mask the deceit of the current president due to it getting lost within all the other news being reported. BURN DVD’S people, hand them out to EVERYONE. I burn hundreds daily!

      1. Why not just hand them a piece of paper with a request to google Ron Paul? Are you afraid they will find some of his more nuttier episodes? Don’t worry, I’m sure most people do that anyway, but thanks for propping up the blank DVD business! LOL

      2. here, i did the work for you. This information represents google search statistics. This is a comparison between Paul and Romney. The top graph shows web “interest”, while the bottom graph represents media coverage Interesting that even while Romneys media coverage is high, Paul still has the web interest. You can also google “Paul supporters take over precincts” and realize that its only accomplished by having the majority of delegates. S dont worry about what the TV tells tex2

      3. Romney isn’t looking for “interest,” he’s looking for votes. He’s also getting them, and RP isn’t! LOL

      4. You might like Romney, you are entitled to your opinion, but lets not get ahead of ourselves, only the sheeple vote for Romney, and trust that people are waking up. Lets let the delegate totals in August tell the story. LOL

  7. I’m afraid this example only scratches the surface of the corruption that plagues our republic. A tactic worthy of consideration is to have the county sheriff arrest a known anti-Paul conspirator guilty of fraud and convince that person to name names. If successful, it should create a domino effect of exposing conspirators and leaving them vulnerable to public scrutiny.

  8. Please be real here. Getting together and organizing to win (albeit based on lies and falsehoods) is NOT CORRUPTION. It’s politics! Ron Paul supporters are doing the exact same thing (without the lies and backstabbing of the other guys – because we have truth on our side). They are fighting back against us, just like we are fighting against them. If you want to win, then you must beat them at their own game – numbers, and rules. Period. Quit whining and go get ‘er done.

    Now, if they do CHEAT, then then need to be called out for that. When rules are broken, and corruption is truly taking place, we cannot let that stand. But meeting and organizing a coalition is not corruption.

    Someone here has to say it. (Let the flaming begin).

    1. You’re missing the big picture Bobby. The point is that the Romney campaign is bamboozling the Santorum supporters into defeating their own candidate. In Washington, Santorum and Paul supporters have had to team up to block Romney – we have a mutual interest in denying Romney any delegates from this slate. The Romney campaign is lying about Ron Paul supporters and using fear to manipulate the Santorum votes, and it works because Santorum’s national campaign is so utterly tiny and disorganized that they can’t even control their own local campaign organizers (one of whom was at this meeting in support of the Unity slate, against the wishes of the national campaign). SO that said, WHO is the Romney campaign? It’s the people who are already in positions of power within the GOP – the party chairs, clerks, secretaries, committee members… and all the elected local politicians, to boot. They decided on Romney, and they are using manipulative, lying tactics (and in many cases around the country, outright CHEATING) to make sure they win.

      1. So if the Santorum campaign is being bamboozled and would be better off (say) co-operating with and sharing a slate with the Ron Paul delegates, go and talk to them. Get them on your side. It’s in both the interest of both Santorum and Ron Paul that there is a brokered convention – go and help them acheive this whilst getting delegates for Ron Paul.

      2. I very much doubt the Santorum campaign is being bamboozled and there is NO WAY Santorum would work with RP. Don’t you notice Rick’s rolling of the eyeballs every time RP opens his mouth at a debate? LOL

      3. “I very much doubt the Santorum campaign is being bamboozled and there is NO WAY Santorum would work with RP.”

        Wrong on both counts. The local Santorum campaigns have been bamboozled in some cases, and the national campaign had to come in to try to clean up the mess. And Santorum campaigns are in fact working with the RP campaigns, against Romney, in many conventions around the country.

        Maybe you should do some more googling before you issue “facts”.

      4. The only reason Santorum would be working with RP is to prevent Romney from getting the majority delegate vote. As soon as that happens, Santorum will drop RP faster than a used condom. LOL

      5. Mike, the Clark County Convention happened – we did team up with the Santorum delegates. The Romney “Unity Slate” went up against the Paul/Santorum “Open Convention Slate.” Mitt Romney scored *ZERO* delegates from Clark County – Ron Paul won a plurality, and Santorum got a lot more than he otherwise would have. We win.

    2. Numbers matter VERY TRUE! Every person who believes in Ron Paul should get their asses to the caucuses and outnumber the others (even if they all stand together) we must have enough people there for Ron Paul to STILL outnumber them. They fell very short here in Missouri. We kicked their asses!

      1. Its happening all over, just wait until August! Then we will see the show of delegates.
        google; “paul supporters take over” , and look at all that!

        remember, you cant take over unless you have the majority of the delegates! RON PAUL 2012!!

      2. Ill be at Tampa, I heard that the veterans might march for Ron Paul in Tampa. I will be there to show my support.

  9. I was a Texas State delegate for Ron Paul in 2008 and the same things happened then by the Romney and McCain team. Why do you think we have been preparing for the last 4 years? We have to get 2-3 times as many Ron Paul supporters into the conventions at each level in order to eject the chair, write our own slate and fix the platform. This will be known as the Paul Revolution just as Reagan did. The strategy of undercover delegates who report back to the official campaign is so important. If you are stupid and let people know you support Ron Paul you will not get elected as a delegate unless you have 2/3rds vote. We will create headlines at the national convention, and Romney will be forced to make a tough choice. He can either be Rons VP and preen him self to run after Ron has restored the constitution or he can face a embarrassing over throw at the convention and walk away in shame as we shock the world with a 2 round of voting win.

      1. tex2, while reading this blog (between rounds of vomiting over your insane, disgusting drivel) I have resisted commenting. You are an obvious troll, and presumably most reading this know that Judge Napolitano is a fervent, long time Ron Paul supporter. I’m surprised that someone such as yourself actually owns a computer (wait, maybe you don’t) and can figure out how to type. Maybe a million monkeys with a million keyboards really could come up with your ignorant garbage.

      2. But a lot of people DON’T know the judge supports RP, so let’s not make it worse than it already is. LOL

        I tried, but the million monkeys were already busy typing as RP supporters! LOL

      3. @tex2; hey i thought we went over “fact checking” before the comments.Did you forget that the Judge publicly supported Ron Paul on mainstream tv numerous times?Everybody knows he supports a Ron Paul presidency. LOL

      4. tex2 said;” I don’t watch much mainstream tv. LOL”

        LMAO!!! This guy cracks me up, considering his rhetoric seems to be based on all the corp media anti paul spins.
        Tex2, i give you credit for trying hard at your campaign against Ron Paul. Where are the facts? What is your point? LOL

    1. I was also a TX state delegate in 2008, and I was shocked. Tina ran roughshod over the officially required process, had her big “Rocky”-themed moment in the sun, and then got thrown out the next time around. There were entire delegations that came from fake conventions that her crew let vote, while not even recognizing the delegations from the properly-conducted-under-the-rules conventions.

      I am not generally a pragmatist (which I would more closely equate with cowardice w.r.t. one’s principles), but I think Romney on any ticket, whether VP or POTUS, is a losing proposition. The old-guard GOP will still vote for him (“my party, right or wrong”), but he is too close to Obama for any Democrats to have any reason to cross over.

      1. There are plenty of Democrats upset with Barry, high gas prices means they can’t even afford to get to the polls to vote, so we don’t need for them to cross over, just not voting would be fine! LOL

      2. Its a good thing Pauls supporters show up in droves, or else we would not be getting delegates

  10. Reading this makes me physically ill enough to hurl.

    Myself and another lifelong republican are sick to death of the out right corruption of the GOP and the lengths they have gone to in this election cycle to discredit Paul and his supporters. We are both in our early 60’s. I’ve been a Paul supporter since ’07, she has come on slowly this year to finally understand his policies and support him.

    We have decided, and we are not alone, that this is the last year that we will participate in the GOP depending on the remaining treatment of Ron Paul and his supporters. A party so determined to elect Romney, a piece of “silly putty” ready to be molded into what ever the neo-cons and NWO elites request, is a party that has lost its’ way and no longer deserves my time or effort.

    I truly hope that Paul will leave the GOP at the most opportune time and lauch a 3rd party run. I think that by November we Paul supporters will have won over enough voters for him to defeat Obama and Romney. We are out here educating folks about Agenda 21, The Fed. Reserve, etc. and we are making huge in roads and changing minds. I have given up on trying to educate the die hard neo-cons, (hopefully they will all form a circle and shoot each other since they are so gun-ho on killing people). I know that as we beef up our talks, we can open enough eyes, hearts, and minds to be more than “spoilers” in November,….. The Time is NOW and the Time is RIGHT……….. Paul can win in a 3rd party run.

    1. I like your enthusiasm, Ron Paul will win, either as a GOP or 3rd Party (Tea Party). I think he is doing right reforming the GOP. He’s trying to keep a two party system. I agree, and if it were me and seeing the underhanded handeling by Mitt and Santorum and our RINO’s I would be sorely tempted. As I said, he will win either way and there are positives either way. Ron Paul has been around a long time and if he wants a two party system, so do I. If he wants to change, so will I.

      1. Tex2, at least you are obvious and easy to spot, your LOL is a dead troll giveaway. I noticed your profile was blank and a search for the flag you support has no reference.

        It seems you are on the losing side, wanting this country to hand over it’s sovereignty and be under total control of a combined world government. Not going to happen.

      2. tex2, Ron Paul STARTED the modern Tea Party (or at least his supporters did on his behalf, on December 16, 2007). So sorry for your ignorance.

      3. Then why hasn’t the Tea Party endorsed RP? LOL

        Since I don’t many answers here, I’ll provide it:

        Answer: They don’t like his nutty foreign policies, for one. LOL

      4. Who cares about them, lets continue to get delegates, and take over the GOP establishment.

    2. It will be interesting to see what happens with Americans Elect, as they already have general-election ballot access in over 1/3 of all the states.

      1. Neville, there is evidence that Americans Elect is a front group to get RP supporters to disqualify themselves as delegates. Please be wary of them.

      2. Olga, I have no way to know whether you have done research on your own. I have done mine, and I do not believe this conspiracy rumor is true. The governing documents of AE look perfectly reasonable to me, when you consider that they really know very little about their delegates and can’t just throw the whole thing open to the whims of random internet delegates. What if those people voted to make a change that was a violation of election law? While there are 14 states that will still have primaries after the beginning of the AE caucuses, the AE primary is in June and it appears that only Utah will have its primary after the AE event. The NORMAL requirement for GOP delegates here in TX is that they have voted in the GOP primary. HOWEVER, because of the big mess over redrawing of Congressional districts, the Texas state GOP delegates will be chosen by CAUCUS, 2 weeks BEFORE the state primary. The application process for delegates has not been highly publicized and ends on Thursday April 5th. This process is tailor-made to select old-guard party apparatchiks for the delegation. I will continue to watch the process. I REALLY want to see the GOP race go to the convention floor in Tampa, and I want to see the binding shackles start to fall after the first failed vote. But Romney is starting to wise up to the reality of losing so many state delegates to Paul in the state conventions, and he (Romney) is conducting some pretty shady back-room machinations to try to stop it from happening.

      3. Olga, I may have to take back some of what I said. The Texas delegate application used this year (different than in the past) contains a series of statements/pledges of loyalty to the GOP throughout the rest of 2012, including not participating in another party convention or primary. However, as AE maintains they are not a political party, and the FEC is so far agreeing with them, then this may not be an issue. It may matter, based on whether they are able to get ballot access in Texas, and (if so) whether Texas declares AE to be a party (rather than a vehicle for an independent candidate to get on the ballot. Texas has some ballot access laws that have not been tested to see whether they can be applied to federal elections.

        I urge you to read a lot, watch carefully, do not stop working on RP’s behalf in the GOP, and carefully examine conspiracy claims before giving them credence and passing them along. However, the fact is that we need to get rid of the defacto 2-party system, and this MAY be a way to move us down that road.

      4. Neville, there is evidence that Americans are a front group to get RP supporters to disqualify themselves as delegates. Please be wary of them. LOL

      5. tex2, there is evidence that you are embittered by all the great news for the Ron Paul supporters about Paul sweeping delegates. LOL

  11. First: wow, that’s sad. People would rather “win” than elect a candidate who has their best interests at heart? Are all of these people doing great, financially? Are they and their families, “set for life”? Do they believe it cannot be taken from them, too? Are they happy for the US to continue to create non-war-wars, all over the world; to earn the disdain, fear,and even hatred from people we cal ill-afford to tick-off? Are they happy with this America?

    I am one of those “grey-haired” voters. I wonder if I could infiltrate such a group in my town? I wonder what they are saying in my area? IS this the “m.o.” of the majority of Republicans?

    As I’ve said, elsewhere; this is the moment in time when Americans are endlessly and tirelessly working toward their own demise, and this truth tells that like none other. My question is: How do we convince “them” to change tack? How do we get them to understand that a Santorum or a Gingrich, and surely not a Romney, will ever help to move OUR country to where we need to be– to begin to rebuild the liberty and freedom we say we all want? I have changed the minds of a few friends and family that happen to be, like me, old enough to have been through plenty of presidents, and surely old enough to know better, yet out of touch, enough, to not comprehend that only Ron Paul will do anything he campaigns for. And, only Ron Paul will beat Obama. Yet these people want to fight us? I guess I will never, no matter my age, understand this attitude of burying one’s head in the sand while digging heels in to not be movable, even when doing so could not be for ones’ own good.

    If nothing else, why are they not thinking of their children, and what they are leaving to them? It hurts my heart to read such things. What has America; never-mind the Republican party, become? Are we this ridiculously pigheaded?

  12. It’s not true that we won’t vote for anybody but Paul. If Paul does not get the Republican nomination, we will be voting for the Libertarian nominee, whoever he is. Ron Paul is just the only *Republican* candidate we will vote for.

    1. This. Voting for the Libertarian candidate would send a much stronger message than writing in Ron Paul’s name and help pave the way for a third party option in the future.

      1. We dont have to do that, we can organize a write in. Stick to your guns on Paul, hes the only logical choice. I understand your feelings, and agree Gary johnson would be as good as Paul, but Paul has made it this far, and besides, if hes not on the ballot, there is a write in procedure, and there are millions of us,RP 2012, noone else

  13. As the corrupt GOP party continues to coalesce around Romney this corruption will just continue and expand! It is time for Ron Paul to announce a blockbuster running mate, tell the GOP to shove it and go third party! He would then definitely get some media coverage. He has used the GOP debates to get his message out. I see no further use to continue running as a GOP candidate. I am not in the least way convinced that a third party bid would fail just because the media and some shady poll say it is so, they have lied about everything else. The time for revolution is now!

    1. Well, you would be very surprised at how many still have not heard Ron Paul speak. Many people, especially opposing party folk, including Indies, wait to hear what these candidates will say at the national debates. and I do think Paul MUST debate Obama, if we are going to win this for him. It’s not possible, even with so many who identify as Indies, to get an Independent candidate elected. The political, televised, deck is stacked against any third-partier.
      It’s not right, but it is how it is.

      1. Just because the same MSM that tells us that Ron Paul is unelectable and that he only has 55 delegates tells us a third party bid would fail does not make it so. I am not convinced.

    2. While I respect your urge to get on with it and DO hold some of that urge myself I have been studying up on what wiser heads have said and now is NOT the time to switch to Third Party . IMV everything legally needs to be in place and at the convention when NO one has enough delegates and there is a
      forced floor vote by second call the party SHOULD choose to go with Ron Paul as they cant support Romney if he still hasnt enough delegates and Ron Paul does !
      THAT is the time for Ron Paul to switch and that showing will project Ron Paul into major support by unhappy Dems and Indys.” Know when to ‘hold ’em “

    3. As much as it pains me to admit, I believe Palin (retch, retch) might be the best for VP. Talk of Napolitano is ridiculous, we need him as Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department.

  14. I question this story. Why would the author care if his/her cover were blown? It would seem worth it to blow one’s cover to name names to lend credibility to this story. Seems fishy to me. I’m a Paul supporter, and the basis of my support for Dr. Paul is honesty. This report does not ring true to me. Next time, name names. Don’t crawl around in the shadows like Romney.

  15. Some may not have noticed, but the republiCON establishment is not going to let Dr. Paul win the nomination. The same party leaders who are conspiring to deny him delegates will, in the end, deny him any role in their convention. Even if they did, speeches at conventions are not something that folks pay any attention to, especially if “dancin with the stars” is on another channel. Third party candidates can participate in presidential debates, and have in the past. But, the so called debates are nothing of the kind and the best course for Dr. Paul is to spend some of his campaign money to air infomercials, more than a few seconds long, to explain what the countries problems are and what his solutions to them are. In the end, it makes no difference if Obama, Romney, Santorum or Gingrich win the election, no matter their rhetoric, as they are all beholdin to the same interests and power brokers. Paul supporters have to learn to stop playing their game. That’s a lose-lose situation.

    1. I don’t know. I’ve been pushing Ron Paul since 07. I used to have a hard time convincing peeps. Not now. Just look at the pictures on my FB page. EVERYBODY(except the GOP) LOVES Dr. Paul.

      1. It doesn’t seem like your a very smart one liner troll Tex2. Do you get paid by the post? Don’t answer let me guess.

      2. You cant really take tex2 personally,; Remember: tex2 spends most of his time here, as illustrated by the time stamp on each of his comments. Behind all the LOLing, namecalling, and arguing, im guessing that tex2 is actually very worried, and unhappy about Pauls success with delegates. Why else would an establishment supporter be trolling here?
        Dont worry tex2, your just under the spell of MSM. You are one of the many sheep being fleeced of your income, and you have been taught to like it.

        You have been taught a distortion of Ron Pauls policies, as many have. I suggest some independant (of the TV) thinking. Maybe read up on Ron Pauls “Plan to Restore America” on ronpaul2012.com. It is there that you can see the mistakes you are making in your arguement.

        So whats your problem with Paul? (facts please)

      3. The problem must be your sources. Try to get a clear understanding by reading his policies on RonPaul2012.com.
        You cant Rely on the Media spin.—LOL

  16. This type of collusion is to be expected. Ron Paul’s message is about “we the people” not the 1%. The majority of the 1% wouldn’t be in the 1% if they had to compete with the 99% in a fair/morally acceptable playing field. They know they have to cheat to surpress Dr. Paul’s message, and in so doing the liberties of their fellow Americans. Unfortunately, the 1% look on the 99% as “useless eaters.”

    I personally believe that there has been a coup since GWB was elected in 2000 by a Supreme court. I am curious what Obama is going to run on now that he has used up all of his credibility in the “hope and change” “yes we can” BS. What is his slogan going to be, “Awww, c’mon, its not so bad!!” Or maybe martial law will be declared and we can forget about ever having an election again.

      1. tex2 does not know about the scary legislation Obama has been signing. That is why he answers you like a sheep.


  17. Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far right away, a little chicken legged man from Texas stood no chance of winning because the BIG, BAD, GOP doesn’t like him,………. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa, what a CLOWN show !

    1. Did you pull yourself away from some Star wars rerun to flippantly say that?, or did you get your info from the news? Wish I could post a photo of the 5200 Ron Paul supporters that were in Wisconsin today. Go Ron Paul~ Thank you Wisconsin, Boise, Union Station, University of Michigan, University of Illinois, Seattle Washington, and many other venues that were filled to overcapacity for Ron Paul. Yeah, go back to your Star wars, We’ll wake you when it’s time.

      1. No, he just realizes the facts, the 5,200 people showing up are MOST of the votes RP will get, just like the other states. LOL

      2. Tex2 is one dumb troll. Clown-face isn’t much brighter. I guess they are down to the bottom of the barrel to find you two.

  18. You felt “dirty” because you have a soul while the Republican Party (and Democratic Party) have sold their soul to corporations and only want their ‘candidate’ to win.

    Great article because it confirms what most suspected and that is both political parties do not represent Americans.

    1. Agreed. Dem=Rep! Government of the people, for the people and by the people has been hijacked by corporate banksters and liberty is in danger. If anyone but Ron Paul is president in 2013, i fear for the worst and only a people’s revolt can restore the Constitional Republic…

      1. While there aren’t enough differences between the D and R parties, Ron Paul is NOT the answer. Try spell checking “Constitional” [sic] next time.

      1. tex, you are one dumb troll, sent here by an even dumber one. It’s getting out of hand isn’t it boy? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Your money-bag is drying up.

      2. Smart enough to get a stupid response from YOU. LOL

        You didn’t send me here, and I can’t think of anybody dumber! LOL

        RP isn’t getting out of hand at all, he’s a hangnail on a hangnail. LOL

        The money is flowing as well as ever. In fact, the one who sent me is doubling my pay! LOL

  19. I attended a GOP caucus in my township in Missouri. Same experience… The party machine was so disgustingly rigged against Ron Paul that we were railroaded out of even speaking. I left feeling so very dirty as if I had been in a demon’s nest. The GOP is as rotten as the Democrat Party. Why shouldn’t they be? They’re funded by the same filth

      1. Phil, that was your inner Spirit speaking and it was right. You had been in the enemy camp. Not just a physical enemy we are dealing with here, it is evil and ignorance combined but with the ignorant evil easily deceives. Your experience and feeling is shared by many who have had it.I know what you mean.

  20. I am a Ron Paul supporter. This election season, no candidate will get my vote for the Office of President of the United States of America except for Ron Paul. There will be no exceptions. If he does not win the nomination, I will write his name on the ballot. No amount of slick talking, flip-flopping, wooing, cajoling, threatening, or condescending will persuade me to vote for any other contender for that office. You don’t want to admit it, but you know that the Republican Party cannot beat Obama without me, a Ron Paul supporter. It’s long past time you admit it. You and I have conflicting goals. I will only cast a vote for liberty, for peace, for small government, for fiscal sanity and respect for the Constitution of the United States and adherence to the oath of office of the Presidency. You however are content merely to vote for whatever Republican the GOP leadership and the media approve of. I will not move. I cannot be persuaded. You cannot win without me. I am not here to convince you that Ron Paul’s positions are superior. I am not here to convince you that his foreign policy is in line with traditional conservatism. I am not here to convince you that his understanding of economics puts everyone else in Washington to shame. I am not even here to convince you that the positions of the other candidates are essentially identical to Obama’s. No, I don’t need to do any of that. I only need to tell you that without me, you have lost. If you do not vote for Ron Paul in your Primary or Caucus, you are already defeated. If you fail to nominate Ron Paul to be the Republican candidate for President, Barack Hussein Obama will serve a second term. This is not blackmail. This is not a threat. This is a simple statement of fact. I stand firm and I will not accept anything less.

    1. Wait, let me go put on my boots and shake in them. There. Now I feel better, except the boots served another purpose, to keep the BS off of me. LOL


    1. And look where we are now, thanks to the current establishment, with no plans to change anything. Thats why everybody here except you, supports a Ron Paul presidency.

  22. Ron Paul He has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. He has never voted to raise congressional pay. He has never taken a government-paid junket. He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against regulating the Internet. He voted against the Iraq war. He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year. Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

    1. You don’t get credit for bills you SUBMIT, you get credit for bills you helped get PASSED. He also voted AGAINST his own Fed audit bill, because he didn’t EXACTLY what he wanted. He would make a TERRIBLE president. LOL

      1. Thanks for the correction, now everyone can be reminded “he didn’t get EXACTLY what he wanted. Either way, RP is a loser. LOL

      2. tex2 grasps something, but he needs a pair of tweezers and pepper to find it. LOL

  23. I would like to let all supporters of Obama,Romney,Santorum and Gingrich that the news channels are not telling you that these canidates and The currenct Pres=Obama, All support these Unconstitutional Laws/Bills: NDAA,The Patriot Act,ACTA,SOPA,PIPA,FISA Im sure there are many others but these right now ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT and That includes Mandated Healthcare: Romney,Santorum,Gingrich all support Government Mandated Healthcare even before Obama did Dont forget the things they say like We will use all the tools needed that means more big government more funding for agencies etc etc Listen carefully to the Wall Street arrogant,lying,cheating,power hungry,blood thirsty,war mongering,unconstitutional canidates listen with your hearts not your eyes, read between the lines of what they keep telling you they are telling you the truths if you can only see betweein their forked tongues! Ron Paul the only conservative running The only canidate NOT CORRUPTIBLE!

      1. Actually hes not a liar. Obama signed all those horrible peices of legislation. Maybe we just figured out youre problem.
        It appears that you are UNINFORMED. ……Wait!!
        Before you go into your usual namecalling bit (LOL) maybe you should google those peices of legislation. check NDAA, or HR347 . those laws go against the Oath of Office.


  24. Ron Paul can’t win. How about this? No other candidate can win without Ron Paul supporter votes. Every other candidate up there is a vile, debauch, deceitful politician. Ron Paul does better than any other candidate vs. Obama in polls. For once you do not have to vote for the lesser of two evils. There is one very clear good, and that is Ron Paul. For once you have someone who backs the Constitution, Liberty, and American citizens instead of being supported by Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, and the Fed. Why doesn’t he have more support in Congress? Because all of them are the same vile politicians I spoke of. If anyone in this world hates us for our freedom it’s the politicians sitting in office devising ways to indefinitely detain us, imprison us for reasonable protests, and have us humiliated by TSA. All those other candidates and politicians HATE your freedom. Are you going to deny the one man who wants to do away with all of that? There is only one clear choice: Ron Paul.

      1. Actually douche bag aka tex2 Ron Paul is catching mittens in the delegate count..LMAO.. perhaps you need to get off here and stop criticizing and go back to school and take a math course. You OBVIOUSLY failed there

      2. tex2, dont get so alarmed that Paul is sweeping delegates. Everything will be ok when you realize you were wrong about Ron Paul.

      1. exactly. hey tex2, do you have your Doug Wead shirt on? I figured you had a couple since you stay on his blog daily.
        I see that you are here at all hours. LOL! sound fun?

      2. Its not really working. The only thing you have accomplished is you now have me, tex3. And you shouldnt hate on me either. I am just doing to you what you do to us. I find it enjoyable. LOL

      3. Hey, tex3, count me in. Although winding up tex2 is about as challenging as shooting fish in a barrel. FYI, I just scrapped some stuff off the sole of my shoe that had a higher I.Q. (and probably smelt better too) LOL

  25. If this happens in your district remember to call for division you need a second motion for division to take place what that means is a standing count of votes are to take place, Its your basic recount of votes in public view I say to all Ron Paul supporters if the counties want a unity slate its our Right to call for Division in every county/precinct/state: Remember you need a valid reason to call for division such as you dont agree with a unity slate with only 3 canidates delegates on it! Before going to vote I suggest you print off Roberts Rules and take it with you so you can be legal at all times and force These Corrupt people into letting US vote our conscience not what they want!

      1. It also “just began” in 1988 when he went down in flames. AND in 2008. RP just began more times than a crack head quits. LOL

      2. only this time, Paul supporters are using GOP rules against the cheaters, and not only are they getting delegates, but they are taking over the GOP! Awesome!

  26. This is wrong. If this is just happening in Clark county, which I doubt, then it might not be so bad as wrong as it is. If this is going on all over the country Ron Paul needs to tell the Republican party to F OFF and announce a 3rd party run and they will realize what they are missing when he is gone. I’ve been thinking it might be a good strategy for RP to begin talks of a VP if he becomes president. Someone that would be a blockbuster and I think Cynthia Mckinney could do so many things if he announced she would be his VP. New women would start supporting him, he would gain more black support, the ppl that wouldn’t vote for him just because they think he is a racist may change their mind when they realize they were wrong, she could pull some Obama supporters as well. It’s either 1 of those 2 things I mentioned or if it gets to the point he totally gets the shaft by the Republicans and he is out of it, as much as I hate to say it, maybe Ron Zpaul supporters need to make a pact and let the Republicans know 2 can play at this game and let them know, Ron Paul supporters are going to the polls to vote for Obama.
    They obviously underestimate the Ron Paul support and how we can make or break this election for republicans. We have some leverage and we need to start using it.
    All non Ron Paul supporters have been forcing him to fight an uphill battle by ignoring him, lying about him, demonizing him and doing the same to his supporters for a long time now, since the last election and we have just sat and have put up with it. This is Ron Paul’s last presidential run, lets show him what we can do by defending his honor. They are trying so hard so Ron Paul doesn’t have a chance, lets play their game and make sure their Romney, Santorum or Gingrich do not have a chance. We need to stick it to them and let them know that they better never try these dirty tricks in an election process again.
    The generation that controls the political parties sure have changed since the time when they believed in peace, love and drugs and it’s pretty clear that the system they have had for years, is a complete failure and it needs to be changed. If that generation had any sense, instead if trying to cheat the generation that is inheriting their mess, they should be talking to the younger viters, asking us what we want since they will not be around for the next 60-70+ years lime we will!
    They have got to understand that so much has to change so I don’t understand why they do everything they can to keep it the same.

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

    1. Cynthia’s record is almost as “impressive” as RP’s. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_McKinney:

      She was defeated by Hank Johnson in the 2006 Democratic primary,[7] after finding herself in the national spotlight again over the March 29, 2006, Capitol Hill police incident, where she struck a Capitol Hill Police officer for stopping her to ask for identification. She left the Democratic Party in September 2007.[8]
      Members of the United States Green Party had attempted to recruit McKinney for their ticket in both 2000 and 2004. She eventually ran as the Green Party nominee in the 2008 presidential election[9][10] receiving 0.12% of the votes cast.[11]

      And there’s LOTS more on wiki as well! LOL

  27. I have seen how the GOP works and this is typical. It is always this as it was in 08. I saw Sen Jim Inhofe Stand and lie on TV at Nationals. As he lied about the Oklahoma delegates votes and said it was unanimous for McCain when it was not, some held out for Paul. There is no accountability and no Media to help. God be with you as you try for truth here, Pray and Pray hard as you work and teach truth. God Bless you all.

    1. I heard Ron Paul state he was from Mars in 08. Of course, just like you I have no proof, but if it’s on the internets, it HAS to be true, right? LOL

      1. Hey Mindy, tex2 can’t stick a sock in it, there’s no room, it’s full of frothy. ROFL

    2. Dont worry. google “Paul supporters take over” pages & pages—-remember you cant take the chair, unless a majority of delegates vote you in. Many locations. RP 2012

      1. or just google; “Paul supporters take over”

        You can also replace “take over with the word “hijack” to see even more, Its funny how mad they get when RP folks use the rules to take control—LOL

  28. A unity ticket- what a joke! More like a concede to Mittens ticket. Dr. Paul should start pummeling Romney harder than any other candidate has at this point. If the Gingrich/Santorum people ARENT MORONS, they would know that Mittens is the last person they should coalesce with. These jerks just get off on being told “now listen, you’re part of the party’s ‘in crowd’, and the dangerous Paul people need to be stopped!’ The GOP hacks just play on the people’s desire to seem inportant

    It’s not even so much about the candidates, it’s about these good old boys being overthrown and outnumbered in their own state!

      1. Steve says:
        March 31, 2012 at 8:59 am

        Santorum is a huge hypocrite and bare faced liar in debates:

        By the way, Steve is right, and Santorum will never be the President. LOL

  29. @tex2 if you don’t like Ron Paul what are you doing posting here? Everyone just need to ignore this douche bag, he is OBVIOUSLY a bot for either (Romney aka Mittens, or Santorum aka sanitarium, or Obama aka USURPER) Ignore his comments people.. He’s a douche who doesn’t deserve to live in America…

      1. I will keep tex2 busy here, I just got tired of the way he answers everybody, even tho he is completely wrong. So i became tex3, and im here to counter all of tex2’s laughable comments.
        Who really cares what tex2 has to say anyways. Lets just keep swamping these events, and lets take over the GOP. RP2012!!

      2. Thanks Tex3, it’s not a great job but somebodies got to do it. I like the way you take his negative and use that for a base to talk about Paul and his real stance on the issue.

      3. Hey tex3, nice work. Frothy gurglers like tex2 can blow all the bubbles they want, the revolution Dr Paul has set in motion cannot be stopped. Face it, RP has already won. The fact that lonely trolls like tex2 feel compelled to come here is testament to that, there’s just no one to talk to over at the Frothy Farm. LOL. Regardless of whether RP is defrauded out of the GoP nomination or not, RP supporters are taking over the party, I love it. Froth away tex2. LOL

  30. i would feel uncomfortable having a president that predicted the financial crisis, i would prefer one that had no idea or understanding of it. Also why would i want a candidate for peace, we need more war, i will vote for someone who will bomb democracy into the homes of other countries. it makes me feel safer, and the news told me those countries are better now.
    WHY would i want Paul, he is against increasing the deficit. I havent been exploited enough. I would like the government to tax me some more, so I can pay for them to know my business, and read my emails, and hopefully ruin the internet. I hope that i can pay extra taxes, so that more countries can be invaded, and destabilized. Its good for our security.Mccain said so on TV. Its for our “safety”.

  31. why would i vote for Ron Paul? His budget plan is the only one that actually decreases the budget, the other candidates plans all increase it by billions. Anyways, since paul is getting delegates like crazy, me and tex2 are here with the mission to discourage RP supporters as a last ditch effort. Sure its a fruitless venture judging by tex2’s talking points (none) But our team is panicing, so we will try anything. Tex2 has been a good boy and made sure to comment on every article on this site. Even though his views go against common knowledge of right and wrong, he presses on, no matter how stupid his response is.

  32. why would I vote for Ron Paul? His budget plan is not the only one that actually decreases the budget, the other candidates plans do not all increase it by billions. Anyways, since paul isn’t getting delegates like crazy, I am here with the mission to discourage RP supporters as a bunch of wingnuts. Sure its a fruitless venture judging by tex3′s talking points (none) But our team is panicking, so we will try anything. Tex3 has been a good boy and made sure to comment stupidity on every article on this site. Even though his views go against common knowledge of right and wrong, he presses on, no matter how stupid his response is. LOL

    1. cmon tex2, all you have to do is put “Paul supporters take over”
      into your google search engine. Thats a lot of artcles. Everybody here knows that the only way all of those caucuses got “taken over” is that the majority of delegates support Ron Paul,
      This is my talking point–google “Paul supporters take over”

      You can also google about Ron Pauls budget plan being the only one not to increase it by millions, heres an article;


  33. Where does the article say RP’s budget plan is the only one not to increase it by millions? The article also states some of the cuts would be stupid and very dangerous. LOL

      1. Maybe the article was not the best to illustrate my point. My point is that when you compare the candidates plans for the deficit, ONLY Pauls plan does not increase the deficit. The other four have plans that each add billions to the deficit. Most Paul supporters know that already, but tex2 doesnt. All he has to do is google it.

      2. Another popular misconception about Ron Paul is about social security. Ron Pauls plan actually makes social security unaccessable to government spending, while currently, it is at risk of being spent, by our bankrupt government.Ron Paul wants to protect it, while offering younger folks the option to opt out, at their choice. The details are on RonPaul2012.com.
        Those who are unclear on Pauls plan should carefully read it, to gain a clear understanding of his principles.

  34. The good news is that this strategy backfired dramatically. The Paul and Santorum camps split most of the elected delegates in Clark County. I think 5 Romney supporters were elected in the worst run convention I have ever attended.

  35. Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
    1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
    2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
    3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
    4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
    5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
    For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…

    1. Take it someplace else, someplace where they appreciate these thoughts. Obama’s website would work.

      1. Obama deserves his own set of criticisms, related to socialism, regulations, debt, Obamacare, weakening the military, etc., these are for RP:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

    2. Wow! You sure know what you’re talking about. You must get all of your misinf…..err I mean information from all of the big corporate news media networks?! They have slogans like “The Most Trusted Name in News” and “Fair and Balanced” so whatever they talk about, is fact! They would never go along with a hidden agenda if their bosses were approached by government bosses and tried to make a deal to try and manipulate the American public with false information so they will support whatever hidden agenda they conjured up. The news channels are the “watchdogs” and they also there to keep the government “in check.” It’s not like the main stream news agency has told us a country is harboring the terrorist and has weapons of mass destruction or that some countries military forced their way into the nursery part of a hospital and killed all the babies. Then the “good guys” or the U.S. goes into that country on a mission to liberate the people from tbe evil dictator, spreading American freedom and democracy to oppressed people. Then when it’s over, the Americans find out that everything about WMDs, baby killing and terrorists was all a lie and 3,000,000 people were killed and 100% were innocent and 65%-75% were women and children and the freedom fighting mission was actually about regime change, control and money? The news agency would never be part of a lie like this and if you do think this, you’re a conspiracy theorist. The American government are loving, honest, bringer of freedom.
      The news agency would never lie. EVER. You’re a conspiracy theorist if you think that the BBC, on the day of 9/11, were live on the air reporting that WTC building 7 had just fallen and you claim it fell 15 minutes after the reporter said that and the building u see behind the reporter, as she said building 7 fell, IS NOT building 7. It just looks like it. They don’t read from a script. They are true journalist.
      I news agency would tell us if the United States created Al Qaeda back in 79-80 to help tbe Afghans fight the Russians. They wouldn’t keep that info from us. EVER!
      The wouldn’t report on the rescue of a soldier by the name of Jessica Lynch and show it live on TV but it really isn’t a rescue at all and years later, she admits it was a staged hoax.

      I mean, seriously, you literally cannot use anything that you think you know in a debate because your part of the brain where learned information and knowledge is coroded and misled by the main stream media propaganda and lies! Don’t say that isn’t where you get your information from because you obviously do. If you use the whole “I’ve got a college degree” and you’re “educated” then that is possibly worse!
      The only thing you might be correct about is when alot of people vote, the vote based on looks but that, to me, sounds rediculous. Most people who care enough to vote are going to care enough to vote for someone are not going to vote based on if that candidate is skinny, old, cranky, hair or the godamn clothes he/she wears. There might be a small percentage who will vote based on looks but I have never heard someone say, “I’m support Romney because I like what he does with his hair. The comb over is so original.” unless that person works for Great Clips or Cost Cutters!
      “Ron Paul’s foriegn policy is dangerous because if we pull out of other countries she might get frustrated and pissed and go into the bathroom and have to finish………(LOL LAUGH OUT LOUD AT THAT!! I know if you would have nailed it just now you would have put LOL I think you would have put LOL even if it wasn’t LOL funny.) LOL
      Russia and China and the rest of the world would fill those vacant spots with their military. BS!!!!! BS!!!!!! BS!!!!!!! BS!!!!!!!! BS!!!!!!!
      That is no guarantee, that is a poor excuse to justify the continued oocupation of another man’s land. Whatever the excuse is for our military to put our military bases it doesn’t even come close to out-weighing the one and only reason WHY we should NOT be occupying another man’s land. THE POTENTIAL FOR FOR REAL WORLD PEACE! There is NOT a damn thing that would be better than that and that possibilty should be a great reason to get our troops out of all the countries around the world so we can start working with Iran, Venezuela, Syria, etc. instead of sending in foriegn mercenaries and then call them “protesters, freedom fighters,nationals” from Saudi Arabia or Yemen to create unstability so in the western media, we can call tell the American people the citizens of that country are getting slaughtered by their government and prime us up and get our support so we can send in our military to save the citizens and look like the heros. In the process kill hundreds of thousands or millions of innocent men, women and chdren or as many as it takes to oust the “brutal dictator” so a new, more United States friendly dictator, who in almost every other case has been way worse than the guy we ousted, will let our military occupy that countries land anywhere we want to, take any resource until that country is completely robbed and then we leave them with nothing and to die! Because, this is what the US
      does when we are told our military is going into some country on a “humanitarian mission.”
      But this is not dangerous, this makes people all over the world love America, not dangerous at all, not one bit. There isn’t a generation of kids from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan or Syria that will not become a little older and a little more pissed because he watched his whole family blown to pieces, while they slept, by a tomahawk cruise missle and he is the only one who survived but he would have rather been killed with them because ever since then, he has lived his life missing his lower jaw which got blown off that night when his home was targeted. Im sure he has some anomosity towards the US and would love to strap a bomb to himself and kill as many Americans as he can, not caring if he dies because he has no family and will never have a family because of tbe way he looks!!! So lets keep the same BS foriegn policy we have by voting for someone who supports occupation, invasion, pre-emptive strikes and more war because that Ron Paul guys kooky idea of peace and no more unjustified wars is “dangerous” and will leave us “sitting ducks.” It makes no sense to bring our soldiers back to America, on our land, in our country because they would do us no good protecting us all the way back here. We’d be less safe with a Ron Paul foriegn policy, we need to spend more tax payer money and expand the American Empire. So the foriegn policy that we have had for so many years is just 1 of 2 ways that the United States creates a terrorist. Ill get to the 2nd way in a lil bit.
      You repeat the same garbage u hear on Anderson Cooper or Bill O’Reilley and you can’t think for yourself. It’s always the same argument with you sheep when you try and talk about why Ron Paul would make a bad President and this is how I can tell you can’t think for yourself. Even a 5 year knows if you go down the street from your house hang a left and go a couple blocks over and bring your friends, some vehicles, your guns, ammo and you go onto someones yard and you start shooting out his windows, kill half his family, call him a terrorist for defending his life and property. Then you set up your tents and you start telling him he needs to step down as the head of the house or die and no man on earth will just hand over his land, so these guys continue to shoot holes in his house, through his windows, torch the cars until all of them are dead except for a 6 yr old boy who had his bottom jaw blown off but managed to escape with the help of a neighbor and he survived but the rest of his family are finally dead. Then these guys go over to his apple trees and steal the apples, they go into his garage and take all the oil and grab all the gold, diamonds and other jewels from inside the house and they set up tents all over his yard but give the house to one of their friends that had been living in America I mean their house 90% of his entire life. EVEN a 5 year old knows there will be some kind of trouble or reprocussion for what happened.
      So…..I don’t understand how you anti-Ron Paul people don’t get it unless you lack all ability to think on your own or your common sense never devoloped.
      I can keep going all night with lies the main stream media has been busted telling you, which wars in the past 60 years were started based on lies and the lie that was told but right now Ill tell you the BIGGEST lie our government has told. At Least lies that have led us into war and that is the “War on Terror” which I can tell has you pretty worked up and scared, possibly living in fear everyday that a terrorist might get you, even though you should be more worried about a flying cork killing you because the odds are greater that you will be killed from that, than being killed by a terrorist. There is no real terrorist threat and if there is or was, it sure and the hell isn’t some brown dudes with beard in another country that sit around all day because they are pissed at our freedom. The fact is, the brown guy with a beard cared just as much about how you live your life as you cared about how he lived his. You probably didn’t give a shit? Well the same with him. The United States needed a reason so they could invade the Middle East so planes were flown into the twin towers, we were told the pentagon and the plane that supposedly crashed in PA was NOT a plane at all. I don’t know what happened to the planes that we were told crashed into the pentagon and in the field in PA. I don’t know what happened to any of the 4 planes that had passengers but according to my good friend who is in deep at the department of defense, the 2 that hit the twin towers were remote controlled with no passengers and what hit the pentagon and the field in PA were missles. For whatever reason, they aborted the plans they had for them and landed them at an air force base. The 1 plane that they tell us crashed in PA when passengers fought with the “terrorists” was supposed to crash into building number 7.
      I was never told what happened to the passengers that we were told were on the planes that day and I don’t think he knew and if he did, he NEVER told me. I just want to make that CLEAR!
      The only terrorists that day and tbe biggests terrorists in the world, to date, are the Controllers of our government along with Israel’s government and Massad. That is who carried out 9/11. George H. W. Bush (played a big part in the JFK thing as well) Henry Kissinger(The Boss of it all in the West) Bush, JR, Rumsfield, Chenney, military Brass, Israeli Operatives, main stream media,Al Qaeda but they just took the blame since they are backed by the U.S. and CIA and a few more lesser known people but very powerful. So this is who was behind 9/11, not Bin Laden because he died in 2001 before 9/11 took place and this is well known in the Middle East but not over here in the U. S. land of the fluoride heads, mind controlled, obedient sheep. So the 2nd terrorist the US creates is not really a threat to us here in the US as much as they are a threat to whichever country the US wants a regime change in. Iran, Syria, parts of Africa. The War on terror is nothing but a tool for them to create fear and paranoia because then we beg for them to protect us and then they march in and steal our basic human rights. This is exactly what Hitler did.
      So your whole argument about the war in terror, Ron Paul’s “dangerous foriegn policy” and everything else you say is just spewed sheeple porn, regurgitated, mass media mind control nonsense and you are a member of the herd.
      So, you might want to think twice about locking horns with Ron Paul’s support because we CAN spot the bullshit, we are informed and ready to defend our president, Ron Paul. We keep informed by reading all different sources then we make our own conclusions by ourselves and we do not let the news do it for us and the conclusion we have come to is, Ron Paul is the best candidate for president and you and everybody,like you, look like real big idiots, when you talk about things you think you know so you try and sound smart because you just read all of “Fox News for Dummies” the “Ron Paul Facts” issue. Published by the MKULTRA publishing company.
      The only reason I am replying to your post is not because I want to tell you how wrong you are about everything. Im replying because you’re flooding my inbox. 4 days ago I made the mistake checking the box to recieve notifications of new posts and replies and I am irritated with all of the notifications I am getting because you reply to every singal post on here with your Misled facts about Ron Paul, your short little replies that you think are pretty damn funny but nobody else does cuz u r the only one that is LOLing after every single reply or post you leave. So enough with the non funny, non informitive replies and posts and head back over to your long legged mack daddy presidents forum and quit flooding my damn inbox. And HEY. LOL

      1. The post above was a reply to Tex2. Not sure why it doesn’t appear that way. Oh well, Im sure you will get it since u read EVERYBODY’S post. Obviously, trolling this forum is your full time job.

      2. You just did more damage to the Ron Paul campaign than I could with thousands of posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you. LOL

        If you want to actually respond to the issues I brought up in a meaningful manner, I have copied them below for your use, LOL:

        Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  36. Hey clown-face your not funny.

    This got me thinking Trav, The 1 plane that they tell us crashed in PA when passengers fought with the “terrorists” was supposed to crash into building number 7.

    That makes sense, they (big gov) had to bring the building down because the explosives would have been found.

  37. Just to keep you all up to date. Your news paper won’t tell you a thing.

    Rep. Ron Paul’s tour of California continued last night with what might have been yet another record breaking crowd. There is not an official count and estimates vary from 6,000 to as high as over 10,000 depending on the source (maybe more if the people in trees were counted as well). This probable record breaking rally, the third in less than a month, is as expected not getting much play from the main stream media. Fox News published an article online on April 4th entitled “Where’s Ron Paul? Campaign slows, though candidate shows no sign of quitting” in fairness to Fox that was before the event last night at UCLA which may have had 10,000 people at
    it, of course, 6,200 people at Chico on 4/3 is apparently not enough people to warrant attention. We don’t need the msn’s.

    Paul will be speaking tonight at UC Berkley’s Zellerbach Auditorium which only has a seating capacity for a little over 2,000 so those planning on attending tonight may have to keep an eye out for a venue change.

    1. Following a last place candidate is not something the news media does, it’s like following a last place sports team. It isn’t news. LOL

      Crowds of that size in a heavily populated state is not impressive, especially in pot smoking clueless California. LOL

    2. On Thursday, over 8,500 people came to hear Dr. Paul speak at UC-Berkeley.

      On the Tuesday and Wednesday before that, Dr. Paul attracted crowds of more than 6,000 at UCLA and over 6,200 at Cal State – Chico!

      Clueless? I don’t think so.

      1. Clueless troll.
        I think I’ll keep posting Ron Paul’s numbers. More as they come in.
        On Thursday, over 8,500 people came to hear Dr. Paul speak at UC-Berkeley.
        On the Tuesday and Wednesday before that, Dr. Paul attracted crowds of more than 6,000 at UCLA and over 6,200 at Cal State – Chico!

      2. If that makes you feel better, go for it. LOL

        Just remember, everyone likes to watch a train wreck. LOL

  38. Obama vs. Romney
    48% 44%
    Obama vs. Santorum
    50% 42%
    Obama vs. Gingrich
    51% 38%
    Paul vs. Obama
    43% 41%
    Ron Paul poll shocker: He beats Obama head-to-head
    Via http://www.csmonitor.com [1]
    At the moment, Ron Paul bests President Obama in a head-to-head matchup by 43 to 41 percent, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday 4-2-12.

  39. “Ron Paul supporters will NOT vote for anyone except Ron Paul.” That part is true and I’m quite proud of it too 🙂

  40. Vote YES to BAN the “tex2″ creature — your votes will be counted, and submitted to Doug!

    Our Future, as a Free and Prosperous Nation is too precious to ALLOW any Troll, such as the #2 — by its hijacking of all threads— to confiscate this Forum away from us (where Real Americans are trying to converse on what’s best for the US)!

    Voting starts now:

    1) Surfisher — Yes

      1. donjusko —

        Hi, thanks for voting.

        See the total count so far, which will be posted later today at the very end of the last topic.

  41. Dear Doug Wead,

    How can we have confidence that you are capable of managing Ron Paul’s campaign, when you are unable to manage your own blog?

    On any other Forum the destructive manipulations of “tex2″ would have been removed by a moderator, and the creature banned (regardless how many IP’s it uses, there are programs that can track and block them).

    On this, and even OTHER forums, I’ve read people saying that while they read your blog, they won’t post on it — since they don’t want to be verbally abused by the #2. Their take is: Why bother posting or replying here — the #2 is going to hijack the thread by peppering it with insults and non-sensical multi-replies….

    In the last 30 days, IT has posted more times than the combined total of all other posters (also, ITS total word count exceeds that of the rest)!

    Many good people are leaving your forum because of the above. Unless you take care of it, why should we stay?

    Are you paying attention to the people voting to BAN this waste-of-protoplasm?!

    So far the vote to BAN it from your site is:
    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin

    Awaiting your reply.

    Sincerely, Surfisher

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

    1. Crucify him… crucify him… LOL

      This is still a good site, largely because I’m still here, tthe posters who left were lame, and so are you. LOL

      You aren’t even “brave” enough to make a simple phone call, and you want to convince others to elect RIP as president? LOL

  42. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Oops! LOL (bark)

      Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL

  43. Vote YES :

    BAN *tex2* from this site IMMEDIATELY — Never allow IT to post here again! ALSO, DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF ITS TROLLING !

    Dear, Doug — this is your HOME page, and all of us posting here are your guests. Don’t know about your tolerance level, but mine ends when an unwelcome guest tries to set my home on fire, in order to chase out all the welcomed people I’ve invited!

    No normal exchange can be held here — since the #2 quickly fills in all REPLY slots….so no-one else can respond sequentially to what was stated before. This is its main goal (secondary is its spittings of hatred to all that’s good)!

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could not be and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!

  44. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

    So far the vote to BAN it — ‘tex2′ — is:

    1) Surfisher
    2) Sharon Kuhn
    3) annebeck58
    4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
    5) donjusko
    6) sharksauce24
    7) sophiah8
    8) rmcnnlly
    9) BanTex2Al
    10) Wendy Jones
    11) Evan Godolphin
    12) Remmic Lewis
    13) Shane Mayfield
    14) jeffrey bohl

    1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL

      The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

      Why Ron Paul could not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
      1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
      2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
      3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
      4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
      5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
      For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    3. To all Americans:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  45. Hey folks, wake up and smell the coffee. The so called Romney supporters are well aware of his non existant chance of beating Obama in either a debate or election. Who do you really think these trolls are supporting? Tricky Mitt would be sliced and diced by Obama. Paul has the only real chance of defeating Obama and the GOP is showing it’s true colors by using every trick in the book to try to defeat him. They truely believe Obama is a better choice than Paul. So much for the illusion that we have a choice. Ron Paul or no one, I wrote him in last election and you can be damn sure I will this one if I have to. One question for the trolls, have you ever met an ex Paul supporter?

    1. To all American s:

      Spread this video of the only American Patriot — Ron Paul — running in this race!


      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

    1. Then watch Mitt the Joke:
      An EMPTY stadium with about a hundred sycophants only… mostly yawning.

      Then see the THOUSANDS of REAL AMERICANS and their genuineness on Ron Paul’s rallies!

      But the main media never shows this REALITY — so, are we to stand by and allow them to steal this Election away from us — when clearly the TRUE Americans have spoken?!

      Spread this video!(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVY5u9RuW8)

    2. Here is another good one!


      send it!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      1. Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

        So they run this ad:

        “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
        Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
        Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

        That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

        (hope I didn’t misspell ANYTHING important….)

  46. “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

    1. Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)! Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)! ————————————————————————— The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks). It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure! ——————————————————————————– After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO. Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans! ————————————————————————————— It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party (I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party). Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!

  47. Mitt won’t quit. He’s there to bring Ron Paul down, That’s what he was put there to do. He won’t audit the Fed, stop the wars or balance the budget. My own hometown paper, the Maui News said Romney won when I know he didn’t. I was there counting.

    1. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

      (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))


      It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

      Some notable excerpts:

      “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

      “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

      “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

      A must read (long) article recommended to all!

      Share it!

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