Democrats, Republicans and Ron Paul

There are Democrats and Republicans and then there is Ron Paul.  His time has come.  The numbers don’t lie.

Last night’s NBC Evening News showcased the stunning results of the Hart/McInturff poll of the American electorate.  It was conducted by NBC and the Wall Street Journal.  It included 1,000 adults but unlike many recent polls, they properly factored in 200 by cell phone as well.  My “insider experience” with NBC polls tells me that they may have actually used even more numbers.  Sometimes they do, even with the extra cost, just to add to their reputation for accuracy.  And Hart/McInturff are the best.

Here is the bottom line.  The Democrats are in trouble.  Ho hum.  But then there is this additional stunner.  The Republicans are in trouble too.  Well, okay, we knew that.  But no, big time.  Bigger than we thought.  The American people don’t want either one of them.  (Hey, are the American people smart or what?)  And, get this, the American people kind of like the Tea Party.  Not just conservative Republicans, all of them, across the board.  It seems they like the idea that things are being shaken up a bit.

Well, I think you know where I am going with this.  The title of this blog gives it away.  Yep, there are Democrats and there are Republicans and then there is Ron Paul.  The man who started the Tea Party, or I should say, the man for whom the Tea Party was started.

Wow.  Two years ago I was blogging that the time was right for Ron Paul.  And that was too bad because the election was over.  He had peaked too late.  The nation was so enchanted by our first African American president that no one was paying any attention.  But those who could see clearly knew he had been right about the wars and right about the economy.  It couldn’t get any better for him.  Except, of course, again, the election was over.

I speculated on what the world would be like in two years and how the Obama administration would jack up the economy with all the spending and buy itself more time, at the expense of future generations.  That Ron Paul would once more be a voice in the wilderness, misunderstood by all but the most savvy.  That the nation would be fooled by the artificially inflated economic numbers.  But wow, was I wrong.

Yep, Obama has spent and spent and spent but he gave most of it away to his own constituents.  The mortgage crisis was not even touched, even the most obvious things were left undone.  And it still lingers, ready to do more damage in the last quarter of his second year.  Who would have ever dreamed that this would be ignored so long?

Unemployment is stuck.  And the numbers in Ohio?  Remember the state that would be the showcase?  It was at 6.6% in September, 2008, as Obama and McCain jousted with Joe the plumber.  It now stands at 10.4%.  The Democrats, themselves, cut off unemployment benefits to millions.   The war has heated up and this war is all Barack Obama’s war, with State Department advisers on the ground, lecturing soldiers at the company level, on whom they can kill and whom they cannot.  Vietnam redux.  What a mess.

And there is so much more.  The dollar?  Only Ron Paul, the voice in the wilderness, called that one right.  Now, two years into the Obama administration, it is collapsing before our eyes.  There is no better time to sell your Rolex.

So, will the American people really re-elect Barack Obama in 2012?

They wouldn’t do it today.  In fact, it looks like he planned all along to be a one term president.  He would get in, take the country as far left as possible, get all the money he could for unions, teachers, gays, geographical regions that voted Democrat, illegal aliens and any others who would support the Left and then get out.  Let the country scream and complain, so what.  If they are still stupid enough to do it all over again for another four years, well, okay.  If not, he can go private and make a fortune from the Middle East, with speaking fees and consultancy contracts for Oil Corporations.   Hey let’s get some of that money flowing back to an American taxpayer.  Maybe he will run for the United Nations’ Secretary General.  Let Hillary have the White House thing.

But they wouldn’t elect Hillary either.   Not today.

And if NBC is right, they surely don’t want Sarah Palin (although, they would love to have their picture taken with her,) Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney or any of the others.  What would they  do any different than George W. Bush?  So what’s the point?  They all support “the wars without end, amen.”  They all supported TARP and only picked at pieces of the Obama Stimulus Package.

What the American people want is something new.  Someone who will not mortgage away their futures.  Someone who will pay the bills.  Someone who will not spend trillions of dollars on foreign adventures that make more enemies than friends.  Someone who will not use government to rule their lives. Someone who will honor the constitution and the original ideas of liberty that directed the Founding Fathers.  Those issues cut across Democrat and Republican.

What the American people want is Ron Paul.

They just don’t know it yet.

But they will.  You’ll see.  They will.  It’s coming.  Numbers don’t lie.  And I’m going to be a part of it this time.

Well, you say, will Ron Paul even run for president?  Sure he will.  He can count better than any of us.  So keep your powder dry.  Don’t sign up for anyone else.  This will be the big show, the real show, the fun one, the  change you can count on.  Yes, it’s true, this is America’s darkest hour.  We are hocked up to the wazoo.  And yet, ironically, this is the best chance Liberty has ever had in my lifetime.

(See below, from the first days, boy was I understated.)

Published by Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Game of Thorns, is about the Trump-Clinton 2016 election. He served as an adviser to two American presidents and was a special assistant to the president in the George H.W. Bush White House.

55 thoughts on “Democrats, Republicans and Ron Paul

  1. Correction: “It was at 6.6% in September, 2010 [2008], as Obama and McCain jousted with Joe the plumber.” Also, Barry jousted, McCain didn’t take advantage of it.

    I stand on my previous comments regarding Ron, he doesn’t have a presidential image, and he is too internally focused in an interconnected world.

    1. @Tex2 Ron Paul doesn’t have a presidential image? His face is straight off the dollar bill man. Not only does his philosophy resemble the founding fathers, his image does too. Wake up America. Stop getting distracted with the smoke and mirrors. A country is at stake here. Ron Paul is my president.

      1. No, he doesn’t. He is short, skinny, and has a whining nasally voice. We just made a mistake by electing someone with all image and no substance, but America will NEVER elect someone with substance and zero image.

        Ron looks NOTHING like George Washington. George Washington was a tall and imposing man, quite the opposite of Ron.

        Ron is unelectable.

    2. @Tex2-

      This is literally one of the most unintelligent arguments I have ever read. Only uneducated people who do not know what is truly going on with this country and the world would say Ron Paul is not the answer to our woes. It’s actually so simple it hurts my head to say it again. Government is too big and spends too much of MY money and YOUR money. We need someone who will balance the budget, end the wars overseas, bring our troops home and end the drug war. Your response to livefreeordienow is even more retarded then this one. As if matters if a 75 year old man is short and skinny and no he doesn’t have a nasally voice at all. I’m pretty short and I’m sure I make at least twice the money you do because I’m that much smarter. As long as people think the way you do we will never have a respectable President again. People like you are the reason this country is in the situation it is in.

      1. Ryan,

        YOU are literally the most stark example of the Napoleonic syndrome. LOL

        Image is still important, regardless of your short-sighted and dim-witted opinion.

        Ron isn’t the only person on the planet who thinks we spend too much and government is too big, several of THEM are electable, and they don’t have Ron’s baggage.

        Would you rather fight wars in THIS country than overseas? That’s what you’ll get with Ron.

        Who cares how much money you make? What’s next, you schlong is longer than mine? LOL

        Short people got no reason to live…they got little tiny hands, and tiny little feet, tiny little mouths that go tweet tweet tweet, short people got no reason….LOL

  2. _______________________________
    An Innovative Credit Free, Free Market Economic Ideology

    A Tract on Monetary Reform

    Our Economy is in Shamble

    The consequences, the Great Depression and history tells us, will necessarily be a Formidable Chaos:

    Social and political turmoils, and military adventures.

    Neither supranational bodies nor governments can propose a plausible solution;

    What is Politically Correct is both Mathematically and Morally Wrong!


    – Do you feel that your ideology pushed you to make decisions that you wish you had not made?

    – Well, remember that what an ideology is, is a conceptual framework with the way people deal with reality. Everyone has one. You have to — to exist, you need an ideology. The question is whether it is accurate or not. And what I’m saying to you is, yes, I found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is, but I’ve been very distressed by that fact.

    – You found a flaw in the reality…(!!!???)

    – Flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works, so to speak.

    – In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right, it was not working?

    – That is — precisely. No, that’s precisely the reason I was shocked, because I had been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well.


    It is our responsability to create a meaningful increment of jobs, revenues and investments:

    We urgently need the only plausible solution that is offered to us:

    An Innovative Credit Free, Free Market Economic Ideology

    It is your duty to insure your own security and economic survival, no one else will do that for you!

    History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

  3. @Tex2

    Sure, ignore all the debt, all the lying, corrupt politicians that will NEVER do anything about it, continue giving up a sizable chunk of your life’s wages to build bridges for squirrels and teach African natives how to wash their genitals. Oh, and killing pregnant brown women in other countries.

    We’re so corrupt that I can’t understand how you CAN’T be inwardly focused, we’re the ones in danger of economic collapse due to all this absurd spending. And what’s the difference between an ‘isolationist’ and someone who reacts properly to an ‘interconnected world’? Apparently, foreign aid to just about every country in the Middle East (which has worked out fantastic for us!) and bombs.

    Friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. That’s not ‘isolationism’, that’s good sense. If a nation attacks us, counter-attack. If a group not affiliated with a nation attacks us, go after them individually. Utilize the Letters of Marque and Reprisal just like what was suggested after 9/11 instead of spreading democracy over the world at gunpoint.

  4. Nadorn,

    I’m not ignoring the debt, the lying, the corrupt politicians, or anything else. I’m in favor of TERM LIMITS, which I think is the single best thing to do in order to get a handle on all the above, and more. However, you are ignoring the fact Ron is not presidential enough to be elected. The bridges, genitals, and pregnant brown women are a drop in the budgetary bucket, but term limits would fix most of that, too.

    Our corruption is nothing compared to many countries. However, not all corruption is spending, nor spending corruption.

    Foreign aid and bombs are PART of the answer, not the entire answer.

    The world is a LOT different than when Thomas Jefferson said those words, I suggest you enter the 21st century. I’m not against defending ourselves, nor am I against taking the fight to the enemy’s location rather than letting them attack here. See your “bombs and gunpoint” comments again, you need to change your flawed logic.

    1. Reply to Tex2 :
      World is indeed a lot different, but that is precisely because of the “entangling alliances” of America. For example,
      * American CIA installed shah of Iran.
      * He brutalized so many Iranians.
      * It took the religious fervor of Iranian Revolution to unseat the tyrant Shah.
      * USA supported Saddam’s Iraq to counter our newly created enemy Iran. We even gave Chemical weapons to Iraq.
      * Saddam thought we were his friends. And he attacked Kuwait.
      * We freed Kuwait and made enemy of Saddam.
      * We attacked our new enemy Saddam to finally kill him off.
      * We are stuck in Iraq

      You want example # 2 ?

      How is it that people who have no idea of simple economics are so intelligent enough to talk about “flawed logic” ?
      Ron Paul is the only leader who is knowledgeable enough on economics to be able to warn on the house floor about the impending collapse of housing market, Fannie and Freddie in September 2005. The rest of all of them are just intellectual midgets and “logic” challenged.

      1. There are “entangling alliances,” but there are also jets that can fly half-way around the world, the internet and other communications systems which connects all of us in the wink of an eye, military weapon systems that can kill the entire planet many times over within minutes, etc., ALL of which influenced the items you listed.

        The times of being “an ocean away” before these advancements came along. To put your head back in the sand like Ron is foolish.

        Your simplified listing of the Iran/Iraq events is severely flawed.

        The CIA was assisted by the UK and Israel to install the Shah.

        Did he brutalize more people than other dictators?

        The term, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is used by MANY countries, not just the U.S. Do you think if we stopped using this policy everyone else would stop as well? If they didn’t (and that’s the right answer), would that put the U.S. at a larger disadvantage? The right answer is “yes.”

        I doubt we intended the chemical weapons to be used on Saddam’s own country.

        It also appears the U.S. was a relatively minor player in Iraq’s weapons:

        Saddam was warned to not invade Kuwait, then told him to leave, that’s not how “friends” talk to each other.

        Saddam thought we wouldn’t have the backbone to kick him out of Kuwait, that’s not how friends treat each other.

        We freed Kuwait because they are a sovereign country.

        Saddam’s actions, the invasion of another sovereign country, made him an enemy.

        We attacked Iraq because he ignored numerous UN demands and there was evidence of him restarting his weapons programs, also in violation of UN demands, in a post 9/11 environment.

        We are also “stuck” in Europe, Asia, Africa, etc., no longer have combat troops in Iraq, what’s your point?

        You need example #1 first.

        Which “simple economics” are you referring to?

        Bush warned Congress about the housing bubble in 2006, and the democrat controlled Congress ignored him, what’s your point again?

      2. My original reply is awaiting moderation, I believe because of the links. Let’s try again, this time without the http stuff:

        There are “entangling alliances,” but there are also jets that can fly half-way around the world, the internet and other communications systems which connects all of us in the wink of an eye, military weapon systems that can kill the entire planet many times over within minutes, etc., ALL of which influenced the items you listed.

        The times of being “an ocean away” before these advancements came along. To put your head back in the sand like Ron is foolish.

        Your simplified listing of the Iran/Iraq events is severely flawed.

        The CIA was assisted by the UK and Israel to install the Shah.

        Did he brutalize more people than other dictators?

        The term, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is used by MANY countries, not just the U.S. Do you think if we stopped using this policy everyone else would stop as well? If they didn’t (and that’s the right answer), would that put the U.S. at a larger disadvantage? The right answer is “yes.”

        I doubt we intended the chemical weapons to be used on Saddam’s own country.

        It also appears the U.S. was a relatively minor player in Iraq’s weapons:

        Saddam was warned to not invade Kuwait, then told him to leave, that’s not how “friends” talk to each other.

        Saddam thought we wouldn’t have the backbone to kick him out of Kuwait, that’s not how friends treat each other.

        We freed Kuwait because they are a sovereign country.

        Saddam’s actions, the invasion of another sovereign country, made him an enemy.

        We attacked Iraq because he ignored numerous UN demands and there was evidence of him restarting his weapons programs, also in violation of UN demands, in a post 9/11 environment.

        We are also “stuck” in Europe, Asia, Africa, etc., no longer have combat troops in Iraq, what’s your point?

        You need example #1 first.

        Which “simple economics” are you referring to?

        Bush warned Congress about the housing bubble in 2006, and the democrat controlled Congress ignored him, what’s your point again?

      3. It’s not entirely clear that Hussein was warned prior to invading Kuwait. On the contrary, April Glaspie, the then-ambassador to Iraq, very possibly gave tacit approval of Hussein’s plan. It is not clear, but the idea that he was explicitly told not to invade is not the SOLE possible choice.

      4. Scott,

        You’re right, there is some question how clear the communications were, but that often occurs with the State Department. Does that mean you agree with everything else I said?

      5. Tex2, no I don’t. Hussein initiated his war against Iran on behalf of the US. Just because he invaded a sovereign state doesn’t, and shouldn’t, make him an enemy of the US. It makes him a lot of other things, but not an enemy.

      6. Saddam had his own issues with Iran, including long-standing border disputes and the fear of Iran’s religious revolution taking over Iraq, so he didn’t have to start the formal warn on “behalf” of anyone. The U.S. was obviously interested in not destabilizing this oil-rich region, and had recently been burned via the Iranian hostage crisis, which made Iraq a natural ally. The options the U.S. had at the time were to side with Iran or sit on the sidelines, neither of which were logical choices. Just because America isn’t perfect doesn’t mean you should criticize everything that doesn’t work out perfectly.

  5. People like Ron Paul. However, not too many people like the tea party as it is now, hijacked by Palin, Beck, and others.

    Paul is principled, and is pretty much one of the only voices against these endless wars of empire.

    1. If people liked Ron Paul, he would have been president a LONG time ago.

      If there aren’t too many people who like the tea party, why are they getting many of the candidates the tea party supports elected?

      Nobody can “hijack” the tea party, that’s what makes it great!

      We always planned, and have largely completed, routing the terrorists out of Iraq, and turned the country back over to the Iraqis.

  6. Mr. Wead,
    What does: “And I’m going to be a part of it this time.” mean?

    You going to join in with the grassroots? help promote Dr. Paul as a member of the “independent” media? Or would you like the opportunity to work as part of the official campaign?

    1. How about starting now, promoting Ron Paul endorsed candidates for congress? If we can retake congress and install constitutional sheriffs in every county we can end the corruption.

  7. I wish I could be there helping Ron Paul get elected. I wrote him in during the last election. The more and more people I talk to, the more I hear people say they’re not a dem or republican, they just want something different! I’ve read his books and the man has his head on straight, and he has the voting history to prove he will do what he says. If it weren’t for the media he’d get elected, but I’m a little afraid of the negative stigma the media has created against him. Even with all his support!!

    Doug, whatever I can do to be part of it with you I will be there.

  8. Ron Paul for President 2012! The time has come to give Peace a Chance! Lets End these Unconstitutional Freedom killing Wars! Abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS! Return to sound money! End the war on drugs! Restore our Republic! Bring Our Troops home from all around the world! Preserve our Constitution and Legalize Freedom! Ron Paul Revolution 2012!!

    1. Kyle,

      How pathetically naive.

      Unilateral peace doesn’t have a chance.

      The wars end when EVERYONE ON ALL SIDES wants them to end.

      I’m okay with getting rid of the Fed and IRS.

      We’ve never had sound money.

      WIN the war on drugs!

      We don’t need Ron to restore our Republic.

      Do you know what would happen if we brought all our troops home? I do, they would be FIGHTING wars all around the world.

      I’m also okay with preserving our Constitution and freedom, although I don’t understand what is currently illegal about freedom now.

      Ron should support the person he most wants to be president in 2012, as long as it’s not him.

      1. What do you mean by “Win the war on drugs!”?

        What are the victory conditions? The only way that you could say we won the war on drugs, from my perspective, would be if not a single in the entire country used any form of drug in any way whatsoever. This means not only is no one able to smoke marijuana at all, but also no one in the entire country is addicted to a legally obtained painkiller (ie. House).

        Do you believe that this is achievable?

      2. Adam,

        You are naive. Winning the war on drugs includes shutting down the Mexico border and having stronger punishment for drug users and abusers. How stupid to think not a single person can consume drugs to have victory. One can never expect perfection, only significant progress.

  9. For anyone new to this blog just ignore Doctor Jones, the man has his mind stuck in molasses. Why he continues to read and comment on this blog bewilders me. LOL

  10. To Tex2, Ron Paul not being presidential,lol. He is the greatest man on the planet. Wow, seriously you are a complete idiot. No one can debate with a dolt such as you.

    1. If Ron was the greatest man on the planet, we wouldn’t have Barry in the White House. LOL

      Wow, seriously you are a complete idiot. No one can debate with a dolt such as you.

      1. Barry in the white house says nothing about whether Ron Paul is great or not. It does say a lot about how uninformed and uneducated most Americans are. Think about the logic of your argument. I’d bet you are not impressed by a man of principle and integrity because those virtues do not mean much to you.

      2. Christine,

        You not only have to be great, you have to convince others you are, so they will VOTE for you. This is where Ron falls short, as well as the specific policy issues I’ve already ripped Ron on above.

  11. Ron Paul is a great guy. He has been right all along.
    He has bravely stood up for the truth. I personally have voted for him and sent his campaign money.

    But that does not make him a good choice for the next president. A president has to be able to make lots of deals. Our current pres. and Ron Paul are not good at that.

    The TRUTH. We need a younger more politically agile candidate. I bet Dr. Paul will endorse him/her when he/she comes along.

    1. John,

      Ron is right on some issues, dead wrong on many others, far too many for me to vote for him.

      You’re right about Barry and Ron not being good at making deals, and they are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

      Ron would do better to endorse a solid candidate instead of running himself.

  12. I absolutely agree this country is ready for truth, liberty and a reality check. The only person that has a track record to prove this is, RON PAUL, I adore this man. My family and I were awoken in 2008 and I have been waking other folks up. In fact, I learned more from Ron Paul about my country from 2008 than the 12 years spent in public schools. He teaches us every time he is in front of the camera, he’s not politicking and promoting himself, like the others. He has my support and love.

  13. I think they dropped Tex2 on his head when he was a baby. Ron Paul is the most Presidential human being I have ever seen in my life and I’m 56. LBJ was not presidential. Nixon was butt ugly, Bush 1 was an idiot who was perplexed by a UPC scanner and Bush2 is a bigger idiot then his father! By Tex2’s standard, the only presidential President was JFK.
    War is a game for little boys who refuse to grow up! War will end when we get rid of all the sick demented people in Washington. The US government is the largest terrorist organization in the world. Outside of The US, what government has invaded two independent nations without provocation?
    Ron Paul is right on all issues, and is the right person to get the job done!

    1. I think they dropped mike on his head when he was a baby, thinking they were dropping him on his butt, because mike is butt-ugly! LOL

      Ron isn’t presidential, not with that high-pitched whiny voice. No way. By my standard, Reagan was presidential, and I’m proud I was an officer in the U.S. Navy when he was president.

      War is a “game” that has been played since the dawn of time, and will probably be “played” long past when we’re all dead.

      Try Germany and Japan before WWII for two examples of countries invading many more than 2 countries. Plus, we’re not there to occupy, we’re there to destroy the terrorist safe-havens and turn the country back to the locals. Your sense of history makes me MORE against supporting Ron. I doubt you would have any sense if you were 156 years old! LOL

  14. There are a lot more than 2008 but we need to get the word out to everyone in this country that don’t have computers in there home.

    Also, starting looking for local candidates in your States that support Ron Paul and support them too, if you can’t find any, become one!

    Let politicians know that you aren’t going to put up with talk any longer, you demand action…. NOW!

  15. Mike Huckabee did not support TARP, and has always been opposed to deficit spending. He does not deserve to be listed with the other Republicans in your essay. A number of polls list him as the most popular Republican, above Ron Paul. Paul might be right about everything, but a President needs to have charisma. I wish Huckabee and Paul were friends. They could make a formidable team.

    1. Huckabee got my vote at the last go around, not sure if he is going to do it again. Not sure what Huck being “friends” with Ron has to do with it, Reagan and Bush weren’t friends before they were on the same ticket. I wouldn’t want Ron to be one heartbeat away from the presidency.

  16. Ron Paul in 2012! The only real American in politics that cares for we the people and is honest. His congressional voting record is unimpeachable, he’s been right about everything he’s said was gonna happen cause it did just like he said way before anyone else. Lastly TEX2 how is it that you continue on with you micromanaged view of the world and basically state that we should just continue doing the same things we have been doing for 100 years and that it will get better or furthermore that it is the right way and Ron Paul is wrong? The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over again while somehow expecting different results. You damn well better hope Ron Paul is not un electable because the alternative is more crooks and treasoners and schmucks like we already have. This is Doc Pauls time and it is our time finally.

  17. As the policital system is now there is never real change. Only perceived change every election. The Reps and Dems pander and play good cop/bad cop to the people and the country’s power base stays in power. No change for the last 30 years since I have been voting except for the worse. Problems are debated and not solved. They should all be fired. I don’t belive the current system is cabable of change. Therefore, I will vote straight Libertarian(because it is my only alternative to Dems and Reps) until I see real change. Good, bad, or otherwise. I need to see that the system can change. Yes, this is desperation. But, in my mind it’s like losing a appendage to save the body.

    1. Yes, I perfer bad change, and a system that can change, to a system that only panders to me. I will risk bad things because a changable system empowers the voters and the will of the people.

  18. Jason,

    Where did I say we should keep doing the same things we have been doing? I merely don’t agree Ron’s ideas are the RIGHT changes. Get a grip, and stop drinking Ron’s kool-aid. LOL


    If you don’t notice the changes, particularly related to the Tea Party, you must be comatose. LOL What needs to happen is supporting term limits for ALL elected officials. All of your other platitudes are useless.

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