Ron Paul: How Many Delegates Now?

Speculation about the size of the Ron Paul presence at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August has some Mitt Romney operatives in a panic.  What is worrisome are the additional numbers of “stealth delegates” now winning positions in state conventions and going to Tampa as Mitt Romney delegates.  The question is this, how many Ron Paul supporters will actually be on the floor?  And what will they be able to do?

Meanwhile, some journalists are scrambling in embarrassment, having assured their corporate masters that the whole drama is over.  But if Ron Paul can take delegates in Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, right under his nose, what other surprises are in store?

For the moment, the leading argument inside the Romney camp is being driven by Washington old hands who are urging the campaign to come down hard on the Ronulans, in the tradition of the John McCain – Robert Dole campaigns.  Keep the convention tidy, exclusive, show that they are in control and organized.

The counter argument, which comes from some of Romney’s own personal team,  is that it is too late, “that ship has already sailed.  There will be a sizeable Ron Paul delegation on the RNC floor anyway, we have the nomination, so let’s be nice, let’s take a page from the Reagan playbook and bring them into the fold.”  Or so they say.

The immediate question coming to a head this weekend and next is should Ron Paul’s name be allowed in nomination at the RNC in Tampa?  If the process is played out naturally, organically, that is exactly what will happen, for Ron Paul will have a plurality in more than the five states required to place his name in nomination.  Some in the Romney camp are fine with that.  “We need these people for the general election.  Let them have their day in the sun.  It will add drama and attract a larger viewing audience.”

But the prevailing mood of some in the Romney camp is to shut down the process, to use their power to stop it from happening.  It risks angering the Ronulans who will feel cheated by bitter power plays at state conventions this month and next but the Romney Hawks argue that allowing the Ronulans any more room will turn the convention into a fiasco similar to the 1992 convention.  That was the year that the RNC had Pat Robertson and insurgent candidate, Pat Buchanan, give speeches and  the George HW Bush – Dan Quayle ticket went down in defeat in the general election.

The Romney angels counter that this is not 1992.  That Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan represented the most conservative base of the GOP at a time when they should be reaching out to a wider, general audience, while Ron Paul represents youth, Hispanics, independents and even Democrats, the very votes that Romney must now have to win a general election.  A recent Rasmussen poll has Ron Paul beating Obama and Romney only tying him.  “If we don’t have them in the general election,” say the more angelic Romneyites, “Then we lose.”

Whatever happens, the ball is now in the Mitt Romney court.  If the Hawks continue to prevail and they keep playing dirty at the state conventions they will stop Ron Paul from being nominated and probably their own chances of winning a general election.  They will also have a sizeable number of angry Ronulans on the floor of the RNC all with iPhone cameras to record every ugly moment of disunity.

What to do?

Next Wednesday, May 9, 2012, will be an important day.  I will be online that night at 9PM to talk with anyone who wants to join the discussion.  Here is the link.

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

417 thoughts on “Ron Paul: How Many Delegates Now?

  1. Can’t wait to see the good doctor win on the 1st ballot. A Glorious Revolution if there ever was one. Mr Wead, from what I can see, you, Jesse Benton, Jon Tate and the rest of your staff have defeated everybody’s expectations. Thank you for remaining tactful. Discretion is the better part of valor. Indeed.

  2. Doug, i think its great to see someone from the campaign reach out to talk to the people directly in this manner, i appreciate it. Mind specifying which time zone?

  3. Whaaa-haa!
    I can just visualize the Rom(not) angels and devils, one to each of Mitten’s shoulders, arguing what should be done.
    Yes, I saw all of the nasty letters, advising the Mittens camp to not allow the Paul-bots (as they say) to get into the convention, nevermind allow them (us) as delegates to our own states’ floors. I was very irritated. And, then? I received a note from the TRP (Texas Rep party) proudly advising that Paul Ryan (of the great Ryan/Romney bromance) will be keynote speaker at OUR state’s convention in Dallas. So, quick like a bunny, I fired off a not-so-nice email to our GOP, telling them that Mitt AND Ryan are everything that is wrong with the nation’s Republican party, that Mitt IS Obama and Obama, Mitt; that if they want us (ME) to support Mitt, they should just skip the whole thing and support Obama outright.
    Imagine my chagrin when I recelved an email in return, which said: “We tried to get Rand Paul as keynote speaker for our convention, and he was booked.” I was forced to send back a sheepish; “mea culpa”. I should never have assumed that the Texas GOP would be so hellbent on destruction (just because the rest of the GOP is!). Then again, we do have Rickles-Perry as our gov, so who knows what’s up?

    Regardless; the Tx GOP is very short on affiliates willing to be an Election Judge. I am one of the not very many who has volunteered for that job, and it seems that the GOP is now having to ask Democrats to take the positions Republicans cannot fill. IF anyone in Texas (especially Austin– Travis County GOP) is willing to volunteer to work the precinct primaries, please send a note to our Texas GOP chair Rosemary Edwards. The GOP needs YOU. Ron Paul needs you. We really should volunteer for these (thankless) jobs to ensure things are handled properly on the day(s) of our beauty pageant/ primary.

    Thanks, Doug; after a long day of reading terrible notes out of the GOP (everywhere, other than Texas), it was nice to read something that has me SMILING!

      1. Well, now, Darlin’; Austin may be more “liberal” than many parts of Texas, but Ron Paul is more CONSERVATIVE (as am I) than just about any Republicans (or those who consider themselves conservative or even GOP, who’re truly Neo-Cons, which is not all that conservative).
        Question to you, though; why would you choose such a disgusting screenname, and why would you say Ron Paul “s–ks”? I try, always, to be kind to those who may not agree with me (or with Ron Paul), without being abrasive. Why don’t or won’t you try the same? Is it just because you’re online that you think it’s alright to be nasty? Or, are you nasty, IRL, too?

    1. annebeck58 —-BEWARE

      “ronpaulsucks” = tex2 —- STOP FEEDING the little troll.

      Its goal is AGAIN to disrupt the forum with ITS diatribe.
      (probably hijacked mom’s computer locking itself in the basement, and is testing the grounds so IT can start polluting again).

      1. Actually, right as I was responding to the child, I thought; bet this IS little text-eww (do not call it TEX, as we Texans do take offense to idiocy in our ranks)..
        But guess what? I received a call,today, asking me to PLEASE run for precinct chair. So, I said, YES. I have sent in my application and will be downtown on Sunday, at the RON AND RAND Rally (hosted by Texas-Tea-Party), and will be gathering signatures for my campaign. It seems we have someone in my precinct who has been very bitter, for a lot of years, and even the usual TRP is sick of her. I know I was a little bit put-off to hear she had elbowed her way past me, in my own precinct, to be election judge there (four doors up from MY home).. She doesn’t even live in my precinct and, given the chance, she would disallow ALL Ron Paul voters. So, I am now (legitimately and legally) out to take her down. Looks like I may have not too much of a battle, since I try to not be nasty to anyone for any reason (not even little Text-eww).
        Things ARE heating up in Texas and I am happy to be along for the ride. It IS exciting!

      1. Well,. I am a woman (an older woman at that), hence the name, “Anne”. but no offense taken.
        Now, I will not be going to state; much happened in Austin, games played, the Mittens mainstays sent everyone on an AGREED break, then only told the USUALS, that the break was over; told the Ron Paul supporters that they’d “call them” to advise when break was over, so the process could continue.
        AS it turned out, Don Zimmerman; champion of LIBERTY in Austin, continued the delegate convention in the GARAGE (attached) of the convention/meeting of proposed state delegates. Ron Paul got quite a few delegates, but nowhere near what it WOULD have been had these games not been played.
        I find it DEPLORABLE that these animals have to resort to TRICKERY and scamming others in order to get their (NEO-CON) candidate to WIN. Then they turn around and accuse US of same; call US names? WE have worked quite hard to know and follow the rules. They have, as always, worked to circumvent or out-and-out BREAK the rules. And, somehow? WE are the bad guys?
        It makes less and less sense with each state that goes through this.

        Still, I will be an Election JUDGE,and for some of the nastiness that took place getting me removed from my OWN precinct as judge (and moved to another). I am also running for precinct-chair, so I can ensure NOBODY who comes through MY precinct feel disenfranchised or has their rights violated. I don’t think most of the (Neo_CON) GOP can claim that!

    2. After waiting for two hours for the event this evening I got knocked off continually for 15 minutes before 9:00pm EST and afterwards and never could reconnect!

  4. this delegate debacle is the result of the GOP fraudulently fixing the election Ballots without having the support of the majority!


  5. After watching the things that went down at the Massachusetts caucus last weekend, I can assure you Doug that the Ron Paul supporters/delegates at the convention will cause a ruckus. This is their chance to vent their anger at the system (with the national media watching), and they won’t care whether or not Romney welcomes them with open arms or tries to stifle their voices. Although a brokered convention is unlikely, this will be one of the most historical conventions of all time. With mass protest likely to occur outside of the convention, the RP delegates will feel obligated to cause some chaos inside. Doug, I understand the potential positives of employing a strategy that attempts to keep the RP delegates docile and quiet during the convention… however, I simply think it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to fully control all of them. If Romney=Obama, I think the campaign should simply “let ’em loose” so to speak. However, if Ron Paul is allowed to speak I do think that the campaign should make a concerted effort to keep Paul supporters quiet until RP’s speech. During the speech, Paul supporters should be encouraged to be as loud as possible (clapping, cheering). After the speech, encourage them to do whatever they feel. It is obvious that the establishment won’t allow us to win if we try to create significant change through current electoral institutions. We need to shake this system up a bit… so I advocate that the RP supports be as loud as possible. Let’s let the country know that we are the real majority.

    1. I would think and hope that if the only thing the Paul campaign did was show this video to everyone, the choice at the RNC would be clear.

    2. Oh, I don’t think our point has been to cause a ruckus. It’s been to ensure the RULES are followed (there have been delegate training meetings all over the USA, to ensure the people in the LIBERTY camp know how it should go and how it’s been going– the trickery, the shenanigans, the out and out LYING, by the usual party folk. I would prefer we did not have to be loud. I’d prefer we just stand up, call division(s) when necessary, get OUR choice and our voices heard, and when not; yes, we may have to get loud.

      But, again; the MOST important thing you can do as a delegate in ANY state is what I’ve been begging people to do since January; VIDEO THE VOTE. Bring camera(s) or I-phone(s) to the FLOOR of your convention, and begin taping as soon as people are seated. Get the evidence of their scheming and scamming, and POST IT.
      Or, send it to me, and I will be happy to send out to my lone news-contact. HE will, I am sure, post any reasonable stories, as long as they have FACTS backing them up. Best facts, in my opinion, have come the way of videotape, this year.
      Even the old-time mainstays cannot fight THAT.

  6. I have at least a dozen Romney fans here in Arizona. Each and everyone of them are Paul sympathizers EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. They are convinced that ONLY Romney can beat Obama. For that reason alone, they want us Paul-Patriots to sit down and shut up. Do they listen? No. Or yes, but ONLY when it comes to the “strange claims” that Ron Paul can beat Obama. Freedom policies & ideas? Forgetaboutit. Their ears only perk up upon discussion of how Ron Paul can beat Obama. So far, they remain unconvinced. Which brings me to this. I think its time that Ron Paul bodly ran a National TV ad attacking Obama. Then everyone will sit back and watch Paul’s ratings. Good bump to Paul over Obama from the Campaign Ads would mean that lots of pro-Romney folks would JUMP SHIP real fast. Your thoughts on an Ad Campaign by Paul attacking Obama? And what angle would or should Ron Paul go after Pres. Obama? Wars? Civil liberties? Broken Promises? We will know if we struck blood if the liberal talking points start addressing these failures of Obama and start attacking Ron Paul. Should Paul rise in the polls from attacking Obama’s failures – as seen by those on the left, then the rank n file GOP base that supports Romney now, will quickly get behind Ron Paul as his poll numbers rise. Its win-win for Ron Paul. Attack Pres Obama and kill two birds with one stone. Bye bye Romney. Think about it. Let me know what you think.

    1. I think you are absolutely right-on. I don’t actually see any reason for Paul to be bothered with Romney, considering how well the conventions are going. In no time, Romney will be out, and yes; we then DO need to concentrate on Obama.
      So, why not NOT risk hurting the feelings of the (few, by comparison) Romney supporters, concentrate on ousting Obama, and get them to go along with US?
      In Austin, come Sunday, something different is happening. The “Texas-Tea-Party” is holding a rally on the steps of our State Capital building. And, they have gone back to their roots– and invited both Ron AND Rand Paul to speak. I’m thrilled, and I will be there, along with the tea-partiers (who have figured it out). IF they can go back to Paul and real liberty, why can’t the rest of this country’s GOP? In my mind, the way to get them to come over to our side is to remind them what the party DOES stand for and how the GOP Slate only jibes with Ron Paul.. I say we behave better than the regulars- -the GOP Mainstays- get them to understand we are the old-GOP, at least in our thoughts and ideas. I think, once they realize that Paul is what they say they want, their thinking will change.

      I know I have helped change more than a few minds toward Paul. It’s not easy and it takes some (a lot of) patience, but it IS possible!

      1. I think it would be best to be under the radar for now. Let Romney do the dirty work on Obama, and let Obama waste his money on attacking Romney, or in other words let Obama destroy Romney for us… Dr. Paul can keep spending his money getting out to the folks and get them motivated to speak to those who are begrudgingly supporting Romney of Obama and the undecideds. Young people should really go out to the Retirement homes and talk with the folks there. They would love the company and would attentively listen to the young people. Be careful though, you might inherit a new Grandpa or Grandma. Don’t forget, they are the most reliable voting group.

      2. From what i have heard Dr Paul say about any of the also-rans (and current drop-outs), the worse was that Santorum was a fake. And, guess what? Santorum was and is a fake- a fake conservative. I’ve never actually thought any of the Paul ads were “attacking” anyone, especially compared to some of what we’re used to seeing during campaigns. I do think it’s best for Dr. Paul to continue using air-time to educate others, rather than attack anyone.
        But, were he to spend time (and our money) pointing out how bad Obama has been for this country, he’d basically be (also) saying why Romney would be as bad. They are, after all, one in the same. A neocon is a neocon.. and that means neither is conservative. What we need now is a true conservative to help us get a handle on the economy as well as militarism and our own defense.
        I could see (pretty easily) touting the good of Paul against either of the others, and having it come though in a 30 or 60 second spot, without really attacking either one.
        How are they ever going to attack him? If they could honestly get in a “zinger” against Paul, the me-me-media would not be ignoring him. Sadly, for them, they cannot make any of their lies stick.

    2. Treg Loyden —

      Well stated.

      Rmoney has no real supporters — people are not voting FOR him, but AGAINST BO.

      This needs to be CAPITALIZED upon!

    3. My response to the “beat Obama” logic is this: We can’t afford to play that game. It’s juvenile. This election isn’t about “beating” the other candidate or the other party. It’s about winning liberty.

      1. FyreWyngz — correct!

        But how is this to be successfully accomplished?

        Give us your input.

      2. @Surfisher

        Let’s face facts. RP is popular with only 10-15% because these are the folks who believe in constitutional government, free market, sound money, and liberty. I’ll get back to this in a minute.

        I was in the barber shop yesterday and I made a crack about Romney’s hair in order to get some chatter going. The older barber chimed in, “Well, Donald Trump has endorsed Romney so I guess he’s going to be real good for business. He’ll get this economy turned right around.”


        I replied, “I don’t think that I want our president or our government meddling with the economy. I already have an employer – I don’t need to be working for them, too.”

        The other younger barber (who several weeks ago voiced that a vote for RP was a wasted vote because he doesn’t stand a chance) agreed, “No doubt! The government’s supposed to be working for US!”

        This resulted in the older barber clamming up. I wonder what he thought about for the rest of the day. Did he think that MAYBE he ought to be listening to his fellow Americans or to Donald Trump? I wonder if the younger barber still thinks that a vote for RP is wasted?

        Have you gotten the jist of my answer from this little account?

        The best thing that I can do to help win liberty is to raise awareness of it EVERY CHANCE I GET.

        I just bought some “over-the-counter” medicine for my wife. OTC is a joke. How is it OTC when you have to take a card to the pharmacy window and then show your ID so that they can check if you’ve bought your LIMIT? Anyway, as she was checking I sarcastically noted, “Now that the government knows that I’m sick do you think that they’ll send me a stimulus check?”

        I do EVERYTHING that I can to raise awareness and NOT get caught up in the old regime’s political games like “My candidate can beat up your candidate.” It makes me NUTS whenever I see so-called RP supporters allowing themselve to get caught up in the political games that our campaign T RANSCENDS! These games are BENEATH us. They’re beneath ALL of us and we must resist engaging in them. We must engage in REASON. We must engage in this WHENEVER and WHEREVER.

        This is how we can win liberty – by reaching out and lifting up the other 85-90% of Americans who think that this nation of free people and free enterprise ought to be run like a business by the likes of Donald Trump!!! Are you FREAKING kidding me!!! How these poor folks have lost their way is beyond me but we MUST help them get back on the Liberty Road!!!

        I’m just one person and I’m doing what I can to help win and restore liberty by raising awareness in the other 85-90% who’ve lost it. I think that’s all any of us can do.

    4. i would center on government corruption….
      fast and furious, drug money laundering, drug selling, solyndra and all other green energy crony capitalism, goldman sachs contributions, and finally, END THE WARS!

      ahlbombya has plenty of crappy record material to work with…..


    5. seriously we don’t need to attack Obama, we just need to prove there is no difference between o&r.

      1. Actually Paul, THEY need to prove that they o&r are different.
        I think someone posted this a while back.

        0&r debate:
        R- Your campaign is funded by a pack of leeches that are bleeding this country dry!
        O- Yours is funded by the same people!
        (Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, JP Morgan, ect)
        R- You support taxpayer funded bailouts (TARP)
        O- So do you!
        R- You support the ‘patriot’ act!
        O- So do you!
        R- You support never-ending war!
        O- So do you!
        R- You support the indefinite detention of American citizens without due process!
        O- So do you!
        R- You support assassinating American citizens without due process!
        O- So do you!
        R- You support government takeover of healthcare!
        O- So do you! In fact, we modeled our plan after yours!
        R- I never said my plan would be good for the nation!
        O- Ummm… that’s not what you said on Meet The Press (and several other places)
        R- You support increased gun control laws!
        O- Didn’t you sign a ban on semi-automatic weapons? Hello pot, my name is kettle!
        R- You are completely out of touch with ordinary Americans!
        O- Says the guy who has an elevator for his cars.

        …And this is not even scratching the surface!
        We only have 2 choices. We can elect the one man that will turn things around, the man who predicted the many troubles we now face…
        We can brace ourselves for a presidential term that will make the last four years seem like a blessing.
        RON PAUL 2012

  7. Doug, just another thing: you need to clarify with MA delegates and other delegates supposedly “bound” to vote for Romney whether they are allowed under RNC rules to abstain on first ballot voting at the convention. I’ve seen a lot of confusion about the issue of abstention on blogs/youtube videos. Thanks, and I absolutely love your blog and the Facebook discussions!

  8. I live in hope that not only will Ron Paul win a clear mandate in the general election, but also that everyone will stop performing felatio on the i phone. It’s a smart phone and there is another brand outselling Iphone more than 2 to 1. This sort of corporate worship is something I find very distressing especially here.

  9. We need Media coverage Doug. Plain and simple. All the millions people have donated, and I’ve never seen even 1 ad on TV. We need a director in Hollywood to do a special, We need to get some limelight. We Ronulans would like to get something for becoming delegates, and alternates. They’ve taken down Utube videos of Ron Paul. How many moneybombs does it take to get 1 national commercial?

  10. There is something inherently dishonest about these stealth delegates. As I said on another thread, if my candidate was getting the low percentage of votes Ron Paul was getting, I wouldn’t want my candidate to backdoor the process to get him/her nominated. This only polarizes the Republican Party, and we have enough problems as it is.

    1. The reason RP is polling in such low numbers is because he’s being deliberately ignored by the mainstream media. Jon Stewart points out how blatant their behavior is:—corn-polled-edition—ron-paul—the-top-tier

      To be honest, I see no difference in RP’s campaign playing the delegate game, and the way in which the Democrats tried to win the Presidency in 2000 and 2004.

      Much ado has been made about the alleged cheating in Floria in the 2000 election, how Gore had the “Popular Vote”, etc., but if you look at a map of the US showing how the States voted it’s almost all Red. That’s because Bush carried 30 States while Gore had just 20+DC. Bush had the support of 60% of the States, 50% more than Gore, and yet Gore still almost won the Presidency. And 2004 was more of the same. In 2004 Bush carried 31 States while Gore, with 19+DC, was just 20 EVs shy of winning the Presidency.

      Politics is all about how you play the game, and RP’s people are not only playing the game, they’re schooling Mittens’ people; they’re beating Mittens’ people at their own game and Mittens & Co. are not happy about it. So much so that Mittens & Co. ARE cheating. They’re producing ad campaigns where they tell the voters that everyone else has dropped out, an announcement which IS illegal. They’re trying to shut down delegate meetings, and are changing the rules on the fly, all in an attempt to keep RP’s people out of the game.

      There’s nothing dishonest about what RP’s people are doing, they’re playing by the rules and doing a damn fine job of it. However, there are definitely dishonest tactics being employed by Mittens & Co. in an attempt to derail the RP train.

      The MSM blackout and the blatant cheating by Mittens & Co. has left RP’s campaign with no choice but to play the delegate numbers game.

    2. Tex.. STFU and go away. If my candidate was getting defrauded by the voting machines I’d do whatever I had to do to right the injustice which is something I’m sure your mom wished she had done after you were born.

      1. Rob: Never get in an argument with an idiot – people might not be able to tell the difference. Never try to wrestle with a pig – you’ll get all covered in mud and the pig will enjoy it. The best thing to do about trolls like Mr. Sucks is ignore them – they’re in it for the attention they’re not getting from Mom.

        And using foul language (e.g.”STFU”) doesn’t do anybody any good.

      2. It’s good I don’t argue with anybody on this blog, that infers they are somewhere close to being competition for me.

        Using foul language is a good thing, we now know the intelligence level of Rob.

      3. Actually, I do have to agree with Rich.. as irritating as lil text-eww can be, we should never stoop to his (idiotic) level.
        Let’s just ignore the troll. Let Doug handle him, if need be, and continue in the POSITIVE spirit we’ve found ourselves since campaigning for the good doctor!

      4. Seems trolls do not understand (or pretend no to) our safeguarded election process.

        Here it is in general terms (simplified):

        1) There is a popular vote (The Many choosing their candidates).

        2) Then, the Decisions of the Many are handed to the delegates (the Qualified Few), who deem if there is merit to the popular vote or just a mob’s folly.

        3) Accordingly, the delegates cast their votes to reflect the meritorious ones.

        This instituted CHECK of Mob Rule is what has kept us as a Free Republic….until recently, and HOPEFULLY AGAIN! (The Ignorant Many can be mislead by TONS of Ads by an Attractive Politician who promises what THEY want to hear (but never intends to do — that’s where The Intelligent Few come in, and The Delegates determine if MERIT is to be assigned)).

        Recommended reading: Plato’s “Republic” and J.S. Mill’s “On Liberty”

    3. Paul,

      Let me give you something to Ponder: election cheating has always been around, it will always be around. It is nothing unique to Ron Paul. If you really care, get involved.


      Is that your strategery for attracting more people to Ron Paul? My mother loved me every day of her life, including the day a few years ago when I held her hand, when they removed the respirator after suffering from ovarian cancer for 3 years and undergoing repeated chemo therapy and surgery experiences, until after her heart stopped beating. Happy Mother’s Day next weekend.

    4. Just like Goldwater, right? Oh, wait, he sparked an interest in real conservatism and libertarianism that has been one of the single greatest influences on the Republican Party in the last century. Even if Ron Paul were to fizzle out today and not get another single delegate (which is highly unlikely), even in defeat, he will have changed the Republican Party for the better. Also, Romney does the same thing, when it comes to “stealth delegates”: look at the results in North Dakota. It sounds like you’re just agitated that we’re better at it 😉

  11. Another great post Mr. Wead. Have you done, or considered doing a session on ? All the cool kids in the liberty movement are doing it!

  12. A good analysis of the current dilemma within the GOP. Still, it bothers me that this blog too does not mention the possibility that the real powers behind all this bantering might not be interested at all to win the general election. Obama serves them just fine thank you, he does all the hard work and they have someone to blame when they succeed him.
    The (imo) ver weird lineup of the last months and the fact that this Romney guy now is the candidate to be, to me indicates no actual will to win.
    Of course the last person these hidden forces would want to replace Obama is Ron Paul. For some reason RP ignores them and I love him for that :-).

  13. DOUG!!! I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!! Lol… I so badly want to know what’s going on but clearly understand and agree w/ your discretion. I wish you could just call me on my cell and tell me. 😉

    Guess I’ll be tuning in on Wed night at 9 PM!! (Eastern Time, I assume?)

    Keep up the amazing work Doug and tell the rest of the team thanks too! One day I hope to be able to buy each and every one of you a steak and a beer to show my appreciation! 🙂

  14. To defeat Obama, SOMEONE needs to address the ‘eligibility issue’, and address it hard.. If that issue is not talked about, the really bad news is, that Obama won’t need moving vans early next year.

    Just sayin…

    1. Hahaha…
      From your lips to the ear of the more intelligent voters..
      (as well as the courts)
      I do wonder; is a natural-born citizen one of two citizens, or is it a person born in the USA to parents who lived here? Was Romney’s father a citizen of Mexico or of the USA? I’ve heard both, so really am not sure.
      On the Obama citizenship issue, though; I do think the guy has an awful lot of folk working as fast as they can to quell all rumors of what is probable scam. If he was born in the USA, in any of our states, would he not have a verified and certified birth-certificate? What could the possible reasons be for Obama to have a forged B.C., and why would he ever have a social-security number of a person who could only have been born in Connecticut? (I happen to have been born in Connecticut, and my social-security number starts with the same numbers as “his”. It’s just a complete fraud.) However, if Obama gets away with not following the constitution in regard to eligibility, will this mean the law is moot? Would it mean Romney will also not have to prove his natural-born status?

      Too many possible implications for this to be any good.
      SO, is Obama part of Witness-Protection?
      Or, is he simply a hologram?

    2. Do we REALLY need to engage in these kinds of arguments in order to win? This particular argument would require a court and trial to resolve and even then it won’t. Why bother with this stuff? It’s a distraction from liberty. We’re about liberty, small government, sound money, and free enterprise. The ‘eligibility issue’ isn’t about any of these things.

      1. Isn’t the “eligibility issue” kind of moot at this point? The Communist-in-Chief has been in power for about three and a half, going on four years now. To heck with that, what we need to do now is simply vote his commie ass out of the Whitehouse!

      2. If you’re going to be an idiot by calling Obama a commie, then you are showing everyone who reads your words you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  15. This is something for the Romney people to think about as I am sure I am not the only RP supporter that feels this way. If RP is not on the GOP ticket I will be writing his name in for president this Nov. come hell or high water.

    1. hahahahaha.
      You know, when they call me (and call me they do), I tend to hang up. I don’t listen to robo-calls. Does ANYONE? This one, however, was made more abrasive by that nasally-toned-rom-nitwit, ANN, and I probably would have been feverishly entering, *81 (which means, take ME off of your list NOW!), while yelling at the phone. I consider that my therapy. It is better than talking to trolls and spam-bots.

    2. The thing that bothers me more is the imagery. The pics of the candidates were taken from CNN’s site. I pointed this out to some friends several weeks ago. Notice how Romney’s pic has him looking “presidential” with him smiling in front of the flag compared to RP looking all snarling. Of course, Gingrich is no media darling but they managed to get a pic of him flapping his gums a la Mr. Speaker. Santorum is also smiling as he’s seemingly looking into the future.

      Typical manipulation. So subtle yet so transparent.

  16. Doug — re:

    “Whatever happens, the ball is now in the Mitt Romney court. If the Hawks continue to prevail and they keep playing dirty at the state conventions they will stop Ron Paul from being nominated and probably their own chances of winning a general election. They will also have a sizeable number of angry Ronulans on the floor of the RNC all with iPhone cameras to record every ugly moment of disunity.

    What to do?”

    This is the easiest one to answer: Have the hawks stopped.
    (You have partially answered it already in your postulations.)

    Contact Rmoney directly and ask him to call off his hawks and allow the proceeding to go smoothly.

    1) If Ron Paul wins a few, so what — Rmoney will have clean hands coming to Tampa, where the GOP has assured his win over Ron Paul (this is the Carrot).

    2) If Rmoney doesn’t stop his hawks from hijacking the state conventions — things will get ugly, again (cameras recording, legal actions taken by enraged citizens, etc.). At such a point, the Ron Paul supporters will ask of him to run 3rd Party (even IF you and RP are against it — he will not be able to ignore the Voice of the People (nearly ALL OF US will WRITE Ron Paul IN, rather than vote for Mitt), and will be forced by Popular demand to run 3rd Party (this is the Stick).

    I’ve found out that in dealing with animals such as this one, they can be always guided to accept the Carrot, rather than the Stick!

    (I’m sure you’ll word it much nicer — speaking softly and dangling the Juicy Carrot (but, also showing the Big Stick that may follow).

    Thanks for all your hard work, Doug!

    1. Here is something else you can do; RUN as PRECINCT Chairs in your area’s Republican Party. I’m doing it. Many others are doing it. Why not? At least, if we are watching what the standards are up to (or down to), we will have some say. And, we can hold the feet of the GOP mainstays to the fire– ’til they do what is right and honest and MORAL.
      If you are in Texas, we NEED YOU to do this, before the 1st of June.

      1. annebeck58 — good job!

        Also, looks like the troll “thethingthatsucks” = the#2 is done polluting here….

      2. Haha.. Surfisher.
        We won. We knew we would, and were winning just by ignoring that troll-bot. I figured Doug would ultimately get rid of him and, until then, all I had to do was? NOTHING. Never respond. Don’t be bothered to read that tripe, for all it could possibly do would be get MY blood-pressure up. I’d just rather not.
        So, either Doug got him gone, or he left because he was tired of being slighted? Either way, I’m good with it; glad he IS gone.

      3. Anne, I’ve been reading lots of your posts and you seem to me to have an axe to grind. I get a bad vibe from you. I’m sensing anger rather than passion. I’m wondering: are you in this in order to restore liberty or are you in this for other reasons?

      4. “Fyre Wingz” says: “Anne, I’ve been reading lots of your posts and you seem to me to have an axe to grind….”

        Hey, Mr. Wingz, a LOT of us have an axe to grind – the Powers That Be Even Though They Shouldn’t have been treating the Constitution like so much toilet paper – so strong, but so soft!

        It’s time to put a stop to this nonsense. If your only contribution, Mr. Wingz, is to bitch about other people’s “axe to grind,” then why not go read a book or something?

        And, by the way,”Fyre Wingz,” howcome you’re hiding behind an alias rather than using your own name? Are you a closet Obammunist?

      5. FyreWyngz (oh, should I bother?)
        I have never thought of it as having an ax to grind. I actually don’t think of myself as an angry person, either. Sometimes, or a lot of times, I am laughing when I write things. Perhaps you misread what I was saying or injected your own intonation? One thing I have learned is this: It is pretty much impossible to read intonation in black and white.
        But, I read the response from another person, here, in regard to the question., and you know, perhaps I do have a bit of a thing against the GOP. I definitely do resent what has been done (steadily) to this country for all of my adult life. I do resent the GOP working so hard to block-out folks who have taken the time to learn what the rules of a caucus or convention are, have paid their dues, have gone door-to-door to garner support for their own run(s) as delegates, and than are blocked out by the old-party mainstays.
        I think if I wasn’t angry by some of what they are doing, something would be wrong. Perhaps I just pay a lot of attention- more than most. I have people passing on info to me, from all different states (from inside) concerning how things have been running, and it’s been terrible.

        Here’s my thing: I see the Ron Paul delegates as a force, yet a force of underdogs. And, they are being resisted at every turn. One thing I know about myself; I will always step in and stand up and do whatever I can for anyone I see being slighted. I see this happening to Ron Paul (by fools who do not have our best interest at heart) and then his supporters being “dissed” at every turn. So…
        Hmmm. Ax to grind? Maybe SO. What’s wrong with that?

      6. Fyre; when you use words such as, ” bad vibe”, regarding what I say, you offend me. I honestly am not angry, other than at what the GOP is doing to slander and pass over (and lie to– repeatedly) the people worked SO HARD to be delegates and to work the process.
        I surely do wish I knew which side of the fence you were on, or if you are simply straddling that fence. If you are kind of stuck in the middle, I’d suggest you pick a side, and may I further suggest: Pick the side of RIGHT, which is, of course, the side of LIBERTY.
        Okay, I am getting ready to go down to the Cap Steps to see and hear the Paul’s. It’s an exciting day in Austin, even for this “extreme” chick.
        (WHY is that word bothering me so much? I guess it’s because I do try, consistently, to be decent to everyone, especially those on that :other side:)
        Talk with you later?

        (Oh, and please do NOT take offense to me asking where your posts are- I honestly want to know.. ok?)

      7. @richgrise

        You’ve obviously not read any of my posts here.

        I happen to find Anne’s speech to be extreme. She’s expressed a personal disdain for Romney, etc. It’s proabably justified however I’m simply saying that I find it distracting to her points (and she has MANY good ones). I’m trying to HELP here by pointing this out.

        This campaign highlights LOVE ias the core of the revolution and sometimes I wonder if folks haven’t lost sight of that. We need to “kill ’em” with kindness and compassion. I’m concerned that much of the speech that I read here comes from a deep, personal agenda.

      8. Hang on- my speech (my writing) is extreme? I would accept, “dry”, but extreme? Sorry, I won’t abide that. I also do not have a personal disdain toward Romney- I dislike him for what he tried to do with my business, as well as what he did to the market, in Austin, in embroidery. That’s not a “personal” thing. I see him as further destroying the American economy. He’s been doing that, as a job, for decades. Should his background as el-destructo not be a factor people should know about? Why not?
        Sorry that you seem to be on the side of the uglier faction of the GOP. I am working, and have been for a while now, to fix the GOP. Others want to dismantle it; to destroy it. I simply want to take it back to what it was when I was a child.
        My dad was a politician, a lot like Ron Paul, who also tried to work from within the party– to educate others and to fix what was beginning to go wrong. So, I had an excellent advisor and mentor in my dad. When I look at the education Ron Paul has given this country, in everything important (or should be important) in or current society, I have to speak out for Ron Paul.
        AND, when I see folk who’ve paid the money and done the work, put in the time to be a part of fixing the GOP, forced out or smeared or lied to in order to keep the mainstays in, I am disgusted. And, I have to SAY something.
        I don’t know why that bothers you so badly, but if you are going to respond to me, please DO respond to me. Thanks, and I will do same.
        Extreme? Am I saying to blow-up the GOP? NO, I am saying; FIX IT. How the heck is that extreme? Is this text-eww, again, having a go, or what?
        PS; if you really don’t like what I write, don’t read it, okey-dokey?

      9. Say, by the way, FyreWyngz.
        Where are your posts? I just went to look and wordpress said no such thing.
        I’d appreciate reading what you have to say, just not sure where to look.
        If you send me a note (or just respond here), I will look it up AFTER the RON AND RAND RALLY, in Austin today. I responded to your comments that I saw and would love to know what you consider, extreme. Do I get ticked off at the old-time GOP?== heck yeah. Why don’t you? OR, do you?

      10. Of COURSE you’re “trying to help.” They’re ALL “trying to help.” But has it ever occurred to you that not everybody WANTS your “help?” I have the same “ax to grind” as you attribute to annebeck58 – I’m so pissed off at the establishment that I could spit! But maybe rather than offer so much “constructive criticism,” maybe you could do something toward getting Dr. Paul elected?

        And I’m as guilty as anyone of offering “constructive criticism;” I am, after all, the Self-Appointed Chief of the Internet Apostrophe Police!

      11. Haha. The Internet Apostrophe Police. That is funny.
        I did not realize that the Grammar Police (Which I used to hold court in, until I understood that i was hurting others’ feelings too often) had so many different factions.
        No worries,though; I am over it. About to cook dinner and respond to emails received from folks from the rally.. What a great rally it was!

      12. Every time I see someone use the contraction for “it is” to mean “belonging to it” it’s like hearing fingernails on a blackboard. So I rant, “There is no apostrophe in the possessive its!” usually all caps and with a passel of exclamation points. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are actually about the only parts of English class that I really grasped. I still don’t know how to do a book report, for example, at the tender age of sixty-mumble. 🙂

      13. Hey, Rich; I can’t (easily anyway) find the post where you asked me why I would do twitter and wordpress, yet not facebook. Well, wordpress, I kind of stumbled upon. I found it annoying that I would attempt to comment and they seemed to not be able to remember my info (or they were not remembering my password?) so I did make-up my own blog:, but never did anything with it, until the news got to be SO ugly toward Paul. When I had enough, I wrote-up my blog, which I sorely NEED to add stories to, tonight.
        Re: twitter? Some of my pro-Paul friends (a lot of them) kept bugging me to get on twitter. I was concerned, given what I had been through in youtube (these people, here and in Israel, actually DID attempt to kill me– which is INSANE- for my stance on Palestine and PEACE), but I was ultimately convinced. Since being on twitter, I have a LOT of follows (people who like to read and pass on my ideas and plenty of videos– I also pass on blogs I like such as these from Doug Wead), and they pass it on to many other follows. Some of these people have tens of thousands of followers, and it’s amazing who reads these tweets. So, twitter has been a good thing for me.
        Now, facebook; had my son NOT been hacked from Petah Tikva, Israel, to get to me, I would have gotten on the thing before now.
        So, yes; I am “out there” (in more sense than one, for sure), and adding facebook might make navigating the web a lot easier. I’ll do it (can you hear the resignation in my voice? it’s like a teen saying, “whatever”)/ I will probably use the same name, there, as I use everywhere… and will try to “friend” you.. okay?
        Glad more are seeing the true=old-GOP/RNC, now. It is ABOUT TIME!

      14. annebeck58 asks, “Hey, Rich; I can’t (easily anyway) find the post where you asked me why I would do twitter and wordpress, yet not facebook.”

        That’s probably because I didn’t make a post like that. All I’ve said on that was that I had signed up for facebook and haven’t had any problems from it (yet?).

        But if you’re getting death threats, that’s WAY out of my league, and I’d rather just bow out from the whole sordid affair. Plus, I’m childfree and really have no idea what kids these days can do with these mysterious black boxes and all those wires – to paraphrase Danny Glover in “Lethal Weapon,” I’m too old for that schtuff.

        But I certainly wouldn’t ask you to stop posting, or try to exhort anyone into any specific activity, other than to vote Dr. Paul. (insert big friendly smile here)

      15. Ugh. Speaking of these black-boxes, mine is freaking out. Lots (more) thunderstorms happening, again.
        Anyway, when I write about my “kids”, I am talking about adults. My son is 26, 6′ tall, and has muscles (and loves to protect his mom). His sister is 28, so it’s not like I should have to worry about them.., though I don’t like for them (my son, especially) to fret over me and the problems some created for me, online.

        Am now uploading the videos I took at the Austin rally (of the Paul’s), yesterday.. I did not realize how windy it was, and how many people were bumping into me, so some of it’s not great. I had the camera on a tripod, but as we were all standing up (save the “special” Ted Cruz folk with their irritating umbrellas), there was nowhere to base it.
        Will see what i can do with the footage I got. It was a LONG day and I am blistered from standing around at the rally, and helping sign-up people as volunteers for liberty.

        By the way, the fools have not bothered me since I focused my attention on Paul. If I do more “Zuppet” videos (my word, my creation of what i call the Zionist puppet), they will go mental, again. But, as it stands..when it comes to their threats and attempts, they now know i do not play, nor does the FBI. So, all is good, for now!

      16. I mean, RESPONSE, not post.. and could have said, where you posted a question.. or whatever. I am too tired for semantics, tonight!

      17. annebeck58 —

        I find you to be one of the most honest posters here.
        Level-headed and always composed when stating your apodictic reasoning!

        Don’t know what the other poster was thinking….

      18. Oh, Surfisher..
        I always enjoy your comments to me. Now, I cannot claim to always be level-headed (what is going on in state-conventions a’la GOP nastiness) is definitely proof of that.. or my response to that, with disgust, is some proof of my opinion.
        Still, I don’t want to blow-up the GOP. I am now stuck on that word, “extreme”, as it blows my mind. I really think I try to see everyone’s side in this, even if I am not always of best humour, I do try.
        Thanks, again, for your comment.
        I am in SUCH a good mood, today, with the rally coming up in a couple of hours, I won’t let this get me down..
        Will be posting on my blog, after the rally. Exciting; RON AND RAND, in ONE place! How lucky are we, in Austin, to have this wonderful chance to hear both? And, the skies have finally cleared, so this old lady will be getting on her motorbike and tooling down to to the capitol steps (again= yay and whoo-hoo!)

      19. Anne – Fyre; when you use words such as, ” bad vibe”, regarding what I say, you offend me.

        I won’t apologize for how you choose to feel. I’m just telling you how I feel after I read your points. I clarified in another post (which you can’t seem to find): I’m trying to be constructive. You make lots of good points but then you absolutely lose me by the time I finish your ranting and raving with “Mittens this” and “Mittens that”, etc. etc. It’s distracting from the very important points that you make. Hence, “extreme”.

        If it’s not clear that I’m simply trying to be helpful and constructive then you’ve found the answer to your question regarding what’s wrong with grinding an axe.

        Anne – I surely do wish I knew which side of the fence you were on, or if you are simply straddling that fence. If you are kind of stuck in the middle, I’d suggest you pick a side, and may I further suggest: Pick the side of RIGHT, which is, of course, the side of LIBERTY.

        What??? Clearly you’ve not read ANYTHING that I’ve posted on this blog.

        Imposing suggestions onto others that you don’t even know is rather presumptuous, no?

        Anne – Oh, and please do NOT take offense to me asking where your posts are- I honestly want to know.. ok?)

        I just don’t get this. Where are you looking? You obviously have seen ONE post here. How is it that you can’t find all of my others?

      20. As i expected, you did take offense to my not finding your (other posts). I did try to find them, in wordpress (I did type a response to let you know I was not trying to call you out or put you down, based on the fact that I could not find your posts). I basically clicked on your name and hit a wall. Perhaps you can click on your own name and see the page I was directed to?

        Anyway, it’s been a great day. I worked the crowd and did convince a few people, from within the Texas Tea-Party, to vote for liberty (as I did suggest to you), by casting their vote(s) for Ron Paul.
        I don’t know which side you are on; liberty or the neo-con side, and this is why I asked.
        I will agree that my posts may be dry, and yes; I do not like Romney or his ideals or business practices for what he has done to many small businesses in these United States, and I think he would be a terrible president. That I call him, “Mittens”, you find extreme? Perhaps you would do well to look up the meaning of the word, “extreme”, as that doesn’t exactly jibe with what else you said. You might want to use the word, “distracting”, but extreme? That’s an extremely wrong choice of wording.
        Have a good night. I’m done!

      21. @annebeck:
        As i expected, you did take offense to my not finding your (other posts).

        Why would you expect that? Were you trying to offend? And why would you think that I’d care?

        I’m not the least bit offended. I’m CONFUSED. You stated that you couldn’t find my posts yet you’ve responded to them. What you really meant to say was that you clicked on my name and found that I have no home page. That’s correct. I don’t want one. Obviously, my posts are all here in plain view as are yours.

        You’re obviously a strong voice for the RP campaign. All I’ve tried to do is share with you how your voice comes across to me. I’ve shared this with no ill will but only to be constructive. You’ve made it abundantly clear that you disagree.

        Fine by me. I’m more than happy to move on.

      22. What I was saying is this: again, YOU picked at one or two words, which are kind of my way of taking out my frustration with the GOP and with Romney, rather than look at the entirety of my posts, in your critiques of my writing. You used a word, “extreme”, which I felt was a misnomer. If I were saying things like, “destroy Romney”, or, “kill the GOP– or Romney”, I would say that would be considered, correctly, “extreme”. Calling the guy Mittens, or RomNOT or ROMBOT, is far from extreme. It may have been distracting or bothersome in another way, to you, but “extreme”, simply does not FIT.
        And, i will say nothing more on the subject, okay?
        I was NOT trying to offend you, and I did write a separate response, to allow you to comprehend m thought process, yet you must not have read it. Or, you ignored it? I have much more to do, now, and will not (again) respond to this sort of post.., okay?

      23. @annebeck

        I missed a point that you made previously that I’m now compelled to address. You said, “PS; if you really don’t like what I write, don’t read it, okey-dokey?”

        The fact of the matter is that I happen to like what you post and have stated so CLEARLY.

        The other fact of the matter is that if YOU can’t manage some constructive criticism then maybe YOU should refrain from posting.

      24. Let’s see; according to you, I should refrain from posting? Almost humorous. Now, I do not seek to offend anyone, yet you have.. and I am the one who should refrain from posting?
        Sorry, but your constant digs (toward people whose posts or commentary you did not comprehend) would have me saying, perhaps YOU should consider not posting// replying.
        Btw; I believe the REASON I could not find any “posts” of yours is that you are not a POSTER. You may make responses or replies (and that is even a bit questionable when your “responses” are not directed toward the ideas, but is more picking apart words and inserting your own feelings on same)… TO be considered one who “Posts”, you must have a blog-site of your own or be a contributor on someone else’s blog. The terms, in wordpress, are not interchangeable.
        Now, please quit with the digs. It’s counterproductive. If you are pro-Paul, just try and be positive. I will do same, regarding Paul and anyone with something to say about him.. but i WILL NOT promise to be positive toward ANY neo-con, including? MITTENS.

      25. What I meant, when I wrote that was, rather than commenting on my ideas, you were picking at me. I will not afford Romney the respect you may think he’s “due”. The guy has done far too much to destroy many smaller businesses, in this country, which has had a big hand in compromising our economy, for me to respect him, whatsoever. AS I did say, he tried (and his employees HOUNDED ME, for quite some time) to essentially purchase my business, have me run it (while he would take the profits and leave me with the losses– as this IS how he does this) for a while, and then sell-off the equipment to countries with NO minimum wage(s) and NO OSHA. Should I afford respect to someone who treats Americans in this manner? My thought is: No, not in the least!

      26. Annebeck58 sez: “…countries with NO minimum wage(s) and NO OSHA.”

        Now, I’ve got a bone to pick with YOU. The Minimum Wage and the OSHA are major parts of what’s destroying the Republic right before our very eyes!

        Whose side are you on anyway?

      27. Yes, Rich, I am aware that OSHA and the min-wage should be taken out. I was merely trying to make it a shorter post to get the point across that Romney (ugh) sold equipment and.or moved these businesses to countries that the US has generally not been able to compete with when it comes to paying to make things.
        If I, as an expert embroidery digitizer, charge 50 dollars per hour, for my design-work (which is pretty cheap for how much experience I have and what a good job I do), yet someone in China or India is happy to charge five-dollars for a (crappy) digitizing job, who do you think most people would go to? Does it create a level market? Not really. And, yes, these other-side-of-the-world jerks are always phoning and emailing me to try and get me to pay them for their terrible work, rather than do the designs, myself. A lot of embroiderers use them, and the work is AWFUL.
        Still, that’s not really the point. There were approximately a dozen smaller-embroidery-businesses in Austin. Approximately 4 of us still stand. It was not (fair) competition that took them out. It was a plan to destroy the small-businesses in the USA, and was implemented by Romney and his business. I find it deplorable.
        Re: OSHA? I really don’t think we NEED them. I think that owners and managers of any businesses in the states should simply be responsible for the safety of their employees, and following certain OSHA “Standards” makes these same companies spend monies they could use for other things, including paying these employees better or more reasonable living-wages.
        I think the monies folk make should be dependant on how much experience and intelligence and willingness to do the work a person HAS. I do not think the government should have a say in it, but as they DO, it’s one reason many manufacturing jobs ARE overseas. Why pay someone even eight-bucks an hour when you can pay someone in Bangladesh 28 cents a DAY? I think the market should run ALL of this. It should be based on what the people WILL pay and what our preferences are, regarding where things come from.
        All wages should depend on many things, but the market should create that wage. Fair trade, within the states, and with other coutries (to an extent), should be approved,and decided, by the people. No, I do not think there should be a federal law OR department to oversee what the state monitors ARE already set-up to do.
        *I feel the same about the drug-war, as i do see it as terribly racist, and who CARES about POT? I do not smoke pot, and that is my preference, but if I had something going on where pot would help me, why should it not be legal, especially when alcohol IS?
        (And I just had a long conversation with my daugher over that one, too.. and she is also anti-pot, but only personally, she does agree that the fed should NOT control it.)

  17. Doug —
    You have Dr. Paul’s ear — and one thing has been sorely lacking
    in his many recent speeches: while thousands show up, only hundreds seem to vote. Every speech needs to include a strong pitch to get out there and vote for liberty, along with an accurate mention of the requirements …
    * “Here in California, in order to vote for liberty on June 5, you must be registered to vote as a Republican. The deadline for registration is May 21. We can win this thing, but you must vote!”
    * “Here in Texas, …” etc. or words to that effect.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    ** RP 2012 **

    1. It is simply not true that only hundreds show up to vote.
      Many votes have been, “lost”, and somehow they have all been Ron-Paul votes. If you haven’t been seeing results of this since Iowa (the night I really had it with the GOP/RNC and media), you have not paid attention. People DO show up. Paul supporters have, at times, counted heads of other Paul supporters, and the numbers have been ten-times the vote. Nobody will EVER convince me that the people who come out, in droves, for Ron Paul suddenly change their votes when in the “booth”.
      It’s the Hack-a-Vote 2000, and it’s been distorting the votes since 2000 (GWBUSH-style).
      These delegate conventions prove ONE thing. The same people who had their votes changed are now at the conventions, voting (for a second time) for the guy they wanted in the beginiing- RON PAUL.
      If you do not believe me, go and check out: “Hacking Democracy”. You will learn all you need to know about the terrible actions made possible by YOUR government. And, it is why i say; WE MUST BE INVOLVED. Do not allow the GOP or any party to mess with YOUR vote(s). Be a part of ensuring ALL votes are accurate, that folk are allowed IN to their precincts to VOTE, with nobody pushing them away. It happens. YOU have to help make sure it does not.

      Ron Paul and his campaign cannot do this,ALONE; we have to be as much a part of this, so sign in, sign on, and BE the vote!

      1. @annebeck58 – Of course… The point still being that they all need to be registered to vote, and exercise that vote. It is still a very valid message, as it is certain there are supporters that have felt so disenfranchised over the years that it is something they have neglected. There must be many RP supporters that have recently registered now that there is a real choice, and that real choice has a very real chance to win, and there are many voters over the years that have not voted even when they were registered.

      2. Yes. And, there is still time for folk to register to vote, as well as sign on as affiliates with the GOP, prior to the Fall elections. I really don’t understand the resistance to this, but have confronted plenty of it. IF we do not sign-up with the GOP, we really don’t have as much say in the process. Like this nastiness by the RNC; any of us who have affiliated ourselves with the party DO have right to file civil charges of FRAUD against the party. Who knows? I may decide to do so, myself, if the head does not drop out. Why wouldn’t I? He’s offended me as well as the rest of the party, by defrauding our votes and threatening to remove our delegates. We should fight back however we can.

  18. BY the way, Doug.. looks like you may finally be THE person to convince me to join the facebook thing. I’ve resisted all of these years, but if I want to hear you and “talk to you” (text or email-post?), I’ll have to break down and do it.
    Too bad posts don’t have a rating system more than “like”, cuz I have LOVED the more recent posts, proving what many of us have been alluding to for months; Ron Paul IS winning.
    (oh, poor Mittens)

    1. You may want to use a different picture, in the event somebody has something to eat before they see your facebook thing.

      Did you get high on heroine or cocaine before claiming Ron Paul is winning?

      1. And when I mean Crony Capitalism(note: I am not an anarchist or anarcho-capitalist… I just want big gubbernment to stop getting its unwanted hands into things it shouldn’t… everytime it federalizes/controls something, that something gets its costs skyrocketed!)… I’m sure an RMoney supporter reading this would be smart enough to tell the difference between real ‘Capitalism’ and the actual “Crony Capitalism” that’s wreaking havoc with our economy running under the FED’s free money game.

        In which RMoney has no interest in touching the FED, because he adores the cartel’s monetary destructiveness, the same kind of destructiveness that favors rich corporations and its own banking cartel… and not you, the taxpayer.

      2. Just a joke. I have zero pity and NO respect for Mittens. The puppet MORON irritates the heck out of me. HE tried to buy my business, as well as many other small embroidery businesses in Austin.. I rejected the many offers. Others (including some of my business friends) accepted. Sure, I am doing better, now, because of it- there are very few small embroiderers left in the Austin area, and I have great reviews– in general.. But, this is not how I wanted to “win”.
        I much rather appreciated a healthy economy and a having other businesses compete with me (I was still doing well enough). To know that Romney basically scammed these people, convinced them to continue running the work-end of the businesses, and then ultimately shut them down (and send the equipment overseas to 3rd world countries, like Bangladesh, many other places), giving nothing for the thousands of files worth of intellectual property, just was awful.
        So, I have a PERSONAL problem with Mittens. And, i would hate to see him run anything, especially OUR country.
        We would BE a third-world country under that jerk.

        When i say, “Poor Mittens”, I am laughing at him, and picturing him pouting in the corner (in his magic undies– hahaha)

      3. LOVE the term, “RMoney”. makes complete sense, especially if you KNOW What Mittens has done to businesses in these UNITED STATES.
        People need to consider that we are united STATES, each with our own laws and rules and regulations, who really do not need federal intervention to help us implement our laws. I think, when folk get that, they comprehend the reason for closing the FIVE departments Ron Paul is so fond of mentioning. It will save us a lot of money– OUR MONEY, not RMoney’s money.

      4. Btw: isn’t it odd that we feel we need to temper our commentary with follow-up? I think most people got what you were saying about RMoney// CCaps// but, of course, we have some here who elect to pick apart a few words and call us extreme. So, we have to further explain ourselves?
        I think these people need to spend more time educating themselves, so they understand what we are saying– the FIRST time!
        I am in that same position as you. I say something, someone picks up one word or phrase, and i have to spend too long re-saying what i already SAID. Sad that this season of Rep politics (read, slander, bickering, ridiculousness) has devolved to what it is, when we should all just find things we agree on and work from there.
        Thanks for your great comments. I appreciated EACH.

      5. Thanks, Don! I LOVE that the WHOLE WORLD IS behind US, begging, cajoling, asking that WE fix America, and help to fix the WORLD, in doing so. I saw this video (think it’s in my faves or my RON PAUL files). I don’t think we’ve ever seen the world SO involved in American Elections.. but really, it IS with good cause.
        After all, who will the NEOCONS decide to bomb, next? Could be ANY of them, from what I’ve seen!

      6. @DonHoward: “A video from Spain with supporters for Ron Paul. This is interesting”

        My wife is Colombian and I wish I could’ve helped coordinate something like this in Colombia when Obama went to visit there.

        One of my friends is a staunch status quo Republican and he’s all for Romney. His wife is also Colombian and we’re very close friends. They feel that a Romney/Rubio ticket is the best bet at beating Obama because Rubio will help draw in the Latino votes. I’m having serious challenges getting him into the RP camp.

        Anyway, the Colombian president is all about ending the war on drugs. Only Ron Paul will do this. NOBODY ELSE GETS IT! I have several brothers-in-law in Colombia and they recently went into guerilla areas to destroy drug crops. The military simply forms a perimeter around UNARMED CIVILIANS and tries to protect them as they destroy the crops. They go into these dangerous areas for weeks at a time and are permitted very limited communications with their families in order to reduce the risk of the guerilla intercepting a communication and thereby exposing their position. The last time they went in the guerilla found them and began shooting. A few of the military were killed and injured so they had to pull out. They got paid only a few hundred dollars for this dangerous work!

        Anyway, it’s awesome to see that the Latino community is awakening to the rEVOLution!

    2. I’m ashamed to say that we are no longer ‘Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave’ but by MOB RULE have become: “Land of the Oppressed and the Home of the Meek”!

      Unless Ron Paul WINS (which will amount to a Miracle, since The Ones In Power, that are occupying Our Nation, are doing their best by hook-and-crook to PREVENT it) IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!

      A TRUE POLICE STATE that controls ALL “Citizens” (by then, the proper term will be SUBJECTS)!

      It will be Historically Termed as: ROMNEY’S REVENGE (when he looses to BO)!

      Fight for Ron Paul to win in 2012, or face this as a prelude of ‘Things to Come’:

    3. Annebeck58, I kind of accidentally got on facebook a year or so ago – I wanted to leave a sarcastic comment for the National Ditz (Palin) and so, still thinking there was a chance, I went through a couple of clicks, and boom, here I am! It hasn’t troubled me at all, and it makes it really handy to leave comments on various sites that have comments sections. For example, right now, there’s a line below this textbox: “fill in your details below or click an icon to log on” and there’s a “W”, some glyph, and a small “f”, which logs me right in. So far, I haven’t had my bank balance hacked; I say go for it. 🙂

      1. My son has been hassling me about getting on facebook (and off of youtube, too) for quite some time. I always felt that I received enough harassment (and threats) a-la the toob, that putting my face out-there even more wasn’t a great idea.
        But, I was asked by someone else (in the GOP) to join “the” facebook, last night. I’ll be doing it (and yes, I have a business and the son of mine says it’s great for business).
        One thing I do know about the facebook; when you are hacked, as was my son, via some uglier influences (going after me, threatening my life, and trying to post pics of my face on someone’s nude body– to attach to my son’s page), from Israel., The facebook immediately alerted my son what had happened. That, I must say, was pretty darned impressive!
        So, I am saying it’s possible for the uglier element (in the US and in Israel) to hack facebook accounts, but the folk at facebook will send out alerts, which do contain info on the closest cel tower to the hacker. Pretty cool.
        I’ll do it. I will do this RIGHT AFTER I go and see Ron and Rand at the State CAP;. The rain has stopped- the skies have cleared– in more ways than one. It’s an exciting day in Austin, Texas!
        (Btw, thanks for talking to that whatever on my ax to grind… Never thought of myself as that, but I will accept it.)

      2. You know, Rich, it is true that I have (generally) stopped adding in the terms of endearment to my responses. I like to use, “Darlin”, “hon”, even “babies”, when responding to people saying terrible things about Ron Paul and his delegates. I think it keeps the conversation light, yet not everyone loves that I do it. Some take the word, “Darlin”, as an insult. And, so, it seems I cannot win for losing.. Either I am a bit of a clown, laughing at and with the “other side”, or I am very dry and perceived as “extreme”.
        What am I supposed to do with that? Extreme, to me, is the people who want to destroy the GOP. Extreme is the people who will cut off their (prov) noses to spite their faces, as we see the GOP doing, still. It’s working tirelessly and endlessly toward one’s own demise. I think that is ALL extreme.
        Perhaps I need to again measure my commentary with humour, in order to not be taken as, “extreme”? Or perhaps the peace-and-love committee needs to wake up to the realities of what these standards in the GOP have devolved to?
        I honestly don’t know the answer to being called, “extreme”. Just- wow.

      3. annebeck, I don’t find you “extreme” at all; I find your honesty and forthrightness quite refreshing.But your long post kind of confuses me. Wasn’t it you who had said you were a little reluctant to get on facebook? I was only saying that I kind of accidentally “joined” facebook and it hasn’t been a problem. Right now, I’m using “wordpress,” which makes it convenient to post to various other discussion sites, and also hasn’t presented any problems.

      4. Ha, Rich
        Yes, I was reluctant. I did not join facebook, though my son has been after me to do it for a long time.
        I decided, I will go ahead, mainly so i can have more access to other Ron Paul folk (though I do a lot in wordpress and twitter, and even youtube).
        I was saying that I was joining so I could do the facebook livestream with Doug on Wednseday. I;ll sign up before then.
        (I think I was saying you had some good points about why, facebook and had made the decision)

      5. Yes, I just read about your nightmare experience with facebook a few minutes ago. But I see you’re on wordpress and even twitter – I don’t even know what twitter IS! But I’m an old fart (DOB 3/3/1949) and got leapfrogged by technology some years ago, more’s the pity. And maybe the only reason I haven’t been hacked is that I have essentially nothing worth hacking! (security through obscurity, which doesn’t actually work in the long run) 😉

      6. So, now I found the post (oh well).
        If you have not figured it out from my screenname, I was born in 1958. which certainly means I am also not a “Spring chicken”. Yet I have (sort of) figured out how to navigate these internets..
        Just still not sure on the facebook thing; do I have the time, with all of the other places I am (expected to) writing, already?
        Oh, my.. I suppose I will do it, but it may be a very sparse page. I’ll let you know. Oh, will your facebook page have same name as here? if so, I WILL definitely send you a friend-invite!

      7. Annebeck58, it turns out I’m posting on Mr. Wead’s blog via WordPress, so that whole facebook thing is pretty much moot. But hey, do whatever turns your crank! 😀

  19. Thanks for being so informative Doug. I have been supporting Ron Paul since early 2008, and in early 2011 I was posting in the UK MSM that he would be the next President, and have done so many times since. I cannot vote but I sure can pray, along with so many around the world who recognize that Ron Paul is a conduit for peace and prosperity in the American Republic and around the world.

    I cannot predict what will be announced Wednesday, but I can take a little look into what ex-President Paul will be doing in 2021:

    I hope it brings some light relief at a time of tense excitement.

  20. Seems trolls do not understand (or pretend no to) our safeguarded election process.

    Here it is in general terms (simplified):

    1) There is a popular vote (The Many choosing their candidates).

    2) Then, the Decisions of the Many are handed to the delegates (the Qualified Few), who deem if there is merit to the popular vote or just a mob’s folly.

    3) Accordingly, the delegates cast their votes to reflect the meritorious ones.

    This instituted CHECK of Mob Rule is what has kept us as a Free Republic….until recently, and HOPEFULLY AGAIN! (The Ignorant Many can be mislead by TONS of Ads by an Attractive Politician who promises what THEY want to hear (but never intends to do — that’s where The Intelligent Few come in, and The Delegates determine if MERIT is to be assigned)).

    Recommended reading: Plato’s “Republic” and J.S. Mill’s “On Liberty”

    1. Yes. I believe the slight irritant from today is a troll. I do not know if this person is in the US and.or has a right to vote, but seems so mamby-pamby on the process and who’s right, who’s wrong.. I am presuming it’s simply a troll.
      Why did I bother?
      Hey, Surfisher– the rally was GREAT. Lots of talking with others, getting them to get what Paul stands for (people here, even those who were planning on voting for also-rans love Paul’s honesty, so is not such a battle to get them to see the light), so they changed their minds on whom they should vote for. of course, that Ted Cruz (you’ve maybe seen his MANY ads in youtube) is their guy and that he has come out in support of Paul probably did not hurt.
      Re; the rally? I only wish the Tea-Party folks did not sit up-front with big (sun) umbrellas, as they blocked any decent view of Ron Paul. Therefore, my videos will be quite short. I did get a lot of great video of the crowd! Don’t know how many people were there, but was pretty good size. I’d estimate at least four-thousand, on the steps of the Capitol building of the GREAT State of Texas.
      again – Yeehah!
      Will download things, later. I am seriously sunburned and pretty exhausted. (I must be getting old, because I completely forgot where I had parked my little motorcycle, and walked the streets– oh my! — for well over an HOUR. Gosh, I should have video’d where I left it, to make it easier to get back to. What a day!)
      Regardless the whole rally was FUN and I did a lot of campaigning, for Paul, and for myself– I am running for precinct-chair, in Austin. It’s a start for HONESTY and taking back the TRP/ TCRP! I am pretty sure I was an honest politician in a past life (ha)

    2. That is what it should have been and what it was set-up to be.. And, until 2000, a perfect way for distorting the vote had not been made. Electronic-voting machines have (almost) ruined any decent person’s chance for a win.
      And, this is what has made the delegate process SO very important, for us. We have to BE delegates or rely on fellow supporters (those who really do care about liberty) and vote FOR THEM to go to State and National conventions, to ensure OUR voices are heard.
      Sadly, the government factions that own the media, as well as the majority of our politicians (and banks, or Wall St, etc..) own the Hack-a-Vote 2000.. WE must beat them at their “game”, Only delegates can do this, as falsifying the vote is easy by comparison. Faking an in-person (standing) vote IS almost impossible.
      And this IS why they have pushed-back so strongly.

      Problem as I see it? Most mainstays of the GOP/.RNC seem to have zero idea that they are fighting against their own interests. They do whatever the people (with the money) in the party tell them to do. It is why we MUST have the head of the RNC cut off NOW.

  21. Watch how easily Ron Paul dismantles the dogma of “Professor” Krugman (from Princeton…no-one can possibly claim the REAL title of Legitimate Professor from this Nest of Political Correctness Indoctrination “School”)?!

    By extrapolation (since one of the most venomous creatures in America — Krugman — was so easily disposed of) Ron Paul will make mince-meat out of BO (who can hardly speak coherently without a teleprompter)!

    Share this as an assurance that Ron Paul will destroy in any debate the current occupier of the White House — the BO!


      Ron Paul comprehends what WE need to do in this country. This other Paul guy with his “I think we could stand another 30 points (thirty percent of DEBT)” is INSANE. I don’t understand that he comprehends what a free market is all about. I also do not want to see the fed end, but I completely agree with Ron Paul; give them some competitions, allow our markets to determine where our money is. Allow US, the people, to make those decisions by what we will buy and what we will not buy. I could see that helping a lot of American businesses rather than us simply sending money and trash to other countries and purchasing ALL goods from them.
      We are completely upside down with “third world” countries and countries coming up.. while WE go down.
      and, who is making it worse? Obama. WHO destroyed a lot of American businesses and sent the equipment overseas, so Americans could NOT recover? ROMNEY. I would really hate to see MIttens in the white-house with his record on business and economic destruction. WE would be completely screwed, then.
      It’s why we so need to elect Paul.
      Then we need to clean-out Congress and only elect intelligent folk who want this country to do well again. This professor does not understand the market or the basis for the American economic plan, at ALL. Where did he go to school and who taught him? MITT?

      1. As far as I know, Dr. Paul intends to pin the dollar to the gold and/or silver standard. When that’s done, it will pull the rug out from under the Fed’s power to inflate, rendering it somewhat moot. (IOW, annebeck58, I agree with you.) Anybody remember “Silver Certificates?” I even saw a Gold Certificate once! It used red ink where the silver certs had blue and the FRNs have green, for whatever that’s worth. The silver certs even said, “This is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable for real money….”

      2. (@RichGrise)
        Yes, I remember silver-certificates, which I believe are worthless these days. Were they basically a form of fiat-money? They were dispensed when the government took gold from people, right? I mean, I am not sure if I am accurate, but think this is what they were for (paper for silver).
        I have never seen a gold-certificate, but would like to one day. IF we had the chance to go back to metals-standards, would these old certificates be worth something again? I always wondered about people who held onto those papers. Will they ever be worth more than the cost of paper? And, will the dollar essentially go the way of these certificates, if the Fed remains playing this terrible game with our money??

        I should read a lot more about economics, just not of the school of this professor Ron Paul was up against. By the way, today in Austin, Dr Paul brought-up this guy, and the whole crowd knew who he was discussing and WHY. Pretty cool to see so many in-touch people!

      3. To annebeck58 on silver certificates – they looked almost exactly like the FRNs we use today, but they were, in fact, real money. They had the serial numbers and the seal printed in blue ink, and in the corner where the FRNs say, “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private,” the silver certs said, (I paraphrase) “This bill is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable for real money (i.e., actual silver metal) at any financial institution” or something very much like that. In other words, you could take it to the bank and get a dollar’s worth of actual silver metal, which these days is about 1/30 of an ounce.

        I don’t think the certs have been banned, they’ve simply been rendered worthless (other than their fiat value) and mostly have simply worn out and been thrown away The useful lifetime of a dollar bill (or ten, twenty, etc) is really not too terribly long. The internet says about 22 months before they shred it and send it back to the mint to be burned.

    2. Btw; would have to ensure Obama AND Paul did not receive the questions prior to any debate. Obama is pretty impressive when others write his answers FOR him, though the answers (just like from this prof.Paul) simply go nowhere; they “sound smart”. He talks in circles and does not understand American economic growth (and loss). I don’t see how this professor teaches anyone anything, to be sure.

  22. Doug, you may want to see the following text. It is from a fellow Ron Paul supporter :”Attention!! the fake slate of delegates at the NV convention contains a letter head that contains Copy write material. Ron Paul 2012 & the phrase “Restore America Now”, in the style that appears on the fake slate, is copy write, owned by the Ron Paul campaign! whoever printed & distributed this material is in violation of owned copy write. Just a heads up for the campaign. Dr. Ron Paul for President!” Please make a post asking for someone to submit evidance of this please. Maybe something legal can be done. -Just trying to be of help.

    1. Hey– says page not found..
      Maybe it was taken down? We do know about their ploys, though; anyone on the RPaul email list has heard it all this week!
      Do you have a diffferent link?

  23. Attention!! the fake slate of delegates at the NV convention contains a letter head that contains Copy write material. Ron Paul 2012 & the phrase “Restore America Now”, in the style that appears on the fake slate, is copy write, owned by the Ron Paul campaign! whoever printed & distributed this material is in violation of owned copy write. Just a heads up for the campaign. Dr. Ron Paul for President!

    1. Isn’t “fraud” a crime in most jurisdictions? Is anybody going to prosecute those criminals?

      1. richgrise —

        Crime — when the defrauder gains something of intrinsic value from you (causing you a loss of substance).

        Misdemeanor — when defrauder does not materially gain from your loss.

        Both are prosecutable offenses.

      2. OK, so how do we go about prosecuting them? I’m not a lawyer, I’m just an old fart who was essentially born Libertarian, but I have essentially no resources except early Socialist Insecurity (which the lady at the SS office reassured me: “It’s your own money!”)

        So is there anything we could realistically DO about it?

      3. richgrise — realistically, No (in time for the election).

        The culprit passing the fakes needs to be identified, then connected to Rmoney’s camp…your are looking at a long delay of law.

        You can contact the ACLU — they take cases for free (and sometimes get it right).

        However, the one below — Maine — is a different story!

      4. Well, thanks for cluing me up on that. And I’d trust the ACLU about as much as I’d trust Obamney – they’re historically about as ultraliberal as you can get, AFAIK.

        Oh, well, in any case I know _I’m_ voting for The Good Doctor! (BTW, I ‘borrowed” that expression from Dr. Isaac Asimov’s Kindly Editor, for whatever that’s worth.)

    2. Wow.
      I think Rachel is not exactly saying with it is (based on her ending comment). This is NOT Ron Paul people, especially with the “gear” passing out these kooky ballots. Same SCAM was tried in Maine, yesterday, and I don’t know if we YET have an accurate count of verified delegates out of Maine.
      Charlie Webster was pretty mad about being ousted, and a Ron Paul supporter being voted-in, so after 4 votes (the last time I saw a vote there),, they invalidated all, again.
      It’s Maine Caucus 2.0. The usuals will sit behind locked doors, keeping out the Delegates for Ron Paul, in order to count these fake ballots as they see fit.
      People who said, “take my name off of that ballot” were voted on! How insane IS the GOP? the tricks they are up to should shame any criminal mastermind.
      Thanks for the great video! Check out Ginger’s videos from what happened in Maine. Some are posted, here.
      (Yes, whomever that was, I SHOULD have an ax to grind when this is what the old-timers in the GOP do. Shouldn’t you?)

    1. The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71) —


      This is a Prosecutor’s Bonanza! From Jennifer Taylor’s recordings — several lawsuits can be successfully filed. Federal Crime to fraudulently influence an election’s result (a Felony); State and possible Federal Crime to falsify ‘Registered Mark’ documents; Federal and State Crime to Falsely take someone’s Identity (Jennifer Taylor needs to identify the woman that Impersonated her, and the Other Impersonators that did so to The Legitimate Ones, on the Count ANNOUNCED as TRUE; the Voice accepting these FAKE “refusals for nomination” of Ron Paul needs to be pinned to the individual (so his Name and Address can also be tied as Collusion to Defraud)! Very important to have Exact Name and accurate address — in order to file lawsuits expeditiously!

      All of these need to be leaned on to admit they worked under Romney’s DIRECT Orders — or face long terms in jail!

      After all, it is Romney we need to put in Jail (since he’s the General that gave the orders TO DEFRAUD, if not, THAN HE IS THE ONE THAT CAN’T CONTROL HIS OWN TROOPS — THE FAULT STILL LAYS WITH HIM)!

      HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS — the Weakest Link has been SPOTTED (see video count from 3:14 to 3:21).

      This Young Man MUST be Confronted with these ONLY Options: become Rmoney’s sacrificial lamb, and spend your Life in a Federal Prison (till you grow old and gray); OR get Amnesty by testifying Against Romney, that you were put up to do this on HIS BEHALF!

      1. This is SERIOUS stuff. Why aren’t any official statements being made by the campaign? Are we being left to police this? If so, it would be consistent with the platform of “we the people” however I’m not so sure that a citizen or group of citizens can file charges along these lines.

        Can we?

      2. Fyre; I completely agree with ALL of that.
        Yes, we should know the name(s) of those so willing to defraud the process by obstructing the vote. I am GLAD the police were called, though I am not sure what they can do (aside from remove offending party and perhaps charge him with trespassing?). I do think it would take a civil case, brought on by (probably) any or all delegates, in Maine as well as Nevada (and be ready, they will be trying this in MANY states). We have kept level heads, learned the procedures, and the other side seems to want to do the opposite. You would think, as long as they have been in “the party”, they would know the rules and want to work within same, but this has obviously not been the case.
        What do we do with that??

      3. BTW; FyreWyngz; now, I think, you see why I am SO very frustrated with the usual neocon side. Yes, I suppose I do have an ax to grind with them, and it’s completely based on their scamming, for Romney.
        (I do not like affording him the respect of decency of writing his name, properly, as I see him as a JOKE. He seems to be in this only to ensure Obama will “win” again, yet seems to not be aware of this!)

        This game-play is ALMOST laughable, were it not for the fact that we are talking about the future of OUR country. This is what has me so bothered..

  24. Time to update this blog-post now, or write a NEW ONE!!

    Ron Paul has WON both Maine & Nevada!! And ignore all that crap about bulk of Nevada delegates being bound to Romney. They should safely ABSTAIN from voting for the criminal anti-American thug Romney, the scumbag that he is.

    1. Yup, saw that video and saved it just in case someone removes it. Looks like Ron Paul DOMINATED Nevada. Watch this video. 55:00 minute mark is where they start announcing delegates.

      HERE WE COME!!!

      Indiana Primaries in my State are this Tuesday. I am already getting involved with other Ron Paul supporters in my area. We are making our move!

    2. Love that at least the loals are repotting.
      By the way, JUST got home from the RON and RAND Tea-Party RALLY in Austin! Both were wonderful. However, something was missing (as usual). No press.
      This was an outside event, held on the steps our State Capitol building, and I saw (and had) many cameras, but did not see even ONE local or national press badge.
      So they believe, if they don’t report, it isn’t happening? I;ll be uploading and posting the video and will share on my blog and trackback here. Wonderful crowd, and i KNOW I talked a few of these tea-party folks into VOTING RON PAUL!

    1. (haha)
      I sent Ben Ginger’s Maine convention videos- and asked him to please talk with her and report. Maine was horrible, yet WE, the people; WON regardless.

    2. areamike — thanks for posting the live-stream from Nevada!

      I’m spreading it (see below)!

      Also, good luck in Indiana!

    1. Travis — thanks for alerting us to this!

      Ron Paul’s camp should hire a lawyer from Cato Institute — who’ll make mince-meat of the one hired by Rmoney (post facto can rarely be won — in this case near impossible).

      The Maine delegate count will withstand any court challenges — what Mitt’s goons are trying for is a DELAY…so Ron Paul would be deprived FROM having this Count VALIDATED on time for the Tampa Convention. Very slick move (that Mitt can employ on several State Delegate Confirmations). However, it is a desperate exercise of Futility, since any unbiased Judge will recognize it as “just a ploy to delay to sworn to outcome” and will dismiss the case.

      This will set a precedence for such future claims to be outright rejected.

      If Rmoney is STUPID enough to press such unwarranted charges in Maine — he’ll bite a cow-pie that will ricochet back into his perfidious Mouth (no other States will pay attention to such silly Claims issued on Mitt’s whining behalf).

  25. Ron Paul wins 22 out of 25 delegates in Nevada!

    Lessons learned HOW TO ASSURE a GOP Convention is properly run (so Ron Paul is not cheated of TRUE delegates by the desperate frauds committed by Rmoney’s PLANTS!):

    1) Have two or more patrolling the venue to CATCH Mitt’s goons trying to pass FAKE PAPER COPIES (as they did in Maine and Nevada) and have them removed from the premisses (making sure each one is photographed/ video taped/ live stream shown…so they can be identified later).

    2) Make sure all Badges are legitimate (not ink-jet printed FAKES) before ANY are allowed to be heard at the Convention.

    3) Tape ALL proceedings (from many angles!) — even better to have them live-streamed to thousands outside. See how to easily set up live-streaming by watching the last video — “my setup”.

    4) Stay till the VERY END — make sure you (the Ron Paul supporters) are the LAST ones to leave the building (because, in the last few minutes, Mitt’s Goons will try to ANNUL the Actual Delegates Elected, and by subterfuge replace them with their own fake delegates)!

    After spending about six hours watching eight videos from USTREAM (Nevada Convention) — the above are my conclusions!

    See them for yourself below to form your own:

    1. Hey, Cheife!
      Yes, I love that all of my pleas and screams and pulling my hair out, and POSTING, cajoling, begging folk to PLEASE video ALL votes, especially CAUCUSES/ Delegate Conventions, has come to FRUITION.
      You know, I really had to fight with people, even in DailyPaul, right after IOWA (I watched on C-SPAM and was DISGUSTED with the obvious trickery, and posted in DailyPaul, VIDEO THE VOTE)..
      Really, it was only after StupidTuesday, when I was on RevPacLive, with many delegates for Paul, that people began to HEAR ME. And,I think this IS what will ultimately work; will FORCE old-timers in GOP to acquiesce (look at Maine and Nevada– would they have EVER backed-down had these great Paul supporters NOT gotten the video evidence? i am SURE, NO)..
      I’ve been watching the GOP/RNC Mainstays back down. It’s finally NOT worth it to them to get themselves in trouble (some have, too.. fraud is SO not cool!) And,some have decided that they don’t hate Ron Paul enough to keep fighting this.
      But, again; it would have never happened if people did not finally get it- they HAVE to video all of this, from the moment they get to the floor (or even before, to ensure they are allowed IN), to the moment the winners are announced. It all has to be PROVEN, and there are NO rules against it. GOP never thought of making THAT rule, and we’re ahead of the curve.

      Everyone NEEDS to remember to POST all of these videos and please: Add, @GOP_ELECTION_FRAUD to tags. It IS working. And this IS how we WIN!

  26. We need a way to share tactics for getting the delegates elected. I’m an alternate delegate in NJ. We’re having a strategy meeting this evening. I’m looking for tried-and-true strategies that are less time/resource intensive than phone calling and door knocking. Is there a resource that captures and share the ideas? Efforts to reach the campaign have been fruitless….

  27. Blow dealt to Rmoney over the weekend!

    Ron Paul gains 44 more Delegates — Rmoney gets only 6 !!!

    Rmoney’s camp Attempt TO DEFRAUD the Elections — by sending plants using FAKE delegate badges and circulating FAKE delegate slates, and even impersonating real delegates — BACKFIRES! It only helped to galvanize The People in further rejecting Perfidy Mitt!

    Paul —148

    As of May 7th:
    Paul —192

    More good news for Ron Paul — according to RNC rule #38, the Mitt has probably lost about 50 bound delegates to him; while Ron Paul has probably gained that number.

    Therefore, it could be that the more accurate numbers are:

    Paul —242

    Fox New’s REALITY CHECK Show is the source for the above numbers. Watch this video and pay attention the explanation of Rule #38 (from minute 3:15 till end of video –4:23).


    1. A push needs to be made to get most of Rick’s and Newt’s delegates. Then, Ron Paul’s count could become as of now:

      Ron Paul — 575
      Rmoney — 683

      Wishful thinking — or a distinct possibility?

      (I crunched these numbers using a “Optimism Factor”…just for fun).

      1. Abandon your Optimism in favor of Reality. The glass is neither half full or half empty; It’s merely twice as big as it needs to be. Suspend your emotion and be prepared to accept the truth no matter where it leads. Campaigns are not won with wishful thinking. Skepticism comes from the Greek word meaning ‘to put under examination’. True skeptics are the most curious people on the planet; In fact, skepticism is the basis of our scientific method. Yes I want you to be right but what I want isn’t as important as what is truth.

      2. Just as a WONDERFUL comparison? Last time;; 08:

        this time? 2012:

        and, this (above) IS why we are WINNING!! The USA, along with the rest of the world, IS AWAKENING!

    2. Haha, And, i am Ben Swann’s go-between! I get the stories from folk who’ve been completely messed around, and then got them to video next vote, spoke to Ben, and got them together.
      All of the names you first heard of when Ben interviewed them for proving the vote-fraud, came through me. I had ONE good idea this year (other than convincing people to BE delegates, all over the country).. and it was?
      And, post, @GOP_ELECTION_FRAUD..

      I am only glad people heard me and Ben Swann TRUSTED me to get accurate claims together. Ben Swann (find him in youtube: @BenSwannRealityCheck or twitter: @Fox19BenSwann) is AMAZING!

      1. I should get back in twitter, more-so, as that is where most of the complaints came from– well, that and @DailyPaul. Most people com
        isserated, but never did anything about it. I did.
        I already had the ear of Ben Swann, as I gave him a bit of a what-for, for saying, “We cannot SAY Ron Paul wrote the newsletters or even edited them, as we don’t KNOW”. I fired back, “Ben; WE KNOW. The names of the people writing and editing are posted online. It IS common-knowledge in the Paul camp.” I then sent him to where all was posted, Ben accepted it, and within a couple of days, he posted a rebuttal (unheard of in da-SNOOZE these days). Since then, he has heard me whenever someone has been disenfranchised, and they have PROOF of such. And, most of his stories on delegates and GOP chicanery have gone through my computer to his! From there, to the NEWS,
        Reality Check style, which has been great for US!


    Attack the Romney Trotskyist FRAUD!!! The moment is golden, the opponent is a weak paper-plastic hybrid tiger. Go for the KILL with all guns blazing! Time & strength is on our side. There has never been a better time in last 100 years to take on corrupt, socialist central banking Ponzi scheme.

    Doug, are you listening?

    1. As much anger as I feel for the current system, I do not feel it to be very productive to promote such hostility. Comments like these are what the corporate media uses to characterize Ron Paul supporters.

      1. @ The Chiefe and Paul – As much as I love the enthusiasm I also agree that as MSM peeks into our conversations they will use what they can twist…

    2. I think Doug IS counting on US to do our part– and we ARE.
      We have been kicking (Old-time GOP) arse… and taking (video-recording) NAMES.
      Is very funny, to me, ‘cuz it started with me having a dream the night after IOWA. I was SO MAD over the trickery in Iowa, I wanted to SPIT. Instead, I turned it around to a good idea, just as have MANY people in this election. WE put out heads together to get the evidence (and I am THRILLED many did hear me and trust me that they COULD video their votes and caucuses– especially the caucus conventions) and we must continue to DO THIS.
      It is how we got the proof and IS how we shall WIN THIS.

      1. Voted here in Indiana today. Myself, my Wife and my Mother all voted for Ron Paul in Carrol County, Monticello, Indiana, Jefferson Township! I also stayed around at the polls to ask others to vote for Ron Paul. Most of the people voting in my area are retirees.

      2. I think it is excellent that you did this. Yes, sometimes the older Americans (and I include myself as almost there) need a bit of prodding and convincing, to do the right thing. Hey – friends tried to tell me, four years ago, that we needed Paul. I did not believe he could do this, so I ignored them. Obviously, i have changed my thoughts on that, and am also working hard to ensure we are heard, so we can finally see: President Paul!

      3. Hey, Mike- how did Indiana go? I have not had time, yet, to look it up!
        Yes, I should and could go to DailyPaul and see it ALL,,, just have loads of work to do, today.
        THANKS.. and esp thanks for standing up for LIBERTY!

      4. Romney won. So many people in my state are pretty brain washed by MSM. Lot’s of retirees also that just vote for the status quo year after year. Here’s a link I have:
        You can see by the vote counts Santorum and Gingrich received just how out of touch my State’s overall populace is.
        Even though Romney got 27, we could still get the 16 unbounds up for grabs at our State convention plus the three other unbound delegates(3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Indiana’s Republican Party).

      5. People are crazy-stupid.
        My favorite saying, which I guess is mine, to describe these fools is:
        ” Meanwhile , in the USA; The rest of the GOP is working fast and furiously, tirelessly and endlessly, toward their OWN demise.” I’ve typed that in twitter so many times, and most get it-unless they are on the sleepy-neo-con side.
        It’s also applicable to the Dems, when it comes to Obama (and ANY Neo-con)

      6. Look up Rule #38, in Robert’s Rules, in regard to so-called “bound” delegates. It basically states that NO delegate should be forced to vote for a candidate (regardless of the primary “win”).
        — Now, I do know that in Nevada, the Paul folk were planning on going with Romney in the first-round of voting. It was the only way they could get the NEV-GOP to finally validate the delegates (for Paul). However, with Rule-38, they may be able to either abstain OR simply vote for Paul first round.
        The gist of the rule seems to be pretty straight-forward; No delegate shall be BOUND by any candidate or state…., and tells me that it should and can be used to keep Paul’s supporters/ delegates from ever having to (being forced to) give even ONE vote to MITTENS.

        I hope I am correct.

      7. I know a little about “Robert’s Rule”. but if you argument is true, then what is the point of bound and unbound delegates? Besides, the current voting scheme is flawed anyway. Each individual’s vote does NOT count.

      8. It is silliness. Maybe it’s to give the (s)noozers something to say? In Texas, Santorum was (supposedly) trying to work with Perry and I guess the TRP to change the way Texas does things, and bind OUR delegates. It did not happen and he dropped out before rules could be changed
        The thing about the Republican party RULES is this: they are NOT laws. They can be interpreted as “need be”, and they are many times ignored or changed, in the end. Unless a state has other rules written-out and on the books, Robert’s Rules do apply. But, it is not the case in every state.
        Right now, it seem the RNC is working to try and make some changes. I do not think most (any?) states will allow for that, but who knows?

        Let’s as Doug about the rules, esp Rule #38.. Doug, what do YOU think about the delegate voting rules? Are bound delegates REALLY bound?

      9. @annebeck58 – As I am hearing rule #38 it seems that it may be saying that delegates can not be bound to vote as a “unit”. I am reading that as they can not be bound to cast “all” votes for one candidate, not that they can not each be bound to vote for a particular candidate according to whatever other binding issues may be in place. How do you read it?

      10. How I interpret Rule-38, is that no delegate shall be bound to (ever) vote against his or her own interests by casting a vote for a particular candidate, regardless of “popular vote”. This is the reason for voting-in delegates we feel have our best interests in mind.
        As I said, though, the interpretation of this will be left up to each state. And, with liberty-minded folk now heading-up many states, I believe the rule(s) will either be suspended, and proposals brought to the fore/the floor, in order to decide how to handle such cases (can they abstain in the first round or will they be required to vote against their desires and beliefs in first-round vote?). This is the reason the Paul camp has been holding (many) delegate “classes” of sorts. Each rule might have the possibility of being interpreted in more way than one. And, there are some ways to get around particular (problematic) rules, too. However, the Paul camp seems to be comprised of delegates who do want to see the rules upheld, and that is due to the fact that Paul has won so many delegates in many states.

        We shall see when the delegates convene in Tampa. But, all delegates will have to be prepared to work. From my vantage point, I see the Paul delegates as real workers as well as very intelligent!

      1. Isn’t that amazing? Did you watch the video? There are other sites with stories on this but how could we not have heard about this?

    1. Haha. DON;
      This is exactly what the GOP.RNC should be watching. The guy either flip-flops (all of the time) to get others to come his way, or?? he really does NOT know what the heck he’s talking about!
      I think he does not comprehend what he’s saying half of the time.

      1. Anne: If people could only stand back a bit and see what he is all about. The scare of O winning has them willing to jump into this craziness. Put the powers that O has grabbed into socialist or fascist hands and this country is in very serious trouble. But then you, and almost all of us here, already know that…

      2. Yes, I completely agree. I think it’s money and maybe prizes that keep the mainstays doing whatever the head tells them to do. I realize they think Romney is NOT O, but I also realize he IS. This is what we have to work to convince them to really comprehend it. That is the point I made, all of Sunday, with the Tea-Party folk in Austin.

      3. I think the question of whether R==0 depends on whether he has flipped or flopped this week. 😉

      1. Haha!
        Mittens and the Muttons! You are quick!
        I was thinking; RomNot and the RomBOTS.. (nowhere near as good)

        I best watch myself, though; someone will be calling me extreme for that, again- I think some have ZERO humour!

  29. May 9th is upon most of the country by now. (4 more minutes of May 8 here.)

    Doug said May 9 is an important day, what’s happening?!?! Has Mitten decided to drop off after his stooge lawyers advise him he can’t get past his embezzlement scandals?

  30. Ron Paul:

    11% NC
    11% WV
    16% Indiana

    Those are approximately the numbers he got in Nevada and Louisiana —- where Ron Paul won most of the delegates!

  31. I would like to know why several of my comments are still in moderation. There are more than a dozen posts made after my last comment. As much as I believe in Dr Paul’s message, I found it horribly distressing that I am not allowed a voice on his campaign manager’s blog.

    1. Don Howard — about time!

      GOP VIOLATING Rules in TEAMING UP with Mitt (while the GOP’s nomination process is still going)!

      An unbelievable affront to all Americans by the GOP Controllers — A Felonious Action on their part!

      IN DESPERATION to CIRCUMVENT THE PROCESS by FALSELY “presuming Mitt is the CHOSEN ONE” the GOP HAS ALREADY started ILLEGALLY pumping Money TO HIS CAUSE (in order to IGNORE Ron Paul IS WINNING almost ALL DELEGATES at The States’ Conventions)!

      Americans — wake up to these Criminals that want to turn us from Free Citizens into Servile Subjects!

      Watch the below by Fox New’s REALITY CHECK (before this exposing video disappears like many others have):

      1. @Surfisher, I wish I could remove that link. Hoping everyone sees my response… I suspect that site is not an honest site! It requires a donation to complete the signature and it does not say where the donation is going!

      2. @Surfisher – While that is a great cause we should all get behind, it is very suspect in it’s tactics, would you agree?

      3. This is exactly why I love Ben Swann (Reality Check).
        He does hear us. When we have been slighted (and have video or will stand up and be interviewed for his program), Ben is willing to report on it. If you do feel you’ve been disenfranchised by the establishment, contact Ben:
        @Fox19BenSwann (twitter), or,
        @BenSwannRealityCheck (youtube)
        I believe he also posts his facebook info in both places.

        Unless YOU provide him with the information, he does not have the facts (or sources) necessary to put this forth. And, Ben has been a great asset to liberty. I don’t even know that he’s pro-Paul. He is simply pro-HONESTY.

      4. The thing about GOP rules is this: they are not laws. They guide the party in making decisions, and yes; they are not being followed. However,for them to be felonies, they would have to be breaking the LAWS of the land, rather than RULES of a party.
        I imagine CIVIL cases regarding FRAUD can be filed, but criminal cases, regardless of what they do to break rules, most likely could not be brought to fruition, and would be thrown out of any (honest) court in the land.

        Yes, it is infuriating, it’s wrong, and it’s despicable. But, it is not exactly illegal. Scummy,smarmy, and should force those participating in their fraud(s) to drop out, as that petition suggested, but jail? Will not happen. I don’t see how it could.

        (Sorry, am just the messenger, and just as angry over their acts.)

      5. @Anne – You are absolutely right… but it needs to be pursued with diligence and a bright light shining on it for all to see… : )

      6. Believe, you, me; I so wish the rules were laws and that the fraud could be investigated, criminally.., but it’s a fact that it goes the other way.
        Sure, delegates (and affiliates of the GOP, I am sure) can file suits against the particular offenders (this Priece guy, for sure), but nothing would happen prior to the delegate convention in Tampa.
        I believe this is why the petition to cut off the head of THAT SNAKE is a particularly positive move. It may be all we can do to work toward fairness and honestly in this year’s election, and surely, our convention. it is, after all, OUR convention, since we have all done the work to affiliate ourselves with the GOP. That, alone, was a great move on our part!


      Republican Executive Committee Member Calls for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

      Due to an alleged violation of the national GOP’s Rule # 11 (bans favoritism of one candidate while more than one candidate exists), an Executive Committee member within the GOP calls for the resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

      Washington, DC, May 07, 2012 –(– Jeffrey Bales, a Member-at-Large of the Pima County GOP Executive Committee (Tucson, Arizona), says:

      “Due to violation of the RNC’s Rule #11, I call for Chairman Reince Priebus to resign immediately. It is un-American and beneath the standards established by the Republican Party to violate this rule. It is unethical to support a single Republican Presidential candidate (Mitt Romney) while other Republican candidates remain in the race.

      “Further, I call upon Mitt Romney to denounce this behavior and ask that the RNC repair the breach of trust by including the other remaining Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, in any dispensation of funds, effort and labor. It would benefit all Americans if Mitt Romney would further clarify the fact that 2 candidates remain if he challenged Dr. Ron Paul to a debate.”

      Rule #11 states:

      “Rule No. 11 Candidate Support”

      (a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office. In those states where state law establishes a nonpartisan primary in which Republican candidates could participate, but in which the general election may not include a Republican candidate, the candidate endorsed by a convention held under the authority of the state Republican Party shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the Republican nominee.

      (b) No state Republican Party rule or state law shall be observed that allows persons who have participated or are participating in the selection of any nominee of a party other than the Republican Party, including, but not limited to, through the use of a multiparty primary or similar type ballot, to participate in the selection of a nominee of the Republican Party for that general election. No person nominated in violation of this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party from that state.

      Official RNC rules are available online at:

      Click to access 2008_RULES_Adopted.pdf

      This call for resignation is based upon statements released by the RNC on 4/25/12 that said,

      “Governor Romney’s strong performance and delegate count at this stage of the primary process has made him our party’s presumptive nominee,” Mr. Priebus said. “In order to maximize our efforts I have directed my staff at the R.N.C. to open lines of communication with the Romney campaign.”


      “It’s my intention to have a seamless and complete merger between the presumptive nominee and the Republican National Committee,” Mr. Priebus said. “That means political, communications, fund-raising, research and the chairman’s office, along with the governor’s main operational team, are completely merged.”

      Jeffrey Bales is available for commentary.

      Contact information:
      Jeffrey Bales

      Pima County GOP Executive Committee page:

      Jeffrey Bales’ Official GOP email:
      Personal email:

      Contact Information
      Jeff Bales
      (520) 465-3645

      1. Say, Surfisher;
        I believe this IS the big announcement, no?
        I think it’s pretty big news. Has this been rebutted, or will the rules-committee win? A win in this regard is a win for ALL, in my opinion, even the GOP who don’t know that it’s in their best interest.

    3. Don Howard — see the below (reposting it in segments, since when posting more THAN ONE website, entire post stays in limbo…awaiting moderation).

      Republican Executive Committee Member Calls for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

      Due to an alleged violation of the national GOP’s Rule # 11 (bans favoritism of one candidate while more than one candidate exists), an Executive Committee member within the GOP calls for the resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

      Washington, DC, May 07, 2012 –(– Jeffrey Bales, a Member-at-Large of the Pima County GOP Executive Committee (Tucson, Arizona), says:

      “Due to violation of the RNC’s Rule #11, I call for Chairman Reince Priebus to resign immediately. It is un-American and beneath the standards established by the Republican Party to violate this rule. It is unethical to support a single Republican Presidential candidate (Mitt Romney) while other Republican candidates remain in the race.

      “Further, I call upon Mitt Romney to denounce this behavior and ask that the RNC repair the breach of trust by including the other remaining Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, in any dispensation of funds, effort and labor. It would benefit all Americans if Mitt Romney would further clarify the fact that 2 candidates remain if he challenged Dr. Ron Paul to a debate.”

      Rule #11 states:

      “Rule No. 11 Candidate Support”

      (a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office. In those states where state law establishes a nonpartisan primary in which Republican candidates could participate, but in which the general election may not include a Republican candidate, the candidate endorsed by a convention held under the authority of the state Republican Party shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the Republican nominee.

      (b) No state Republican Party rule or state law shall be observed that allows persons who have participated or are participating in the selection of any nominee of a party other than the Republican Party, including, but not limited to, through the use of a multiparty primary or similar type ballot, to participate in the selection of a nominee of the Republican Party for that general election. No person nominated in violation of this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party from that state.

      Official RNC rules are available online at:

      Click to access 2008_RULES_Adopted.pdf

    4. ….continues….

      This call for resignation is based upon statements released by the RNC on 4/25/12 that said,

      “Governor Romney’s strong performance and delegate count at this stage of the primary process has made him our party’s presumptive nominee,” Mr. Priebus said. “In order to maximize our efforts I have directed my staff at the R.N.C. to open lines of communication with the Romney campaign.”


      “It’s my intention to have a seamless and complete merger between the presumptive nominee and the Republican National Committee,” Mr. Priebus said. “That means political, communications, fund-raising, research and the chairman’s office, along with the governor’s main operational team, are completely merged.”

      Jeffrey Bales is available for commentary.

      Contact information:
      Jeffrey Bales

      Pima County GOP Executive Committee page:

      1. And I agree with all of that, which is why I posted the link. The problem arises from the request for money when signing the petition, of which there is no option to bypass, and the recipient of the money is not identified. It should not be required to make a donation just to sign a petition. I DO NOT TRUST that link…

      2. Don Howard says:
        May 9, 2012 at 3:18 pm

        “And I agree with all of that, which is why I posted the link. The problem arises from the request for money when signing the petition, of which there is no option to bypass, and the recipient of the money is not identified. It should not be required to make a donation just to sign a petition. I DO NOT TRUST that link…”

        Correct — seems to be a scam!

        That’s why the other links are given to contact directly Jeff Bales.

        Call, and see what he says about that “most-likely-another-Rmoney-fraud-link”… and ask if ANY Part is needed by us (since if a lawsuit has been filed…no petitions are required)!
        I’ll call him later, and we’ll compare notes.

    5. …ends…

      Jeffrey Bales’ Personal email:

      Contact Information
      Jeff Bales
      (520) 465-3645


      Do your part — call and send e-mails!

      Enough GOP Perfidy — on behalf of Fraudster rMONEY !!!

    6. Who was saying they got stuck on a donations page? Just open the petition site in a new browser tab, and after signing, when you’re redirected to the donations page, just close the tab. It has accepted my signature and I didn’t have to pay.

      1. richgrise — just double checking that it’s not another of Mitt’s frauds (since he is becoming famous for the scams his people do).

        I’ll call firstly — to verify the validity of the link — then nail the SOB!

      2. Actually, I’m not even sure if we’re talking about the same petition. I “sign” petitions willy-nilly if they sound like something that would be good for the country. I’m a Libertarian, but in Taxifornia, you have to hold your nose and register Repubnacrat in order to vote for Dr. Paul in the primary. In the interim, like I say, I sign almost every petition that gets emailed to me, if it sounds like it supports Liberty.
        Almost all of them have a “donate” page, but all my donation money is allocated to Dr. Paul, so I just close the donation page, and they all seem to have accepted my signature. (of course, it dramatically increases the number of email solicitations I get, but they’re trivially easy to ignore.)

      3. Guess what I learned, this Sunday at the RON and Rally (Or, the Rally of the PAULS), in Austin? Getting a LIBERTARIAN to sign-up for anything, even for Ron Paul volunteerism, is like pulling teeth! If I had not heard with my own ears, “I am not a joiner and I don’t sign up”, when it pertained to Paul– even at a PAUL rally!!= I would not have believed it.
        So, i am saying; join in, please. US joining forces is the ONLY WAY we can and will take down the GOP/RNC and have the chance to re-build it, from the GROUND UP.

        I am/was a child of the sixties and seventies; “tune-in and drop-out” group of people. I certainly dropped out following the (S)election of Bushes.. I halfway dropped-out when Reagan became so ugly (and did exactly the opposite of what HE said he’d do).. But, when it comes to freedom and all Dr Paul is working toward, even I have to join up and do my part to support LIBERTY. IF we don’t do it, the change will never come!

      4. Anne: I’ve signed up for about everything that’s been presented in a Libertarian bent, that I have access to. Unfortunately, I live in a Gerrymandered sanctuary district: (in Whittier, at the little red “A”)
        and the only transportation I have is my bicycle and the various city buses, which aren’t very well coordinated. I got a stack of the brochures, but just about the only people around here are Mexicans, most of whom are illegals, who aren’t supposed to vote, but if they do, they’ll naturally vote Obama, who kowtows to them. I wasn’t raised racist, but those illegal Mexicans yammering away in Barbarianese blocking the grocery store aisles are doing their best to change my mind about that.

        Sorry for venting, but this and the Daily Paul are about my only links to the real world; both of my coworkers are Muttons, and the boss is essentally a male psycho b1tch from Hell, so I have very few sane people to relate to.

        But I do have an email recipients list, to whom I forward almost everything Ron Paul-related; I don’t know if I’ve convinced anybody yet, but I keep putting his name in front of them, for whatever that’s worth.

      5. I just bought a scooter, so I could get around town– and to the PAUL meet-ups, while my car is still ailing. So, I get it. I was stuck at home, not being able to work in-town for Paul, though I spent a lot of time working with delegates ALL over the country.
        Gotta adjust to our circumstances.
        I was just saying, at the Paul’s rally, the more hardcore Libertarians refused to sign for Ron Paul VOLUNTEERISM, and they said, “I don’t sign up for anything”. I get that, in general, but not with what’s going on in this country, this election, this time.

      6. Guess what I learned, this Sunday at the RON and RAND Rally (Or, the Rally of the PAULS), in Austin? Getting a LIBERTARIAN to sign-up for anything, even for Ron Paul volunteerism, is like pulling teeth! If I had not heard with my own ears, “I am not a joiner and I don’t sign up”, when it pertained to Paul– even at a PAUL rally!!= I would not have believed it.
        So, i am saying; join in, please. US joining forces is the ONLY WAY we can and will take down the GOP/RNC and have the chance to re-build it, from the GROUND UP.

        I am/was a child of the sixties and seventies; “tune-in and drop-out” group of people. I certainly dropped out following the (S)election of Bushes.. I halfway dropped-out when Reagan became so ugly (and did exactly the opposite of what HE said he’d do).. But, when it comes to freedom and all Dr Paul is working toward, even I have to join up and do my part to support LIBERTY. IF we don’t do it, the change will never come!

      7. @richgrise – Why would someone need to find a workaround for a legitimate site? It could just be a very poorly thought out process, but it smells bad as it is setup…

      8. MY problem with adding this site to the current blogsite is this:
        It’s not exactly part of the Ron Paul R3VOLution. Yes, it’s a revolution and all revolts (which we’ve been seeing for about a year now) is helpful to the US and the world. BUT, I would much prefer seeing another site/blog where this can more appropriately be posted.
        I just don’t think it really belongs here.

        Great; glad Iceland is waking up, too.. BUT, I don’t know it being posted here is really correct.
        That’s all!

      9. @annebeck58 – The Icelandic revolution may seem to be off topic a bit, but it was caused by the folly of policies RP is warning us of. The whole EU is experiencing the same difficulties. It is encouraging to see the people stand together and overcome the corruption. This country is on the path Iceland was on. The biggest difference I see is that the politicians in Iceland were honorable enough to resign! That is not likely to happen in this country…

      10. @annebeck58 – PS The other very astounding reason for posting the Icelandic revolution is because it happened in 2010. It did not make the news here, while Egypt and other Middle East uprising did. Iceland was a successful and peaceful revolution, with no blood shed. It is integrated into the EU’s European Economic Area (EEA) which makes it even more interesting. I will grant that it may be a bit off topic, but it has many similarities to the struggles of our revolution…

    7. Don, it’s OK. You do not have to donate. Simply filling out the first page and submitting gets you on the list. Donation is optional.

      1. @areamike – It’s not OK, it smells bad and is not something I wish to have my name associated with. I question the legitimacy of the petition. It may just be some very poor planning along with some distasteful fundraising, but it could also be totally illegitimate with the “donation” as the only goal of the site. Can you see what, or who, the “donation” is to? I am anxious for the answers to that.

      2. Don. Here’s what I know. The donation process at ipetitions comes after your petition reaches 150 signatures. is the one asking for the donation. It is so they can continue to offer their free petition service and the donations are purely voluntary. They make most of their money from paid advertisements.

      3. OK — Link is fine to sign petition!

        Just spoke extensively with Jeff Bales (520) 465-3645 — super nice guy (erudite and logical)! Here is the run down:

        1) He initiated the Call for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus (Due to violation of the RNC’s Rule #11).

        2) Other members in agreement started the Petition (given above by Don Howard) ASKING for consensus to have Reince Priebus RESIGN (voluntarily).

        3) If Reince Priebus does not resign QUICKLY — by the mounting pressure of this Petition (that’s why ALL need to sign it) — he has also contacted Ron Paul’s Camp with this info.

        Ron Paul being the INJURED Party — is the most likely ONE to quickly succeed in winning a legal action! (Others, CONFIRMED Delegates ONLY, could also start legal proceedings on their behalf — but, it is advisable they coordinate with Ron Paul’s legal staff).

      4. Hang on… I think I am (now officially) confused. Are we talking the petition posted yesterday (Re; Iceland Revolution), or are we talking petition to remove someone in RNC? Or, is it a state GOP chair?
        I think I stayed up too late last night- rendering and publishing a video from Sunday.

      5. Anne: The petition I’ve signed was about ousting that guy who has been breaking rule #11.

      6. Yes; donation is always optional.
        Just do not give out personal info, like DL number, SS number, or even last-four digits (which can be used to hack your life)..
        There are MANY petitions, and many different sites re: signing. In the case of this petition, I think posting it and giving it so much lip-service, on this blog, is an error.
        Surely there is another blog in which it would be more accurate?

      7. The petition is in regards to the wrong doing on the part of the RNC chairman using RNC funds and supporting Romney in the primaries. I believe that is totally on track and don’t know of many issues that could be more on track. I do share your concern for posts on this blog to be on topic, but I do believe this one is…

      8. Thanks, Don. Yes, I WILL sign it.
        I thought we were back to the Iceland petition or site information. Thanks for straightening that out for ME. OR, was this just called the Iceland Revolution, while meaning the RNC problem?

        That they (RNC) has the (ahem) guts to start working with MITTENS, while Ron Paul is still in this and IS racking-up delegates, from all sides weekly, is completely WRONG. I am sure there’s a lot more malfeasance in the RNC, so yeah; will sign, share, have MY say in this for honesty and liberty!

        Just got off the phone with the TCRP (Travis County Rep Party) to discuss more nastiness and scamming at our conventions (which were held what??? PRIOR to our VOTE– primary beauty pageant.. is that not NUTTS?)
        Like, let’s let everyone KNOW that the vote does NOT matter worth a whit.. if that doesn’t tell people exactly that, I don’t know what does!

      9. yes, Don. I agree. I honestly thought that the petition had to do with Iceland. I was half-way paying attention, with all that I was trying to do last night- at the same time.
        It was simply my oversight. And, i get it now, so agree with the posting! — of BOTH.

    8. For anyone with concerns regarding donations, PLEASE read this, which I did copy from their page (following recording of signature):

      “Your signature has been recorded.
      Please help support iPetitions
      We promote democracy on the Internet by helping people and organizations create online petitions like the one you just signed. We provide these services for free and rely on donations from people like you to keep the site running. Please consider donating to support us. Every donation, no matter how small, helps. Please note: Your donation will help keep iPetitions running. This is not a donation to the person or organization whose petition you just signed.”

      IN other words, the DONATION to i-petitions is completely voluntary, and whether your donate or not, your vote HAS been recorded.
      I only hope there’s not a load of spam to (now) follow…
      UGH.. One reason I am generally not a joiner or signer, either!

      Don; thank you, again, for straightening ME out on this!

      1. Annebedk: Did anyone ever determine what the big deal was bout Wednesday evening, the 9th?

      2. I cannot say, for sure, as I was actually at the rally of the Pauls..and missed a lot of that.
        But, I believe it is the calling for the RNC Chair to resign, due to breaking rule-11 by working WITH and FOR Mitt Romney and his campaign, that could be the “announcement”.
        Of course, in my opinion, this chicanery should take-out not only the RNC head, but Mitt Romney’s team, and ultimately Mitt. Either he must (immediately) speak up, prove that his campaign has not received any special assistance from within the Republican party, or he must step down. He’s got to disavow what the RNC has said, or he should suffer the consequences for being caught in this little scandal (another little scandal of the Romney camp– and how many hi-flying catches can they sustain before being out?)

  32. Sign This Petition!

    Just spoke extensively with Jeff Bales (520) 465-3645 — super nice guy (erudite and logical)! Here is the run down:

    1) He initiated the Call for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus (Due to violation of the RNC’s Rule #11).

    2) Other members in agreement started the Petition (given above) ASKING for consensus to have Reince Priebus RESIGN.

    3) If Reince Priebus does not resign QUICKLY — by the mounting pressure of this Petition (that’s why ALL need to sign it) — he has also contacted Ron Paul’s Camp with this info.

    Ron Paul being the INJURED Party — is the most likely ONE to quickly succeed in winning a legal action! (Others, CONFIRMED Delegates ONLY, could also start legal proceedings on their behalf — but, it is advisable they coordinate with Ron Paul’s legal staff).

      1. You are completely correct, Surfisher!

        Has to be DONE. I wonder what else we can to do get this to happen? I have some contacts within the LOCAL and STATE GOP (TRP). Maybe I should send out emails to see how they feel about this malfeasance?

      2. @Surfisher: my concern is that they’re going to brush this off. They keep throwing around the term “presumptive” winner. This seems to give them the latitude to “break” the rule.

        Regardlee, I signed the petition but ultimately, I don’t see it being viewed as anything more than a “technicality”.

        I hope that I’m wrong.

      3. Say, Mike! Is this the big announcement? If so; yay. if not; what are they waiting for? For the RNC to say that the Romney camp (which is what that meant) is MERGED with their offices, is against the rules of the party and yes; this Reince Priebus fellow NEEDS to step-down.
        I don’t know why that is not big enough news. If this guy must step-down, it serves two purposes. First, it removes an obvious pro-Romney guy from the seat, and, second; it warns others to not play that same game with US. WOW.
        I think that is pretty huge (and great). It would probably open the door for a Paul supporter, or a more fair GOP affiliate to step in. And, perhaps we can have more fair elections, were it to transpire?

        I don’t know where the story came from regarding “big news” coming out today; anyone know what i missed and where it was posted? Doug; you? Are you privy to what they are discussing? Was it something you said?

      4. Say, Surfisher, in regard to the old folks losing their home (in Austin, which IS where I live).., please do not believe everything Alex Jones says! They did not lose their home based on there being a bomb-shelter on their property. It had a LOT more to do with worse things (and believe me, their neighbors had more to do with this than most anyone- and really, the bomb-shelter was not a factor, in and by itself).
        I like some of what Alex Jones puts out there, but then he goes to “crazy town” and becomes the rumor-mill. It drives me nutts. I do wish Alex would simply report the truth and not twisted facts as we generally see. But, were he to do so, he would not exactly BE Alex Jones.
        Always take what he says with a (large helping) grain(s) of salt. I am not saying he’s a bad guy, just a bit of a rumor-monger. And he does not come back later to explain the real issues. I think that does a disservice to his listeners (but the onus IS on us to investigate rather than pass it on).

      5. To Annebeck58 (may I call you Anne?) on the bomb shelter guy – do you know if there’s a more accurate recounting anywhere?

      6. yes, RIch. It’s been in the local news, a bit (see it when I go online in avg/google) but I believe the AAS (Austin American Statesman Online) has been writing about it.
        Has more to do with the ability of the person involved being able to care for the home than anything.
        And, I felt this one, as my own parents have just been ordered to assisted-living by two of my siblings forcing the matter and calling Adult-Protective-Services. My mom may be rightfully there, but don’t think my dad is, and neither is happy about it.
        Anyway, as I understand the Austin case, they (he, but think was 2 people) were living in the bomb-shelter beause that’s about all of their home that was left inhabitable.
        SO, for AJ to go off on this without all of the facts is kind of annoying. Yes, some is correct, and is (partially) factual, but without all of the info, is not true.

      7. Thanks!
        When my Dad (RIP) went on diapers, Mom and Dad asked me to come and live in their apartment, which, luckily, Dad’s inheritance and Social Security/Medicare were covering the rent. Mom’s job became Dad’s diaper-changer, and I did all the other housework.

        I tell you what, if I ever need a diaper, I’m gonna find a way to eat the golden BB (i.e, suicide, whether I need assistance or not – I might have to go to the Barrio and piss off a gangsta.) I mean, once I’m at the end of my useful life, what’s the point of hanging on to a useless life of dependency?

        But I’m only sixty-mumble, and I do feel useful “Campaigning” (mainly forwarding stuff to my email collection and commenting here and at “Daily Paul”) for Good Dr. Paul. 🙂

      8. You and me, Rich; same mind in regard to that sort of thing. I did talk with Dad, yssterday– and it was SAD. he feeles like he’s in jail, and after seventy YEARS of marriage, Mom and Dad have bbeen separated. Mom had a major brain-injury, ended up stroking out several times, and had extensive brain-surgery. So, she is MOODY. Dad has always been very considerate and has allowed her those moods, which are much more intense now, without making any sort of deal over it.
        My sisters, for sure, do not GET it. Dad does not heed to be taken care of (as is evidenced by him having his own apartment), but Mom needs some help, due to the strokes– they are 90 and 91, Mom being older (ha). So, I get it.
        I think I was the only one of my siblings to express concern and understanding to my dad, too. It felt like he was relieved that at least one of his kids got it and allowed HIM to speak over what he hates about it. Siblings are sending out dysinfo in regard to their situation, and I am glad he and I talked.
        After November, I may have to go to Montana (where they are) to help them do what they WANT to do. Will see.
        But, yes; the situation of the VET is very similar to this. It’s why I was so bothered that AJ jumped on it as he did.

      9. Deemed uninhabitable? By whom? What about the squatters occupying and trashing the foreclosures all over the place? What makes my own personal living conditions anybody else’s business anyway? If i live in filth and squalor, isn’t that my own problem? Did “they” claim that the bomb shelter guy was endangering anybody other than himself and his home assistant? Were he and his roommate gay, and victims of the neocon/RINO homophobes?

      10. Similar to my Dad and Mom’s story.. Moreso (supposedly) that neighbors found it an eyesore and were :worried” about them. This (worried about) is the same thing that happened with my folks. No, my parent’s home is well-kept, but in Austin, it takes a place being majorly falling down before ANY neighbor will call to complain.
        Supposedly, the calls were out of concern for these people, and really had nothing to do with there being a bomb-shelter on the property. There are MANY bomb-shelters in and around Austin. I cannot think of one case where having one made you prey to the city or county or state. It just was not the case.
        Watch an episode of Horders (Hoarders?) to see more of what I mean.
        In Austin, it is a very do as you want society, but this was pretty bad, from my understanding. The shelter was ONLY mentioned as, again, I understand this is where living was being done (and very TINY place, too).
        We don’t have foreclosures all over Austin. maybe this is part of the reason people will go with things like this, but one or ten empty and trashed homes does not mean another should be left to rot, either. There are ordinances that were broken.. laws not exactly followed (not that I am on the side of the govt, either), just making the point that the story by AJ was NOT a truthful story. That’s all.

      11. Rich,

        When your filth attracts rats, cockroaches, causes your neighbor’s property values to decrease, YOU have stepped on other peoples’ rights. You “freedom at any cost” wingnuts are SO CLUELESS! LOL

      12. Hang on there; I believe the discussion ended with “freedom, yet NOT at any cost”. I think most of us comprehend, as does Dr Paul, that freedom until you are encroaching on other’s property is the message. It’s what I spoke toward. I did not see much of a disagreement.
        Here’s the thing; it was Alex Jones who took a small part of this story and blew it up so that the real (full) story was not in the light. I disagree(d) with Jones doing this and cautioned others to not take what he says (pretty much on anything) without investigating. And, I actually appreciated your posting the AAS story, here.

        Dr Paul has said, MANY times; we do have our freedoms and we should have our liberty, but we CANNOT legally bother our neighbors with same (it’s akin to pollution- we should not drive cars or have factories that destroy the neighbor’s own lives). and we DO have local and state laws against same.
        This bunker-story was essentially bunk.

      13. My response was to richgrise, but the same principle is true with RIPtilians on many issues, particularly their stupid “non-interventionalist” cockeyed ideas. LOL

      14. text-eww says, “stupid “non-interventionalist” cockeyed ideas.”

        So, are you volunteering to grab a rifle, buy an airline ticket to Afghanistan or Iraq or Pakistan and go and murder some innocent civilians with your own hands, or are you just another one of those cowards that wants to send other people’s kids to die in the name of World Domination, or whatever the Hell you and your ilk are trying to accomplish?

      15. FACT: It is not non-interventionists who are isolationists. The real isolationists are those who impose sanctions and embargo on countries and peoples across the globe…and who choose to use force overseas to promote democracy…A counter productive approach that actually leads the U.S. to be more resented and more isolated in the world!

      1. annebeck58 — this happened in your own State! Go to your contacts and voice your outrage (contact ANYONE caring to see what was done to an elderly US Veteran)!!!!!

        City of Austin Texas Steals Elderly Veteran’s House for Crime of Having Fallout Shelter!

        UNBELIEVABLE!!! Words fail me to describe my DISGUST of what Legal INSANITY our current Government can do AT WILL, and Without Just Cause, to its own Citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Share, send, call, e-mail — SPREAD THIS TO ALL!!!

  33. Why am I unable to participate in the discussion. I have taken time to respond to several posts yet they are here? Why am I being ignored? I thought the Paul campaign was for letting people have a voice? Where’s mine? What is wrong with what I have said that my words aren’t worthy of you?? I am DEEPLY offended.

  34. Doug, we appreciate what you do. However, there were over 1500 people waiting for an important annoucement. People were thinking it would be somthing more important than just signing up for a SOE thing(RNC rule 11,abstaining, etc)…. I woke up at 9:10… I rushed downstairs to find out what was happening. If you X the number of people and time wasted in trying to find out what you were saying, you just frustrated allot of people. Time wasted= 1500X 60mins. Please try to keep this in mind the next time you make an announcement about a ustream or such event….. Thanks.

    1. I’m also seeing some people making posts about being frustrated about what happened. I know you did not mean for things to turn out like it did….

    2. And thank you for what you have been doing for the Liberty Movement. I realize this post may have been a little….childish?

    3. Absolutely frustrating. One comment that was posted several times was regarding the cancellation of all upcoming RP events. Doug responded that he didn’t know why they were canceled.

      I didn’t learn a damn thing.

    4. Could you have some people of yours act as moderators in the future? If we had someone who could have kept all the supporters up to date, there would have been less confusion, and less frustration. :/ .

  35. Evinar says they were the vicitims of a DDOS attack. That is illegal. I will analyze log files free of charge to attempt to figure out who/why/how.

  36. Republican Executive Committee Member Calls for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

    Due to an alleged violation of the national GOP’s Rule # 11 (bans favoritism of one candidate while more than one candidate exists), an Executive Committee member within the GOP calls for the resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

    Washington, DC, May 07, 2012 –(– Jeffrey Bales, a Member-at-Large of the Pima County GOP Executive Committee (Tucson, Arizona), says:

    “Due to violation of the RNC’s Rule #11, I call for Chairman Reince Priebus to resign immediately. It is un-American and beneath the standards established by the Republican Party to violate this rule. It is unethical to support a single Republican Presidential candidate (Mitt Romney) while other Republican candidates remain in the race.

    “Further, I call upon Mitt Romney to denounce this behavior and ask that the RNC repair the breach of trust by including the other remaining Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, in any dispensation of funds, effort and labor. It would benefit all Americans if Mitt Romney would further clarify the fact that 2 candidates remain if he challenged Dr. Ron Paul to a debate.”

    Rule #11 states:
    “Rule No. 11 Candidate Support
    (a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office. In those states where state law establishes a nonpartisan primary in which Republican candidates could participate, but in which the general election may not include a Republican candidate, the candidate endorsed by a convention held under the authority of the state Republican Party shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the Republican nominee.

    (b) No state Republican Party rule or state law shall be observed that allows persons who have participated or are participating in the selection of any nominee of a party other than the Republican Party, including, but not limited to, through the use of a multiparty primary or similar type ballot, to participate in the selection of a nominee of the Republican Party for that general election. No person nominated in violation of this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party from that state.”

    Official RNC rules are available online at:

    This call for resignation is based upon statements released by the RNC on 4/25/12 that said,

    “Governor Romney’s strong performance and delegate count at this stage of the primary process has made him our party’s presumptive nominee,” Mr. Priebus said. “In order to maximize our efforts I have directed my staff at the R.N.C. to open lines of communication with the Romney campaign.”


    “It’s my intention to have a seamless and complete merger between the presumptive nominee and the Republican National Committee,” Mr. Priebus said. “That means political, communications, fund-raising, research and the chairman’s office, along with the governor’s main operational team, are completely merged.”

    Jeffrey Bales is available for commentary.

    Contact information:
    Jeffrey Bales

    Pima County GOP Executive Committee page:

    Jeffrey Bales’ Official GOP email:
    Personal email:
    Contact Information
    Jeff Bales
    (520) 465-3645

    1. Regarding the NC, WV and Indiana elections:

      R. Belcher makes this valid point!

      “Santorum and Gingrich will be on most if not all of the remaining ballots and people are still voting for them. Paul came in second in all three contests but Santorum was very close in all three states.

      More importantly, I don’t see how this is net positive for Romney. He got mid 60’s in all three states. I believe NC was his worst performance. About 20% of Republican voters voted for candidates that have left the race and endorsed Romney. Another 10% voted for Paul and these are the least likely to vote for Romney in November.

      I didn’t confirm this, but I saw where someone said that Romney is doing worse than McCain at this stage.

      Looked at another way, Romney only did slightly better in NC than he did in VA. If you just compare those two states I would say that last night was a complete disaster for Romney, that he’s gained absolutely zero ground in uniting the party.”

    1. Please; investigate it, rather than pressing forward with what AJ had to say on the “issue”. Alex has, as usual, made something out of a very little almost nothing. The truth is not in the facts Alex has represented, there; and is why the statement, “It may be factual but not exactly truthful” is so accurate.
      You have to not believe absolutley all of what AJ says. I don’t think he’s a terrible guy, but I do see him (too often) going off on the little facts while failing to comprehend (or pass on) the big picture.
      When you know the whole story, the word, “outrage”, is not correctly used.

    1. Travis — if you would respond with the below on my behalf, I’d appreciate it (can’t get my post to go through).
      Please, let me know if you can.
      Thanks, Surfisher

      “Seems most do not understand (or pretends no to) our safeguarded election process.

      Here it is in general terms (simplified):

      1) There is a popular vote (The Many choosing their candidates).

      2) Then, the Decisions of the Many are handed to the delegates (the Qualified Few), who deem if there is merit to the popular vote or just a mob’s folly.

      3) Accordingly, the delegates cast their votes to reflect the meritorious ones.

      This instituted CHECK of Mob Rule is what has kept us as a Free Republic….until recently, and HOPEFULLY AGAIN! (The Ignorant Many can be mislead by TONS of Ads by an Attractive Politician who promises what THEY want to hear (but never intends to do — that’s where The Intelligent Few come in, and The Delegates determine if MERIT is to be assigned)).”

      Recommended reading: Plato’s “Republic” and J.S. Mill’s “On Liberty”

      1. I think your post might be pending. They have a policy at the comment box that there is a 24 or 48 hour filter for new posts, or atleast new posters. I’ll try later this evening. They ask that there be no duplicate comments. Also, I am rather busy with college. After the 15th I can be of more help. I wish I had the time to do more.

      2. Travis — thanks!

        You are doing a tremendous job here already! Great to see the young generation trying so save their country (and not just get into BMW’s ….).

        Btw, I couldn’t get past the registration…so never posted it (thus, if you do, it will not be a duplicate).

        Good luck in school, and spread Ron Paul’s message in campus!

      3. (Hah) Surfisher;
        Did you get all of the negative (stupid) commentary from the little child? I saw them in my email, but it seems Doug has removed them from the site. I say; GOOD.
        This is one case where I think removing offending comments is not only right, but necessary. You would think, if the tool really wanted a go at me or anyone else, he’d just go to our blogs and try. I suppose he saw that as not possible? Guess he didn’t think Doug would take him out, either. I am glad Doug got rid of him.
        Thanks, Doug; one point for sanity!

  37. What’s this? Now MSM is recognizing him?
    Oh boy…they are gonna milk this suspense for all it’s worth.
    Listen closely though, they call the convention, Romeny’s Convention.

    1. To PRESUME — is worse than to ASSUME (the latter shows IGNORANCE, while the first shows ARROGANCE…based on Ignorance).

      I’m Copywriting this…but ALL are welcome to use it (until said Copyright is awarded…LOL).

      1. Nobody “awards” a Copyright. As the creator of the work, the copyright is inherent. As its creator/owner, you are the one who has the right to copy it. YOU can grant permission to use your work, if you so choose, and you have a right to sell your work for whatever the traffic will bear. Copywrite is what the people who write ad copy do. (that was the job my Mom (RIP) had when she married my Dad (also RIP).)

      2. Ever done a “poor-man’s copyright”? I did, when I was in college and making different items for sale, in the art-world. What you do is make up all sorts of photographs and other intellectual product, to prove your claim, take it to the post office (have it sealed, and stamped, there). You address the copyrighted materials to yourself, hand to the post-master, and have them either hand back to you, immeidately, or have them deliver to you. (Usually, you have to sign to have it “delivered” on the spot.).
        And SAVE IT. Do not ever open it unless you feel your copyright has been infringed upon. Then, if you want to take the other person to court for same, have the court un-seal the documents.
        It is a very cheap way of copyrighting your property. And, it’s kind of fun, too.

    2. YES:

      I love that word!

      *Bet you didn’t know, in the video from Austin, I was right behind Dr Paul. And, it was from Alex Jones’ camera (in general). Oh well. We are in the same town.

      I find it thrilling that the MSM has finally HAD to report on Paul. You know, John Stossel was in Austin about a week or so ago– and John DID say they would have to start talking, “PAUL”, this week. I love it when the positive prognosticators are correct.

      1. Just went there and put in my two-cents.
        Yes; Romney cannot fill a room and they want people to believe he fills STADIUMS, as does PAUL.
        Romney cannot get “his” people to join in the delegate process (the republican– little-r process) as they just don’t like him all that much. He does not inspire the votes or the great strong following– or really anything– as does Paul. Romney is not, to put it plainly, INSPIRATIONAL. Yet they still want to say ROMNEY is their winner.
        Almost laughable, except that we are discussing our COUNTRY and our LIVES, here.

      2. Washington Times. The Washington Post is an entirely different rag.
        Rich Grise, Self-Appointed Chief,
        Internet Nitpickers of America

      3. Before I maneuvered my way here, I used to go to WAPO (wash post) almost every day to yell at them. They rarely write of Ron Paul, and when they do, it is to falsely give him a “pinnochio” or two. I’d like to give them five big noses for their inaccurate writing and disgusting attitude toward our country. and toward US.
        I finally wrote a long letter to the editor and told them to (basically) kiss my loverly behind, that I was done.
        And then I want to the Times.

      1. (Almost cannot believe I am going to say this, but here goes:)

        This is ONE case where I actually agree with you
        As I have said, multiple times, Alex Jones’ stories MUST be taken with at leat a few grains of salt, as they may be partially factual, but are surely not truthful.

        I don’t want anyone to believe I am on the side of the government in this, but I AM (partly) on the side of the neighbors, as well as the old man, who most likely does need assistance.

      2. Just as non-intervention is not isolationism, Libertarianism is not anarchism.

        The really tough question, of course, is where do you draw the line? Or, possibly more importantly, who gets to be the authority that draws the line for all of us?

      3. yes, this is exactly what I meant.
        My understandingfof this case is this; it was surely not the first time this house and owner were cited. And, even a libertarian=leaning person must take into account what a probable hazard a rotting home will pose to the neighbors.(wild animals and other pests, pollution and possible explosions,etc..). We have local and state laws to handle these problems as they arise (and to prevent the problems.)
        I do understand, as the problem with the house and the owner has been going on for years, that it’s mainly been the neighbors to comlain, rather than any city entity coming around to check up. The city and/or county has cleaned it up more than once, and each time it’s been found to be worse. So, are the neighbors required to live next-door to a trap? I don’t think so, and I believe most libertarians would agree.
        We all want our homes to be our castles, but not when they encroach on the neighbor’s property. It’s why I said, it is really little to do with the bunker and more to do with the dangerous property. I also believe the gentleman is a bit off, and he may end up put in assisted-living. As I do not know him, personally, I don’t know if the state or community should do that. Still, it is not an easy case.

  38. Donate to Ron Paul as much as you can NOW (after-all, if he is not elected as President, your paper money will most likely become WORTHLESS in the VERY near future)!

    Donate at:

    The below has to be THE BEST Ron Paul QUOTE!!!

    “I am convinced that there are more threats to American liberty within the 10 mile radius of my office on Capitol Hill, than there are on the rest of the globe.” — Ron Paul

      1. Don Howard — exactly.

        Bamboozled into looking for ghost Enemies under our beds — when the REAL Enemies of America are in front of us…living it up in DC.

    1. annebeck58 — hope all here spread the final draft below!

      Took me a while to get it right.


    2. I donated, again, last night– plan on now donating $20.12, each week, til November. I think anyone can do that!
      After you do donate, make SURE you pass it on, as that is how we turn twenty bucks into MILLIONS for PAUL!

  39. The below has to be THE BEST Ron Paul QUOTE!!!

    “I am convinced that there are more threats to American liberty within the 10 mile radius of my office on Capitol Hill, than there are on the rest of the globe.” — Ron Paul

    We’ve been Bamboozled into looking for ghost Enemies under our beds — when the REAL Enemies of America are in front of us…living it up in DC.

    Donate NOW to Ron Paul below:

    After-all, if Ron Paul is not elected as President, your paper money will most likely become WORTHLESS in the VERY near future…so what do you have to lose?!

      1. Will try and get there. I am SO busy with work, I’ll be lucky to get together more Ron Paul swag this weekend. Busy busy busy– rush orders.

      2. Travis — great job posting this.

        Rule #11 shows Valid Grounds for Mitt Romney to be Removed from the Republican Ticket!!-GTFIH

        It is certainly a Valid Cause to remove Mitt..but even WHEN he is NOT Removed (since the RNC will never allow it), the ruckus caused BY IGNORING THIS RULE will be EVEN more effective as a Publicized Weapon showing Mitt’s COLLUSION with the RNC Leadership, in order to CIRCUMVENT the Legal Election Process!

      3. Exactly– Surfisher.
        People need only read the rule to comprehend that Mitt and the RNC are complicit in what feels like fraud– against US; against the supporters and voters for Ron Paul. I never have seen this as Ron Paul against Mitt Romney, but as US- we the people- against the establishment. Unless the GOP.RNC gets that and listens to us, as affilates of the party, they will suffer us for years to come.

      4. Okay– and I am having the most difficult time getting the correct response to open so I can respond, myself:

        Regarding the post on rule-11, I am concerned that we have to read each and every word to see how the RNC is thinking they will possibly get one over on us: I think they are expecting us to negate or neglect to emphasize ONE WORD:
        Rule 11 is in regard to the RNC helping out any STATE office, for any candidate, to get him elected. Now, i do see that Romney’s main office is in Boston, but I do know know that the RNC is working with the Boston office, specifically, or any MASS campaign office of Mitt Romney. It appears that the RNC is working with the NATIONAL campaign of Mitt Romney. Yes, it feels like semantics or a lot of twisting and turning to work with the guy; to meld the RNC with the Romney campaign, but unless we find a STATE OFFICE (a state campaign office of Mitt) that is working with him against the rule, I don’t see that Rule 11 applies, specifically.

        I do think this is a very smarmy action. However, I don’t know that it violates Rule 11. Surely, it voilates the gist of the rule, but I can’t see that it clearly is going to invalidate the Romney Campaign, unless it is proven that any (specific or certain) state FOR Romney is in the mix.

        Would y’all re-read Rule-11 and see if I read that correctly and interpertated it correctly? I would love to be wrong, but I fear I am not. Still, we will have to simply keep working on electing delegates for RON PAUL, if we want to really take this home.
        I just cannot see how Romney will be forced to step down,unless there was something i did miss.

        (You really do need to read each word and consider what it can be interpreted as.. because these RNC and GOP Maistays can be quite filthy in their actions– and by you, I mean ALL of us.)

      5. Here’s where I have a problem with the thought that the RNC working with the NATIONAL Romney for President group would invalidate Romney as candidate, in any particular state, via RULE 11:

        (a) The Republican National Committee shall
        not, without the prior written and filed approval of all
        members of the Republican National Committee from
        the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to
        any candidate for any public or party office except the
        nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is
        unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing
        deadline for that office…

        **IS there a specific STATE involved?
        Or, is it the RNC working with the Nat’l Romney campaign? IF it’s them working with the national campaign, the RNC is wrong and needs to quit doing this (and the head of the RNC should immediately step down), but I cannot see how it invalidates Romney as a candidate.
        Am I not reading this correctly?

    1. Here is the last (final) part of Rule-11, which I believe we all want to rely on to take Romney out:

      No person nominated in violation of
      this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National
      Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party
      from that state.

      However, unless he and the RNC have worked, within a specific state, to meld the campaign with the party, I still don’t see this rule as being applicable. And, one final time: Am I reading this and comprehending i, accurately?

      1. Anne – Yes, I believe you are correct. It would only apply to each state in which the deed was done. Even if there was some proof found it would not entirely disqualify Romney as a candidate, only in regards to the state it happened in.

      2. I am afraid, that to figure out what they are doing and how they think they will get away with it, one must thing (dirty) like them. it’s why that word, “State”, just kind of stuck in my craw.
        Gosh, the filthy dealings of the neocon RNC.. This sort of thing is what has many folk not only never voting with them (even for Paul) but wanting them dismantled.. and obliterated.

      3. BTW; the word I meant to use was “THINK”,, in order to comprehend the games the RNC Is not playing and how they think they get away with this, is we must THINK like them (and it’s an uncomfortable position to think or be like them!)

      4. I JUST added a post on my blog in regard to Rule-11..

        Hey, DOUG; would you check this out and see that it makes sense to you? IF so, if they did act fraudulently WITH the State’s GOP Offices, I do believe we MUST move NOW to remove Romney from EACH state’s ballots (at the RNC Convention in Tampa!)
        THEY WILL be doing this in Oklahoma, today, as well and I hope this means they are putting another NAIL IN THE COFFIN of the Romney RUN!

    1. This is really a great article! You all should read it! Here is an excerpt:
      “More recently, 40% of Democratic primary voters in West Virginia voted for a convicted felon who is currently serving a 17-year sentence for extortion in a federal prison in Texas. While this was clearly a protest vote against Obama, voters interviewed by the Charleston Daily Mail said they didn’t even know who Keith Judd was.”

      1. I know– that cracked me up. I actually heard Bob (of DrinkingWithBob, youtube) talk about Obama losing 40 percent of votes to a CONVICTED and JAILED criminal.. as a protest, last night. I was laughing, but a bit embarrassed for the USA,too.
        Anyway, read and responded to the article, and have passed it on.
        Wow, the internet is really jumping today!

    1. Hey, Surfhisher, I hate to seem that I am having a go at you, but; in regard to others (other than American) purchasing Ron Paul gear in order to donate to the campaign- that is a BIG No-No! They cannot, generally, purchase tees from the usual places, where one-hundred percent goes TO the campaign, as that is against the LAW, too. Anyone running for ANY office in this land is not able to accept any amount of funds from anyone overseas… or even in this country without citizenship, of ANY amount. I don’t like that this is how it is, but is the way the rules are best interpreted to keep away from any form of campaign-donations-fraud.. or chicanery. That sort of thing could ruin the Paul campaign in no time!

      So, please do not advise any person, who is not American, to purchase any sort of swag from the Paul team. It’s not legitimate (or legal– and abuse of that sort of thing; election contributions– IS illegal, and criminally so, not just civilly. Ask Tom DeLay and Carl Rove about that kind of breaking of the national election LAWS.)
      I, however, DO embroider garments and bags for Paul.. and I have been giving them away (gratis) for the price of shipping, ONLY. Generally, I have been giving them to people who have volunteered for the campaign or have donated (and this is code of honor; I have to simply believe they DID donate, as Americans, as I don’t need or want the receipt to prove it) to Paul. I will be happy to embroider some things and send them overseas, just to make people happy that they can get Paul gear somewhere.

      ***I DO NOT ACCEPT PAYMENT for the Paul swag.***
      I only ask payment for the shipping, and one shirt or one bag usually costs about six bucks to send within the country and about 25 bucks overseas (even Canada or Mexico, and i have sent items as far away as London). The only way, from what I know of campaign contributions legality, to get shirts and other things out to the rest of the world is to NOT charge for them. And, so, this is what I have been doing.
      MY idea is just a way to make people happy– and maybe they can video themselves wearing the Paul gear, and post in youtube (or wherever) to prove that the whole world IS pro=PAUL!

      (Again; really not trying to go at you, at all; I am just very concerned that ALL that happens within the campaign IS on the up and up! I will do some more items, today- & will video them sewing and post- but have to finish some RUSH-orders, before I can make them for anyone, of this country OR of any other country.)
      So, please pass it on.
      Thanks, hon!

      1. annebeck58 —

        I never suggested that foreigners can MONETARILY contribute to Ron Paul.

        See my exact post below (the word DONATE is non-existent).

        “For foreigners, there is a way you can help Ron Paul!
        Buy his T-Shirts and wear them everywhere you go. Make Ron Paul visible all over the world. Do the job the MSM is not doing.

        Since the link given is JUST a FAN Site (not Ron Paul’s LEGAL one), any sales made to people outside the USA, are to be used for promulgating Ron Paul’s name world-wide (nothing illegal about this)!

        However, to be 100% assured that all is above board, this fan site could state that no sales to foreign nationals will be donated to Ron Paul (such monies to be used only in covering internal expenses, such as cost of making product, shipping costs, etc.).

        Hope this clarifies it.

      2. Hm. I wonder how much of RMoney’s Goldman-Sachs money came from overseas. How would one investigate that sort of thing?

    2. Oh, darn.
      And, sorry for misspelling of your screenname.. I had the text too small, and I am half-blind without enlarging it to LARGEST. Yes, it’s a fact, but I am still an excellent digitizer and embroiderer. Did THE RonPaul signature, just Saturday (and sewed into caps, shirts, bags,and brought to the rally to hand out-) This is why I am not OUT of RON PAUL GEAR.
      Still, I do have garments on hand, always,, and have aprons, overnight bags (cool, all-natural fibres), tees, polos, few other miscellaneous things, like sweaters.. etc..

      1. I still don’t get it. Are you saying that if I sell a T-shirt to a Canadian, or win a few hundred bucks playing poker in Winnipeg, that somebody has the authority to dictate how I’m allowed to spend my own money? Howcome the same doesn’t apply to the union bosses or Goldman-Sachs et al?

      2. Well, campaign contrubutions are completely different than lottery or gambling winnings, or even selling a shirt overseas (or importing from overseas). There are MANY rules and laws when it comes to donating to a campaign, and yes; that IS what took down DeLay (though only for a short time– sadly).
        If you’d like you should google american campaign contributions to understand why we cannot allow other nations (or nationals) to make those contributions..
        Yes you would think G.Sachs would not be allowed same, but the way they handle this is to have their US employees make the contributions in their own names (each office, for example, on and from Wall St), as a group or bulk contribution. It’s wrong and it’s how it goes.
        Hey, Mitt prolly contributed to himself from “offshore”, and there was some stink about that, too. I imagine we will not hear all of it before the election, though, and it may have been enough to take him down, too.

        WE want to always be extremely careful and act within the LAWS and rules, too. We really do not want any small thing to take out Ron Paul before WE have our say!

  40. A recent Notre Dame Univ grad by the name of Charlie Nejedly who is on paid staff of Romney campaign has been CONCLUSIVELY tied to FRAUD at Maine State Convention.

    Time to bring down Romney’s dog-and-poney show like the deck of cards it deserves to be:

  41. Shocker In Tampa — Ron Paul Wins!

    These WILL be the headlines next day — here is why:

    According to RNC Rule #38 — at the Tampa Convention NONE of the Delegates are ACTUALLY Bound! Delegates can vote according to their own judgment and conscience — and are NOT bound to vote according to how most delegates from their state vote.

    Precedent was set in 2008 Utah by Legal Council for the RNC (stating: The RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose).

    Also, the Republican (and Democratic) Parties are Private Organizations — so voting within a party is NOT bound by Election Law!

    What does this mean? It clearly shows that ANY or ALL delegates can abstain from voting in the 1st round. Or in other words — Bye-bye Mitt !!!

    What do we need to do? Push for as many more delegate wins for Ron Paul as humanly possible — so a Ron Paul victory in Tampa is assured!

    But most importantly NOW — SHARE this information (spread it like wildfire)!


    1. I don’t think it’s going to be that easy Surfisher. The Romney camp is aware of this and they have fangs. Don’t underestimate them.

      1. “Bah ha ha – never underestimate the power of a schnook!” – Boris Badenov

      2. ptponder —

        It won’t be easy, but it WILL transpire — Ron Paul will shock the world (when we do our part)!

        Romney’s snakes do have fangs (they’ll bite with Fraud, but eventually will get their teeth kicked in) — so far, they have shown to be poison-less against the BODY of Real Americans!

        Toothless Romney will go down in History as the One that changed his stance each day…but this flip-flopping didn’t work anymore — the Last of the Scumbag Politicians!

        Ron Paul WILL win in Tampa — and will WIN by a Landslide against the BO!

        Mark my words!

    2. yeah- it is not only according to the multi-interpreted rule-38, but is ALSO in regard to the last word on the interprtation of Rule-38, by head of RNC, to a UTAH woman who did not want to be forced to vote McCain (and wanted to vote-romney– so it comes FULL circle!!). That PUBLIC record of a letter has given ALL delegates freedom to UNBIND themselves.
      And this meand that Rule-38 IS exactly as we thought.. the GOP or RNC cannot force anyone to vote against his or her conscience.
      Thanks, again, to BEN SWANN for all of the great investigative JOURNALISM. Ben is such a great guy, he probably needs to end up as Ron Paul’s PRESS secretary! I can see that.

      TO Mitt; na na na nahh, na na na nahh. hey-hey-hey.. GOOD BYE!

  42. Rule #11 shows Valid Grounds for Mitt Romney to be Removed from the Republican Ticket!!-GTFIH

    It is certainly a Valid Cause to remove Mitt..but even WHEN he is NOT Removed (since the RNC will never allow it), the ruckus caused BY IGNORING THIS RULE will be EVEN more effective as a Publicized Weapon showing Mitt’s COLLUSION with the RNC Leadership, in order to CIRCUMVENT the Legal Election Process!

      1. Another one I will check on and probably write about, too. From my vantage point, as a real conservative, Romney should always be a NO-Vote or vote of NO-Confidence!

    1. Bad form to reply to myself, but I forgot to leave my inline comment, which would be, Dayum! This Schtuff is getting SCARY!

    2. richgrise — you should alert these folks of what to expect from UNTOUCHABLE Governmental Agencies!

      Here is an example of a Doctor that the FDA went after (eleven times…if I’m not mistaken) over 20 year period to stop from curing Cancer patients! And the FDA lost the case — but are still going after him….since he’s just a citizen…while they are the Nation’s Might!

      Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski –watch this disturbing documentary…to see the POWER we’ve given up, and how it CAN and WILL be used against all people!

      Part one:


  43. Shorter version of video: Romney paid staffer Charlie Nejedly has been directly linked with ELECTION FRAUD in Maine.

    This by itself is enough to bring down Romney campaign – over & above other Rule 11 egregious violations going on.

    10k For Ron Paul Only Takes 5 Minutes From You!

    Our friend Jonas Otsuji was on the Survivor TV show and he is now in the running for a $100,000 “Fan Favorite” prize. If Jonas wins the money he wants to put his money where his mouth is and donate $10,000 to help support the Ron Paul campaign! He wants to split it $2500 to the RP campaign, $5000 to the Daily Paul and $2500 to LibertyPac. You can vote via text or through the link — Voting goes through Saturday night and each person can vote 10 times per the CBS rules.

    Here is his press release on it. He is a great guy who is sincere on helping out the cause and could use our help!

    1. Anne, could you get BenSwann to promote this guy? I’m not too sure if it would be legal. Howver, 10,000 would go to helping Ron Paul out. Your Thoughts?

      1. Wait- by “guy”, you are talking about GInger?
        If so, no worries; I DID send Ben the info she taped, a week ago, and asked him to watch her videos and interview her.
        Mainly I asked him to check out the fact that this is not ONLY happening in MAINE. It happened, exactly the same way, in Nevada– AND SAME DAY. This is one reason Paul swept both states. People were VERY angry with the Romney camp, which is where this nastiness came from.
        I hope Ben WILL talk with and work with GInger, because she got some GREAT INFO!

      2. You know, I think these actions by Romney EMPLOYEES, including his attorney(s) MIGHT completely invalidate any win for Romney in Maine, AND, it may take him off of the Maine ballot (at the RNC Convention in Tampa), based on ?? Rule eleven!
        The fact that this was ALSO done in Nevada might also invalidate his “win” there; it may be any Nevada delegates would NOT be able to vote for Romney, again based on RULE-eleven! It will have to be proven that his Nevada Campaign employees did this or worked with the State Rep Party to push this lunacy forward. If they did, MITT IS OUT In these states. let him keep trying it.
        IF they also do this in OK, could be they will lose any and all OK delegates, too. It seems, if it IS the state’s Romney camp doing this, it WILL completely remove him from the slate/ballot in each state. So, Rule Eleven may be back in play, PER state.
        These crazy Romney folk will get what they play for.. they will completely lose the state(s) for the guy.
        So, hmmm.. I will take this to an attorney friend of mine to see if I am accurately assessing that. But,i think so!

        ANYONE going to the OK convention, PLEASE– video ALL OF THIS. Do like Ginger; walk around (no Ron Paul shirts, please) and get the accurate facts to take them DOWN… all of them, including Mitt!

      3. Okay– I was a bit confused, again.
        Regarding Jonas and his running for Survivor fave, and then wanting to donate the cash to Paul; i think it is great, but, I am pretty sure Ben would not run it. Ben is simply a (real) journalist, which means he does not promote his opinion. I don’t even know if he supports Paul. I do know he supports and presents HONESTY (which by now has probably made him a Paul fan), but like older (real) journalists, he will not tell people to vote for anyone, in particular.
        Still, when nastiness is taking place in the campaign and is easily proven to be occurring via the Romney CAMP, I know Ben will air it.
        I just do not see him putting this Josh guy on the show But, I will tweet it to him and see if he re-tweets/

      4. Okay- just sent GInger a note- well, the note you asked me to send, and hope it works out. I sent it in PM, as opposed to comment on the video.
        You all need to check out how ARIZONA GOP is still breaking RULE ELEVEN to gather monies for ROMNEY (wow, they are ridiculous).
        Go to the AZGOP site and see them BEG for donations and try to SELL T-shirts (a little late to the game on that!) for that jerk. They think ALL GOP only gets big donations and none of the smaller ones, yet RON PAUL is taking small and large donations, alike.
        I’d bet his smaller donations (by US) account for 90 percent of ALL of his donations; something Romney could never claim. So, the AZGOP is trying to make it happen for him?
        This is enough to REMOVE ROMNEY from the BALLOTS of the people of Arizona. And it’s the same as going on in maine and nevada.
        What inane tools!

  45. I’m asking for prayers to stop this fruad that will be tried against the Paul delegates in OK: Prayers that the Delegates will get through or around what will come at them tomorrow! I pray. Thanks to anyone praying.

    God Bless.​livestream-to-oklahoma-gop-conv​ention-saturday


    Mittens’ forum said they have ‘a surprise waiting’ for Ron Paul delegates at the OK forum. We don’t know what that is or if it will come from the Rules or Credentials committee meetings being held TODAY.”]

    1. I AM there and this convention is the MORE insane of any I have seen. There was a vote to remove temp chair, then they proceeded with voting against new slate (Ron Paul slate), and all was done PRIOR to credentialling of delgates to the floor! Heck, they hardly moved the guests to the back before they started their OUT OF ORDER voting.
      It has been crazy!

      Going now to wave Ron Paul signs at precincts now.. Will be back later to report on Oklahoma, from my blog:

      see ya!

  46. I finally found a difference between O & R.
    O supports Homosexual and Lesbian Marriages, R does not.
    What an awesome topic to be worrying about(not). So at least one has the support of Gays while the other does not. Let’s not worry about our Country being bankrupt or fighting in unconstitutional wars or taking away our rights as free Americans. Nope, let’s just sit back and watch the two ass clown fight it out over Gays.

    1. Oh, Mike.
      GIve Romney a MINUTE– he will ALSO support Gay-marriage (which I DO support as much as I support any marriage). After all, RomBOT was pro-abortion, til he was not, and will be again (for sure). He was anti-gun, before he was Pro=Gun.. He’s been pretty much anti anything and then pro same things.
      Mitt cannot seem to make up his mind on anything, and this is one thing we need to use against him.
      Speaking of something to use against Mitt? Let’s go with RULE-11, of State RNC rules:

      I truly do think Romney will be removed, per state, at the convention in Tampa, IF the Ron Paul folk work this angle. No, it is not really an angle– it IS the only honest thing to do, imo!

      1. Anne, I hope you can get this information to Ginger: ”
        Gingor Im Mike O Smith on Facebook and im trying to contact you. I am the person that found Edward True in Iowa who help change the results of the Iowa caucus. I worked with John Avlon who did a story about Edward True on Cnn Erin Burnett outfront news show.. I really need to talk to you about getting your story out to the world. Please call me at 936-257-2669 or find me on facebook and send me a PM. Its important we jump on this fast.

        Mike Smith 2 days ago ”

        That was from the main video Ginger posted on youtube!

      2. I will try to get that to Ginger. Right now, I am still trying to get Ben Swann to work with her..
        And then, Okalahoma? Amazing! I was on that for about twelve hours, recording and watching and trying to get a hold of delegates to make motions. Wow. if you all did not see it, check out Ustream Suriyahfish channel; sweet young girl video’d ALL of OK, or streamed and saved it, so check her out! She found a way to attach, live, to the RUMP COnvention, in the parking lot, too!

        Now, we have another problem with Arizona; breaking RULE ELEVEN, with websites that put the AZGOP with ROMNEY FOR PREZ, and they are accepting MONIES FOR ROMNEY under the AZGOP SITE. Doug Wead, if this is NOT a reason to take ROmney off of the AZ state ballot: Then I have no idea what FRAUD is.
        This is all in regard to breaking RULE ELEVEN, which avers that state’s PARTY must NOT work with any candidate, unless it is KNOWN he is the national nominee- and MITT ROMNEY is NOT the national nominee! This is the third state I AM absolutely sure has crossed that line and worked WITH Romney.
        It needs to remove Romney as a possible choice at National convention floor for these state’s delegates!


    2. I can’t understand why the neocon/RINOs are so pathologically obsessed with other people’s sex lives. Is your marriage so fragile that it’s adversely affected by the antics of two strangers on the other side of town? The gays just want the same tax breaks, preferential treatment, handouts, and other special privileges that the breeding class gets. The PROPER solution is to end the institutionalized discrimination against single people!

      And what the hell is the government doing in the marriage racket in the first place? Marriage is, after all, a religious ritual and Article 1 of the Bill of Rights is supposed to guarantee us freedom from religion.

      1. areamike,

        That’s because you’re like rich, stupid. LOL I wouldn’t be surprised if both of you are single, for obvious reasons. LOL

      2. YEP. I also COMPLETELY AGREE>
        WHO does care what others do in their bedrooms? HOW does it affect US? I am sure none of my gay-friends EVER hit on straight folks, as we’ve discussed that ad nauseum. WHY would they? TO be rejected or worse?

        I like Paul’s stance on it– which is much like mine; WHO cares? And, how do we, as a country founded on personal liberties, say who can and cannot get married?

        As long as nobody is trying to marry ME, I am cool with whatever.

      3. I’ve said several times, but nobody listens to me – the proper solution to the “gay marriage problem” is to stop the institutionalized discrimination against single people, of which I am one. And what the hell is the government doing in the marriage racket anyway? Marriage is an intrinsically religious ritual, and Article 1 of the Bill of Rights is supposed to guarantee us freedom from religion!
        I don’t deny Christ Jesus was real, I just don’t worship him. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” and all that.

  47. annabeck58 —

    In response to your rule #11 (plus the actual discovery of Romney plant using fraudulent slates to influence the election in Maine) that you blogged on your site.

    I believe you got it right — individual states (Maine in particular) have grounds for Removing Mitt from their ticket EX POST FACTO!

    In future voting states — since the breaking of rule #11 applies to ALL — Mitt can be removed immediately now DE FACTO!

    Call Ben for verification.

    Keep up the good work!

    P.S. I’m about to get the #2 banned from another forum…see below (oops, forgot to add LOL):

    1. oh, I don’t want Ben to verify it- I want him to PRESENT IT!

      This made me laugh– the bottom, “oops, forgot to add LOL”
      Too funny!
      I was actually talking with him the other day, trying to explain that he is reading the Paul supporters completely wrongly. He didn’t come back. I wondered if it was because he “got it”. I’d say, uhmm. NOPE.

      1. annebeck58 — glad it made you laugh (p.s. — do not respond to the #2…since that’s all the troll craves)!

        Question — does anyone have a link to Mitt Romney’s blog where people can post their views (similar to

        Please, let me know — so I can educate them….

      2. Surfisher – I, for one, implore you – if you find a Rombama blog and leave any comments, please be excruciatingly polite, well-mannered, and so on.

        Something I’ve discovered over the years, along the lines of “you can attract more butterflies with honey than with vinegar,” is, rather than try to lecture them or present your (our) side as if it’s pure fact, to ask them questions. I especially like to ask the questions that they don’t have the answer to (because they’ve swallowed the dogma) and make them think, or squirm, depending on their reaction.

      3. Hmm> Does MItt have a blog? I wonder if it would be the person in similar or same job, as Doug, that might have a similar blog, but with Mitt’s “values” posted?
        I’d just google “mitt Romney election/ 2012”, to find it.
        Good luck- and tell us what you find!

      4. richgrise —

        LOL — do not worry!

        I post according to the audience’s psychological makeup.

        On Mitt’s site I’ll agree to ALL…by ten-fold….and that will be the punch.

        If I find one — so far have only seen ones that just proselytize his dogma, but none that have a debate — I’ll let you know (so you can see what I post…in “agreement”).

      5. I would second what richgrise is saying. We do not want to affect people the way a certain troll in our midst does. We should take the high road and set an example we would like to see followed.

      6. Don Howard —

        My intent is not to troll Mitt’s blog. But to agree with ALL his supporters…by taking their posts to the Tenth Power….

        How can agreeing be trolling…?

      7. @Surfisher – I am not saying you will or would, only that we want to be aware of the negative affect of that behavior…

    1. Don Howard —

      Respectfully disagree.

      We do not need the support of the GOP (which has flagrantly abused its limited power in favor of Mitt).

      We need the rest of the support of all Republicans that have seen this perfidy!

      1. Ron Paul needs the support of all Republicans, or those that consider themselves Republicans, to ensure a win as the Republican candidate and to ensure the presidency. Each and every one of them count. I believe to approach the campaign otherwise would be a grievous error. Confidence is a great thing, but it needs to be tempered. That is really the point I am making.

      2. Don Howard says:
        May 14, 2012 at 7:08 pm

        1) “Ron Paul needs the support of all Republicans, or those that consider themselves Republicans, to ensure a win as the Republican candidate and to ensure the presidency. Each and every one of them count.”

        Agree 100% — this is logical!

        2) “I believe to approach the campaign otherwise would be a grievous error. Confidence is a great thing, but it needs to be tempered. That is really the point I am making.”

        This one is does not make sense — it is unsupported rhetoric.

        Sorry, but as a Logician, had to to point this out (and I do respect all your posts)!

      3. @Surfisher – Stating that overconfidence would be a grievous error is not unsupported rhetoric and it was not posted to antagonize. Whether we could still win with an overconfident approach is not as important as looking beyond the win. The whole liberty movement will benefit from as much support as it can get. It would be awesome to see the country wholly supporting that concept again…

    2. After extensive Google, for a Mitt Romney blog (that allows people to post responses) this is the only one I’ve found so far.

      It is NOTHING but a Propaganda site — mostly asking for donations — and displaying NO Forum where people can debate his pluses or short comings…wonder why?!

    3. At Tampa — would this be the best Sign to carry?
      Please, submit yours.

      Stop the Fraud–
      Vote your Conscience!
      Ron Paul 2012

  48. Ron Paul to WIN in Tampa — see HOW below!

    Superb article — must read!

    Some key points:

    “Romney’s Achilles’ heel is a moral one. It is the sum of all of the cheating that has been done in his favor by the party. For example…
    In Oklahoma, party officials pulled out a ballroom divider to cordon off Ron Paul supporters and shut them out of participation. Later they turned out the lights. Voice votes that were clearly lost were declared won….In Virginia, at a district convention, officials coaxed the Ron Paul delegation outside and then locked the door. The pastor of the church that was hosting the event was, himself, locked outside.”

    (And the parade of GOP frauds in favor of Mitt goes on: nearly in every State!)

    Add to this breaking rule #11 —“…the GOP wasn’t bound by its own rules when it chose to provide material support to Romney while the race was still ongoing.”

    It is the American Way to support an underdog — Ron Paul in this case — “People get very excited about an underdog who can win — especially if he is an underdog that was kept down by nefarious means.”

    Read this superb article — and pass it on!

    Ron Paul to WIN — Or America to END 2012!

    (there are no other options!)

  49. Patriot Press Lawyers @USA_Free_Press Are Preparing A Federal Lawsuit To Seat All Ron Paul delegates & Determine By Court Order That All Delegates Are Free Agents To Vote For Any Candidate On 1st Ballot & All Ballots_We Need All Video & Witness Statements Of Any Non Conformities At State Conventions Which Deprived Or Sought To Deprive Votes For Ron Paul delegates_ E Mail RichardAttorney@GMail.Com or Twitter @USA_Free_Press Law Firm Of Gilbert & Marlowe Tel 714-667-1038 Orange County California

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