Anti-Romney Revolt at Liberty University

Keep your Romney, give us Ron Paul !

The John McCain, eh sorry, the Mitt Romney campaign replayed a scene from past failed Republican candidates yesterday.  They announced in the morning that Governor Romney would be the commencement speaker at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  The school founded, by Jerry Falwell, is touted as the largest Christian University in the world.  And in the afternoon they announced that openly gay, Richard Grenell, would be Romney’s new national security and foreign policy spokesman.

Students at Liberty were in an uproar.  Not over Grenell, but over the University choosing Romney instead of their beloved Ron Paul.  The firestorm began on the University’s own website, where the thread hit 700 comments in a couple of hours.  The discussion was promptly censored and then shut down proving that the University is not very aptly named.  But the discussion moved onto Facebook where it continues to spread.

(You can also join the discussion here.)

Ron Paul has a large support base on campuses in general, all campuses, Christian or otherwise.   According to Braedon Wilkerson, Ron Paul district coordinator, he carried the city of Lynchburg by a 51-49% margin and the newly created Liberty University precinct 60-40%.  “The campus and the city belong to Ron Paul.”

Maybe not.  It turns out that the campus resides on the Carter Glass’ estate.  This is the same Senator Glass of the famous Glass-Owen act which established the Federal Reserve.  There is even a plaque erected to him on campus, honoring the central bank.   Mark DeMoss, who is the evangelical liaison for Mitt Romney, is on the Liberty board of directors.

Meanwhile, the Richard Grenell appointment sparked a fury of emails from prominent Newt Gingrich evangelicals who see the betrayal of their movement as imminent.  As a former congressman wrote to me, “once again evangelicals get hind tit (sic).”

Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer and “the Policy boys” of Family Research Council get most of the criticism.

A common suspicion of prominent evangelicals is that they sold the evangelical vote to Senator Rick Santorum in exchange for money to their nonprofit corporations even though Newt Gingrich was the more viable candidate.  Indeed, the Iowa FRC leader Bob Vander Platts was reportedly asking Santorum for a million dollars.  He eventually supported Santorum.  Presumably, a national endorsement would be worth more.

A leader says, “They split the evangelical vote last time by dividing the Huckabee vote with Fred Thompson, giving us McCain as a result. ”  And now the charge is that they have divided the vote again, giving Santorum a temporary boost, draining Gingrich, and giving Romney the nomination.

True to the 2008 cycle, Mitt Romney, like John McCain, refused to meet or seek evangelical support early enough.  A visit to Liberty now, with the national elections only six months away shows very poor planning.  The Romney evangelical meet and greets, which have to be done, should have been done a year ago, when he was planning the elevator for his car garage.

To announce it on the same day as the Richard Grenell announcement is a clumsy attempt to show respect to both the evangelical and gay communities.  Instead it shows that the Romney campaign understands neither one.

Meanwhile, the Ron Paul campaign continues to chug along.  The congressman raised almost as much money as Romney this quarter.  He is the only candidate who beats Obama in the recent Rasmussen poll and his television commercials are on the air in Texas where lovers of liberty will appropriately make their last stand.

Correction: An earlier version of this post stated:  “Ron Paul visited the Liberty University campus in 2008 but he was very poorly treated.  He was given a small venue which could not hold the crowd.  When he moved outside to speak to the young people who had missed him, the campus police showed up and “escorted” him off campus.”

This was how it was related to me by a RP staffer who must have remembered it wrong.  Several people have pointed out that this version is incorrect.  That, in fact, he was given a large venue.

Thanks everybody, keep me honest.  Here is one of the corrections:

I do have to make a correction to just one piece of this article. I was a State Coordinator for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign and a former Professor at Liberty University. I arranged Ron Paul’s visit to Liberty in 2008. The venue was the Vines Center, which seats c. 10,000. Ron Paul did not have a small venue and did not have to move outside (except to leave). The place was packed, although it was easy to observe that most of those in the audience of 10,000 had been “prepped” to view Ron Paul negatively. Nevertheless it was a polite “coldness”. The “prepping” of the audience beforehand (a couple of days prior I was advised), was the only negative treatment given to Ron Paul during his visit in 2008. I was quite aware that the “leadership” of Liberty University did not support Ron Paul or at least some of his ideas (divided as they were between Huckabee, McCain, and Romney). The only campus police I saw (and remember, I was with Rep. Paul the whole time) were those who escorted us into the Vines Center and then later out. I too am very disappointed to see Liberty University jump on this latest “mainstream Republican” bandwagon. And I am happy to see the tremendous support for Ron Paul today at Liberty University and in Lynchburg, Virginia (where I lived 24 years). I just wanted to correct the “urban legend” regarding his 2008 visit.

Kevin L. Clauson, M.A., J.D.
Former State Coordinator, Ron Paul 2008
Former Chair/Professor of Government, Liberty University (’85-’07)
Professor/Director, Center for Law & Public Policy, Bryan College

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

139 thoughts on “Anti-Romney Revolt at Liberty University

  1. This just PROVES the point that the Neo-Conservatives (Neocons) have “hijacked” much of Evangelical Christianity – just as Zionism has “hijacked” much of Judaism. The Neocons and the Zionists have “convinced” many of these Evangelical Leaders and the Leaders of Judaism, through the their Message of HATRED toward Islam that the only way to “preserve” their “Brands” of Faith is to Annihilate them through War – even if it means “Violating” the Constitution to get it done. Neocons and Zionists are VERY DANGEROUS People (worse than Liberals).

      1. Now if Doug only had a “good eye” for the facts, as this is another in a long line of stories he got wrong and had to make major corrections. LOL

    1. Absolutely, DT. Sickens me that the NeoCons (no conservative thoughts among them) have taken over the Christian faith (incl Catholics, all Protestants, and maybe even RomNots– which are not Christians but are Zionists, for sure).. It is akin to Zionists stealing and using Jewry. I compltelely agree- And, as i had said to MANY people at different times; Zionism is the SCOURGE of the Jewish faith. We should comprehend that NeoCons (inflection on CONS) are now the SCOURGE of all Christian faith(s).

      People seem to not get it. How are they pro-life yet pro-war, especially pro-war to the extent of starting them for someone else (read, Israel, here)? It sickens me and will take this nation DOWN, to be sure. We need only look to the AIPAC (ape-pac) for what initiates ALL of this, too. Same hands, different pots..

      1. Anne,

        You’re wrong as well, it is obvious you will say anything against anybody in order to support RIP. LOL

      2. annebeck58 — spot on!

        Disregard the forum polluter — I’ll deal with it later. LOL

      1. NO tex2…you are the FIRST class JERK….go crawl back under that rock you came from….I for one am tired of your nonsense! Ron Paul is a great man of morals and integrity… with it and move on….you are part of the problem and a VERY BIG ONE AT THAT!!

      2. NO jacqlynsmith…you are the FIRST class JERK….go crawl back under that rock you came from….I for one am tired of your nonsense! Ron Paul is a man of morals and integrity and stupid ideas… with it and move on….you are part of the problem and a VERY BIG ONE AT THAT!! LOL

    2. Say, DT; ignore the tool. You are absolutely correct in your assessment of Zionizm and hatred toward ALL Muslims. They got US.USA to hate them, no? All it took was one terrible story line and a few shills, who had no idea what they were about to do.
      Some derrps will never get the truth, as they honestly don’t CARE to know the truth, and that’s why our gubbmen’ gets away with so very much.

    3. DT — here is what the #2 is:

      Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

  2. I am a hardcore Ron Paul supporter and I love your work, Doug Wead. However, I must correct you on one part of your article.

    You state: “Ron Paul visited the Liberty University campus in 2008 but he was very poorly treated. He was given a small venue which could not hold the crowd. When he moved outside to speak to the young people who had missed him, the campus police showed up and “escorted” him off campus.”

    I was here in 2008 and that did not happen. In fact, Ron Paul was given the largest venue & event any speaker could be given (other than Commencement) by speaking at Convocation, where around 8-10 thousand students attend. You can see video of the beginning [] and end [] of the event. At the beginning the Chancellor Jerry Falwell introduced Dr. Paul, which happens only for a handful of speakers, usually for the most notable speakers on campus. At the end (2nd video linked) you’ll see that all the Liberty administration on stage gave Dr. Paul a standing ovation.

    It’s important to make that clarification. Thanks for your work, Mr. Wead.

    1. He has made the correction. I am sure it was an oversight, and was based on lore..
      Still, how does that University NOW support a MORON/MORMON? I don’t even see how they would support the (lapsed) Catholic, Grinch, but RomNOT?? Something (cash, cars, trips?) has crossed hands, to be SURE. One thing RomNot is never short of is money and “gifts”, even when completely illegal and illicit that he “gives such away”/
      What a scumbucket RomNot is.. Anyone who doesn’t see it and vote Ron Paul, for honesty, truth, and liberty, is not paying attention, to be sure!

      1. Doug is well known for his “oversights.” LOL

        I prefer the word my mother taught me, LYING. LOL

        RIP, supposedly a Christian, must have some pretty bad policies for a Christian university to support a Mormon, that’s for sure. LOL

    2. That wasn’t a “clarification” you made, it was calling out a bald faced lie. LOL

      A better question is why hasn’t RIP returned since 2008? LOL

      1. Tex2, did you come her to discuss something intelligently, or just to attack other posters? We can see that you like to disrupt other poster’s thoughts, almost as though the rest of us don’t have freedom of speech. Pretty sad commentary.

      2. I came here (notice the correct spelling of this most difficult, one syllable word! – LOL) to communicate the facts. I am verbally “attacking” ignorance and stupidity, both of which are target rich environments on this blog. LOL

        How do I disrupt other posters’ thoughts, if I post after they do? LOL

        I am 100% in favor of all of you continuing to type, I LOVE the First Amendment, it exposes your idiocy. LOL

    3. jesselperry —

      see below what poluutesmthis forum….

      Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

  3. I do have to make a correction to just one piece of this article. I was a State Coordinator for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign and a former Professor at Liberty University. I arranged Ron Paul’s visit to Liberty in 2008. The venue was the Vines Center, which seats c. 10,000. Ron Paul did not have a small venue and did not have to move outside (except to leave). The place was packed, although it was easy to observe that most of those in the audience of 10,000 had been “prepped” to view Ron Paul negatively. Nevertheless it was a polite “coldness”. The “prepping” of the audience beforehand (a couple of days prior I was advised), was the only negative treatment given to Ron Paul during his visit in 2008. I was quite aware that the “leadership” of Liberty University did not support Ron Paul or at least some of his ideas (divided as they were between Huckabee, McCain, and Romney). The only campus police I saw (and remember, I was with Rep. Paul the whole time) were those who escorted us into the Vines Center and then later out. I too am very disappointed to see Liberty University jump on this latest “mainstream Republican” bandwagon. And I am happy to see the tremendous support for Ron Paul today at Liberty University and in Lynchburg, Virginia (where I lived 24 years). I just wanted to correct the “urban legend” regarding his 2008 visit.

    Kevin L. Clauson, M.A., J.D.
    Former State Coordinator, Ron Paul 2008
    Former Chair/Professor of Government, Liberty University (’85-’07)
    Professor/Director, Center for Law & Public Policy, Bryan College

    1. Thank you so much. I reported how it was remembered by RP staff. Interesting. I will post you comments as a correction to the story. Thanks again.

    2. Kevin L. Clauson — all genuine corrections are welcomed!

      But can anyone correct the below waste-of-protoplasm…LOL:

      Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

      So they run this ad:

      “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
      Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
      Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

      That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

  4. A Seat at the table and acceptance into the Republican tent has been their elusive goal sense the 88 race. Sadly it is always to the back of the tent and waiting on tables and never a seat. Tony Perkins and Gary Bauner are little more than Republican Shills now. Sad indeed.

    1. Not even Republican shills- NEOCON Shills! I really have a hard time reconciling any NeoCon as Republican, when I think back to what GOP was — when I was a child.
      I so want Ron Paul to take us back to that time– to liberty for ALL, for peace, for SANITY, and for the United STATES of America. Federal officials of all sorts are completely out of control and seem to forget that states have their own powers.. which is why I agree with Paul when it comes to closing down certain departments.
      Hoping people will not just sit home and whine– that they will get out there and make this happen!

      1. Ron Paul isn’t taking us anywhere, we don’t want to be vulnerable to foreign country or terrorist attack. LOL

      2. You’re funny Tex. You think we won’t be vulnerable when the entire nation collapses under the weight of debt, mismanagement, fraud, corruption, and chaos? Keep worrying about them turrerists though, pal.

      3. TO: Anonymous– and anyone else who cares to HELP with BOYCOTT OF MEDIA and their SPONSORS:

        HEY_ would you check out my blog, re: boycotting MEDIA and SPONSORS, in return for BLACKOUT of ROn Paul, by media? And, would you share it? My blogsite is: http;// thank you>>

    2. Gary Glenn White —

      Well done — no-one respond to the #2…since it is a waste of protoplasm that pollutes this forum!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

      1. Exactly– and it WILL not go away. Seems to HATE Doug Wead, too.. and likes to irritate US so we won’t read his blog– and won’t comment on it.
        I just ignore it. Will see IT posted fake (ridiculous) “reply” and just go down to NEXT (REAL) RESPONSE.

        Why Doug does not get rid of EWWWWW is beyond ME!

      1. It makes me smile too, because I know much of it isn’t real, it’s mere exaggeration, distortion, and lies. LOL

    1. Shirley Wade —

      Well done — no-one respond to the #2…since it is a waste of protoplasm that pollutes this forum!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  5. What a pathetic school. It’s proven again that it stands for nothing but glorifying the Neoconservative philosophy and nothing itself. Though it presents itself as a Baptist university, it continues to use its power and influence to do nothing but push its bad political philosophy on its student body. It is a school that won’t allow students the freedom to form a Campus Democrats organization, but will allow a Mormon cultist and moderate politician into its graduation ceremony in order to push a political movement on to its students like it’s a drug. There is only one Baptist left in the race, and his name is Ron Paul. If Liberty University believed in its own name or if it were even the slightest bit consistent, it would put its weight behind Dr. Paul. Nonetheless, it won’t, and I feel the university needs to feel some “blowback” for this disrespect toward its own students, to us and to America. Protest the hell out of this school; let them know you’re not stupid.

    1. They did allow a Democratic organization until they chose Democrats that were against the. “Liberty way.” Those same Democratic students are allowed to meet on campus but cannot legally call themselves a club nor use the name of Liberty University whilst representing their group.

    2. RIP, supposedly a Baptist, must have some pretty bad policies for a Baptist university to support a Mormon, that’s for sure. LOL

    3. Its a terrible shame, students are subjected to this idocrination of neocons on (All) Levels of Education-First and foremost they should be taught their Constitution & God given rights. As the sole equity holders of the last will & testament of God! That is Sovereignty! VOTE RON PAUL.

    4. chanky1 — ALL US Universities are now NOTHING but Indoctrination in PC speech and its pernicious acceptance — meaning the FORCEFUL teachings of defunct Socialist Dogma, or the students don’t get to graduate! Ala CCCP schoolings of old…and they’ve changed nowadays! LOL

      Alos, Well done — no-one respond to the #2…since it is a waste of protoplasm that pollutes this forum!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  6. Dr. Paul is the “ONLY” hope for a turn-around in this country. Unfortunately the ESTABLISHMENT won’t allow that to happen.
    Romney is nothing more than a RINO (Republican in Name Only). He is a LIBERAL not a Conservative. Again, the only TRUE conservative and TRUE supporter of the constitution and an understanding of the foundation of a constitutional republic is Dr. Ron Paul.
    ~Good Luck amerika, we’re gonna need it!~

      1. tex2, you need to grow up. People who advocate that our government abide by our laws understand clearly what is going on. Sadly, it is you who choose to disrupt a conversation with your inane and immature comments.

    1. Oh, and at Anonymous and ALL; the tool here is (as I have said previously) NOT even American, let alone Texan. He’s in Izrahell,and has been away for the past ~24 hours for his weekend non-electricity “retreat”.
      Check out it’s ridiculous posts, on earlier blogs where it uses *obviously* translator to try and sound American. Came off sounding like an adolescent IDIOT, and even posted it’s timezone. Again, derrp.

      1. I’ve outed two dedicated foreign anti-Paul astroturfers on the web so far myself.

        It’s ok, though, I enjoy taking the time to counter their irrational arguments when I have time available. It’s usually fairly simple.

      2. Anne,

        You’re not only stupid, but wrong. LOL

        There will be MANY more Texans voting against RIP (Ron “Independent” Paul, or Rest In Peace, take your pick) than for him. LOL

    2. Blk_Horse311 — good post!

      BO is a shoo-in if Mitt is elected to run against him.

      So, concentrate to have Rmoney withdraw from the election in favor of Ron Paul.

      At this stage only Ron Paul can defeat BO — and no-one else!

  7. Speaking of the Federal Reserve and throwing in the 16th & 17th Amendment, I found out that California, for instance, never voted on either Amendment, yet was counted as having voted yes. As proof, I have a copy from the California Archives of the Assembly and State juornals showing that they were never voted on. And, a copy of a letter from the Secretary of State’s office stating the same thing. I wonder how many other states did not vote or maybe voted no and were counted as having voted yes? When you think about it,(17th Amendment) what state legislature in its collective right mind would ever vote to give away its power? Wouldn’t happen. Maybe some RP folks would be willing to contact their state archives and get copies (preferably certified) of their state journals for the period? Then, perhaps, we could restore the Constitution one Amendment at a time…

      1. The rule of law has no “statute of limitations” but then I have a feeling from your apparent attitude that you care little about rule of law.

    1. DH — Ron Paul will take care of that!

      Let’s just get him elected!

      Also, Well done — no-one respond to the #2…since it is a waste of protoplasm that pollutes this forum!

      The #2 is a paid shill to troll and disrupt this forum with its spewing of hatred. So real Americans can’t converse here without IT hijacking all threads. That’s why this subhuman needs to be banned. One NEVER responds to IT — its existence is to be ignored.

  8. Ron Paul CAN still win with our help!
    I’m 52 and NEVER paid much attention to politics. I voted in a few general elections but never in a primary. About 5 years ago my son told me about Ron Paul, So I started doing some research on him, hours and hours of video of him giving speeches and taking questions after all of that I’m convinced This guy is different from the rest. He actually believes in something, knows what he’s talking about, and really cares about this country and it’s people. Now I’m a changed man, I sent money to a political campaign for the first time in my life, and it felt good I think I may send them more. Also I’ll be voting in my first primary soon and plan to stay to try and become a delegate for Ron Paul. I never thought in my lifetime that we would have a chance to elect a president who is not bought and paid for by big banks and or corporations!

    1. Shane Mayfield — you got that right!

      See you in Tampa. Hundreds of thousands of us, Ron Paul supporters (Real Americans!), will be there — vs a couple of hundred of mousey Mitt sycophants. If Rmoney dares to steal the election — he’ll be one stupid fool confronting Vox Popili…!

    1. While I agree the parties aren’t different enough, saying there are, “ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE between the Establishment Republicans and the Establishment Democrats” is fruitcake with nuts for brains. LOL

      1. Their differences are only wide enough for the latest wedge issue (and if there’s not one then one is manufactured). Their remaining differences are an illusion meant to keep us pitted against one-another. It’s a classic divide and conquer strategy.

      2. tex2

        It’s ok, tex2. You’re infantile observations just shows us your mind is “stuck and stunted” on the Rush Limbaugh / Mark Levin Neocon-type rhetoric. And, as the Liberty Movement continues to grow and gain popularity through people like Ron Paul – it just serves as a testimony that Rush “Babies” are growing up into Adulthood.

        Too bad you had such an appetite for Lead Paint Chips when you were a child. You could have been part of the maturation process. Instead, you’re still sucking on Rush Limbaugh’s Tit, while Mark Levin changes your Diaper.

      3. It may appear to be fruitcake with nuts in it but it’s a fact Jack. There is no difference in the two parties, just different agendas. None of them good. Ron Paul is the only one who stands apart and has logical solutions to our problems. But there are too many fruitcakes who believe in the Party instead of the man. Vote for the Man not the Party.

      4. Shirley Wade

        Poor tex2. He’s still under the illusion that there’s a difference between the Republican and Democrat Parties. He truly believes Rush Limbaugh when he says that there is a Difference. LOL.

        Now I’m NOT an Obama Supporter – BUT…

        Don’t ya just “love” Rush when he starts going on and on about “Obama’s Economy” when he conveniently “leaves out” that the MASSIVE Lay-offs and the Economic Crash of 08 all started under George Bush? Then when someone calls him on it – he “Blames” the Congressional Democrats for blocking regulation on Fannie and Freddie and then acting as “Innocent Bystanders” during the Housing Collapse, when it was George Bush “pushing for” Affordable Housing all along?

        And don’t ya just “love” Rush when he “Blames” the Clinton Administration for the Repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act that CAUSED this WHOLE MESS with the Banking Institutions – but he conveniently “leaves out” that it was Repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which was “Authored and Sponsored” by the 3 Republicans of which it was named after?

        And don’t ya just “love” Rush when he goes on and on about Hillsdale College and the Heritage Foundation as being the “Bastions” of Constitutional Interruption – however he conveniently “leaves out” ANY DISCUSSION about Constitutional Provision for a “Declaration of War” by Congress? (Rush Limbaugh – typical Neocon)

        And don’t ya just “love” Rush when he so “passionately” complains about the NDAA Legislation that Obama signed on New Years Eve of 2011 (which Romney Supports), but he conveniently “leaves out” that it was “Authored and Sponsored” by Senator Levin(D) and Senator McCain(R) and it passed the ENTIRE Senate 93-7?

        There is ABSOLUTELY NO Difference between the Republican Establishment and the Democrat Establishment. They BOTH “work” for the SAME “Puppet Masters” who “Bribe” (I mean Contribute) to their Political Campaigns – The Wall Street Banks, the Crony Corporatists, the Defense Contractors and the FED. These Neocons, including Rush Limbaugh, don’t “Give a Damn” about the Average American, but yet he continues to “fool” people. For all it’s worth, Rush Limbaugh is just a Neocon “Tool” used to keep Americans DIVIDED, instead of FOCUSED on the REAL perpetrators who continue to “usurp” the Constitution for “Profits”! The Neocons!

        If you REALLY want to KNOW how a Candidate will “measure up” as a President – just look at WHO is Contributing to their Campaign! That is WHO they will be “beholden to” after the Election is all over.

        Ron Paul 2012!

      5. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE between the Republicans and Democrats when it comes to Governing AGAINST the Will of the People. Ron Paul 2012!

        Bipartisanship and MAP 21

    2. DT — hope to…

      See you in Tampa. Hundreds of thousands of us, Ron Paul supporters (Real Americans!), will be there — vs a couple of hundred of mousey Mitt sycophants. If Rmoney dares to steal the election — he’ll be one stupid fool confronting Vox Popili…!

      1. There’s a reason hearsay evidence isn’t considered very reliable in court. Come down off your high horse.

      2. Most of the time hearsay evidence isn’t even allowed in court. But on the Doug “Weed” blog, false stories are the norm. LOL

      1. I’m not around here much. I tend to lurk elsewhere, but I’ll try to keep that in mind.

      2. Anonymous — here is what the #2 is:

        No one responds to IT, because….

        Rmoney — “Staff, get me some internet trolls to spew forth hatred towards my opponents.”

        So they run this ad:

        “Looking for 300+lb pimply failures that live in mum’s basement.
        Must be hateful of all that’s good (since you hate yourself most because of the waste of protoplasm you’ve become); unable to crawl away from the computer, so mum gives you monthly sponge baths (also, occasionally removes the bedpan).
        Why post your venomous spittings for free, when we’ll pay you handsomely to be our Shill — a fistful of food stamps and a bottle of hooch each week!”

        That’s how the #2 got this “lucrative” job — why troll for free, when it can shill for so much more….

      3. Well, yes; however this guy and his inane LOLs was quite easy to spot. His use of translator was also apparent. I know a lot of Brits don’t like any change coming, but they usually don’t blog or comment on blogs.

      4. Well, yes; however this guy and his inane LOLs was quite easy to spot. —> And you’re easy to cause queasiness, just click on your picture. YUCK!!! LOL

        His use of translator was also apparent. —> Oh, is it? You are one of many RIPtilians to even makes a simple phone call and find out for yourself. LOL

        I know a lot of Brits don’t like any change coming, but they usually don’t blog or comment on blogs. —> Another piece of evidence that I’m actually in Texas. Exactly how stupid are you again? Oh yeah, you just proved it. AGAIN. LOL

    1. annebeck58— hope to…

      See you in Tampa. Hundreds of thousands of us, Ron Paul supporters (Real Americans!), will be there — vs a couple of hundred of mousey Mitt sycophants. If Rmoney dares to steal the election — he’ll be one stupid fool confronting Vox Popili…!

      And if by chance, the #2 gets bused there — I’ll be happy to greet it — always enjoyed stepping on venomous insects…LOL

  9. In conclusion:

    Mitt needs to resign in favor of Ron Paul (or become a joke)!

    “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could pull as much as 6% of the vote in a hypothetical three-way match-up with Mitt Romney and President Obama. Johnson began the 2012 race running for the Republican nomination but has wound up carrying the libertarian banner and could gain ballot access in several states.”

    If the above transpires, it is a certainty that Mitt will not defeat BO (with his flip-flopping, he couldn’t defeat him anyway, now this would assure it).

    So he needs to withdraw now in favor of Ron Paul!

    Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!

    Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He’d be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: “Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America”!

    Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!

    All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!

    Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):

    “I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul that can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation’s salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!”

    One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney’s PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as ‘fact’: “You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).

    Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what’s best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.

    An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:

    1) If you don’t win the nomination, than your political career is over (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).

    2) If you win the nomination, and don’t defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you’ll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).

    Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!

    However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you’ll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney’s egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he’d receive otherwise)!

    All one needs to do, to assure Mitt’s Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney’s eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!

    Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he’ll get to read it!

    1. In short:

      BO is a shoo-in if Mitt is elected to run against him.

      So, concentrate to have Rmoney withdraw from the election in favor of Ron Paul.

      At this stage only Ron Paul can defeat BO — and no-one else!

  10. @ G —

    (Reposting since the #2 is polluting again):

    Your posts are spot on! But you should post them as a new thread (not replying to IT, since this only gives the troll reason to exist).

    You also mentioned that you’ve seen the #2 pollute other forums — could you post these links — so I can continue to train IT like Pavlov’s dog there, too.

    1. i don’t believe i mentioned that, i may have referred to others who said such things. there were those who said as much in the huge thread if you read through the top half you should find them.. you might consider encouraging good behavior instead of ostrasizing him, its years of that which made him this way..,

      @tex2 stop being such a douche all the time, its counter-productive to your own cause, if you want to have honest debate with people, then they’ll engage in it, there are no christian values which justify your behavior, you seem to think of yourself as a good christian trying to protect his own interests, if so, then consider if you are being a good ambassador of your beliefs. you’re what? in your 50’s? acting like a child.. i honestly, would LIKE(but can’t) to defend you against SOME of what gets said and done, but your unwillingness to treat people you’ve never had contact with with a moderate amount of respect initially shows a lack of character and after someone listens long enough to hear your belief structure, they realize you don’t practice what you preach, if you aren’t consistant in your beliefs and actions, then no one who is discerning enough to find this blog will be able to take you seriously.. if you continue to do what you’re doing, it will only be a waste of your time and effort. at that point, why defend you, you’ve earned it.

      1. G, stop being such a douche all the time, its counter-productive to your own cause, if you want to have honest debate with people, then they’ll engage in it, there are no christian values which justify your behavior, you seem to think of yourself as a good christian trying to protect his own interests, if so, then consider if you are being a good ambassador of your beliefs. you’re what? in your 50′s? acting like a child.. i honestly, would LIKE (but can’t) to defend you against SOME of what gets said and done, but your unwillingness to treat people you’ve never had contact with with a moderate amount of respect initially shows a lack of character and after someone listens long enough to hear your belief structure, they realize you don’t practice what you preach, if you aren’t consistent in your beliefs and actions, then no one who is discerning enough to find this blog will be able to take you seriously. If you continue to do what you’re doing, it will only be a waste of your time and effort. at that point, why defend you, you’ve earned it. LOL

  11. This Tex2 guy is really something. His immature “LOL” and statements without back ups are really annoying.

    1. Mike —

      Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G

  12. Actually, it surprises me that even more “evangelical” Christians have accepted Romney without one word concerning the “issues” according to the Bible any Christian would have with a President that practiced a pagan religion (from the Bible definition of the word pagan that is ) like Mormonism ..because it is the Christian Right that has REJECTED , SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE DEBATES AND TO A MAN /WOMAN DECLARE THAT THERE IS NO SUCH LINE OF SEPARATION ! Mormonism is most certainly NOT A CHRISTIAN FAITH (again according the the Bible definition of what is Christian and not )…….and it was most certainly the right that has attacked Obama challenging his profession of being Christian …..why is Romney getting a pass from those who completely validate themselves upon their so-called CHRISTIAN INTEGRITY ?

    1. Arvin Williams

      That’s a simple one to answer. In order for Romney’s Mormonism to be “overlooked” by the Evangelical Christian Community, some “thing” or another doctrine has to be MORE important to them. And that would be Israel.

      We, Evangelical Christians, understand that we are dutifully bound to the Jewish People because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. We are commanded to be a witness to them that the Messiah has come in Jesus Christ. The Jewish People are well aware of this – but so are the SECULAR Neocon and the Zionist Movements. The SECULAR Neocon and the Zionist Movements have WICKEDLY “used” the Scriptures to “forward” their own EVIL Agendas of Mass Murder and World Domination in the Name of God, much like Satan “used” the Scripture to Tempt Jesus in the wilderness.

      Sadly, the Evangelical Leaders and the Leaders of Judaism have unknowingly “bought into” this notion of “adopting” the Neocon and Zionist Agendas through the GOD-GIVEN Edict of “Unconditional Love” toward the Jewish People based upon Holy Scripture. Nonetheless, the Neocons and Zionists COULD CARE LESS about the “Religious” connotations. These people make up these SECULAR “Political” Movements which desire WORLD DOMINATION by whatever means necessary, including Unconstitutional Wars of Aggression.

      In essence, the Neocons and Zionists have knowingly and successfully “hijacked” these Religions by “promoting” a message of “Hatred” toward Islam because of 9/11 – and they “use” the People’s Devout Judeo/Christian Beliefs to GET what they want. ie The CONTROL over the Oil, the Natural Resources and the “Power” (Slavery) over People whom they Conquer.

      I agree with you about Romney in that Christians would have a difficult time voting for a Mormon. However, DON’T discount the Neocon Agenda of “Hatred” toward Islam because of 9/11. The Neocons did this with Iraq – and this is HOW they will get the Christians to vote for Mitt Romney.

      It makes a lot of people wonder if there was something more “sinister” behind 9/11 – because Neocons and Zionists are VERY sinister people.

    2. *Mitt Romney, American Parasite*

      (Mitt Grosny — Romney The Terrible (my prefered title))

      It explains how Bain Capital worked. They would buy SUCCESSFUL companies, with little down, borrowed huge amounts, saddling them with crushing debt, refused to continue equipment purchases or maintenance. Then they would pay themselves huge “management” fees.

      Some notable excerpts:

      “Romney is not a vulture capitalist, as Rick Perry says, since vultures eat dead carcasses,” notes Josh Kosman, who has written about the private equity business for 15 years. He’s “more of a parasitic capitalist, since he destroys profitable businesses.” (The host must be healthy enough to be force-fed all that debt, then slowly bled to death…until the parasites drain all the wealth for themselves).

      “When Bain was about to buy a company, its partners would hold a meeting. “He said that about half the time [they] would talk about cutting workers,” Kosman says. “They would never talk about adding workers. He said that job growth was never part of the plan.” That claim was buttressed by the Associated Press, which studied 45 companies bought by Bain during Romney’s first decade. It found that 4,000 workers lost their jobs. The real figure is likely thousands higher, since the analysis didn’t account for bankruptcies and factory and store closings.

      “The Armco plant closing involved more than the torching of 750 jobs, Morrow says. Contractors and suppliers collapsed. Workers’ children and widows lost health care and pension benefits. And while Bain received millions in tax breaks—paid for by the very people left holding the bag—Romney walked away millions richer.”

      A must read (long) article recommended to all!

      Share it!

    3. Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add your names, if I missed them!

      Doug — are you paying attention to this list?!


    On Sunday, April 22, the GOP “Establishment” Candidate spoke to ONLY 200 Supporters at a Lincoln Day dinner that was scheduled before former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum dropped out of the presidential race.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Ron Paul spoke to 4,300 Supporters in Philadelphia during a pouring rain storm.

    This only shows that if Mitt Romney is the GOP Nominee, Barack Hussein Obama will win a second term by “slaughtering” Mitt Romney in the General Election. THERE IS NO SUPPORT FOR MITT ROMNEY! Meanwhile, the Romney Campaign is “pushing hard” for the “Coronation” by having the Media cover a potential VP Choice. When Romney announces his VP Choice, Ron Paul should “break-off” from the GOP, announce his own VP Choice and run 3rd Party. All this Media “malarkey” that if Ron Paul runs 3rd Party would “hurt” the Liberty Movement is “Fabricated Baloney”. And if Ron Paul is “laying the ground work” for his son, Rand Paul – are we to believe that the Media or the GOP Establishment will be any less “Dirty” during the next Election Cycle?

    The TIME for Ron Paul is NOW! If anything, Ron Paul should begin preparing for a 3rd Party Run for the Presidency. His Message of Liberty needs to be heard on the “Debate Stage” during the Obama/Romney Presidential Debates. The Media has been “instructed” to BLACK OUT Ron Paul and his Message of Liberty – even though he is supported by more than 20 to 1.

    1. DT —

      Ron Paul MUST stay on course — keep up the uphill battle to win as many delegates as possible (that the GOP does not prevent him to do, by their obvious chicanery)!

      Ron Paul needs to take Rmoney to Tampa. Then, the PERFIDY of the GOP will be Nationally telecast (hundreds of thousands of Real Americans supporting the only Patriot (RP), vs a few hundred mousey sycophants for Mitt Grosny, will be hard to dismiss)!

      The American People have long known that the Democrat Party cheats and lies — so they are used to their chicanery (the reason, many call them Democrooks).
      It is high time that they NOW see the GOP is no different — the Republicons fraud, cheating and strong-arming to “elect” Mitt Grosny, may finally have a televised exposure!

      After the Tampa Convention — which will probably be the most memorable of spectacles this last 50 years — Ron Paul should take the best path that assures he’ll be part of the Presidential debates vs BO.
      Ron Paul MUST be part of the Presidential debates — so, people can judge the difference between a real Human and plastic sub-humans!

      It is not unprecedented for a candidate to be the standard bearer for more than one party ( I think in 1896, William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of the Democrats, the Populist Party, and the Silver Republicans; and I believe in 1872, Horace Greeley was nominated by the Democrats and also by the Liberal-Republican Party).

      Doug Wead — hope you have similar strategy in mind!    

  14. I wonder how many of the folks upset over Romney were hoping for santorum to be the Republican candidate? And I wonder how many of them realize just how unacceptable Enavngelical Christians would have found that choice a few generations past?

    1. Quite a few. LOL

      Quite a lot. LOL

      What is REALLY interesting is how many people supported RIP in 1988 and STILL don’t support him in 2012? LOL

      Now THAT’S consistency. LOL

  15. Tex2 :

    Do you enjoy taunting who you envision will be the losers? Is that your style, rather than being a pro-active American voice and supporting the candidate that can beat Obama?

    What good are you? Except to anger your fellow Americans and taunt them, call them names …

    Grow up Tex, we need people like you on the RIGHT TEAM, on the right side of things rather than throwing mud on your fellow Americans.

    For heaven’s sake, be a part of a TEAM, stand up for yourself individually … don’t kick Americans in your imagination.

    I mean, what you do in these comments is simply Un-American, it’s like a 6th grade boy yelling taunts and insults at the other team. It’s weak, lame, grumpy, fake and … wrinkled. It’s rotten and musty, nasty and filthy.

    But, I guess you enjoy taunting and hating your fellow Americans.

    There’s a perfect phrase to describe you in both Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, but I won’t give you the pleasure, but I would … give you a pinch of the sand still between my … I’d give you a real good pinch of that.

    1. Pat (Not sure what you are: – LOL):

      Do you enjoy taunting who you envision will be the losers? —> You’ve already lost, there’s no “envisioning” involved. LOL As far as enjoying it, I’ll let my LOL speak for themselves. LOL

      Is that your style, rather than being a pro-active American voice and supporting the candidate that can beat Obama? —> RIP isn’t American, he’s CRAZY. LOL And a rock can beat Barry this year. LOL

      What good are you? —> That depends who you are. Some druggy who wants all drugs legalized so the prices will come down, or some “freedom at any cost” nutjob? Or are you a REAL American who understands unbridled freedom is bad? LOL

      Except to anger your fellow Americans and taunt them, call them names … —> Don’t try to cuddle up to me with the “fellow American” BS, there’s been too much taunting and hatred thrown in every direction from the RIPtilians on this blog at anybody who does not march goosestep with their man Ron. LOL

      Grow up Tex, we need people like you on the RIGHT TEAM, on the right side of things rather than throwing mud on your fellow Americans. —> You’re not right, and you’re NOT a “fellow American” until you pull your head out of your backside. LOL

      For heaven’s sake, be a part of a TEAM, stand up for yourself individually … don’t kick Americans in your imagination. —> I am part of a TEAM, the team to defeat RIP and Barry. LOL

      I mean, what you do in these comments is simply Un-American, it’s like a 6th grade boy yelling taunts and insults at the other team. —> I only give back what I get… spades. LOL

      It’s weak, lame, grumpy, fake and … wrinkled. —> It works. LOL

      It’s rotten and musty, nasty and filthy. —-> It’s effective. LOL

      But, I guess you enjoy taunting and hating your fellow Americans. —-> I think we covered this already. LOL

      There’s a perfect phrase to describe you in both Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, but I won’t give you the pleasure, but I would … give you a pinch of the sand still between my … I’d give you a real good pinch of that. —> There’s a perfect phrase to describe you and your fellow RIPtilians in Texan, all hat and no cattle. LOL

      1. tex2 – As I may have commented before, you really act like a jerk. Is that what you are tring to do?

      2. I’m am trying to talk some sense into you RIPtilians. LOL

        If that comes across to you as being a jerk, so be it. LOL

    2. If all IGNORE the #2, IT will be reduced to nothingness! Just a yapping dog that follows its betters trying to get attention….

    3. Doug — are you paying attention to this EVER GROWING List?! When are you going to get a moderator to ban this shill/troll…???

      Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard
      51) jammer
      52) Jason
      53) Roman Kalt
      54) JO
      55) Jers1
      56) Dean
      57) Concerned Citizen
      58) JC
      58) jammer
      59) Reality

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      the Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

  16. tex2 You are moron,why don’t you see that you are totally alone in your thinking.You must have voted for McCain or maybe obuma.Wake up and pull your head out of the sand or somewhere.

  17. New Yorkers — take Vincent Reda to Small Claims Court (firstly, then go for criminal)!

    Att. New Yorker’s who didn’t bother to vote against Rmoney, because of the FALSE phone robocalls you received by Vincent Reda— LYING that all other candidates had dropped out of the race except Mitt Romney.

    Take this liar to small claims court (a token $300 charge that he disfranchised you from voting by his perfidy) — easiest way to have a quick confrontation in a Court of Law! Make sure you tape the proceedings if allowed. If not, get a written record of the proceedings!

    Here is the proof you need: his actual phone message!


    Don’t delay, take this crook to court Today!

  18. Also:

    Good news from the US Supreme Court — looks like the BO’s beloved Illegals (those criminally invading our nation — the stealers of US jobs and carries of crime) will finally get the Boot!

    Now, BO and Rmoney need the Boot…!

    Ron Paul — get ready to bring down the house in Tampa. Also, prepare for the AmericansElect and Libertarian Party nominations!

  19. Take Vincent Reda to Small Claims Court NOW!

    Vincent Reda will be eventually taken to criminal court, but it may take a year or more before the case is heard.

    Anybody can take anyone for nearly any reason to Small Claims Court, and usually the case is heard in less than 2 months (in some counties 30 days). You are not filing for a Law Suit, but a CLAIM Only (claiming a wrong and placing a Dollar Value on your perceived Loss). Once the hearing is scheduled — the Judge has to hear the case! If he/she deems your claim has no merit, you lose — if not, the Judge may award you a lower dollar amount.

    Regardless of the outcome — it’s a WIN, since the point is to drag this low-life through the mud ASAP, not much, much later (for all such creeps to watch and learn NOW)!

    Here is the beauty of this ploy (since the defendant (Reda) must show up on the given date and time — if he doesn’t, you win your claim, and he has to pay you the amount! Or, get special permission from the court, to excuse his absence in person — he may be FORCED to establish phone communication during the hearing — and have his lawyers represent him):

    1) If a thousand people file such a claim — and Reda does not show up, he’ll be broke financially.

    2) If allowed by court to have only lawyers represent him — he’ll have to hire hundreds of them, to be present when many cases would be on the same, or close to the same, day when the hearings are set! That will also be a financial burden!

    Hope all New Yorkers, that were disfranchised from voting by the LIE of Vincent Reda, file a Small Claims Court CLAIM against him — the creature needs to be penalized for his perfidy!

    Share this — if many more than a Thousand people file a Small Claim, this Clown will truly be put through a Circus!

    One could claim an emotional distress that upon hearing, from a trusted official, that your candidate (say Newt, or Ron Paul) is no longer running according to the phone call, YOU broke down emotionally and stopped eating, sleeping, going to work, etc — LATER (after the voting was over) You found out it was all a Lie. And now, you are even more emotionally distressed since you lost your right to vote, because of the false statements. You put a $$$ TOTAL on your Claim (with the exact name and address of Vincent Reda) — and submit it in Small Claims Court.

    Here is the proof you need: his actual phone message LIE!


  20. Romney and Obama are actually clones —

    “Claim scientists at Rothdale’s laboratory in Lead’s, Ireland who publicly announced yesterday that both men were actually cloned in the King’s College – Chicago University experiments of 1956. ”

    For all of those that have kept on stating, and warning the American people, that Romney = Obama — now you have this video to back you up!

    Share it — funny stuff…sadly!


    1. If all IGNORE the #2, IT will be reduced to nothingness!
      Just a yapping dog that follows its betters trying to get attention….

      Vote to ban the #2 that pollutes this forum with its trolling.

      This has nothing to do with Free Speech— this blog is Private Property …and when someone trespasses it to do Damage, IT needs to be removed from the premises — BANNED!

      So far the vote to BAN this subhuman shill — ‘tex2′ — is:

      1) Surfisher
      2) Sharon Kuhn
      3) annebeck58
      4) christopher Deligate of Missouri
      5) donjusko
      6) sharksauce24
      7) sophiah8
      8) rmcnnlly
      9) BanTex2Al
      10) Wendy Jones
      11) Evan Godolphin
      12) Remmic Lewis
      13) Shane Mayfield
      14) jeffrey bohl
      15) Bill
      16) hink
      17) celticreeler
      18) G
      19) Bob Saxton
      20) Matt
      21) Ron4Prez
      22) DEMOCIDE
      23) Lee
      24) Sharon
      25) Don Howard
      26) Bill Sanders
      27) drkate
      28) David Reber
      29) Karrack
      30) Vigilantis
      31) glen
      32) Walter Brunswick
      33) shane smith
      34) DOBROIST
      35) RealTexas
      36) Pistol Petunia
      37) tex3
      38) GoodAmerican
      39) Craig Williams
      40) Slammo
      41) magichat666
      42) Drew
      43) Steve
      44) Matthew Reece
      45) Kc Cook
      46) George Leroy Tirebiter
      47) The Chiefe (@the_chiefe71)
      48) Daniel Tipping
      49) r3VOLution (@R3volution)
      50) Don Howard
      51) jammer
      52) Jason
      53) Roman Kalt
      54) JO
      55) Jers1
      56) Dean
      57) Concerned Citizen
      58) JC
      58) jammer
      59) Reality
      60) don d
      61) Jessica Diane Wilson
      62) Matthew Reece
      63) Kc Cook
      64) George Leroy Tirebiter
      65) 2knowfreedom1
      66) Daniel Tipping
      67) ban the failed amway sales-boy
      68) Emilie Rensink
      69) hillbuzzads
      70) theunrepentantpatriot
      71) Karen Huffman
      72) FyreWyngz

      p.s. excuse omissions (errors) in posting since so many want
      this Waste-of-Protoplasm banned! please, add, your names, if I missed them!

      1. Crucify him…..crucify him….. LOL!

        The Passion of the Christ is a good movie, but I don’t know if I want to watch it THAT many times in a row, so let’s take a break from this repetitious “program” and allow other readers to comment on the below serious and real issues that result in baggage for Ron Paul. Tell me what you think, let’s have open and honest discourse, and since I’m a First Amendment kind of guy, even the “list” above is welcome to chime in:

        Why Ron Paul will not be elected and/or would NOT be a good president:
        1. He is old, mousey, whiny, grumpy, skinny, etc. Do not underestimate the importance of these factors, as a very large number of voters are not familiar with the issues, and vote for vanity. Sad but true. It does no good to have good ideas when you don’t have the presidential image, and Ron has neither.
        2. He has been in Congress for 2 decades and doesn’t have a single bill to his name. We elected someone president with zero accomplishments in 2008, why would we want to do that again? How can you expect him to be able to lead the country when he can’t lead a single bill to fruition after 20 years?
        3. He even voted against his own bill to audit the Federal Reserve, because he didn’t get every single detail he wanted. He is so stubbornly rigid he simply takes his toys and goes home if he doesn’t get every little detail he wants.
        4. Many of his domestic policies are admirable, but how does he expect to implement them when he will have to work with Congress to get many of them turned into a reality? Will he simply hold his breath until Congress lets him get his way, because he has zero track record of using any other tactic to be successful?
        5. Most of his foreign policies are dangerous. If we pull out of foreign countries, the vacuum WILL be filled by Russia, China, etc. Once you lose your toehold, it is VERY difficult to expand military operations if the need arises. Think about how hard it would have been for the U.S. to fight Hitler if England had fallen. For example, if China decides they don’t want to allow free flow of oil, we would have no recourse, as it takes years, if not decades, to develop independent energy sources. He is simply naive to the point of being a traitor to his own country. Also, we need forward positioned military presence to fight the global war on terror. It isn’t being fought only in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are operations literally around the world preventing future 9/11 type attacks that simply cannot be fought by guarding our own borders, 9/11 should have taught us that. We must therefore disrupt the terrorist cells wherever they are, so they cannot organize, plan, recruit, train, equip, and attack again. To not do this would be suicidal.
        For the above and other reasons, Ron gets the pot smoking and “freedom at any cost” crowd, and that’s all he will ever get…LOL!!!!!!

  21. Ron Paul to WIN — or America to End 2012

    Take your pick…there are no other options!
    Ron Paul must take Rmoney to Tampa — to expose the GOP’s perfidy — when hundreds of thousands of Real Americans will come to the Convention voluntarily, supporting Ron Paul, the ONLY REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT in this race (vs a few hundred BUSED Rmoney bullies pretending they are actual people)!

    If the Republican Convention cheats Ron Paul out of The Nomination — then, go Third Party!

    There MUST NOT be a way allowed, for Rmoney to “debate” BO one-on-one — since this will be a Clowns’ Show (two liars trying to out-lie each other…when they are one-and-the-same HUMAN TRASH)!

    Ron Paul MUST be part of the DEBATES — so, he can clearly show up THESE politically trained monkeys for what they are — The ULTIMATE Destroyers of the USA!

    Elect Ron Paul as President, if you want to Save America — vote for anyone else, if you WANT to DESTROY the USA!

  22. Hopefully the students at Liberty won’t bother showing up to see Romney. Go Ron Paul! I’m in NY so my presidential vote never counts anyhow, so I’m writing in Ron Paul.

    1. What did this young girl do, to get the Dogs-of-State to pursue and knock her of her bike brutally to the ground, and then maul her into painful submission?

      Watch carefully the chronological order (FREEZE picture at the time count given below — to see why):

      1) 0:32 — one of the Dogs-of-State signals the rest that he’s seen a cyclist taking a picture of “SOMETHING THAT MUST NOT BE SEEN”! So they run in pursuit.

      2) 0:44 — she is dragged down by two Dogs-of-State

      3) 0:51 — many more “Gang-of-Brothers” arrive surrounding their victim being mauled on the ground

      4) 0:57 — see the hand taking her cell phone away from her

      5) 1:10 — she manages to free one hand

      6) 1:11 — she tries to pass it in desperation to the people outside the circle of about a dozen Dogs-of-State trampling her rights

      7) 1:12 – 2:03 — she is still screaming in pain…but no-one can help her (since the AGGRESSORS, The Dogs-of-State are ARMED, and thus can inflict pain AT WILL on the disarmed, peaceful citizens)!

      And more abuses follow!

      This is the MOST DISTURBING VIDEO I’ve seen taped on American soil!

      DISGUSTING is mild — words fail me to describe my feelings on this OUTRAGE — watching the ‘US KGB’ MAUL and ABUSE a young girl!

      Don’t know what you’ll do about it — but I’m sending this to Judge Napolitano, the ACLU, News Media outlets, and even contacting my Lawyers to look into filing a civil case against these SS Troopers (hopefully pics can be enlarged so their badge numbers can be seen)!

    2. Shocker In Tampa — Ron Paul Wins!

      These WILL be the headlines next day — here is why:

      According to RNC Rule #38 — at the Tampa Convention NONE of the Delegates are ACTUALLY Bound! Delegates can vote according to their own judgment and conscience — and are NOT bound to vote according to how most delegates from their state vote.

      Precedent was set in 2008 Utah by Legal Council for the RNC (stating: The RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose).

      Also, the Republican (and Democratic) Parties are Private Organizations — so voting within a party is NOT bound by Election Law!

      What does this mean? It clearly shows that ANY or ALL delegates can abstain from voting in the 1st round. Or in other words — Bye-bye Mitt !!!

      What do we need to do? Push for as many more delegate wins for Ron Paul as humanly possible — so a Ron Paul victory in Tampa is assured!

      But most importantly NOW — SHARE this information (spread it like wildfire)!


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